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Tommi 2022-09-18 09:07:34 +02:00
parent 30e520073e
commit 584f741e73
27 changed files with 0 additions and 591 deletions

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@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
Everithing about this website is written in its [about page](https://quitsocialmedia.club/about), WIP notes are [here](https://tommi.space/qsm), the development roadmap is [here](./pages/development-roadmap.md)
## Contribution
This project warmly welcomes any contributor or supporter. Please visit the [contribution page](https://quitsocialmedia.club/contribute).

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@ -9,26 +9,6 @@
This website was created by <a href='https://tommi.space/about' target='_blank' title='About Tommi'>Tommi</a> with ❤️ and commitment.
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@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ Nevertheless, you can try to address your boss and explain them the matter, or e
Please do not drop this just because you work with Social Media! You can be part of the beginning of a revolution, where even Social Media Managers and employees of the Social Media industry start a new and more ethical way of living, promoting healthier Social Media platforms from the inside.
## …I will be alone and isolated from the rest of the world
This is probably the objection I answer to the most. If I said this is not true, I would most definitely be lying. Often times (but less and less every day) I get a strong impulse of looking at my friends stories on Instagram, or when a friend hands me their phone to look at a meme, I find myself scrolling without control their feed, since I kind of missed it.

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@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ ref: people
This website [was created](/about 'About quitsocialmedia.club') by [Tommi](https://tommi.space 'Tommi's personal website').
## Localization
Everyone who [localized](/l10n 'Localization') this websites content:
@ -29,9 +26,6 @@ Everyone who [localized](/l10n 'Localization') this websites content:
{% endfor %}
## Reviews and consulting
Anyone who was consulted and contacted with questions regarding the website.
@ -50,9 +44,6 @@ Anyone who was consulted and contacted with questions regarding the website.
{% endfor %}
## Illustrations
The authors of the drawings and illustrations displayed in the website.

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@ -12,9 +12,6 @@ Before deleting any account, it would not be a bad idea to back up all of your d
- [JustGetMyData](https://justgetmydata.com 'JustGetMyData'), a directory of direct links for you to obtain your data from web services.
## Delete
- [JustDeleteMe](https://justdeleteme.xyz 'JustDeleteMe'), a directory of direct links to delete your account from web services.

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@ -13,9 +13,6 @@ toc: false
More detailed data in the <a href='/notes' title='Notes on quitsocialmedia.club'>notes</a>
## l10n
Translations to be concluded:

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@ -14,48 +14,33 @@ Not quite so. Think about this: if I love the strawberry flavour of the ice crea
This apparently incoherent decision conceals in itself one of the very reasons of quitting: you have no way (or if you do, it's very unlikely) of being noticed or reaching some audience unless it's done through those platforms.
The authors of <cite><a href='https://thesocialdilemma.com' target='_blank' title='The Social Dilemma'>The Social Dilemma</a></cite> created official Social Media accounts of the movie, [giving a similar explanation](https://www.thesocialdilemma.com/code-of-ethics/ 'The Social Dilemmas Code of Ethics').
##### *If you quit social media, you should quit ***all*** Social Media. Why do you consider only the big platforms?*
Mainly, because the vast majority of the problems derives from the fact that the most famous social media are owned by corporations which make profit by managing unethically their platforms. Strictly speaking, by definition social media are not something which is mainly bad, and as a shorthand it's quicker and simpler to write “Social Media” instead of “Social Media owned by for-profit companies that make money from activities users do for free”, or, as [Jaron Lanier](http://jaronlanier.com 'Jaron Lanier') calls them, [BUMMER](https://thefourthrevolution.org/wordpress/archives/6262 'How BUMMER Became a New Acronym for Social Media').
Please refer to [what](/what) for further info.
## Name
##### *Why <cite>Quit Social Media</cite> and not <cite>Tommi quits Social Media</cite>?*
I thoroughly explain the main reasons in the [About page](/about 'About - quitsocialmedia.club'), but it's important to specify that I did not want to build a whole website to explain why *I* quit Social Media, or I would've done this on [my personal website](https://tommi.space 'tommi.space'); I did this because I couldn't find a comprehensive list of reasons [why](/why 'Why Quit Social Media') Social Media are bad anywhere on the web: there were articles (which I linked), videos and papers, but they all focused on very few points, never providing the whole picture. Since making this website has been a stressful, long and intense work, I believe it's not about me or my personal reasons for quitting, but it extensively covers all of the possible negative arguments which would make someone quit.
##### *Why the `.club` domain?*
I chose the `.club` domain because it was among the cheapest, but it also makes sense: [as I pointed out](/about 'About - quitsocialmedia.club'), quitting Social Media alone and it makes very little sense.
## Why
##### *Why did you spend all of this time and effort creating this website?*
Deep inside me, to be honest, I do not know; I just feel I need this, as strongly as I feel that I need to delete my Social Media accounts. Nevertheless, of course I devoted so many resources to this website because I firmly beliese in what is written here.
##### *Is someone paying you? What's your gain in all of this?*
I have absolutely **no personal earnings** in creating this website and in spamming it everywhere. On the contrary, I invested so much time in writing these words and building this virtual place (Im not a developer) that I became very tired and stressed and I came close to giving up. Few months ago, I was so sleepy that by mistake I completely deleted the working directory of this website, irremediably losing months of hard work (Im dumb, yes).\
If you appreciate what I did, please [consider contributing](/contribute 'Contribute').\
My personal gain is being happy of doing my part in trying to leave the world a little better than I found it, [as the great Baden Powell said](https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/robert_badenpowell_753084 '“Try and leave this world a little better than you found it”'); of course, I will not deny that becoming famous, being inteviewed and followed by crowds of people, regardless of how unlikely it may be, is something I sincerely [hope](#expectations) deep inside me.
## Expectations
##### *Once the website will be completed, what will you do?*
@ -63,20 +48,14 @@ My personal gain is being happy of doing my part in trying to leave the world a
A premise: this website, as everything on the internet, will never be **completely finished**. Anything which happens on the web is *a never-ending process*.\
I will spam it everywhere, talk about this in any chat with my friends. Aside from this, I am a [structured procrastinator](http://structuredprocrastination.com 'Structured Procrastination') and I am [too busy](https://tommi.space/now 'Tommis Now page') a ton of other stuff, so it's very unlikely that I will be able to keep this website updated and continue adding new content; however, if you are keen to improve and keep *quitsocialmedia.club* up to date, [you can do it by yourself](/contribute 'Contribute')! About the technical aspects: if someone helps me paying for it, the `.club` domain will continue to be available, while the hosting is offered for free by [Netlify](https://netlify.com 'Netlify'), therefore it's no problem.
##### *Why should I share this website?*
It's not my place to say, but I would be very grateful if you do it.
##### *What do you expect it will happen?*
Honestly, not much. Probably this website will be read by few friends, university colleagues and my relatives. Nonetheless, I profoundly hope that this website will become viral and that more and more people become aware of the problem, but it is not going to happen.
##### *Do you want everybody in the world to quit Social Media?*
Yes, and I believe it would be great, but I am very aware that it cannot and will never happen.

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@ -17,27 +17,18 @@ ref: links
- [quit.social](https://quit.social), a website to train yourself not to visit social media. Currently [working on merging it with this website](https://github.com/imjasonh/quit.social/issues/4 '“Merging quit.social with quitsocialmedia.club” issue on GitHub').
- [Privacy vs “I have nothing to hide”](https://kevq.uk/privacy-vs-i-have-nothing-to-hide/ 'Privacy vs “I have nothing to hide”'), an article by [Kev Quirk](https://kevq.uk/ 'Kevs website')
### Documentaries
- [<cite>The Great Hack</cite>](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Hack '“The Great Hack” on Wikipedia'), a <mark class='red'>documentary</mark> on the Cambridge Analytica scandal, and much more.
- [<cite>The Social Dilemma</cite>](https://www.thesocialdilemma.com 'The Social Dilemma website'), a <mark class='red'>documentary</mark> on the risks and threats of Social Media
### Books
- [<cite>Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now</cite>](https://jaronlanier.com/tenarguments.html 'Ten Arguments on Jaron Laniers official website'), a <mark class='purple'>book</mark> by the legendary [Jaron Lanier](https://jaronlanier.com 'Jaron Lanier')
- [<cite>The Age of Surveillance Capitalism</cite>](https://shoshanazuboff.com/book/about/ 'The Age of Surveillance Capitalism'), a <mark class='purple'>book</mark> by [Shoshana Zuboff](https://shoshanazuboff.com 'Shoshana Zuboff')
Go back to the [homepage](/home 'Home')
## Solutions and alternatives
- [What is RSS?](https://yewtu.be/6HNUqDL-pI8?quality=dash&dark_mode=true&player_style=youtube&subtitles=en%2Cit 'What is RSS?'), a YouTube <mark class='red'>video</mark>
@ -65,21 +56,13 @@ Go back to the [homepage](/home 'Home')
- [Okuna](https://about.okuna.io 'Okuna'), <q>an ethical social network for a brighter tomorrow</q>.
- [How did your life change after quitting social media?](https://www.quora.com/How-did-your-life-change-after-leaving-social-media 'How did your life change after quitting social media?') question on Quora
## What
- [Social Media statistics](https://chrissniderdesign.com/blog/resources/social-media-statistics/ 'Social Media statistics'): active users, revenue, data about the main Social Media platforms
- [Facebook ads library](https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/ 'Facebook ads Library'), look for ads and advertisers
## Anger
## Hate
Go back to [Why > Hate](/why#hate 'Hate')
@ -93,8 +76,6 @@ Go back to [Why > Hate](/why#hate 'Hate')
- [Why the right wing has a massive advantage on Facebook](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/26/facebook-conservatives-2020-421146 'Why the right wing has a massive advantage on Facebook') on Politico
- [A Decade After the Arab Spring, Platforms Have Turned Their Backs on Critical Voices in the Middle East and North Africa](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/12/decade-after-arab-spring-platforms-have-turned-their-backs-critical-voices-middle 'A Decade After the Arab Spring, Platforms Have Turned Their Backs on Critical Voices in the Middle East and North Africa')
## Polarization
- [How Facebook profits from polarization](https://ted.com/talks/yael_eisenstat_how_facebook_profits_from_polarization 'How Facebook profits from polarization'), a <mark class='red'>TED Talk</mark> by [Yael Eisenstat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yael_Eisenstat 'Yael Eisenstat on Wikipedia')
@ -103,9 +84,6 @@ Go back to [Why > Hate](/why#hate 'Hate')
Go back to [Why > Polarization](/why#polarization 'Polarization')
## Misinformation
Go back to [Why > Misinformation](/why#misinformation 'DMisinformation')
@ -115,8 +93,6 @@ Go back to [Why > Misinformation](/why#misinformation 'DMisinformation')
- [Control, Stifle, Censor: Social Medias Toxic Double-Edged Policies](https://thereboot.com/control-stifle-censor-social-media-toxic-double-edged-policies/ 'Control, Stifle, Censor: Social Medias Toxic Double-Edged Policies') by Jillian C. York on [The Reboot]
- [Mark Zuckerberg Is an Arbiter of Truth—Whether He Likes It or Not](https://www.wired.com/story/mark-zuckerberg-is-an-arbiter-of-truth-whether-he-likes-it-or-not/ 'Mark Zuckerberg Is an Arbiter of Truth—Whether He Likes It or Not'), by Steven Levy on [WIRED]
{% comment %}
## Bubble
@ -124,16 +100,12 @@ Go back to [Why > Misinformation](/why#misinformation 'DMisinformation')
Go back to [Why > Bubble](/why#bubble 'Bubble')
{% endcomment %}
## Quality
Go back to [Why > Quality](/why#quality 'Quality')
## Addiction
- [An Exploratory Study of Gambling Operators Use of Social Media and the Latent Messages Conveyed](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10899-015-9525-2 'An Exploratory Study of Gambling Operators Use of Social Media and the Latent Messages Conveyed')
@ -141,19 +113,14 @@ Go back to [Why > Quality](/why#quality 'Quality')
Go back to [Why > Addiction](/why#addiction 'Addiction')
{% comment %}
## Distraction
Go back to [Why > Distraction](/why#distraction 'Distraction')
## Data
Go back to [Why > Data](/why#data 'Data')
{% endcomment %}
## Profilation
@ -167,8 +134,6 @@ Go back to [Why > Profilation](/why#profilation 'Profilation')
- [How Surveillance Advertising Seized Our Data and Hijacked the Web](https://thereboot.com/how-surveillance-advertising-seized-our-data-and-hijacked-the-web/ 'How Surveillance Advertising Seized Our Data and Hijacked the Web') by Matthew Crain on [The Reboot]
- [How Social Media tracking works](https://twitter.com/RobertGReeve/status/1397032784703655938), a Twitter thread by [Robert G. Reeve](https://twitter.com/RobertGReeve 'Robert G. Reeve Twitter profile')
## Monopolization
Go back to [Why > Monopolization](/why#monopolization 'Monopolization')
@ -179,15 +144,11 @@ Go back to [Why > Monopolization](/why#monopolization 'Monopolization')
- [U.S. and States Say Facebook Illegally Crushed Competition](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/09/technology/facebook-antitrust-monopoly.html?smid=url-share 'U.S. and States Say Facebook Illegally Crushed Competition - New York Times') by Cecilia Kang and Mike Isaac on [The New York Times](https://nytimes.com 'New York Times')
{% comment %}
## Sociality
Go back to [Why > Sociality](/why#sociality 'Sociality')
{% endcomment %}
## Standardization
Go back to [Why > Standardization](/why#standardization 'Standardization')
@ -195,51 +156,35 @@ Go back to [Why > Standardization](/why#standardization 'Standardization')
- [The internet didnt kill counterculture—you just wont find it on Instagram](https://www.documentjournal.com/2021/01/the-internet-didnt-kill-counterculture-you-just-wont-find-it-on-instagram/ 'The internet didnt kill counterculture—you just wont find it on Instagram')
{% comment %}
## Content ownership
Go back to [Why > Content ownership](/why#content-ownership 'Content Ownership')
## Hurry
Go back to [Why > Hurry](/why#hurry 'Hurry')
## Simplicity vs simplification
Go back to [Why > Simplicity vs Simplification](/why#simplicity-vs-simplification 'Simplicity vs Simplification')
## Being always connected
Go back to [Why > Being always connected](/why#being-always-connected 'Being Always Connected')
## Environment
Go back to [Why > Environment](/why#environment 'Environment')
## Closed
Go back to [Why > Closed](/why#closed 'Closed')
## Saturation
Go back to [Why > Saturation](/why#saturation 'Saturation')
{% endcomment %}
## Being used
- [Who does that server really serve?](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/who-does-that-server-really-serve.html 'Who does that server really serve?'), by [Richard Stallman](https://stallman.org 'Richard Stallmans personal website') on [GNU.org](https://gnu.org 'GNU')

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@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ Before you get there, *if* you do, there's an awareness path to follow.
Since you can take action at different levels, actions which get you closer to <a href='https://tommi.space/internet-freedom' target='_blank' title='“Internet Freedom” in Tommis notes'>Internet Freedom</a> are gameified and displayed as levels, from <a href='/l00'>Level 0</a> to <a href='/l1000'>Level 1000</a>.
- **Level 0**: Find out more [about](/about 'About quitsocialmedia.club') this website and [its purpose](/about#purpose 'Purpose - quitsocialmedia.club')
- **Level 1**: understand [why](/why 'Why') you should quit Social Media
- **Level 2**: go through [more resources](/links 'Links') and deepen your knowledge, also by [watching videos](/watch 'Watch') and [listening to podcasts](/listen 'Listen').

