2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
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2023-08-19 16:29:46 +03:00
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2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
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2023-08-20 15:49:27 +09:00
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2023-08-20 15:49:27 +09:00
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2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
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2023-08-22 10:37:18 +03:00
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2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
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2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
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2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
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2023-07-23 23:52:31 +03:00
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2023-08-18 23:13:15 +03:00
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2023-08-29 01:54:11 +03:00
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2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
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2023-10-21 20:55:51 +03:00
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2023-10-21 21:02:06 +03:00
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2023-10-21 22:19:49 +03:00
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2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< title > SillyTavern< / title >
< / head >
< body class = "no-blur" >
< div id = "bg_custom" > < / div >
< div id = "bg1" > < / div >
<!-- top bar central settings buttons -->
< div id = "top-bar" >
< / div >
< div id = "top-settings-holder" >
<!-- background selection menu -->
< div id = "ai-config-button" class = "drawer" >
< div class = "drawer-toggle drawer-header" >
< div id = "leftNavDrawerIcon" class = "drawer-icon fa-solid fa-sliders closedIcon" data-i18n = "[title]AI Response Configuration" title = "AI Response Configuration" > < / div >
< / div >
< div id = "left-nav-panel" class = "drawer-content fillLeft closedDrawer" >
< div id = "left-nav-panelheader" class = "fa-solid fa-grip drag-grabber" > < / div >
< div id = "lm_button_panel_pin_div" data-i18n = "[title]AI Configuration panel will stay open" title = "Locked = AI Configuration panel will stay open" >
< input type = "checkbox" id = "lm_button_panel_pin" >
< label for = "lm_button_panel_pin" >
< div class = "unchecked fa-solid fa-unlock " > < / div >
< div class = "checked fa-solid fa-lock " > < / div >
< / label >
< / div >
2023-08-20 15:49:27 +09:00
< div data-i18n = "clickslidertips" class = "toggle-description wide100p editable-slider-notification" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
Click slider numbers to input manually.
< / div >
< div class = "scrollableInner" >
< div class = "flex-container" id = "ai_response_configuration" >
< div id = "respective-presets-block" class = "width100p" >
< div id = "kobold_api-presets" >
2023-10-14 01:09:53 +09:00
< h4 class = "margin0" > < span data-i18n = "kobldpresets" > Kobold Presets< / span >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/api-connections/koboldai/" class = "notes-link" target = "_blank" >
< span class = "note-link-span" > ?< / span >
< / a >
2023-10-14 01:09:53 +09:00
< / h4 >
2023-10-21 23:32:53 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container" >
< select id = "settings_perset" data-preset-manager-for = "kobold" class = "flex1 text_pole" >
2023-07-23 23:52:31 +03:00
< option value = "gui" data-i18n = "guikoboldaisettings" > GUI KoboldAI Settings< / option >
< / select >
2023-08-21 00:56:53 +03:00
< input type = "file" hidden data-preset-manager-file = "kobold" accept = ".json, .settings" >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-update = "kobold" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-save" title = "Update current preset" data-i18n = "[title]Update current preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-new = "kobold" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-plus" title = "Create new preset" data-i18n = "[title]Create new preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-import = "kobold" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-file-import" title = "Import preset" data-i18n = "[title]Import preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-export = "kobold" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-file-export" title = "Export preset" data-i18n = "[title]Export preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-delete = "kobold" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-trash-can" title = "Delete the preset" data-i18n = "[title]Delete the preset" > < / i >
2023-07-23 23:52:31 +03:00
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div id = "novel_api-presets" >
2023-10-14 01:09:53 +09:00
< h4 class = "margin0" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< span data-i18n = "novelaipreserts" > NovelAI Presets< / span >
< a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/api-connections/novelai/" class = "notes-link" target = "_blank" >
< span class = "note-link-span" > ?< / span >
< / a >
2023-10-14 01:09:53 +09:00
< / h4 >
2023-10-21 23:32:53 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container" >
< select id = "settings_perset_novel" class = "flex1 text_pole" data-preset-manager-for = "novel" >
2023-08-16 21:43:38 +03:00
< option value = "gui" data-i18n = "default" > Default< / option >
< / select >
2023-08-21 00:56:53 +03:00
< input type = "file" hidden data-preset-manager-file = "novel" accept = ".json, .settings" >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-update = "novel" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-save" title = "Update current preset" data-i18n = "[title]Update current preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-new = "novel" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-plus" title = "Create new preset" data-i18n = "[title]Create new preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-import = "novel" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-file-import" title = "Import preset" data-i18n = "[title]Import preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-export = "novel" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-file-export" title = "Export preset" data-i18n = "[title]Export preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-delete = "novel" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-trash-can" title = "Delete the preset" data-i18n = "[title]Delete the preset" > < / i >
2023-08-16 21:43:38 +03:00
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div id = "openai_api-presets" >
< div >
2023-10-14 01:09:53 +09:00
< h4 class = "margin0" > < span data-i18n = "openaipresets" > Chat Completion Presets< / span > < / h4 >
2023-10-21 23:32:53 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container" >
< select id = "settings_perset_openai" class = "flex1 text_pole" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< option value = "gui" data-i18n = "default" > Default< / option >
< / select >
< i id = "update_oai_preset" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-save" title = "Update current preset" data-i18n = "[title]Update current preset" > < / i >
< i id = "new_oai_preset" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-plus" title = "Create new preset" data-i18n = "[title]Create new preset" > < / i >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< i data-newbie-hidden title = "Import preset" id = "import_oai_preset" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-file-import" data-i18n = "[title]Import preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden title = "Export preset" id = "export_oai_preset" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-file-export" data-i18n = "[title]Export preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden id = "delete_oai_preset" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-trash-can" title = "Delete the preset" data-i18n = "[title]Delete the preset" > < / i >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< input id = "openai_preset_import_file" type = "file" accept = ".json,.settings" hidden / >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "textgenerationwebui_api-presets" >
2023-10-14 01:09:53 +09:00
< h4 class = "margin0" > < span data-i18n = "Text Gen WebUI (ooba/Mancer) presets" > Text Gen WebUI (ooba/Mancer) presets< / span > < / h4 >
2023-10-21 23:32:53 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container" >
< select id = "settings_preset_textgenerationwebui" class = "flex1 text_pole" data-preset-manager-for = "textgenerationwebui" >
2023-07-23 23:52:31 +03:00
< / select >
2023-08-21 00:56:53 +03:00
< input type = "file" hidden data-preset-manager-file = "textgenerationwebui" accept = ".json, .settings" >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-update = "textgenerationwebui" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-save" title = "Update current preset" data-i18n = "[title]Update current preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-new = "textgenerationwebui" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-plus" title = "Create new preset" data-i18n = "[title]Create new preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-import = "textgenerationwebui" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-file-import" title = "Import preset" data-i18n = "[title]Import preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-export = "textgenerationwebui" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-file-export" title = "Export preset" data-i18n = "[title]Export preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-delete = "textgenerationwebui" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-trash-can" title = "Delete the preset" data-i18n = "[title]Delete the preset" > < / i >
2023-07-23 23:52:31 +03:00
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< hr >
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden id = "ai_module_block_novel" class = "width100p" >
2023-08-14 18:40:43 -07:00
< div class = "range-block" >
2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title justifyLeft" data-i18n = "AI Module" >
2023-08-14 18:40:43 -07:00
AI Module
< / div >
2023-08-18 22:45:40 +09:00
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" data-i18n = "Changes the style of the generated text." >
2023-08-14 18:40:43 -07:00
Changes the style of the generated text.
< / div >
< select id = "nai_prefix" >
< option value = "vanilla" data-i18n = "No Module" > No Module< / option >
< option value = "special_instruct" data-i18n = "Instruct" > Instruct< / option >
< option value = "special_proseaugmenter" data-i18n = "Prose Augmenter" > Prose Augmenter< / option >
< option value = "theme_textadventure" data-i18n = "Text Adventure" > Text Adventure< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div id = "common-gen-settings-block" class = "width100p" >
< div id = "pro-settings-block" >
< div id = "amount_gen_block" class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "response legth(tokens)" >
Response Length (tokens)
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "amount_gen" name = "volume" min = "16" max = "1024" step = "1" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" data-randomization-disabled = "true" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "amount_gen" id = "amount_gen_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "max_context_block" class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "context size(tokens)" >
Context Size (tokens)
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-10-23 13:07:04 +09:00
< input type = "range" id = "max_context" name = "volume" min = "512" max = "4096" step = "512" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" data-randomization-disabled = "true" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "max_context" id = "max_context_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "max_context_unlocked_block" >
< label class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "max_context_unlocked" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "unlocked" > Unlocked< / span >
< / label >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div id = "max_context_unlocked_warning" class = "toggle-description justifyLeft widthUnset" >
2023-10-07 18:25:36 +02:00
< span data-i18n = "Only select models support context sizes greater than 4096 tokens. Increase only if you know what you're doing." >
Only select models support context sizes greater than 4096 tokens.
2023-07-21 23:47:43 +03:00
Increase only if you know what you're doing.
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< hr >
< / div >
< div id = "respective-ranges-and-temps" class = "width100p" >
< div id = "range_block" >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div id = "range_block" >
< div class = "range-block" >
< label class = "checkbox_label widthFreeExpand" >
< input id = "streaming_kobold" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Streaming" > Streaming< / span >
< / label >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated." >
Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.< / span > < br >
< span data-i18n = "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete." >
When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.
< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-09-21 07:21:59 -05:00
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "temperature" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-07-30 16:21:01 +03:00
< input type = "range" id = "temp" name = "volume" min = "0.0" max = "2.0" step = "0.01" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "temp" id = "temp_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "rep.pen" >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
Repetition Penalty
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "rep_pen" name = "volume" min = "1" max = "1.5" step = "0.01" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "rep_pen" id = "rep_pen_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-10-07 18:25:36 +02:00
< div class = "range-block" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "rep.pen range" >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
Repetition Penalty Range
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-07-21 23:47:43 +03:00
< input type = "range" id = "rep_pen_range" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "4096" step = "1" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "rep_pen_range" id = "rep_pen_range_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-10-07 18:25:36 +02:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Rep. Pen. Slope" >
Repetition Penalty Slope
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "rep_pen_slope" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "10" step = "0.1" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "rep_pen_slope" id = "rep_pen_slope_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div id = "range_block_novel" >
< div class = "range-block" >
< label class = "checkbox_label widthFreeExpand" >
< input id = "streaming_novel" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Streaming" > Streaming< / span >
< / label >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated." >
Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.< / span > < br >
< span data-i18n = "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete." >
When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.
< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "temperature" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "temp_novel" name = "volume" min = "0.1" max = "2.50" step = "0.01" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "temp_novel" id = "temp_counter_novel" >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "rep.pen" >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
Repetition Penalty
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-08-04 20:38:26 +03:00
< input type = "range" id = "rep_pen_novel" name = "volume" min = "1" max = "8" step = "0.05" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "rep_pen_novel" id = "rep_pen_counter_novel" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Rep. Pen. Range." >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
Repetition Penalty Range
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-08-26 21:27:37 +03:00
< input type = "range" id = "rep_pen_size_novel" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "8192" step = "1" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "rep_pen_size_novel" id = "rep_pen_size_counter_novel" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Rep. Pen. Slope" >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
Repetition Penalty Slope
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-10-08 23:57:49 +03:00
< input type = "range" id = "rep_pen_slope_novel" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "10" step = "0.01" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "rep_pen_slope_novel" id = "rep_pen_slope_counter_novel" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Rep. Pen. Freq." >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
Repetition Penalty Frequency
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-08-04 20:38:26 +03:00
< input type = "range" id = "rep_pen_freq_novel" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "1" step = "0.01" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "rep_pen_freq_novel" id = "rep_pen_freq_counter_novel" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Rep. Pen. Presence" >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
Repetition Penalty Presence
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-08-04 20:38:26 +03:00
< input type = "range" id = "rep_pen_presence_novel" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "1" step = "0.01" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "rep_pen_presence_novel" id = "rep_pen_presence_counter_novel" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Tail Free Sampling" >
Tail Free Sampling
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-09-04 13:20:43 +03:00
< input type = "range" id = "tail_free_sampling_novel" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "1" step = "0.001" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "tail_free_sampling_novel" id = "tail_free_sampling_counter_novel" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block" >
2023-08-14 19:00:36 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Phrase Repetition Penalty" >
Phrase Repetition Penalty
< / div >
< select id = "phrase_rep_pen_novel" >
2023-08-14 19:43:05 -07:00
< option value = "off" data-i18n = "Off" > Off< / option >
< option value = "very_light" data-i18n = "Very light" > Very light< / option >
2023-08-14 18:40:43 -07:00
< option value = "light" data-i18n = "Light" > Light< / option >
< option value = "medium" data-i18n = "Medium" > Medium< / option >
< option value = "aggressive" data-i18n = "Aggressive" > Aggressive< / option >
2023-08-14 19:43:05 -07:00
< option value = "very_aggressive" data-i18n = "Very aggressive" > Very aggressive< / option >
2023-08-14 19:00:36 +03:00
< / select >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div id = "range_block_textgenerationwebui" >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div class = "range-block" >
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "streaming_textgenerationwebui" >
< input type = "checkbox" id = "streaming_textgenerationwebui" / >
< span data-i18n = "Streaming" > Streaming< / span >
< / label >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated." >
Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.< / span > < br >
< span data-i18n = "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete." >
When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.
< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "temperature" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-08-13 20:11:02 +02:00
< input type = "range" id = "temp_textgenerationwebui" name = "volume" min = "0.0" max = "2.0" step = "0.01" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "temp_textgenerationwebui" id = "temp_counter_textgenerationwebui" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "rep.pen" >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
Repetition Penalty
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "rep_pen_textgenerationwebui" name = "volume" min = "1" max = "1.5" step = "0.01" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "rep_pen_textgenerationwebui" id = "rep_pen_counter_textgenerationwebui" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block" >
2023-07-22 07:38:35 +09:00
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "rep.pen range" >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
Repetition Penalty Range
2023-07-22 07:38:35 +09:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "rep_pen_range_textgenerationwebui" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "4096" step = "1" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "rep_pen_range_textgenerationwebui" id = "rep_pen_range_counter_textgenerationwebui" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Encoder Rep. Pen." >
2023-10-07 18:25:36 +02:00
Encoder Repetition Penalty
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "encoder_rep_pen_textgenerationwebui" name = "volume" min = "0.8" max = "1.5" step = "0.01" / >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "encoder_rep_pen_textgenerationwebui" id = "encoder_rep_pen_counter_textgenerationwebui" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "No Repeat Ngram Size" >
No Repeat Ngram Size
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "no_repeat_ngram_size_textgenerationwebui" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "20" step = "1" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "no_repeat_ngram_size_textgenerationwebui" id = "no_repeat_ngram_size_counter_textgenerationwebui" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Min Length" >
Min Length
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "min_length_textgenerationwebui" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "2000" step = "1" / >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "min_length_textgenerationwebui" id = "min_length_counter_textgenerationwebui" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "range_block_openai" >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< label class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "oai_max_context_unlocked" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Unlocked Context Size" >
Unlocked Context Size
< / span >
< / label >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Unrestricted maximum value for the context slider" >
Unrestricted maximum value for the context size slider. Enable only if you know
what you're doing.
< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Context Size (tokens)" >
Context Size (tokens)
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "openai_max_context" name = "volume" min = "512" max = "4095" step = "1" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" data-randomization-disabled = "true" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "openai_max_context" id = "openai_max_context_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Max Response Length (tokens)" >
Max Response Length (tokens)
< / div >
< div class = "wide100p" >
< input type = "number" id = "openai_max_tokens" name = "openai_max_tokens" class = "text_pole" min = "50" max = "1000" >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-10 20:12:43 +03:00
< div data-source = "openrouter" >
Max prompt cost: < span id = "openrouter_max_prompt_cost" > Unknown< / span >
< / div >
< hr >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div class = "range-block" >
< label for = "stream_toggle" title = "Enables OpenAI completion streaming" class = "checkbox_label widthFreeExpand" >
< input id = "stream_toggle" type = "checkbox" / > < span data-i18n = "Streaming" >
Streaming< / span >
< / label >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Display the response bit by bit as it is generated." > Display
the response bit by bit as it is generated.< / span > < br >
< span data-i18n = "When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete." > When
this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are
complete.< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div class = "range-block" data-source = "openai,claude,windowai,openrouter,ai21,scale,palm" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Temperature" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "temp_openai" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "2.0" step = "0.01" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "temp_openai" id = "temp_counter_openai" >
select< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block" data-source = "openai,openrouter,ai21" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Frequency Penalty" >
Frequency Penalty
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "freq_pen_openai" name = "volume" min = "-2" max = "2" step = "0.01" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "freq_pen_openai" id = "freq_pen_counter_openai" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block" data-source = "openai,openrouter,ai21" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Presence Penalty" >
Presence Penalty
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "pres_pen_openai" name = "volume" min = "-2" max = "2" step = "0.01" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "pres_pen_openai" id = "pres_pen_counter_openai" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block" data-source = "ai21" >
2023-08-20 01:20:42 +10:00
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Count Penalty" >
Count Penalty
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "count_pen" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "1" step = "0.01" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "count_pen" id = "count_pen_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block" data-source = "claude,openrouter,ai21,palm" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Top K" >
Top K
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "top_k_openai" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "200" step = "1" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "top_k_openai" id = "top_k_counter_openai" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block" data-source = "openai,claude,openrouter,ai21,scale,palm" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Top-p" >
Top P
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-09-04 13:20:43 +03:00
< input type = "range" id = "top_p_openai" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "1" step = "0.01" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "top_p_openai" id = "top_p_counter_openai" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div class = "inline-drawer m-t-1 wide100p" >
< div class = "inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header" >
< b data-i18n = "Quick Edit" > Quick Prompts Edit< / b >
< div class = "fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down inline-drawer-icon down" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer-content" >
< div class = "range-block m-t-1" >
< div class = "justifyLeft" data-i18n = "Main" > Main< / div >
< div class = "wide100p" >
< textarea id = "main_prompt_quick_edit_textarea" class = "text_pole textarea_compact autoSetHeight" rows = "6" placeholder = "—" data-pm-prompt = "main" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block m-t-1" >
< div class = "justifyLeft" data-i18n = "NSFW" > NSFW< / div >
< div class = "wide100p" >
< textarea id = "nsfw_prompt_quick_edit_textarea" class = "text_pole textarea_compact autoSetHeight" rows = "6" placeholder = "—" data-pm-prompt = "nsfw" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block m-t-1" >
< div class = "justifyLeft" data-i18n = "Jailbreak" > Jailbreak< / div >
< div class = "wide100p" >
< textarea id = "jailbreak_prompt_quick_edit_textarea" class = "text_pole textarea_compact autoSetHeight" rows = "6" placeholder = "—" data-pm-prompt = "jailbreak" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "claude_assistant_prefill_block" data-source = "claude" class = "range-block" >
< span id = "claude_assistant_prefill_text" data-i18n = "Assistant Prefill" > Assistant Prefill< / span >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< textarea id = "claude_assistant_prefill" class = "text_pole textarea_compact" name = "assistant_prefill autoSetHeight" rows = "3" maxlength = "5000" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Start Claude's answer with..." placeholder = "Start Claude's answer with..." > < / textarea >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "inline-drawer wide100p" >
< div class = "inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header" >
2023-09-06 09:10:00 -06:00
< b data-i18n = "Utility Prompts" > Utility Prompts< / b >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div class = "fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down inline-drawer-icon down" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer-content" >
< div class = "range-block m-t-1" >
< div class = "range-block-title openai_restorable" >
< span data-i18n = "Impersonation prompt" > Impersonation prompt< / span >
< div id = "impersonation_prompt_restore" title = "Restore default prompt" class = "right_menu_button" >
< div class = "fa-solid fa-clock-rotate-left" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" data-i18n = "Prompt that is used for Impersonation function" >
Prompt that is used for Impersonation function
< / div >
< div class = "wide100p" >
< textarea id = "impersonation_prompt_textarea" class = "text_pole textarea_compact autoSetHeight" name = "impersonation_prompt" rows = "3" placeholder = "—" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block m-t-1" >
2023-09-06 09:10:00 -06:00
< div class = "range-block-title openai_restorable" data-i18n = "World Info Format Template" >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< span > World Info format template< / span >
< div id = "wi_format_restore" title = "Restore default format" class = "right_menu_button" >
< div class = "fa-solid fa-clock-rotate-left" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-09-06 09:10:00 -06:00
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" data-i18n = "Wraps activated World Info entries before inserting into the prompt." >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
Wraps activated World Info entries before inserting into the prompt. Use
< tt > {0}< / tt > to mark a place where the content is inserted.
< / div >
< div class = "wide100p" >
< textarea id = "wi_format_textarea" class = "text_pole textarea_compact autoSetHeight" rows = "3" placeholder = "—" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block m-t-1" >
2023-09-06 09:10:00 -06:00
< div class = "range-block-title openai_restorable" data-i18n = "New Chat" >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< span > New Chat< / span >
< div id = "newchat_prompt_restore" title = "Restore new chat prompt" class = "right_menu_button" >
< div class = "fa-solid fa-clock-rotate-left" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Set at the beginning of the chat history to indicate that a new chat is about to start." >
Set at the beginning of the chat history to indicate that a new chat is about to start.
< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "wide100p" >
< textarea id = "newchat_prompt_textarea" class = "text_pole textarea_compact autoSetHeight" name = "new_chat" rows = "3" placeholder = "—" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block m-t-1" >
< div class = "range-block-title openai_restorable" >
2023-09-06 09:10:00 -06:00
< span data-i18n = "New Group Chat" > New Group Chat< / span >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div id = "newgroupchat_prompt_restore" title = "Restore default prompt" data-i18n = "[title]Restore new group chat prompt" class = "right_menu_button" >
< div class = "fa-solid fa-clock-rotate-left" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Set at the beginning of the chat history to indicate that a new group chat is about to start." >
Set at the beginning of the chat history to indicate that a new group chat is about to start.
< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "wide100p" >
< textarea id = "newgroupchat_prompt_textarea" class = "text_pole textarea_compact autoSetHeight" name = "new_group_chat" rows = "3" placeholder = "—" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block m-t-1" >
< div class = "range-block-title openai_restorable" >
2023-09-06 09:10:00 -06:00
< span data-i18n = "New Example Chat" > New Example Chat< / span >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div id = "newexamplechat_prompt_restore" title = "Restore new example chat prompt" data-i18n = "[title]Restore default prompt" class = "right_menu_button" >
< div class = "fa-solid fa-clock-rotate-left" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Set at the beginning of Dialogue examples to indicate that a new example chat is about to start." >
Set at the beginning of Dialogue examples to indicate that a new example chat is about to start.
< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "wide100p" >
< textarea id = "newexamplechat_prompt_textarea" class = "text_pole textarea_compact autoSetHeight" name = "new_example_chat" rows = "3" placeholder = "—" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block m-t-1" >
2023-09-06 09:10:00 -06:00
< div class = "range-block-title openai_restorable" data-i18n = "Continue nudge" >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< span > Continue nudge< / span >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div id = "continue_nudge_prompt_restore" title = "Restore new chat prompt" class = "right_menu_button" >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div class = "fa-solid fa-clock-rotate-left" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Set at the beginning of the chat history to indicate that a new chat is about to start." >
Set at the end of the chat history when the continue button is pressed.
< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "wide100p" >
< textarea id = "continue_nudge_prompt_textarea" class = "text_pole textarea_compact autoSetHeight" name = "continue_nudge" rows = "3" placeholder = "—" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block m-t-1" >
2023-09-06 09:10:00 -06:00
< div class = "range-block-title justifyLeft" data-i18n = "Replace empty message" >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
Replace empty message
< / div >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Send this text instead of nothing when the text box is empty." >
Send this text instead of nothing when the text box is empty.
< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "wide100p" >
< textarea id = "send_if_empty_textarea" class = "text_pole textarea_compact autoSetHeight" name = "send_if_empty" rows = "3" placeholder = "—" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 21:31:58 +03:00
< hr data-source = "openai,claude" >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div class = "range-block" data-source = "openai,claude" >
< div class = "range-block-title justifyLeft" data-i18n = "OpenAI Reverse Proxy" >
OpenAI / Claude Reverse Proxy
< / div >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Alternative server URL (leave empty to use the default value)." >
Alternative server URL (leave empty to use the default value).< br >
< / span >
< div id = "ReverseProxyWarningMessage" class = "reverse_proxy_warning" >
< b data-i18n = "Remove your real OAI API Key from the API panel BEFORE typing anything into this box" >
Remove your real OAI API Key from the API panel BEFORE typing anything
into this box.
< / b >
< hr >
< b data-i18n = "We cannot provide support for problems encountered while using an unofficial OpenAI proxy" >
We cannot provide support for problems encountered while using an
unofficial OpenAI proxy.
< / b >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "wide100p" >
< input id = "openai_reverse_proxy" type = "text" class = "text_pole" placeholder = "https://api.openai.com/v1" maxlength = "100" / >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" data-source = "openai,claude" >
< div class = "range-block-title justifyLeft" data-i18n = "Proxy Password" >
Proxy Password
< / div >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Will be used as a password for the proxy instead of API key." >
Will be used as a password for the proxy instead of API key.< br >
< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "flex-container width100p" >
< input id = "openai_proxy_password" type = "password" class = "text_pole flex1" placeholder = "" maxlength = "200" form = "openai_form" / >
< div id = "openai_proxy_password_show" title = "Peek a password" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-eye-slash fa-fw" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block" data-source = "openai,claude" >
< div class = "range-block-title justifyLeft" >
< label for = "legacy_streaming" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "legacy_streaming" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Legacy Streaming Processing" >
Legacy Streaming Processing
< / span >
< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" data-i18n = "Enable this if the streaming doesn't work with your proxy" >
Enable this if the streaming doesn't work with your proxy.
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< hr >
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden id = "advanced-ai-config-block" class = "width100p" >
< div data-newbie-hidden id = "kobold_api-settings" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div id = "kobold-advanced-config" >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Top P" >
Top P
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-09-04 13:20:43 +03:00
< input type = "range" id = "top_p" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "1" step = "0.01" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "top_p" id = "top_p_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Top A" >
Top A
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "top_a" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "1" step = "0.01" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "top_a" id = "top_a_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Top K" >
Top K
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "top_k" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "100" step = "1" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "top_k" id = "top_k_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Typical Sampling" >
Typical Sampling
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "typical" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "1" step = "0.01" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "typical" id = "typical_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Tail Free Sampling" >
Tail Free Sampling
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-09-04 13:20:43 +03:00
< input type = "range" id = "tfs" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "1" step = "0.01" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "tfs" id = "tfs_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "single_line" >
< input id = "single_line" type = "checkbox" / > < span data-i18n = "Single-line mode" >
Single-line mode< / span >
< / label >
2023-10-07 18:25:36 +02:00
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Generate only one line per request (KoboldAI only, ignored by KoboldCpp)." >
Generate only one line per request (KoboldAI only, ignored by KoboldCpp).
