The block analyzer was doing lots of repeated, out-of-order blits to the widget's canvas. To improve performance and reduce CPU usage, this has been rewritten to generate the canvas contents using only a single buffer. Cache thrashing has been greatly reduced by writing to memory only sequentially and in one single write pass. Further, the raw format is now guaranteed to be in a format efficient for Qt. The results are visually identical to what they were previously, but result in a CPU usage reduction between 2 and 6 percent depending on refresh rate and Psychadelic Mode value. In particular, there used to be a ~3 percent overhead for Psychadelic Mode, and this has been eliminated. The specific details of the block analyzer and explanations for how it works (and used to work) have been documented via fairly extensive comments in blockanalyzer.cpp.
Clementine is a modern music player and library organizer for Windows, Linux and macOS.
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Opening an issue
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- If there is already an opened issue there is no need to comment "+1", it won't help. Instead, you can subscribe to the issue to be notified of anything new about it
Report a bug
- Try the latest build ( to see if any bug is still present. If it works fine even though you see an open issue, please comment on it and explain that the issue has been fixed.
- Check if another person has already opened the same issue to avoid duplicates
- If there already is an open issue you could comment on it to add detail about the problem or confirm it
- In case there isn't, you can open a new issue with an explicit title and as much information as possible (OS, Clementine version, how to reproduce the problem...)
- Please use for logs/debug.
If there are no answers, it doesn't mean we don't care about your feature request/bug. It just means we can't reproduce the bug or haven't had time to implement it :o)
Compiling from source
Get the code (if you haven't already):
git clone && cd Clementine
Compile and install:
cd bin
cmake ..
make -j8
sudo make install
See the Wiki for more instructions and a list of dependencies: