Solid snacke/release (#1067)

Finished a little translation into Russian. Draft.


Co-authored-by: SolidSnacke <>
This commit is contained in:
Cohee 2023-08-31 12:45:45 +03:00 committed by GitHub
parent eb815b906c
commit 5057aab739
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 277 additions and 192 deletions

View File

@ -116,6 +116,17 @@
"!npm install -g localtunnel\n",
"!pip install -r requirements-complete.txt\n",
"!pip install tensorflow==2.12\n",
"!pip install Flask-Cors\n",
"!pip install Flask-Compress\n",
"!pip install transformers\n",
"!pip install Flask_Cloudflared\n",
"!pip install webuiapi\n",
"!pip install diffusers\n",
"!pip install accelerate\n",
"!pip install silero_api_server\n",
"!pip install edge_tts\n",
"!pip install chromadb\n",
"!pip install sentence_transformers\n",
"!wget -O /tmp/cloudflared-linux-amd64\n",
"!chmod +x /tmp/cloudflared-linux-amd64\n",

View File

@ -1713,19 +1713,19 @@
"Enable this if the streaming doesn't work with your proxy": "Включите это, если потоковый вывод текста не работает с вашим прокси",
"Context Size (tokens)": "Размер контекста (в токенах)",
"Max Response Length (tokens)": "Максимальная длина ответа (в токенах)",
"Temperature": "Temperature",
"Frequency Penalty": "Frequency Penalty",
"Presence Penalty": "Presence Penalty",
"Temperature": "Температура",
"Frequency Penalty": "Штраф за частоту",
"Presence Penalty": "Штраф за присутствие",
"Top-p": "Top-p",
"Display bot response text chunks as they are generated": "Отображать ответ ИИ по мере генерации текста",
"Top A": "Top-a",
"Typical Sampling": "Typical Sampling",
"Tail Free Sampling": "Tail Free Sampling",
"Rep. Pen. Slope": "Rep. Pen. Slope",
"Typical Sampling": "Типичная выборка",
"Tail Free Sampling": "Бесхвостовая выборка",
"Rep. Pen. Slope": "Rep. Pen. Склон",
"Single-line mode": "Режим одной строки",
"Top K": "Top-k",
"Top P": "Top-p",
"Do Sample": "Do Sample",
"Do Sample": "Сделать образец",
"Add BOS Token": "Добавить BOS-токен",
"Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative.": "Добавлять BOS-токен в начале инструкции. Выключение этого может сделать ответы более креативными. ",
"Ban EOS Token": "Заблокировать EOS-токен",
@ -1733,11 +1733,24 @@
"Skip Special Tokens": "Пропускать специальные токены",
"Beam search": "Поиск Beam",
"Number of Beams": "Количество Beam",
"Length Penalty": "Length Penalty",
"Length Penalty": "Штраф за длину",
"Early Stopping": "Преждевременная остановка",
"Contrastive search": "Contrastive search",
"Penalty Alpha": "Penalty Alpha",
"Contrastive search": "Контрастный поиск",
"Penalty Alpha": "Штраф Альфа",
"Seed": "Зерно",
"Epsilon Cutoff": "Отсечение эпсилона",
"Eta Cutoff": "Отсечка Eta",
"Negative Prompt": "Отрицательная подсказка",
"Mirostat (mode=1 is only for llama.cpp)": "Mirostat (режим = 1 только для llama.cpp)",
"Add text here that would make the AI generate things you don't want in your outputs.": "Добавьте сюда текст, который заставит ИИ генерировать то, что вы не хотите видеть в своих выводах",
"Phrase Repetition Penalty": "Штраф за повторение фразы",
"Preamble": "Преамбула",
"Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output.": "Используйте теги стиля, чтобы изменить стиль написания вывода.",
"Banned Tokens": "Запрещенные токены",
"Sequences you don't want to appear in the output. One per line.": "Последовательности, которые вы не хотите отображать в выводе. По одному на строку.",
"AI Module": "Модуль ИИ",
"Changes the style of the generated text.": "Изменяет стиль создаваемого текста.",
"Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character": "Используется, если масштаб CFG не установлен глобально, для каждого чата или персонажа.",
"Inserts jailbreak as a last system message.": "Вставлять JailBreak последним системным сообщением.",
"This tells the AI to ignore its usual content restrictions.": "Сообщает AI о необходимости игнорировать стандартные ограничения контента.",
"NSFW Encouraged": "Поощрять NSFW",
@ -1760,7 +1773,7 @@
"Prompt that is used when the Jailbreak toggle is on": "Инструкция, отправляемая ИИ при включенном JailBreak.",
"Impersonation prompt": "Инструкция для перевоплощения",
"Prompt that is used for Impersonation function": "Инструкция, отправляемая ИИ для генерации действий за пользователя",
"Logit Bias": "Logit Bias",
"Logit Bias": "Ошибка логита",
"Helps to ban or reenforce the usage of certain words": "Позволяет запретить или поощрять использование определенных слов",
"View / Edit bias preset": "Посмотреть/Настроить предустановку для bias",
"Add bias entry": "Добавить инструкцию в Bias",
@ -1770,21 +1783,27 @@
"Bot must send this back to confirm jailbreak": "Это сообщение будет отправлено ИИ при успешном включении JailBreak.",
"Character Note": "Заметки о персонаже",
"Influences bot behavior in its responses": "Влияет на поведение ИИ и его ответы.",
"Connect": "Подключить",
"Test Message": "Тестовое сообщение",
"API": "API",
"KoboldAI": "KoboldAI",
"Use Horde": "Использовать Horde",
"API url": "API URL",
"Register a Horde account for faster queue times": "Заведите учетную запись Horde для ускорения генерации",
"Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Hord": "Узнайте подробнее о том, как использовать время простоя GPU для Hord",
"Adjust context size to worker capabilities": "Уточнить размер контекста для возможностей рабочих",
