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<<dbadge "Citations tools" "0.3.2" "info">> <a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/citations-tools/" class="badge badge-dark" target="wp">Wordpress Plugin</a> <a href="https://github.com/ulaulaman/citations-tools" class="badge badge-dark" target="github">Repository ~GitHub</a> <a href="https://github.com/ulaulaman/citations-tools-dev" class="badge badge-dark" target="github">Developing version</a>
+<div align="center"><img src="https://github.com/ulaulaman/citations-tools/blob/master/assets/banner-772x250.jpg?raw=true" /></div>
+Some tools for scientific and editorial bloggers.
+# Description
+The plugin add a shortcode in order to link a paper using its doi code. You can also use an other shortcode to resolve doi code and publish a full citation apa formatted. It is also a shortcode for manual citations.
+## Link doi
+Using the standard for doi link, the plugin introduce a shortcode in order to create a link to a paper provided by doi.
+**How to use the shortcode**:
+[ctdoi code="..."]Title of the paper[/doi]
+## Doi resolver
+The plugin send the doi code to [Crossref Metadata Search](https://search.crossref.org/), get the information and publish a full citation in apa standard with the shortcode [ctdoiresolve ...].
+**How to use the shortcode**:
+[ctdoiresolve code="..."]
+There are also three optional parameters:
+[ctdoiresolve code="..." arxiv="..."]
+if the paper has an arXiv version
+[ctdoiresolve code="..." pdfurl="..."]
+if the paper has a free pdf version
+[ctdoiresolve code="..." archiveurl="..."]
+if the paper has a free version on [archive.org](https://archive.org/)
+## Manual citations
+There's also a shortcode for manual citations, [paperdata ...]. You can use it with the following syntax:
+[paperdata auth="author/s name/s" year="..." title="..." journal="..." vol="..." issue="..." pages="..." code="..."]
+You can also use the arxiv, pdfurl, archiveurl parameters.
+## Styling
+You can style citations adding in your css theme the class "paperdata".
+## External service
+**Digital Object Identifier**, or *DOI*, is a persistent identifier used to uniquely identify objects, standardized by the **International Organization for Standardization** (*ISO*). DOIs are mainly used to identify academic, professional, and government information, such as journal articles, research reports and data sets, official publications.
+***Citations tools*** uses the [CrossRef Metadata API](http://search.crossref.org/help/api) to retrieve complete publication information using the doi code as a search query. CrossRef is a part of the [doi system](https://dx.doi.org/).
+## Screenshot
+<div align="center"><img src="https://github.com/ulaulaman/citations-tools/blob/master/assets/screenshot-1.jpg?raw=true" /><br/>
+<em>The doi resolver: the shortcode (up) and the results (down)</em></div>
+# Installation
+1.  Extract the citations-tools.zip file and upload its contents to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Alternately, you can install directly from the Plugin directory within your WordPress Install.
+2. Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress.
+3. Use the shortcode into your posts or pages.
+# Changelog
+* 0.3.2 add compatibility with Wordpress 4.9.5
+* 0.3.1 fix error in html script in [ctdoi] shortcode
+* 0.3 add shortcode for manual citations
+* update readme.txt
+* 0.2.6 add archive.org link in doi resolver as shortcode's parameter
+* 0.2.5 fix error code
+* 0.2.4 changed functions names
+* 0.2.3 add pdf link in doi resolver as ahortcode's parameter
+* 0.2.2 add arXiv link in doi resolver as shortcode's parameter
+* 0.2.1 add doi link in doi resolver
+* 0.2 add shortcode to resolve doi using code
+* 0.1 shortcode for doi link
<<dbadge "Co-Authors Widget" "0.5.3" "info">> <a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/widget-for-co-authors/" class="badge badge-dark" target="wp">Wordpress Plugin</a> <a href="https://github.com/ulaulaman/widget-for-co-authors" class="badge badge-dark" target="github">Repository ~GitHub</a>
 The plugin add a widget and a shortcode in order to show authors of an article. It is compatible with Co-Authors Plus.