Add Citations tools tiddler

This commit is contained in:
ulaulaman 2020-08-29 20:37:09 +02:00
parent 036c7aae8e
commit dfe7226d53
1 changed files with 80 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -11362,7 +11362,7 @@ = function(tag) {
<div created="20200728124256197" creator="u" modified="20200728124300028" modifier="ulaulama" title="$:/status/UserName"> <div created="20200728124256197" creator="u" modified="20200728124300028" modifier="ulaulama" title="$:/status/UserName">
<pre>ulaulaman</pre> <pre>ulaulaman</pre>
</div> </div>
<div created="20200829172216331" creator="ulaulaman" list="[[Gianluigi Filippelli]] CoAuthorsWidget" modified="20200829173446610" modifier="ulaulaman" title="$:/StoryList"> <div created="20200829172216331" creator="ulaulaman" list="[[Gianluigi Filippelli]] CitationsTools" modified="20200829183119170" modifier="ulaulaman" title="$:/StoryList">
<pre></pre> <pre></pre>
</div> </div>
<div plugin-type="info" title="$:/temp/info-plugin" type="application/json"> <div plugin-type="info" title="$:/temp/info-plugin" type="application/json">
@ -11940,10 +11940,86 @@ In inglese: [[Doc Madhattan|]] | [[for Ma
<div created="20200812150738415" creator="ulaulaman" modified="20200812150738415" modifier="ulaulaman" tags="github" title="BookTemplate"> <div created="20200812150738415" creator="ulaulaman" modified="20200812150738415" modifier="ulaulaman" tags="github" title="BookTemplate">
<pre></pre> <pre></pre>
</div> </div>
<div created="20200812150724377" creator="ulaulaman" modified="20200812150724377" modifier="ulaulaman" tags="github" title="CitationsTools"> <div created="20200812150724377" creator="ulaulaman" modified="20200829183544024" modifier="ulaulaman" tags="github [[plugin wordpress]] Wordpress" title="CitationsTools" type="text/x-markdown">
<pre></pre> <pre>&lt;&lt;dbadge &quot;Citations tools&quot; &quot;0.3.2&quot; &quot;info&quot;&gt;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;; class=&quot;badge badge-dark&quot; target=&quot;wp&quot;&gt;Wordpress Plugin&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;; class=&quot;badge badge-dark&quot; target=&quot;github&quot;&gt;Repository ~GitHub&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;; class=&quot;badge badge-dark&quot; target=&quot;github&quot;&gt;Developing version&lt;/a&gt;
&lt;div align=&quot;center&quot;&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;; /&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
Some tools for scientific and editorial bloggers.
# Description
The plugin add a shortcode in order to link a paper using its doi code. You can also use an other shortcode to resolve doi code and publish a full citation apa formatted. It is also a shortcode for manual citations.
## Link doi
Using the standard for doi link, the plugin introduce a shortcode in order to create a link to a paper provided by doi.
**How to use the shortcode**:
[ctdoi code=&quot;...&quot;]Title of the paper[/doi]
## Doi resolver
The plugin send the doi code to [Crossref Metadata Search](, get the information and publish a full citation in apa standard with the shortcode [ctdoiresolve ...].
**How to use the shortcode**:
[ctdoiresolve code=&quot;...&quot;]
There are also three optional parameters:
[ctdoiresolve code=&quot;...&quot; arxiv=&quot;...&quot;]
if the paper has an arXiv version
[ctdoiresolve code=&quot;...&quot; pdfurl=&quot;...&quot;]
if the paper has a free pdf version
[ctdoiresolve code=&quot;...&quot; archiveurl=&quot;...&quot;]
if the paper has a free version on [](
## Manual citations
There's also a shortcode for manual citations, [paperdata ...]. You can use it with the following syntax:
[paperdata auth=&quot;author/s name/s&quot; year=&quot;...&quot; title=&quot;...&quot; journal=&quot;...&quot; vol=&quot;...&quot; issue=&quot;...&quot; pages=&quot;...&quot; code=&quot;...&quot;]
You can also use the arxiv, pdfurl, archiveurl parameters.
## Styling
You can style citations adding in your css theme the class &quot;paperdata&quot;.
## External service
**Digital Object Identifier**, or *DOI*, is a persistent identifier used to uniquely identify objects, standardized by the **International Organization for Standardization** (*ISO*). DOIs are mainly used to identify academic, professional, and government information, such as journal articles, research reports and data sets, official publications.
***Citations tools*** uses the [CrossRef Metadata API]( to retrieve complete publication information using the doi code as a search query. CrossRef is a part of the [doi system](
## Screenshot
&lt;div align=&quot;center&quot;&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;; /&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
&lt;em&gt;The doi resolver: the shortcode (up) and the results (down)&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
# Installation
1. Extract the file and upload its contents to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Alternately, you can install directly from the Plugin directory within your WordPress Install.
2. Activate the plugin through the &quot;Plugins&quot; menu in WordPress.
3. Use the shortcode into your posts or pages.
# Changelog
* 0.3.2 add compatibility with Wordpress 4.9.5
* 0.3.1 fix error in html script in [ctdoi] shortcode
* 0.3 add shortcode for manual citations
* update readme.txt
* 0.2.6 add link in doi resolver as shortcode's parameter
* 0.2.5 fix error code
* 0.2.4 changed functions names
* 0.2.3 add pdf link in doi resolver as ahortcode's parameter
* 0.2.2 add arXiv link in doi resolver as shortcode's parameter
* 0.2.1 add doi link in doi resolver
* 0.2 add shortcode to resolve doi using code
* 0.1 shortcode for doi link</pre>
</div> </div>
<div created="20200812150749260" creator="ulaulaman" modified="20200829173831307" modifier="ulaulaman" tags="github [[plugin wordpress]] Wordpress" title="CoAuthorsWidget" type="text/x-markdown"> <div created="20200812150749260" creator="ulaulaman" modified="20200829183131095" modifier="ulaulaman" tags="github [[plugin wordpress]] Wordpress" title="CoAuthorsWidget" type="text/x-markdown">
<pre>&lt;&lt;dbadge &quot;Co-Authors Widget&quot; &quot;0.5.3&quot; &quot;info&quot;&gt;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;; class=&quot;badge badge-dark&quot; target=&quot;wp&quot;&gt;Wordpress Plugin&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;; class=&quot;badge badge-dark&quot; target=&quot;github&quot;&gt;Repository ~GitHub&lt;/a&gt; <pre>&lt;&lt;dbadge &quot;Co-Authors Widget&quot; &quot;0.5.3&quot; &quot;info&quot;&gt;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;; class=&quot;badge badge-dark&quot; target=&quot;wp&quot;&gt;Wordpress Plugin&lt;/a&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;; class=&quot;badge badge-dark&quot; target=&quot;github&quot;&gt;Repository ~GitHub&lt;/a&gt;
The plugin add a widget and a shortcode in order to show authors of an article. It is compatible with Co-Authors Plus. The plugin add a widget and a shortcode in order to show authors of an article. It is compatible with Co-Authors Plus.