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synced 2025-03-27 01:10:14 +01:00
Optimize SVG loader. Add ai21 icon
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="" height="" viewBox="0 0 60 15" fill="none"
data-inject-url="" class="icon-svg timestamp-icon">
<g clip-path="url(#clip0--inject-2)">
d="M16.6207 23.4327L15.7407 20.6609H7.62075L6.74035 23.4327H1.10132L9.25303 0.609131H14.1115L22.361 23.4327H16.6207ZM11.6987 7.12926L8.89437 16.52H14.4377L11.6987 7.12926Z"
<path d="M22.9893 0.609131H28.3367V23.4327H22.9893V0.609131Z" fill=""></path>
d="M29.778 18.7697C30.0181 17.6428 30.4422 16.5632 31.0333 15.5743C31.5474 14.7385 32.1914 13.9901 32.941 13.357C33.7068 12.7218 34.5187 12.1443 35.37 11.6294C36.0436 11.2378 36.6685 10.8627 37.2449 10.5043C37.7764 10.178 38.2832 9.81296 38.7611 9.4121C39.1738 9.06912 39.5217 8.65497 39.7883 8.18927C40.0429 7.72502 40.1721 7.20247 40.1632 6.67309C40.1632 5.7602 39.9133 5.10266 39.4134 4.70047C38.8833 4.2885 38.2258 4.07506 37.5548 4.09717C36.7912 4.07408 36.0486 4.34892 35.4841 4.86356C34.9298 5.37448 34.6527 6.2277 34.6527 7.42323H29.4028C29.3934 6.43009 29.5762 5.44452 29.9411 4.52079C30.291 3.64199 30.831 2.85144 31.5222 2.20575C32.2584 1.52916 33.1235 1.00796 34.0657 0.673329C35.1756 0.285645 36.3455 0.0978785 37.5209 0.118755C38.5297 0.114098 39.5341 0.25135 40.5046 0.526479C41.4073 0.777025 42.2539 1.19757 42.999 1.76555C43.731 2.33806 44.3175 3.07539 44.7107 3.9175C45.1549 4.89419 45.3723 5.95876 45.3465 7.0314C45.3582 7.93876 45.1454 8.83495 44.7269 9.64014C44.3262 10.406 43.8154 11.109 43.2108 11.7268C42.6204 12.3291 41.9705 12.87 41.271 13.3411C40.5746 13.8087 39.9441 14.2054 39.3795 14.5311C38.5964 15.0529 37.9496 15.504 37.4394 15.8845C37.0016 16.2011 36.5925 16.5556 36.2169 16.9439C35.9359 17.2322 35.7191 17.5768 35.5808 17.9549C35.4549 18.3444 35.3943 18.752 35.4015 19.1612H45.1837V23.4326H29.3378C29.3099 21.8667 29.4575 20.3027 29.778 18.7697Z"
d="M46.1938 4.61724C47.1075 4.63586 48.0205 4.55382 48.9163 4.37261C49.5146 4.25901 50.0784 4.00788 50.5631 3.63905C50.952 3.31635 51.2358 2.88492 51.3782 2.39998C51.5411 1.81652 51.618 1.21237 51.6062 0.606689H56.2708V23.4327H50.891V8.33548H46.1938V4.61724Z"
<clipPath id="clip0--inject-2">
<rect width="117.818" height="24" fill="white" transform="translate(1.09106)"></rect>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.4 KiB |
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
<script src="lib/handlebars.js"></script>
<script src="lib/pagination.js"></script>
<script src="lib/toolcool-color-picker.js"></script>
<script src="lib/svg-inject.js"></script>
<script type="module" src="lib/swiped-events.js"></script>
<script type="module" src="lib/eventemitter.js"></script>
<script type="module" src="scripts/power-user.js"></script>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
* SVGInject - Version 1.2.3
* A tiny, intuitive, robust, caching solution for injecting SVG files inline into the DOM.
