created: 20220923110724649 creator: Octt modified: 20231115233033144 modifier: Octt tags: Gaming Nintendo NDS Console $:/i18n:en Handheld title: Nintendo DS ''Nintendo DS'' is a family of portable game consoles created by [[Nintendo|Nintendo]], succeding and preceding the GBA and 3DS families respectively. <> <<^wikipediaframe "Nintendo DS">> * <> * [[Some NDS ROM File Format Discoveries|]] !!! Emulators ...WIP * [[DeSmuMe|]] --- for some uses, still the most accurate and flexible NDS emulator, with better x86 support (but poor ARM performance) --- <<[# Git"">> ** * [[NooDS|]] --- //A (hopefully!) speedy DS emulator.// !!! Tools * [[dlditool|]] --- //Dynamically Linked Disk Interface patch tool// for NDS homebrew ROMs !!! Development * (WIP) [[NDS-Homebrew-Development|]] --- //research for developing on the Nintendo DS// * [[Nitro SDK in a Box|]] --- the idea for a VM setup with all kinds of useful software from official NITRO SDK (download not released, we might want to ask OP in private) * [[devkitPro/nds-examples|]] !! PictoChat <<^wikipediaframe PictoChat>> * <> * <>