* [[DeSmuMe|https://desmume.org/]] --- for some uses, still the most accurate and flexible NDS emulator, with better x86 support (but poor ARM performance) --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/TASEmulators/desmume">>
* (WIP) [[NDS-Homebrew-Development|https://github.com/jdriselvato/NDS-Homebrew-Development]] --- //research for developing on the Nintendo DS//
* [[Nitro SDK in a Box|https://gbatemp.net/threads/nitro-sdk-in-a-box.622578/]] --- the idea for a VM setup with all kinds of useful software from official NITRO SDK (download not released, we might want to ask OP in private)
* <<linkdescgit Paperchat "https://paperchat.net/" "An online Pictochat spiritual successor - Draw and chat in real time!" "https://github.com/lietsaki/paperchat">>
* <<linkdescgit pict.chat "https://pict.chat/" "PictoChat web app with a server written in Java!" "https://github.com/ayunami2000/ayunpictojava">>