"Adjust response length to worker capabilities": "Уточнить длинну ответа для возможностей рабочий",
"Adjust context size to worker capabilities": "Уточнить размер контекста в соответствии с возможностями рабочих машин",
"Adjust response length to worker capabilities": "Уточнить длинну ответа в соответствии с возможностями рабочих машин",
"API key": "API-ключ",
"Register": "Регист",
"Get it here:": "Получить здесь:",
"Register": "Регистрация",
"View my Kudos": "Посмотреть мой рейтинг(Kudos)",
"Enter": "Вставьте",
"to use anonymous mode.": "чтобы использовать анонимный режим.",
"For privacy reasons": "В целях конфиденциальности API-ключ будет скрыт после перезагрузки страницы",
"Model": "Модель",
"Models": "Модели",
"Hold Control / Command key to select multiple models.": "Удерживайте Control / Command для выбора нескольких моделей.",
"Horde models not loaded": "Модели Horde не загружены",
"Not connected": "Нет подключения",
"Not connected...": "Не подключено...",
"Novel API key": "API-ключ для NovelAI",
"Follow": "Следуйте",
"these directions": "данным инструкциям",
@ -1793,19 +1812,43 @@
"Novel AI Model": "Модель NovelAI",
"Euterpe": "Euterpe",
"Krake": "Krake",
"No connection": "Нет подключения",
"If you are using:": "Если вы используете:",
"oobabooga/text-generation-webui": "",
"Make sure you run it with": "Убедитесь, что при запуске указали аргумент --api",
"Blocking API url": "Блокирующий API URL",
"Mancer AI": "",
"Use API key (Only required for Mancer)": "Нажмите на ячейку (и добавьте свой API ключ!):",
"Blocking API url": "Блокирующий API url",
"Example:": "Пример:",
"Streaming API url": "Потоковый API URL",
"Example: ws://": "Пример: ws://",
"Mancer API key": "Mancer API ключ",
"Example:": "Пример:",
"to get your OpenAI API key.": "для получения API-ключа OpenAI",
"Window AI Model": "Модель Window AI",
"OpenAI Model": "Модель OpenAI",
"Claude API Key": "Claude API ключ",
"Get your key from": "Получить ключ из",
"Anthropic's developer console": "Консоли разработчика Anthropic",
"Slack and Poe cookies will not work here, do not bother trying.": "Файлы cookie Slack и Poe здесь не подойдут, не пытайтесь.",
"Claude Model": "Модель Claude",
"Scale API Key": "Scale API ключ",
"Alt Method": "Альтернативный метод",
"AI21 API Key": "AI21 API ключ",
"AI21 Model": "Модель AI21",
"View API Usage Metrics": "Посмотреть статистику использования API",
"Show External models (provided by API)": "Показать \"сторонние\" модели (предоставленные API)",
"Bot": "Бот:",
"Allow fallback routes": "Разрешить резервные маршруты",
"Allow fallback routes Description": "Автоматически выбирает альтернативную модель, если выбранная модель не может удовлетворить ваш запрос.",
"OpenRouter API Key": "OpenRouter API ключ",
"Connect to the API": "Соединение с API",
"OpenRouter Model": "Модель OpenRouter",
"View Remaining Credits": "Посмотреть оставшиеся кредиты",
"Click Authorize below or get the key from": "Нажмите «Авторизовать» ниже или получите ключ от",
"Auto-connect to Last Server": "Автоматическое подключение к последнему серверу",
"View hidden API keys": "Посмотреть скрытые API-ключи",
"Advanced Formatting": "Расширенное форматирование",
"Context Template": "Шаблон контекста",
"AutoFormat Overrides": "Замена АвтоФормата",
"Disable description formatting": "Отключить форматирование описания",
"Disable personality formatting": "Отключить форматирование личности",
@ -1813,18 +1856,26 @@
"Disable example chats formatting": "Отключить форматирование примеров чата",
"Disable chat start formatting": "Отключить форматирование начала чата",
"Custom Chat Separator": "Пользовательское разделение чата",
"Instruct Mode": "Режим Instruct",
"Replace Macro in Custom Stopping Strings": "Заменить макрос в пользовательских стоп-строках",
"Strip Example Messages from Prompt": "Удалить примеры сообщений из подсказки",
"Story String": "Строка истории",
"Example Separator": "Пример разделителя",
"Chat Start": "Начало чата",
"Activation Regex": "Активация Regex",
"Instruct Mode": "Режим \"Инструктаж\"",
"Enabled": "Включен",
"Wrap Sequences with Newline": "Отделять последовательности красной строкой",
"Include Names": "Показывать имена",
"Force for Groups and Personas": "Усилия для Групп и Персон",
"System Prompt": "Системная инструкция",
"Instruct Mode Sequences": "Последовательности режима обучения",
"Input Sequence": "Input Sequence",
"Input Sequence": "Входная последовательность",
"Output Sequence": "Выходная последовательность",
"First Output Sequence": "Первая выходная последовательность",
"Last Output Sequence": "Последняя выходная последовательность",
"System Sequence Prefix": "Префикс системной последовательности",
"System Sequence Suffix": "Суффикс системной последовательности",
"Stop Sequence": "Stop Sequence",
"Stop Sequence": "Последовательность остановки",
"Context Formatting": "Форматирование контекста",
"Tokenizer": "Токенайзер",
"None / Estimated": "Отсутствует/Приблизительно",
@ -1847,6 +1898,9 @@
"Style Anchor": "Стиль Anchors",
"World Info": "Информация о мире",
"Scan Depth": "Глубина сканирования",
"Context %": "Процент контекста",
"Budget Cap": "Бюджетный лимит",
"(0 = disabled)": "(0 = отключено)",
"depth": "глубина",
"Token Budget": "Объем токенов",
"budget": "объем",
@ -1855,7 +1909,10 @@
"About soft prompts": "О мягких инструкциях",
"None": "Отсутствует",
"User Settings": "Настройки пользователя",