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@ -10,9 +10,6 @@ toc: false
Please <a href='mailto:{{ site.author.email }}' title='Write Tommi an email'>contact Tommi via email</a> for any question not answered in the [About page](/about 'About quitsocialmedia.club').
## Mentions
A list of links to publications where quitsocialmedia appears:

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@ -12,9 +12,6 @@ In short: after quitting Social Media, you will not become a misanthrope who liv
The concept is this: to stay up to date, you can subscribe to any website's [RSS feed](#rss-feed), even to Social Media pages and profiles, YouTube channels… anything. To publish content, instead, the best way is to [**create your own website**](#website), start a newsletter, or consider [healthier Social Media platforms](#alternatives).
## RSS feed
You may have no idea [what a RSS feed is](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS '“RSS” on Wikipedia'), or you may recall it as something old and remote. It is a simple tool which keeps you anonymous, it is not owned by anyone and it needs no dedicated server to work. It has no algorithms and nobody uses watches your actions for [advertising purposes](/why#profilation).
@ -30,8 +27,6 @@ As pointed out in the [about](/about) page, this website isn't meant to explain
- [RSS before Social Media](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=0klgLsSxGsU&quality=dash&dark_mode=true&player_style=youtube&subtitles=en), a very interesting YouTube video to watch: it shows how before the diffusion of Social Media RSS really was the best way to stay updated.
- RSS is fundamental in one field in particular: **podcasting**. Anyone who has a podcast publishes it in one place (a podcasting platform or a website) and all of the other podcasting platforms [get new episodes through its RSS feed](https://yewtu.be/TU5zc-u6dhY?t=159).
### Using Social Media without being on Social Media
It can happen that you end up sad and you miss how much Social Media allowed you to connect with your loved ones in a way you could never replace with other systems, if they don't want to follow you in abandoning those platforms. It is understandable, even if the ideal solution would be if you all quit. Nevertheless, as always, there's a very smart and useful workaround, a tool which allows you to <u>convert Social Media timelines in RSS feeds</u>.
@ -40,8 +35,6 @@ Tools like that are actually more than one, but the most famous and developed on
You are welcome to test and use the RSS-Bridge instance I host on my server by visiting <https://rss-bridge.tommi.space>. (mantaining and renting a server is no cheap matter. I am happy of offering my RSS-Bridge, nonetheless, if you started using it a lot, [a symbolic contribution](https://it.liberapay.com/tommi/donate 'Dona a Tommi su Liberapay') would mean a lot).
### Proxies
Most of the time, if you do not need to follow someone or something and you do not care about missing about her/his/its posts, you can use websites which allow you to view the main Social Media from a different interface, without needing to log in nor to be tracked by the original websites cookies.
@ -53,9 +46,6 @@ Most of the time, if you do not need to follow someone or something and you do n
[Privacy Redirect](https://github.com/SimonBrazell/privacy-redirect 'Privacy Redirect') is a very cool extension which automatically converts links containing the original URLs of the services to their correspondent proxy websites. For example, if I wanted to go to <https://twitter.com/esa>, I would be redirected to <https://nitter.net/esa>.
## Alternatives
We already covered [the reasons](/why 'Why') why Social Media platforms as we know them are bad. Nevertheless, there are plenty of platforms which solve most, if not all, of Social Media greatest issues. The key features which all of them share is that they have **no ads**, user data collected are **the minimum** needed to make the service work, and they are open source: they will never die.
@ -77,9 +67,6 @@ The most awesome thing is that all of these platforms are connected among each o
- [Internet of People](https://iop.global 'Internet of People')
## Run your own
Run your own social networking platform! It is awesome and, in the end, it is not so complicated. Literally everything about this topic is perfectly explained in [runyourown.social](https://runyourown.social 'Run Your Own Social'); once you get to the end of that quite long (yet super interesting and insightful) page, you will want nothing more than starting your own platform.
@ -88,9 +75,6 @@ Run your own social networking platform! It is awesome and, in the end, it is no
<strong>Note</strong>: one thing which has to be pointed out in advance is that running your own social <u>does not mean</u> at all that you have to build one from scratch or that it will be “yet another social media platform” where the user base is so tiny that the social platform itself is useless. Instead, one of the most awesome features of running your own social is that <u>your platform can connect to all of the other Fediverse platforms in the world</u>, hence making your potential connections everything but limited!
## Website
The last solution is the best one: build your own website! Whatever your technical skills may be, you can be your own social media provider and create your online world by yourself. [Wordpress](https://wordpress.com 'Wordpress') is the most popular and it's easiest way to start, but if you'd like to learn web development, I suggest [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com 'Jekyll official website'), which I used for my personal site as well as this one!
@ -99,24 +83,15 @@ The last solution is the best one: build your own website! Whatever your technic
- [Get a Website Now! Don't be a Web Peasant!](https://youtu.be/bdKZVIGRAKQ 'Get a Website Now! Don't be a Web Peasant!'), a YouTube video by [Luke Smith](https://lukesmith.xyz 'Luke's personal website')
## Experiment
After quitting, instead of being [limited](/why#closed) you become free and your creativity is unbounded. Therefore, **start experimenting**!
You may start a newsletter or record a podcast, they're very popular these days! Alternetively, you may consider focusing on more intimate and personal communications, sharing your life's milestones by sending [private messages](https://signal.org) to groups or individuals.
Regardless of what you decide to do, you can start enjoying your freedom from Social Media.\
At first, it's going to be quite hard, but on the long run it's going to be a great gain!
## Further information
Some more links on alternatives and solutions to Social Media.

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@ -29,9 +29,6 @@ So, which platforms should be abandoned and which ones not?
The answer is not definite and clear, but it is easy to have an idea of how bad a networking platform is by confronting the [Why](/why) page with the Privacy Policy of the service you are interested in.
## Further reading
- [Social Media statistics](https://chrissniderdesign.com/blog/resources/social-media-statistics/ 'Social Media statistics'): active users, revenue, data about the main Social Media platforms