* https://github.com/iconfu/svg-inject
* Copyright (c) 2018 INCORS, the creators of iconfu.com
* @license MIT License - https://github.com/iconfu/svg-inject/blob/master/LICENSE
(function(window, document) {
// constants for better minification
var _CREATE_ELEMENT_ = 'createElement';
var _GET_ELEMENTS_BY_TAG_NAME_ = 'getElementsByTagName';
var _LENGTH_ = 'length';
var _STYLE_ = 'style';
var _TITLE_ = 'title';
var _UNDEFINED_ = 'undefined';
var _SET_ATTRIBUTE_ = 'setAttribute';
var _GET_ATTRIBUTE_ = 'getAttribute';
var NULL = null;
// constants
var __SVGINJECT = '__svgInject';
var ID_SUFFIX = '--inject-';
var ID_SUFFIX_REGEX = new RegExp(ID_SUFFIX + '\\d+', "g");
var ATTRIBUTE_EXCLUSION_NAMES = ['src', 'alt', 'onload', 'onerror'];
var A_ELEMENT = document[_CREATE_ELEMENT_]('a');
useCache: true,
copyAttributes: true,
makeIdsUnique: true
// Map of IRI referenceable tag names to properties that can reference them. This is defined in
// https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/linking.html#processingIRI
clipPath: ['clip-path'],
'color-profile': NULL,
cursor: NULL,
filter: NULL,
linearGradient: ['fill', 'stroke'],
marker: ['marker', 'marker-end', 'marker-mid', 'marker-start'],
mask: NULL,
pattern: ['fill', 'stroke'],
radialGradient: ['fill', 'stroke']
var INJECTED = 1;
var FAIL = 2;
var uniqueIdCounter = 1;
var xmlSerializer;
var domParser;
// creates an SVG document from an SVG string
function svgStringToSvgDoc(svgStr) {
domParser = domParser || new DOMParser();
return domParser.parseFromString(svgStr, 'text/xml');
// searializes an SVG element to an SVG string
function svgElemToSvgString(svgElement) {
xmlSerializer = xmlSerializer || new XMLSerializer();
return xmlSerializer.serializeToString(svgElement);
// Returns the absolute url for the specified url
function getAbsoluteUrl(url) {
A_ELEMENT.href = url;
return A_ELEMENT.href;
// Load svg with an XHR request
function loadSvg(url, callback, errorCallback) {
if (url) {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (req.readyState == 4) {
// readyState is DONE
var status = req.status;
if (status == 200) {
// request status is OK
callback(req.responseXML, req.responseText.trim());
} else if (status >= 400) {
// request status is error (4xx or 5xx)
} else if (status == 0) {
// request status 0 can indicate a failed cross-domain call
req.open('GET', url, true);
// Copy attributes from img element to svg element
function copyAttributes(imgElem, svgElem) {
var attribute;
var attributeName;
var attributeValue;
var attributes = imgElem.attributes;
for (var i = 0; i < attributes[_LENGTH_]; i++) {
attribute = attributes[i];
attributeName = attribute.name;
// Only copy attributes not explicitly excluded from copying
if (ATTRIBUTE_EXCLUSION_NAMES.indexOf(attributeName) == -1) {
attributeValue = attribute.value;
// If img attribute is "title", insert a title element into SVG element
if (attributeName == _TITLE_) {
var titleElem;
var firstElementChild = svgElem.firstElementChild;
if (firstElementChild && firstElementChild.localName.toLowerCase() == _TITLE_) {
// If the SVG element's first child is a title element, keep it as the title element
titleElem = firstElementChild;
} else {
// If the SVG element's first child element is not a title element, create a new title
// ele,emt and set it as the first child
titleElem = document[_CREATE_ELEMENT_ + 'NS']('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', _TITLE_);
svgElem.insertBefore(titleElem, firstElementChild);
// Set new title content
titleElem.textContent = attributeValue;
} else {
// Set img attribute to svg element
svgElem[_SET_ATTRIBUTE_](attributeName, attributeValue);
// This function appends a suffix to IDs of referenced elements in the <defs> in order to to avoid ID collision
// between multiple injected SVGs. The suffix has the form "--inject-X", where X is a running number which is
// incremented with each injection. References to the IDs are adjusted accordingly.
// We assume tha all IDs within the injected SVG are unique, therefore the same suffix can be used for all IDs of one
// injected SVG.