"UI Customization": "Настройки UI",
"UI Mode": "Режим интерфейса",
"UI Language": "Язык интерфейса",
"MovingUI Preset": "Предустановка MovingUI",
"UI Customization": "Настройки интерфейса",
"Avatar Style": "Стиль аватаров",
"Circle": "Круглые",
"Rectangle": "Прямоугольные",
@ -1867,6 +1924,14 @@
"No Text Shadows": "Отключить тень текста",
"Waifu Mode": "!!!РЕЖИМ ВАЙФУ!!!",
"Message Timer": "Таймер сообщений",
"Model Icon": "Показать значки модели",
"Lazy Chat Loading": "Ленивая загрузка чата",
"# of messages (0 = disabled)": "# сообщений (0 = отключено)",
"Advanced Character Search": "Расширенный поиск персонажей",
"Allow {{char}}: in bot messages": "Показывать {{char}}: в ответах",
"Allow {{user}}: in bot messages": "Показать {{user}}: в ответах",
"Show tags in responses": "Показывать <теги> в ответах",
"Relaxed API URLS": "Смягченные URL-адреса API",
"Characters Hotswap": "Смена персонажей на лету",
"Movable UI Panels": "Перемещение панелей интерфейса",
"Reset Panels": "Сбросить панели",
@ -1894,6 +1959,7 @@
"Always disabled": "Всегда выключена",
"Automatic (desktop)": "Автоматически (системные настройки)",
"Always enabled": "Всегда включена",
"Debug Menu": "Меню отладки",
"Name": "Имя",
"Your Avatar": "Ваш Аватар",
"Extensions API:": "API для расширений",
@ -1977,9 +2043,9 @@
"Unrestricted maximum value for the context slider": "Неограниченное максимальное значение для ползунка с размером контекста",
"Chat Completion Source": "Источник для Chat Completion",
"Avoid sending sensitive information to the Horde.": "Избегайте отправки личной информации Horde",
"Review the Privacy statement": "Посмотреть Privacy statement",
"Review the Privacy statement": "Ознакомиться с заявлением о конфиденциальности",
"Learn how to contribute your idel GPU cycles to the Horde": "Изучите, как использовать GPU в состоянии простоя на благо Horde",
"Trusted workers only": "Только доверенные рабочие",
"Trusted workers only": "Только доверенные рабочие машины",
"For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.": "По причинам безопасности ваш API-ключ будет скрыт после перезагрузки страницы.",
"-- Horde models not loaded --": "--Модель Horde не загружена--",
"Example: ": "Пример:",
@ -1993,7 +2059,7 @@
"Trim spaces": "Обрезать пробелы",
"Trim Incomplete Sentences": "Обрезать неоконченные предложения",
"Include Newline": "Использовать красную строку",
"Non-markdown strings": "Неподчеркиваемые Strings",
"Non-markdown strings": "Строки без разметки",
"Replace Macro in Sequences": "Заменить макросы в последовательности",
"Presets": "Предустановки",
"Separator": "Разделитель",
@ -2003,12 +2069,16 @@
"Active World(s)": "Активные миры",
"Character Lore Insertion Strategy": "Порядок включения сведений",
"Sorted Evenly": "Равномерная сортировка",
"Active World(s) for all chats": "Активные миры для всех чатов",
"-- World Info not found --": "-- Информация о мире не найдена --",
"--- Pick to Edit ---": "Редактировать",
"or": "или",
"Character Lore First": "Сначала сведения о персонаже",
"Global Lore First": "Сначала общие сведения",
"-- World Info not found --": "Информация о Мире не найдена",
"Recursive Scan": "Рекурсивное сканирование",
"Case Sensitive": "Учитывать регистр",
"Match whole words": "Только полное совпадение",
"Alert On Overflow": "Оповещение о переполнении",
"World/Lore Editor": "Редактировать Мир/Сведения",
"--- None ---": "---Отсутствует---",
"Comma seperated (ignored if empty)": "Разделение запятыми (не используется, если оставлено пустым)",
@ -2045,8 +2115,12 @@
"Not Connected": "Не подключено",
"Persona Management": "Управление Персоной",
"Persona Description": "Описание Персоны",
"Your Persona": "Ваша Персона",
"Show notifications on switching personas": "Показывать уведомления о смене персоны",
"Blank": "Пустой",
"In Story String / Chat Completion: Before Character Card": "В строке истории / Дополнение диалога: Перед Карточкой Персонажа",
"In Story String / Chat Completion: After Character Card": "В строке истории / Дополнение диалога: После Карточки Персонажа",
"In Story String / Prompt Manager": "В строке истории/Менеджер подсказок",
"Top of Author's Note": "Перед Авторскими Заметками",
"Bottom of Author's Note": "После Авторских Заметок",
"How do I use this?": "Как мне это использовать?",
@ -2081,8 +2155,6 @@
"Samplers Order": "Порядок семплирования",
"Samplers will be applied in a top-down order. Use with caution.": "Семплирование будет применено в порядке сверху-вниз. Используйте с осторожностью.",
"Repetition Penalty": "Наказание за повторы",
"Epsilon Cutoff": "Epsilon Cutoff",
"Eta Cutoff": "Eta Cutoff",
"Rep. Pen. Range.": "Размер наказания за повторы",
"Rep. Pen. Freq.": "Частота наказания за повторы",
"Rep. Pen. Presence": "Наличие наказания за повторы",
@ -2093,7 +2165,8 @@
"Show suggested replies. Not all bots support this.": "Показывать предлагаемые ответы. Не все боты поддерживают это.",
"Use 'Unlocked Context' to enable chunked generation.": "Использовать 'Безлимитный контекст' для активации кусочной генерации",
"It extends the context window in exchange for reply generation speed.": "Увеличивает размер контекста в обмен на скорость генерации.",
"Continue": "Пролдолжить",
"Continue": "Продолжить",
"CFG Scale": "Масштаб CFG",
"Editing:": "Изменения",
"AI reply prefix": "Префикс Ответ ИИ",
"Custom Stopping Strings": "Настройка ограничивающий нитей",
