9 Logging
Jonghee Son edited this page 2022-06-11 16:03:13 +09:00

vaultwarden logs only to standard output (stdout) by default. You can also configure it to log to a file or Syslog.

Logging to a file

Logging to a file is supported as of version 1.5.0. You can specify the path to the log file with the LOG_FILE environment variable:

docker run -d --name vaultwarden \
  -e LOG_FILE=/data/vaultwarden.log \

When this environment variable is set, log messages will be logged to both stdout and the log file. If you're running in Docker, you'll most likely want to use a file path that is mounted from the Docker host (such as the data folder); otherwise, your log file will be lost (or at least hard to find) if the container is restarted or removed.

Logging to Syslog

You can use Syslog with the USE_SYSLOG environment variable while alse setting EXTENDED_LOGGING=true:

docker run -d --name vaultwarden \

When this environment variable is set, log messages will be logged to both stdout and Syslog.

Changing the log level

To reduce the amount of log messages, you can set the log level to 'warn' (default is 'info'). The Log level can be adjusted with the environment variable LOG_LEVEL while also setting EXTENDED_LOGGING=true. NOTE: Using the log level "warn" or "error" still allows Fail2Ban to work properly.

LOG_LEVEL options are: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error" or "off".

docker run -d --name vaultwarden \
  -e LOG_LEVEL=warn -e EXTENDED_LOGGING=true \

Viewing logs

If running in Docker: docker logs <container-name>

If running via systemd: journalctl -u vaultwarden.service (or whatever your service is named)

Otherwise, check where standard output is being redirected, or set the LOG_FILE environment variable and view that file.