mirror of https://github.com/Fabio286/antares.git synced 2025-03-08 23:48:05 +01:00

feat(PostgreSQL): export tables

This commit is contained in:
Fabio Di Stasio 2022-03-21 18:32:45 +01:00
parent 8f3efabb69
commit a67071e284
6 changed files with 499 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -120,6 +120,7 @@
"moment": "^2.29.1",
"mysql2": "^2.3.2",
"pg": "^8.7.1",
"pg-query-stream": "^4.2.3",
"pgsql-ast-parser": "^7.2.1",
"source-map-support": "^0.5.20",
"spectre.css": "^0.5.9",

View File

@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ module.exports = {
routineAdd: true,
functionAdd: true,
schemaDrop: true,
schemaExport: true,
schemaImport: true,
databaseEdit: false,
schemaExport: false,
schemaImport: false,
tableSettings: true,
viewSettings: true,
triggerSettings: true,

View File

@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ export class PostgreSQLClient extends AntaresCore {
* @memberof MySQLClient
async dropSchema (params) {
return await this.raw(`DROP SCHEMA "${params.database}"`);
return await this.raw(`DROP SCHEMA "${params.database}" CASCADE`);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
import { SqlExporter } from './SqlExporter';
import { BLOB, BIT, DATE, DATETIME, FLOAT, SPATIAL, IS_MULTI_SPATIAL, NUMBER } from 'common/fieldTypes';
import hexToBinary from 'common/libs/hexToBinary';
import { getArrayDepth } from 'common/libs/getArrayDepth';
import moment from 'moment';
import { lineString, point, polygon } from '@turf/helpers';
import QueryStream from 'pg-query-stream';
export default class PostgreSQLExporter extends SqlExporter {
async getSqlHeader () {
let dump = await super.getSqlHeader();
dump += `
SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET lock_timeout = 0;
SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0;
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET xmloption = content;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET row_security = off;`;
return dump;
async getCreateTable (tableName) {
let createSql = '';
const sequences = [];
const columnsSql = [];
// Table columns
const { rows } = await this._client
.where({ table_schema: `= '${this.schemaName}'`, table_name: `= '${tableName}'` })
.orderBy({ ordinal_position: 'ASC' })
if (!rows.length) return '';
for (const column of rows) {
const columnArr = [
`${column.data_type}${column.character_maximum_length ? `(${column.character_maximum_length})` : ''}`
if (column.column_default) {
columnArr.push(`DEFAULT ${column.column_default}`);
if (column.column_default.includes('nextval')) {
let sequenceName = column.column_default.split('\'')[1];
if (sequenceName.includes('.')) sequenceName = sequenceName.split('.')[1];
if (column.is_nullable === 'NO') columnArr.push('NOT NULL');
columnsSql.push(columnArr.join(' '));
// Table sequences
for (const sequence of sequences) {
const { rows } = await this._client
.where({ sequence_schema: `= '${this.schemaName}'`, sequence_name: `= '${sequence}'` })
if (rows.length) {
createSql += `CREATE SEQUENCE "${this.schemaName}"."${sequence}"
START WITH ${rows[0].start_value}
INCREMENT BY ${rows[0].increment}
MINVALUE ${rows[0].minimum_value}
MAXVALUE ${rows[0].maximum_value}
CACHE 1;\n`;
createSql += `\nALTER TABLE "${this.schemaName}"."${sequence}" OWNER TO ${this._client._params.user};\n\n`;
// Table create
createSql += `CREATE TABLE "${this.schemaName}"."${tableName}"(
${columnsSql.join(',\n ')}
createSql += `\nALTER TABLE "${this.schemaName}"."${tableName}" OWNER TO ${this._client._params.user};\n\n`;
// Table indexes
const { rows: indexes } = await this._client
.where({ schemaname: `= '${this.schemaName}'`, tablename: `= '${tableName}'` })
for (const index of indexes)
createSql += `${index.indexdef};\n`;
// Table foreigns
const { rows: foreigns } = await this._client.raw(`
ccu.table_schema AS foreign_table_schema,
ccu.table_name AS foreign_table_name,
ccu.column_name AS foreign_column_name,
FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS tc
JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS kcu
ON tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name
AND tc.table_schema = kcu.table_schema
JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS ccu
ON ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name
AND ccu.table_schema = tc.table_schema
JOIN information_schema.referential_constraints AS rc
ON rc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name
WHERE tc.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' AND tc.table_schema = '${this.schemaName}'
AND tc.table_name = '${tableName}'
for (const foreign of foreigns) {