< / span >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-09-01 01:07:04 +03:00
< div class = "range-block" >
2023-09-04 01:51:14 +03:00
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "use_default_badwordsids" >
< input id = "use_default_badwordsids" type = "checkbox" / >
2023-09-01 01:07:04 +03:00
< span data-i18n = "Ban EOS Token" >
Ban EOS Token
< / span >
< / label >
2023-10-07 18:25:36 +02:00
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Ban the End-of-Sequence (EOS) token (with KoboldCpp, and possibly also other tokens with KoboldAI)." >
Ban the End-of-Sequence (EOS) token (with KoboldCpp, and possibly also other tokens with KoboldAI).< / span > < br >
< span data-i18n = "Good for story writing, but should not be used for chat and instruct mode." >
Good for story writing, but should not be used for chat and instruct mode.
< / span >
< / div >
2023-09-01 01:07:04 +03:00
< / div >
< hr >
< h4 data-i18n = "Mirostat" > Mirostat< / h4 >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Mirostat Mode" >
Mirostat Mode
< / div >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div class = "toggle-description width100p" data-i18n = "Mirostat Mode" >
2023-09-25 07:32:53 -05:00
A value of 0 disables Mirostat entirely.
< br > 1 is for Mirostat 1.0, and 2 is for Mirostat 2.0
< / div >
2023-09-01 01:07:04 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "mirostat_mode_kobold" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "2" step = "1" / >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "mirostat_mode_kobold" id = "mirostat_mode_counter_kobold" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Mirostat Tau" >
Mirostat Tau
< / div >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div class = "toggle-description width100p" data-i18n = "Mirostat Tau" >
2023-09-25 07:32:53 -05:00
Controls variability of Mirostat outputs
< / div >
2023-09-01 01:07:04 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-09-03 08:14:30 -07:00
< input type = "range" id = "mirostat_tau_kobold" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "20" step = "0.01" / >
2023-09-01 01:07:04 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "mirostat_tau_kobold" id = "mirostat_tau_counter_kobold" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Mirostat Eta" >
Mirostat Eta
< / div >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div class = "toggle-description width100p" data-i18n = "Mirostat Eta" >
2023-09-25 07:32:53 -05:00
Controls learning rate of Mirostat
< / div >
2023-09-01 01:07:04 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "mirostat_eta_kobold" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "1" step = "0.01" / >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "mirostat_eta_kobold" id = "mirostat_eta_counter_kobold" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< hr >
2023-09-21 07:21:59 -05:00
< div id = "grammar_block" >
< h4 data-i18n = "Grammar" > Grammar< / h4 >
< div class = "range-block" >
< textarea id = "grammar" rows = "2" class = "text_pole textarea_compact monospace" > < / textarea >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Type in the desired custom grammar (GBNF)." >
Type in the desired custom grammar (< a href = "https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/blob/master/grammars/README.md" target = "_blank" > GBNF< / a > ).
< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< hr >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block flexFlowColumn" >
2023-08-10 12:34:22 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title" >
< span data-i18n = "Samplers Order" > Samplers Order< / span >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-09-01 01:07:04 +03:00
< div class = "toggle-description widthUnset" data-i18n = "Samplers will be applied in a top-down order. Use with caution." >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
Samplers will be applied in a top-down order.
Use with caution.
< / div >
2023-08-16 20:34:47 +03:00
< div id = "kobold_order" class = "prompt_order" >
2023-08-10 12:34:22 +03:00
< div data-id = "0" >
< span data-i18n = "Top K" > Top K< / span >
< small > 0< / small >
< / div >
< div data-id = "1" >
< span data-i18n = "Top A" > Top A< / span >
< small > 1< / small >
< / div >
< div data-id = "2" >
< span data-i18n = "Top P" > Top P< / span >
< small > 2< / small >
< / div >
< div data-id = "3" >
< span data-i18n = "Tail Free Sampling" > Tail Free Sampling< / span >
< small > 3< / small >
< / div >
< div data-id = "4" >
2023-08-16 22:14:04 -07:00
< span data-i18n = "Typical Sampling" > Typical P Sampling< / span >
2023-08-10 12:34:22 +03:00
< small > 4< / small >
< / div >
< div data-id = "5" >
< span data-i18n = "Temperature" > Temperature< / span >
< small > 5< / small >
< / div >
< div data-id = "6" >
< span data-i18n = "Repetition Penalty" > Repetition Penalty< / span >
< small > 6< / small >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "samplers_order_recommended" class = "menu_button menu_button_icon" >
< span data-i18n = "Load koboldcpp order" > Load koboldcpp order< / span >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden id = "novel_api-settings" >
2023-07-23 02:09:03 +03:00
< div class = "range-block" >
2023-08-02 18:22:06 -07:00
< div class = "range-block-title openai_restorable" >
< span data-i18n = "Preamble" > Preamble< / span >
2023-08-12 16:25:49 +09:00
< div id = "nai_preamble_restore" title = "Restore default prompt" data-i18n = "[title]Restore default prompt" class = "right_menu_button" >
2023-08-02 18:22:06 -07:00
< div class = "fa-solid fa-clock-rotate-left " > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" data-i18n = "Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output." >
2023-08-15 18:52:29 -07:00
Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output.
2023-08-02 18:22:06 -07:00
< / div >
< div class = "wide100p" >
2023-08-12 16:25:49 +09:00
< textarea id = "nai_preamble_textarea" class = "text_pole textarea_compact" name = "nai_preamble" rows = "2" placeholder = "" > < / textarea >
2023-08-02 18:22:06 -07:00
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-15 15:51:14 +03:00
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Banned Tokens" > Banned Tokens< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" data-i18n = "Sequences you don't want to appear in the output. One per line." >
2023-09-27 22:09:09 +03:00
Sequences you don't want to appear in the output. One per line. Text or [token ids].
2023-08-15 15:51:14 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "wide100p" >
2023-09-27 22:09:09 +03:00
< textarea id = "nai_banned_tokens" class = "text_pole textarea_compact" name = "nai_banned_tokens" rows = "3" placeholder = "Example: some text [42, 69, 1337]" > < / textarea >
2023-08-15 15:51:14 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-17 13:05:22 +03:00
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title title_restorable" >
< span data-i18n = "Logit Bias" > Logit Bias< / span >
< div id = "novelai_logit_bias_new_entry" class = "menu_button menu_button_icon" >
< i class = "fa-xs fa-solid fa-plus" > < / i >
< small data-i18n = "Add" > Add< / small >
2023-08-16 22:14:04 -07:00
< / div >
2023-08-17 13:05:22 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" data-i18n = "Helps to ban or reenforce the usage of certain words" >
Helps to ban or reinforce the usage of certain tokens.
< / div >
< div class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn wide100p" >
2023-08-16 22:14:04 -07:00
< div class = "novelai_logit_bias_list" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-13 15:38:07 +03:00
< div class = "range-block" >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< hr >
2023-08-13 15:38:07 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title justifyLeft" data-i18n = "CFG Scale" >
CFG Scale
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "cfg_scale_novel" name = "volume" min = "1" max = "3" step = "0.05" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "cfg_scale_novel" id = "cfg_scale_counter_novel" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Negative Prompt" > Negative Prompt< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "wide100p" >
2023-08-18 22:45:40 +09:00
< textarea id = "nai_cfg_uc" class = "text_pole textarea_compact" name = "cfg_uc" rows = "2" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Add text here that would make the AI generate things you don't want in your outputs." placeholder = "Add text here that would make the AI generate things you don't want in your outputs." > < / textarea >
2023-08-13 15:38:07 +03:00
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< small class = "margin-bot-10px" data-i18n = "Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character" >
Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character
< / small >
< hr >
2023-08-13 15:38:07 +03:00
< / div >
2023-08-02 18:22:06 -07:00
< div class = "range-block" >
2023-07-23 02:09:03 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Top P" >
Top P
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-09-04 13:20:43 +03:00
< input type = "range" id = "top_p_novel" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "1" step = "0.01" >
2023-07-23 02:09:03 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "top_p_novel" id = "top_p_counter_novel" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Top A" >
Top A
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "top_a_novel" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "1" step = "0.01" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "top_a_novel" id = "top_a_counter_novel" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Top K" >
Top K
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "top_k_novel" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "300" step = "1" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "top_k_novel" id = "top_k_counter_novel" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-11 17:58:40 -07:00
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Mirostat Tau" >
Mirostat Tau
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "mirostat_tau_novel" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "6" step = "0.01" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "mirostat_tau_novel" id = "mirostat_tau_counter_novel" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Mirostat LR" >
Mirostat LR
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "mirostat_lr_novel" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "1" step = "0.01" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "mirostat_lr_novel" id = "mirostat_lr_counter_novel" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-23 02:09:03 +03:00
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Typical P" >
Typical P
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-09-04 13:20:43 +03:00
< input type = "range" id = "typical_p_novel" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "1" step = "0.001" >
2023-07-23 02:09:03 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "typical_p_novel" id = "typical_p_counter_novel" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Min Length" >
Min Length
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-08-14 18:40:43 -07:00
< input type = "range" id = "min_length_novel" name = "volume" min = "1" max = "150" step = "1" >
2023-07-23 02:09:03 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "min_length_novel" id = "min_length_counter_novel" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-16 20:34:47 +03:00
< div class = "range-block flexFlowColumn" >
< div class = "range-block-title" >
< span data-i18n = "Samplers Order" > Samplers Order< / span >
< / div >
2023-09-01 01:07:04 +03:00
< div class = "toggle-description widthUnset" data-i18n = "Samplers will be applied in a top-down order. Use with caution." >
2023-08-16 20:34:47 +03:00
Samplers will be applied in a top-down order. Use with caution.
< / div >
< div id = "novel_order" class = "prompt_order" >
< div data-id = "0" >
< span data-i18n = "Temperature" > Temperature< / span >
< small > 0< / small >
< div class = "toggle_button right_menu_button" > < / div >
< / div >
< div data-id = "1" >
< span data-i18n = "Top K Sampling" > Top K Sampling< / span >
< small > 1< / small >
< div class = "toggle_button right_menu_button" > < / div >
< / div >
< div data-id = "2" >
< span data-i18n = "Nucleus Sampling" > Nucleus Sampling< / span >
< small > 2< / small >
< div class = "toggle_button right_menu_button" > < / div >
< / div >
< div data-id = "3" >
< span data-i18n = "Tail Free Sampling" > Tail Free Sampling< / span >
< small > 3< / small >
< div class = "toggle_button right_menu_button" > < / div >
< / div >
< div data-id = "4" >
< span data-i18n = "Top A Sampling" > Top A Sampling< / span >
< small > 4< / small >
< div class = "toggle_button right_menu_button" > < / div >
< / div >
< div data-id = "5" >
< span data-i18n = "Typical Sampling" > Typical Sampling< / span >
< small > 5< / small >
< div class = "toggle_button right_menu_button" > < / div >
< / div >
< div data-id = "6" >
< span data-i18n = "CFG" > CFG< / span >
< small > 6< / small >
< div class = "toggle_button right_menu_button" > < / div >
< / div >
<!-- Yes, there is no 7. It was a removed Top G sampling. RIP. -->
< div data-id = "8" >
< span data-i18n = "Mirostat" > Mirostat< / span >
< small > 8< / small >
< div class = "toggle_button right_menu_button" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden id = "textgenerationwebui_api-settings" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Top K" >
Top K
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "top_k_textgenerationwebui" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "200" step = "1" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "top_k_textgenerationwebui" id = "top_k_counter_textgenerationwebui" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Top P" >
Top P
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-09-04 13:20:43 +03:00
< input type = "range" id = "top_p_textgenerationwebui" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "1" step = "0.01" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "top_p_textgenerationwebui" id = "top_p_counter_textgenerationwebui" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Typical P" >
Typical P
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-09-04 13:20:43 +03:00
< input type = "range" id = "typical_p_textgenerationwebui" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "1" step = "0.01" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "typical_p_textgenerationwebui" id = "typical_p_counter_textgenerationwebui" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" >
Top A
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "top_a_textgenerationwebui" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "1" step = "0.01" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "top_a_textgenerationwebui" id = "top_a_counter_textgenerationwebui" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Tail Free Sampling" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
Tail Free Sampling
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-09-04 13:20:43 +03:00
< input type = "range" id = "tfs_textgenerationwebui" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "1" step = "0.01" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "tfs_textgenerationwebui" id = "tfs_counter_textgenerationwebui" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Epsilon Cutoff" >
Epsilon Cutoff
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "epsilon_cutoff_textgenerationwebui" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "9" step = "0.01" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "epsilon_cutoff_textgenerationwebui" id = "epsilon_cutoff_counter_textgenerationwebui" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Eta Cutoff" >
Eta Cutoff
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "eta_cutoff_textgenerationwebui" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "20" step = "0.01" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "eta_cutoff_textgenerationwebui" id = "eta_cutoff_counter_textgenerationwebui" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "do_sample_textgenerationwebui" >
< input type = "checkbox" id = "do_sample_textgenerationwebui" / >
< span data-i18n = "Do Sample" > Do Sample< / span >
< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "add_bos_token_textgenerationwebui" >
< input type = "checkbox" id = "add_bos_token_textgenerationwebui" / >
< span data-i18n = "Add BOS Token" > Add BOS Token< / span >
< / label >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" data-i18n = "Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative." >
Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the
replies more creative.
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "ban_eos_token_textgenerationwebui" >
< input type = "checkbox" id = "ban_eos_token_textgenerationwebui" / >
< span data-i18n = "Ban EOS Token" > Ban EOS Token< / span >
< / label >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" data-i18n = "Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely" >
Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "skip_special_tokens_textgenerationwebui" >
< input type = "checkbox" id = "skip_special_tokens_textgenerationwebui" / >
< span data-i18n = "Skip Special Tokens" > Skip Special Tokens< / span >
< / label >
< / div >
< hr >
2023-09-27 22:09:09 +03:00
< div class = "range-block" >
< h4 class = "range-block-title justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Banned Tokens" > Banned Tokens< / span >
< span data-i18n = "LLaMA models" > (LLaMA models)< / span >
< / h4 >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" data-i18n = "Sequences you don't want to appear in the output. One per line." >
Sequences you don't want to appear in the output. One per line. Text or [token ids].
< / div >
< div class = "wide100p" >
< textarea id = "banned_tokens_textgenerationwebui" class = "text_pole textarea_compact" name = "banned_tokens_textgenerationwebui" rows = "3" placeholder = "Example: some text [42, 69, 1337]" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< small >
< i class = "fa-solid fa-lightbulb" > < / i >
< span data-i18n = "Most tokens have a leading space." >
Most tokens have a leading space.
< / span >
< / small >
< / div >
< hr >
2023-08-14 13:10:44 +03:00
< div class = "range-block" >
< h4 class = "range-block-title justifyLeft" data-i18n = "CFG Scale" >
CFG Scale
< / h4 >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "guidance_scale_textgenerationwebui" name = "volume" min = "0.1" max = "4" step = "0.05" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "guidance_scale_textgenerationwebui" id = "guidance_scale_counter_textgenerationwebui" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Negative Prompt" > Negative Prompt< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "wide100p" >
2023-09-27 22:09:09 +03:00
< textarea id = "negative_prompt_textgenerationwebui" class = "text_pole textarea_compact" name = "negative_prompt" rows = "3" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Add text here that would make the AI generate things you don't want in your outputs." placeholder = "Add text here that would make the AI generate things you don't want in your outputs." > < / textarea >
2023-08-14 13:10:44 +03:00
< / div >
2023-09-27 22:09:09 +03:00
< small data-i18n = "Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character" >
Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character
< / small >
2023-08-14 13:10:44 +03:00
< / div >
< hr >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< h4 > < span data-i18n = "Beam search" > Beam search< / span > < / h4 >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Number of Beams" >
Number of Beams
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "num_beams_textgenerationwebui" name = "volume" min = "1" max = "20" step = "1" / >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "num_beams_textgenerationwebui" id = "num_beams_counter_textgenerationwebui" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" >
< span data-i18n = "Length Penalty" > Length Penalty< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "length_penalty_textgenerationwebui" name = "volume" min = "-5" max = "5" step = "0.1" / >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "length_penalty_textgenerationwebui" id = "length_penalty_counter_textgenerationwebui" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "early_stopping_textgenerationwebui" >
< input type = "checkbox" id = "early_stopping_textgenerationwebui" / >
< span data-i18n = "Early Stopping" > Early Stopping< / span >
< / label >
< / div >
< hr >
< h4 data-i18n = "Contrastive search" > Contrastive search< / h4 >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Penalty Alpha" >
Penalty Alpha
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "penalty_alpha_textgenerationwebui" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "5" step = "0.05" / >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "penalty_alpha_textgenerationwebui" id = "penalty_alpha_counter_textgenerationwebui" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< hr >
< h4 data-i18n = "Mirostat (mode=1 is only for llama.cpp)" > Mirostat (mode=1 is only for llama.cpp)< / h4 >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Mirostat Mode" >
Mirostat Mode
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "mirostat_mode_textgenerationwebui" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "2" step = "1" / >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "mirostat_mode_textgenerationwebui" id = "mirostat_mode_counter_textgenerationwebui" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Mirostat Tau" >
Mirostat Tau
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-09-03 08:14:30 -07:00
< input type = "range" id = "mirostat_tau_textgenerationwebui" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "20" step = "0.01" / >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "mirostat_tau_textgenerationwebui" id = "mirostat_tau_counter_textgenerationwebui" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Mirostat Eta" >
Mirostat Eta
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "mirostat_eta_textgenerationwebui" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "1" step = "0.01" / >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "mirostat_eta_textgenerationwebui" id = "mirostat_eta_counter_textgenerationwebui" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-09-24 17:57:00 +03:00
< hr >
2023-09-27 22:09:09 +03:00
< div id = "grammar_block_ooba" >
2023-09-24 17:57:00 +03:00
< h4 data-i18n = "Grammar" > Grammar< / h4 >
< div class = "range-block" >
2023-09-27 22:09:09 +03:00
< textarea id = "grammar_string_textgenerationwebui" rows = "2" class = "text_pole textarea_compact monospace" > < / textarea >
2023-09-24 17:57:00 +03:00
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Type in the desired custom grammar (GBNF)." >
Type in the desired custom grammar (< a href = "https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/blob/master/grammars/README.md" target = "_blank" > GBNF< / a > ).
< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< hr >
< div class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Seed" >
< / div >
< input type = "number" id = "seed_textgenerationwebui" class = "text_pole wide100p" maxlength = "100" / >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "openai_settings" >
< div class = "" >
< div class = "range-block" >
2023-06-02 19:29:34 +02:00
< label for = "wrap_in_quotes" title = "Wrap user messages in quotes before sending" class = "checkbox_label widthFreeExpand" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< input id = "wrap_in_quotes" type = "checkbox" / > < span data-i18n = "Wrap in Quotes" >
Wrap in Quotes< / span >
< / label >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Wrap entire user message in quotes before sending." > Wrap
entire user message in quotes before sending.< / span > < br >
< span data-i18n = "Leave off if you use quotes manually for speech." > Leave off
if you use quotes manually for speech.< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block" >
2023-07-02 21:50:37 +02:00
< label for = "names_in_completion" title = "Add character names" class = "checkbox_label widthFreeExpand" >
< input id = "names_in_completion" type = "checkbox" / > < span data-i18n = "Add character names" > Add character names< / span >
2023-06-25 21:21:32 +02:00
< / label >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
2023-08-27 13:16:42 +03:00
< span data-i18n = "Send names in the ChatML objects." > Send names in the ChatML objects. Helps the model to associate messages with characters.< / span >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
2023-10-14 22:05:09 +03:00
< div class = "range-block" >
< label for = "squash_system_messages" title = "Squash system messages" class = "checkbox_label widthFreeExpand" >
< input id = "squash_system_messages" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Squash system messages" >
Squash system messages
< / span >
< / label >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Combines consecutive system messages into one." >
Combines consecutive system messages into one (excluding example dialogues).
May improve coherence for some models.
< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-20 01:20:42 +10:00
< div class = "range-block" data-source = "ai21" >
< label for = "use_ai21_tokenizer" title = "Use AI21 Tokenizer" class = "checkbox_label widthFreeExpand" >
< input id = "use_ai21_tokenizer" type = "checkbox" / > < span data-i18n = "Use AI21 Tokenizer" > Use AI21 Tokenizer< / span >
< / label >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Use the appropriate tokenizer for Jurassic models, which is more efficient than GPT's." > Use the appropriate tokenizer for Jurassic models, which is more efficient than GPT's.< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block" data-source = "claude" >
2023-08-20 19:26:49 +03:00
< label for = "exclude_assistant" title = "Exclude Assistant suffix" class = "checkbox_label widthFreeExpand" >
< input id = "exclude_assistant" type = "checkbox" / > < span data-i18n = "Exclude Assistant suffix" > Exclude Assistant suffix< / span >
2023-08-20 03:09:50 +10:00
< / label >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
2023-08-20 19:26:49 +03:00
< span data-i18n = "Exclude the assistant suffix from being added to the end of prompt." > Exclude the assistant suffix from being added to the end of prompt (Requires jailbreak with 'Assistant:' in it).< / span >
2023-08-20 03:09:50 +10:00
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block m-t-1" data-source = "openai,openrouter,scale" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title openai_restorable" data-i18n = "Logit Bias" >
Logit Bias
< / div >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" data-i18n = "Helps to ban or reenforce the usage of certain words" >
Helps to ban or reinforce the usage of certain tokens. Confirm token parsing with < a target = "_blank" href = "https://tiktokenizer.vercel.app/" > Tiktokenizer< / a > .
< / div >
< div class = "openai_logit_bias_preset_form" >
< select id = "openai_logit_bias_preset" >
< / select >
< i title = "New preset" id = "openai_logit_bias_new_preset" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-plus" data-i18n = "[title]New preset" > < / i >
2023-08-20 03:39:28 +09:00
< i title = "Import preset" id = "openai_logit_bias_import_preset" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-file-import" data-i18n = "[title]Import preset" > < / i >
< i title = "Export preset" id = "openai_logit_bias_export_preset" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-file-export" data-i18n = "[title]Export preset" > < / i >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< i title = "Delete preset" id = "openai_logit_bias_delete_preset" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-trash-can" data-i18n = "[title]Delete preset" > < / i >
< input id = "openai_logit_bias_import_file" type = "file" accept = ".json" hidden / >
< / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer wide100p" >
< div class = "inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header" >
< b data-i18n = "View / Edit bias preset" > View / Edit bias preset< / b >
< div class = "fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down inline-drawer-icon down" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer-content" >
< div id = "openai_logit_bias_new_entry" class = "menu_button wide100p flex-container justifyCenter" data-i18n = "Add bias entry" >
Add bias entry
< / div >
< div class = "openai_logit_bias_list" > < / div >
2023-10-19 13:37:08 +03:00
< div class = "m-t-1" >
< small >
< i class = "fa-solid fa-lightbulb" > < / i >
< span data-i18n = "Most tokens have a leading space." >
Most tokens have a leading space.
< / span >
< / small >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 19:37:50 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block m-b-1" >
2023-08-14 12:45:20 +03:00
< div id = "completion_prompt_manager" > < / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "sys-settings-button" class = "drawer" >
< div class = "drawer-toggle drawer-header" >
< div id = "API-status-top" class = "drawer-icon fa-solid fa-plug-circle-exclamation closedIcon" title = "API Connections" data-i18n = "[title]API Connections" > < / div >
< / div >
< div id = "rm_api_block" class = "drawer-content closedDrawer" >
2023-10-14 01:09:53 +09:00
< h3 class = "margin0" id = "title_api" > API< / h3 >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
< div id = "main-API-selector-block" >
< select id = "main_api" >
< option value = "kobold" > < span data-i18n = "KoboldAI" > KoboldAI< / span > < / option >
< option value = "koboldhorde" > < span data-i18n = "KoboldAI Horde" > KoboldAI Horde< / span > < / option >
2023-08-12 18:35:03 +03:00
< option value = "textgenerationwebui" > < span data-i18n = "Text Gen WebUI (ooba/Mancer)" > Text Gen WebUI (ooba/Mancer)< / span > < / option >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< option value = "novel" > < span data-i18n = "NovelAI" > NovelAI< / span > < / option >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< option value = "openai" > < span data-i18n = "Chat Completion (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale, AI21)" > Chat Completion (OpenAI, Claude, Window, OpenRouter, Scale, AI21, PaLM)< / span > < / option >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / select >
< / div >
< div id = "kobold_horde" style = "position: relative;" > <!-- shows the kobold settings -->
< form action = "javascript:void(null);" method = "post" enctype = "multipart/form-data" >
< div id = "kobold_horde_block" >
< ul >
< li data-i18n = "Avoid sending sensitive information to the Horde." >
Avoid sending sensitive information to the Horde.
< a target = "_blank" href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/api-connections/horde/" data-i18n = "Review the Privacy statement" > Review the Privacy statement< / a >
< / li >
< li >
< a target = "_blank" href = "https://horde.koboldai.net/register" data-i18n = "Register a Horde account for faster queue times" > Register a Horde
account for faster queue times< / a >
< / li >
< li >
2023-09-06 09:10:00 -06:00
< a target = "_blank" href = "https://github.com/db0/AI-Horde-Worker#readme" data-i18n = "Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde" > Learn
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde< / a >
< / li >
< / ul >
< label for = "horde_auto_adjust_context_length" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "horde_auto_adjust_context_length" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Adjust context size to worker capabilities" > Adjust context size to worker capabilities< / span >
< / label >
< label for = "horde_auto_adjust_response_length" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "horde_auto_adjust_response_length" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Adjust response length to worker capabilities" > Adjust response length to worker capabilities< / span >
< / label >
< label for = "horde_trusted_workers_only" class = "checkbox_label" title = "Can help with bad responses by queueing only the approved workers. May slowdown the response time." data-i18n = "[title]Can help with bad responses by queueing only the approved workers. May slowdown the response time." >
< input id = "horde_trusted_workers_only" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Trusted workers only" > Trusted workers only< / span >
< / label >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< small id = "adjustedHordeParams" > Context: --, Response: --< / small >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< h4 data-i18n = "API key" > API key< / h4 >
2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00
< small >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< span data-i18n = "Get it here:" > Get it here: < / span > < a target = "_blank" href = "https://horde.koboldai.net/register" data-i18n = "Register" > Register< / a > (< a id = "horde_kudos" href = "javascript:void(0);" data-i18n = "View my Kudos" > View my Kudos< / a > )< br >
2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00
< span data-i18n = "Enter" > Enter < / span > < span class = "monospace" > 0000000000< / span > < span data-i18n = "to use anonymous mode." > to use anonymous mode. < / span >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / small >
<!-- <div>
< a id = "horde_kudos" href = "javascript:void(0);" > View my Kudos< / a >
< / div > -->
< div class = "flex-container" >
< input id = "horde_api_key" name = "horde_api_key" class = "text_pole flex1" maxlength = "500" type = "text" placeholder = "0000000000" autocomplete = "off" >
< div title = "Clear your API key" data-i18n = "[title]Clear your API key" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-circle-xmark clear-api-key" data-key = "api_key_horde" > < / div >
< / div >
< div data-for = "horde_api_key" class = "neutral_warning" data-i18n = "For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page." >
For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.
< / div >
< h4 class = "horde_model_title" >
2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00
< span data-i18n = "Models" > Models < / span >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div id = "horde_refresh" title = "Refresh models" data-i18n = "[title]Refresh models" class = "right_menu_button" >
< div class = "fa-solid fa-repeat " > < / div >
< / div >
< / h4 >
< select id = "horde_model" multiple >
< option data-i18n = "-- Horde models not loaded --" > -- Horde models not loaded --< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< div id = "online_status_horde" >
< div id = "online_status_indicator_horde" > < / div >
2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00
< div id = "online_status_text_horde" data-i18n = "Not connected..." > Not connected...< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / form >
< / div >
< div id = "kobold_api" style = "position: relative;" > <!-- shows the kobold settings -->
< form action = "javascript:void(null);" method = "post" enctype = "multipart/form-data" >
< div id = "kobold_api_block" >
< h4 data-i18n = "API url" > API url< / h4 >
< small data-i18n = "Example: " > Example: < / small >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< input id = "api_url_text" name = "api_url" class = "text_pole" placeholder = "" maxlength = "500" value = "" autocomplete = "off" data-server-history = "kobold" >
< div id = "api_button" class = "menu_button" type = "submit" data-i18n = "Connect" data-server-connect = "kobold" > Connect< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div id = "api_loading" class = "api-load-icon fa-solid fa-hourglass fa-spin" > < / div >
< / div >
< div id = "online_status2" >
< div id = "online_status_indicator2" > < / div >
2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00
< div id = "online_status_text2" data-i18n = "Not connected..." > Not connected...< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / form >
< / div >
< div id = "novel_api" style = "display: none;position: relative;" > <!-- shows the novel settings -->
< form action = "javascript:void(null);" method = "post" enctype = "multipart/form-data" >
< h4 data-i18n = "Novel API key" > Novel API key< / h4 >
< span >
< ol >
< li >
< a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/api-connections/novelai/" class = "notes-link" target = "_blank" > < span data-i18n = "Get your NovelAI API Key" > Get your NovelAI API key< / span > < / a >
< / li >
< li > < span data-i18n = "Enter it in the box below" > Enter it in the box below:< / span >
< / li >
< / ol >
< / span >
< div class = "flex-container" >
< input id = "api_key_novel" name = "api_key_novel" class = "text_pole flex1 wide100p" maxlength = "500" size = "35" type = "text" autocomplete = "off" >
< div title = "Clear your API key" data-i18n = "[title]Clear your API key" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-circle-xmark clear-api-key" data-key = "api_key_novel" >
< / div >
< / div >
< div data-for = "api_key_novel" class = "neutral_warning" data-i18n = "For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page." >
For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.
< / div >
2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00
< div id = "api_button_novel" class = "menu_button" type = "submit" data-i18n = "Connect" > Connect< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div id = "api_loading_novel" class = "api-load-icon fa-solid fa-hourglass fa-spin" > < / div >
< h4 > < span data-i18n = "Novel AI Model" > Novel AI Model< / span >
< a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/api-connections/novelai/#models" class = "notes-link" target = "_blank" >
< span class = "note-link-span" > ?< / span >
< / a >
< / h4 >
< select id = "model_novel_select" >
< option value = "clio-v1" > Clio< / option >
2023-07-28 21:45:44 +03:00
< option value = "kayra-v1" > Kayra< / option >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / select >
< / form >
< div id = "online_status3" >
< div id = "online_status_indicator3" > < / div >
2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00
< div id = "online_status_text3" data-i18n = "No connection..." > No connection... < / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "textgenerationwebui_api" style = "display: none;position: relative;" >
2023-08-02 03:30:57 -04:00
< form action = "javascript:void(null);" method = "post" enctype = "multipart/form-data" >
2023-09-28 19:10:00 +03:00
< div >
< h4 > API Type< / h4 >
< select id = "textgen_type" >
< option value = "ooba" > Default (oobabooga)< / option >
< option value = "mancer" > Mancer< / option >
< option value = "aphrodite" > Aphrodite< / option >
< / select >
2023-08-02 03:30:57 -04:00
< / div >
2023-09-28 19:10:00 +03:00
< div data-tg-type = "mancer" class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
< div class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
< a href = "https://mancer.tech/" target = "_blank" >
Mancer AI
< / a >
< / div >
< h4 data-i18n = "Mancer API key" > Mancer API key< / h4 >
< div class = "flex-container" >
< input id = "api_key_mancer" name = "api_key_mancer" class = "text_pole flex1 wide100p" maxlength = "500" size = "35" type = "text" autocomplete = "off" >
< div title = "Clear your API key" data-i18n = "[title]Clear your API key" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-circle-xmark clear-api-key" data-key = "api_key_mancer" >
< / div >
< / div >
< div data-for = "api_key_mancer" class = "neutral_warning" data-i18n = "For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page." >
For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.
< / div >
< div class = "flex1" >
< h4 > Mancer Model< / h4 >
< select id = "mancer_model" > < / select >
< h4 data-i18n = "Mancer API url" > Mancer API URL< / h4 >
< small data-i18n = "Example: https://neuro.mancer.tech/webui/MODEL/api" > Example: https://neuro.mancer.tech/webui/MODEL/api< / small >
< input id = "mancer_api_url_text" name = "mancer_api_url" class = "text_pole wide100p" maxlength = "500" value = "" autocomplete = "off" >
< / div >
< / div >
< div data-tg-type = "ooba" class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
< div class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
< a href = "https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui" target = "_blank" >
< / a >
< span data-i18n = "Make sure you run it with" >
Make sure you run it with < tt > --api< / tt > flag
2023-08-02 03:30:57 -04:00
< / span >
2023-09-28 19:10:00 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "flex1" >
< h4 data-i18n = "Blocking API url" > Blocking API URL< / h4 >
< small data-i18n = "Example: " > Example: < / small >
< input id = "textgenerationwebui_api_url_text" name = "textgenerationwebui_api_url" class = "text_pole wide100p" maxlength = "500" value = "" autocomplete = "off" data-server-history = "ooba_blocking" >
< / div >
< div class = "flex1" >
< h4 data-i18n = "Streaming API url" > Streaming API URL< / h4 >
< small data-i18n = "Example: ws://" > Example: ws:// < / small >
< input id = "streaming_url_textgenerationwebui" type = "text" class = "text_pole wide100p" maxlength = "500" value = "" autocomplete = "off" data-server-history = "ooba_streaming" >
< / div >
2023-08-02 03:30:57 -04:00
< / div >
2023-09-28 19:10:00 +03:00
< div data-tg-type = "aphrodite" >
< div class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
2023-09-28 19:44:19 +00:00
< a href = "https://github.com/PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine" target = "_blank" >
2023-09-28 19:10:00 +03:00
< / a >
2023-08-20 00:33:00 -04:00
< / div >
2023-09-28 19:10:00 +03:00
< h4 data-i18n = "Aphrodite API key" > Aphrodite API key< / h4 >
< div class = "flex-container" >
< input id = "api_key_aphrodite" name = "api_key_aphrodite" class = "text_pole flex1 wide100p" maxlength = "500" size = "35" type = "text" autocomplete = "off" >
< div title = "Clear your API key" data-i18n = "[title]Clear your API key" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-circle-xmark clear-api-key" data-key = "api_key_aphrodite" >
2023-08-02 03:30:57 -04:00
< / div >
< / div >
2023-09-28 19:10:00 +03:00
< div data-for = "api_key_aphrodite" class = "neutral_warning" data-i18n = "For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page." >
For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.
< / div >
< div class = "flex1" >
< h4 data-i18n = "API url" > API URL< / h4 >
< small data-i18n = "Example: " > Example: < / small >
< input id = "aphrodite_api_url_text" class = "text_pole wide100p" maxlength = "500" value = "" autocomplete = "off" data-server-history = "aphrodite" >
< / div >
2023-08-02 03:30:57 -04:00
< / div >
2023-09-28 19:10:00 +03:00
< div id = "api_button_textgenerationwebui" class = "menu_button" type = "submit" data-i18n = "Connect" data-server-connect = "ooba_blocking,ooba_streaming,aphrodite" > Connect< / div >
< div id = "api_loading_textgenerationwebui" class = "api-load-icon fa-solid fa-hourglass fa-spin" > < / div >
2023-08-02 03:30:57 -04:00
< / form >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "online_status4" >
< div class = "online_status_indicator4" > < / div >
2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00
< div class = "online_status_text4" data-i18n = "Not connected..." > Not connected...< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "openai_api" style = "display: none;position: relative;" >
2023-10-14 01:09:53 +09:00
< h4 class = "margin0" data-i18n = "Chat Completion Source" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
Chat Completion Source
2023-10-14 01:09:53 +09:00
< / h4 >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< select id = "chat_completion_source" >
< option value = "openai" > OpenAI< / option >
< option value = "windowai" > Window AI< / option >
< option value = "openrouter" > OpenRouter< / option >
< option value = "claude" > Claude< / option >
< option value = "scale" > Scale< / option >
2023-08-20 01:20:42 +10:00
< option value = "ai21" > AI21< / option >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< option value = "palm" > Google PaLM 2< / option >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / select >
< form id = "openai_form" data-source = "openai" action = "javascript:void(null);" method = "post" enctype = "multipart/form-data" >
< h4 > < span data-i18n = "OpenAI API key" > OpenAI API key< / span > < / h4 >
2023-07-21 13:35:39 +03:00
< div >
2023-07-21 23:35:54 +03:00
< a id = "openai_api_usage" href = "https://platform.openai.com/account/usage" target = "_blank" >
< span data-i18n = "View API Usage Metrics" > View API Usage Metrics< / span >
< / a >
2023-07-21 13:35:39 +03:00
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< span >
< ol >
< li >
< span data-i18n = "Follow" > Follow< / span >
< a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/api-connections/openai/" class = "notes-link" target = "_blank" > < span data-i18n = "these directions" > these directions < / span > < / a >
< span data-i18n = "to get your OpenAI API key." > to get your OpenAI API key.< / span >
< / li >
< li >
< span data-i18n = "Enter it in the box below" > Enter it in the box below:< / span >
< / li >
< / ol >
< / span >
< div class = "flex-container" >
< input id = "api_key_openai" name = "api_key_openai" class = "text_pole flex1" maxlength = "500" value = "" type = "text" autocomplete = "off" >
< div title = "Clear your API key" data-i18n = "[title]Clear your API key" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-circle-xmark clear-api-key" data-key = "api_key_openai" > < / div >
< / div >
2023-07-28 21:33:29 +03:00
< div id = "ReverseProxyWarningMessage2" class = "reverse_proxy_warning" >
< b data-i18n = "Use Proxy password field instead. This input will be ignored." >
Use "Proxy password" field instead. This input will be ignored.
< / b >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div data-for = "api_key_openai" class = "neutral_warning" >
For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.
< / div >
< div >
< h4 data-i18n = "OpenAI Model" > OpenAI Model< / h4 >
< select id = "model_openai_select" >
< optgroup label = "GPT-3.5 Turbo" >
< option value = "gpt-3.5-turbo" > gpt-3.5-turbo< / option >
< option value = "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k" > gpt-3.5-turbo-16k< / option >
< option value = "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613" > gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613< / option >
< option value = "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613" > gpt-3.5-turbo-0613< / option >
< option value = "gpt-3.5-turbo-0301" > gpt-3.5-turbo-0301< / option >
< / optgroup >
2023-09-19 16:50:27 -04:00
< optgroup label = "GPT-3.5 Turbo Instruct" >
< option value = "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct" > gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct< / option >
2023-09-21 19:30:20 +03:00
< option value = "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct-0914" > gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct-0914< / option >
2023-09-19 16:50:27 -04:00
< / optgroup >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< optgroup label = "GPT-4" >
< option value = "gpt-4" > gpt-4< / option >
< option value = "gpt-4-0613" > gpt-4-0613< / option >
< option value = "gpt-4-0314" > gpt-4-0314< / option >
< option value = "gpt-4-32k" > gpt-4-32k< / option >
2023-09-30 16:18:31 -04:00
< option value = "gpt-4-32k-0314" > gpt-4-32k-0314< / option >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< option value = "gpt-4-32k-0613" > gpt-4-32k-0613< / option >
< / optgroup >
< optgroup label = "Other" >
< option value = "text-davinci-003" > text-davinci-003< / option >
< option value = "text-davinci-002" > text-davinci-002< / option >
< option value = "text-curie-001" > text-curie-001< / option >
< option value = "text-babbage-001" > text-babbage-001< / option >
< option value = "text-ada-001" > text-ada-001< / option >
< option value = "code-davinci-002" > code-davinci-002< / option >
< / optgroup >
2023-07-21 13:35:39 +03:00
< optgroup id = "openai_external_category" label = "External" >
< / optgroup >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / select >
2023-07-21 13:35:39 +03:00
< label for = "openai_show_external_models" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "openai_show_external_models" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Show External models (provided by API)" > Show "External" models (provided by API)< / span >
< / label >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / form >
< form id = "claude_form" data-source = "claude" action = "javascript:void(null);" method = "post" enctype = "multipart/form-data" >
< h4 > Claude API Key< / h4 >
< div >
2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00
< span data-i18n = "Get your key from" > Get your key from < / span > < a target = "_blank" href = "https://console.anthropic.com/account/keys" data-i18n = "Anthropic's developer console" > Anthropic's developer console< / a > .
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div >
2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00
< b data-i18n = "Slack and Poe cookies will not work here, do not bother trying." >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
Slack and Poe cookies will not work here, do not bother trying.
< / b >
< / div >
< div class = "flex-container" >
< input id = "api_key_claude" name = "api_key_claude" class = "text_pole flex1" maxlength = "500" value = "" type = "text" autocomplete = "off" >
< div title = "Clear your API key" data-i18n = "[title]Clear your API key" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-circle-xmark clear-api-key" data-key = "api_key_claude" > < / div >
< / div >
< div data-for = "api_key_claude" class = "neutral_warning" >
For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.
< / div >
< div >
< h4 data-i18n = "Claude Model" > Claude Model< / h4 >
< select id = "model_claude_select" >
< optgroup label = "Latest" >
< option value = "claude-2" > claude-2< / option >
< option value = "claude-v1" > claude-v1< / option >
< option value = "claude-v1-100k" > claude-v1-100k< / option >
< option value = "claude-instant-v1" > claude-instant-v1< / option >
< option value = "claude-instant-v1-100k" > claude-instant-v1-100k< / option >
< / optgroup >
< optgroup label = "Sub-versions" >
< option value = "claude-2.0" > claude-2.0< / option >
< option value = "claude-v1.3" > claude-v1.3< / option >
< option value = "claude-v1.3-100k" > claude-v1.3-100k< / option >
< option value = "claude-v1.2" > claude-v1.2< / option >
< option value = "claude-v1.0" > claude-v1.0< / option >
2023-08-15 14:57:11 +03:00
< option value = "claude-instant-1.2" > claude-instant-1.2< / option >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< option value = "claude-instant-v1.1" > claude-instant-v1.1< / option >
< option value = "claude-instant-v1.1-100k" > claude-instant-v1.1-100k< / option >
< option value = "claude-instant-v1.0" > claude-instant-v1.0< / option >
< / optgroup >
< / select >
< / div >
< / form >
< form id = "windowai_form" data-source = "windowai" action = "javascript:void(null);" method = "post" enctype = "multipart/form-data" >
< div >
< h4 data-i18n = "Window AI Model" > Window AI Model< / h4 >
< select id = "model_windowai_select" >
< option value = "" > Use extension settings< / option >
< option value = "openai/gpt-3.5-turbo" > openai/gpt-3.5-turbo< / option >
< option value = "openai/gpt-3.5-turbo-16k" > openai/gpt-3.5-turbo-16k< / option >
< option value = "openai/gpt-4" > openai/gpt-4< / option >
< option value = "openai/gpt-4-32k" > openai/gpt-4-32k< / option >
< option value = "anthropic/claude-instant-v1" > anthropic/claude-instant-v1< / option >
< option value = "anthropic/claude-instant-v1-100k" > anthropic/claude-instant-v1-100k< / option >
< option value = "anthropic/claude-v1" > anthropic/claude-v1< / option >
< option value = "anthropic/claude-v1-100k" > anthropic/claude-v1-100k< / option >
< option value = "google/palm-2-chat-bison" > google/palm-2-chat-bison< / option >
< option value = "google/palm-2-codechat-bison" > google/palm-2-codechat-bison< / option >
< option value = "togethercomputer/GPT-NeoXT-Chat-Base-20B" > togethercomputer/GPT-NeoXT-Chat-Base-20B< / option >
< option value = "cohere/command-nightly" > cohere/command-nightly< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< / form >
< form id = "openrouter_form" data-source = "openrouter" action = "javascript:void(null);" method = "post" enctype = "multipart/form-data" >
< div >
< h4 data-i18n = "OpenRouter Model" > OpenRouter Model< / h4 >
< select id = "model_openrouter_select" >
< option data-i18n = "Connect to the API" > -- Connect to the API --< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
2023-08-24 03:21:17 +03:00
< div class = "marginTopBot5" >
< label for = "openrouter_use_fallback" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "openrouter_use_fallback" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Allow fallback routes" > Allow fallback routes< / span >
< / label >
< div class = "toggle-description justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Allow fallback routes Description" >
Automatically chooses an alternative model if the chosen model can't serve your request.
< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< h4 data-i18n = "OpenRouter API Key" > OpenRouter API Key< / h4 >
< div >
2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00
< small data-i18n = "Click Authorize below or get the key from" >
Click "Authorize" below or get the key from < / small > < a target = "_blank" href = "https://openrouter.ai/keys/" > OpenRouter< / a > .
< br >
< a href = "https://openrouter.ai/account" target = "_blank" data-i18n = "View Remaining Credits" > View Remaining Credits< / a >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "flex-container" >
< input id = "api_key_openrouter" name = "api_key_openrouter" class = "text_pole flex1" maxlength = "500" value = "" type = "text" autocomplete = "off" >
< div title = "Clear your API key" data-i18n = "[title]Clear your API key" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-circle-xmark clear-api-key" data-key = "api_key_openrouter" > < / div >
< / div >
< div data-for = "api_key_openrouter" class = "neutral_warning" >
For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.
< / div >
< / form >
< form id = "scale_form" data-source = "scale" action = "javascript:void(null);" method = "post" enctype = "multipart/form-data" >
2023-08-20 20:55:37 +10:00
< div id = "normal_scale_form" >
2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00
< h4 data-i18n = "Scale API Key" > Scale API Key< / h4 >
2023-08-20 20:55:37 +10:00
< div class = "flex-container" >
< input id = "api_key_scale" name = "api_key_scale" class = "text_pole flex1" maxlength = "500" value = "" autocomplete = "off" >
< div title = "Clear your API key" data-i18n = "[title]Clear your API key" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-circle-xmark clear-api-key" data-key = "api_key_scale" > < / div >
< / div >
< div data-for = "api_key_scale" class = "neutral_warning" >
For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.
< / div >
< h4 > Scale API URL< / h4 >
< input id = "api_url_scale" name = "api_url_scale" class = "text_pole" maxlength = "500" value = "" autocomplete = "off" placeholder = "https://dashboard.scale.com/spellbook/api/v2/deploy/xxxxxxx" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-08-20 20:55:37 +10:00
< div id = "alt_scale_form" >
< h4 > Scale Cookie (_jwt)< / h4 >
< div class = "flex-container" >
< input id = "scale_cookie" name = "scale_cookie" class = "text_pole flex1" maxlength = "500" value = "" autocomplete = "off" >
< div title = "Clear your cookie" data-i18n = "[title]Clear your cookie" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-circle-xmark clear-api-key" data-key = "scale_cookie" > < / div >
< / div >
< div data-for = "scale_cookie" class = "neutral_warning" >
For privacy reasons, your cookie will be hidden after you reload the page.
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
<!-- Its only purpose is to trigger max context size check -->
< select id = "model_scale_select" class = "displayNone" > < / select >
2023-08-20 20:55:37 +10:00
< label for = "scale-alt" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "scale-alt" type = "checkbox" checked >
< span data-i18n = "Alt Method" > Alt Method< / span >
< / label >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / form >
2023-08-20 01:20:42 +10:00
< form id = "ai21_form" data-source = "ai21" action = "javascript:void(null);" method = "post" enctype = "multipart/form-data" >
2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00
< h4 data-i18n = "AI21 API Key" > AI21 API Key< / h4 >
2023-08-20 01:20:42 +10:00
< div class = "flex-container" >
< input id = "api_key_ai21" name = "api_key_ai21" class = "text_pole flex1" maxlength = "500" value = "" type = "text" autocomplete = "off" >
< div title = "Clear your API key" data-i18n = "[title]Clear your API key" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-circle-xmark clear-api-key" data-key = "api_key_ai21" > < / div >
< / div >
< div data-for = "api_key_ai21" class = "neutral_warning" >
For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.
< / div >
< div >
< h4 data-i18n = "AI21 Model" > AI21 Model< / h4 >
< select id = "model_ai21_select" >
< optgroup label = "Latest" >
< option value = "j2-ultra" > j2-ultra< / option >
< option value = "j2-mid" > j2-mid< / option >
< option value = "j2-light" > j2-light< / option >
< / optgroup >
< / select >
< / div >
< / form >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< form id = "palm_form" data-source = "palm" action = "javascript:void(null);" method = "post" enctype = "multipart/form-data" >
< h4 data-i18n = "PaLM API Key" > PaLM API Key< / h4 >
< div class = "flex-container" >
< input id = "api_key_palm" name = "api_key_palm" class = "text_pole flex1" maxlength = "500" value = "" type = "text" autocomplete = "off" >
< div title = "Clear your API key" data-i18n = "[title]Clear your API key" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-circle-xmark clear-api-key" data-key = "api_key_palm" > < / div >
< / div >
< div data-for = "api_key_palm" class = "neutral_warning" >
For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.
< / div >
<!-- Its only purpose is to trigger max context size check -->
< select id = "model_palm_select" class = "displayNone" > < / select >
< / form >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container flex" >
2023-09-01 09:00:32 -07:00
< div id = "api_button_openai" class = "menu_button menu_button_icon" type = "submit" data-i18n = "Connect" > Connect< / div >
< div data-source = "openrouter" id = "openrouter_authorize" class = "menu_button menu_button_icon" title = "Get your OpenRouter API token using OAuth flow. You will be redirected to openrouter.ai" data-i18n = "[title]Get your OpenRouter API token using OAuth flow. You will be redirected to openrouter.ai" > Authorize< / div >
< div id = "test_api_button" class = "menu_button menu_button_icon" title = "Verifies your API connection by sending a short test message. Be aware that you'll be credited for it!" data-i18n = "[title]Verifies your API connection by sending a short test message. Be aware that you'll be credited for it!" > Test Message< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div id = "api_loading_openai" class = " api-load-icon fa-solid fa-hourglass fa-spin" > < / div >
< div class = "online_status4" >
< div class = "online_status_indicator4" > < / div >
2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00
< div class = "online_status_text4" data-i18n = "No connection..." > No connection...< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "flex-container alignitemscenter spaceBetween wide100p" >
< label for = "auto-connect-checkbox" class = "checkbox_label" > < input id = "auto-connect-checkbox" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Auto-connect to Last Server" > Auto-connect to Last Server< / span >
< / label >
< a id = "viewSecrets" href = "javascript:void(0);" > < span data-i18n = "View hidden API keys" > View hidden API keys< / span > < / a >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "advanced-formatting-button" class = "drawer" >
< div class = "drawer-toggle" >
< div class = "drawer-icon fa-solid fa-font closedIcon" title = "AI Response Formatting" data-i18n = "[title]AI Response Formatting" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "drawer-content" >
2023-10-14 01:09:53 +09:00
< h3 class = "margin0" data-i18n = "Advanced Formatting" > Advanced Formatting
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/core-concepts/advancedformatting/" class = "notes-link" target = "_blank" >
< span class = "note-link-span" > ?< / span >
< / a >
< / h3 >
< div class = "flex-container" >
2023-09-03 01:52:34 +03:00
< div id = "PygOverrides" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div >
2023-08-17 22:47:34 +03:00
< h4 data-i18n = "Context Template" >
Context Template
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / h4 >
2023-10-21 23:32:53 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container" >
< select id = "context_presets" data-preset-manager-for = "context" class = "flex1 text_pole" > < / select >
2023-08-26 12:09:47 +02:00
< input type = "file" hidden data-preset-manager-file = "context" accept = ".json, .settings" >
2023-08-26 14:52:23 +02:00
< i id = "context_set_default" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-heart" title = "Auto-select this preset for Instruct Mode." > < / i >
2023-08-29 18:04:10 +03:00
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-update = "context" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-save" title = "Update current preset" data-i18n = "[title]Update current preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-new = "context" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-plus" title = "Create new preset" data-i18n = "[title]Create new preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-import = "context" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-file-import" title = "Import preset" data-i18n = "[title]Import preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-export = "context" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-file-export" title = "Export preset" data-i18n = "[title]Export preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden id = "context_delete_preset" data-preset-manager-delete = "context" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-trash-can" title = "Delete the preset" data-i18n = "[title]Delete the preset" > < / i >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-08-29 18:04:10 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden >
2023-08-19 20:18:39 +03:00
< label for = "context_story_string" >
< small data-i18n = "Story String" > Story String< / small >
2023-08-17 22:47:34 +03:00
< / label >
2023-08-25 21:04:06 +02:00
< textarea id = "context_story_string" class = "text_pole textarea_compact autoSetHeight" rows = "1" > < / textarea >
2023-08-17 22:47:34 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container" >
< div class = "flex1" >
< label for = "context_example_separator" >
2023-08-19 20:18:39 +03:00
< small data-i18n = "Example Separator" > Example Separator< / small >
2023-08-17 22:47:34 +03:00
< / label >
< div >
2023-08-25 21:04:06 +02:00
< textarea id = "context_example_separator" class = "text_pole textarea_compact autoSetHeight" maxlength = "500" rows = "1" > < / textarea >
2023-08-17 22:47:34 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "flex1" >
< label for = "context_chat_start" >
2023-08-19 20:18:39 +03:00
< small data-i18n = "Chat Start" > Chat Start< / small >
2023-08-17 22:47:34 +03:00
< / label >
< div >
2023-08-25 21:04:06 +02:00
< textarea id = "context_chat_start" class = "text_pole textarea_compact autoSetHeight" maxlength = "500" rows = "1" > < / textarea >
2023-08-17 22:47:34 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-09-01 01:07:04 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "inline-drawer wide100p flexFlowColumn margin-bot-10px" style = "display:none;" >
< div class = "inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header" >
< b > < span data-i18n = "Context Order" > Context Order< / span > < / b >
< div class = "fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down inline-drawer-icon down" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer-content" >
< div id = "context_order" class = "prompt_order" >
< div data-id = "0" >
< span data-i18n = "Story String" > Story String< / span >
< small > 0< / small >
< / div >
< div data-id = "1" >
< span data-i18n = "Summary" > Summary< / span >
< small > 1< / small >
< / div >
< div data-id = "2" >
< span data-i18n = "Author's Note" > Author's Note< / span >
< small > 2< / small >
< / div >
< div data-id = "3" >
< span data-i18n = "Example Dialogues" > Example Dialogues< / span >
< small > 3< / small >
< / div >
< div data-id = "4" >
< span data-i18n = "Chat Start" > Chat History< / span >
< small > 4< / small >
< / div >
< / div >
< small >
< b data-i18n = "Hint" > Hint:< / b >
< span data-i18n = "In-Chat Position not affected" >
Summary and Author's Note orders are only affected when they don't have an In-Chat position set.
