Docs for PlaylistManager

This commit is contained in:
David Sansome 2011-02-17 13:56:25 +00:00
parent 45cabc1b6b
commit 7717005415

View File

@ -4,50 +4,318 @@ class PlaylistManagerInterface : QObject {
#include "playlist/playlistmanager.h"
Container for all of Clementine's playlists.
Clementine supports multiple tabbed playlists - a user can create a new
playlist by clicking the C{New playlist} button at the top of the window, and
switch between them by using the tabs above each playlist.
This class manages the list of playlists and allows scripts to get at each
individual playlist, create new ones or change existing ones.
In the list of playlists, one playlist is the I{current} playlist and one is
the I{active} playlist:
- The B{current} playlist is the one that is displayed in the PlaylistView
right now - the user can make a different playlist current by clicking on
another tab. Actions such as clearing or shuffling the playlist, or
adding new songs, should operate on the current playlist by default.
- The B{active} playlist is the playlist that contains the currently
playing song, or if the player is stopped, it is the playlist that will
start playing when the user presses C{Play}. The active and current
playlists don't have to be the same (although they sometimes are) - songs
can be playing from one playlist while another is displayed in the window.
There will always be at least one playlist in the PlaylistManager, and the
active and current playlists are guaranteed to always be valid.
Each playlist has an ID that is used to save it in the database. You can get
the ID of a playlist by calling the L{} method.
You can't create new PlaylistManagers, there is only one instance of this
class ever created. You can access it through the global variable in the
L{clementine} module:
>>> clementine.playlists
int current_id() const;
current_id() -> int
Returns the ID of the current playlist.
int active_id() const;
active_id() -> int
Returns the ID of the active playlist.
Playlist* playlist(int id) const;
playlist(id) -> L{Playlist}
Returns the Playlist with the given identifier.
@warning: You MUST ensure that a playlist with this identifier exists before
calling this method. If you request an ID that doesn't exist the program
will crash.
Playlist* current() const;
current() -> L{Playlist}
Returns the current playlist.
Equivalent to C{playlist(current_id())}.
Playlist* active() const;
active() -> L{Playlist}
Returns the active playlist.
Equivalent to C{playlist(active_id())}.
const QList<Playlist*> GetAllPlaylists() const;
GetAllPlaylists() -> list of L{Playlist}s
Returns a list containing all the playlists.
const QItemSelection& selection(int id) const;
selection(id) -> PyQt4.QtGui.QItemSelection
Returns any selected items in the playlist with the given ID.
@warning: You MUST ensure that a playlist with this identifier exists before
calling this method. If you request an ID that doesn't exist the program
will crash.
const QItemSelection& current_selection() const;
current_selection() -> PyQt4.QtGui.QItemSelection
Returns any selected items in the current playlist.
Equivalent to C{selection(current_id())}.
const QItemSelection& active_selection() const;
active_selection() -> PyQt4.QtGui.QItemSelection
Returns any selected items in the active playlist.
Equivalent to C{selection(active_id())}.
QString name(int index) const;
name(id) -> str
Returns the name of the playlist with the given ID.
A playlist's name is shown in the tab bar above the playlist.
@warning: You MUST ensure that a playlist with this identifier exists before
calling this method. If you request an ID that doesn't exist the program
will crash.
LibraryBackend* library_backend() const;
library_backend() -> L{LibraryBackend}
Convenience function to return the local library backend.
// PlaylistBackend* playlist_backend() const;
PlaylistSequence* sequence() const;
sequence() -> L{PlaylistSequence}
Convenience function to return the playlist sequence controller.
A playlist sequence controller manages the repeat/shuffle state. All
playlists share the same playlist sequence controller.
PlaylistParser* parser() const;
parser() -> L{PlaylistParser}
Convenience function to return the playlist parser.
This is used when loading and saving playlists to files (eg. C{.pls} or
C{.xspf}) with the L{Load} and L{Save} methods.
public slots:
void New(const QString& name, const SongList& songs = SongList());
New(name, songs)
Creates a new playlist and optionally fills it with a list of songs.
The newly created playlist is made current and can be accessed with
@param songs: A list of songs to add to the new playlist. Defaults to the
empty list.
@type songs: list of L{Song}s
void Load(const QString& filename);
Creates a new playlist from a playlist file on disk.
The playlist file is loaded by using the L{PlaylistParser} returned by
L{parser()}. The newly created playlist is made current and can be accessed
with L{current()}.
@note: If the file does not exist or can't be parsed for whatever reason, an
error dialog is shown and no playlist is created.
void Save(int id, const QString& filename);
Save(id, filename)
Saves the playlist with the given ID to a file.
The playlist file is written by using the L{PlaylistParser} returned by
@warning: You MUST ensure that a playlist with this identifier exists before
calling this method. If you request an ID that doesn't exist the program
will crash.
void Rename(int id, const QString& new_name);
Rename(id, new_name)
Renames the playlist with the given ID.
@warning: You MUST ensure that a playlist with this identifier exists before
calling this method. If you request an ID that doesn't exist the program
will crash.
void Remove(int id);
Removes the playlist with the given ID.
If you remove either the active or the current playlist then another playlist
will be made active/current to replace it. It is not possible to remove the
last playlist - this function will silently return if you try.
@warning: You MUST ensure that a playlist with this identifier exists before
calling this method. If you request an ID that doesn't exist the program
will crash.
void ChangePlaylistOrder(const QList<int>& ids);
Rearranges the order of the tabs in the tab bar.
@field new_order: A list of playlist IDs in the new desired order.
@type new_order: list of ints
void SetCurrentPlaylist(int id);
Changes the current playlist (the one visible in the window) to the one with
the given ID.
@warning: You MUST ensure that a playlist with this identifier exists before
calling this method. If you request an ID that doesn't exist the program
will crash.
void SetActivePlaylist(int id);
Changes the active playlist to the one with the given ID.
@warning: You MUST ensure that a playlist with this identifier exists before
calling this method. If you request an ID that doesn't exist the program
will crash.
void SetActiveToCurrent();
Convenience function that sets the active playlist to be the same as the
current playlist.
void SelectionChanged(const QItemSelection& selection);
This is equivalent to calling C{SetActivePlaylist(current_id())}.
// Convenience slots that defer to either current() or active()
void ClearCurrent();
Convenience function to clear the current playlist.
Equivalent to calling C{current().Clear()}.
void ShuffleCurrent();
Convenience function to shuffle the current playlist.
Equivalent to calling C{current().Shuffle()}.
void SetActivePlaying();
Convenience function to mark the current song in the active playlist as
Equivalent to calling C{active().Playing()}.
void SetActivePaused();
Convenience function to mark the current song in the active playlist as
Equivalent to calling C{active().Paused()}.
void SetActiveStopped();
Convenience function to mark the current song in the active playlist as
Equivalent to calling C{active().Stopped()}.
void SetActiveStreamMetadata(const QUrl& url, const Song& song);
// Rate current song using 0.0 - 1.0 scale.
SetActiveStreamMetadata(url, song)
Convenience function to set the metadata of the currently playing song in
the active playlist.
Equivalent to calling C{active().SetStreamMetadata(url, song)}.
@type url: PyQt4.QtCore.QUrl
@type song: L{Song}
void RateCurrentSong(double rating);
Convenience function to set the rating of the currently playing song in the
active playlist.
Equivalent to calling C{active().RateSong(active().current_index(), rating)}.
@param rating: from 0.0 to 1.0
@type rating: float
// void PlaySmartPlaylist(smart_playlists::GeneratorPtr generator, bool as_new, bool clear);