createSql += `\nALTER TABLE ONLY "${this.schemaName}"."${tableName}"
ADD CONSTRAINT "${foreign.constraint_name}" FOREIGN KEY ("${foreign.column_name}") REFERENCES "${foreign.table_schema}"."${foreign.table_name}" ("${foreign.foreign_column_name}") ON UPDATE ${foreign.update_rule} ON DELETE ${foreign.delete_rule};\n`;
return createSql;
getDropTable (tableName) {
return `DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "${tableName}";`;
async * getTableInsert (tableName) {
let rowCount = 0;
let sqlStr = '';
const countResults = await this._client.raw(`SELECT COUNT(1) as count FROM "${this.schemaName}"."${tableName}"`);
if (countResults.rows.length === 1) rowCount = countResults.rows[0].count;
if (rowCount > 0) {
let queryLength = 0;
let rowsWritten = 0;
const { sqlInsertDivider, sqlInsertAfter } = this._options;
const columns = await this._client.getTableColumns({
table: tableName,
schema: this.schemaName
const notGeneratedColumns = columns.filter(col => !col.generated);
const columnNames = notGeneratedColumns.map(col => '"' + col.name + '"').join(', ');
yield sqlStr;
const stream = await this._queryStream(
`SELECT ${columnNames} FROM "${this.schemaName}"."${tableName}"`
for await (const row of stream) {
if (this.isCancelled) {
yield null;
let sqlInsertString = `\nINSERT INTO "${tableName}" (${columnNames}) VALUES`;
if (
(sqlInsertDivider === 'bytes' && queryLength >= sqlInsertAfter * 1024) ||
(sqlInsertDivider === 'rows' && rowsWritten === sqlInsertAfter)
) {
queryLength = 0;
rowsWritten = 0;
sqlInsertString += ' (';
for (const i in notGeneratedColumns) {
const column = notGeneratedColumns[i];
const val = row[column.name];
if (val === null) sqlInsertString += 'NULL';
else if (DATE.includes(column.type)) {
sqlInsertString += moment(val).isValid()
? this.escapeAndQuote(moment(val).format('YYYY-MM-DD'))
: val;
else if (DATETIME.includes(column.type)) {
let datePrecision = '';
for (let i = 0; i < column.precision; i++)
datePrecision += i === 0 ? '.S' : 'S';
sqlInsertString += moment(val).isValid()
? this.escapeAndQuote(moment(val).format(`YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss${datePrecision}`))
: this.escapeAndQuote(val);
else if (BIT.includes(column.type))
sqlInsertString += `b'${hexToBinary(Buffer.from(val).toString('hex'))}'`;
else if (BLOB.includes(column.type))
sqlInsertString += `X'${val.toString('hex').toUpperCase()}'`;
else if (NUMBER.includes(column.type))
sqlInsertString += val;
else if (FLOAT.includes(column.type))
sqlInsertString += parseFloat(val);
else if (SPATIAL.includes(column.type)) {
let geoJson;
if (IS_MULTI_SPATIAL.includes(column.type)) {
const features = [];
for (const element of val)
geoJson = {
type: 'FeatureCollection',
geoJson = this._getGeoJSON(val);
sqlInsertString += `ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('${JSON.stringify(geoJson)}')`;
else if (val === '') sqlInsertString += '\'\'';
else {
sqlInsertString += typeof val === 'string'
? this.escapeAndQuote(val)
: typeof val === 'object'
? this.escapeAndQuote(JSON.stringify(val))
: val;
if (parseInt(i) !== notGeneratedColumns.length - 1)
sqlInsertString += ', ';
sqlInsertString += ');';
queryLength += sqlInsertString.length;
yield sqlInsertString;
sqlStr = ';\n\n';
yield sqlStr;
async getViews () {
const { rows: views } = await this._client.raw(
`SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM \`${this.schemaName}\` WHERE Comment = 'VIEW'`
let sqlString = '';
for (const view of views) {
sqlString += `DROP VIEW IF EXISTS \`${view.Name}\`;\n`;
const viewSyntax = await this.getCreateTable(view.Name);
sqlString += viewSyntax.replaceAll('`' + this.schemaName + '`.', '');
sqlString += '\n';
return sqlString;
async getTriggers () {
const { rows: triggers } = await this._client.raw(
`SHOW TRIGGERS FROM \`${this.schemaName}\``
const generatedTables = this._tables
.filter(t => t.includeStructure)
.map(t => t.table);
let sqlString = '';
for (const trigger of triggers) {
const {
Trigger: name,
Timing: timing,
Event: event,
Table: table,
Statement: statement,
sql_mode: sqlMode
} = trigger;
if (!generatedTables.includes(table)) continue;
const definer = this.getEscapedDefiner(trigger.Definer);
sqlString += '/*!50003 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE*/;;\n';
sqlString += `/*!50003 SET SQL_MODE="${sqlMode}" */;\n`;
sqlString += 'DELIMITER ;;\n';
sqlString += '/*!50003 CREATE*/ ';
sqlString += `/*!50017 DEFINER=${definer}*/ `;
sqlString += `/*!50003 TRIGGER \`${name}\` ${timing} ${event} ON \`${table}\` FOR EACH ROW ${statement}*/;;\n`;
sqlString += 'DELIMITER ;\n';