< / span >
< / small >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-09-01 01:07:04 +03:00
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div >
2023-08-21 22:32:58 +02:00
< h4 data-i18n = "Instruct Mode" > Instruct Mode
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/core-concepts/instructmode/" class = "notes-link" target = "_blank" >
< span class = "note-link-span" > ?< / span >
< / a >
< / h4 >
< div >
< label for = "instruct_enabled" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "instruct_enabled" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Enabled" > Enabled< / span >
< / label >
2023-08-21 22:32:58 +02:00
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< label for = "instruct_presets" >
< span data-i18n = "Presets" > Presets< / span >
< / label >
2023-10-21 23:32:53 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container" >
< select id = "instruct_presets" data-preset-manager-for = "instruct" class = "flex1 text_pole" > < / select >
2023-08-21 00:56:53 +03:00
< input type = "file" hidden data-preset-manager-file = "instruct" accept = ".json, .settings" >
< i id = "instruct_set_default" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-heart" title = "Auto-select this preset on API connection." > < / i >
2023-08-29 18:04:10 +03:00
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-update = "instruct" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-save" title = "Update current preset" data-i18n = "[title]Update current preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-new = "instruct" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-plus" title = "Create new preset" data-i18n = "[title]Create new preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-import = "instruct" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-file-import" title = "Import preset" data-i18n = "[title]Import preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-export = "instruct" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-file-export" title = "Export preset" data-i18n = "[title]Export preset" > < / i >
< i data-newbie-hidden data-preset-manager-delete = "instruct" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-trash-can" title = "Delete the preset" data-i18n = "[title]Delete the preset" > < / i >
2023-08-19 20:18:39 +03:00
< / div >
2023-08-29 18:04:10 +03:00
< label data-newbie-hidden >
2023-08-19 20:18:39 +03:00
< small data-i18n = "Activation Regex" >
Activation Regex
< / small >
< / label >
2023-08-29 18:04:10 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden >
2023-08-25 21:04:06 +02:00
< textarea id = "instruct_activation_regex" class = "text_pole textarea_compact autoSetHeight" maxlength = "5000" rows = "1" > < / textarea >
2023-08-19 20:18:39 +03:00
< / div >
2023-08-29 18:04:10 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< label for = "instruct_wrap" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "instruct_wrap" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Wrap Sequences with Newline" > Wrap Sequences with Newline< / span >
< / label >
< label for = "instruct_macro" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "instruct_macro" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Replace Macro in Sequences" > Replace Macro in Sequences< / span >
< / label >
< label for = "instruct_names" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "instruct_names" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Include Names" > Include Names< / span >
< / label >
2023-08-08 17:11:38 +03:00
< label for = "instruct_names_force_groups" class = "checkbox_label indent20p" >
< input id = "instruct_names_force_groups" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Force for Groups and Personas" > Force for Groups and Personas< / span >
< / label >
2023-08-26 12:22:35 +02:00
< / div >
2023-08-29 18:04:10 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden >
< label >
< small data-i18n = "System Prompt" > System Prompt< / small >
< / label >
< div class = "prompt_overridden" >
Overridden by the Character Definitions.
< / div >
< textarea id = "instruct_system_prompt" class = "text_pole textarea_compact autoSetHeight" rows = "1" > < / textarea >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-08-25 21:04:06 +02:00
2023-08-29 18:04:10 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "inline-drawer wide100p flexFlowColumn" >
2023-08-25 21:04:06 +02:00
< div class = "inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header" >
< b > < span data-i18n = "Instruct Mode Sequences" > Instruct Mode Sequences< / span > < / b >
< div class = "fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down inline-drawer-icon down" > < / div >
2023-08-17 23:33:27 +03:00
< / div >
2023-08-25 21:04:06 +02:00
< div class = "inline-drawer-content" >
< div class = "flex-container" >
< div class = "flex1" >
< label for = "instruct_input_sequence" >
< small data-i18n = "Input Sequence" > Input Sequence< / small >
< / label >
< div >
2023-09-01 09:00:32 -07:00
< textarea id = "instruct_input_sequence" class = "text_pole textarea_compact autoSetHeight" maxlength = "2000" placeholder = "—" rows = "1" > < / textarea >
2023-08-25 21:04:06 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "flex1" >
< label for = "instruct_output_sequence" >
< small data-i18n = "Output Sequence" > Output Sequence< / small >
< / label >
< div >
2023-09-01 09:00:32 -07:00
< textarea id = "instruct_output_sequence" class = "text_pole wide100p textarea_compact autoSetHeight" maxlength = "2000" placeholder = "—" rows = "1" > < / textarea >
2023-08-25 21:04:06 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-08-25 21:04:06 +02:00
< div class = "flex-container" >
< div class = "flex1" >
< label for = "instruct_first_output_sequence" >
< small data-i18n = "First Output Sequence" > First Output Sequence< / small >
< / label >
< div >
2023-09-01 09:00:32 -07:00
< textarea id = "instruct_first_output_sequence" class = "text_pole textarea_compact autoSetHeight" maxlength = "2000" placeholder = "—" rows = "1" > < / textarea >
2023-08-25 21:04:06 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "flex1" >
< label for = "instruct_last_output_sequence" >
< small data-i18n = "Last Output Sequence" > Last Output Sequence< / small >
< / label >
< div >
2023-09-01 09:00:32 -07:00
< textarea id = "instruct_last_output_sequence" class = "text_pole wide100p textarea_compact autoSetHeight" maxlength = "2000" placeholder = "—" rows = "1" > < / textarea >
2023-08-25 21:04:06 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-08-25 21:04:06 +02:00
< div class = "flex-container" >
< div class = "flex1" >
2023-08-25 22:34:08 +02:00
< label for = "instruct_system_sequence_prefix" >
2023-08-25 21:04:06 +02:00
< small data-i18n = "System Sequence Prefix" > System Sequence Prefix< / small >
< / label >
< div >
2023-09-01 09:00:32 -07:00
< textarea id = "instruct_system_sequence_prefix" class = "text_pole textarea_compact autoSetHeight" maxlength = "2000" placeholder = "—" rows = "1" > < / textarea >
2023-08-25 21:04:06 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "flex1" >
< label for = "instruct_system_sequence_suffix" >
< small data-i18n = "System Sequence Suffix" > System Sequence Suffix< / small >
< / label >
< div >
2023-09-01 09:00:32 -07:00
< textarea id = "instruct_system_sequence_suffix" class = "text_pole wide100p textarea_compact autoSetHeight" maxlength = "2000" placeholder = "—" rows = "1" > < / textarea >
2023-08-25 21:04:06 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-08-25 21:04:06 +02:00
< div class = "flex-container" >
< div class = "flex1" >
< label for = "instruct_stop_sequence" >
< small data-i18n = "Stop Sequence" > Stop Sequence< / small >
< / label >
< div >
2023-09-02 16:39:31 +03:00
< textarea id = "instruct_stop_sequence" class = "text_pole textarea_compact autoSetHeight" maxlength = "2000" placeholder = "—" rows = "1" > < / textarea >
2023-08-25 21:04:06 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "flex1" >
< label for = "instruct_separator_sequence" >
< small data-i18n = "Separator" > Separator< / small >
< / label >
< div >
2023-09-01 09:00:32 -07:00
< textarea id = "instruct_separator_sequence" class = "text_pole wide100p textarea_compact autoSetHeight" maxlength = "2000" placeholder = "—" rows = "1" > < / textarea >
2023-08-25 21:04:06 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-25 21:04:06 +02:00
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
2023-09-03 01:52:34 +03:00
< div id = "ContextFormatting" >
2023-08-29 18:04:10 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< h4 > < span data-i18n = "Tokenizer" > Tokenizer< / span >
< a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/core-concepts/advancedformatting/#tokenizer" class = "notes-link" target = "_blank" >
< span class = "note-link-span" > ?< / span >
< / a >
< / h4 >
< select id = "tokenizer" >
2023-08-04 14:17:05 +03:00
< option value = "99" > Best match (recommended)< / option >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< option value = "0" > None / Estimated< / option >
2023-08-27 18:27:34 +03:00
< option value = "1" > GPT-2< / option >
2023-08-27 22:14:39 +03:00
<!-- Option #2 was a legacy GPT - 2/3 tokenizer -->
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< option value = "3" > Sentencepiece (LLaMA)< / option >
2023-07-27 23:47:29 +03:00
< option value = "4" > NerdStash (NovelAI Clio)< / option >
2023-07-28 21:45:44 +03:00
< option value = "5" > NerdStash v2 (NovelAI Kayra)< / option >
2023-08-24 20:19:57 +03:00
< option value = "6" > API (WebUI / koboldcpp)< / option >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / select >
< / div >
2023-08-29 18:04:10 +03:00
< div class = "range-block" data-newbie-hidden >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Token Padding" > Token Padding< / span >
< a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/core-concepts/advancedformatting/#token-padding" class = "notes-link" target = "_blank" >
< span class = "note-link-span" > ?< / span >
< / a >
< / div >
< input id = "token_padding" class = "text_pole textarea_compact" type = "number" min = "-2048" max = "2048" / >
< / div >
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "always-force-name2-checkbox" >
< input id = "always-force-name2-checkbox" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Always add character's name to prompt" >
Always add character's name to prompt
< / span >
< / label >
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "collapse-newlines-checkbox" > < input id = "collapse-newlines-checkbox" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Remove Empty New Lines from Output" >
Remove Empty New Lines from Output
< / span >
< / label >
2023-08-29 18:04:10 +03:00
< label data-newbie-hidden class = "checkbox_label" for = "trim_spaces" >
2023-08-17 22:47:34 +03:00
< input id = "trim_spaces" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Trim spaces" > Trim spaces< / span >
< / label >
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "trim_sentences_checkbox" >
< input id = "trim_sentences_checkbox" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Trim Incomplete Sentences" > Trim Incomplete Sentences< / span >
< / label >
<!-- Add margin since this is a child of above -->
2023-08-29 18:04:10 +03:00
< label data-newbie-hidden class = "checkbox_label indent20p" for = "include_newline_checkbox" >
2023-08-17 22:47:34 +03:00
< input id = "include_newline_checkbox" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Include Newline" > Include Newline< / span >
< / label >
2023-08-29 18:04:10 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< h4 >
< span data-i18n = "Start Reply With" >
Start Reply With
< / span >
< / h4 >
< div >
< textarea id = "start_reply_with" rows = "2" class = "text_pole textarea_compact" data-i18n = "[placeholder]AI reply prefix" placeholder = "AI reply prefix" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "chat-show-reply-prefix-checkbox" > < input id = "chat-show-reply-prefix-checkbox" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Show reply prefix in chat" >
Show reply prefix in chat
< / span >
< / label >
2023-08-21 17:10:42 +03:00
< div >
< h4 data-i18n = "Non-markdown strings" >
Non-markdown strings
< / h4 >
< div >
< input id = "markdown_escape_strings" class = "text_pole textarea_compact" type = "text" data-i18n = "[placeholder]separate with commas w/o space between" placeholder = "separate with commas w/o space between" maxlength = "100" / >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< h4 >
2023-08-25 23:36:37 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title justifyLeft" >
< span data-i18n = "Custom Stopping Strings" >
Custom Stopping Strings
< / span >
< a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/core-concepts/advancedformatting/#custom-stopping-strings" class = "notes-link" target = "_blank" >
< span class = "note-link-span" > ?< / span >
< / a >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div >
< small >
< span data-i18n = "JSON serialized array of strings" > JSON serialized array of strings, for example:< / span > < br >
< span class = "monospace" > ["\n", "\nUser:", "\nChar:"]< / span >
< / small >
< / div >
< / h4 >
< div >
2023-08-19 20:18:39 +03:00
< textarea id = "custom_stopping_strings" rows = "2" class = "text_pole textarea_compact monospace" placeholder = "["Ford", "BMW", "Fiat"]" > < / textarea >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-08-04 16:53:49 +02:00
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "custom_stopping_strings_macro" >
< input id = "custom_stopping_strings_macro" type = "checkbox" checked >
< span data-i18n = "Replace Macro in Custom Stopping Strings" >
Replace Macro in Custom Stopping Strings
< / span >
< / label >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-08-29 18:04:10 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< h4 >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< span data-i18n = "Auto-Continue" > Auto-Continue< / span >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / h4 >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container" >
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "auto_continue_enabled" >
< input id = "auto_continue_enabled" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Enabled" >
< / span >
2023-09-15 21:34:41 +03:00
< / label >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "auto_continue_allow_chat_completions" >
< input id = "auto_continue_allow_chat_completions" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Allow for Chat Completion APIs" >
Allow for Chat Completion APIs
< / span >
< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "auto_continue_settings_block" >
< label for = "auto_continue_target_length" >
< span data-i18n = "Target length (tokens)" > Target length (tokens)< / span >
< input id = "auto_continue_target_length" type = "number" class = "text_pole textarea_compact" min = "0" max = "1024" / >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / label >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "WI-SP-button" class = "drawer" >
< div class = "drawer-toggle drawer-header" >
< div id = "WIDrawerIcon" class = "drawer-icon fa-solid fa-book-atlas closedIcon " title = "World Info & Soft Prompts" data-i18n = "[title]World Info & Soft Prompts" > < / div >
< / div >
< div id = "WorldInfo" class = "drawer-content closedDrawer" >
< div id = "WorldInfoheader" class = "fa-solid fa-grip drag-grabber" > < / div >
< div id = "WI_panel_pin_div" class = "flex-container alignitemscenter gap10px" title = "Locked = World Editor will stay open" data-i18n = "[title]Locked = World Editor will stay open" >
< input type = "checkbox" id = "WI_panel_pin" >
< label for = "WI_panel_pin" >
< div class = "unchecked fa-solid fa-unlock " > < / div >
< div class = "checked fa-solid fa-lock " > < / div >
< / label >
2023-10-14 01:09:53 +09:00
< h3 class = "margin0" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< span data-i18n = "Worlds/Lorebooks" > Worlds/Lorebooks< / span >
< a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/core-concepts/worldinfo/" class = "notes-link" target = "_blank" >
< span class = "note-link-span" > ?< / span >
< / a >
< / h3 >
< / div >
< div id = "wi-holder" class = "margin5" >
< div class = "justifyContentSpaceAround wi-settings flex-container gap10px alignitemscenter" >
< div id = "WIMultiSelector" class = "flex2 flex alignSelfStart range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title justifyLeft" >
2023-08-10 20:45:57 +03:00
< span data-i18n = "Active World(s) for all chats" > < small > Active World(s) for all chats< / small > < / span >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< select id = "world_info" multiple >
< option value = "" >
< span data-i18n = "-- World Info not found --" > -- World Info not found --< / span >
< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "flex2 flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
2023-08-29 21:26:57 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "flex range-block" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-title justifyLeft" >
< label for = "world_info_character_strategy" >
< span data-i18n = "Character Lore Insertion Strategy" > < small > Character Lore Insertion Strategy< / small > < / span >
< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< select id = "world_info_character_strategy" class = "flexGrow margin0" >
< option value = "0" data-i18n = "Sorted Evenly" > Sorted Evenly< / option >
< option value = "1" data-i18n = "Character Lore First" > Character Lore First< / option >
< option value = "2" data-i18n = "Global Lore First" > Global Lore First< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< / div >
< div name = "WIScanAndTokens" class = "flex1 flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
2023-08-29 21:26:57 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "flex1 gap5px range-block" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "wide10pMinFit" >
< small data-i18n = "Scan Depth" > Scan Depth< / small >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range paddingLeftRight5" >
2023-09-25 19:29:24 +03:00
< input type = "range" id = "world_info_depth" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "100" step = "1" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter margin0" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "world_info_depth" id = "world_info_depth_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "flex1 gap5px range-block" >
< div class = "wide10pMinFit" >
2023-08-10 20:45:57 +03:00
< small data-i18n = "Context %" > Context %< / small >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter " >
< div class = "range-block-range paddingLeftRight5" >
< input type = "range" id = "world_info_budget" name = "volume" min = "1" max = "100" step = "1" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter margin0" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "world_info_budget" id = "world_info_budget_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-10 20:45:57 +03:00
2023-08-29 21:26:57 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "flex1 gap5px range-block" >
2023-08-10 20:45:57 +03:00
< div class = "wide10pMinFit" >
< small data-i18n = "Budget Cap" > Budget Cap< / small >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter " >
< div class = "range-block-range paddingLeftRight5" >
2023-08-26 21:29:54 +03:00
< input type = "range" id = "world_info_budget_cap" name = "volume" min = "0" max = "8192" step = "1" >
2023-08-10 20:45:57 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter margin0" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "world_info_budget_cap" id = "world_info_budget_cap_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "budget_cap_note" >
< small data-i18n = "(0 = disabled)" > (0 = disabled)< / small >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
2023-10-06 05:27:36 +09:00
< div id = "worldInfoScanningCheckboxes" data-newbie-hidden class = "alignitemsflexstart flex1 flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
< label title = "Entries can activate other entries by mentioning their keywords" data-i18n = "[title]Entries can activate other entries by mentioning their keywords" class = "checkbox_label flex1" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< input id = "world_info_recursive" type = "checkbox" / >
2023-10-06 05:27:36 +09:00
< small data-i18n = "Recursive Scan" class = "whitespacenowrap flex1" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
Recursive Scan
< / small >
< / label >
2023-10-06 05:27:36 +09:00
< label title = "Lookup for the entry keys in the context will respect the case" data-i18n = "[title]Lookup for the entry keys in the context will respect the case" class = "checkbox_label flex1" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< input id = "world_info_case_sensitive" type = "checkbox" / >
2023-10-06 05:27:36 +09:00
< small data-i18n = "Case Sensitive" class = "whitespacenowrap flex1" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / small >
< / label >
2023-10-06 05:27:36 +09:00
< label title = "If the entry key consists of only one word, it would not be matched as part of other words" data-i18n = "[title]If the entry key consists of only one word, it would not be matched as part of other words" class = "checkbox_label flex1" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< input id = "world_info_match_whole_words" type = "checkbox" / >
2023-10-06 05:27:36 +09:00
< small data-i18n = "Match whole words" class = "whitespacenowrap flex1" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
Match whole words
< / small >
< / label >
2023-10-06 05:27:36 +09:00
< label title = "Alert if your world info is greater than the allocated budget." data-i18n = "[title]Alert if your world info is greater than the allocated budget." class = "checkbox_label flex1" >
2023-08-03 13:21:38 +09:00
< input id = "world_info_overflow_alert" type = "checkbox" / >
2023-10-06 05:27:36 +09:00
< small data-i18n = "Alert On Overflow" class = "whitespacenowrap flex1" >
2023-08-03 13:21:38 +09:00
Alert On Overflow
< / small >
< / label >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-10-17 13:09:46 +03:00
< div id = "WIInputWidthReference" style = "display:none; height:1px;" > 10000< / div >
2023-10-06 05:55:39 +09:00
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div id = "world_popup" >
< hr >
2023-10-08 12:30:12 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container alignitemscenter gap3px" >
2023-08-22 01:51:31 +03:00
< input type = "file" id = "world_import_file" accept = ".json,.lorebook,.png" name = "avatar" hidden >
< div id = "world_create_button" class = "menu_button menu_button_icon" >
< i class = "fa-solid fa-globe" > < / i >
2023-10-05 21:13:18 +03:00
< span data-i18n = "New" > New< / span >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-08-22 01:51:31 +03:00
< small data-i18n = "or" > or< / small >
< select id = "world_editor_select" class = "margin0" >
< option value = "" data-i18n = "--- Pick to Edit ---" > --- Pick to Edit ---< / option >
< / select >
< div id = "world_popup_name_button" class = "menu_button fa-pencil fa-solid" title = "Rename World Info" data-i18n = "[title]Rename World Info" > < / div >
< div id = "OpenAllWIEntries" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-expand" title = "Open all Entries" data-i18n = "[title]Open all Entries" > < / div >
< div id = "CloseAllWIEntries" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-compress" title = "Close all Entries" data-i18n = "[title]Close all Entries" > < / div >
< div id = "world_popup_new" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-plus" title = "New Entry" data-i18n = "[title]New Entry" > < / div >
2023-10-06 00:13:16 +03:00
< div id = "world_backfill_memos" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-notes-medical" title = "Fill empty Memo/Titles with Keywords" data-i18n = "[title]Fill empty Memo/Titles with Keywords" > < / div >
2023-08-22 01:51:31 +03:00
< div id = "world_import_button" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-file-import" title = "Import World Info" data-i18n = "[title]Import World Info" > < / div >
< div id = "world_popup_export" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-file-export" title = "Export World Info" data-i18n = "[title]Export World Info" > < / div >
< div id = "world_popup_delete" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-trash-can redWarningBG" title = "Delete World Info" data-i18n = "[title]Delete World Info" > < / div >
< input type = "search" class = "text_pole textarea_compact" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Search..." id = "world_info_search" placeholder = "Search..." >
2023-10-05 21:13:18 +03:00
< select id = "world_info_sort_order" class = "margin0" >
2023-10-05 23:30:18 +03:00
< option data-rule = "priority" value = "0" > Priority< / option >
< option data-order = "asc" data-field = "comment" value = "1" > Title A-Z< / option >
< option data-order = "desc" data-field = "comment" value = "2" > Title Z-A< / option >
< option data-order = "asc" data-field = "content" data-rule = "length" value = "3" > Tokens ↗< / option >
< option data-order = "desc" data-field = "content" data-rule = "length" value = "4" > Tokens ↘< / option >
2023-10-05 21:13:18 +03:00
< option data-order = "asc" data-field = "depth" value = "5" > Depth ↗< / option >
< option data-order = "desc" data-field = "depth" value = "6" > Depth ↘< / option >
< option data-order = "asc" data-field = "order" value = "7" > Order ↗< / option >
< option data-order = "desc" data-field = "order" value = "8" > Order ↘< / option >
< option data-order = "asc" data-field = "uid" value = "9" > UID ↗< / option >
< option data-order = "desc" data-field = "uid" value = "10" > UID ↘< / option >
2023-10-05 23:30:18 +03:00
< option data-order = "asc" data-field = "probability" value = "11" > Trigger% ↗< / option >
< option data-order = "desc" data-field = "probability" value = "12" > Trigger% ↘< / option >
2023-10-05 21:13:18 +03:00
< / select >
2023-10-08 12:30:12 +03:00
< div id = "world_refresh" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-arrows-rotate" title = "Refresh" data-i18n = "[title]Refresh" > < / div >
2023-08-22 01:51:31 +03:00
< div id = "world_info_pagination" > < / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div id = "world_popup_entries_list" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "user-settings-button" class = "drawer" >
< div class = "drawer-toggle" >
< div class = "drawer-icon fa-solid fa-user-cog closedIcon" title = "User Settings" data-i18n = "[title]User Settings" > < / div >
< / div >
< div id = "user-settings-block" class = "drawer-content closedDrawer" >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
< div name = "userSettingsRowOne" class = "flex-container flexFlowRow alignitemscenter spaceBetween" >
< div class = "flex-container" >
< div class = "flex-container flexnowrap alignitemscenter" >
2023-10-14 01:09:53 +09:00
< h3 class = "margin0" > < span data-i18n = "User Settings" > User Settings< / span > < / h3 >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< select id = "ui_mode_select" class = "margin0 widthNatural" >
2023-09-27 00:52:49 -06:00
< option value = "0" data-i18n = "Simple" > Simple< / option >
< option value = "1" data-i18n = "Advanced" > Advanced< / option >
2023-09-22 22:16:24 +09:00
< / select >
< / div >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< / div >
< div id = "UI-language-block" class = "flex-container alignitemscenter" >
< span data-i18n = "UI Language" > Language:< / span >
< select id = "ui_language_select" class = "widthNatural flex1 margin0" >
< option value = "" data-i18n = "Default" > Default< / option >
< option value = "en" > en< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< small id = "version_display" > < / small >
< / div >
< div name = "UserSettingsRowTwo" class = "flex-container flexFlowRow" >
< textarea id = "settingsSearch" class = "textarea_compact wide100p" rows = "1" placeholder = "Search Settings" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "user-settings-block-content" class = "flex-container spaceEvenly" >
< div name = "UserSettingsFirstColumn" id = "UI-Theme-Block" class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn wide100p" >
< div id = "UI-presets-block" class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
< h4 >
< span data-i18n = "UI Theme Preset" > Theme Preset< / span >
< / h4 >
< div class = "flex-container flexnowrap alignitemscenter" >
< select id = "themes" class = "margin0" >
< / select >
< div id = "ui-preset-save-button" title = "Save changes to a new theme file" data-i18n = "[title]Save changes to a new theme file" class = "menu_button margin0" >
< i class = "fa-solid fa-save" > < / i >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div name = "themeElements" data-newbie-hidden class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn flexNoGap" >
< h4 > < span data-i18n = "UI Colors" > Theme Settings< / span > < / h4 >
< div name = "AvatarAndChatDisplay" class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
< div class = "flex-container" >
< span data-i18n = "Avatar Style" > Avatars:< / span >
< select id = "avatar_style" class = "widthNatural flex1 margin0" >
< option value = "0" data-i18n = "Circle" > Circle< / option >
< option value = "1" data-i18n = "Rectangle" > Rectangle< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< div class = "flex-container" >
< span data-i18n = "Chat Style:" > Chat Style:< / span > < br >
< select id = "chat_display" class = "widthNatural flex1 margin0" >
< option value = "0" data-i18n = "Default" > Flat< / span >
< option value = "1" data-i18n = "Bubbles" > Bubbles< / option >
< option value = "2" data-i18n = "Document" > Document< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "color-picker-block" class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn flexNoGap" >
2023-08-29 18:04:10 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container" >
< toolcool-color-picker id = "main-text-color-picker" > < / toolcool-color-picker >
< span data-i18n = "Main Text" > Main Text< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "flex-container" >
< toolcool-color-picker id = "italics-color-picker" > < / toolcool-color-picker >
< span data-i18n = "Italics Text" > Italics Text< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "flex-container" >
< toolcool-color-picker id = "quote-color-picker" > < / toolcool-color-picker >
< span data-i18n = "Quote Text" > Quote Text< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "flex-container" >
< toolcool-color-picker id = "shadow-color-picker" > < / toolcool-color-picker >
< span data-i18n = "Shadow Color" > Text Shadow< / span >
< / div >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container" >
< toolcool-color-picker id = "chat-tint-color-picker" > < / toolcool-color-picker >
< span data-i18n = "Chat Background" > Chat Background< / span >
< / div >
2023-08-29 18:04:10 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container" >
< toolcool-color-picker id = "blur-tint-color-picker" > < / toolcool-color-picker >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< span data-i18n = "UI Background" > UI Background< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "flex-container" >
< toolcool-color-picker id = "border-color-picker" > < / toolcool-color-picker >
< span data-i18n = "UI Border" > UI Border< / span >
2023-09-16 15:42:26 +09:00
< / div >
2023-08-29 18:04:10 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container" >
< toolcool-color-picker id = "user-mes-blur-tint-color-picker" > < / toolcool-color-picker >
< span data-i18n = "User Message Blur Tint" > User Message< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "flex-container" >
< toolcool-color-picker id = "bot-mes-blur-tint-color-picker" > < / toolcool-color-picker >