View File

@ -13,35 +13,23 @@ Up to now, I could not find a place on the web where **all** of the reasons why
Among the arguments presented below, you might not believe in one or two or them, and even a handful of them may not be sufficient to make you realize the gravity of the problem. Nevertheless, after going through all of the following points, its hard to negate that you cannot continue to go on using Social Media as they were no problem.\
<u>The most effective “something„ we can do</u>, as individuals, without waiting for government actions, lawsuits and reports, <u>is quitting</u>.
<iframe style='border: 0; width: 100%; height: 42px;' src='https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=1782365368/size=small/bgcol=f1faee/linkcol=e63946/track=3748954062/transparent=true/' seamless><a href='https://evangreer.bandcamp.com/album/spotify-is-surveillance'>Spotify is Surveillance by Evan Greer</a></iframe>
## Anger
<u>It is scientifically proven</u>[^1] <u>that negative emotions engage users way more than positive emotions</u>. Algorithms which compose our feeds are tailored to maximize engagement and interaction, they do not actually care about how users feel. Our emotions are governed by a machine: some gets angry for something you see, she reacts to it, and she will start seeing more of it. <u>The more anger, the more engagement</u>, the better it is.
### Further information
- [Digital Discrimination: How Systemic Bias Is Built Into the Internet](https://thereboot.com/digital-discrimination-how-systemic-bias-is-built-into-the-internet/ 'Digital Discrimination: How Systemic Bias Is Built Into the Internet') by Sanjana Varghese on [The Reboot](https://thereboot.com/ 'The Reboot')
- [Facebook Will Permanently Stop Promoting Political Groups](https://www.forbes.com/sites/rachelsandler/2021/01/27/facebook-will-permanently-stop-promoting-political-groups/ 'Facebook Will Permanently Stop Promoting Political Groups'), an article by [Rachel Sandler](https://www.forbes.com/sites/rachelsandler/ 'Rachel Sandlers articles') on [Forbes](https://forbes.com 'Forbes'), which underscores the point that in the end Facebook suggestions are more harmful than useful to the users
- [more](/links#anger 'More resources about anger and Social Media')
## Hate
[Hate](#hate 'Hate') is strictly connected with [anger](#anger 'Anger'): when you get angry, you do something about it. This is exactly what Social Media platforms wait for. It doesnt matter how much the debate is fired up. As long as you're interacting a lot, everything is good. The problem is users get more hateful: they cannot discuss anymore with who has a different idea without judging them.
Social Media allow us to report content which contains hate or insults, but the one thing which cannot be reported is a **feeling**. Social Media owners can attempt to moderate their posts, but they do not always do it, and, most importantly, they practically are unable to: there are too many publications, and it is virtually impossible to check all of them!
### Further information
- [Facebook cant fix itself](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/10/19/why-facebook-cant-fix-itself 'Facebook cant fix itself'), an article by [Andrew Marantz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Marantz 'Andrew Marantz on Wikipedia') on [<cite>The New Yorker</cite>]
@ -49,18 +37,11 @@ Social Media allow us to report content which contains hate or insults, but the
- [Bodies in seats](https://www.theverge.com/2019/6/19/18681845/facebook-moderator-interviews-video-trauma-ptsd-cognizant-tampa 'Bodies in seats'), by [Casey Newton](https://www.theverge.com/authors/casey-newton 'Casey Newton author page on The Verge') on [The Verge](https://www.theverge.com 'The Verge')
- [more](/links#hate 'More resources related to hate and Social Media')
## Polarization
It goes without saying that hateful speech and anger lead to a strong polarization in society.\
“Polarization” is a word we are hearing a lot in these days, but the surprising fact is that it is not linked to one bad side only; division and extremism are fostered by people with different ideas who are unable listen to each other. Social Media platforms do not do much to allow a more peaceful way of sharing ideas and a greater openness to different positions.
### Further information
- [How Facebook profits from polarization](https://ted.com/talks/yael_eisenstat_how_facebook_profits_from_polarization 'How Facebook profits from polarization'), a <mark class='red'>TED Talk</mark> by [Yael Eisenstat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yael_Eisenstat 'Yael Eisenstat on Wikipedia')
@ -68,15 +49,10 @@ It goes without saying that hateful speech and anger lead to a strong polarizati
- [The Polarization Lab](https://www.polarizationlab.com/ 'The Polarization Lab')
- [more](/links#polarization 'More resources on Polarization and Social Media')
## Misinformation
This is one of the key points of 2020, and of the last months in general: Social Media platforms make it very hard to understand whats true and whats not. Of course, its not only a problem which appears on Social Media platforms, but it got dangerous because of them. Donald Trumps and highly influential peoples posts may be checked, but it is virtually impossible for platforms owners to keep up with whats going on and be certain that no fake information is being shared. Around this key point, and whose responsibility is it if something goes wrong, is rotating the debate about [Section 230](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_230 'Section 230 on Wikipedia'), which basically states that its not the platforms owner or employees' responsibility if something against the law is published on a cretain platform. Everybody should be responsible for what he/she shares, and publishing content should be done regardless of Social Media.
### Further information
- [How to save Facebook from democracy](https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2020-11-24/fukuyama-how-save-democracy-technology 'How to save Facebook from democracy'), by Francis Fukuyama, Barak Richman, and Ashish Goel on [Foreign Affairs](https://www.foreignaffairs.com 'Foreign Affairs')
@ -84,32 +60,21 @@ This is one of the key points of 2020, and of the last months in general: Social
- [Control, Stifle, Censor: Social Medias Toxic Double-Edged Policies](https://thereboot.com/control-stifle-censor-social-media-toxic-double-edged-policies/ 'Control, Stifle, Censor: Social Medias Toxic Double-Edged Policies') by Jillian C. York on [The Reboot](https://thereboot.com/ 'The Reboot')
- [more](/links#misinformation 'More resources about misinformation and Social Media')
## Bubble
Since algorithms which govern Social Media aim to keep users hooked to their platform the more they can, they attempt to show us content they know users will like. Were not talking about advertisements alone, were talking about suggestions inside the platform. “You may also like”, “similar to this” … are just other ways of telling you “keep browsing more, stay here!”. The problem isnt only being [hooked](#addiction 'Addiction'), but also ending up living in a bubble, where the vast majority of the content is likeable to you or in line with your ideas, while other things are a remote, unimportant matter. Think about a political election you voted to in the last few years: if you get informed about politics through social media, you probably believed that your side, whatever it was, was gonna win, even if it didnt. This is the simplest example of living in a bubble: you perceive a distorted view of reality.
### Further information
- [The Obsession With Big Tech Is Distorting the Big Picture](https://thereboot.com/the-obsession-with-big-tech-is-distorting-the-big-picture/ 'The Obsession With Big Tech Is Distorting the Big Picture') by Karl Bode on [The Reboot](https://thereboot.com/ 'The Reboot')
- [The Future of Privacy](https://philosophy247.org/podcasts/the-future-of-privacy/ 'Philosophy 24/7 The Future of Privacy'), a <mark class='blue'>podcast</mark> interview to [Carissa Véliz](https://carissaveliz.com 'Carissa Véliz'), specifically speaking about “the bubble” at minute `4:00`
- [more](/links#bubble 'External links about “Bubble”')
## Quality
In what proportion is your social media feed populated by meaningful, qualitative content as opposed to selfies of friends, pictures of models, memes and puppies? The great concern, in this case, is that the quality, profoundness, meaningfulness of the contents we enjoy everyday is getting terribly low. Because of social media [we get distracted](#distraction 'Distraction') too often by stuff which most of the time is irrelevant and not insightful. In general, we tend to have less to do with culture, knowledge, learning, while spending time on empty entertainment.\
Note: I'm not criticizing low level entertainment and silly funny images or videos, I'm preoccupied by how much they're taking over more important and meaningful content.
## Addiction
It may be a matter of push notifications, and the ringtone of our smartphone always buzzing and capturing our attention, requiring us to look at who commented on our latest post; nevertheless, its not just this, its about how Social Media are designed and built: they require us to be satisfied so much by what we experience that we start to somewhat *need* it.\
@ -120,38 +85,25 @@ Ok, anyone may reply to this argument “come on, its very few people! I'm no
- [An Exploratory Study of Gambling Operators Use of Social Media and the Latent Messages Conveyed](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10899-015-9525-2 'An Exploratory Study of Gambling Operators Use of Social Media and the Latent Messages Conveyed')
- [Sean Parker says Facebook was designed to be addictive](https://adage.com/article/digital/sean-parker-worries-facebook-rotting-children-s-brains/311238 '') by [Garret Sloane](https://adage.com/author/garett-sloane/7062 'Garret Sloane') on [Adage](https://adage.com 'Adage')
## Distraction
Of course, distraction and [addiction](#addiction 'Addiction') go hand in hand: the more we need to check all of our apps for new likes or posts, the less we focus on things which actually matter to us. Its mostly a matter of [time](#time 'Time'), but its also a matter of focus and commitment: Social Media make us endlessly jump from one content to another at great speed; at most, our eyes stay put on a picture for five seconds. It follows that in our everyday lives focusing on something for a long time requires an innatuaral amount of effort.\
Again: its not that if someone isnt focused its because of Social Media, but for sure spending time scrolling our feed does not help us being more focused.
## Data
Whether we want this or not, even by passively using Social Media, so by browsing around, watching videos and pictures or reading posts, we give Social Media platforms owners a huge amount of data about us and about what we like, for free. Such data, even if its “deliberately” shared, are piled up day after day, month after month and year after year. The result is scary… what all of this information about us is used for? The answer is [user profilation](#profilation 'Profilation').
### Further information
- [How tech companies deceive you into giving up your data and privacy](https://www.ted.com/talks/finn_lutzow_holm_myrstad_how_tech_companies_deceive_you_into_giving_up_your_data_and_privacy 'How tech companies deceive you into giving up your data and privacy'), a <mark class='red'>TED Talk</mark> by [Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad](https://www.ted.com/speakers/finn_myrstad 'Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad')
## Profilation
Probably this is one of the main reasons why people delete their social media accounts. The matter is very simple, too: our data is used to understand who we are. If the answer was limited to this, it could also be acceptable. In the end, if we want to use the internet, something about us is leaked some way or another. The problem is how our identity, our interests, our fears, our desires, our anger are managed and what they're used for.
Its not a secret: our identity is sold to advertisers to show (or better, flood our feed) with ads “of our interest”. This may be even good if it was used solely for marketing purposes, but, unfortunately, its not: we may be (and probably we are) targeted by political ads, which dont aim to sell us something, but their purpose is to condition our behavior and distort our view of the world, further enforcing the [bubble](#bubble 'Bubble') we are uncounsciously trapped in.
### Further information
- [The Cambridge Analytica Story, Explained](https://www.wired.com/amp-stories/cambridge-analytica-explainer/ 'The Cambridge Analytica Story, Explained'), by [WIRED](https://wired.com)
@ -159,17 +111,12 @@ Its not a secret: our identity is sold to advertisers to show (or better, flo
- [How Surveillance Advertising Seized Our Data and Hijacked the Web](https://thereboot.com/how-surveillance-advertising-seized-our-data-and-hijacked-the-web/ 'How Surveillance Advertising Seized Our Data and Hijacked the Web') by Matthew Crain on [The Reboot](https://thereboot.com/ 'The Reboot')
- [more](/links#profilation)
## Monopolization
Is there any way to become an influencer, to promore a product, to share a political point of view, to condemn an injustice, to display a piece of art or to communicate anything to the public which doesnt involve Social Media? Regardless of Social Media being good or bad, the fact that being heard or noticed in this messy world is *only* through platforms owned by giant corporations which use our content to grow tremendously and endlessly, by earning an incredible amount of money is deeply unjust. Social Media corporations are monopolies which dont allow any competition to mess with them, by either buying competitors, or by being so much bigger that if a tiny slice of the market is stolen it doesnt change much.
Facebook is now being sued in the US by the government and by several states, exactly with the accusation of unlawfully acquiring and avoiding competitors.
### Further information
- [Monopoly Machine: Understanding the System That Shapes the Internet](https://thereboot.com/monopoly-machine-understanding-the-system-that-shapes-the-internet/ 'Monopoly Machine: Understanding the System That Shapes the Internet'), an article by Emma Johanningsmeier on [The Reboot](https://thereboot.com/ 'The Reboot')
@ -178,50 +125,34 @@ Facebook is now being sued in the US by the government and by several states, ex
- [Facebooks 'monopoly power' hurts user privacy, finds Congress](https://mashable.com/article/house-antitrust-report-facebook-privacy-misinformation/ '“Facebooks 'monopoly power' hurts user privacy, finds Congress” on Mashable'), an article on [Mashable](https://mashable.com 'Mashable')
- [more](/links#monopolization 'More resources related to the Monopolization and Social Media')
## Sociality
In the end, so called “Social” Media are not really *social* anymore. If you think about it, they are more and more focused on everything except sociality. You are bombarded with ads, suggestions of new features, [low quality content](#quality 'Quality') every second, and you lose sight of the core principle of those platforms, which should be the one valued the most: **human relationships**.
Why cant we just spend time exchanging opinions with our friends and reading what other people has to say about a topic without getting distracted by the other hundred things designed by Social Media owners to make more money?
### Further information
- [Do virtual social networks destroy the social fabric?](https://medium.com/swlh/do-virtual-social-networks-destroy-the-social-fabric-b1e96de514db 'Do virtual social networks destroy the social fabric?') an article by Jürgen Derlath
## Time
Arent you scared about how much time you spend staring at a screen?
Look at your devices' usage stats.
## Standardization
What does creativity have to do with all of this? As seen in [monopolization](#monopolization 'Monopolization'), there is little if no alternative to have a public online presence if not by taking advantage of a social media profile. Unless you were previously known for some reason, its very unlikely for you to be considered by a broad audience without a social media profile. From these considerations stems that the vast majority of people online necessarily show their content and their public image on a page which has the same layout, the same rules, the same colors. You can be as creative as you wish in editing and posting, but you will always be constrained by the same standard.
Social media are killing diversity: they are standardizing the way people present themselves, the way in which communicators can be listened, and, more importantly, the way in which pictures are displayed. The context loses all of its meaning. Personality and identity are masked behind the same layer and behind a profile which is the same for everybody.
## Content ownership
Is what we publish on Social Media actually ours? The answer comes straight from the two major social media platform policies.
**Spoiler** - The short answer is yes, but the actual one is no: we retain ownership rights on our content, but it means that almost nothing, since platforms can do whatever they want with it, and we cant do anything about it: once we published something, **its not over our control anymore**. So: we own our content but we cant control it. Is this actual ownership?
### Facebook
From Facebooks [Terms of Service](https://www.facebook.com/terms.php 'Facebook Terms of Service')
@ -238,8 +169,6 @@ From Twitters [Terms of Service](https://twitter.com/en/tos 'Twitter Terms of
[Source](https://hyp.is/2H2wMhIsEeuntaMMPJ6iIw/twitter.com/en/tos 'Twitter Terms of Service')
### Tik Tok
From Tik Toks [Terms of use](https://www.tiktok.com/legal/terms-of-use 'Tik Tok Terms of Service')
@ -256,49 +185,33 @@ Important passage:
[Source](https://hyp.is/VnoxMBIuEeuuiUMgV1pp_Q/www.tiktok.com/legal/terms-of-use?lang=en 'Tik Tok Terms of Service')
### Further informations
- SocialMediaToday: [Who Owns Your Content Online?](https://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/who-owns-your-content-online)
- TechJunkie: [Does Instagram Own the Pictures & Photos you Post?](https://social.techjunkie.com/instagram-own-photos-pictures/)
## Hurry
As noted in [distraction](#distraction 'Distraction'), we look at anything which appears on our feed very quickly. We double tap and like hundreds of posts every day, and we do it so much that we dont mind anymore the importance of the content. We may look at one of our friends taking a selfie with her new make-up and immediately after this a video of a forest being devastated by wildfire. Isnt it strongly unethical? Is it right to dedicate few seconds, or even milliseconds, to such different topics, jumping from hard and touching images, to silly and funny ones? I believe this is not how human nature is. To learn something, we need to take time and commit ourselves to it, 100%.
Social Media make everything appear similar by flattening every post and putting it into the same, identical, container. In this way, we lose empathy, compassion and we cant distinguish anymore whats important and whats worrying to whats a joke.
### Further reading
- [Why PixelFed wont save us from Instagram](https://victoria.dev/blog/why-pixelfed-wont-save-us-from-instagram/ 'Why PixelFed wont save us from Instagram'), an article by [Victoria Drake](https://victoria.dev/ 'Victoria Drake')
## Simplicity vs simplification
On Social Media, everything is gamified, and everything looks so simple. Truth is not simple, though. Neither are the world we live in and its inhabitants. The Universe is complex, hard to understand, full of confusing and conflicting events. Social Media simplify everything, as if knowledge was always at hand and everything could be easily learned. Unfortunately, its not quite so. While on the web developers attempt to pursue simplicity and minimalism, Social Media fight for simplification of matters which are not. There may be no actual right or wrong concerning an argument, but algorithms detect whats our inclination and display us what enforces it, so we become convinced of something which appears very simple, while in the end its not, and we miss a whole point of view, the one from the other side.
Simplification is bad, simplicity is good, but it cant be everywhere. Lets quit social media to look at the other side of the coin and embrace the complexity of our reality.
## Being always connected
The paragraph title says it all. Do we really need to be this connected? Do we really need to look at the hundreds of media published and shared by the ones we follow, everyday?
I believe the answer is no, and I'm not the only one.
## Environment
This may be the weaker argument among the ones in this page. It is worth mentioning it, anyway.
@ -307,25 +220,17 @@ Facebook stated that by the end of 2030 it will commit 100% to renewable energy;
A personal note: not dumb people acknowledge that the greatest and most worrying issue for us in this time in history (setting asite the pandemic for one moment) is the global warming emergency; it is strongly affecting our lives and its very likely to devastate them unless we do something in the near future. Even if it may not seem justified, my concern about Social Media is somewhat greater: if global warming can be observed, objectively measured and monitored, the decline of internet freedom is something subtle, happening in the shadows and with a growing but still very little attention, if compared to the dimensions of the problem. We should quit social media to make the world better.
## Closed
Lets imagine I am an influencer and I want to move to another social networking platform (it may be Mastodon, Pixelfed, Friendica, Diaspora…), which is very little known and much less used, if compared to Social Media giants everybody knows. How can I do it? Outside of my social media profiles, unless I have a great fanbase, I'd have no followers, no audience, no tool outside of the great Social Media platforms I used up to now. The only way I can continue to do my job is by building a new fanbase from scratch.
This is a little mind experiment (and probably even not the most effective one) to give you an idea of how closed Social Media are. These platforms dont interact among each other, instead, they compete. If all of a sudden for some reason Twitter shuts down, there is no way to go on using Twitter anymore. Social Media as we know them are limited to and by the ones who own them, and it is as a world without them does not exist. We can prove the contrary.
### Further Reading
- [Data Liberation: A Step Toward Fixing Big Techs Competition Problems](https://thereboot.com/data-liberation-a-step-toward-fixing-big-techs-competition-problems/ 'Data Liberation: A Step Toward Fixing Big Techs Competition Problems') by Gabriel Nicholas on [The Reboot](https://thereboot.com 'The Reboot')
- [Breaking Tech Open: Why Social Platforms Should Work More Like Email](https://thereboot.com/breaking-tech-open-why-social-platforms-should-work-more-like-email/ 'Breaking Tech Open: Why Social Platforms Should Work More Like Email'), by Karissa McKelvey on [The Reboot](https://thereboot.com 'The Reboot')
## Saturation
Social Media business plan is to provide a “free” “service” to their users by displaying ads. I already wrote about how bad those ads are, but now the focus is on their sustainability. I'm not using Instagram since one year ago, but, last I checked, there was an ad every three stories I watched. The same, or even worse, with posts.
@ -334,9 +239,6 @@ Social Media current business plan is becoming less rewarding everyday. There is
In the meanwhile, we can get out of this mess, so that it cant concern us. Once we deleted Social Media accounts, we become independent and free, and how much an ad is worth or how many of them are clummed into a feed is not of our interest anymore.
## Being used
If we think carefully, we may realize that we dont actually use Social Media: Social Media use us. Think about something you can do thanks to Social Media: isnt it possible to do it without them? Often, the answer is <q>yes, but I wouldnt get such good results</q>. The fact is that quitting is hard mainly because we get out of a system which is [closed](#closed 'Closed') and it doesnt work according to rules we can influence. Either Social Media are ok as they are, or we cant use them. We, as individuals, have no voice whatsoever in how Social Media platforms should work.
@ -349,16 +251,10 @@ In our hand we have the power to say no, to stop the trend, to give back diversi
Its not easy, and its quite painful at the beginning, but you can do it, we can do it, if were not alone.
### Further information
- [<cite>Who does that server really serve?</cite>](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/who-does-that-server-really-serve.html 'Who does that server really serve?'), by [Richard Stallman](https://richardstallman.org 'Richard Stallmans personal website') on [GNU.org](https://gnu.org 'GNU official website')
## What to do now?
See whats next on the [path](/path 'Path')

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@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ Then, unite, stand out and be (part of) the change.
Quitting Social Media might be a great start.
<br />
## Is something missing?
If you have some questions or doubts which this page could not answer, please check the [Objections and Replies](/faq 'Objections and Replies') (<abbr title='Also Known As'>a.k.a.</abbr> <abbr title='Frequently Asked Questions'>FAQ</abbr>).

View File

@ -39,8 +39,6 @@ Ensuite, sunir, se lever et être le changement.
Quitter les réseaux sociaux pourrait être un bon début.
<br />
## Il manque quelque chose?
Si vous avez des questions ou des doutes auxquels cette page na pas répondu, cherchez dans les [objections et réponses](/objections 'Objections and Replies') (<abbr title='Also Known As'>a.k.a.</abbr> <abbr title='Frequently Asked Questions'>FAQ</abbr>).