sqlString += '/*!50003 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */;\n\n';
return sqlString;
async getSchedulers () {
const { rows: schedulers } = await this._client.raw(
`SELECT *, EVENT_SCHEMA AS \`Db\`, EVENT_NAME AS \`Name\` FROM information_schema.\`EVENTS\` WHERE EVENT_SCHEMA = '${this.schemaName}'`
let sqlString = '';
for (const scheduler of schedulers) {
const {
SQL_MODE: sqlMode,
INTERVAL_VALUE: intervalValue,
INTERVAL_FIELD: intervalField,
STARTS: starts,
ENDS: ends,
ON_COMPLETION: onCompletion,
STATUS: status,
} = scheduler;
const definer = this.getEscapedDefiner(scheduler.DEFINER);
const comment = this.escapeAndQuote(scheduler.EVENT_COMMENT);
sqlString += `/*!50106 DROP EVENT IF EXISTS \`${name}\` */;\n`;
sqlString += '/*!50003 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE*/;;\n';
sqlString += `/*!50003 SET SQL_MODE='${sqlMode}' */;\n`;
sqlString += 'DELIMITER ;;\n';
sqlString += '/*!50106 CREATE*/ ';
sqlString += `/*!50117 DEFINER=${definer}*/ `;
sqlString += `/*!50106 EVENT \`${name}\` ON SCHEDULE `;
if (type === 'RECURRING') {
sqlString += `EVERY ${intervalValue} ${intervalField} STARTS '${starts}' `;
if (ends) sqlString += `ENDS '${ends}' `;
else sqlString += `AT '${at}' `;
sqlString += `ON COMPLETION ${onCompletion} ${
status === 'disabled' ? 'DISABLE' : 'ENABLE'
} COMMENT ${comment || '\'\''} DO ${definition}*/;;\n`;
sqlString += 'DELIMITER ;\n';
sqlString += '/*!50003 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE*/;;\n';
return sqlString;
async getFunctions () {
const { rows: functions } = await this._client.raw(
`SHOW FUNCTION STATUS WHERE \`Db\` = '${this.schemaName}';`
let sqlString = '';
for (const func of functions) {
const definer = this.getEscapedDefiner(func.Definer);
sqlString += await this.getRoutineSyntax(
return sqlString;
async getRoutines () {
const { rows: routines } = await this._client.raw(
`SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS WHERE \`Db\` = '${this.schemaName}';`
let sqlString = '';
for (const routine of routines) {
const definer = this.getEscapedDefiner(routine.Definer);
sqlString += await this.getRoutineSyntax(
return sqlString;
async getRoutineSyntax (name, type, definer) {
const { rows: routines } = await this._client.raw(
`SHOW CREATE ${type} \`${this.schemaName}\`.\`${name}\``
if (routines.length === 0) return '';
const routine = routines[0];
const fieldName = `Create ${type === 'PROCEDURE' ? 'Procedure' : 'Function'}`;
const sqlMode = routine.sql_mode;
const createProcedure = routine[fieldName];
let sqlString = '';
if (createProcedure) { // If procedure body not empty
const startOffset = createProcedure.indexOf(type);
const procedureBody = createProcedure.substring(startOffset);
sqlString += `/*!50003 DROP ${type} IF EXISTS ${name}*/;;\n`;
sqlString += '/*!50003 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE*/;;\n';
sqlString += `/*!50003 SET SQL_MODE="${sqlMode}"*/;;\n`;
sqlString += 'DELIMITER ;;\n';
sqlString += `/*!50003 CREATE*/ /*!50020 DEFINER=${definer}*/ /*!50003 ${procedureBody}*/;;\n`;
sqlString += 'DELIMITER ;\n';
sqlString += '/*!50003 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE*/;\n';
return sqlString;
async getCreateType () {}
async _queryStream (sql) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') console.log('EXPORTER:', sql);
const connection = await this._client.getConnection();
const query = new QueryStream(sql, null);
const stream = connection.query(query);
const dispose = () => connection.end();
stream.on('end', dispose);
stream.on('error', dispose);
stream.on('close', dispose);
return stream;
getEscapedDefiner (definer) {
return definer
.map(part => '`' + part + '`')
escapeAndQuote (val) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex
const CHARS_TO_ESCAPE = /[\0\b\t\n\r\x1a"'\\]/g;
'\0': '\\0',
'\b': '\\b',
'\t': '\\t',
'\n': '\\n',
'\r': '\\r',
'\x1a': '\\Z',
'"': '\\"',
'\'': '\\\'',
'\\': '\\\\'
let chunkIndex = CHARS_TO_ESCAPE.lastIndex = 0;
let escapedVal = '';
let match;
while ((match = CHARS_TO_ESCAPE.exec(val))) {
escapedVal += val.slice(chunkIndex, match.index) + CHARS_ESCAPE_MAP[match[0]];
chunkIndex = CHARS_TO_ESCAPE.lastIndex;
if (chunkIndex === 0)
return `'${val}'`;
if (chunkIndex < val.length)
return `'${escapedVal + val.slice(chunkIndex)}'`;
return `'${escapedVal}'`;
_getGeoJSON (val) {
if (Array.isArray(val)) {
if (getArrayDepth(val) === 1)
return lineString(val.reduce((acc, curr) => [...acc, [curr.x, curr.y]], []));
return polygon(val.map(arr => arr.reduce((acc, curr) => [...acc, [curr.x, curr.y]], [])));
return point([val.x, val.y]);