@ -2244,7 +2317,7 @@
"Change persona image": "Сменить изображение личности",
"Delete persona": "Удалить личность"
"it-it": {
"it-it": {
"clickslidertips": "consigli per gli slider",
"kobldpresets": "Preset Kobold",
"guikoboldaisettings": "settaggi KoboldAI",
@ -2800,133 +2873,131 @@
"Select this as default persona for the new chats.": "Seleziona questo alterego come predefinito per tutte le nuove chat",
"Change persona image": "Cambia l'immagine del tuo alterego",
"Delete persona": "Elimina il tuo alterego",
"--- Pick to Edit ---": "--- Scegli per modificare ---",
"Add text here that would make the AI generate things you don't want in your outputs.": "Scrivi qui ciò che non vuoi l'IA generi nel suo output.",
"write short replies, write replies using past tense": "Scrivi risposte brevi, scrivi risposte usando il passato",
"Alert if your world info is greater than the allocated budget.": "Questo avvisa nel momento in cui le 'Info Mondo' consumano più di quanto allocato nel budget.",
"Clear your cookie": "Cancella i cookie",
"Restore new group chat prompt": "Ripristina il prompt della nuova chat di gruppo",
"Save movingUI changes to a new file": "Salva i cambiamenti apportati alla posizione dei pannelli dell'UI (MovingUI) in un nuovo file",
"Export all": "Esporta tutto",
"Import": "Importa",
"Insert": "Inserisci",
"New": "Nuovo",
"Prompts": "Prompt",
"Tokens": "Token",
"Reset current character": "Ripristina il personaggio attuale",
"(0 = disabled)": "(0 = disabilitato)",
"1 = disabled": "1 = disabilitato",
"Activation Regex": "Attivazione Regex",
"Active World(s) for all chats": "Attiva i Mondi per tutte le chat",
"Add character names": "Aggiungi i nomi dei personaggi",
"Add Memo": "Aggiungi note",
"Advanced Character Search": "Ricerca dei personaggi avanzata",
"Aggressive": "Aggressivo",
"AI21 Model": "Modello AI21",
"Alert On Overflow": "Avviso in caso di Overflow",
"Allow fallback routes": "Permetti fallback routes",
"Allow fallback routes Description": "Permetti la descrizione di fallback routes",
"Alt Method": "Metodo Alt",
"Alternate Greetings": "Alterna i saluti",
"Alternate Greetings Hint": "Suggerimenti per i saluti alternati",
"Alternate Greetings Subtitle": "Sottotitoli per i saluti alternati",
"Assistant Prefill": "Assistant Prefill",
"Banned Tokens": "Token banditi",
"Blank": "In bianco",
"Browser default": "Predefinito del browser",
"Budget Cap": "Limite budget",
"CFG": "CFG",
"CFG Scale": "CFG Scale",
"Changes the style of the generated text.": "Cambia lo stile del testo generato.",
"Character Negatives": "Character Negatives",
"Chat Negatives": "Chat Negatives",
"Chat Scenario Override": "Sovrascrittura dello scenario della chat",
"Chat Start": "Avvio della chat",
"Claude Model": "Modello Claude",
"Close chat": "Chiudi chat",
"Context %": "Context %",
"Context Template": "Context Template",
"Count Penalty": "Count Penalty",
"Example Separator": "Separatore d'esempio",
"Exclude Assistant suffix": "Escludi il suffisso assistente",
"Exclude the assistant suffix from being added to the end of prompt.": "Esclude il suffisso assistente dall'essere aggiunto alla fine del prompt.",
"Force for Groups and Personas": "Forzalo per gruppi e alterego",
"Global Negatives": "Global Negatives",
"In Story String / Chat Completion: After Character Card": "Nella stringa narrativa / Chat Completion: Dopo la 'Carta Personaggio'",
"In Story String / Chat Completion: Before Character Card": "Nella stringa narrativa / Chat Completion: Prima della 'Carta Personaggio",
"Instruct": "Instruct",
"Instruct Mode": "Modalità Instruct",
"Last Sequence": "Ultima sequenza",
"Lazy Chat Loading": "Caricamento svogliato della chat",
"Least tokens": "Token minimi",
"Light": "Leggero",
"Load koboldcpp order": "Ripristina l'ordine di koboldcpp",
"Main": "Principale",
"Mancer API key": "Chiave API di Mancer",
"Mancer API url": "Url API di Mancer",
"May help the model to understand context. Names must only contain letters or numbers.": "Può aiutare il modello a comprendere meglio il contesto. I nomi devono contenere solo numeri e lettere.",
"Medium": "Medium",
"Mirostat": "Mirostat",
"Mirostat (mode=1 is only for llama.cpp)": "Mirostat (mode=1 è valido solo per llama.cpp)",
"Mirostat Eta": "Mirostat Eta",
"Mirostat LR": "Mirostat LR",
"Mirostat Mode": "Mirostat Mode",
"Mirostat Tau": "Mirostat Tau",
"Model Icon": "Icona del modello",
"Most tokens": "Token massimi",
"MovingUI Preset": "Preset MovingUI",
"Negative Prompt": "Prompt negativo",
"No Module": "Nessun modulo",
"Nucleus Sampling": "Nucleus Sampling",
"Off": "Spento",
"OpenRouter API Key": "Chiave API di OpenRouter",
"OpenRouter Model": "Modello OpenRouter",
"or": "o",
"Phrase Repetition Penalty": "Phrase Repetition Penalty",
"Positive Prompt": "Prompt positivo",
"Preamble": "Premessa",
"Prompt Overrides (For OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter, and Instruct Mode)": "Sovrascrittura del prompt (Per le API di OpenAI/Claude/Scale, Window/OpenRouter, e la Modalità Instruct)",
"Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is O": "Prompt utilizzato quando l'interruttore NSFW è disattivato.",
"Prose Augmenter": "Prose Augmenter",
"Proxy Password": "Password proxy",
"Quick Edit": "Editing rapido",
"Random": "Casuale",
"Relaxed API URLS": "URL API sciatto",