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@ -13,48 +13,33 @@ Pas vraiment. Réflechissons: si jaime les glaces à la fraise, je nen pa
Cette décision, à priori incohérente, découle dune des raisons de quitter: il ny a pas de moyen (ou de manière improbable) de toucher une audience à lextérieur dune de ces plateformes.
Les auteurs de <cite>[The Social Dilemma](https://thesocialdilemma.com 'The Social Dilemma')</cite> ont crée des comptes officiels pour le film, [en donnant la même explication](https://www.thesocialdilemma.com/code-of-ethics/ 'The Social Dilemmas Code of Ethics').
##### *En quittant les réseaux sociaux, tu devrais **tous** les quitter. Pourquoi seulement prendre en considération les grandes plateformes?*
Principalement parce que la majorité du problème vienne du fait que ces plateformes sont dirigées par des entreprises qui senrichissent de manière non-éthique. Par définition, les réseaux sociaux ne sont pas mauvaise et il est plus simple de parler de <q>Réseaux sociaux</q> que de <q>Réseaux sociaux dirigées par des entreprises qui font des profits au travers du travail gratuit de la population</q>, ou, comme [Jaron Lanier](http://jaronlanier.com 'Jaron Lanier') les appelle, <q>[BUMMER](https://thefourthrevolution.org/wordpress/archives/6262 'How BUMMER Became a New Acronym for Social Media')</q>.
Voir [Quoi](/quoi) pour plus dinformations.
## Nom
##### *Pourquoi <cite>Quit Social Media</cite> et pas <cite>Tommi quits Social Media</cite>?*
Jai expliqué cela dans la page [À Propos](/àPropos 'À propos - quitsocialmedia.club'), il est important de rappeler que je nai pas voulu construire un site expliquant *ma* décision de quitter les réseaux sociaux, jaurais fait cela sur mon [propre site](https://tommi.space 'tommi.space'); je lai fait car je ne trouvais pas de ressource regroupant les [raisons](/pourquoi 'Pourquoi Quit Social Media') de quitter les réseaux sociaux: il y avait des articles (vers lesquels je redirige), des vidéos et des publications, mais aucun document nétait exhaustif. La création de ce site étant stressante, longue et intense, je pense que cela ne devrait pas se limiter à moi ou mes propres raisons mais sétendre à toutes les raisons qui pousserait quelquun à les quitter.
##### *Pourquoi le `.club`?*
Jai choisi le `.club` parce quil faisait partie des moins cher, mais aussi parce quil faisait le plus de sens comme [indiqué](/àPropos 'À propos - quitsocialmedia.club'), quitter les réseaux sociaux seul est peu pertinent.
## Pourquoi
##### *Pourquoi avoir pris le temps de faire ce site?*
Au fond de moi, je nen sais rien; jai juste ressenti ce besoin comme celui de quitter de supprimer mes comptes des réseaux sociaux. Ce qui ne retire rien au fait que je crois fermement au contenu qui y est partagé.
##### *Es-tu payé? Quas-tu à y gagner?*
Je nai absolument **aucun gain personnel** à créer ce site et le relayer. Au contraire, jai investi tellement de temps à écrire ces mots et construire cet espace (Je ne suis pas un développeur) que jen suis ressorti fatigué et stressé au point davoir failli jeter léponge. Il y a quelques mois, jétais si fatigué que jai par erreur complétement supprimé les fichiers perdant au passage des mois de travail (Je ne suis pas très futé voyez vous).
Si vous appréciez ce travail, nhésitez pas à [contribuer](/contribuer 'Contribuer').
Mon seul gain est le sentiment davoir fait ma part en cherchant à rendre le monde meilleur, comme [dit par le grand great Baden Powell](https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/robert_badenpowell_753084 '«Try and leave this world a little better than you found it»'); bien sur, je ne nie pas que lidée de devenir connu, interviewé et suivi par des masses, aussi peu probable que cela puisse être, soit quelque chose que j[espère](#attentes) au fond de moi.
## Attentes
##### *Une fois ce site complet, que feras-tu?*
@ -62,20 +47,14 @@ Mon seul gain est le sentiment davoir fait ma part en cherchant à rendre le
Ce site, comme tout ce qui est sur Internet, ne sera **jamais fini** mais un *travail sans fin*.
Je suppose que je le relaierai partout et en parlerai dans les salons avec mes proches. Étant un [procrastinateur organisé](http://structuredprocrastination.com 'Structured Procrastination') et [très occupé](https://tommi.space/now 'Tommis Now page') par beaucoup de choses, il est peu probable que je sois capable de maintenir à jour ce site et ajouter du contenu: cest pourquoi si cela vous intéresse de maintenir *quitsocialmedia.club*, [vous pouvez le faire vous-même](/contribuer 'Contribuer')! Pour ce qui est de la partie technique: si quelquun me paie, le nom de domaine continuera dêtre accessible. Lhébergement étant offert par [Netlify](https://netlify.com 'Netlify').
##### *Pourquoi devrais-je partager ce site?*
Ce nest pas à moi den décider, mais jen serais ravi.
##### *Que crois-tu quil arrivera?*
Honnêtement, pas grand chose. Ce site sera probablement lu par quelques proches et des collègues. Jespère profondèment que ce site devienne viral et sensibilise une audience plus large des problèmes décrits.
##### *Souhaites-tu que tout le monde quitte les réseaux sociaux?*
Oui, et je pense que cela serait une bonne chose, mais je suis conscient que cela nest pas possible et narrivera jamais.

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@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ toc: false
<br />
<div class='blue box row'>
<a href='/contribuez'><h2 class='title'>Contribuez</h2></a>
{% for contrib in collections.all %}
@ -49,8 +47,6 @@ toc: false
{% endfor %}
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<div class='margin row'>
<h2 class='title'>Plan du Site</h2>
<p>Vue densemble des pages du site:</p>
@ -62,8 +58,4 @@ toc: false
{% endfor %}
<br />
<br />

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@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ Avant cela, et *si* vous en arrivez là, existe un cheminement de réflexion.
Puisque vous pouvez agir à différents niveaux, les actions menant à votre <a href='https://tommi.space/internet-freedom' target='_blank' title='“Internet Freedom„ dans Tommis notes'>Liberté numérique</a> sont «gamifiées» et divisées en plusieurs catégories, du <a href='/n00'>Niveau 0</a> au <a href='/n1000'>Niveau 1000</a>.
- **Niveau 0**: Documentez vous [à propos](/àPropos 'À propos de quitsocialmedia.club') de ce site et [son objectif](/àPropos#objectif 'Objectif quitsocialmedia.club')
- **Niveau 1**: Comprenez [pourquoi](/pourquoi 'Pourquoi') vous devriez quitter les réseaux sociaux
- **Niveau 2**: Approfondissez vos connaissances au travers de [resources](/liens 'Liens'), de [vidéos](/regarder 'Regarder') et de [podcasts](/écouter 'Écouter')

