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Un *repository* di grafiche e infografiche realizzate con il pacchetto *tikzdraw* di ***LaTeX***.
## Graphics
| Title | Source | Pdf |
| A rocket | [tex source](graphics/rocket.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/rocket.pdf) |
| Saturn V | [tex source](graphics/saturnV.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/saturnV.pdf) |
| Captain Marvel | [tex source](graphics/carol_danvers.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/carol_danvers.pdf) |
| Quadrati che si dimezzano | [tex source](graphics/squares01.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/squares01.pdf) |
| Quadrati che raddoppiano | [tex source](graphics/squares02.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/squares02.pdf) |
| David' Star | [tex source](graphics/david_star.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/david_star.pdf) |
| Sistema Solare | [tex source](graphics/sistema_solare.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/sistema_solare.pdf) |
| Banner per il gruppo *flickr* dedicato alla cometa Leonard | [tex source](graphics/banners/comet_banner.tex) | [pdf](graphics/banners/pdf/comet_banner.pdf) |
| La struttura del Sole | [tex source](graphics/struttura_sole.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/struttura_sole.pdf) |
| *Fool Moon* | [tex source](graphics/moon02.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/moon02.pdf) |
### Planets and satellites
| Title | Source | Pdf |
| Mars | [tex source](graphics/mars.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/mars.pdf) |
| Mercury | [tex source](graphics/mercury.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/mercury.pdf) |
| Moon | [tex source](graphics/moon.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/moon.pdf) |
| Europa | [tex source](graphics/europa.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/europa.pdf) |
| Io | [tex source](graphics/io.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/io.pdf) |
| Earth | [tex source](graphics/earth.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/earth.pdf) |
| Earth (no face) | tex source | [pdf](graphics/pdf/earth-noface.pdf) |
| Earth in black, white and grey | [tex source](graphics/earth-bw.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/earth-bw.pdf) |
| Hot Earth | [tex source](graphics/earth-hot.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/earth-hot.pdf) |
| Earth as a globe | [tex source](graphics/globe.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/globe.pdf) |
| SuperMoon | [tex source](graphics/supermoon.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/supermoon.pdf) |
| Asteroid | [tex source](graphics/asteroid.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/asteroid.pdf) |
| A comet | [tex source](graphics/comet.tex) | [pdf](graphics/pdf/comet.pdf) |
### Calendars
| Title | Source | Pdf |
| 2022 | [tex source](calendar/calendar2022.tex) | [pdf](calendar/calendar2022.pdf) |
## Infographics
| Title | Source | Pdf |
| *Come scoprire nuovi pianeti* | [tex source](infographics/esopianeti/esopianeti.tex) | [pdf](infographics/esopianeti/pdf/esopianeti.pdf) |
| *Caccia al pianeta* | [tex source](infographics/esopianeti/transito-mini_guida.tex) | [pdf](infographics/esopianeti/pdf/transito-mini_guida.pdf) |
| *Il messaggio di Arecibo* | [tex source](infographics/messaggio_arecibo.tex) | [pdf](infographics/pdf/messaggio_arecibo.pdf) |
| *Meteore* | [tex source](infographics/meteore.tex) | [pdf](infographics/pdf/meteore.pdf) |
| *Programma Apollo* | [tex source](infographics/luna/luna-programma_apollo.tex) | [pdf](infographics/luna/pdf/luna-programma_apollo.pdf) |