"Replace Macro in Custom Stopping Strings": "Rimpiazza le macro nelle stringe d'arresto personalizzate",
"Scale": "Scale",
"Scale": "Scale",
"Sequences you don't want to appear in the output. One per line.": "Sequenze che non vuoi appaiano nell'output. Una per linea.",
"Set at the beginning of Dialogue examples to indicate that a new example chat is about to start.": "Impostato all'inizio degli Esempi di dialogo per indicare che un nuovo esempio di chat sta per iniziare.",
"Set at the beginning of the chat history to indicate that a new chat is about to start.": "Impostato all'inizio degli esempi di dialogo per indicare che una nuova chat sta per iniziare.",
"Set at the beginning of the chat history to indicate that a new chat is about to start.": "Impostato all'inizio della cronologia chat per indicare che una nuova chat sta per iniziare.",
"Set at the beginning of the chat history to indicate that a new group chat is about to start.": "Impostato all'inizio della cronologia chat per indicare che un nuova chat di gruppo sta per iniziare.",
"Show External models (provided by API)": "Mostra modelli esterni (Forniti dall'API)",
"Show Notifications Show notifications on switching personas": "Mostra una notifica quando l'alterego viene cambiato",
"Show tags in responses": "Mostra i tag nelle risposte",
"Story String": "Stringa narrativa",
"Text Adventure": "Avventura testuale",
"Text Gen WebUI (ooba/Mancer) presets": "Preset Text Gen WebUI (ooba/Mancer)",
"Toggle Panels": "Interruttore pannelli",
"Top A Sampling": "Top A Sampling",
"Top K Sampling": "Top K Sampling",
"UI Language": "Linguaggio interfaccia grafica",
"Unlocked Context Size": "Sblocca dimensione contesto",
"Usage Stats": "Statistiche di utilizzo",
"Use AI21 Tokenizer": "Utilizza il Tokenizer di AI21",
"Use API key (Only required for Mancer)": "Utilizza la chiave API (Necessario soltanto per Mancer)",
"Use character author's note": "Utilizza le note d'autore del personaggio",
"Use character CFG scales": "Utilizza CFG scales del personaggio",
"Use Proxy password field instead. This input will be ignored.": "Utilizza il campo del password proxy al suo posto. Questo input verrà ignorato.",
"Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output": "Utilizza lo stile delle tag per modificare lo stile di scrittura in output",
"Use the appropriate tokenizer for Jurassic models, which is more efficient than GPT's.": "Utilizza il tokenizer appropiato per i modelli giurassici, visto che è più efficente di quello di GPT.",
"Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character": "Usato se CFG Scale non è settato globalmente, per le chat o per i personaggi",
"Very aggressive": "Esageratamente aggressivo",
"Very light": "Esageratamente leggero",
"Welcome to SillyTavern!": "Benvenuto in SillyTavern!",
"Will be used as a password for the proxy instead of API key.": "Verrà usato come password per il proxy invece che la chiave API.",
"Window AI Model": "Modello Window AI",
"Your Persona": "Il tuo alterego"
"--- Pick to Edit ---": "--- Scegli per modificare ---",
"Add text here that would make the AI generate things you don't want in your outputs.": "Scrivi qui ciò che non vuoi l'IA generi nel suo output.",
"write short replies, write replies using past tense": "Scrivi risposte brevi, scrivi risposte usando il passato",
"Alert if your world info is greater than the allocated budget.": "Questo avvisa nel momento in cui le 'Info Mondo' consumano più di quanto allocato nel budget.",
"Clear your cookie": "Cancella i cookie",
"Restore new group chat prompt": "Ripristina il prompt della nuova chat di gruppo",
"Save movingUI changes to a new file": "Salva i cambiamenti apportati alla posizione dei pannelli dell'UI (MovingUI) in un nuovo file",
"Export all": "Esporta tutto",
"Import": "Importa",
"Insert": "Inserisci",
"New": "Nuovo",
"Prompts": "Prompt",
"Tokens": "Token",
"Reset current character": "Ripristina il personaggio attuale",
"(0 = disabled)": "(0 = disabilitato)",
"1 = disabled": "1 = disabilitato",
"Activation Regex": "Attivazione Regex",
"Active World(s) for all chats": "Attiva i Mondi per tutte le chat",
"Add character names": "Aggiungi i nomi dei personaggi",
"Add Memo": "Aggiungi note",
"Advanced Character Search": "Ricerca dei personaggi avanzata",
"Aggressive": "Aggressivo",
"AI21 Model": "Modello AI21",
"Alert On Overflow": "Avviso in caso di Overflow",
"Allow fallback routes": "Permetti fallback routes",
"Allow fallback routes Description": "Permetti la descrizione di fallback routes",
"Alt Method": "Metodo Alt",
"Alternate Greetings": "Alterna i saluti",
"Alternate Greetings Hint": "Suggerimenti per i saluti alternati",
"Alternate Greetings Subtitle": "Sottotitoli per i saluti alternati",
"Assistant Prefill": "Assistant Prefill",
"Banned Tokens": "Token banditi",
"Blank": "In bianco",
"Browser default": "Predefinito del browser",
"Budget Cap": "Limite budget",
"CFG": "CFG",
"CFG Scale": "CFG Scale",
"Changes the style of the generated text.": "Cambia lo stile del testo generato.",
"Character Negatives": "Character Negatives",
"Chat Negatives": "Chat Negatives",
"Chat Scenario Override": "Sovrascrittura dello scenario della chat",
"Chat Start": "Avvio della chat",
"Claude Model": "Modello Claude",
"Close chat": "Chiudi chat",
"Context %": "Context %",
"Context Template": "Context Template",
"Count Penalty": "Count Penalty",