View File

@ -12,35 +12,23 @@ Jusqualors, je nai pas trouvé de lieu listant **tous** les problèmes des
Parmi les éléments avancés certains pourraient ne pas vous convaincre ou lampleur du problème pourrait vous échapper. Après avoir lu chaque point, il reste difficile de nier le problème que constituent les réseaux sociaux.
<u>La «chose» la plus efficace à faire</u>, en tant quindividus, sans attendre daction du gouvernement, est de <u>quitter</u>.
<iframe style='border: 0; width: 100%; height: 42px;' src='https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=1782365368/size=small/bgcol=f1faee/linkcol=e63946/track=3748954062/transparent=true/' seamless><a href='https://evangreer.bandcamp.com/album/spotify-is-surveillance'>Spotify is Surveillance par Evan Greer</a></iframe>
## Colère
<u>Il est scientifiquement établi</u>[^1] que <u>les émotions négatives créent plus dengagement que les positives.</u>. Les algorithmes composant nos fils dactualités sont pensés de manière à maximiser lengagement et les interactions, indépendamment de nos sentiments. Nos émotions sont gouvernées par la machine: des individus sénervent de ce quils voient, elle y réagit et en favorisera la propagation. <u>Plus il y a de colère, plus y a dengagement</u>, le meilleur cest.
### Plus dinformations
- [Digital Discrimination: How Systemic Bias Is Built Into the Internet](https://thereboot.com/digital-discrimination-how-systemic-bias-is-built-into-the-internet/ 'Digital Discrimination: How Systemic Bias Is Built Into the Internet') par Sanjana Varghese sur [The Reboot](https://thereboot.com/ 'The Reboot')
- [Facebook Will Permanently Stop Promoting Political Groups](https://www.forbes.com/sites/rachelsandler/2021/01/27/facebook-will-permanently-stop-promoting-political-groups/ 'Facebook Will Permanently Stop Promoting Political Groups'), un article par [Rachel Sandler](https://www.forbes.com/sites/rachelsandler/ 'articles de Rachel Sandler') sur [Forbes](https://forbes.com 'Forbes'), qui avance que les suggestions de Facebook sont plus nocives que bénéfiques.
- [Plus](/links#Colère 'Plus de ressources sur la colère et les réseaux sociaux')
## Haine
La [Haine](#haine 'Haine') est liée à la [colère](#colère 'Colère'): en vous énervant, vous y répondez. Cest exactement ce qui est attendu des plateformes de réseaux sociaux. Peu importe à quel point le débat senvenime. Tant que vous interagissiez, tout est permis. Le problème étant que le débat devient toxique: les individus ne partagent plus sans jugement.
Les réseaux sociaux nous permettent de signaler du contenu haineux ou comportant des insultes, la seule chose ne pouvant lêtre étant un **sentiment**. Les propriétaires des réseaux sociaux peuvent chercher à modérer leurs publications, mais ne le font pas toujours, et surtout, nen sont pas capables:le nombre de publications étant si élevé, il est impossible de toutes les vérifier!
### Plus dinformations
- [Facebook cant fix itself](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/10/19/why-facebook-cant-fix-itself 'Facebook cant fix itself'), un article par [Andrew Marantz](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Marantz 'Andrew Marantz sur Wikipedia') sur <cite>[The New Yorker]</cite>
@ -48,18 +36,11 @@ Les réseaux sociaux nous permettent de signaler du contenu haineux ou comportan
- [Bodies in seats](https://www.theverge.com/2019/6/19/18681845/facebook-moderator-interviews-video-trauma-ptsd-cognizant-tampa 'Bodies in seats'), par [Casey Newton](https://www.theverge.com/authors/casey-newton 'page dauteur Casey Newton') sur [The Verge](https://www.theverge.com 'The Verge')
- [Plus](/links#haine 'Plus de ressources sur la haine et les réseaux sociaux')
## Polarisation
Cela va sans dire que les discours haineux et insultants conduisent à une polarisation de la société.
<q>Polarisation</q> est un terme qui se généralise, mais qui nest pas mauvais par nature; la division et lextrémisme sont alimentés par des personnes aux idées différentes et incapables de sentendre. Les plateformes de réseaux sociaux prennent peu de mesures pour favoriser louverture et le partage de manière calme.
### Plus dinformations
- [How Facebook profits from polarization](https://ted.com/talks/yael_eisenstat_how_facebook_profits_from_polarization 'How Facebook profits from polarization'), un <mark class='red'>TED Talk</mark> par [Yael Eisenstat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yael_Eisenstat 'Yael Eisenstat sur Wikipedia')
@ -67,15 +48,10 @@ Cela va sans dire que les discours haineux et insultants conduisent à une polar
- [The Polarization Lab](https://www.polarizationlab.com/ 'The Polarization Lab')
- [Plus](/links#polarisation 'Plus de ressources sur la polarisation et les réseaux sociaux')
## Désinformation
Cest lun des points majeurs de 2020 et de ces derniers mois en général: les plateformes de réseaux sociaux rendent difficile la distinction du vrai et du faux. Évidemment, ce nest pas un problème qui leur est propre, mais ce sont elles qui lont rendu dangereux. Donald Trump ainsi que dautres personnalités influentes ont été contrôlées, mais il est impossible pour les plateformes davoir un contrôle total de ce quil se passe et deffacer les fausses informations. La question de responsabilité en cas de litige fait appel à la [Section 230](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_230 'Section 230 sur Wikipedia'), qui déclare quil nest pas de la responsabilité de la plateforme et de ses membres si du contenu contraire à la loi y est publié. Chaque individu est responsable de ce quil y publie, indépendamment des réseaux sociaux.
### Plus dinformations
- [How to save Facebook from democracy](https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2020-11-24/fukuyama-how-save-democracy-technology 'How to save Facebook from democracy'), par Francis Fukuyama, Barak Richman, et Ashish Goel sur [Foreign Affairs](https://www.foreignaffairs.com 'Foreign Affairs')
@ -83,32 +59,21 @@ Cest lun des points majeurs de 2020 et de ces derniers mois en général:
- [Control, Stifle, Censor: Social Medias Toxic Double-Edged Policies](https://thereboot.com/control-stifle-censor-social-media-toxic-double-edged-policies/ 'Control, Stifle, Censor: Social Medias Toxic Double-Edged Policies') par Jillian C. York sur [The Reboot](https://thereboot.com/ 'The Reboot')
- [Plus](/links#désinformation 'Plus de ressources sur la désinformation et les réseaux sociaux')
## Bulle
Les algorithmes cherchent à conserver lattention des individus et essaient dafficher du contenu que ces derniers apprécieront. Il nest pas seulement question de publicités, mais aussi de suggestions au sein de la plateforme. <q>Vous pourriez aimer</q>, <q>contenu similaire</q>, etc. sont des moyens détournés de vous dire <q>restez ici!</q>. Le problème ne se limete pas à l[addiction](#addiction 'Addiction'), mais vous pourriez vous retrouver dans une bulle où la majorité du contenu est en phase avec vos valeurs. Pensez aux élections: si votre source dinformation principale est un réseau social, alors vous avez probablement pensé que votre parti, quel quil soit, allait gagner. Cest lexemple le plus simple dune bulle : une perception biaisée de la réalité.
### Plus dinformations
- [The Obsession With Big Tech Is Distorting the Big Picture](https://thereboot.com/the-obsession-with-big-tech-is-distorting-the-big-picture/ 'The Obsession With Big Tech Is Distorting the Big Picture') par Karl Bode sur [The Reboot]
- [The Future of Privacy](https://philosophy247.org/podcasts/the-future-of-privacy/ 'Philosophy 24/7 The Future of Privacy'), un <mark class='blue'>podcast</mark> avec [Carissa Véliz](https://carissaveliz.com 'Carissa Véliz'), mentionne la <q>bulle</q> à `4:00`
- [Plus](/links#bubble 'Liens à propos de la «Bulle»')
## Qualité
Quelle part de votre fil est composée de contenu de qualité et non de photographies de modèles, de chatons et autres? On constate aujourdhui une nette diminution des standards en terme de qualité du contenu. À cause des réseaux sociaux, [nous sommes régulièrement distraits](#distraction 'Distraction') par du contenu qui est principalement insipide et inutile. Ce qui, sur le long terme, favorise le divertissement au détriment de la culture, la connaissance et linformation.
Note: Ceci nest pas tant une critique du divertissement bas de gamme que de leur place prédominante par rapport à dautres formes de contenu.
## Addiction
Sous la forme de notifications sur un écran, de la vibration dun téléphone ou de sons parasites, notre attention est constamment sollicitée pour aller voir qui a commenté sa dernière publication; cela est une conséquence inhérente au fonctionnement des réseaux sociaux: à vouloir être satisfaits de ce que lon expérimente on développe un *besoin* dexpérimenter.
@ -119,38 +84,25 @@ Ok, tout le monde peut répondre <q>Ça va, cest pas si terrible! Je ne suis
- [An Exploratory Study of Gambling Operators Use of Social Media and the Latent Messages Conveyed](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10899-015-9525-2 'An Exploratory Study of Gambling Operators Use of Social Media and the Latent Messages Conveyed')
- [Sean Parker says Facebook was designed to be addictive](https://adage.com/article/digital/sean-parker-worries-facebook-rotting-children-s-brains/311238 'Sean parker worries Facebook rotting childrens brains') par [Garret Sloane](https://adage.com/author/garett-sloane/7062 'Garret Sloane') sur [Adage](https://adage.com 'Adage')
## Distraction
Bien sur, la distraction et l[addiction](#addiction 'Addiction') vont de paire: au plus il est nécessaire de surveiller ses notifications, au plus on en oublie les choses importantes. Cest une question de [temps](#temps 'Temps'), mais aussi de concentration et dimplication: les réseaux sociaux nous poussent à constamment jongler avec les contenus; nos yeux ne fixant une image quau maximum pour cinqsecondes. En conséquence, il devient plus difficile au quotidien de se concentrer sur unu tâche qui nécessite alors une quantité deffort non-naturelle.
Encore une fois, une personne peut manquer dattention indépendamment des médias, ce qui ne veut pas dire que ces derniers aident à se concentrer.
## Données
Que nous le voulons ou non, utiliser les réseaux sociaux, naviguer sur internet, regarder des vidéos, des images ou lire des articles, fournit gratuitement en données les plateformes. Jour après jour, mois après mois, année après années, ces données sont conservées. Dans quel but? Le [profilage](#profilage 'Profilage').
### Plus dinformations
- [How tech companies deceive you into giving up your data and privacy](https://www.ted.com/talks/finn_lutzow_holm_myrstad_how_tech_companies_deceive_you_into_giving_up_your_data_and_privacy 'How tech companies deceive you into giving up your data and privacy'), un <mark class='red'>TED Talk</mark> par [Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad](https://www.ted.com/speakers/finn_myrstad 'Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad')
## Profilage
Cest lune des raisons majeures poussant à supprimer ses comptes des réseaux. Pour faire court: nos données sont utilisées pour comprendre qui nous sommes. Ce qui est compréhensible, en utilisant internet, des données sont divulguées dune manière ou dune autre. Le problème étant de savoir comment notre identité, nos intérêts, nos peur et désirs sont manipulées et utilisées.
Ce nest pas un secret: notre identité est vendue aux publicitaires pour afficher (voire noyer nos écrans) avec des publicités <q>ciblées</q>. Cela pourrait être une bonne chose si limitée au marketing. Malheureusement, cela fait également de nous des cibles dans un cadre politique, non plus pour vendre un produit mais afin de manipuler notre comportement et modifier notre perception du monde, consolidant cet effet de [bulle](#bulle 'Bulle') dans laquelle nous somme.
### Plus dinformations
- [The Cambridge Analytica Story, Explained](https://www.wired.com/amp-stories/cambridge-analytica-explainer/ 'The Cambridge Analytica Story, Explained'), par [Wired]
@ -158,17 +110,12 @@ Ce nest pas un secret: notre identité est vendue aux publicitaires pour aff
- [How Surveillance Advertising Seized Our Data and Hijacked the Web](https://thereboot.com/how-surveillance-advertising-seized-our-data-and-hijacked-the-web/ 'How Surveillance Advertising Seized Our Data and Hijacked the Web') par Matthew Crain sur [The Reboot]
- [Plus](/links#profilation 'Liens à propos de Profilation')
## Monopolisation
Existe-til meilleur moyen que les réseaux sociaux pour gagner en influence, promouvoir des produits, partager un point de vue politique, condamner une injustice, partager une œuvre ou communiquer avec le public? Peu importe la raison, le fait que la *seule* manière dêtre entendu dans ce monde passe par ces plateformes détenues par des géants qui se développent en amassant des richesses est profondément injuste. Ces sociétés ont un monopole qui ne permet pas la compétition, de part leur taille importante et en rachetant toute forme de compétition.
Facebook est actuellement accusée par le gouvermement des États-Unis spécifiquement pour cette raison.
### Plus dinformations
- [Monopoly Machine: Understanding the System That Shapes the Internet](https://thereboot.com/monopoly-machine-understanding-the-system-that-shapes-the-internet/ 'Monopoly Machine: Understanding the System That Shapes the Internet'), un article par Johanningsmeier sur [The Reboot](https://thereboot.com/ "The Reboot")
@ -177,50 +124,34 @@ Facebook est actuellement accusée par le gouvermement des États-Unis spécifiq
- [Facebooks monopoly power hurts user privacy, finds Congress](https://mashable.com/article/house-antitrust-report-facebook-privacy-misinformation/ '“Facebooks monopoly power hurts user privacy, finds Congress” on Mashable'), an article on [Mashable](https://mashable.com 'Mashable')
- [Plus](/links#monopolisation 'Plus de ressources sur la monopolisation et les réseaux sociaux')
## Socialité
Au final, les réseaux «sociaux» ne sont plus tant *sociaux* et se concentrent sur tout ormis la socialité. Lexposition constante aux publicités, les suggestions pour nouvelles fonctionnalités et le [contenu de faible qualité](#qualité 'Qualité') fait perdre lidée au cœur de ces plateformes: les **relations humaines**.
Pourquoi nest-il pas possible de juste échanger ses opinions avec ses proches et lire ce que dautres ont à dire à propos dun sujet sans distraction par une centaine dautres choses développées par les propriétaires de plateformes visant à augmenter leur profit?
### Plus dinformations
- [Do virtual social networks destroy the social fabric?](https://medium.com/swlh/do-virtual-social-networks-destroy-the-social-fabric-b1e96de514db 'Do virtual social networks destroy the social fabric?') un article par Jürgen Derlath
## Temps
Le temps que vous passez à fixer vos écrans ne vous effraie pas?
Consultez les statistiques dutilisation de vos appareil.
## Standardisation
Quest ce que la créativité a à voir dans tout ceci? Durant la [monopolisation](#monopolisation 'Monopolisation'), il y a peu ou pas dalternative à avoir un profil publique numérique autre que sur un réseau social. À part en étant connu précédemment, il est difficile davoir un public large sans profil sur un réseau. Ainsi, la majorité des personnes diffuseront du contenu sur des pages ayant un mise en page unique, les même règles, les même couleurs. Vous pourrez laisser libre court à votre créavitivé… au sein dun même standard.
Les réseaux sociaux tuent la diversité: ils standardisent la manière quont les gens de se présenter, déchanger et de partager des œuvres. Le contexte perd son sens. La personnalité et lidentité sont masqués derrière un profil unique.
## Droit sur le contenu
Ce qui est publié sur un réseau social nous appartient-il toujours? La réponse est claire venant des plateformes majeures.
**Spoiler** la version corute serait que oui, tandis que la version longue serait que non : nous conservons les droits sur notre contenu, mais de manière limitée puisque les plateformes ont tous les droits dessus. Du contenu publié bien que nous appartenant **nest plus sous notre contrôle**. Nous appartient-il vraiment?
### Facebook
Selon les [conditions de service](https://www.facebook.com/terms.php 'Facebook Terms of Service') de Facebook
@ -235,8 +166,6 @@ Selon les [conditions de service](https://twitter.com/fr/tos 'Twitter Terms of S
> […] En soumettant, en publiant ou en affichant un Contenu sur ou via les Services, vous nous accordez une licence mondiale, non exclusive et libre de redevances (incluant le droit de sous-licencier), nous autorisant à utiliser, copier, reproduire, traiter, adapter, modifier, publier, transmettre, afficher et distribuer ce Contenu sur tout support et selon toute méthode de distribution actuellement connus ou développés dans le futur (dans un souci de clarté, ces droits comprennent, par exemple, ceux de conservation, transformation et traduction). […]
### Tik Tok
Selon les [conditions dutilisation](https://www.tiktok.com/legal/terms-of-use 'Tik Tok Terms of Service') de TikTok
@ -249,49 +178,33 @@ Passage important :
> […] you are granting us the right to use your User Content without the obligation to pay royalties to any third party […]
### Plus dinformationss
- SocialMediaToday: [Who Owns Your Content Online?](https://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/who-owns-your-content-online 'Who Owns Your Content Online?')
- TechJunkie: [Does Instagram Own the Pictures & Photos you Post?](https://social.techjunkie.com/instagram-own-photos-pictures/ 'Does Instagram Own the Pictures & Photos you Post?')
## Urgence
Comme expliqué dans le passage sur la [distraction](#distraction 'Distraction'), notre attention se dirige naturellement vers les animations au sein de notre fil. Interagir avec des centaines de publication au quotidien est devenu un automatisme indépendamment de limportance du contenu. On regarde la photo dun proche en famille puis immédiatement après la vidéo dune forêt dévorée par les flammes. Est-ce réellement éthique? Est-ce une bonne chose que de consacrer ne serait-ce que quelques centièmes de seconds à des sujets si différents? Jai lintime conviction que cela est contre-nature. Pour apprendre, il est nécessaire de consacrer du temps, à 100%.
Les réseaux ont cette capacité à niveler les publications et les faire rentrer dans un même moule. De cette manière, nous perdons notre empathie, notre compassion, et ne pouvons distinguer ce qui est important dune simple blague.
### Plus dinformations
- [Why PixelFed won't save us from Instagram](https://victoria.dev/blog/why-pixelfed-wont-save-us-from-instagram/ 'Why PixelFed wont save us from Instagram'), un article par [Victoria Drake](https://victoria.dev/ 'Victoria Drake')
## Simplicité vs simplification
Sur les réseaux, tout est «gamifié» et a lair simple. La vérité ne lest pas. Ni ne lest le monde dans lequel nous vivons. LUnivers est complexe, difficile à comprendre, rempli déléments en contradiction. Les réseaux simplifient tout, comme si la connaissance était à portée de main et que tout pouvait être appris en un instant. Malheureusement, ça ne lest pas. Alors que le développement web est une quête de simplicité et de minimalisme, la vie nest pas matière à simplification. Une question peut ne pas avoir de réponse tranchée, mais un algorithme se basera sur notre profil pour en afficher une de manière à nous conforter dans notre avis et passer à côté dun autre point de vue, celui de lautre côté.
La simplification est une mauvaise chose contrairement à la simplicité qui ne peut être appliquée à toute chose. Quittons les réseaux sociaux pour regarder lautre face de la pièce et la complexité du réel.
## Connexion constante
Le titre est clair. Devons nous réellement toujours être en connexion? Avons-nous besoin de voir des centaines de contenus publiés et relayés au quotidien?
Je ne pense pas, et ne suis pas le seul.
## Environnement
Cela peut être un des arguments les plus sujet à controverse de cette page, mais mérite dêtre mentionné.
@ -300,25 +213,17 @@ Facebook a déclaré que dici fin 2030, 100% de sa consommation énergétique
Sur une note plus personnelle: certaines personnes saccordent à dire que le plus problème majeur actuel (en plus de lépidémie) est lurgence climatique. Celle-ci affecte fortement nos vies et menace de les dévaster sauf mesure importante dans un futur proche. Bien que cela peut ne pas sembler justifié, mon point de vue sur les réseaux sociaux est plus préoccupante : si le changement climatique sobserve, se mesure et est surveillé, le déclin de la liberté numérique est plus subtil, se développe dans lombre et attire peu lattention. Nous devons quitter les réseaux sociaux pour rendre le monde meilleur.
## Réseau fermé
Imaginons que je sois un influenceur qui souhaite migrer vers une autre plateforme (cela peut être Mastoon, Pixelfed, Friendica, Diaspora…), moins connue et utilisée relativement aux géants. Comment faire? Sans mon profil, et sans réel groupe de fans, je naurais plus daudience ni les outils que je connaissais jusque là. La seule manière pour moi de continuer mon activité serait de tout reconstruire de zéro.
Cette expérience mentale montre à quel point les réseaux sociaux sont fermés. Ces plateformes ninteragissent pas entre-elles, elles sont en compétition. Si pour une raison soudaine, Twitter venait à sarrêter, il ny aurait alors plus possibilité dutiliser Twitter. Les réseaux sont limités par et pour les personnes qui en font partie, et nexisteraient pas sans elles. Nous pouvons prouver le contraire.
### Plus dinformations
- [Data Liberation: A Step Toward Fixing Big Techs Competition Problems](https://thereboot.com/data-liberation-a-step-toward-fixing-big-techs-competition-problems/ 'Data Liberation: A Step Toward Fixing Big Techs Competition Problems') par Gabriel Nicholas sur [The Reboot]
- [Breaking Tech Open: Why Social Platforms Should Work More Like Email](https://thereboot.com/breaking-tech-open-why-social-platforms-should-work-more-like-email/ 'Breaking Tech Open: Why Social Platforms Should Work More Like Email'), par Karissa McKelvey sur [The Reboot]
## Saturation
Lobjectif dun réseau social est de fournir un «service gratuit» aux personnes lutilisant en échange de publicités. Jai déjà donné mon point de vue sur leur usage mais souhaite discuter de leur durabilité. Je nutilise plus Instagram depuis un an mais, la dernière fois que jai vérifié, il y avait une publicité toutes les trois stories. Idem, voire pire avec les publications.
@ -327,9 +232,6 @@ Le système des réseau sociaux deviennent de moins en moins intéressant à mes
Il nous est possible den échapper. Sans compte sur ces réseaux nous nous en libérons et retrouvons notre indépendance loin des publicités.
## Manipulation
En y réflechissant, nous nutilisons pas les réseaux sociaux, ce sont les réseaux qui nous utilisent. Pensez à une chose possible de faire avec les réseaux: serait-il possible de faire sans eux? Généralement la réponse est <q>Oui, mais plus difficilement</q>. Le fait est quil nous est difficile de quitter maintenant car nous devrions sortir dun [réseau fermé](#réseau fermé 'Réseau fermé') aux règles qui ne sont pas sous notre influence. Chaque service est proposé tel quel. Nous, individus, ne pouvons nous prononcer sur leur fonctionnement.
@ -342,16 +244,10 @@ Nous possédons le pouvoir de dire non, de mettre un terme au phénomène, de re
Cela nest pas facile, peut-être même douloureux au début, mais vous pouvez le faire, nous pouvons y arriver, ensemble.
### Plus dinformations
- <cite>[Who does that server really serve?](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/who-does-that-server-really-serve.html 'Who does that server really serve?')</cite>, par [Richard Stallman](https://richardstallman.org 'Richard Stallmans personal website') sur [GNU.org](https://gnu.org 'GNU official website')
## Et maintenant?
Voir la prochaine étape sur le [chemin](/chemin 'Chemin')

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@ -12,9 +12,6 @@ Prima di eliminare qualunque account, non sarebbe una cattiva idea scaricare e <
- [JustGetMyData](https://justgetmydata.com 'JustGetMyData'), una collezione di link diretti per richiedere una copia dei propri dati su diversi servizi online.
## Delete
- [JustDeleteMe](https://justdeleteme.xyz 'JustDeleteMe'), una collezione di link diretti per <u>eliminare i propri account</u> su diversi servizi online.