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import fs from 'fs';
import { ClientsFactory } from '../libs/ClientsFactory';
import MysqlExporter from '../libs/exporters/sql/MysqlExporter.js';
import fs from 'fs';
import PostgreSQLExporter from '../libs/exporters/sql/PostgresqlExporter';
let exporter;
process.on('message', async ({ type, client, tables, options }) => {
@ -17,6 +18,9 @@ process.on('message', async ({ type, client, tables, options }) => {
case 'maria':
exporter = new MysqlExporter(connection, tables, options);
case 'pg':
exporter = new PostgreSQLExporter(connection, tables, options);
type: 'error',

View File

@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
<input v-model="options.includes[key]" type="checkbox"><i class="form-icon" /> {{ $t(`word.${key}`) }}
<input v-model="options.includes[key]" type="checkbox"><i class="form-icon" /> {{ $tc(`word.${key}`, 2) }}
<div class="h6 mt-4 mb-2">
@ -353,8 +353,10 @@ export default {
structure.forEach(feat => {
const val = customizations[this.currentWorkspace.client][feat];
if (val)
if (val) {
if (feat === 'triggerFunctions') feat = 'triggerFunction';// TODO: remove after l18n refactor
this.$set(this.options.includes, feat, true);
ipcRenderer.on('export-progress', this.updateProgress);