"Example Separator": "Separatore d'esempio",
"Exclude Assistant suffix": "Escludi il suffisso assistente",
"Exclude the assistant suffix from being added to the end of prompt.": "Esclude il suffisso assistente dall'essere aggiunto alla fine del prompt.",
"Force for Groups and Personas": "Forzalo per gruppi e alterego",
"Global Negatives": "Global Negatives",
"In Story String / Chat Completion: After Character Card": "Nella stringa narrativa / Chat Completion: Dopo la 'Carta Personaggio'",
"In Story String / Chat Completion: Before Character Card": "Nella stringa narrativa / Chat Completion: Prima della 'Carta Personaggio",
"Instruct": "Instruct",
"Instruct Mode": "Modalità Instruct",
"Last Sequence": "Ultima sequenza",
"Lazy Chat Loading": "Caricamento svogliato della chat",
"Least tokens": "Token minimi",
"Light": "Leggero",
"Load koboldcpp order": "Ripristina l'ordine di koboldcpp",
"Main": "Principale",
"Mancer API key": "Chiave API di Mancer",
"Mancer API url": "Url API di Mancer",
"May help the model to understand context. Names must only contain letters or numbers.": "Può aiutare il modello a comprendere meglio il contesto. I nomi devono contenere solo numeri e lettere.",
"Medium": "Medium",
"Mirostat": "Mirostat",
"Mirostat (mode=1 is only for llama.cpp)": "Mirostat (mode=1 è valido solo per llama.cpp)",
"Mirostat Eta": "Mirostat Eta",
"Mirostat LR": "Mirostat LR",
"Mirostat Mode": "Mirostat Mode",
"Mirostat Tau": "Mirostat Tau",
"Model Icon": "Icona del modello",
"Most tokens": "Token massimi",
"MovingUI Preset": "Preset MovingUI",
"Negative Prompt": "Prompt negativo",
"No Module": "Nessun modulo",
"Nucleus Sampling": "Nucleus Sampling",
"Off": "Spento",
"OpenRouter API Key": "Chiave API di OpenRouter",
"OpenRouter Model": "Modello OpenRouter",
"or": "o",
"Phrase Repetition Penalty": "Phrase Repetition Penalty",
"Positive Prompt": "Prompt positivo",
"Preamble": "Premessa",
"Prompt Overrides (For OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter, and Instruct Mode)": "Sovrascrittura del prompt (Per le API di OpenAI/Claude/Scale, Window/OpenRouter, e la Modalità Instruct)",
"Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is O": "Prompt utilizzato quando l'interruttore NSFW è disattivato.",
"Prose Augmenter": "Prose Augmenter",
"Proxy Password": "Password proxy",
"Quick Edit": "Editing rapido",
"Random": "Casuale",
"Relaxed API URLS": "URL API sciatto",
"Replace Macro in Custom Stopping Strings": "Rimpiazza le macro nelle stringe d'arresto personalizzate",
"Scale": "Scale",
"Sequences you don't want to appear in the output. One per line.": "Sequenze che non vuoi appaiano nell'output. Una per linea.",
"Set at the beginning of Dialogue examples to indicate that a new example chat is about to start.": "Impostato all'inizio degli Esempi di dialogo per indicare che un nuovo esempio di chat sta per iniziare.",
"Set at the beginning of the chat history to indicate that a new chat is about to start.": "Impostato all'inizio della cronologia chat per indicare che una nuova chat sta per iniziare.",
"Set at the beginning of the chat history to indicate that a new group chat is about to start.": "Impostato all'inizio della cronologia chat per indicare che un nuova chat di gruppo sta per iniziare.",
"Show External models (provided by API)": "Mostra modelli esterni (Forniti dall'API)",
"Show Notifications Show notifications on switching personas": "Mostra una notifica quando l'alterego viene cambiato",
"Show tags in responses": "Mostra i tag nelle risposte",
"Story String": "Stringa narrativa",
"Text Adventure": "Avventura testuale",
"Text Gen WebUI (ooba/Mancer) presets": "Preset Text Gen WebUI (ooba/Mancer)",
"Toggle Panels": "Interruttore pannelli",
"Top A Sampling": "Top A Sampling",
"Top K Sampling": "Top K Sampling",
"UI Language": "Linguaggio interfaccia grafica",
"Unlocked Context Size": "Sblocca dimensione contesto",
"Usage Stats": "Statistiche di utilizzo",
"Use AI21 Tokenizer": "Utilizza il Tokenizer di AI21",
"Use API key (Only required for Mancer)": "Utilizza la chiave API (Necessario soltanto per Mancer)",
"Use character author's note": "Utilizza le note d'autore del personaggio",
"Use character CFG scales": "Utilizza CFG scales del personaggio",
"Use Proxy password field instead. This input will be ignored.": "Utilizza il campo del password proxy al suo posto. Questo input verrà ignorato.",
"Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output": "Utilizza lo stile delle tag per modificare lo stile di scrittura in output",
"Use the appropriate tokenizer for Jurassic models, which is more efficient than GPT's.": "Utilizza il tokenizer appropiato per i modelli giurassici, visto che è più efficente di quello di GPT.",
"Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character": "Usato se CFG Scale non è settato globalmente, per le chat o per i personaggi",
"Very aggressive": "Esageratamente aggressivo",
"Very light": "Esageratamente leggero",
"Welcome to SillyTavern!": "Benvenuto in SillyTavern!",
"Will be used as a password for the proxy instead of API key.": "Verrà usato come password per il proxy invece che la chiave API.",
"Window AI Model": "Modello Window AI",
"Your Persona": "Il tuo alterego"
"nl-nl": {
"clickslidertips": "klikregel tips",
@ -3615,4 +3686,4 @@
"Rep. Pen. Freq.": "Rep. Pen. Freq.",
"Rep. Pen. Presence": "Rep. Pen. Presence."