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@ -13,38 +13,26 @@ Non proprio. Pensa a questo: se io amo il gelato alla fragola, non parlerò di q
Questo metodo di condivisione apparentemente incoerente nasconde in realtà al suo interno proprio una delle ragioni per cui si dovrebbe abbandonare i *Social*: non esiste un modo (e, se c'è, è molto poco considerato) per essere notato o ascoltato se non attraverso le piattaforme in questione.
Gli autori di <cite><a href="https://thesocialdilemma.com" target="_blank" title="The Social Dilemma">The Social Dilemma</a></cite> hanno creato degli account del film sui *Social* ed [hanno fornito una spiegazione simile](https://www.thesocialdilemma.com/code-of-ethics/ "The Social Dilemmas Code of Ethics").
##### *Abbandonare i* Social Media *implica abbandonare **tutti** i* Social Media. *Perché consideri solo le più grandi piattaforme?*
Fondamentalmente, perché la maggior parte dei problemi deriva dal fatto che i *Social Media* più comuni e diffusi sono posseduti da *corporations* che guadagnano somme ingenti di denaro gestendo in maniera non etica le proprie piattaforme. Strettamente parlando, per definizione i *Social Media* non sono qualcosa di brutto con connotazione negativa, e per semplicità scrivo “Social Media” per intendere “Social Media posseduti da società che traggono profitto da attività che noi facciamo gratis”, o, come li definisce [Jaron Lanier](http://jaronlanier.com "Jaron Lanier"), [BUMMER](https://thefourthrevolution.org/wordpress/archives/6262 "How BUMMER Became a New Acronym for Social Media").
Per un ulteriore approfondimento di questo aspetto, si prega di leggere [cosa](/cosa "Cosa sono i Social Media?").
## Nome
##### *Perché <cite>Quit Social Media</cite> e non <cite>Tommi quits Social Media</cite>?*
Spiego più approfonditamente le ragioni di questa scelta nelle [info](/info "Info - quitsocialmedia.club"), ma è importante sottolineare che non ho costruito un intero sito web per spiegare perché *io* ho abbandonato i *Social Media*, altrimenti avrei scritto a proposito unicamente [sul mio sito personale](https://tommi.space "tommi.space"); non sono riuscito a trovare da nessuna parte un elenco completo di ragioni per cui i *Social Media* sono un problema: esistono innumerevoli articoli (alcuni dei quali sono stati qui riportati), video e ricerche, ma tutti si concentrano unicamente su alcuni punti, senza mai fornire un quadro completo delle problematiche. Poiché creare questo sito è stato un lavoro lungo, intenso e stressante, non penso si tratti del mio personale punto di vista quanto della mia necessità di aprire gli occhi a chi non vuole o non ha mai saputo riconoscere i pericoli delle piattaforme che ogni essere umano utilizza almeno una volta al giorno, e affrontare tutto questo spiegando perché sarebbe utile [eliminare tutto](/elimina) ed [essere liberi](/soluzioni).
##### *Perché il dominio `.club`?*
Ho scelto questo dominio, in tutta sincerità, perché era fra i più economici, ma in fondo ha senso. [Come ho scritto](/info "Quit Social Media Info") abbandonare individualmente i *Social Media* e basta non ha molto senso.
## Perché
##### *Perché hai messo tutto questo impegno e investito così tanto tempo a creare questo sito?*
In fondo, ad essere onesto, non ne ho idea; sento unicamente che ne ho bisogno, con la stessa forza con cui sento che devo abbandonare i miei account sui *social*. Cionondimeno, chiaramente ho fatto tutto questo perché credo fortemente in quanto ho scritto e riportato qui.
##### *Qualcuno ti sta pagando? Cosa ci guadagni?*
Non ho assolutamente **alcun guadagno pecuniario** nel creare questo sito web, né nel condividerlo ovunque. Al contrario, ho speso così tanto tempo a scrivere queste pagine e costruire questo luogo virtuale (non sono uno sviluppatore) che sono diventato molto stanco e in più occasioni sono arrivato vicino ad abbandonare tutto.\
@ -52,9 +40,6 @@ Alcuni mesi fa, ero così addormentato che per errore ho eliminato da terminale
Se hai apprezzato ciò che ho fatto, potresti [considerare di contribuire](/contribuisci "Contribuisci") anche tu.\
Il mio guadagno è strettamente personale e corrisponde alla felicità di fare la mia parte nel lasciare il mondo un po' migliore di come l'ho trovato, [come dice il sommo Baden Powell](https://hyp.is/LrTvBopgEeqMqF-McSiwCw/it.scoutwiki.org/Citazioni_di_Baden-Powell "Cercate di lasciare questo mondo un po migliore di quanto non lavete trovato"); naturalmente, non negherò che diventare famoso, essere intervistato e seguito da folle di persone, indipendentemente da quanto possa essere probabile, è qualcosa in cui fortemente [spero](#aspettative "Aspettative") dentro di me.
## Aspettative
##### *Una volta completato il sito, cosa farai?*
@ -63,20 +48,14 @@ Una premessa: questo sito web, come ogni altra cosa su internet, non potrà mai
Lo spammerò ovunque e ne parlerò in qualunque conversazione con chiunque. A parte questo, sono uno [*structured procrastinator*](http://structuredprocrastination.com "Structured Procrastination") e sono troppo distratto da altre mille questioni per riuscire a mantenere questo sito aggiornato e aggiungere nuovi contenuti; tuttavia, se fossi desideroso di migliorare e aggiornare *quitsocialmedia.club*, [puoi farlo tu stesso](/contribuisci "Contribuisci")!\
Per quanto riguarda gli aspetti tecnici: se qualcuno fosse così gentile da aiutarmi a pagarlo, il dominio `.club` continuerà ad essere utilizzato, mentre l'*hosting* è offerto gratis da [Netlify](https://netlify.com "Netlify"), quindi non cè problema.
##### *Perché dovrei condividere questo sito?*
Non sta a me dirlo, ma ti sarei molto grato se decidessi di farlo.
##### *Cosa ti aspetti succederà?*
In tutta sincerità, non molto. Probabilmente questo sito web sarà letto da alcuni amici, compagni di corso e parenti. Ciononostante, spero fortemente che questo sito diventi virale e che sempre più persone diventino consapevoli del problema, che io venga ospitato da [Gramellini su Rai Tre](https://www.raiplay.it/programmi/leparoledellasettimana "Le Parole della Settimana su Rai Play") e che l'Italia e il mondo intero mi acclamino come colui che ha risolto i problemi di internet, ma non succederà, anche perché non è affatto così: io offro una semplice [soluzione](/soluzioni "Soluzioni") a un insieme indefinito e immenso di problemi, ma non sono sicuro che funzionerà.
##### *Vorresti che tutte le persone nel mondo eliminassero i Social Media?*
Sì, credo anche che sarebbe grandioso, ma sono molto consapevole che non può succedere e non accadrà mai.

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@ -29,14 +29,10 @@ description: Tutte le ragioni per cui i <em>Social Media</em>, per come li conos
Se dedicare un po' più del tuo tempo all'argomento non ti spaventa, io posso assicurarti che ne vale la pena. Ti consiglio di seguire <a href='/percorso' title='/percorso' title='Percorso'>questo percorso</a>.
<div class='row'>
<h2 class='title'>Contatti</h2>
<p class='center'>Se hai domande o suggerimenti, non esitare a <a href='mailto:{{ site.author.email }}' target='_blank' title='Send me an email'>scrivermi</a> (<a href='https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-fingerprint/D435660C86733BA1C4C22F4D922BA2D96336049E' title='PGP Key hello@quitsocialmedia.club'>PGP key</a>).</p>
<br />
<div class='blue box row'>
<a href='/contribuisci'><h2 class='title'>Contribuisci</h2></a>
{% for contrib in collections.all %}
@ -45,9 +41,6 @@ description: Tutte le ragioni per cui i <em>Social Media</em>, per come li conos
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
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<div class='margin row'>
<h2 class='title'>Pagine</h2>
<p>Unanteprima di tutte le pagine del sito in italiano:</p>
@ -59,5 +52,4 @@ description: Tutte le ragioni per cui i <em>Social Media</em>, per come li conos
{% endfor %}

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@ -13,14 +13,10 @@ Mi sono reso conto, tuttavia, che semplicemente <u>eliminare i miei account senz
Tentando di rispondere a queste domande, ho deciso di creare <cite>quitsocialmedia.club</cite>
## Perché
Mi sono accorto che ogni articolo, video o documento che critica i *Social Media* menziona sempre <u>solamente una parte dei problemi conseguenti alla loro esistenza ed al loro utilizzo</u>. Per quanto sia difficile abbracciare completamente ogni aspetto della questione, ritengo sia importante mostrare una visione globale del problema, lasciando che siano i singoli a prendere le proprie decisioni. <u><a href='/it/why' target='_blank' title='Perché'>I motivi</a> per abbandonare i <i>social</i> sono molti</u>, credo non possano né debbano essere ignorati. <cite>quitsocialmedia.club</cite> intende raccogliere diversi punti di vista in forme differenti e mostrare come uscire dai *Social Media* sia la soluzione migliore.
## Fine
Questo sito web ha tre principali scopi:
@ -33,8 +29,6 @@ Conosco e seguo con passione innumerevoli fantastiche *communities* che promuovo
**!!** Non intendo assolutamente costringervi ad abbandonare dai *Social Media* ed eliminare i vostri account, né convincervi che sia la migliore cosa da fare, anche se ne sono assolutamente certo. Vorrei che chiunque arrivi qui <u>analizzasse attentamente i contenuti del sito</u> e tutto il materiale riportato, per decidere autonomamente cosa fare.
## Manca qualcosa?
Se hai qualche domanda a cui questa pagina non ha dato riposta, potresti leggere le [Obiezioni e Risposte](/it/faq 'Obiezioni e risposte') (<abbr title='Also Known As'>a.k.a.</abbr> <abbr title='Frequently Asked Questions'>FAQ</abbr>).

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@ -18,75 +18,51 @@ description: 'Tutti i link alle risorse citate o utilizzate.'
Torna alla [home](/it/home 'Home')
### Libri
- <cite><a href='https://deditore.com/prodotto/cronofagia/' target='_blank' title='Cronofagia'>Cronofagia</a></cite>, un libro di Davide Mazzocco
## Perché
{% comment %}
### Rabbia
### Odio
Torna a [Perché > Hate](/perché#odio 'Hate')
### Polarizzazione
Torna a [Perché > Polarization](/perché#polarizzazione'Polarizzazione')
### Disinformazione
Torna a [Perché > Misinformation](/perché#disinformazione'Disinformazione')
{% endcomment %}
### Bolla
- [Silicon Valley Pretends That Algorithmic Bias Is Accidental. Its Not.](https://slate.com/technology/2021/07/silicon-valley-algorithmic-bias-structural-racism.html), by [Amber M. Hamilton](http://ambermhamilton.com 'Amber M. Hamilton personal website') on [Slate]
Torna a [Perché > Bolla](/perché#bolla 'Bolla')
{% comment %}
### Qualità
Torna a [Perché > Qualità](/perché#qualità 'Qualità')
### Dipendenza
Torna a [Perché > Dipendenza](/perché#dipendenza 'Dipendenza')
### Distraction
Torna a [Perché > Distraction](/perché#distraction 'Distraction')
### Data
Torna a [Perché > Data](/perché#data 'Data')
{% endcomment %}
### Profilazione
@ -97,60 +73,42 @@ Torna a [Perché > Profilazione](/perché#profilazione 'Profilazione')
{% comment %}
### Monopolization
Torna a [Perché > Monopolization](/perché#monopolization 'Monopolization')
{% endcomment %}
### Socialità
Torna a [Perché > Socialità](/perché#socialità 'Socialità')
- [Don Alberto Ravagnani su Muschio Selvaggio](https://youtu.be/aZ2pn0tNoGQ?t=3625 'Ep.33 Don Alberto - Muschio Selvaggio Podcast') che racconta quanto sia pericoloso per i più piccoli avere spesso il telefono in mano
{% comment %}
### Standardizzazione
Torna a [Perché > Standardizzazione](/perché#standardizzazione 'Standardizzazione')
### Content ownership
Torna a [Perché > Content ownership](/perché#content-ownership 'Content Ownership')
### Velocità
Torna a [Perché > Velocità](/perché#velocità 'Velocità')
### Semplicità vs semplificazione
Torna a [Perché > Semplicità vs semplificazione](/perché#semplicità-vs-semplificazione 'Semplicità vs semplificazione')
### Being always connected
Torna a [Perché > Being always connected](/perché#being-always-connected 'Being Always Connected')
### Environment
Torna a [Perché > Environment](/perché#environment 'Environment')
{% endcomment %}
### Ambiente
@ -158,23 +116,17 @@ Torna a [Perché > Environment](/perché#environment 'Environment')
Torna a [Perché > Ambiente](/perché#ambiente 'Ambiente')
<br />
### Chiusura
- [Quanto siamo dipendenti da una singola piattaforma online?](https://funkwhale.it/library/tracks/1380/ 'Quanto siamo dipendenti da una singola piattaforma online?'), episodio 10 del <mark class='blue'>podcast</mark> di [Daniele Scasciafratte](https://daniele.tech 'Daniele Scasciafratte')
Torna a [Perché > Chiusura](/perché#chiusura 'Chiusura')
{% comment %}
### Saturazione
Torna a [Perché > Saturazione](/perché#saturazione 'Saturazione')
### Being used
Torna a [Perché > Being used](/perché#being-used 'Being used')

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@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ description: Come ci sono diverse valide motivazioni per abbandonare i <i>Social
La bellezza degli esperimenti è che possono essere svolti illimitatamente per le questioni private, mentre per questioni di lavoro si può tenere un profilo separato, oppure proporre al proprio datore di lavoro di cambiare prospettiva. Un inizio sarebbe mostrargli questo sito, poi potrà valutare da sé.
## …poi rimango isolato dal mondo!
Questa è probabilmente la replica che più comunemente ricevo. Se dicessi che non è vero, mentirei. Anche a me, in molti casi, viene una voglia matta di guardare le storie su instagram di amici che non vedo da un pezzo, o quando un amico mi porge il telefono per guardare una meme su un social, mi trovo a perdere alcuni minuti a scrollare il suo feed, come se mi fossi dimenticato della sua esistenza.
@ -22,9 +19,6 @@ Fra le [soluzioni](/soluzioni 'Soluzioni e Alternative') ci sono molteplici sist
Proprio per questo motivo, lobiettivo che è necessario porsi è ragionare in unottica secondo cui i Social Media dovrebbero smettere di essere al centro e massima fonte di relazioni, informazioni, legami.
## …non ho tempo!
Devo ammettere che, prima di abbandonare i *social*, anche escludendo il tempo impegato a documentarmi e scrivere questo sito, ho passato tante ore a scervellarmi e trafficare per far funzionare bene [le alternative](/soluzioni 'Soluzioni e Alternative'). Effettivamente, se tu desiderassi abbandonare i *social* ma utilizzare comunque la tecnologia per pubblicare contenuti, dovrai necessariamente impiegare parecchio tempo. Anche solamente leggere questo sito è un gran investimento, ma è solo la punta delliceberg.

