Table of Contents
To get started, run:
goldwarden setup polkit
goldwarden setup systemd
in order to make sure that the daemon automatically starts on boot, and that the polkit permission required for system authentication is available.
Make sure to do this under the normal user account, not root
Setup goldwarden as a task to startup according to The command should be goldwarden.exe daemonize
Install a pinentry:
brew install pinentry-mac
Setup goldwarden to start up using launchd or a startup script as described here:
To set up the gui, you need to install a few dependencies:
brew install gtk4
brew install pygobject3
brew install libadwaita
brew install adwaita-icon-theme
Compile the blueprints and the core daemon. Then, you can start the ui.
Setting up your vault & logging in
Next, set a pin for your vault:
goldwarden vault pin set
And, if you have a custom server, configure the endpoints:
goldwarden config set-api-url https://my.bitwarden.domain/api
goldwarden config set-identity-url https://my.bitwarden.domain/identity
goldwarden config set-notifications-url https://my.bitwarden.domain/notifications
Finally, you can login:
goldwarden vault login --email <email>
Unusual Traffic
If you get an error about unusual traffic, you can try loggin in with an API key instead. This is how you get it:
And then configure it in goldwarden using:
goldwarden config set-client-id <my-client-id>
goldwarden config set-client-secret <my-client-secret>