< span data-i18n = "AI Message Blur Tint" > AI Message< / span >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden name = "FontBlurChatWidthBlock" class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn flexNoGap" >
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Chat Width (PC)" >
Chat Width (PC)
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input id = "chat_width_slider" class = "wide100p" type = "range" min = "25" max = "100" step = "1" value = "50" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "chat_width_slider" id = "chat_width_slider_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div id = "font-scale-block" class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Font Scale" >
Font Scale
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< input type = "range" id = "font_scale" name = "font_scale" min = "0.8" max = "1.2" step = "0.01" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "font_scale" id = "font_scale_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "blur-strength-block" class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Blur Strength" >
Blur Strength
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "blur_strength" name = "blur_strength" min = "0" max = "30" step = "1" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "blur_strength" id = "blur_strength_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "shadow-width-block" class = "range-block" >
< div class = "range-block-title" data-i18n = "Text Shadow Width" >
Text Shadow Width
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "shadow_width" name = "shadow_width" min = "0" max = "5" step = "1" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "shadow_width" id = "shadow_width_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< div name = "UserSettingsSecondColumn" id = "UI-Customization" class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn wide100p" >
< div name = "themeToggles" >
< h4 data-i18n = "Theme Toggles" > Theme Toggles< / h4 >
< label data-newbie-hidden for = "fast_ui_mode" class = "checkbox_label" title = "removes blur from window backgrounds" data-i18n = "[title]removes blur from window backgrounds" >
< input id = "fast_ui_mode" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "No Blur Effect" > No Blur Effect< / span >
< / label >
< label data-newbie-hidden for = "noShadowsmode" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "noShadowsmode" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "No Text Shadows" > No Text Shadows< / span >
< / label >
< label for = "waifuMode" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "waifuMode" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Waifu Mode" > Visual Novel Mode< / span >
< / label >
< label data-newbie-hidden for = "expandMessageActions" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "expandMessageActions" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Auto-Expand Message Actions" > Expand Message Actions< / span >
< / label >
< label data-newbie-hidden for = "messageTimerEnabled" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "messageTimerEnabled" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Message Timer" > Message Timer< / span >
< / label >
< label data-newbie-hidden for = "messageTimestampsEnabled" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "messageTimestampsEnabled" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Chat Timestamps" > Chat Timestamps< / span >
< / label >
< label data-newbie-hidden for = "messageModelIconEnabled" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "messageModelIconEnabled" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Model Icon" > Model Icons< / span >
< / label >
< label data-newbie-hidden for = "mesIDDisplayEnabled" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "mesIDDisplayEnabled" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Message IDs" > Message IDs< / span >
< / label >
< label data-newbie-hidden for = "messageTokensEnabled" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "messageTokensEnabled" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Show Message Token Count" > Message Token Count< / span >
< / label >
< label data-newbie-hidden for = "hotswapEnabled" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "hotswapEnabled" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Characters Hotswap" > Characters Hotswap< / span >
< / label >
< / div >
< h4 > < span data-i18n = "Miscellaneous" > Miscellaneous< / span > < / h4 >
< div >
< label for = "play_message_sound" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "play_message_sound" type = "checkbox" / >
< audio id = "audio_message_sound" src = "sounds/message.mp3" hidden > < / audio >
< span >
< span data-i18n = "Message Sound" > Message Sound< / span >
< a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/core-concepts/uicustomization/#message-sound" class = "notes-link" target = "_blank" >
< span class = "note-link-span" > ?< / span >
< / a >
< / span >
< / label >
< label for = "play_sound_unfocused" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "play_sound_unfocused" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Background Sound Only" > Background Sound Only< / span >
< / label >
< label data-newbie-hidden class = "checkbox_label" for = "relaxed_api_urls" title = "Reduce the formatting requirements on API URLS" >
< input id = "relaxed_api_urls" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Relaxed API URLS" > Relaxed API URLs< / span >
< / label >
2023-10-10 20:47:54 +03:00
< label data-newbie-hidden class = "checkbox_label" for = "world_import_dialog" title = "Ask to import the World Info/Lorebook for every new character with embedded lorebook. If unchecked, a brief message will be shown instead." >
2023-10-11 00:08:08 +09:00
< input id = "world_import_dialog" type = "checkbox" / >
2023-10-10 20:47:54 +03:00
< span data-i18n = "Lorebook Import Dialog" > Lorebook Import Dialog< / span >
2023-10-11 00:08:08 +09:00
< / label >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< label data-newbie-hidden id = "movingUIModeCheckBlock" for = "movingUImode" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "movingUImode" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Movable UI Panels" > MovingUI< / span >
< / label >
< div data-newbie-hidden id = "MovingUI-presets-block" class = "flex-container alignitemscenter" >
< div class = "flex-container alignitemscenter" >
< span > MUI Preset:< / span >
< div class = "flex-container flexnowrap" >
< select id = "movingUIPresets" class = "widthNatural flex1 margin0" >
< / select >
< div id = "movingui-preset-save-button" title = "Save changes to a new MovingUI preset file" data-i18n = "[title]Save movingUI changes to a new file" class = "menu_button margin0" >
< i class = "fa-solid fa-save" > < / i >
< / div >
2023-09-27 00:52:49 -06:00
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div id = "movingUIreset" class = "menu_button whitespacenowrap" data-i18n = "Reset Panels" >
Reset MovingUI
< / div >
< div data-newbie-hidden id = "CustomCSS-block" class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
2023-09-22 21:49:30 +03:00
< h4 >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< span data-i18n = "Custom CSS" > Custom CSS< / span >
2023-09-22 21:49:30 +03:00
< / h4 >
< div class = "flex-container flexnowrap alignitemscenter" >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< textarea id = "customCSS" class = "text_pole margin0 margin-r5 textarea_compact monospace" > < / textarea >
2023-09-22 21:49:30 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
2023-09-22 22:16:24 +09:00
< / div >
< / div >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div name = "UserSettingsThirdColumn" id = "power-user-options-block" class = "flex-container wide100p" >
< div id = "power-user-option-checkboxes" >
< div data-newbie-hidden name = "CharacterHandlingToggles" >
2023-10-20 20:09:31 +03:00
< h4 data-i18n = "Character Handling" >
Character Handling
< / h4 >
< div data-newbie-hidden id = "examples-behavior-block" >
< label data-i18n = "Example Messages Behavior" >
Example Messages Behavior:
< / label >
< select id = "example_messages_behavior" >
< option value = "normal" > Gradual push-out< / option >
< option value = "keep" > Always include examples< / option >
< option value = "strip" > Never include examples< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< label data-newbie-hidden class = "checkbox_label" for = "fuzzy_search_checkbox" >
< input id = "fuzzy_search_checkbox" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Advanced Character Search" > Advanced Character Search< / span >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / label >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< label data-newbie-hidden for = "prefer_character_prompt" title = "If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead." data-i18n = "[title]If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead." class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "prefer_character_prompt" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Prefer Character Card Prompt" > Prefer Char. Prompt< / span >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / label >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< label data-newbie-hidden for = "prefer_character_jailbreak" title = "If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead." data-i18n = "[title]If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead." class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "prefer_character_jailbreak" type = "checkbox" / >
2023-10-07 18:25:36 +02:00
< span data-i18n = "Prefer Character Card Jailbreak" > Prefer Char. Jailbreak< / span >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / label >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< label data-newbie-hidden class = "checkbox_label" for = "never_resize_avatars" >
< input id = "never_resize_avatars" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Never resize avatars" > Never resize avatars< / span >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / label >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< label data-newbie-hidden class = "checkbox_label" for = "show_card_avatar_urls" >
< input id = "show_card_avatar_urls" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Show avatar filenames" > Show avatar filenames< / span >
2023-09-14 15:23:51 +03:00
< / label >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< label data-newbie-hidden class = "checkbox_label" for = "import_card_tags" >
< input id = "import_card_tags" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Import Card Tags" > Import Card Tags< / span >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / label >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< label data-newbie-hidden class = "checkbox_label" for = "spoiler_free_mode" >
< input id = "spoiler_free_mode" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Spoiler Free Mode" > Spoiler Free Mode< / span >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / label >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< / div >
2023-09-27 00:52:49 -06:00
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div name = "ChatMessageHandlingToggles" >
< h4 > Chat/Message Handling< / h4 >
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "flex-container alignitemscenter" >
< span data-i18n = "Send on Enter" >
Enter to Send:
< / span >
< select id = "send_on_enter" class = "widthNatural flex1 margin0" >
< option value = "-1" data-i18n = "Disabled" > Disabled< / option >
< option value = "0" data-i18n = "Automatic (PC)" > Automatic (PC)< / option >
< option value = "1" data-i18n = "Enabled" > Enabled< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< label data-newbie-hidden class = "checkbox_label" for = "continue_on_send" >
< input id = "continue_on_send" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Press Send to continue" >
"Send" to Continue
< / span >
2023-08-13 18:43:16 -04:00
< / label >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "quick_continue" >
< input id = "quick_continue" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Press Send to continue" >
Quick "Continue" button
< / span >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / label >
2023-10-23 10:54:17 +09:00
< div class = "checkbox-container flex-container" >
< label data-newbie-hidden class = "checkbox_label" for = "swipes-checkbox" >
< input id = "swipes-checkbox" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Swipes" > Swipes< / span >
< / label >
< label data-newbie-hidden class = "checkbox_label" for = "gestures-checkbox" >
< input id = "gestures-checkbox" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Gestures" > Gestures< / span >
< / label >
< / div >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "auto-load-chat-checkbox" >
< input id = "auto-load-chat-checkbox" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Auto-load Last Chat" > Auto-load Last Chat< / span >
2023-08-31 17:10:01 +03:00
< / label >
2023-08-29 18:04:10 +03:00
< label data-newbie-hidden for = "auto_scroll_chat_to_bottom" class = "checkbox_label" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< input id = "auto_scroll_chat_to_bottom" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Auto-scroll Chat" > Auto-scroll Chat< / span >
< / label >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< label data-newbie-hidden class = "checkbox_label" for = "auto_save_msg_edits" >
< input id = "auto_save_msg_edits" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Auto-save Message Edits" > Auto-save Message Edits< / span >
2023-09-22 22:16:24 +09:00
< / label >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< label data-newbie-hidden class = "checkbox_label" for = "confirm_message_delete" >
< input id = "confirm_message_delete" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Confirm message deletion" > Confirm message deletion< / span >
< / label >
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "auto_fix_generated_markdown" >
< input id = "auto_fix_generated_markdown" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Auto-fix Markdown" > Auto-fix Markdown< / span >
< / label >
< label data-newbie-hidden class = "checkbox_label" for = "render_formulas" >
< input id = "render_formulas" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Render Formulas" > Render Formulas< / span >
< a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/core-concepts/uicustomization/#formulas-rendering" class = "notes-link" target = "_blank" >
< span class = "note-link-span" > ?< / span >
< / a >
< / label >
< label data-newbie-hidden class = "checkbox_label" for = "allow_name2_display" >
< input id = "allow_name2_display" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Allow {{char}}: in bot messages" > Show {{char}}: in responses< / span >
< / label >
< label data-newbie-hidden class = "checkbox_label" for = "allow_name1_display" >
< input id = "allow_name1_display" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Allow {{user}}: in bot messages" > Show {{user}}: in responses< / span >
< / label >
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "encode_tags" >
< input id = "encode_tags" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Show tags in responses" > Show < tags> in responses< / span >
< / label >
< label data-newbie-hidden class = "checkbox_label" for = "disable_group_trimming" title = "Allow AI messages in groups to contain lines spoken by other group members." >
< input id = "disable_group_trimming" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Relax message trim in Groups" > Relax message trim in Groups< / span >
< / label >
< label data-newbie-hidden class = "checkbox_label" for = "console_log_prompts" >
< input id = "console_log_prompts" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Log prompts to console" > Log prompts to console< / span >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / label >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "inline-drawer wide100p flexFlowColumn" >
< div class = "inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header" >
< b > < span data-i18n = "Auto-swipe" > Auto-swipe< / span > < / b >
< div class = "fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down inline-drawer-icon down" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer-content" >
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "auto_swipe" >
< input id = "auto_swipe" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Enabled" > Enabled< / span >
< / label >
< div data-i18n = "Minimum generated message length" > Minimum generated message length< / div >
< input id = "auto_swipe_minimum_length" name = "auto_swipe_minimum_length" type = "number" min = "0" step = "1" value = "0" class = "text_pole" >
< div data-i18n = "Blacklisted words" > Blacklisted words< / div >
< div class = "auto_swipe" >
< textarea id = "auto_swipe_blacklist" name = "auto_swipe_blacklist" data-i18n = "[placeholder]words you dont want generated separated by comma ','" placeholder = "words you dont want generated separated by comma ','" class = "text_pole textarea_compact" maxlength = "5000" value = "" autocomplete = "off" rows = "3" > < / textarea >
< div data-i18n = "Blacklisted word count to swipe" > Blacklisted word count to swipe< / div >
< input id = "auto_swipe_blacklist_threshold" name = "auto_swipe_blacklist_threshold" type = "number" min = "0" step = "1" value = "1" class = "text_pole" >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 18:04:10 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden class = "flex-container" >
2023-08-27 23:20:43 +03:00
< div id = "reload_chat" class = "menu_button whitespacenowrap" data-i18n = "Reload Chat" >
Reload Chat
< / div >
< div id = "debug_menu" class = "menu_button whitespacenowrap" data-i18n = "Debug Menu" >
Debug Menu
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-10-21 21:10:08 +03:00
< div id = "logo_block" class = "drawer" >
< div id = "site_logo" class = "drawer-toggle drawer-header" title = "Change Background Image" data-i18n = "[title]Change Background Image" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "drawer-icon fa-solid fa-panorama closedIcon" > < / div >
< / div >
2023-10-21 01:40:58 +03:00
< div id = "Backgrounds" class = "drawer-content closedDrawer" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container" >
2023-10-21 01:40:58 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container wide100p" >
< input id = "bg-filter" placeholder = "Filter" class = "text_pole flex1" type = "search" / >
< div id = "auto_background" class = "menu_button menu_button_icon" title = "Automatically select a background based on the chat context." >
< i class = "fa-solid fa-wand-magic" > < / i >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-10-21 17:43:25 +03:00
< h3 data-i18n = "System Backgrounds" class = "wide100p textAlignCenter" >
2023-10-21 01:40:58 +03:00
System Backgrounds
< / h3 >
2023-10-21 17:43:25 +03:00
< div id = "bg_menu_content" class = "bg_list" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< form id = "form_bg_download" class = "bg_example no-border no-shadow" action = "javascript:void(null);" method = "post" enctype = "multipart/form-data" >
< label class = "input-file" >
< input type = "file" id = "add_bg_button" name = "avatar" accept = "image/png, image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/gif, image/bmp" >
< div class = "bg_example no-border no-shadow add_bg_but" style = "background-image: url('/img/addbg3.png');" > < / div >
< / label >
< / form >
< / div >
2023-10-21 17:43:25 +03:00
< h3 data-i18n = "Chat Backgrounds" class = "wide100p textAlignCenter" >
Chat Backgrounds
< / h3 >
< div id = "bg_chat_hint" class = "wide100p textAlignCenter" >
Chat backgrounds generated with the < code > < i class = "fa-solid fa-paintbrush" > < / i > Stable Diffusion< / code > extension will appear here.
< / div >
< div id = "bg_custom_content" class = "bg_list" >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "extensions-settings-button" class = "drawer" >
< div class = "drawer-toggle" >
< div class = "drawer-icon fa-solid fa-cubes closedIcon" title = "Extensions" data-i18n = "[title]Extensions" > < / div >
< / div >
< div id = "rm_extensions_block" class = "drawer-content closedDrawer" >
< div class = "extensions_block flex-container" >
< div class = "alignitemscenter flex-container justifyCenter wide100p" style = "justify-content: space-between;" >
2023-10-23 16:53:31 +03:00
< h3 class = "margin0" data-i18n = "Extras API:" > Extras API:
< a target = "_blank" href = "https://github.com/SillyTavern/SillyTavern-Extras" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / a >
< / h3 >
< div class = "flex-container" >
2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00
< div id = "extensions_status" data-i18n = "Not connected..." > Not connected...< / div >
2023-10-23 16:53:31 +03:00
< label for = "extensions_autoconnect" class = "checkbox_label flexNoGap" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< input id = "extensions_autoconnect" type = "checkbox" >
< span data-i18n = "Auto-connect" > Auto-connect< / span >
< / label >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "alignitemsflexstart flex-container wide100p" >
< input id = "extensions_url" type = "text" class = "flex1 heightFitContent text_pole widthNatural" maxlength = "250" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Extensions URL" placeholder = "Extensions URL" >
2023-10-23 16:53:31 +03:00
< input id = "extensions_api_key" type = "text" class = "flex1 heightFitContent text_pole widthNatural" maxlength = "250" data-i18n = "[placeholder]API key" placeholder = "Extras API key (optional)" >
2023-09-02 18:32:33 +03:00
< div class = "extensions_url_block" >
< div id = "extensions_connect" class = "menu_button" data-i18n = "Connect" > Connect< / div >
2023-10-23 16:53:31 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< hr class = "wide100p" >
< div class = "alignitemscenter flex-container wide100p" >
< h3 class = "margin0 flex1" data-i18n = "Extensions" >
< / h3 >
< label for = "extensions_notify_updates" class = "checkbox_label flexNoGap" >
< input id = "extensions_notify_updates" type = "checkbox" >
< span data-i18n = "Notify on extension updates" > Notify on extension updates< / span >
< / label >
< div id = "extensions_details" class = "menu_button_icon menu_button" >
< i class = "fa-solid fa-cubes" > < / i >
Manage extensions
< / div >
< div id = "third_party_extension_button" title = "Import Extension From Git Repo" class = "menu_button menu_button_icon" >
< i class = "fa-solid fa-cloud-arrow-down" > < / i >
Install extension
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "extensions_settings" class = "flex1 wide50p" >
< / div >
< div id = "extensions_settings2" class = "flex1 wide50p" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "persona-management-button" class = "drawer" >
< div class = "drawer-toggle" >
< div class = "drawer-icon fa-solid fa-face-smile closedIcon" title = "Persona Management" data-i18n = "[title]Persona Management" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "drawer-content closedDrawer" >
< div class = "flex-container wide100p alignitemscenter spaceBetween" >
2023-10-14 01:09:53 +09:00
< h3 class = "margin0" > < span data-i18n = "Persona Management" > Persona Management< / span > < / h3 >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/core-concepts/personas/" target = "_blank" data-i18n = "How do I use this?" > How do I use this?< / a >
< div id = "persona-management-block" class = "flex-container wide100p" >
< div class = "flex1" >
< h4 data-i18n = "Name" > Name< / h4 >
< div class = "change_name" >
< input id = "your_name" name = "your_name" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Enter your name" placeholder = "Enter your name" class = "text_pole wide100p" maxlength = "50" value = "" autocomplete = "off" >
< div id = "your_name_button" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-check" title = "Click to set a new User Name" data-i18n = "[title]Click to set a new User Name" >
< / div >
< div id = "lock_user_name" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-unlock" title = "Click to lock your selected persona to the current chat. Click again to remove the lock." data-i18n = "[title]Click to lock your selected persona to the current chat. Click again to remove the lock." >
< / div >
< div id = "sync_name_button" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-sync" title = "Click to set user name for all messages" data-i18n = "[title]Click to set user name for all messages" >
< / div >
< / div >
< div >
< h4 data-i18n = "Persona Description" > Persona Description< / h4 >
2023-08-22 18:32:18 +03:00
< textarea id = "persona_description" name = "persona_description" placeholder = "Example: [{{user}} is a 28-year-old Romanian cat girl.]" class = "text_pole textarea_compact" maxlength = "5000" value = "" autocomplete = "off" rows = "8" > < / textarea >
< div class = "extension_token_counter" >
Tokens: < span id = "persona_description_token_count" > 0< / span >
< / div >
2023-08-29 21:26:57 +03:00
< div data-newbie-hidden >
< label for = "persona_description_position" data-i18n = "Position:" > Position:< / label >
< select id = "persona_description_position" >
< option value = "0" data-i18n = "In Story String / Prompt Manager" > In Story String / Prompt Manager< / option >
< option value = "2" data-i18n = "Top of Author's Note" > Top of Author's Note< / option >
< option value = "3" data-i18n = "Bottom of Author's Note" > Bottom of Author's Note< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-08-03 14:24:45 +03:00
< div class = "range-block" >
< label for = "persona_show_notifications" class = "checkbox_label" >
< input id = "persona_show_notifications" type = "checkbox" / >
2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00
< span data-i18n = "Show notifications on switching personas" >
2023-08-03 14:24:45 +03:00
Show notifications on switching personas
< / span >
< / label >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "flex1" >
2023-08-02 23:04:52 +03:00
< h4 class = "title_restorable" >
< span data-i18n = "Your Persona" > Your Persona< / span >
2023-08-29 21:26:57 +03:00
< div class = "menu_button menu_button_icon user_stats_button" title = "Click for stats!" >
< i class = "fa-solid fa-ranking-star" > < / i > < span data-i18n = "Usage Stats" > Usage Stats< / span >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div id = "create_dummy_persona" class = "menu_button menu_button_icon" title = "Create a dummy persona" data-i18n = "[title]Create a dummy persona" >
< i class = "fa-solid fa-person-circle-question fa-fw" > < / i >
2023-08-02 23:04:52 +03:00
< span data-i18n = "Blank" > Blank< / span >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / h4 >
< div id = "user_avatar_block" >
< div class = "avatar_upload" > +< / div >
< / div >
< form id = "form_upload_avatar" action = "javascript:void(null);" method = "post" enctype = "multipart/form-data" >
< input type = "file" id = "avatar_upload_file" accept = "image/*" name = "avatar" >
< input type = "hidden" id = "avatar_upload_overwrite" name = "overwrite_name" value = "" >
< / form >
2023-07-21 05:38:55 +09:00
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "rightNavHolder" class = "drawer" >
< div id = "unimportantYes" class = "drawer-toggle drawer-header" >
< div id = "rightNavDrawerIcon" class = "drawer-icon fa-solid fa-address-card closedIcon" title = "Character Management" data-i18n = "[title]Character Management" >
< / div >
< / div >
< nav id = "right-nav-panel" class = "drawer-content closedDrawer fillRight" >
< div id = "right-nav-panelheader" class = "fa-solid fa-grip drag-grabber" >
< / div >
< div id = "CharListButtonAndHotSwaps" class = "flex-container flexnowrap" >
< div class = "flexFlowColumn flex-container" >
< div id = "rm_button_panel_pin_div" class = "alignitemsflexstart" title = "Locked = Character Management panel will stay open" data-i18n = "[title]Locked = Character Management panel will stay open" >
< input type = "checkbox" id = "rm_button_panel_pin" >
< label for = "rm_button_panel_pin" >
< div class = "fa-solid unchecked fa-unlock" alt = "" > < / div >
< div class = "fa-solid checked fa-lock" alt = "" > < / div >
< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "right_menu_button fa-solid fa-list-ul" id = "rm_button_characters" title = "Select/Create Characters" data-i18n = "[title]Select/Create Characters" > < / div >
< / div >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div id = "HotSwapWrapper" class = "alignitemscenter flex-container margin0auto width100p" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "hotswap flex-container flex1" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< hr >
<!-- this div structure must be preserved until group peeking can adjust -->
< div id = "rm_PinAndTabs" >
< div id = "right-nav-panel-tabs" class = "" >
< div id = "rm_button_selected_ch" >
< h2 > < / h2 >
< / div >
2023-08-21 17:00:28 +03:00
< div id = "result_info" class = "flex-container" style = "display: none;" >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div id = "result_info_text" title = "Token counts may be inaccurate and provided just for reference." data-i18n = "[title]Token counts may be inaccurate and provided just for reference." >
< div >
< strong id = "result_info_total_tokens" title = "Total tokens" > Calculating...< / strong > < span data-i18n = "Tokens" > Tokens< / span >
< / div >
< div >
< small title = "Permanent tokens" >
(< span id = "result_info_permanent_tokens" > < / span > < span data-i18n = "Permanent" > Permanent< / span > )
< / small >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-21 17:00:28 +03:00
< a id = "chartokenwarning" class = "right_menu_button fa-solid fa-triangle-exclamation" href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/core-concepts/characterdesign/#character-tokens" target = "_blank" title = "About Token 'Limits'" > < / a >
< i title = "Click for stats!" class = "fa-solid fa-ranking-star right_menu_button rm_stats_button" > < / i >
< i title = "Toggle character info panel" id = "hideCharPanelAvatarButton" class = "fa-solid fa-eye right_menu_button" > < / i >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- end group peeking cope structure -->
< div name = "Solo Char Create/Edit Panel" id = "rm_ch_create_block" class = "right_menu flex-container flexFlowColumn" style = "display: none;" >
< form id = "form_create" action = "javascript:void(null);" method = "post" enctype = "multipart/form-data" >
< div id = "avatar-and-name-block" >
< div id = "name_div" >
< input id = "character_name_pole" name = "ch_name" class = "text_pole" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Name this character" placeholder = "Name this character" maxlength = "50" value = "" autocomplete = "off" >
2023-08-21 15:32:27 +03:00
< div class = "extension_token_counter" >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
Tokens: < span data-token-counter = "character_name_pole" data-token-permanent = "true" > counting...< / span >
2023-08-21 15:32:27 +03:00
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div id = "avatar_div" class = "avatar_div alignitemsflexstart justifySpaceBetween flexnowrap flexGap5" >
< label id = "avatar_div_div" class = "add_avatar avatar" for = "add_avatar_button" title = "Click to select a new avatar for this character" data-i18n = "[title]Click to select a new avatar for this character" >
< img id = "avatar_load_preview" src = "img/ai4.png" alt = "avatar" >
< input hidden type = "file" id = "add_avatar_button" name = "avatar" accept = "image/png, image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/gif, image/bmp" >
< / label >
< div class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
< div class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
< div class = "flex-container justifyContentFlexEnd flexFlowColumn" >