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@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ ref: people
Questo sito [è stato creato](/info 'Informazioni su quitsocialmedia.club') da [Tommi](https://tommi.space 'Tommi's personal website').
## Localizzazione
Tutti coloro che hanno [localizzato](/l10n 'Localization') i contenuti di questo sito:
@ -29,9 +26,6 @@ Tutti coloro che hanno [localizzato](/l10n 'Localization') i contenuti di questo
{% endfor %}
## Suggerimenti e miglioramenti
Le persone che hanno contribuito a migliorare i contenuti e la forma in cui sono stati esposti.
@ -50,9 +44,6 @@ Le persone che hanno contribuito a migliorare i contenuti e la forma in cui sono
{% endfor %}
## Illustrazioni
Gli autori delle illustrazioni presenti nelle varie pagine

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@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ Non ho ancora trovato un luogo su internet in cui siano riportate e riassunte *t
Tuttavia, dopo aver analizzato ogni singola spiegazione, <u>è difficile negare che ci sia qualcosa che non va</u> e che sia necessario agire.
Prima di cause e processi, regolamentazioni e leggi, lazione più importante, urgente ed efficace che possiamo intraprendere come individui è **abbandonare** le piattaforme che non hanno una giusta morale.
<div class='blue box' style='margin:0'>
<h2 style='hyphens:none' id='ascolta-il-podcast'>Ascolta il podcast!</h2>
<p>Se questa pagina è troppo noiosa e lunga da leggere, puoi ascoltare lepisodio di <em><a href='https://sconnesso.link' target='_blank' title='Sconnesso'>Sconnesso</a></em>, il mio pseudo-podcast, in cui viene letta. La trovi di seguito.</p>
@ -22,33 +19,23 @@ Prima di cause e processi, regolamentazioni e leggi, lazione più importante,
## Rabbia
<u>È scientificamente provato che le emozioni negative coinvolgano le persone molto più di quelle positive</u>. Gli algoritmi che compongono i *feed* sui *social* sono programmati specificamente per massimizzare il coinvolgimento e le interazioni, senza curarsi veramente di come gli utenti possano sentirsi (anche perché un algoritmo, per adesso, non sa provare emozioni).
I nostri sentimenti sono governati da una macchina: ci arrabbiamo per qualcosa che vediamo, reagiamo, e cominciamo a visualizzare sempre più contenuti al riguardo.
### Maggiori informazioni
- [Digital Discrimination: How Systemic Bias Is Built Into the Internet](https://thereboot.com/digital-discrimination-how-systemic-bias-is-built-into-the-internet/ 'Digital Discrimination: How Systemic Bias Is Built Into the Internet') un articolo di Sanjana Varghese su [The Reboot](https://thereboot.com/ 'The Reboot')
- [Facebook Will Permanently Stop Promoting Political Groups](https://www.forbes.com/sites/rachelsandler/2021/01/27/facebook-will-permanently-stop-promoting-political-groups/ 'Facebook Will Permanently Stop Promoting Political Groups'), un articolo di [Rachel Sandler](https://www.forbes.com/sites/rachelsandler/ 'Rachel Sandlers articles') su [Forbes](https://forbes.com 'Forbes'), un sintomo del fatto che le raccomandazioni su Facebook sono più dannose per la società che utili per gli utenti
- [altri contenuti](/links#anger 'More resources about anger and Social Media')
## Odio
Strettamente connesso alla [rabbia](#rabbia): quando ci arrabbiamo, facciamo qualcosa al riguardo. Questo è esattamente quello che gli algoritmi aspettano. Non importa quanto il dibattito sia acceso: finché noi discutiamo, commentiamo, scrolliamo, va tutto bene. Il problema è che tendiamo a diventare più aggressivi: perdiamo la capacità di discutere con persone che sostengono un'opinione diversa dalla nostra senza giudicarli o andare in collera.
Tutte le piattaforme permettono di segnalare contenuti che contengono odio, offese o insulti, ma non esiste un modo oggettivo ed efficace per segnalare le **emozioni**.\
Inoltre, è stato riportato da diverse fonti che i moderatori di contenuti sono sottopagati, hanno orari di lavoro estenuanti e devono moderare i contenuti di più di un miliardo di utenti attivi, ogni giorno.
### Maggiori informazioni
- [Facebook cant fix itself](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/10/19/why-facebook-cant-fix-itself 'Facebook cant fix itself'), un articolo di [Andrew Marantz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Marantz 'Andrew Marantz on Wikipedia') su [<cite>The New Yorker</cite>](https://www.newyorker.com 'The Newyorker')
@ -56,9 +43,6 @@ Inoltre, è stato riportato da diverse fonti che i moderatori di contenuti sono
- [Bodies in seats](https://www.theverge.com/2019/6/19/18681845/facebook-moderator-interviews-video-trauma-ptsd-cognizant-tampa 'Bodies in seats'), by [Casey Newton](https://www.theverge.com/authors/casey-newton 'Casey Newton author page on The Verge') on [The Verge](https://www.theverge.com 'The Verge')
- [altri contenuti](/links#hate 'More resources related to hate and Social Media')
## Polarizzazione
*Ça va sans dir* che linguaggio aggressivo, odio e rabbia portino a una forte polarizzazione della società.
@ -66,8 +50,6 @@ Inoltre, è stato riportato da diverse fonti che i moderatori di contenuti sono
Divisione ed estremismo sono alimentati da gruppi di persone che hanno idee differenti e non sanno più ascoltarsi reciprocamente.
I *Social Media* non fanno molto per favorire un modo più pacifico di esprimere la propria idea e stimolare una maggiore apertura verso idee differenti.
### Maggiori informazioni
- [How Facebook profits from polarization](https://ted.com/talks/yael_eisenstat_how_facebook_profits_from_polarization 'How Facebook profits from polarization'), un <mark class='red'>TED Talk</mark> di [Yael Eisenstat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yael_Eisenstat 'Yael Eisenstat on Wikipedia')
@ -75,16 +57,11 @@ I *Social Media* non fanno molto per favorire un modo più pacifico di esprimere
- [Facebook Cant Fix what it wont admit to](https://www.wired.com/story/plaintext-facebook-cant-fix-what-it-wont-admit-to/ 'Facebook Cant Fix what it wont admit to') by [Steven Levy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Levy 'Steven Levy on Wikipedia') on [Wired](https://wired.com 'Wired')
- [altri contenuti](/links#polarizzazione 'More resources on Polarization and Social Media')
## Disinformazione
Questo è uno dei principali punti di discussione dellanno passato: le piattaforme *social* rendono davvero difficile comprendere cosa è vero e cosa non lo è. Ovviamente, questo problema non dipende unicamente dai *Social Media*, ma è strettamente legato ad essi e per colpa loro la sua pericolosità si accentua enormemente. Post di Donald Trump, così come quelli di persone molto influenti, possono essere controllati (e abbiamo visto com'è andata a finire con l'ex-presidente), ma è praticamente impossibile riuscire a monitorare e verificare efficacemente l'autenticità e la veridicità dei contenuti pubblicati. Non esiste un modo infallibile per essere totalmente certi che qualcosa che viene pubblicato non sia una tanto famigerata e vituperata *fake news*.
Intorno a questo punto si sta svolgendo un grande dibattito, che riguarda specificamente la [Sezione 230](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_230 'Sezione 230 on Wikipedia') del Communications Decency Act americano: di chi è la responsabilità se una notizia falsa e pericolosa viene pubblicata? Delle piattaforme su cui un post è stato esposto oppure di chi ne è l'autore? Soprattutto, chi verrà perseguito legalmente se il contenuto pubblicato dovesse avere delle ripercussioni negative nel mondo reale?
### Maggiori informazioni
- [How to save Facebook from democracy](https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2020-11-24/fukuyama-how-save-democracy-technology 'How to save Facebook from democracy'), by Francis Fukuyama, Barak Richman, and Ashish Goel on [Foreign Affairs](https://www.foreignaffairs.com 'Foreign Affairs')
@ -92,9 +69,6 @@ Intorno a questo punto si sta svolgendo un grande dibattito, che riguarda specif
- [Control, Stifle, Censor: Social Medias Toxic Double-Edged Policies](https://thereboot.com/control-stifle-censor-social-media-toxic-double-edged-policies/ 'Control, Stifle, Censor: Social Medias Toxic Double-Edged Policies') by Jillian C. York on [The Reboot](https://thereboot.com/ 'The Reboot')
- [altri contenuti](/links#misinformation 'More resources about misinformation and Social Media')
## Bolla
Dal momento che gli algoritmi che governano i Social Media puntano a tenere gli utenti attaccati alla propria piattaforma più che possono, essi provano a mostrarci contenuti che sanno ci piaceranno. Non si parla esclusivamente di pubblicità, ma anche di suggerimenti di contenuti non sponsorizzati al suo interno. “Potrebbe anche piacerti”, “simile al video che hai appena visto”… sono solo modi diversi per dirci “continua a navigare qui, scrolla ancora!”. Il problema che ne consegue, non è unicamente la [dipendenza](#dipendenza), ma anche il finire per **vivere in una bolla**, in cui la gran parte dei contenuti è in linea con le nostre idee e ci piace, mentre tutto il resto è una lontana, poco importante, realtà. O accade questo, oppure l'opposto, la [rabbia](#rabbia).
@ -102,49 +76,33 @@ Dal momento che gli algoritmi che governano i Social Media puntano a tenere gli
Pensa all'ultima elezione politica a cui hai votato: se solitamente ti informi di politica attraverso i *social*, probabilmente avrai creduto che la tua parte, qualunque essa fosse, sarebbe stata in grande maggioranza, e probabilmente avrebbe vinto, anche se poi non è poi stato così.
Quello precedente è solamente uno fra i più semplici esempi del vivere in un bolla: si percepisce una visione distorta o limitata della realtà.
### Maggiori informazioni
- [The Obsession With Big Tech Is Distorting the Big Picture](https://thereboot.com/the-obsession-with-big-tech-is-distorting-the-big-picture/ 'The Obsession With Big Tech Is Distorting the Big Picture'), un articolo di Karl Bode su [The Reboot](https://thereboot.com/ 'The Reboot')
- [The Future of Privacy](https://philosophy247.org/podcasts/the-future-of-privacy/ 'Philosophy 24/7 The Future of Privacy'), un <mark class='blue'>podcast</mark> con un'intervista a [Carissa Véliz](https://carissaveliz.com 'Carissa Véliz'), parlando specificamente della “bolla” al minuto `4:00`
- [altri contenuti](/links#bubble 'External links about “Bubble”')
## Qualità
In che proporzione il nostro feed sui *Social Media* è popolato da contenuti significativi e di qualità, contro selfie di amici, foto di modelli o modelle, meme e animaletti coccolosi? Bisogna riconoscere che è preoccupante accorgersi di quanto la qualità, profondità e il significato dei contenuti che fruiamo ogni giorno sta diventando terribilmente più bassa. Per colpa dei *Social Media* [siamo distratti](#distrazione) troppo spesso da cose che nella maggior parte dei casi sono irrilevanti o poco significative. In generale, <u>stiamo tendendo ad avere meno a che fare con cultura, conoscenza, e crescita personale, buttando sempre più tempo in vacuo intrattenimento</u>.
Nota: non sto criticando l'intrattenimento di basso livello, i contenuti trash o video e immagini stupidi e divertenti; tuttavia, sono sempre più preoccupato di come questi stiano soppiantando contenuti dal maggiore valore emotivo e conoscitivo.
## Dipendenza
Potrebbe essere una questione dovuta soprattutto alle notifiche *push*, e la suoneria del nostro telefono che ronza in continuazione, catturando la nostra attenzione e invitandoci a visualizzare chi ha commentato il nostro ultimo post; tuttavia, non si tratta **esclusivamente** di questo, la nostra più o meno grave dipendenza dai *social* si basa su **come** questi sono studiati e costruiti: <u>siamo spinti così tanto ad essere soddisfatti che ad un certo punto ne abbiamo addirittura bisogno</u>.\
Naturalmente chiunque potrà rispondere a questo punto dicendo “ma dai! Sono solo una minoranza quelli che sono davvero dipendenti, in questo modo!”.\
Se ne hai il coraggio, disinstalla tutte le tue applicazioni social per un mese. Solo per curiosità, come esperimento; probabilmente non obietteresti di nuovo.
### Maggiori informazioni
- [An Exploratory Study of Gambling Operators Use of Social Media and the Latent Messages Conveyed](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10899-015-9525-2 'An Exploratory Study of Gambling Operators Use of Social Media and the Latent Messages Conveyed')
## Distrazione
Naturalmente, distrazione e [dipendenza](#dipendenza) sono strettamente correlate: più abbiamo bisogno di controllare su tutte le nostre app nuovi post o commenti, meno ci concentriamo su ciò che realmente ci interessa. È principalmente una questione di [tempo](#tempo), ma si tratta anche di allenare la concentrazione e la dedizione: i *Social Media* ci abituano a <u>saltare incessantemente da un contenuto ad un altro a grandissima velocità</u>; i nostri occhi di solito si fermano su un'immagine per cinque secondi al massimo. Da ciò consegue che nella nostra quotidianità concentrarsi su qualcosa per lungo tempo richieda uno sforzo sovrannaturale.\
Ancora una volta: se una persona è fortemente distratta e non sa concentrarsi, non è *necessariamente* causa dei *Social Media*, ma trascorrere parecchio tempo a scrollare il nostro feed di certo non aiuta.
## Dati
Indipendentemente dalla nostra volontà, anche se utilizziamo i social passivamente, dunque navigando, guardando video e immagini e leggendo post, <u>regaliamo ai proprietari dei <i>Social Media</i> una immensa mole di dati su di noi</u> e su cosa ci piace. Questi dati, anche se in teoria sono “deliberatamente” concessi, sono accumulati sempre più, giorno dopo giorno, mese dopo mese, anno dopo anno. Il risultato è spaventoso. Per cosa vengono utilizzate tutte queste informazioni? La risposta è [profilazione degli utenti](#profilazione)
