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# Mobilizon-Block (Wordpress Plugin)
This Plugin is beta-state. Use it carefully! But you are welcome to report bugs or feature wishes.
This Wordpress-Plugin is inspired by https://github.com/wordpress-connector-for-mobilizon/connector-mobilizon/.
## Features
- Easy to use and setup
- Integrates nicely in your existing theme
- Show events of specific group or whole instance
- Configuration in the block settings:
- Maximum number of events shown
- Different styles using presets (soon)
- How many detail are displayed
- Events get cached on the server as transients (soon)
## Differences to connector-mobilizon
- Using a Gutenberg-Block, not a shortcode
- Fetches the events on the server side (php), not on the client side (JavaSkript), which is out-of-the-box GDPR-compatible.
## Changelog
### v0.3 - 04. August 2021
- Add event descriptions in modal box (not optional yet)
### v0.2 - 04. August 2021
- Enhance backend design
- Make setup more fail-proof
- small fixes
### v0.1 - 01. August 2021
- Initial Proof of Concept
# Contribute
## Development
- If you want to contribute code, translations or have ideas so on, please see the (https://codeberg.org/linos/mobilizon-block/issues)[issue] section first. You are very welcome.
### 👉 `npm install`
- Fetches the dependencies
- Usually only needed the first time, or when the dependencies are updated
### 👉 `npm start`
- Use to compile and run the block in development mode.
- Watches for any changes and reports back any errors in your code.
## 👉 `npm run build`
- Use to build production code for your block inside `dist` folder.
- Runs once and reports back the gzip file sizes of the produced code.
## Additional Information
This project was bootstrapped with [Create Guten Block](https://github.com/ahmadawais/create-guten-block).