View File

@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
<div data-newbie-hidden id="ai_module_block_novel" class="width100p">
<div class="range-block">
<div class="range-block-title justifyLeft">
<div class="range-block-title justifyLeft" data-i18n="AI Module">
AI Module
<div class="toggle-description justifyLeft" data-i18n="Changes the style of the generated text.">
@ -1070,7 +1070,7 @@
<div class="fa-solid fa-clock-rotate-left "></div>
<div class="toggle-description justifyLeft" data-i18n="Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output">
<div class="toggle-description justifyLeft" data-i18n="Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output.">
Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output.
<div class="wide100p">
@ -1350,7 +1350,7 @@
<div class="range-block">
<div class="range-block-title">
<div class="range-block-title" data-i18n="Tail Free Sampling">
Tail Free Sampling
<div class="range-block-range-and-counter">
@ -1691,8 +1691,9 @@
<h4 data-i18n="API key">API key</h4>
<small>Get it here: <a target="_blank" href="">Register</a> (<a id="horde_kudos" href="javascript:void(0);">View my Kudos</a>)<br>
Enter <span class="monospace">0000000000</span> to use anonymous mode.
<span data-i18n="Get it here:">Get it here: </span> <a target="_blank" href="" data-i18n="Register">Register</a> (<a id="horde_kudos" href="javascript:void(0);" data-i18n="View my Kudos">View my Kudos</a>)<br>
<span data-i18n="Enter">Enter </span> <span class="monospace">0000000000</span> <span data-i18n="to use anonymous mode.">to use anonymous mode. </span>
<!-- <div>
<a id="horde_kudos" href="javascript:void(0);">View my Kudos</a>
@ -1705,7 +1706,7 @@
For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.
<h4 class="horde_model_title">
<span data-i18n="Models">Models </span>
<div id="horde_refresh" title="Refresh models" data-i18n="[title]Refresh models" class="right_menu_button">
<div class="fa-solid fa-repeat "></div>
@ -1716,7 +1717,7 @@
<div id="online_status_horde">
<div id="online_status_indicator_horde"></div>
<div id="online_status_text_horde" data-i18n="Not connected">Not connected</div>
<div id="online_status_text_horde" data-i18n="Not connected...">Not connected...</div>
@ -1726,12 +1727,12 @@
<h4 data-i18n="API url">API url</h4>
<small data-i18n="Example: ">Example: </small>
<input id="api_url_text" name="api_url" class="text_pole" placeholder="" maxlength="500" value="" autocomplete="off">
<input id="api_button" class="menu_button" type="submit" value="Connect">
<div id="api_button" class="menu_button" type="submit" data-i18n="Connect">Connect</div>
<div id="api_loading" class="api-load-icon fa-solid fa-hourglass fa-spin"></div>
<div id="online_status2">
<div id="online_status_indicator2"></div>
<div id="online_status_text2" data-i18n="Not connected">Not connected</div>
<div id="online_status_text2" data-i18n="Not connected...">Not connected...</div>
@ -1756,7 +1757,7 @@
<div data-for="api_key_novel" class="neutral_warning" data-i18n="For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.">
For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.
<input id="api_button_novel" class="menu_button" type="submit" value="Connect">
<div id="api_button_novel" class="menu_button" type="submit" data-i18n="Connect">Connect</div>
<div id="api_loading_novel" class="api-load-icon fa-solid fa-hourglass fa-spin"></div>
<h4><span data-i18n="Novel AI Model">Novel AI Model</span>
<a href="" class="notes-link" target="_blank">
@ -1772,12 +1773,12 @@
<div id="online_status3">
<div id="online_status_indicator3"></div>
<div id="online_status_text3" data-i18n="No connection...">No connection...</div>
<div id="online_status_text3" data-i18n="No connection...">No connection... </div>
<div id="textgenerationwebui_api" style="display: none;position: relative;">
<form action="javascript:void(null);" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
If you are using:
<span data-i18n="If you are using:"> If you are using:</span>
<div class="flex-container indent20p">
<a href="" target="_blank">
@ -1810,29 +1811,29 @@
<div class="flex1">
<h4 data-i18n="Mancer API url">Mancer API url</h4>
<small data-i18n="Example:">Example: </small>
<input id="mancer_api_url_text" name="mancer_api_url" class="text_pole wide100p" maxlength="500" value="" autocomplete="off">
<div id="tgwebui_api_subpanel" class="flex-container flexFlowColumn">
<div class="flex1">
<h4 data-i18n="Blocking API url">Blocking API url</h4>
<small data-i18n="Example: ">Example: </small>
<input id="textgenerationwebui_api_url_text" name="textgenerationwebui_api_url" class="text_pole wide100p" maxlength="500" value="" autocomplete="off">
<div class="flex1">
<h4 data-i18n="Streaming API url">Streaming API url</h4>
<small>Example: ws://</small>
<small data-i18n="Example: ws://">Example: ws:// </small>
<input id="streaming_url_textgenerationwebui" type="text" class="text_pole wide100p" maxlength="500" value="" autocomplete="off">
<input id="api_button_textgenerationwebui" class="menu_button" type="submit" value="Connect">
<div id="api_button_textgenerationwebui" class="menu_button" type="submit" data-i18n="Connect">Connect</div>
<div id="api_loading_textgenerationwebui" class="api-load-icon fa-solid fa-hourglass fa-spin"></div>
<div class="online_status4">
<div class="online_status_indicator4"></div>
<div class="online_status_text4" data-i18n="Not connected">Not connected</div>
<div class="online_status_text4" data-i18n="Not connected...">Not connected...</div>
<div id="openai_api" style="display: none;position: relative;">
@ -1916,10 +1917,10 @@
<form id="claude_form" data-source="claude" action="javascript:void(null);" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<h4>Claude API Key</h4>
Get your key from <a target="_blank" href="">Anthropic's developer console</a>.