// If the onlyReferenced argument is set to true, only those IDs will be made unique that are referenced from within the SVG
function makeIdsUnique(svgElem, onlyReferenced) {
var idSuffix = ID_SUFFIX + uniqueIdCounter++;
// Regular expression for functional notations of an IRI references. This will find occurences in the form
// url(#anyId) or url("#anyId") (for Internet Explorer) and capture the referenced ID
var funcIriRegex = /url\("?#([a-zA-Z][\w:.-]*)"?\)/g;
// Get all elements with an ID. The SVG spec recommends to put referenced elements inside <defs> elements, but
// this is not a requirement, therefore we have to search for IDs in the whole SVG.
var idElements = svgElem.querySelectorAll('[id]');
var idElem;
// An object containing referenced IDs as keys is used if only referenced IDs should be uniquified.
// If this object does not exist, all IDs will be uniquified.
var referencedIds = onlyReferenced ? [] : NULL;
var tagName;
var iriTagNames = {};
var iriProperties = [];
var changed = false;
var i, j;
if (idElements[_LENGTH_]) {
// Make all IDs unique by adding the ID suffix and collect all encountered tag names
// that are IRI referenceable from properities.
for (i = 0; i < idElements[_LENGTH_]; i++) {
tagName = idElements[i].localName; // Use non-namespaced tag name
// Make ID unique if tag name is IRI referenceable
if (tagName in IRI_TAG_PROPERTIES_MAP) {
iriTagNames[tagName] = 1;
// Get all properties that are mapped to the found IRI referenceable tags
for (tagName in iriTagNames) {
(IRI_TAG_PROPERTIES_MAP[tagName] || [tagName]).forEach(function (mappedProperty) {
// Add mapped properties to array of iri referencing properties.
// Use linear search here because the number of possible entries is very small (maximum 11)
if (iriProperties.indexOf(mappedProperty) < 0) {
if (iriProperties[_LENGTH_]) {
// Add "style" to properties, because it may contain references in the form 'style="fill:url(#myFill)"'
// Run through all elements of the SVG and replace IDs in references.
// To get all descending elements, getElementsByTagName('*') seems to perform faster than querySelectorAll('*').
// Since svgElem.getElementsByTagName('*') does not return the svg element itself, we have to handle it separately.
var descElements = svgElem[_GET_ELEMENTS_BY_TAG_NAME_]('*');
var element = svgElem;
var propertyName;
var value;
var newValue;
for (i = -1; element != NULL;) {
if (element.localName == _STYLE_) {
// If element is a style element, replace IDs in all occurences of "url(#anyId)" in text content
value = element.textContent;
newValue = value && value.replace(funcIriRegex, function(match, id) {
if (referencedIds) {
referencedIds[id] = 1;
return 'url(#' + id + idSuffix + ')';
if (newValue !== value) {
element.textContent = newValue;
} else if (element.hasAttributes()) {
// Run through all property names for which IDs were found
for (j = 0; j < iriProperties[_LENGTH_]; j++) {
propertyName = iriProperties[j];
value = element[_GET_ATTRIBUTE_](propertyName);
newValue = value && value.replace(funcIriRegex, function(match, id) {
if (referencedIds) {
referencedIds[id] = 1;
return 'url(#' + id + idSuffix + ')';
if (newValue !== value) {
element[_SET_ATTRIBUTE_](propertyName, newValue);
// Replace IDs in xlink:ref and href attributes
['xlink:href', 'href'].forEach(function(refAttrName) {
var iri = element[_GET_ATTRIBUTE_](refAttrName);
if (/^\s*#/.test(iri)) { // Check if iri is non-null and internal reference
iri = iri.trim();
element[_SET_ATTRIBUTE_](refAttrName, iri + idSuffix);
if (referencedIds) {
// Add ID to referenced IDs
referencedIds[iri.substring(1)] = 1;
element = descElements[++i];
for (i = 0; i < idElements[_LENGTH_]; i++) {
idElem = idElements[i];
// If set of referenced IDs exists, make only referenced IDs unique,
// otherwise make all IDs unique.
if (!referencedIds || referencedIds[idElem.id]) {
// Add suffix to element's ID
idElem.id += idSuffix;
changed = true;
// return true if SVG element has changed
return changed;
// For cached SVGs the IDs are made unique by simply replacing the already inserted unique IDs with a
// higher ID counter. This is much more performant than a call to makeIdsUnique().