< div class = "form_create_bottom_buttons_block" >
< div id = "rm_button_back" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-left-long " > < / div >
<!-- <div id="renameCharButton" class="menu_button fa - solid fa - user - pen" title="Rename Character"></div> -->
< div id = "favorite_button" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-star" title = "Add to Favorites" data-i18n = "[title]Add to Favorites" > < / div >
< input type = "hidden" id = "fav_checkbox" name = "fav" / >
< div id = "advanced_div" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-book " title = "Advanced Definitions" data-i18n = "[title]Advanced Definition" > < / div >
< div id = "world_button" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-globe" title = "Character Lore" data-i18n = "[title]Character Lore" > < / div >
2023-10-16 23:03:42 +03:00
< div class = "chat_lorebook_button menu_button fa-solid fa-passport" title = "Chat Lore" data-i18n = "[title]Chat Lore" > < / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div id = "export_button" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-file-export " title = "Export and Download" data-i18n = "[title]Export and Download" > < / div >
<!-- <div id="set_chat_scenario" class="menu_button fa - solid fa - scroll" title="Set a chat scenario override"></div> -->
<!-- <div id="set_character_world" class="menu_button fa - solid fa - globe" title="Set a character World Info / Lorebook"></div> -->
< div id = "dupe_button" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-clone " title = "Duplicate Character" data-i18n = "[title]Duplicate Character" > < / div >
< label for = "create_button" id = "create_button_label" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-user-check" title = "Create Character" data-i18n = "[title]Create Character" >
< input type = "submit" id = "create_button" name = "create_button" >
< / label >
< div id = "delete_button" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-skull " title = "Delete Character" data-i18n = "[title]Delete Character" > < / div >
< / div >
< label class = "flex1" for = "char-management-dropdown" >
< select id = "char-management-dropdown" >
< option value = "default" disabled selected data-i18n = "More..." > More...< / option >
< option id = "set_character_world" data-i18n = "Link to World Info" >
Link to World Info
< / option >
< option id = "import_character_info" data-i18n = "Import Card Lore" >
Import Card Lore
< / option >
< option id = "set_chat_scenario" data-i18n = "Scenario Override" >
Scenario Override
< / option >
2023-08-29 01:54:11 +03:00
< option id = "convert_to_persona" data-i18n = "Convert to Persona" >
Convert to Persona
< / option >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< option id = "renameCharButton" data-i18n = "Rename" >
< / option >
<!-- <option id="dupe_button">
< / option >
< option id = "export_button" >
< / option >
< option id = "delete_button" >
< / option > -->
< / select >
< / label >
< / div >
< div id = "tags_div" class = "marginBot5" >
< div class = "tag_controls" >
< input id = "tagInput" class = "text_pole tag_input wide100p margin0" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Search / Create Tags" placeholder = "Search / Create tags" maxlength = "25" / >
< div class = "tags_view menu_button fa-solid fa-tags" title = "View all tags" data-i18n = "[title]View all tags" > < / div >
< / div >
< div id = "tagList" class = "tags" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< hr >
< div id = "description_div" class = "marginBot5" >
< span data-i18n = "Character Description" > Description< / span >
< a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/core-concepts/characterdesign/#character-description" class = "notes-link" target = "_blank" >
< span class = "note-link-span" > ?< / span >
< / a >
< / div >
< textarea id = "description_textarea" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Describe your character's physical and mental traits here." placeholder = "Describe your character's physical and mental traits here." class = "marginBot5" name = "description" placeholder = "" > < / textarea >
2023-08-21 15:32:27 +03:00
< div class = "extension_token_counter" >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
Tokens: < span data-token-counter = "description_textarea" data-token-permanent = "true" > counting...< / span >
2023-08-21 15:32:27 +03:00
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div id = "first_message_div" class = "marginBot5 title_restorable" >
< span >
< span data-i18n = "First message" > First message< / span >
< a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/core-concepts/characterdesign/#first-message" class = "notes-link" target = "_blank" >
< span class = "note-link-span" > ?< / span >
< / a >
< / span >
2023-10-21 15:10:48 +03:00
< div class = "menu_button menu_button_icon open_alternate_greetings margin0" title = "Click to set additional greeting messages" data-i18n = "[title]Click to set additional greeting messages" >
2023-10-21 15:54:05 +03:00
< span data-i18n = "Alt. Greetings" >
Alt. Greetings
2023-10-21 15:10:48 +03:00
< / span >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< textarea id = "firstmessage_textarea" data-i18n = "[placeholder]This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat." placeholder = "This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat." class = "marginBot5" name = "first_mes" placeholder = "" > < / textarea >
2023-08-21 15:32:27 +03:00
< div class = "extension_token_counter" >
Tokens: < span data-token-counter = "firstmessage_textarea" > counting...< / span >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div id = "spoiler_free_desc" >
< div id = "creators_notes_div" class = "marginBot5 title_restorable" >
< span data-i18n = "Creator's Notes" > Creator's Notes< / span >
< div id = "spoiler_free_desc_button" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-eye" title = "Show / Hide Description and First Message" data-i18n = "[title]Show / Hide Description and First Message" > < / div >
< / a >
< / div >
< hr >
< div id = "creator_notes_spoiler" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Creator's Notes" placeholder = "Creator's Notes" class = "marginBot5" name = "creator_notes_spoiler" > < / div >
<!-- A button to show / hide description_div and description_textarea and first_message_div and firstmessage_textarea -->
< / div >
<!-- these divs are invisible and used for server communication purposes -->
< div id = "hidden-divs" >
< input id = "character_json_data" name = "json_data" type = "hidden" >
< input id = "avatar_url_pole" name = "avatar_url" type = "hidden" >
< input id = "selected_chat_pole" name = "chat" type = "hidden" >
< input id = "create_date_pole" name = "create_date" type = "hidden" >
< input id = "last_mes_pole" name = "last_mes" type = "hidden" >
< input id = "character_world" name = "world" type = "hidden" >
< / div >
<!-- now back to normal divs for display purposes -->
< / form >
< / div >
< div name = "Group Chat Edit Panel" id = "rm_group_chats_block" class = "right_menu flex-container flexNoGap" >
< div class = "inline-drawer wide100p flexFlowColumn" >
< div id = "groupControlsToggle" class = "inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header" >
< span data-i18n = "Group Controls" > Group Controls< / span >
< div class = "fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down inline-drawer-icon down" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer-content" >
2023-10-16 23:03:42 +03:00
< div id = "group-metadata-controls" class = "marginTopBot5" >
< div class = "flex-container wide100p" >
< input id = "rm_group_chat_name" class = "text_pole flex1" type = "text" name = "chat_name" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Chat Name (Optional)" placeholder = "Chat Name (Optional)" maxlength = "100" / >
< div class = "chat_lorebook_button menu_button fa-solid fa-passport" title = "Chat Lore" data-i18n = "[title]Chat Lore" > < / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div id = "group_tags_div" class = "wide100p" >
< div class = "tag_controls" >
< input id = "groupTagInput" class = "text_pole tag_input flex1 margin0" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Search / Create Tags" placeholder = "Search / Create tags" maxlength = "25" / >
< div class = "tags_view menu_button fa-solid fa-tags margin0" title = "View all tags" data-i18n = "[title]View all tags" > < / div >
< / div >
< div id = "groupTagList" class = "tags paddingTopBot5" > < / div >
< / div >
< div id = "rm_group_top_bar" class = "flex-container alignitemscenter spaceBetween width100p" >
< div >
< label class = "add_avatar avatar flex-container justifyCenter" for = "group_avatar_button" title = "Click to select a new avatar for this group" data-i18n = "[title]Click to select a new avatar for this group" >
< div id = "group_avatar_preview" >
< div class = "avatar" >
< img src = "img/ai4.png" alt = "avatar" >
< / div >
< / div >
< input hidden type = "file" id = "group_avatar_button" name = "avatar" accept = "image/png, image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/gif, image/bmp" >
< / label >
< / div >
< div name = "GroupStragegyAndOrder" id = "rm_group_buttons" class = "fontsize80p flex-container paddingLeftRight5 flex2" >
< div class = "" >
< div class = "flex-container flexnowrap width100p whitespacenowrap" >
< span data-i18n = "Group reply strategy" > Group reply strategy< / span >
< a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/core-concepts/groupchats/" class = "notes-link" target = "_blank" >
< span class = "note-link-span" > ?< / span >
< / a >
< / div >
< label class = "checkbox_label flexnowrap whitespacenowrap" >
< input type = "radio" name = "rm_group_activation_strategy" value = "0" / >
< span data-i18n = "Natural order" > Natural order< / span >
< / label >
< label class = "checkbox_label flexnowrap whitespacenowrap" >
< input type = "radio" name = "rm_group_activation_strategy" value = "1" / >
< span data-i18n = "List order" > List order< / span >
< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "" >
< label class = "checkbox_label whitespacenowrap" >
< input id = "rm_group_allow_self_responses" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Allow self responses" > Allow self responses< / span >
< / label >
< label id = "rm_group_automode_label" class = "checkbox_label whitespacenowrap" >
< input id = "rm_group_automode" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Auto Mode" > Auto Mode< / span >
< / label >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "GroupFavDelOkBack" class = "flex-container flexGap5 spaceEvenly flex1" >
< div id = "rm_button_back_from_group" class = "heightFitContent margin0 menu_button fa-solid fa-left-long" > < / div >
< div id = "rm_group_scenario" class = "heightFitContent margin0 menu_button fa-solid fa-scroll" title = "Set a group chat scenario" data-i18n = "[title]Set a group chat scenario" > < / div >
< div id = "group_favorite_button" class = "heightFitContent margin0 menu_button fa-solid fa-star" title = "Add to Favorites" data-i18n = "[title]Add to Favorites" > < / div >
< input id = "rm_group_fav" type = "hidden" / >
< div id = "rm_group_submit" class = "heightFitContent margin0 menu_button fa-solid fa-check" title = "Create" data-i18n = "[title]Create" > < / div >
< div id = "rm_group_restore_avatar" class = "heightFitContent margin0 menu_button fa-solid fa-images" title = "Restore collage avatar" data-i18n = "[title]Restore collage avatar" > < / div >
< div id = "rm_group_delete" class = "heightFitContent margin0 menu_button fa-solid fa-trash-can" title = "Delete" data-i18n = "[title]Delete" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer wide100p flexFlowColumn" >
< div id = "groupCurrentMemberListToggle" class = "inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header" >
< span data-i18n = "Current Members" > Current Members < / span > < i id = "groupCurrentMemberPopoutButton" class = "fa-solid fa-window-restore menu_button" > < / i >
< div class = "fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down inline-drawer-icon down" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer-content" >
2023-10-15 19:42:23 +03:00
< div id = "currentGroupMembers" name = "Current Group Members" class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn overflowYAuto flex1" >
< div id = "rm_group_members_pagination" class = "rm_group_members_pagination group_pagination" > < / div >
< div id = "rm_group_members" class = "rm_group_members overflowYAuto flex-container" > < / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer wide100p flexFlowColumn" >
< div id = "groupAddMemberListToggle" class = "inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header" >
< span data-i18n = "Add Members" > Add Members< / span >
< div class = "fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down inline-drawer-icon down" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer-content" >
< div name = "Unadded Char List" class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn overflowYAuto flex1" >
< div id = "rm_group_add_members_header" >
2023-08-19 21:08:35 +03:00
< input id = "rm_group_filter" class = "text_pole margin0" type = "search" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Search..." placeholder = "Search..." maxlength = "100" / >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "rm_tag_controls" >
< div class = "tags rm_tag_filter" > < / div >
< / div >
2023-08-19 02:53:05 +03:00
< div id = "rm_group_add_members_pagination" class = "group_pagination" > < / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div id = "rm_group_add_members" class = "overflowYAuto flex-container" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "rm_character_import" class = "right_menu" style = "display: none;" >
< form id = "form_import" action = "javascript:void(null);" method = "post" enctype = "multipart/form-data" >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< input multiple type = "file" id = "character_import_file" accept = ".json, image/png" name = "avatar" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< input id = "character_import_file_type" name = "file_type" class = "text_pole" maxlength = "999" size = "2" value = "" autocomplete = "off" >
< / form >
< / div >
< div name = "Character List Panel" id = "rm_characters_block" class = "right_menu" >
< div id = "charListFixedTop" >
< form id = "form_character_search_form" action = "javascript:void(null);" >
< div id = "rm_button_create" title = "Create New Character" data-i18n = "[title]Create New Character" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-user-plus " > < / div >
2023-08-20 03:39:28 +09:00
< div id = "character_import_button" title = "Import Character from File" data-i18n = "[title]Import Character from File" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-file-import faSmallFontSquareFix" > < / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div id = "external_import_button" title = "Import content from external URL" data-i18n = "[title]Import content from external URL" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-cloud-arrow-down faSmallFontSquareFix" > < / div >
< div id = "rm_button_group_chats" title = "Create New Chat Group" data-i18n = "[title]Create New Chat Group" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-users-gear " > < / div >
< input id = "character_search_bar" class = "text_pole width100p" type = "search" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Search..." placeholder = "Search..." maxlength = "50" / >
< select id = "character_sort_order" title = "Characters sorting order" data-i18n = "[title]Characters sorting order" >
< option data-field = "name" data-order = "asc" data-i18n = "A-Z" > A-Z< / option >
< option data-field = "name" data-order = "desc" data-i18n = "Z-A" > Z-A< / option >
2023-09-03 18:52:04 +03:00
< option data-field = "create_date" data-order = "desc" data-i18n = "Newest" > Newest< / option >
< option data-field = "create_date" data-order = "asc" data-i18n = "Oldest" > Oldest< / option >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< option data-field = "fav" data-order = "desc" data-rule = "boolean" data-i18n = "Favorites" > Favorites< / option >
< option data-field = "date_last_chat" data-order = "desc" data-i18n = "Recent" > Recent< / option >
< option data-field = "chat_size" data-order = "desc" data-i18n = "Most chats" > Most chats< / option >
< option data-field = "chat_size" data-order = "asc" data-i18n = "Least chats" > Least chats< / option >
2023-07-27 23:45:25 +03:00
< option data-field = "data_size" data-order = "desc" data-i18n = "Most tokens" > Most tokens< / option >
< option data-field = "data_size" data-order = "asc" data-i18n = "Least tokens" > Least tokens< / option >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< option data-field = "name" data-order = "random" data-i18n = "Random" > Random< / option >
< / select >
< / form >
< div class = "rm_tag_controls" >
< div class = "tags rm_tag_filter" > < / div >
< / div >
< hr >
< / div >
2023-08-18 23:13:15 +03:00
< div id = "rm_print_characters_pagination" >
< i id = "charListGridToggle" class = "fa-solid fa-table-cells-large menu_button" title = "Toggle character grid view" > < / i >
2023-10-21 21:02:06 +03:00
< i id = "bulkEditButton" class = "fa-solid fa-edit menu_button bulkEditButton" title = "Bulk edit characters" > < / i >
2023-10-23 10:56:46 +09:00
< i id = "bulkDeleteButton" class = "fa-solid fa-trash menu_button bulkDeleteButton" title = "Bulk delete characters" style = "display: none;" > < / i >
2023-08-18 23:13:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div id = "rm_print_characters_block" class = "flexFlowColumn" > < / div >
< / div >
< / nav >
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- various fullscreen popups -->
< div id = "shadow_popup" >
< div id = "dialogue_popup" >
< div id = "dialogue_popup_holder" >
< div id = "dialogue_popup_text" >
2023-10-14 01:09:53 +09:00
< h3 class = "margin0" > text< / h3 >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< textarea id = "dialogue_popup_input" class = "text_pole" rows = "1" > < / textarea >
< div id = "dialogue_popup_controls" >
< div id = "dialogue_popup_ok" class = "menu_button" data-i18n = "Delete" > Delete< / div >
< div id = "dialogue_popup_cancel" class = "menu_button" data-i18n = "Cancel" > Cancel< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "character_popup" class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn flexNoGap" >
< div id = "character_popup_text" >
2023-10-14 01:09:53 +09:00
< h3 id = "character_popup_text_h3" class = "margin0" > < / h3 > < span data-i18n = "Advanced Defininitions" > - Advanced
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
Definitions< / span >
< / div >
< hr class = "margin-bot-10px" >
< div id = "character_cross" class = "fa-solid fa-circle-xmark" > < / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer" >
< div class = "inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header" >
2023-08-21 22:32:58 +02:00
< h4 data-i18n = "Prompt Overrides (For OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter, and Instruct Mode)" >
Prompt Overrides < small > (For OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter, and Instruct Mode)< / small >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / h4 >
< div class = "inline-drawer-icon fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down down" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer-content" >
< small data-i18n = "Insert {{original}} into either box to include the respective default prompt from system settings." > Insert {{original}} into either box to include the respective default prompt from system settings.< / small >
< div >
< h4 data-i18n = "Main Prompt" > Main Prompt< / h4 >
< textarea id = "system_prompt_textarea" name = "system_prompt" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Any contents here will replace the default Main Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: system_prompt)" placeholder = "Any contents here will replace the default Main Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: system_prompt)" form = "form_create" class = "text_pole" autocomplete = "off" rows = "3" maxlength = "20000" > < / textarea >
2023-08-21 15:32:27 +03:00
< div class = "extension_token_counter" >
Tokens: < span data-token-counter = "system_prompt_textarea" > counting...< / span >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div >
< h4 data-i18n = "Jailbreak" > Jailbreak< / h4 >
< textarea id = "post_history_instructions_textarea" name = "post_history_instructions" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Any contents here will replace the default Jailbreak Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: post_history_instructions)" placeholder = "Any contents here will replace the default Jailbreak Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: post_history_instructions)" form = "form_create" class = "text_pole" autocomplete = "off" rows = "3" maxlength = "20000" > < / textarea >
2023-08-21 15:32:27 +03:00
< div class = "extension_token_counter" >
Tokens: < span data-token-counter = "post_history_instructions_textarea" > counting...< / span >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< hr >
< div class = "inline-drawer" >
< div class = "inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header" >
< h4 data-i18n = "Creator's Metadata (Not sent with the AI prompt)" >
Creator's Metadata
< small > (Not sent with the AI Prompt)< / small >
< / h4 >
< div class = "inline-drawer-icon fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down down" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer-content" >
< small data-i18n = "Everything here is optional" > Everything here is optional< / small >
< div class = "flex-container flexnowrap" >
< div class = "flex1" >
< h4 data-i18n = "Created by" > Created by< / h4 >
< textarea id = "creator_textarea" name = "creator" data-i18n = "[placeholder](Botmaker's name / Contact Info)" placeholder = "(Botmaker's name / Contact info)" form = "form_create" class = "text_pole" autocomplete = "off" rows = "2" maxlength = "2000" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< div class = "flex1" >
< h4 data-i18n = "Character Version" > Character Version< / h4 >
< textarea id = "character_version_textarea" name = "character_version" data-i18n = "[placeholder](If you want to track character versions)" placeholder = "(If you want to track character versions)" form = "form_create" class = "text_pole" autocomplete = "off" rows = "2" maxlength = "200" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "flex-container flexnowrap" >
< div class = "flex1" >
< h4 data-i18n = "Creator's Notes" > Creator's Notes< / h4 >
< textarea id = "creator_notes_textarea" name = "creator_notes" data-i18n = "[placeholder](Describe the bot, give use tips, or list the chat models it has been tested on. This will be displayed in the character list.)" placeholder = "(Describe the bot, give use tips, or list the chat models it has been tested on. This will be displayed in the character list.)" form = "form_create" class = "text_pole" autocomplete = "off" rows = "4" maxlength = "20000" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< div class = "flex1" >
< h4 data-i18n = "Tags to Embed" > Tags to Embed< / h4 >
< textarea id = "tags_textarea" name = "tags" data-i18n = "[placeholder](Write a comma-separated list of tags)" placeholder = "(Write a comma-separated list of tags)" form = "form_create" class = "text_pole" autocomplete = "off" rows = "4" maxlength = "2000" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< hr >
< div id = "personality_div" >
< h4 >
< span data-i18n = "Personality summary" > Personality summary< / span >
< a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/core-concepts/characterdesign/#personality-summary" class = "notes-link" target = "_blank" > < span class = "note-link-span" > ?< / span > < / a >
< / h4 >
< textarea id = "personality_textarea" name = "personality" data-i18n = "[placeholder](A brief description of the personality)" placeholder = "(A brief description of the personality)" form = "form_create" class = "text_pole" autocomplete = "off" rows = "1" maxlength = "20000" > < / textarea >
2023-08-21 15:32:27 +03:00
< div class = "extension_token_counter" >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
Tokens: < span data-token-counter = "personality_textarea" data-token-permanent = "true" > counting...< / span >
2023-08-21 15:32:27 +03:00
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div id = "scenario_div" >
< h4 >
< span data-i18n = "Scenario" > Scenario< / span >
< a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/core-concepts/characterdesign/#scenario" class = "notes-link" target = "_blank" >
< span class = "note-link-span" > ?< / span >
< / a >
< / h4 >
< textarea id = "scenario_pole" name = "scenario" data-i18n = "[placeholder](Circumstances and context of the interaction)" placeholder = "(Circumstances and context of the interaction)" class = "text_pole" maxlength = "20000" value = "" autocomplete = "off" form = "form_create" rows = "1" > < / textarea >
2023-08-21 15:32:27 +03:00
< div class = "extension_token_counter" >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
Tokens: < span data-token-counter = "scenario_pole" data-token-permanent = "true" > counting...< / span >
2023-08-21 15:32:27 +03:00
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-10-04 22:13:56 +03:00
< div id = "depth_prompt_div" class = "flex-container" >
< div class = "flex1" >
< h4 >
< span data-i18n = "Character's Note" >
Character's Note
< / span >
< / h4 >
< textarea id = "depth_prompt_prompt" name = "depth_prompt_prompt" class = "text_pole" rows = "2" maxlength = "20000" autocomplete = "off" form = "form_create" placeholder = "(Text to be inserted in-chat @ designated depth)" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< div >
< h4 >
< span data-i18n = "@ Depth" >
@ Depth
< / span >
< / h4 >
< input id = "depth_prompt_depth" name = "depth_prompt_depth" class = "text_pole widthUnset m-t-0" type = "number" min = "0" max = "999" value = "4" form = "form_create" / >
< div class = "extension_token_counter" >
Tokens: < span data-token-counter = "depth_prompt_prompt" data-token-permanent = "true" > counting...< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div id = "talkativeness_div" >
< h4 > < span data-i18n = "Talkativeness" > Talkativeness< / span > < / h4 >
< h5 data-i18n = "How often the character speaks in group chats!" > How often the character speaks in < span class = "warning" > group chats!< / span >
< / h5 >
< input id = "talkativeness_slider" name = "talkativeness" type = "range" min = "0" max = "1" step = "0.05" value = "0.5" form = "form_create" >
< div class = "slider_hint" >
< span data-i18n = "Shy" > Shy< / span >
< span data-i18n = "Normal" > Normal< / span >
< span data-i18n = "Chatty" > Chatty< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< hr >
< div id = "mes_example_div" class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
< div >
< h4 > < span data-i18n = "Examples of dialogue" > Examples of dialogue< / span > < / h4 >
< h5 data-i18n = "Important to set the character's writing style." > Important to set the character's writing style. < a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/core-concepts/characterdesign/#examples-of-dialogue" class = "notes-link" target = "_blank" > < span class = "note-link-span" > ?< / span > < / a > < / h5 >
< / div >
< textarea id = "mes_example_textarea" class = "flexGrow" name = "mes_example" data-i18n = "[placeholder](Examples of chat dialog. Begin each example with START on a new line.)" placeholder = "(Examples of chat dialog. Begin each example with <START> on a new line.)" form = "form_create" maxlength = "20000" rows = "6" > < / textarea >
2023-08-21 15:32:27 +03:00
< div class = "extension_token_counter" >
Tokens: < span data-token-counter = "mes_example_textarea" > counting...< / span >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div id = "character_popup_ok" class = "menu_button" data-i18n = "Save" > Save< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "shadow_select_chat_popup" >
< div id = "select_chat_popup" >
2023-08-18 23:48:08 -04:00
< input type = "text" id = "select_chat_search" placeholder = "Search..." autocomplete = "off" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div id = "select_chat_import" > <!-- import chat popup header -->
2023-08-20 03:39:28 +09:00
< div id = "chat_import_button" class = "fa-solid fa-file-import menu_button" > < / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div id = "selectChatPopupHeaderText" class = "TxtLrgBoldCenter" >
< span id = "ChatHistoryCharName" > < / span >
< br >
< span data-i18n = "Chat History" > Chat History< / span >
< a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/core-concepts/chatfilemanagement/#chat-import" class = "notes-link" target = "_blank" > < span class = "note-link-span" > ?< / span > < / a >
< / div >
< form id = "form_import_chat" action = "javascript:void(null);" method = "post" enctype = "multipart/form-data" style = "display: none;" >
< input type = "file" id = "chat_import_file" accept = ".json, .jsonl" name = "avatar" >
< input id = "chat_import_file_type" name = "file_type" class = "text_pole" maxlength = "999" size = "2" value = "" autocomplete = "off" style = "display: none;" >
< input id = "chat_import_avatar_url" name = "avatar_url" class = "text_pole" maxlength = "999" size = "2" value = "" autocomplete = "off" style = "display: none;" >
< input id = "chat_import_character_name" name = "character_name" class = "text_pole" maxlength = "999" size = "2" value = "" autocomplete = "off" style = "display: none;" >
< / form >
< div id = "select_chat_cross" class = "fa-solid fa-circle-xmark" alt = "Close Past Chat Popup" > < / div >
< / div >
< div id = "select_chat_div" >
< / div >
< div id = "load_select_chat_div" >
< div class = "fa-solid fa-hourglass fa-spin" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "background_template" class = "template_element" >
< div class = "bg_example flex-container" bgfile = "" class = "bg_example_img" title = "" >
2023-10-21 17:43:25 +03:00
< div title = "Copy to system backgrounds" class = "bg_button bg_example_copy fa-solid fa-file-arrow-up" > < / div >
2023-10-21 01:40:58 +03:00
< div title = "Rename background" class = "bg_button bg_example_edit fa-solid fa-pencil" > < / div >
< div title = "Lock" class = "bg_button bg_example_lock fa-solid fa-lock" > < / div >
< div title = "Unlock" class = "bg_button bg_example_unlock fa-solid fa-lock-open" > < / div >
< div title = "Delete background" class = "bg_button bg_example_cross fa-solid fa-circle-xmark" > < / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "BGSampleTitle" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- templates for JS to reuse when needed -->
< div id = "scenario_override_template" class = "template_element" >
< div class = "scenario_override range-block flexFlowColumn flex-container" >
< div class = "range-block-title title_restorable" >
2023-10-14 01:09:53 +09:00
< h3 > < span data-i18n = "Chat Scenario Override" class = "margin0" > Chat Scenario Override< / span > < / h3 >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div title = "Remove" data-i18n = "[title]Remove" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-trash-can remove_scenario_override" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter justifyLeft flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
< strong > Unique to this chat.< / strong >
< span data-group = "true" > All group members will use the following scenario text instead of what is specified in their character cards.< / span >
< span data-character = "true" > The following scenario text will be used instead of the value set in the character card.< / span >
Bookmarks inherit the scenario override from their parent, and can be changed individually after that.