<span data-i18n="Get your key from">Get your key from </span> <a target="_blank" href="" data-i18n="Anthropic's developer console">Anthropic's developer console</a>.
<b data-i18n="Slack and Poe cookies will not work here, do not bother trying.">
Slack and Poe cookies will not work here, do not bother trying.
@ -1996,10 +1997,10 @@
<h4 data-i18n="OpenRouter API Key">OpenRouter API Key</h4>
Click "Authorize" below or get the key from <a target="_blank" href="">OpenRouter</a>.
<a href="" target="_blank">View Remaining Credits</a>
<small data-i18n="Click Authorize below or get the key from">
Click "Authorize" below or get the key from </small> <a target="_blank" href="">OpenRouter</a>.
<a href="" target="_blank" data-i18n="View Remaining Credits">View Remaining Credits</a>
<div class="flex-container">
<input id="api_key_openrouter" name="api_key_openrouter" class="text_pole flex1" maxlength="500" value="" type="text" autocomplete="off">
@ -2012,7 +2013,7 @@
<form id="scale_form" data-source="scale" action="javascript:void(null);" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div id="normal_scale_form">
<h4>Scale API Key</h4>
<h4 data-i18n="Scale API Key">Scale API Key</h4>
<div class="flex-container">
<input id="api_key_scale" name="api_key_scale" class="text_pole flex1" maxlength="500" value="" autocomplete="off">
<div title="Clear your API key" data-i18n="[title]Clear your API key" class="menu_button fa-solid fa-circle-xmark clear-api-key" data-key="api_key_scale"></div>
@ -2042,7 +2043,7 @@
<form id="ai21_form" data-source="ai21" action="javascript:void(null);" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<h4>AI21 API Key</h4>
<h4 data-i18n="AI21 API Key">AI21 API Key</h4>
<div class="flex-container">
<input id="api_key_ai21" name="api_key_ai21" class="text_pole flex1" maxlength="500" value="" type="text" autocomplete="off">
<div title="Clear your API key" data-i18n="[title]Clear your API key" class="menu_button fa-solid fa-circle-xmark clear-api-key" data-key="api_key_ai21"></div>
@ -2063,14 +2064,14 @@
<div class="flex-container flex">
<input id="api_button_openai" class="menu_button" type="submit" value="Connect">
<div id="api_button_openai" class="menu_button" type="submit" data-i18n="Connect">Connect</div>
<input data-source="openrouter" id="openrouter_authorize" class="menu_button" type="button" value="Authorize" title="Get your OpenRouter API token using OAuth flow. You will be redirected to" data-i18n="[title]Get your OpenRouter API token using OAuth flow. You will be redirected to">
<input id="test_api_button" class="menu_button" type="button" value="Test Message" title="Verifies your API connection by sending a short test message. Be aware that you'll be credited for it!" data-i18n="[title]Verifies your API connection by sending a short test message. Be aware that you'll be credited for it!">
<div id="api_loading_openai" class=" api-load-icon fa-solid fa-hourglass fa-spin"></div>
<div class="online_status4">
<div class="online_status_indicator4"></div>
<div class="online_status_text4">No connection...</div>
<div class="online_status_text4" data-i18n="No connection...">No connection...</div>
@ -2320,7 +2321,9 @@
<label data-newbie-hidden class="checkbox_label" for="remove-examples-checkbox">
<input id="remove-examples-checkbox" type="checkbox" />
Strip Example Messages from Prompt
<span data-i18n="Strip Example Messages from Prompt">
Strip Example Messages from Prompt
<label class="checkbox_label" for="collapse-newlines-checkbox"><input id="collapse-newlines-checkbox" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Remove Empty New Lines from Output">
@ -2761,7 +2764,7 @@
<div data-newbie-hidden class="range-block">
<div class="range-block-title">
<span data-i18n="Lazy Chat Loading">Lazy Chat Loading</span><br>
<small># of messages (0 = disabled)</small>
<small data-i18n="# of messages (0 = disabled)"># of messages (0 = disabled)</small>
<div class="range-block-range-and-counter">
<div class="range-block-range">
@ -3035,7 +3038,7 @@
<div class="flex-container">
<div id="extensions_status" data-i18n="Not Connected">Not Connected</div>
<div id="extensions_status" data-i18n="Not connected...">Not connected...</div>
<label for="extensions_autoconnect">
<input id="extensions_autoconnect" type="checkbox">
<span data-i18n="Auto-connect">Auto-connect</span>
@ -3047,7 +3050,7 @@
<input id="extensions_api_key" type="text" class="flex1 heightFitContent text_pole widthNatural" maxlength="250" data-i18n="[placeholder]API key" placeholder="API key">
<div class="alignitemsflexstart extensions_url_block">
<div class="" style="text-align: center">
<input id="extensions_connect" class="menu_button" type="submit" value="Connect">
<input id="extensions_connect" class="menu_button" type="submit" data-i18n="Connect">Connect</input>
<input id="extensions_details" class="alignitemsflexstart menu_button" type="button" value="Manage extensions">
<div id="third_party_extension_button" title="Import Extension From Git Repo" class="menu_button fa-solid fa-cloud-arrow-down faSmallFontSquareFix"></div>
@ -3100,7 +3103,7 @@
<div class="range-block">
<label for="persona_show_notifications" class="checkbox_label">
<input id="persona_show_notifications" type="checkbox" />
<span data-i18n="Show Notifications Show notifications on switching personas">
<span data-i18n="Show notifications on switching personas">
Show notifications on switching personas
@ -4392,7 +4395,7 @@
<div class="panelControlBar flex-container">
<div class="fa-solid fa-grip drag-grabber"></div>
<div class="fa-solid fa-circle-xmark dragClose"></div>
@ -4445,4 +4448,4 @@