
263 lines
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layout: "post"
title: "Themed servers"
**Unsure where to register to join Fediverse?** Choose a website from this curated list of themed servers. Currently it includes [Mastodon](/en/mastodon), [Pleroma](/en/pleroma) and [Friendica](/en/friendica) servers. Other Fediverse networks will be added in future updates. Servers are not restricted to their theme. They simply help people with common interests find their community.
<ul class="article-list">
#### 💡 [Sciences](#sciences)
* []( - for French speaking science lovers
* []( - for naturalists and scientists that appreciate evidence based science
* []( - for scientists and science enthusiasts
* []( - for researchers, undergrads, journal editors, librarians, administrators
#### 🎨 [Humanities](#humanities)
* []( - for art
* []( - community for poets, writers, bloggers
* []( - for book-lovers
* []( - for writers, photographers, painters, cartoonists and people with imagination
* []( - for anyone into data, visualization, creative coding, related arts and research
* []( - for working professional photographers
* []( - place for your photos
* []( - a lipogrammatic server
* []( - for German speaking authors and literary people
* []( - for motion design community, VFX / 3D artists, animators and illustrators
* []( - for animation professionals and freelancers
* []( - for artists and art lovers
#### 🎓 [Education](#education)
* []( - helping educators improve the School Libraries Resource Network
* []( - German libraries and information facilities
* []( - Australian galleries, libraries, archives, museums and records people
#### 🙏 [Religion](#religion)
* []( - for Catholics and those interested in Catholicism
* []( - for Christians
#### 🎵 [Music](#music)
* []( - for metal friends
* []( - for discussing music recordings
* []( - for those who make music
* []( - for K-POP music fans
* []( - dedicated to Vocaloid, UTAU, and other aspects of vocalsynth culture
* []( - community for musicians, audio creatives, producers, rappers
* []( - digital space serving the Boston music scene
* []( - for musicians looking for other musicians
#### 🔭 [Interests and hobbies](#hobbies)
* []( - for makers of Fediverse
* []( - transformers, super robots, mecha and related subjects
* []( - for radio amateurs, DXers and anyone interested to geek out about radio
* []( - for radio amateurs in German-speaking countries
* []( - for Amateur (Ham) Radio community
* []( - for board gamers
* []( - for beermakers
* []( - dedicated to motosports
* []( - for the global Obstacle Course Running (OCR) community
* []( - food and cooking
* []( - (German) roleplay, Pen & Paper, tabletop, TCG, for all gamers
* []( - for fans of wrestling
* []( - for fans of 360° photos, videos and virtual reality stuff
* []( - bitcoin Fediverse instance *(note: uses CLoudflare)*
#### 🎏 [Language specific](#languages)
* []( - for polyglots, multilinguals, interested in languages and translating
* []( - for those interested in Esperanto
* []( - main instance language is Hebrew
* []( - Slovenian (multilingual) instance
* []( - Finnish (public toots should be in Finnish)
* []( - Swedish and other Scandinavian languages
* []( - for Slovak users
* []( - for Hungarian speakers
* []( - for Italian speakers
* []( - for Euskera/Basque speakers
* []( - friendly online Adda for Bengalis
#### ⛺ [Regional](#regional)
* []( - Munich, Germany
* []( - Bavaria, Germany
* []( - Koeln, Germany (generalistic)
* []( - Ruhr area, Germany
* []( - Saarland, Germany
* []( - Dresden, Germany
* []( - Magdeburg, Germany
* []( - Bonn, Germany
* []( - Darmstadt, Germany
* []( - Northern Germany
* []( - Würzburg (and the neighbourhood), Germany
* []( - Augsburg, Germany
* []( - Austria
* []( - Graz, Austria
* []( - Herrliberg and Lake Zurich region, Switzerland
* []( - Oslo, Norway
* []( - Norway
* []( - Norway
* []( - Uruguay
* []( - Chile
* []( - Scotland, or who identify as Scottish
* []( - Scotland (experimental social network with a Scottish twist)
* []( - Glasgow, Scotland
* []( - Wales and the Welsh
* []( - London, UK
* []( - UK tech community
* []( - Richmond, USA
* []( - Triangle region of North Carolina, USA
* []( - New York, USA
* []( - Seattle, USA
* []( - Tulsa, Northeast Oklahoma, USA
* []( - Madagascar
* []( - the Balkans (generalistic)
* []( - Quebec, Canada
* []( - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
* []( - Russia
* []( - Ukraine
* []( - Kyoto, Japan
* []( - Singapore
* []( - Madrid, Spain
* []( - Spain
* []( - Brussels, Belgium
* []( - Thailand
* []( - Poland
* []( - Luxembourgish / European private and public organisations
* []( - green European Union
#### 🎬 [Game / Book / Show theme](#entertainment)
* []( - theme Star Trek
* []( - for Aikatsu fans
* []( - for Pokémon enthusiasts
* []( - dedicated to Elite: Dangerous
#### 🐧 [For techies](#servers-for-techies)
* []( - free software movement of India
* []( - for people who support or build Free Libre Open Source Software
* []( - for geeks, FOSS and cat lovers, [CHATONS]( member
* []( - dedicated to Linux and technologies
* []( - for old hardware fans
* []( - for Maths people
* []( - conversations about digital preservation
* []( - for participants and supporters of the IndieWeb movement
* []( - for people interested in open-source software, free web
* []( - for anyone in Dutch infosec