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range wide100p" >
< textarea class = "wide100p chat_scenario" class = "text_pole" rows = "15" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Type here..." placeholder = "Type here..." > < / textarea >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-10-16 23:03:42 +03:00
< div id = "chat_world_template" class = "template_element" >
< div class = "chat_world range-block flexFlowColumn flex-container" >
< div class = "range-block-title" >
< h4 data-i18n = "Chat Lorebook" > Chat Lorebook for < span class = "chat_name" > < / span > < / h4 >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter justifyLeft flex-container flexFlowColumn margin-bot-10px" >
< span data-i18n = "A selected World Info will be bound to this chat." >
A selected World Info will be bound to this chat. When generating an AI reply,
it will be combined with the entries from global and character lorebooks.
< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range wide100p" >
< select class = "chat_world_info_selector wide100p" >
< option value = "" > --- None ---< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div id = "character_world_template" class = "template_element" >
< div class = "character_world range-block flexFlowColumn flex-container" >
< div class = "range-block-title" >
< h3 >
< span data-i18n = "Select a World Info file for" > Select a World Info file for < span class = "character_name" > < / span > < / span > :
< / h3 >
< / div >
< h4 data-i18n = "Primary Lorebook" > Primary Lorebook< / h4 >
< div class = "range-block-counter justifyLeft flex-container flexFlowColumn margin-bot-10px" >
< span data-i18n = "A selected World Info will be bound to this character as its own Lorebook." > A selected World Info will be bound to this character as its own Lorebook.< / span >
< span data-i18n = "When generating an AI reply, it will be combined with the entries from a global World Info selector." > When generating an AI reply, it will be combined with the entries from a global World Info selector.< / span >
< span data-i18n = "Exporting a character would also export the selected Lorebook file embedded in the JSON data." > Exporting a character would also export the selected Lorebook file embedded in the JSON data.< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range wide100p" >
< select class = "character_world_info_selector wide100p" >
< option value = "" > --- None ---< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-title" >
< h4 >
< span data-i18n = "Additional Lorebooks" > Additional Lorebooks< / span >
< / h4 >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter justifyLeft flex-container flexFlowColumn margin-bot-10px" >
< span data-i18n = "Associate one or more auxillary Lorebooks with this character." > Associate one or more auxillary Lorebooks with this character.< / span > < br >
< span data-i18n = "NOTE: These choices are optional and won't be preserved on character export!" > NOTE: These choices are optional and won't be preserved on character export!< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-range wide100p" >
< select class = "character_extra_world_info_selector wide100p" multiple >
< option value = "" data-i18n = "-- World Info not found --" > -- World Info not found --< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "past_chat_template" class = "template_element" >
< div class = "select_chat_block_wrapper" >
< div class = "select_chat_block" file_name = "" >
< div class = "avatar" >
< img src = "" >
< / div >
< div id = "select_chat_name_wrapper" >
< div class = "select_chat_block_filename select_chat_block_filename_item" > < / div >
< div class = "select_chat_info flex-container" >
< div class = "chat_messages_date" > < / div >
< div class = "chat_messages_num select_chat_block_filename_item" > < / div >
< div class = "chat_file_size select_chat_block_filename_item" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "select_chat_block_mes" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "flex-container height100pSpaceEvenly" >
2023-08-22 06:06:50 +09:00
< div title = "Rename chat file" class = "renameChatButton fa-solid fa-pencil" data-i18n = "[title]Rename chat file" > < / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div title = "Export JSONL chat file" data-format = "jsonl" class = "exportRawChatButton fa-solid fa-file-export" data-i18n = "[title]Export JSONL chat file" > < / div >
< div title = "Download chat as plain text document" data-format = "txt" class = "exportChatButton fa-solid fa-file-lines" data-i18n = "[title]Download chat as plain text document" > < / div >
2023-08-03 07:07:59 -07:00
< div title = "Delete chat file" file_name = "" class = "PastChat_cross fa-solid fa-skull" data-i18n = "[title]Delete chat file" > < / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "tag_view_template" class = "template_element" >
< div class = "tag_view_item" >
< div class = "tagColorPickerHolder" > < / div >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div class = "tagColorPicker2Holder" > < / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "tag_view_name" contenteditable = "true" > < / div >
< div class = "tag_view_counter" > < span class = "tag_view_counter_value" > < / span > entries< / div >
< div title = "Delete tag" class = "tag_delete fa-solid fa-trash-can right_menu_button" data-i18n = "[title]Delete tag" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "entry_edit_template" class = "template_element" >
2023-09-25 18:03:10 +09:00
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "world_entry" >
2023-09-30 23:19:49 +03:00
< form class = "world_entry_form wi-card-entry" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "inline-drawer wide100p" >
2023-10-06 03:34:34 +09:00
< div class = "inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header gap5px padding0" >
2023-10-06 03:02:43 +09:00
<!-- <span class="drag - handle">☰</span> -->
2023-09-25 18:03:10 +09:00
< div class = "gap5px world_entry_thin_controls wide100p alignitemscenter" >
2023-10-06 03:02:43 +09:00
< div class = "fa-fw fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down inline-drawer-icon down" > < / div >
2023-10-06 03:40:39 +09:00
2023-10-06 03:02:43 +09:00
< span class = "flex-container alignitemscenter wide100p" >
2023-10-06 05:27:36 +09:00
< div class = "WIEntryTitleAndStatus flex-container flex1 alignitemscenter" >
< div class = "flex-container flex1" >
< textarea class = "text_pole" name = "comment" maxlength = "2000" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Entry Title/Memo" placeholder = "Entry Title/Memo" > < / textarea >
< / div >
<!-- <span class="world_entry_form_position_value"></span> -->
< select title = "WI Entry Status: 🔵 Constant 🟢 Normal ❌ Disabled" name = "entryStateSelector" class = "widthNatural margin0" >
< option title = "WI Entry Status: 🔵 Constant 🟢 Normal ❌ Disabled" value = "constant" > 🔵< / option >
< option title = "WI Entry Status: 🔵 Constant 🟢 Normal ❌ Disabled" value = "normal" > 🟢< / option >
< option title = "WI Entry Status: 🔵 Constant 🟢 Normal ❌ Disabled" value = "disabled" > ❌< / option >
2023-10-06 03:02:43 +09:00
< / select >
< / div >
2023-10-05 23:40:48 +09:00
2023-10-06 05:27:36 +09:00
< div class = "WIEnteryHeaderControls flex-container" >
< div name = "PositionBlock" class = "world_entry_form_control world_entry_form_radios wi-enter-footer-text" >
2023-10-06 05:55:39 +09:00
< label for = "position" class = "WIEntryHeaderTitleMobile" data-i18n = "Position:" > Position:< / label >
2023-10-06 05:27:36 +09:00
< select name = "position" class = "widthNatural margin0" title = "↑Char: Before Character Definitions ↓Char: After Character Definitions ↑AN: Before Author's Note ↓AN: After Author's Note @D: at Depth " >
< option value = "0" data-i18n = "Before Char Defs" title = "↑Char: Before Character Definitions ↓Char: After Character Definitions ↑AN: Before Author's Note ↓AN: After Author's Note @D: at Depth " > ↑Char< / option >
< option value = "1" data-i18n = "After Char Defs" title = "↑Char: Before Character Definitions ↓Char: After Character Definitions ↑AN: Before Author's Note ↓AN: After Author's Note @D: at Depth " > ↓Char< / option >
< option value = "2" data-i18n = "Before AN" title = "↑Char: Before Character Definitions ↓Char: After Character Definitions ↑AN: Before Author's Note ↓AN: After Author's Note @D: at Depth " > ↑AN< / option >
< option value = "3" data-i18n = "After AN" title = "↑Char: Before Character Definitions ↓Char: After Character Definitions ↑AN: Before Author's Note ↓AN: After Author's Note @D: at Depth " > ↓AN< / option >
< option value = "4" data-i18n = "at Depth" title = "↑Char: Before Character Definitions ↓Char: After Character Definitions ↑AN: Before Author's Note ↓AN: After Author's Note @D: at Depth " > @D< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< div class = "world_entry_form_control wi-enter-footer-text flex-container flexNoGap" >
2023-10-06 05:55:39 +09:00
< label for = "depth" class = "WIEntryHeaderTitleMobile" data-i18n = "Depth:" > Depth:< / label >
2023-10-06 05:27:36 +09:00
< input title = "Depth" class = "text_pole wideMax100px margin0" type = "number" name = "depth" placeholder = "" min = "0" max = "999" / >
< / div >
2023-10-05 23:40:48 +09:00
2023-10-06 05:27:36 +09:00
< div class = "world_entry_form_control wi-enter-footer-text flex-container flexNoGap" >
2023-10-06 05:55:39 +09:00
< label for = "order" class = "WIEntryHeaderTitleMobile" data-i18n = "Order:" > Order:< / label >
2023-10-06 05:27:36 +09:00
< input title = "Order" class = "text_pole wideMax100px margin0" type = "number" name = "order" placeholder = "" min = "0" max = "999" / >
< / div >
< div class = "world_entry_form_control wi-enter-footer-text flex-container flexNoGap probabilityContainer" >
2023-10-06 05:55:39 +09:00
< label for = "order" class = "WIEntryHeaderTitleMobile" data-i18n = "Order:" > Trigger %:< / label >
2023-10-06 05:27:36 +09:00
< input title = "Probability" class = "text_pole wideMax100px margin0" type = "number" name = "probability" placeholder = "" min = "0" max = "100" / >
< / div >
<!-- <div class="flex - container flex1">
< textarea class = "text_pole" name = "comment" maxlength = "2000" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Entry Title/Memo" placeholder = "Entry Title/Memo" > < / textarea >
< / div > -->
< / div >
2023-10-06 03:02:43 +09:00
< / span >
<!-- <div class="world_entry_form_control flex1">
2023-09-25 18:03:10 +09:00
< small class = "displayNone" >
< span data-i18n = "Comma separated (required)" >
Comma separated (required)
< / span >
< / small >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< textarea class = "text_pole keyprimarytextpole" name = "key" rows = "1" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Comma separated (required)" placeholder = "Comma separated (required)" maxlength = "1000" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< div class = "flex-container widthFitContent alignItemsFlexEnd" >
2023-10-05 23:40:48 +09:00
< select name = "entryLogicType" class = "widthFitContent margin0" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< option value = "0" > AND< / option >
< option value = "1" > NOT< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< div class = "world_entry_form_control keysecondary flex1" >
2023-09-25 18:03:10 +09:00
< small class = "displayNone" >
< span data-i18n = "(ignored if empty)" >
(ignored if empty)
< / span >
< / small >
2023-10-01 15:46:06 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container flexFlowRow alignitemscenter" >
2023-10-05 23:40:48 +09:00
< textarea class = "text_pole keysecondarytextpole" name = "keysecondary" rows = "1" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Comma separated (ignored if empty)" placeholder = "Comma separated list" maxlength = "1000" > < / textarea >
2023-09-25 18:03:10 +09:00
< i class = "menu_button delete_entry_button fa-solid fa-trash-can" type = "submit" data-i18n = "" value = "" / > < / i >
< / div >
2023-10-06 03:02:43 +09:00
< / div > -->
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-10-06 03:02:43 +09:00
< i class = "menu_button delete_entry_button fa-solid fa-trash-can" type = "submit" data-i18n = "" value = "" / > < / i >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-10-06 03:02:43 +09:00
< div class = "inline-drawer-content flex-container paddingBottom5px wide100p" >
< div class = "flex-container wide100p alignitemscenter" >
< div name = "keywordsAndLogicBlock" class = "flex-container wide100p alignitemscenter" >
< div class = "world_entry_form_control flex1" >
< small class = "displayNone" >
< span data-i18n = "Comma separated (required)" >
Comma separated (required)
< / span >
< / small >
< small class = "textAlignCenter" > Primary Keywords< / small >
< textarea class = "text_pole keyprimarytextpole" name = "key" rows = "1" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Comma separated (required)" placeholder = "Comma separated (required)" maxlength = "1000" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< div class = "world_entry_form_control" >
< small class = "textAlignCenter" > Logic< / small >
< select name = "entryLogicType" class = "widthFitContent margin0" >
< option value = "0" > AND< / option >
< option value = "1" > NOT< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< div class = "world_entry_form_control keysecondary flex1" >
< small class = "displayNone" >
< span data-i18n = "(ignored if empty)" >
(ignored if empty)
< / span >
< / small >
2023-10-06 05:27:36 +09:00
< small class = "textAlignCenter" > Optional Filter< / small >
2023-10-06 03:02:43 +09:00
< div class = "flex-container flexFlowRow alignitemscenter" >
< textarea class = "text_pole keysecondarytextpole" name = "keysecondary" rows = "1" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Comma separated (ignored if empty)" placeholder = "Comma separated list" maxlength = "1000" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div name = "contentAndCharFilterBlock" class = "world_entry_thin_controls flex2" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "world_entry_form_control flex1" >
< label for = "content " >
< small >
2023-10-06 03:02:43 +09:00
< span data-i18n = "Content" class = "alignitemscenter flex-container flexnowrap wide100p justifySpaceBetween" >
< span class = "alignitemscenter flex-container flexNoGap" >
< / span >
< span >
(Tokens: < span class = "world_entry_form_token_counter" data-first-run = "true" > counting...< / span > )
2023-09-25 18:03:10 +09:00
< span class = "world_entry_form_uid_value" data-first-run = "true" > < / span >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / span >
2023-10-06 03:02:43 +09:00
< div >
< label class = "checkbox flex-container alignitemscenter flexNoGap" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "exclude_recursion" / >
< span data-i18n = "Exclude from recursion" >
< / span >
< / label >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / span >
< / small >
< small class = "displayNone" >
< span data-i18n = "What this keyword should mean to the AI" >
What this keyword should mean to the AI, sent verbatim
< / span >
< / small >
< / label >
< textarea class = "text_pole" name = "content" rows = "4" data-i18n = "[placeholder]What this keyword should mean to the AI, sent verbatim" placeholder = "What this keyword should mean to the AI, sent verbatim" > < / textarea >
< / div >
2023-10-06 03:02:43 +09:00
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "world_entry_thin_controls commentContainer" >
2023-10-06 03:02:43 +09:00
<!-- <div class="world_entry_form_control flex1">
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< label for = "comment" >
< small >
< span data-i18n = "Memo/Note" >
< / span >
< / small >
< small class = "displayNone" >
< span data-i18n = "Not sent to AI" >
Not sent to AI
< / span >
< / small >
< / label >
< textarea class = "text_pole" rows = "4" name = "comment" maxlength = "2000" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Not sent to the AI" placeholder = "Not sent to AI" > < / textarea >
2023-10-06 03:02:43 +09:00
< / div > -->
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn flexNoGap wide100p" >
2023-10-06 03:02:43 +09:00
< div class = "flex-container justifySpaceBetween" >
< label for = "characterFilter" class = "" >
< small data-i18n = "Filter to Character(s)" > Filter to Character(s)< / small >
< / label >
< label class = "checkbox flex-container alignitemscenter" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "character_exclusion" / >
< span data-i18n = "Character Exclusion" >
< small > Character Exclusion< / small >
< / span >
< / label >
< / div >
< div name = "WICharFilterLabel" class = "flex-container alignitemscenter marginBot5" >
< small data-i18n = "Filter Entry" > Filter Entry< / small >
< div >
< select name = "character_exclusion" class = "widthFitContent margin0" >
< option value = "only" > to Only< / option >
< option value = "except" > to Exclude< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< small > the following Characters:< / small >
< / div >
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< select name = "characterFilter" multiple >
< option value = "" >
< span data-i18n = "-- Characters not found --" > -- Characters not found --< / span >
< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div name = "WIEntryBottomControls" class = "flex-container flex1 justifySpaceBetween world_entry_form_horizontal" >
< div class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn flexNoGap wi-enter-footer-text " >
2023-10-01 10:21:19 +09:00
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< label class = "checkbox flex-container" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "constant" / >
< span data-i18n = "Constant" > Constant< / span >
< / label >
< label class = "checkbox flex-container alignitemscenter" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "disable" / >
< span data-i18n = "Disable" > Disable< / span >
< / label >
2023-10-01 10:21:19 +09:00
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< label class = "checkbox flex-container" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "selective" / >
< span data-i18n = "Selective" > Selective< / span >
< / label >
< label class = "checkbox flex-container" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "useProbability" / >
< span data-i18n = "Use Probability" > Use Probability< / span >
< / label >
< label class = "checkbox flex-container" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "addMemo" >
< span data-i18n = "Add Memo" > Add Memo< / span >
< / label >
2023-10-06 03:02:43 +09:00
<!-- <label class="checkbox flex - container alignitemscenter">
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< input type = "checkbox" name = "exclude_recursion" / >
< span data-i18n = "Exclude from recursion" >
< / span >
2023-10-06 03:02:43 +09:00
< / label > -->
<!-- <label class="checkbox flex - container alignitemscenter">
2023-09-27 09:53:56 +03:00
< input type = "checkbox" name = "character_exclusion" / >
< span data-i18n = "Character Exclusion" >
Character Exclusion
< / span >
2023-10-06 03:02:43 +09:00
< / label > -->
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div name = "injectioStratBlock" class = "world_entry_form_control world_entry_form_radios wi-enter-footer-text " >
< label for = "injectionStrat" > Injection:< / label >
< small >
< select name = "injectionStrat" >
< option value = "0" > Normal< / option >
< option value = "1" > Constant< / option >
< option value = "2" > Disabled< / option >
< / select >
< / small >
< / div >
2023-10-05 23:40:48 +09:00
<!-- <div name="PositionBlock" class="world_entry_form_control world_entry_form_radios wi - enter - footer - text ">
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< label for = "position" data-i18n = "Position:" > Position:< / label >
< small >
< select name = "position" >
< option value = "0" data-i18n = "Before Char Defs" > Before Char Defs< / option >
< option value = "1" data-i18n = "After Char Defs" > After Char Defs< / option >
< option value = "2" data-i18n = "Before AN" > Before AN< / option >
< option value = "3" data-i18n = "After AN" > After AN< / option >
2023-09-21 16:04:34 +09:00
< option value = "4" data-i18n = "at Depth" > at Depth< / option >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / select >
< / small >
< / div >
2023-09-24 07:41:56 -04:00
< div class = "world_entry_form_control wi-enter-footer-text flex-container flexNoGap " >
< label for = "depth" data-i18n = "Depth:" > Depth:< / label >
2023-09-25 19:29:24 +03:00
< input class = "text_pole wideMax100px margin0" type = "number" name = "depth" placeholder = "" min = "0" max = "999" / >
2023-09-24 07:41:56 -04:00
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "world_entry_form_control wi-enter-footer-text flex-container flexNoGap " >
< label for = "order" data-i18n = "Order:" > Order:< / label >
2023-09-21 21:26:30 +03:00
< input class = "text_pole wideMax100px margin0" type = "number" name = "order" placeholder = "" min = "0" max = "10000" / >
2023-10-05 23:40:48 +09:00
< / div > -->
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
2023-10-06 03:02:43 +09:00
<!-- <div class="world_entry_form_control wi - enter - footer - text flex - container flexNoGap probabilityContainer">
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< label for = "probability" data-i18n = "Probability:" > < / label > Probability:< / label >
< input class = "text_pole wideMax100px margin0" type = "number" name = "probability" placeholder = "" min = "0" max = "100" / >
2023-10-06 03:02:43 +09:00
< / div > -->
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-10-01 15:46:06 +03:00
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
2023-10-01 15:46:06 +03:00
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / form >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "character_template" class = "template_element" >
< div class = "character_select flex-container wide100p alignitemsflexstart" chid = "" id = "" >
< div class = "avatar" title = "" >
< img src = "" >
< / div >
< div class = "flex-container wide100pLess70px character_select_container" >
< div class = "wide100p character_name_block" >
< span class = "ch_name" > < / span >
2023-07-28 00:04:21 +03:00
< small class = "character_version" > < / small >
< small class = "ch_avatar_url" > < / small >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< i class = "ch_fav_icon fa-solid fa-star" > < / i >
< input class = "ch_fav" value = "" hidden / >
< div class = "ch_description" > < / div >
< div class = "tags tags_inline" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "tag_template" class = "template_element" >
< span id = "" class = "tag" >
< span class = "tag_name" > < / span >
< i class = "fa-solid fa-circle-xmark tag_remove" > < / i >
< / span >
< / div >
< div id = "openai_logit_bias_template" class = "template_element" >
< div class = "openai_logit_bias_form" >
2023-10-19 13:37:08 +03:00
< input class = "openai_logit_bias_text text_pole" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Text or token ids" placeholder = "Text or [token ids]" / >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< input class = "openai_logit_bias_value text_pole" type = "number" min = "-100" value = "0" max = "100" / >
< i class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-xmark openai_logit_bias_remove" > < / i >
2023-08-18 22:45:40 +09:00
< / form >
2023-05-28 15:51:11 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-18 22:45:40 +09:00
< / div >
2023-08-16 22:14:04 -07:00
< div id = "novelai_logit_bias_template" class = "template_element" >
< div class = "novelai_logit_bias_form" >
< input class = "novelai_logit_bias_text text_pole" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Type here..." placeholder = "type here..." / >
< input class = "novelai_logit_bias_value text_pole" type = "number" min = "-2" value = "0" max = "2" step = "0.01" / >
< i class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-xmark novelai_logit_bias_remove" > < / i >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-17 13:05:22 +03:00
2023-07-31 16:12:56 +02:00
< div id = "completion_prompt_manager_popup" class = "drawer-content" style = "display:none;" >
2023-07-02 21:34:46 +02:00
< div id = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_inspect" >
< h3 > Inspect< / h3 >
< div class = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry" >
< form class = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form" >
< div class = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_control" >
< div class = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_header" >
< label for = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_prompt" >
< span > Prompt List< / span >
< / label >
< a id = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_close_button" title = "close" class = "fa-solid fa-close menu_button" > < / a >
< / div >
< div class = "text_muted" > The list of prompts associated with this marker.< / div >
2023-07-02 21:50:37 +02:00
< div id = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_inspect_list" > < / div >
2023-07-02 21:34:46 +02:00
< / div >
< / form >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_edit" >
< h3 > Edit< / h3 >
< div class = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry" >
< form class = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form" >
2023-10-11 16:03:36 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container gap10px" >
< div class = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_control flex1" >
< label for = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_name" >
< span > Name< / span >
< / label >
< div class = "text_muted" > A name for this prompt.< / div >
< input id = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_name" class = "text_pole" type = "text" name = "name" / >
< / div >
< div class = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_control flex1" >
< label for = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_role" >
< span > Role< / span >
< / label >
< div class = "text_muted" > To whom this message will be attributed.< / div >
< select id = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_role" class = "text_pole" name = "role" >
< option value = "system" > System< / option >
< option value = "user" > User< / option >
< option value = "assistant" > AI Assistant< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
2023-07-02 21:34:46 +02:00
< / div >
2023-10-11 16:03:36 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container gap10px" >
< div class = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_control flex1" >
< label for = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_injection_position" >
< span > Position< / span >
< / label >
< div class = "text_muted" > Injection position. Next to other prompts (relative) or in-chat (absolute).< / div >
< select id = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_injection_position" class = "text_pole" name = "injection_position" >
< option value = "0" > Relative< / option >
< option value = "1" > Absolute< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< div class = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_control flex1" >
< label for = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_injection_depth" >
< span > Depth< / span >
< / label >
< div class = "text_muted" > Injection depth. 0 = after the last message, 1 = before the last message, etc.< / div >
< input id = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_injection_depth" class = "text_pole" type = "number" name = "injection_depth" min = "0" max = "999" value = "4" / >
< / div >
2023-07-02 21:34:46 +02:00
< / div >
< div class = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_control" >
< label for = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_prompt" >
< span > Prompt< / span >
< / label >
< div class = "text_muted" > The prompt to be sent.< / div >
< textarea id = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_prompt" class = "text_pole" name = "prompt" >
2023-05-28 15:51:11 +02:00
< / textarea >
2023-07-02 21:34:46 +02:00
< / div >
2023-08-18 22:45:40 +09:00
< div class = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_footer" >
2023-07-02 21:34:46 +02:00
< a id = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_close" title = "close" class = "fa-solid fa-close menu_button" > < / a >
< a id = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_reset" title = "reset" class = "fa-solid fa-undo menu_button" > < / a >
< a id = "completion_prompt_manager_popup_entry_form_save" title = "save" class = "fa-solid fa-save menu_button" data-pm-prompt = "" > < / a >
< / div >
< / form >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "message_template" class = "template_element" >
< div class = "mes" mesid = "" ch_name = "" is_user = "" is_system = "" bookmark_link = "" >
< div class = "for_checkbox" > < / div > < input type = "checkbox" class = "del_checkbox" >
< div class = "mesAvatarWrapper" >
< div class = "avatar" >
< img src = "" >
< / div >
< div class = "mesIDDisplay" > < / div >
< div class = "mes_timer" > < / div >
2023-08-31 17:10:01 +03:00
< div class = "tokenCounterDisplay" > < / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div class = "swipe_left fa-solid fa-chevron-left" > < / div >
< div class = "mes_block" >
< div class = "ch_name flex-container justifySpaceBetween" >
< div class = "flex-container flex1 alignitemscenter" >
< span class = "name_text" > ${characterName}< / span >
< small class = "timestamp" > < / small >
< / div >
< div class = "mes_buttons" >
< div class = "extraMesButtonsHint fa-solid fa-ellipsis" > < / div >
< div class = "extraMesButtons" >
< div title = "Translate message" class = "mes_translate fa-solid fa-language" data-i18n = "[title]Translate message" > < / div >
< div title = "Generate Image" class = "sd_message_gen fa-solid fa-paintbrush" data-i18n = "[title]Generate Image" > < / div >
< div title = "Narrate" class = "mes_narrate fa-solid fa-bullhorn" data-i18n = "[title]Narrate" > < / div >
< div title = "Prompt" class = "mes_prompt fa-solid fa-square-poll-horizontal " data-i18n = "[title]Prompt" > < / div >
2023-09-20 22:48:05 -04:00
< div title = "Create bookmark" class = "mes_create_bookmark fa-regular fa-solid fa-book-bookmark" data-i18n = "[title]Create Bookmark" > < / div >
< div title = "Create branch" class = "mes_create_branch fa-regular fa-code-branch" data-i18n = "[title]Create Branch" > < / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div title = "Copy" class = "mes_copy fa-solid fa-copy " data-i18n = "[title]Copy" > < / div >
< / div >
< div title = "Open bookmark chat" class = "mes_bookmark fa-solid fa-bookmark" data-i18n = "[title]Open bookmark chat" > < / div >
< div title = "Edit" class = "mes_edit fa-solid fa-pencil " data-i18n = "[title]Edit" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "mes_edit_buttons" >
< div class = "mes_edit_done menu_button fa-solid fa-check" title = "Confirm" data-i18n = "[title]Confirm" > < / div >
< div class = "mes_edit_copy menu_button fa-solid fa-copy" title = "Copy this message" data-i18n = "[title]Copy this message" > < / div >
< div class = "mes_edit_delete menu_button fa-solid fa-trash-can" title = "Delete this message" data-i18n = "[title]Delete this message" >
< / div >
< div class = "mes_edit_up menu_button fa-solid fa-chevron-up " title = "Move message up" data-i18n = "[title]Move message up" > < / div >
< div class = "mes_edit_down menu_button fa-solid fa-chevron-down" title = "Move message down" data-i18n = "[title]Move message down" >
< / div >
< div class = "mes_edit_cancel menu_button fa-solid fa-xmark" title = "Cancel" data-i18n = "[title]Cancel" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = mes_text > < / div >
< div class = "mes_img_container" >
< div class = "mes_img_controls" >
< div title = "Enlarge" class = "right_menu_button fa-lg fa-solid fa-magnifying-glass mes_img_enlarge" data-i18n = "[title]Enlarge" > < / div >
< div title = "Delete" class = "right_menu_button fa-lg fa-solid fa-trash-can mes_img_delete" data-i18n = "[title]Delete" > < / div >
< / div >
< img class = "mes_img" src = "" / >
< / div >
< div class = "mes_bias" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "swipe_right fa-solid fa-chevron-right" >
< div class = "swipes-counter" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "group_avatars_template" class = "template_element" >
< div class = "avatar avatar_collage collage_1" >
< img alt = "img1" class = "img_1" src = "" >
< / div >
< div class = "avatar avatar_collage collage_2" >
< img alt = "img1" class = "img_1" src = "" >
< img alt = "img2" class = "img_2" src = "" >
< / div >
< div class = "avatar avatar_collage collage_3" >
< img alt = "img1" class = "img_1" src = "" >
< img alt = "img2" class = "img_2" src = "" >
< img alt = "img3" class = "img_3" src = "" >
< / div >
< div class = "avatar avatar_collage collage_4" >
< img alt = "img1" class = "img_1" src = "" >
< img alt = "img2" class = "img_2" src = "" >
< img alt = "img3" class = "img_3" src = "" >
< img alt = "img4" class = "img_4" src = "" >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-21 16:42:18 +03:00
< div id = "onboarding_template" class = "template_element" >
< div class = "onboarding" >
< h3 data-i18n = "Welcome to SillyTavern!" > Welcome to SillyTavern!< / h3 >
< ul class = "justifyLeft margin-bot-10px" >
< li > Read the < a href = "https://docs.sillytavern.app/" target = "_blank" > Official Documentation< / a > .< / li >
< li > Type < code > /help< / code > in chat for commands and macros.< / li >
< li > Join the < a href = "https://discord.gg/RZdyAEUPvj" target = "_blank" > Discord server< / a > for info and announcements.< / li >
< / ul >
2023-08-29 18:04:10 +03:00
< b > SillyTavern is aimed at advanced users.< / b >
< div >
If you're new to this, enable the simplified UI mode below.