function makeIdsUniqueCached(svgString) {
return svgString.replace(ID_SUFFIX_REGEX, ID_SUFFIX + uniqueIdCounter++);
// Inject SVG by replacing the img element with the SVG element in the DOM
function inject(imgElem, svgElem, absUrl, options) {
if (svgElem) {
svgElem[_SET_ATTRIBUTE_]('data-inject-url', absUrl);
var parentNode = imgElem.parentNode;
if (parentNode) {
if (options.copyAttributes) {
copyAttributes(imgElem, svgElem);
// Invoke beforeInject hook if set
var beforeInject = options.beforeInject;
var injectElem = (beforeInject && beforeInject(imgElem, svgElem)) || svgElem;
// Replace img element with new element. This is the actual injection.
parentNode.replaceChild(injectElem, imgElem);
// Mark img element as injected
// Invoke afterInject hook if set
var afterInject = options.afterInject;
if (afterInject) {
afterInject(imgElem, injectElem);
} else {
svgInvalid(imgElem, options);
// Merges any number of options objects into a new object
function mergeOptions() {
var mergedOptions = {};
var args = arguments;
// Iterate over all specified options objects and add all properties to the new options object
for (var i = 0; i < args[_LENGTH_]; i++) {
var argument = args[i];
for (var key in argument) {
if (argument.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
mergedOptions[key] = argument[key];
return mergedOptions;
// Adds the specified CSS to the document's <head> element
function addStyleToHead(css) {
var head = document[_GET_ELEMENTS_BY_TAG_NAME_]('head')[0];
if (head) {
var style = document[_CREATE_ELEMENT_](_STYLE_);
style.type = 'text/css';
// Builds an SVG element from the specified SVG string
function buildSvgElement(svgStr, verify) {
if (verify) {
var svgDoc;
try {
// Parse the SVG string with DOMParser
svgDoc = svgStringToSvgDoc(svgStr);
} catch(e) {
return NULL;
if (svgDoc[_GET_ELEMENTS_BY_TAG_NAME_]('parsererror')[_LENGTH_]) {
// DOMParser does not throw an exception, but instead puts parsererror tags in the document
return NULL;
return svgDoc.documentElement;
} else {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = svgStr;
return div.firstElementChild;
function removeOnLoadAttribute(imgElem) {
// Remove the onload attribute. Should only be used to remove the unstyled image flash protection and
// make the element visible, not for removing the event listener.
function errorMessage(msg) {
console.error('SVGInject: ' + msg);
function fail(imgElem, status, options) {
imgElem[__SVGINJECT] = FAIL;
if (options.onFail) {
options.onFail(imgElem, status);
} else {
function svgInvalid(imgElem, options) {
fail(imgElem, SVG_INVALID, options);
function svgNotSupported(imgElem, options) {
fail(imgElem, SVG_NOT_SUPPORTED, options);
function loadFail(imgElem, options) {
fail(imgElem, LOAD_FAIL, options);
function removeEventListeners(imgElem) {
imgElem.onload = NULL;
imgElem.onerror = NULL;
function imgNotSet(msg) {
errorMessage('no img element');
function createSVGInject(globalName, options) {
var defaultOptions = mergeOptions(DEFAULT_OPTIONS, options);
var svgLoadCache = {};
// If the browser supports SVG, add a small stylesheet that hides the <img> elements until
// injection is finished. This avoids showing the unstyled SVGs before style is applied.
addStyleToHead('img[onload^="' + globalName + '("]{visibility:hidden;}');
* SVGInject
* Injects the SVG specified in the `src` attribute of the specified `img` element or array of `img`
* elements. Returns a Promise object which resolves if all passed in `img` elements have either been
* injected or failed to inject (Only if a global Promise object is available like in all modern browsers
* or through a polyfill).
* Options:
* useCache: If set to `true` the SVG will be cached using the absolute URL. Default value is `true`.
* copyAttributes: If set to `true` the attributes will be copied from `img` to `svg`. Dfault value
* is `true`.
* makeIdsUnique: If set to `true` the ID of elements in the `<defs>` element that can be references by
* property values (for example 'clipPath') are made unique by appending "--inject-X", where X is a
* running number which increases with each injection. This is done to avoid duplicate IDs in the DOM.
* beforeLoad: Hook before SVG is loaded. The `img` element is passed as a parameter. If the hook returns
* a string it is used as the URL instead of the `img` element's `src` attribute.