* []( - focused on technology, networking, Linux, BSD, privacy and security
* []( - for people who like kitties and computers
#### 💻 [Programming](#instances-for-programmers)
* []( - for people interested in Ruby, Rails and related topics
* []( - PHP community
* []( - for people interested in functional programming and languages
* []( - for Python developers of all experience levels
* []( - a Haskell instance for programmers, user groups, etc *(note: uses Cloudflare)*
#### 🎮 [Gamedev](#gamedev)
* []( - gamedev and related professions
* []( - amateur videogame making: game writers, game players welcome
* []( - mainly gaming / nerd instance
* []( - by PC gamer, for PC gamers
#### 🔴 [Political and social views](#political-and-social-views)
* []( for hackers, social anarchists, and anarchist hackers
* []( - for activists
* []( - for campaigners and NGOs
* []( - for people interested in a united, post-national and truly democratic Europe
* []( -for those with Leftist politics
* []( - pro-freedom of speech and expression social media platform
* []( - post-coronavirus libertarian social network
#### 🐰 [Ecology and animals](#ecology-and-animals)
* []( - discussion of animal rights and veganism
* []( - instance for cats, the people who love them, and kindness in general
* []( - for activist groups of the global climate justice movement
* []( - for activists of the global climate justice and social justice movement
#### 🐒 [Family / Social relations](#social)
* []( - anyone with a kid can be a dad
* []( - anyone with a kid can be a mom
#### 🌈 [Safe spaces](#safe-spaces)
* []( - for tech workers, academics, students, and others in tech who are LGBTQA+ allies
* []( - for queer, feminist and anarchist people
* []( - anti-fascist, LGBT friendly
* []( LGBTQIA+ / queer instance primarily for Portuguese speakers
* []( - emphasis on kindness
* [](
#### 👽 [Fandoms](#fandoms)
* []( - for fans and fandoms of all types
#### 🐾 [Subcultures](#subcultures)
* []( - furry instance for all the mouse adjacent folks who rock
* []( - community for foxes, friends, and other furry (and non-furry) creatures
* []( - general furry/safe-space instance
* []( - general furry/safe-space instance
* []( - general alterhuman (therianthropy, otherkin, etc) instance that welcomes all
* []( - a quiet, peaceful place where any bird can find refuge
* []( - the best place for all potatoes
* []( - for wizards only
#### 🌏 [Notable generalistic](#notable-generalistic)
// *small-to-medium sized instances that will be happy to have new users*
* []( - friendly humans are welcome
* []( - your data is yours, only you decide when, where and how you share it
* []( - node for everyone, based in Northern Germany
* []( - public server located in the Netherlands
* [](
* [](
* [](
* [](
* []( - named after a legendary colony forged by pirates
* [](
* []( - for thoughtful weirdos
* []( - refuses to block or silence any instances
* []( - no logs, has Tor .onion address
* []( - by sysadmins, with a goal to provide robust experience for tens of thousands of users
* []( - everyone is welcome to join
* []( - a general-discussion Fediverse instance
* []( - a place for you and your friends
* []( - be nice to each others and eat cheese
* [](
#### 😸 [For people with a sense of self-irony](#for-people-with-a-sense-of-self-irony)
* []( -a social network for cats, no registration of human beings accepted
* []( - toots are ephemeral and disappear after a while
* []( - for bots
#### 🐚 [Run by tech-savvy organizations](#run-by-tech-savvy-organizations)
* []( - for the OpenStreetMap Community
* []( - by Hackerlab
* []( - by Hacklab-in-Mama hackerspace, Zagreb
* []( - by WeHost, non-profit internet service provider, Amsterdam
* []( - by G3L, libre software association
* []( - by New Zealand Open Source Society
* []( - by Roflcopter, [CHATONS]( member
* []( - by LibreOps, who contribute to (re-)decentralizing the net
#### 🎉 [Notable mention](#notable-mention)
// *some are open only to particular audience, i.e., to students of university*
* []( - for the MIT community
* []( - for Berkeley students, faculty, and staff
* []( - by Academic Computer Club at Umeå University, Sweden
* []( - for the University of Twente community
* []( - a microblogging space for Debianites
* []( - run by Pirate Party Netherlands
* []( - for people involved in the activities of the World Wide Web Consortium (Closed Reg.)
* []( - by Greenpeace Switzerland
## Disclaimer
`Following instances skipped`: number of users > 5.000, closed registration *at the moment of checking*, running old code, theme / description not understood due to language barrier or scarce description, long blocklists, experimental servers.
__Note__: new server additions welcome, however, this is a curated list for newcomers - for this reason second-level, human-friendly domain names will more likely be accepted than 3-level, long, unintelligible strings of letters.
__Note__: servers with closed registration may be placed only in "Notable mention" category, only if they represent well-known organizations or establishments.
Add your own themed instance via [merge request]( If your server already has many users, it will be nice of you to let other servers grow, for a healthier decentralization.
## 🌟 Other research links
- [Friendica world overview](
- [Fediverse pirate servers](
- [Mastodon server distribution]( research by Leah
- [Fediverse server distribution]( by href