< / div >
< label class = "checkbox_label" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "enable_simple_mode" / >
< span data-i18n = "Enable simple UI mode" > Enable simple UI mode< / span >
< / label >
2023-07-21 16:42:18 +03:00
< div class = "justifyLeft margin-bot-10px" >
Before you get started, you must select a user name.
This can be changed at any time via the < code > < i class = "fa-solid fa-face-smile" > < / i > < / code > icon.
< / div >
< h4 > User Name:< / h4 >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div id = "group_member_template" class = "template_element" >
< div class = "group_member" >
< div class = "avatar" >
< img alt = "Avatar" src = "" / >
< / div >
< div class = "group_member_name" >
< div class = "ch_name" > < / div >
< div class = "tags tags_inline" > < / div >
< / div >
< input class = "ch_fav" value = "" hidden / >
< div class = "group_member_icon" >
< div title = "Temporarily disable automatic replies from this character" data-action = "disable" class = "right_menu_button fa-solid fa-lg fa-comment-slash" data-i18n = "[title]Temporarily disable automatic replies from this character" > < / div >
< div title = "Enable automatic replies from this character" data-action = "enable" class = "right_menu_button fa-solid fa-lg fa-comment-slash" data-i18n = "[title]Enable automatic replies from this character" > < / div >
< div title = "Trigger a message from this character" data-action = "speak" class = "right_menu_button fa-solid fa-lg fa-comment" data-i18n = "[title]Trigger a message from this character" > < / div >
< div class = "flexFlowColumn flex-container" >
< div title = "Move up" data-action = "up" class = "right_menu_button fa-solid fa-chevron-up" data-i18n = "[title]Move up" > < / div >
< div title = "Move down" data-action = "down" class = "right_menu_button fa-solid fa-chevron-down" data-i18n = "[title]Move down" > < / div >
< / div >
< div title = "View character card" data-action = "view" class = "right_menu_button fa-solid fa-xl fa-image-portrait" data-i18n = "[title]View character card" > < / div >
< div title = "Remove from group" data-action = "remove" class = "right_menu_button fa-solid fa-2xl fa-xmark" data-i18n = "[title]Remove from group" >
< / div >
< div title = "Add to group" data-action = "add" class = "right_menu_button fa-solid fa-2xl fa-plus" data-i18n = "[title]Add to group" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "group_list_template" class = "template_element" >
< div class = "group_select flex-container wide100p alignitemsflexstart" >
< div class = "avatar" >
< img src = "" >
< / div >
< div class = "flex-container wide100pLess70px gap5px group_name_block" >
< div class = "ch_name" > < / div >
< i class = 'group_fav_icon fa-solid fa-star' > < / i >
< input class = "ch_fav" value = "" hidden / >
< div class = "tags tags_inline" > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "hotswap_template" class = "template_element" >
2023-08-08 20:57:23 +03:00
< div class = "hotswapAvatar" title = "Add a character/group to favorites to display it here!" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< img src = "/img/ai4.png" >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "alternate_greetings_template" class = "template_element" >
< div class = "alternate_grettings flexFlowColumn flex-container" >
< div class = "title_restorable" >
< h3 > < span data-i18n = "Alternate Greetings" > Alternate Greetings< / span > < / h3 >
< div title = "Add" class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-plus add_alternate_greeting" data-i18n = "[title]Add" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "justifyLeft" data-i18n = "Alternate Greetings Subtitle" >
These will be displayed as swipes on the first message when starting a new chat.
Group members can select one of them to initiate the conversation.
< / div >
< hr >
< div class = "alternate_greetings_list flexFlowColumn flex-container wide100p" >
< strong class = "alternate_grettings_hint margin-bot-10px" data-i18n = "Alternate Greetings Hint" >
Click the < i class = "fa-solid fa-plus" > < / i > button to get started!
< / strong >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "alternate_greeting_form_template" class = "template_element" >
< div class = "alternate_greeting" >
< div class = "title_restorable" >
< strong > Alternate Greeting #< span class = "greeting_index" > < / span > < / strong >
< div class = "menu_button fa-solid fa-trash-alt delete_alternate_greeting" > < / div >
< / div >
< textarea name = "alternate_greetings" data-i18n = "[placeholder](This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat)" placeholder = "(This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat)" class = "text_pole textarea_compact alternate_greeting_text" maxlength = "20000" value = "" autocomplete = "off" rows = "4" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- chat and input bar -->
< div id = "typing_indicator_template" class = "template_element" >
< div class = "typing_indicator" > < span class = "typing_indicator_name" > CHAR< / span > is typing< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "movingDivs" >
< div id = "floatingPrompt" class = "drawer-content flexGap5" >
< div class = "panelControlBar flex-container" >
< div id = "floatingPromptheader" class = "fa-solid fa-grip drag-grabber" > < / div >
< div id = "ANClose" class = "fa-solid fa-circle-xmark" > < / div >
< / div >
2023-07-21 16:05:05 +09:00
< div name = "floatingPromptHolder" class = "scrollY" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "inline-drawer" >
< div id = "ANBlockToggle" class = "inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header" >
< b > Author's Note< / b >
< div class = "inline-drawer-icon fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down down" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer-content" >
< small >
< b > Unique to this chat< / b > .< br >
Bookmarks inherit the Note from their parent, and can be changed individually after that.< br >
< / small >
< textarea id = "extension_floating_prompt" class = "text_pole" rows = "8" maxlength = "10000" > < / textarea >
< div class = "extension_token_counter" >
Tokens: < span id = "extension_floating_prompt_token_counter" > 0< / span >
< / div >
2023-10-11 23:44:52 -04:00
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "extension_floating_allow_wi_scan" >
< input id = "extension_floating_allow_wi_scan" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Include in World Info Scanning" > Include in World Info Scanning< / span >
< / label >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "floating_prompt_radio_group" >
2023-09-21 19:30:20 +03:00
< label >
< input type = "radio" name = "extension_floating_position" value = "2" / >
Before Main Prompt / Story String
< / label >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< label >
< input type = "radio" name = "extension_floating_position" value = "0" / >
2023-08-25 20:03:31 +03:00
After Main Prompt / Story String
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / label >
< label >
< input type = "radio" name = "extension_floating_position" value = "1" / >
2023-09-25 19:29:24 +03:00
In-chat @ Depth < input id = "extension_floating_depth" class = "text_pole widthUnset" type = "number" min = "0" max = "999" / >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / label >
< / div >
<!-- <label for="extension_floating_interval">In - Chat Insertion Depth</label> -->
< label for = "extension_floating_interval" > Insertion Frequency< / label >
< input id = "extension_floating_interval" class = "text_pole widthUnset" type = "number" min = "0" max = "999" / > < small > (0 = Disable, 1 = Always)< / small >
< br >
< span > User inputs until next insertion: < span id = "extension_floating_counter" > (disabled)< / span > < / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< hr class = "sysHR" >
< div class = "inline-drawer" >
< div id = "charaANBlockToggle" class = "inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header" >
2023-10-04 22:13:56 +03:00
< div class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
< b data-i18n = "Character Author's Note (Private)" >
Character Author's Note (Private)
< / b >
< small data-i18n = "Won't be shared with the character card on export." >
Won't be shared with the character card on export.
< / small >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "inline-drawer-icon fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down down" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer-content" >
< small > Will be automatically added as the author's note for this character. Will be used in groups, but
can't be modified when a group chat is open.< / small >
2023-08-11 17:40:02 +03:00
< textarea id = "extension_floating_chara" class = "text_pole" rows = "8" maxlength = "10000" placeholder = "Example: [Scenario: wacky adventures; Genre: romantic comedy; Style: verbose, creative]" > < / textarea >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div class = "extension_token_counter" >
Tokens: < span id = "extension_floating_chara_token_counter" > 0< / span >
< / div >
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "extension_use_floating_chara" >
< input id = "extension_use_floating_chara" type = "checkbox" / >
< span data-i18n = "Use character author's note" > Use character author's note< / span >
< / label >
< div class = "floating_prompt_radio_group" >
< label >
< input type = "radio" name = "extension_floating_char_position" value = "0" / >
Replace Author's Note
< / label >
< label >
< input type = "radio" name = "extension_floating_char_position" value = "1" / >
Top of Author's Note
< / label >
< label >
< input type = "radio" name = "extension_floating_char_position" value = "2" / >
Bottom of Author's Note
< / label >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< hr class = "sysHR" >
< div class = "inline-drawer" >
< div id = "defaultANBlockToggle" class = "inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header" >
< b > Default Author's Note< / b >
< div class = "inline-drawer-icon fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down down" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer-content" >
< small > Will be automatically added as the Author's Note for all new chats.< / small >
2023-08-12 16:25:49 +09:00
< textarea id = "extension_floating_default" class = "text_pole" rows = "8" maxlength = "10000" placeholder = "Example: [Scenario: wacky adventures; Genre: romantic comedy; Style: verbose, creative]" > < / textarea >
< div class = "extension_token_counter" >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
Tokens: < span id = "extension_floating_default_token_counter" > 0< / span >
< / div >
2023-08-11 17:40:02 +03:00
< div class = "floating_prompt_radio_group" >
< label >
< input type = "radio" name = "extension_default_position" value = "0" / >
2023-08-25 20:03:31 +03:00
After Main Prompt / Story String
2023-08-11 17:40:02 +03:00
< / label >
< label >
< input type = "radio" name = "extension_default_position" value = "1" / >
2023-09-25 19:29:24 +03:00
In-chat @ Depth < input id = "extension_default_depth" class = "text_pole widthUnset" type = "number" min = "0" max = "999" / >
2023-08-11 17:40:02 +03:00
< / label >
< / div >
< label for = "extension_default_interval" > Insertion Frequency< / label >
< input id = "extension_default_interval" class = "text_pole widthUnset" type = "number" min = "0" max = "999" / > < small > (0 = Disable, 1 = Always)< / small >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-10-21 22:19:49 +03:00
< div id = "cfgConfig" class = "drawer-content flexGap5" >
< div class = "panelControlBar flex-container" >
< div id = "cfgConfigHeader" class = "fa-solid fa-grip drag-grabber" > < / div >
< div id = "CFGClose" class = "fa-solid fa-circle-xmark" > < / div >
< / div >
< div name = "cfgConfigHolder" class = "scrollY" >
< div id = "chat_cfg_container" >
< div class = "inline-drawer" >
< div id = "CFGBlockToggle" class = "inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header" >
< b > Chat CFG< / b >
< div class = "inline-drawer-icon fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down down" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer-content" >
< small >
< b > Unique to this chat.< / b > < br >
< / small >
< label for = "chat_cfg_guidance_scale" >
< span data-i18n = "Scale" > Scale< / span >
< small data-i18n = "1 = disabled" > 1 = disabled< / small >
< / label >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "chat_cfg_guidance_scale" name = "volume" min = "0.10" max = "4.00" step = "0.05" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "chat_cfg_guidance_scale" id = "chat_cfg_guidance_scale_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div >
< label for = "chat_cfg_negative_prompt" >
< span data-i18n = "Negative Prompt" > Negative Prompt< / span >
< / label >
< textarea id = "chat_cfg_negative_prompt" rows = "2" class = "text_pole textarea_compact" data-i18n = "[placeholder]write short replies, write replies using past tense" placeholder = "write short replies, write replies using past tense" > < / textarea >
< label for = "chat_cfg_positive_prompt" >
< span data-i18n = "Positive Prompt" > Positive Prompt< / span >
< / label >
< textarea id = "chat_cfg_positive_prompt" rows = "2" class = "text_pole textarea_compact" data-i18n = "[placeholder]write short replies, write replies using past tense" placeholder = "write short replies, write replies using past tense" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< div id = "groupchat_cfg_use_chara_container" >
< label class = "checkbox_label" for = "groupchat_cfg_use_chara" >
< input type = "checkbox" id = "groupchat_cfg_use_chara" / >
< span data-i18n = "Use character CFG scales" > Use character CFG scales< / span >
< / label >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "chara_cfg_container" style = "display: none;" >
< hr class = "sysHR" >
< div class = "inline-drawer" >
< div id = "charaANBlockToggle" class = "inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header" >
< b > Character CFG< / b >
< div class = "inline-drawer-icon fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down down" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer-content" >
< small > < b > Will be automatically added as the CFG for this character.< / b > < / small >
< br / >
< label for = "chara_cfg_guidance_scale" >
< span data-i18n = "Scale" > Scale< / span >
< small data-i18n = "1 = disabled" > 1 = disabled< / small >
< / label >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "chara_cfg_guidance_scale" name = "volume" min = "0.10" max = "4.00" step = "0.05" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "chara_cfg_guidance_scale" id = "chara_cfg_guidance_scale_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div >
< label for = "chara_cfg_negative_prompt" >
< span data-i18n = "Negative Prompt" > Negative Prompt< / span >
< / label >
< textarea id = "chara_cfg_negative_prompt" rows = "2" class = "text_pole textarea_compact" data-i18n = "[placeholder]write short replies, write replies using past tense" placeholder = "write short replies, write replies using past tense" > < / textarea >
< label for = "chara_cfg_positive_prompt" >
< span data-i18n = "Positive Prompt" > Positive Prompt< / span >
< / label >
< textarea id = "chara_cfg_positive_prompt" rows = "2" class = "text_pole textarea_compact" data-i18n = "[placeholder]write short replies, write replies using past tense" placeholder = "write short replies, write replies using past tense" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "global_cfg_container" >
< hr class = "sysHR" >
< div class = "inline-drawer" >
< div id = "defaultANBlockToggle" class = "inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header" >
< b > Global CFG< / b >
< div class = "inline-drawer-icon fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down down" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer-content" >
< small > < b > Will be used as the default CFG options for every chat unless overridden.< / b > < / small >
< br / >
< label for = "global_cfg_guidance_scale" >
< span data-i18n = "Scale" > Scale< / span >
< small data-i18n = "1 = disabled" > 1 = disabled< / small >
< / label >
< div class = "range-block-range-and-counter" >
< div class = "range-block-range" >
< input type = "range" id = "global_cfg_guidance_scale" name = "volume" min = "0.10" max = "4.00" step = "0.05" >
< / div >
< div class = "range-block-counter" >
< div contenteditable = "true" data-for = "global_cfg_guidance_scale" id = "global_cfg_guidance_scale_counter" >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div >
< label for = "global_cfg_negative_prompt" >
< span data-i18n = "Negative Prompt" > Negative Prompt< / span >
< / label >
< textarea id = "global_cfg_negative_prompt" rows = "2" class = "text_pole textarea_compact" data-i18n = "[placeholder]write short replies, write replies using past tense" placeholder = "write short replies, write replies using past tense" > < / textarea >
< label for = "global_cfg_positive_prompt" >
< span data-i18n = "Positive Prompt" > Positive Prompt< / span >
< / label >
< textarea id = "global_cfg_positive_prompt" rows = "2" class = "text_pole textarea_compact" data-i18n = "[placeholder]write short replies, write replies using past tense" placeholder = "write short replies, write replies using past tense" > < / textarea >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "cfg_prompt_combine_container" >
< hr class = "sysHR" >
< div class = "inline-drawer" >
< div id = "defaultANBlockToggle" class = "inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header" >
< b > CFG Prompt Cascading< / b >
< div class = "inline-drawer-icon fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down down" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "inline-drawer-content" >
< div class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
< small >
< b > Combine positive/negative prompts from other boxes.< / b >
< br / >
For example, ticking the chat, global, and character boxes combine all negative prompts into a comma-separated string.
< / small >
< / div >
< br / >
< div class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
< label for = "cfg_prompt_combine" >
< span data-i18n = "Scale" > Always Include< / span >
< / label >
< label class = "checkbox_label" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "cfg_prompt_combine" value = "0" / >
< span data-i18n = "Chat Negatives" > Chat Negatives< / span >
< / label >
< label class = "checkbox_label" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "cfg_prompt_combine" value = "1" / >
< span data-i18n = "Character Negatives" > Character Negatives< / span >
< / label >
< label class = "checkbox_label" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "cfg_prompt_combine" value = "2" / >
< span data-i18n = "Global Negatives" > Global Negatives< / span >
< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "flex-container flexFlowColumn" >
< label >
Custom Separator: < input id = "cfg_prompt_separator" class = "text_pole textarea_compact widthUnset" placeholder = ""\n"" type = "text" / >
< / label >
< label >
Insertion Depth: < input id = "cfg_prompt_insertion_depth" class = "text_pole widthUnset" type = "number" min = "0" max = "99" / >
< / label >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< div id = "sheld" >
< div id = "sheldheader" class = "fa-solid fa-grip drag-grabber" > < / div >
< div id = "chat" >
< / div >
< div id = "form_sheld" >
< div id = "dialogue_del_mes" >
< div id = "dialogue_del_mes_ok" class = "menu_button" > Delete< / div >
< div id = "dialogue_del_mes_cancel" class = "menu_button" > Cancel< / div >
< / div >
< form id = "send_form" class = "no-connection" >
< div id = "options_button" class = "fa-solid fa-bars" > < / div >
< textarea id = "send_textarea" data-i18n = "[placeholder]Not connected to API!" placeholder = "Not connected to API!" name = "text" > < / textarea >
< div id = "send_but_sheld" >
< div id = "mes_stop" title = "Abort request" class = "mes_stop" data-i18n = "[title]Abort request" >
< i class = "fa-solid fa-circle-stop" > < / i >
< / div >
2023-08-24 01:37:44 +03:00
< div id = "mes_continue" class = "fa-fw fa-solid fa-arrow-right displayNone" title = "Continue the last message" data-i18n = "[title]Continue the last message" > < / div >
< div id = "send_but" class = "fa-solid fa-paper-plane displayNone" title = "Send a message" data-i18n = "[title]Send a message" > < / div >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / div >
< / form >
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- popups live outside sheld to avoid blur conflicts -->
< div id = "options" class = "font-family-reset" style = "display: none;" >
< div class = "options-content" >
2023-08-03 13:21:38 +09:00
< a id = "option_close_chat" class = "displayNone" >
2023-07-30 21:35:21 +03:00
< i class = "fa-lg fa-solid fa-times" > < / i >
< span data-i18n = "Close chat" > Close chat< / span >
< / a >
2023-08-03 13:21:38 +09:00
< a id = "option_settings" class = "displayNone" >
2023-07-30 16:40:45 +03:00
< i class = "fa-lg fa-solid fa-cog" > < / i >
< span data-i18n = "Toggle Panels" > Toggle Panels< / span >
< / a >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< a id = "option_toggle_AN" >
< i class = "fa-lg fa-solid fa-note-sticky" > < / i >
< span data-i18n = "Author's Note" > Author's Note< / span >
< / a >
2023-10-21 22:19:49 +03:00
< a data-newbie-hidden id = "option_toggle_CFG" >
< i class = "fa-lg fa-solid fa-scale-balanced" > < / i >
< span data-i18n = "CFG Scale" > CFG Scale< / span >
< / a >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< a id = "option_back_to_main" >
< i class = "fa-lg fa-solid fa-left-long" > < / i >
< span data-i18n = "Back to parent chat" > Back to parent chat< / span >
< / a >
< a id = "option_new_bookmark" >
< i class = "fa-lg fa-solid fa-bookmark" > < / i >
< span data-i18n = "Save bookmark" > Save bookmark< / span >
< / a >
< a id = "option_convert_to_group" >
< i class = "fa-lg fa-solid fa-people-arrows" > < / i >
< span data-i18n = "Convert to group" > Convert to group< / span >
< / a >
2023-08-15 00:10:48 +03:00
< hr >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< a id = "option_start_new_chat" >
< i class = "fa-lg fa-solid fa-comments" > < / i >
< span data-i18n = "Start new chat" > Start new chat< / span >
< / a >
2023-08-15 00:10:48 +03:00
< a id = "option_close_chat" >
< i class = "fa-lg fa-solid fa-times" > < / i >
< span data-i18n = "Close chat" > Close chat< / span >
< / a >
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< a id = "option_select_chat" >
< i class = "fa-lg fa-solid fa-address-book" > < / i >
< span data-i18n = "View past chats" > View past chats< / span >
< / a >
< hr >
< a id = "option_delete_mes" >
< i class = "fa-lg fa-solid fa-trash-can" > < / i >
< span data-i18n = "Delete messages" > Delete messages< / span >
< / a >
< a id = "option_impersonate" title = "Ask AI to write your message for you" data-i18n = "[title]Ask AI to write your message for you" >
< i class = "fa-lg fa-solid fa-user-secret" > < / i >
< span data-i18n = "Impersonate" > Impersonate< / span >
< / a >
< a id = "option_continue" title = "Continue the last message" data-i18n = "[title]Continue the last message" >
< i class = "fa-lg fa-solid fa-arrow-right" > < / i >
< span data-i18n = "Continue" > Continue< / span >
< / a >
< a id = "option_regenerate" >
< i class = "fa-lg fa-solid fa-repeat" > < / i >
< span data-i18n = "Regenerate" > Regenerate< / span >
< / a >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "export_format_popup" class = "list-group" >
< div class = "export_format list-group-item" data-format = "png" > PNG< / div >
< div class = "export_format list-group-item" data-format = "json" > JSON< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "zoomed_avatar_template" class = "template_element" >
< div class = "zoomed_avatar" >
< div id = "" class = "fa-solid fa-grip drag-grabber" > < / div >
< img class = "zoomed_avatar_img" src = "" >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-08-29 22:44:09 -04:00
< template id = "generic_draggable_template" >
2023-08-28 00:49:20 -04:00
< div class = "draggable" >
2023-10-14 00:29:41 +09:00
< div class = "dragTitle" > < / div >
2023-08-30 20:09:01 -04:00
< div class = "panelControlBar flex-container" >
< div class = "fa-solid fa-grip drag-grabber" > < / div >
< div class = "fa-solid fa-circle-xmark dragClose" > < / div >
2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00
< / div >
2023-08-28 00:49:20 -04:00
< / div >
2023-08-29 22:44:09 -04:00
< / template >
2023-08-28 00:49:20 -04:00
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< div id = "rawPromptPopup" class = "list-group" >
< div id = "rawPromptWrapper" class = "tokenItemizingSubclass" > < / div >
< / div >
< div id = "user_avatar_template" class = "template_element" >
< div class = "avatar-container" >
< div imgfile = "" class = "avatar" >
< img src = "" alt = "User Avatar" >
< / div >
< div class = "avatar-buttons avatar-buttons-top" >
< button class = "menu_button bind_user_name" title = "Bind user name to that avatar" data-i18n = "[title]Bind user name to that avatar" >
< i class = "fa-solid fa-user-edit" > < / i >
< / button >
< button class = "menu_button set_default_persona" title = "Select this as default persona for the new chats." data-i18n = "[title]Select this as default persona for the new chats." >
< i class = "fa-solid fa-crown" > < / i >
< / button >
< / div >
< div class = "avatar-buttons avatar-buttons-bottom" >
< button class = "menu_button set_persona_image" title = "Change persona image" data-i18n = "[title]Change persona image" >
< i class = "fa-solid fa-image" > < / i >
< / button >
< button class = "menu_button delete_avatar" title = "Delete persona" data-i18n = "[title]Delete persona" >
< i class = "fa-solid fa-trash-alt" > < / i >
< / button >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< script >
// Configure toast library:
toastr.options.escapeHtml = true; // Prevent raw HTML inserts
toastr.options.timeOut = 4000; // How long the toast will display without user interaction
toastr.options.extendedTimeOut = 10000; // How long the toast will display after a user hovers over it
toastr.options.progressBar = true; // Visually indicate how long before a toast expires.
toastr.options.closeButton = true; // enable a close button
2023-09-02 18:32:15 +03:00
toastr.options.positionClass = "toast-top-center"; // Where to position the toast container
2023-07-20 20:32:15 +03:00
< / script >
< script >
const documentHeight = () => {
const doc = document.documentElement
doc.style.setProperty('--doc-height', `${window.innerHeight}px`)
window.addEventListener('resize', documentHeight)
< / script >
< / body >
2023-10-23 10:54:17 +09:00
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