@ -153,9 +111,6 @@ Indipendentemente dalla nostra volontà, anche se utilizziamo i social passivame
- [How tech companies deceive you into giving up your data and privacy](https://www.ted.com/talks/finn_lutzow_holm_myrstad_how_tech_companies_deceive_you_into_giving_up_your_data_and_privacy 'How tech companies deceive you into giving up your data and privacy'), una <mark class='red'>TED Talk</mark> di [Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad](https://www.ted.com/speakers/finn_myrstad 'Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad')
## Profilazione
Probabilmente, questa è una delle ragioni principali per cui le persone scelgono di eliminare i propri account sui *Social Media*.\
@ -163,8 +118,6 @@ La questione è tanto semplice quanto preoccupante: tutti i dati raccolti su di
Non è un segreto: tutto ciò che ho appena elencato è venduto a caro prezzo ad inserzionisti per mostrarci (o meglio, per sommergere il nostro feed con) pubblicità “di nostro interesse”. Questo potrebbe essere addirittura considerato un aspetto positivo se fosse sfruttato solo per fini di marketing, ma, sfortunatamente, non è così: potremmo (e probabilmente siamo) puntati da inserzioni e campagne politiche, che non puntano a venderci qualcosa, ma mirano a condizionare il nostro comportamento e distorcere la nostra interpretazione del mondo, rinforzando ulteriormente la [bolla](#bolla) in cui viviamo e, ovviamente, manipolando la nostra scelta di voto.
### Maggiori informazioni
- [The Cambridge Analytica Story, Explained](https://www.wired.com/amp-stories/cambridge-analytica-explainer/ 'The Cambridge Analytica Story, Explained'), di [WIRED](https://wired.com)
@ -172,9 +125,6 @@ Non è un segreto: tutto ciò che ho appena elencato è venduto a caro prezzo ad
- [How Surveillance Advertising Seized Our Data and Hijacked the Web](https://thereboot.com/how-surveillance-advertising-seized-our-data-and-hijacked-the-web/ 'How Surveillance Advertising Seized Our Data and Hijacked the Web') di Matthew Crain su [The Reboot](https://thereboot.com/ 'The Reboot')
- [How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism](https://onezero.medium.com/how-to-destroy-surveillance-capitalism-8135e6744d59 'How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism'), di [Cory Doctorow](https://pluralistic.net 'Pluralistic - Cory Doctorow')
## Monopolizzazione
Esiste un modo per diventare influencer, promuovere un prodotto, condividere un'opinione politica, mettere in mostra un'opera darte o comunicare qualunque cosa con il pubblico senza utilizzare, direttamente o indirettamente, i *Social Media*?
@ -183,8 +133,6 @@ Le aziende che possiedono i *Social Media* sono <u>monopoli che non permettono a
Facebook è stato denunciato ed è ora sotto processo da parte del governo statunitense e molti altri stati del mondo, precisamente con l'accusa di aver comprato illegalmente le società concorrenti.
### Maggiori informazioni
- [Unintervista di *Codice* a Jaron Lanier](https://www.raiplay.it/video/2019/08/Codice-intervista-esclusiva-a-Jaron-Lanier-pioniere-della-realta-virtuale-98a38fd9-6fa9-46d6-9b49-f9deccc7d1c6.html 'Intervista a Jaron Lanier - Codice - Rai Play'), su <mark class='red'>Rai Play</mark>
@ -193,9 +141,6 @@ Facebook è stato denunciato ed è ora sotto processo da parte del governo statu
- [WIREDs Guide to Net Neutrality](https://www.wired.com/story/guide-net-neutrality/ 'WIREDs Guide to Net Neutrality')
- [more](/it/links#monopolization 'More resources related to the Monopolization and Social Media')
## Socialità
Alla fine, i cosiddetti “social” media, non sono poi così tanto *social*. A pensarci bene, sono sempre più incentrati su tutto eccetto che la socialità. Siamo bombardati da annunci, suggerimenti di nuove funzionalità, [contenuti di basso livello](#qualità) e si perdono di vista i valori fondamentali su cui tali piattaforme dovrebbero basarsi e che dovrebbero essere il centro di tutto: **le relazioni umane**.
@ -207,24 +152,16 @@ Perché non possiamo socializzare, scambiare idee, confrontarci con amici e cono
- [Don Alberto Ravagnani su Muschio Selvaggio](https://youtu.be/aZ2pn0tNoGQ?t=3625 'Ep.33 Don Alberto - Muschio Selvaggio Podcast') che racconta quanto sia pericoloso per i più piccoli avere spesso il telefono in mano
- [Do virtual social networks destroy the social fabric?](https://medium.com/swlh/do-virtual-social-networks-destroy-the-social-fabric-b1e96de514db 'Do virtual social networks destroy the social fabric?') un articolo di Jürgen Derlath
## Tempo
Non sei spaventato da quanto tempo passi a fissare uno schermo?
Guarda le statistiche di utilizzo dei tuoi dispositivi.
### Maggiori informazioni
- <cite><a href='https://deditore.com/prodotto/cronofagia/' target='_blank' title='Cronofagia'>Cronofagia</a></cite>, un <mark class='purple'>libro</mark> di Davide Mazzocco
## Standardizzazione
Come si rapporta la **creatività** con tutto quanto scritto finora? Come sottolineato in [monopolizzazione](#monopolizzazione), ci sono poche o zero alternative per avere una presenza pubblica online senza sfruttare un profilo sui *Social Media*. A meno che tu per qualche ragione non fossi già conosciuto, è fortemente improbabile che tu possa venire considerato da un vasto pubblico senza un account o una pagina su almeno un social network.
@ -233,17 +170,12 @@ A queste considerazioni consegue che la maggioranza delle persone mostra le prop
I *Social Media* stanno uccidendo la diversità: stanno standardizzando il modo in cui le persone si presentano, i canoni di efficacia affinché il messaggio venga recepito e rimanga impresso e, soprattutto, il modo in cui appaiono e sono valutate le immagini. Il contenuto perde tutto il suo significato originale. La personalità e l'identità sono mascherate da un grande livello di artificialità dietro un profilo che è lo stesso per tutti.
## Diritti sui contenuti
Quello che pubblichiamo sui *Social Media* è veramente nostro? La risposta giace allinterno delle privacy policy degli stessi.
**Spoiler** - La risposta veloce è sì, ma quella reale è no: manteniamo i diritti di proprietà sul nostro contenuto, ma ciò non vuol dire quasi nulla, poiché allo stesso tempo acconsentiamo che le piattaforme online ne facciano quello che vogliono; noi non possiamo farci nulla: una volta pubblicato qualcosa, <u>non è più sotto il nostro controllo</u>. Quindi: il contenuto è tuo ma non puoi farci nulla. Può davvero chiamarsi proprietà?
### Facebook
From Facebook's [Terms of Service](https://www.facebook.com/terms.php 'Facebook Terms of Service')
@ -260,8 +192,6 @@ From Twitter's [Terms of Service](https://twitter.com/en/tos 'Twitter Terms of S
[Source](https://hyp.is/2H2wMhIsEeuntaMMPJ6iIw/twitter.com/en/tos 'Twitter Terms of Service')
### Tik Tok
From Tik Tok's [Terms of use](https://www.tiktok.com/legal/terms-of-use 'Tik Tok Terms of Service')
@ -278,16 +208,11 @@ Important passage:
[Source](https://hyp.is/VnoxMBIuEeuuiUMgV1pp_Q/www.tiktok.com/legal/terms-of-use?lang=en 'Tik Tok Terms of Service')
### Maggiori informazioni
- [Who Owns Your Content Online?](https://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/who-owns-your-content-online), un articolo su SocialMediaToday
- [Does Instagram Own the Pictures & Photos you Post?](https://social.techjunkie.com/instagram-own-photos-pictures/), un articolo su TechJunkie
## Velocità
Come esposto in [distrazione](#distrazione), guardiamo in modo estremamente veloce tutto ciò che appare nella nostra timeline. Facciamo doppio tap e mettiamo *like* a centinaia di post ogni giorno, e lo facciamo così tanto che non veniamo più toccati dalla potenza di un contenuto. Può capitare di vedere un'immagine di una nostra amica mentre si scatta una foto con il nuovo make-up e immediatamente dopo un video di una foresta devastata da incendi dolosi. Non è questo fortemente amorale? Ci sembra corretto dedicare alcuni secondi, o addirittura millesimi di secondo, ad argomenti così differenti, saltando in un battito di ciglia da immagini dure e toccanti, contenuti pregnanti e emotivamente forti, a immagini divertenti e ridicole?\
@ -295,25 +220,16 @@ Credo che questo non corrisponda al modo in cui la natura umana ci spinge a vive
I *Social Media* fanno apparire tutto uguale appiattendo ogni post e inserendolo nel medesimo contenitore. Così facendo, perdiamo empatia e compassione, senza essere più in grado di distinguere cosa è davvero importante e pericoloso è cosa è una montatura mediatica concepita fondamentalmente come scherzo.
## Semplicità e Semplificazione
Sui *Social Media*, tutto è reso un gioco, tutto appare molto semplice. L'essenza ontologica della realtà, tuttavia, non è affatto semplice. Non lo è nemmeno il mondo in cui viviamo e i suoi abitanti. L'Universo è complesso, arduo da decifrare, ricco di elementi confusivi ed in conflitto fra loro. I *Social Media* semplificano tutto, come se la conoscenza fosse a portata di mano e qualunque informazione facilmente comprensibile. Purtroppo, non è così. Mentre gli sviluppatori di *software* generalmente cercano di perseguire la semplicità e il minimalismo, i *Social Media* combattono per la **semplificazione** di argomenti e temi che non lo sono affatto. Potrebbe non esserci un chiaro “giusto” o “sbagliato” per quanto riguarda una discussione, ma gli algoritmi percepiscono qual è la nostra inclinazione e ci mostrano ciò che la rafforza, così diventiamo sempre più convinti di qualcosa che appare molto semplice, ma che in fondo non lo è, perdendo un punto di vista molto importante, cioè l'altra faccia della medaglia.
La semplificazione è un concetto negativo, mentre la semplicità è stupenda ed efficace, ma non può essere ovunque e sempre. Dobbiamo abbandonare i *Social Media* per aprire gli occhi e osseervare l'altra faccia della medaglia, riconoscendo e sposando la diversità della realtà.
## Essere perennemente connessi
Il titolo del paragrafo dice tutto. Davvero ci serve essere così connessi? Se la risposta fosse affermativa, possiamo aggiungere inoltre che l'iperconnessione è benefica? Come saremmo se non guardassimo centinaia di migliaia di contenuti pubblicati da coloro che seguiamo, incessantemente?
## Ambiente
Questo potrebbe essere il motivo più debole degli altri in questa pagina, ma può essere utile menzionarlo.
@ -326,9 +242,6 @@ Una nota personale: chiunque non sia un imbecille riconosce che il più grande e
- [Privacy e cambiamenti climatici](https://www.ilpost.it/carloblengino/2021/11/02/privacy-e-cambiamenti-climatici-alla-ricerca-di-una-buona-storia/ 'Privacy e cambiamenti climatici - Il Post'), di [Carlo Blengino](https://www.ilpost.it/carloblengino/ 'Pagina autore di Carlo Blengino su Il Post') su [Il Post](https://ilpost.it 'Il Post')
## Chiusura
Immaginiamo che io sia un influencer (lo so, improbabile assai) e che io voglia spostarmi su un'altra piattaforma di *social networking* meno conosciuta (come potrebbero essere Mastodon, Friendica, Pixelfed, Diaspora…) e minuscola, se comparata alle piattaforme che tutti conosciamo. Come posso farlo? Al di fuori dei miei profili sui *Social Media* (se ho basato solo su di essi la mia celebrità) nonostante io possa avere una vasta *fanbase*, non avrei followers, nessun pubblico, nessuno strumento al di fuori delle piatteforme che ho usato finora, e che scelgo di lasciare. L'unico modo per continuare a lavorare è ricostruire da capo la mia *fanbase* altrove.\
@ -339,17 +252,12 @@ C'è un piccolo interessante esperimento mentale per rendere l'idea di quanto i
I *Social Media* che noi conosciamo sono limitati a e da coloro che li possiedono e li governano, ed è come se un mondo senza di essi non esistesse.\
Noi possiamo provare il contrario.
### Maggiori informazioni
- [Quanto siamo dipendenti da una singola piattaforma online?](https://funkwhale.it/library/tracks/1380/ 'Quanto siamo dipendenti da una singola piattaforma online?'), episodio 10 del <mark class='blue'>podcast</mark> di [Daniele Scasciafratte](https://daniele.tech 'Daniele Scasciafratte')
- [Data Liberation: A Step Toward Fixing Big Techs Competition Problems](https://thereboot.com/data-liberation-a-step-toward-fixing-big-techs-competition-problems/ 'Data Liberation: A Step Toward Fixing Big Techs Competition Problems') by Gabriel Nicholas on [The Reboot](https://thereboot.com 'The Reboot')
- [Breaking Tech Open: Why Social Platforms Should Work More Like Email](https://thereboot.com/breaking-tech-open-why-social-platforms-should-work-more-like-email/ 'Breaking Tech Open: Why Social Platforms Should Work More Like Email'), by Karissa McKelvey on [The Reboot](https://thereboot.com 'The Reboot')
## Saturazione
Il modello economico dei *Social Media* è di fornire un “servizio” “gratuito” ai propri “utenti” mostrando “pubblicità”. Ho già scritto di come e quanto pericolosi queste siano, ma ora concentriamoci sulla loro sostenibilità a lungo termine.
@ -360,9 +268,6 @@ L'attuale *business plan* dei *Social Media* sta diventando sempre meno redditiz
Nel frattempo, noi possiamo uscire da questo pasticcio, in modo che non ci riguardi. Una volta abbandonati i *Social Media*, diventiamo indipendenti e liberi, e quanto valga un annuncio e quanti di essi riempiano i feed non sarà più una nostra preoccupazione.
## Essere usati
Se ci pensiamo attentamente, alla luce di quanto letto finora, possiamo realizzare che in realtà non usiamo i *Social Media*, sono i *Social Media* a usare noi.
@ -376,10 +281,6 @@ Nelle nostre mani abbiamo la possibilità di dire no, di fermare la tendenza, di
Non è facile ed è piuttosto doloroso all'inizio, ma puoi farlo, possiamo farlo, se non siamo soli.
## Cosa fare, ora?
Il prossimo passo è il livello successivo nel [percorso](/percorso 'Percorso') verso la libertà online