* afterLoad: Hook after SVG is loaded. The loaded `svg` element and `svg` string are passed as a
* parameters. If caching is active this hook will only get called once for injected SVGs with the
* same absolute path. Changes to the `svg` element in this hook will be applied to all injected SVGs
* with the same absolute path. It's also possible to return an `svg` string or `svg` element which
* will then be used for the injection.
* beforeInject: Hook before SVG is injected. The `img` and `svg` elements are passed as parameters. If
* any html element is returned it gets injected instead of applying the default SVG injection.
* afterInject: Hook after SVG is injected. The `img` and `svg` elements are passed as parameters.
* onAllFinish: Hook after all `img` elements passed to an SVGInject() call have either been injected or
* failed to inject.
* onFail: Hook after injection fails. The `img` element and a `status` string are passed as an parameter.
* The `status` can be either `'SVG_NOT_SUPPORTED'` (the browser does not support SVG),
* `'SVG_INVALID'` (the SVG is not in a valid format) or `'LOAD_FAILED'` (loading of the SVG failed).
* @param {HTMLImageElement} img - an img element or an array of img elements
* @param {Object} [options] - optional parameter with [options](#options) for this injection.
function SVGInject(img, options) {
options = mergeOptions(defaultOptions, options);
var run = function(resolve) {
var allFinish = function() {
var onAllFinish = options.onAllFinish;
if (onAllFinish) {
resolve && resolve();
if (img && typeof img[_LENGTH_] != _UNDEFINED_) {
// an array like structure of img elements
var injectIndex = 0;
var injectCount = img[_LENGTH_];
if (injectCount == 0) {
} else {
var finish = function() {
if (++injectIndex == injectCount) {
for (var i = 0; i < injectCount; i++) {
SVGInjectElement(img[i], options, finish);
} else {
// only one img element
SVGInjectElement(img, options, allFinish);
// return a Promise object if globally available
return typeof Promise == _UNDEFINED_ ? run() : new Promise(run);
// Injects a single svg element. Options must be already merged with the default options.
function SVGInjectElement(imgElem, options, callback) {
if (imgElem) {
var svgInjectAttributeValue = imgElem[__SVGINJECT];
if (!svgInjectAttributeValue) {
svgNotSupported(imgElem, options);
// Invoke beforeLoad hook if set. If the beforeLoad returns a value use it as the src for the load
// URL path. Else use the imgElem's src attribute value.
var beforeLoad = options.beforeLoad;
var src = (beforeLoad && beforeLoad(imgElem)) || imgElem[_GET_ATTRIBUTE_]('src');
if (!src) {
// If no image src attribute is set do no injection. This can only be reached by using javascript
// because if no src attribute is set the onload and onerror events do not get called
if (src === '') {
loadFail(imgElem, options);
// set array so later calls can register callbacks
var onFinishCallbacks = [];
imgElem[__SVGINJECT] = onFinishCallbacks;
var onFinish = function() {
onFinishCallbacks.forEach(function(onFinishCallback) {
var absUrl = getAbsoluteUrl(src);
var useCacheOption = options.useCache;
var makeIdsUniqueOption = options.makeIdsUnique;
var setSvgLoadCacheValue = function(val) {
if (useCacheOption) {
svgLoadCache[absUrl].forEach(function(svgLoad) {
svgLoadCache[absUrl] = val;
if (useCacheOption) {
var svgLoad = svgLoadCache[absUrl];
var handleLoadValue = function(loadValue) {
if (loadValue === LOAD_FAIL) {
loadFail(imgElem, options);
} else if (loadValue === SVG_INVALID) {
svgInvalid(imgElem, options);
} else {
var hasUniqueIds = loadValue[0];
var svgString = loadValue[1];
var uniqueIdsSvgString = loadValue[2];
var svgElem;
if (makeIdsUniqueOption) {
if (hasUniqueIds === NULL) {
// IDs for the SVG string have not been made unique before. This may happen if previous
// injection of a cached SVG have been run with the option makedIdsUnique set to false
svgElem = buildSvgElement(svgString, false);
hasUniqueIds = makeIdsUnique(svgElem, false);
loadValue[0] = hasUniqueIds;
loadValue[2] = hasUniqueIds && svgElemToSvgString(svgElem);
} else if (hasUniqueIds) {
// Make IDs unique for already cached SVGs with better performance
svgString = makeIdsUniqueCached(uniqueIdsSvgString);
svgElem = svgElem || buildSvgElement(svgString, false);
inject(imgElem, svgElem, absUrl, options);
if (typeof svgLoad != _UNDEFINED_) {
// Value for url exists in cache
if (svgLoad.isCallbackQueue) {
// Same url has been cached, but value has not been loaded yet, so add to callbacks
} else {
} else {
var svgLoad = [];
// set property isCallbackQueue to Array to differentiate from array with cached loaded values
svgLoad.isCallbackQueue = true;
svgLoadCache[absUrl] = svgLoad;
// Load the SVG because it is not cached or caching is disabled
loadSvg(absUrl, function(svgXml, svgString) {
// Use the XML from the XHR request if it is an instance of Document. Otherwise
// (for example of IE9), create the svg document from the svg string.
