Because we don't need them anymore.
This, combined with the chunk optimization, will allow you to
seamlessly continue editing a different chunk after you've finished
editing your current one; e.g. if you edit a chunk and use arrow keys,
backspace or the mouse to select a different chunk, you can immediately
start editing your new chunk without it defocusing.
This patch really has killed two birds with one stone, eh?
Thanks, Javalar!
This happens when you have a chunk that has no trailing
newlines followed by a chunk with a single newline at the start.
Moving between those chunks would cause the caret to jump to the wrong
position sometimes.
If, with Allow Editing on, you change a chunk and then click directly on
the "Allow Editing" switch again to turn it off without defocusing the
chunk in-between (by clicking outside the chunk, using enter/escape,
etc), all story chunks would still be editable.
That behaviour has now been fixed.
First step towards native Colab support, built in Cloudflare tunnels easily allows players to play KoboldAI on another device. This mode also removes buttons that would get you stuck if you have no local PC access.
Added ability to import World Info files from AI Dungeon.
Added slider for setting World Info scan depth.
Added toggle to control whether prompt is submitted each action.
Added 'Read Only' mode with no AI to startup.
Fixed GPU/CPU choice prompt appearing when GPU isn't an option.
Added error handling to generator calls for CUDA OOM message
Added generator parameter to only return new text
Added in-browser Save/Load/New Story controls
(Force a full refresh in your browser!)
Fixed adding InferKit API key if client.settings already exists
Added cmd calls to bat files so they'll stay open on error
Wait animation now hidden on start state/restart
Help text added to settings items.
Settings now saved to client file when changed.
Separated transformers settings and InferKit settings.
Reorganized model select list.