var svgElem = svgXml instanceof Document ? svgXml.documentElement : buildSvgElement(svgString, true);
var afterLoad = options.afterLoad;
if (afterLoad) {
// Invoke afterLoad hook which may modify the SVG element. After load may also return a new
// svg element or svg string
var svgElemOrSvgString = afterLoad(svgElem, svgString) || svgElem;
if (svgElemOrSvgString) {
// Update svgElem and svgString because of modifications to the SVG element or SVG string in
// the afterLoad hook, so the modified SVG is also used for all later cached injections
var isString = typeof svgElemOrSvgString == 'string';
svgString = isString ? svgElemOrSvgString : svgElemToSvgString(svgElem);
svgElem = isString ? buildSvgElement(svgElemOrSvgString, true) : svgElemOrSvgString;
if (svgElem instanceof SVGElement) {
var hasUniqueIds = NULL;
if (makeIdsUniqueOption) {
hasUniqueIds = makeIdsUnique(svgElem, false);
if (useCacheOption) {
var uniqueIdsSvgString = hasUniqueIds && svgElemToSvgString(svgElem);
// set an array with three entries to the load cache
setSvgLoadCacheValue([hasUniqueIds, svgString, uniqueIdsSvgString]);
inject(imgElem, svgElem, absUrl, options);
} else {
svgInvalid(imgElem, options);
}, function() {
loadFail(imgElem, options);
} else {
if (Array.isArray(svgInjectAttributeValue)) {
// svgInjectAttributeValue is an array. Injection is not complete so register callback
} else {
} else {
* Sets the default [options](#options) for SVGInject.
* @param {Object} [options] - default [options](#options) for an injection.
SVGInject.setOptions = function(options) {
defaultOptions = mergeOptions(defaultOptions, options);
// Create a new instance of SVGInject
SVGInject.create = createSVGInject;
* Used in onerror Event of an `<img>` element to handle cases when the loading the original src fails
* (for example if file is not found or if the browser does not support SVG). This triggers a call to the
* options onFail hook if available. The optional second parameter will be set as the new src attribute
* for the img element.
* @param {HTMLImageElement} img - an img element
* @param {String} [fallbackSrc] - optional parameter fallback src
SVGInject.err = function(img, fallbackSrc) {
if (img) {
if (img[__SVGINJECT] != FAIL) {
svgNotSupported(img, defaultOptions);
} else {
loadFail(img, defaultOptions);
if (fallbackSrc) {
img.src = fallbackSrc;
} else {
window[globalName] = SVGInject;
return SVGInject;
var SVGInjectInstance = createSVGInject('SVGInject');
if (typeof module == 'object' && typeof module.exports == 'object') {
module.exports = SVGInjectInstance;
})(window, document);
@ -1446,25 +1446,25 @@ function insertSVGIcon(mes, extra) {
modelName = extra.api;
// Fetch the SVG based on the modelName
$.get(`/img/${modelName}.svg`, function (data) {
// Extract the SVG content from the XML data
let svg = $(data).find('svg');
// Add classes for styling and identification
svg.addClass('icon-svg timestamp-icon');
const image = new Image();
// Add classes for styling and identification
image.classList.add('icon-svg', 'timestamp-icon');
image.src = `/img/${modelName}.svg`;
image.onload = async function () {
// Check if an SVG already exists adjacent to the timestamp
let existingSVG = mes.find('.timestamp').next('.timestamp-icon');
if (existingSVG.length) {
// Replace existing SVG
} else {
// Append the new SVG if none exists
await SVGInject(this);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user