| *Un flyby con Bepi-Colombo* | [tex source](infographics/mercurio/bepicolombo_flyby.tex) | [pdf](infographics/mercurio/pdf/bepicolombo_flyby.pdf) |
| *Le Perseidi* | [tex source](infographics/perseidi.tex) | [pdf](infographics/pdf/perseidi.pdf) |
| *Eclissi di Sole* | [tex source](infographics/eclissi_sole.tex) | [pdf](infographics/pdf/eclissi_sole.pdf) |
| *Manovra di trasferimento di Hohmann* | [tex source](infographics/marte/hohmann.tex) | [pdf](infographics/marte/pdf/hohmann.pdf) |
| *Un fatto curioso sui semicerchi* | [tex source](infographics/math/semicerchi.tex) | [pdf](infographics/math/pdf/semicerchi.pdf) |
| *I moti lunari* | [tex source](infographics/luna/moti_lunari.tex) | [pdf](infographics/luna/pdf/moti_lunari.pdf) |
| *L'eclissi di Eddington* | [tex source](infographics/eclissi_eddington.tex) | [pdf](infographics/pdf/eclissi_eddington.pdf) |
| *Come funzionano i radiotelescopi* | [tex source](infographics/radiotelescopi.tex) | [pdf](infographics/pdf/radiotelescopi.pdf) |
| *Motore a curvatura* | [tex source](infographics/star_trek/motore_curvatura.tex) | [pdf](infographics/star_trek/pdf/motore_curvatura.pdf) |
| *Esopianeti fantastici e dove trovarli* | [tex source](infographics/esopianeti/esopianeti_fantastici.tex) | [pdf](infographics/esopianeti/pdf/esopianeti_fantastici.pdf) |
| *Vita di un asteroide* | [tex source](infographics/vita_asteroide.tex) | [pdf](infographics/pdf/vita_asteroide.pdf) |
| *Viaggio verso la nube di Oort* | [tex source](infographics/sistema_solare/nube_oort.tex) | [pdf](infographics/sistema_solare/pdf/nube_oort.pdf) |
| *Il percorso dei fotoni nel Sole* | [tex source](infographics/fotoni_sole.tex) | [pdf](infographics/pdf/fotoni_sole.pdf) |
| *Vite d'astronome* | [tex source](infographics/donne_astronomia/donne_astronomia.tex) | [pdf](infographics/donne_astronomia/pdf/donne_astronomia.pdf) |
| *Una storia illuminante* | [tex source](infographics/storia_luce.tex) | [pdf](infographics/pdf/storia_luce.pdf) |
| *Il messaggio del pioniere* | [tex source](infographics/messaggio_pioneer.tex) | [pdf](infographics/pdf/messaggio_pioneer.pdf) |
| *Itinerario di un'astrofisica* | [tex source](infographics/hack_astrofisica.tex) | [pdf](infographics/pdf/hack_astrofisica.pdf) |
| *Storia della misura della distanza Terra-Luna* | [tex source](infographics/luna/distanza_luna.tex) | [pdf](infographics/luna/pdf/distanza_luna.pdf) |
| *La notte di San Lorenzo* | [tex source](infographics/sistema_solare/perseidi/notte_san_lorenzo.tex) | [pdf](infographics/sistema_solare/perseidi/pdf/notte_san_lorenzo.pdf) |
| *Incontri ravvicinati* | [tex source](infographics/sistema_solare/asteroidi_top10.tex) | [pdf](infographics/sistema_solare/pdf/asteroidi_top10.pdf) |
| *Cronometrare la luce* | [tex source](infographics/sistema_solare/tempo_luce.tex) | [pdf](infographics/sistema_solare/pdf/tempo_luce.pdf) |
### Fatti e misfatti
| Title | Source | Pdf |
| *Fatti e misfatti lunari* | [tex source](infographics/luna/fatti-lunari.tex) | [pdf](infographics/luna/pdf/fatti-lunari.pdf) |
| *Fatti e misfatti di un buco nero* | [tex source](infographics/buco_nero.tex) | [pdf](infographics/pdf/buco_nero.pdf) |
| *Fatti mercuriali* | [tex source](infographics/mercurio/mercury_facts.tex) | [pdf](infographics/mercurio/pdf/mercury_facts.pdf) |
| *Fatti marziani* | [tex source](infographics/marte/mars_facts.tex) | [pdf](infographics/marte/pdf/mars_facts.pdf) |
| *Fatti e misfatti stellari* | [tex source](infographics/fatti_stellari.tex) | [pdf](infographics/pdf/fatti_stellari.pdf) |
### *I numeri del sistema solare*
| Title | Source | Pdf |
| *Distanze e dimensioni* | [tex source](infographics/sistema_solare/sistema_solare-distanze_dimensioni.tex) | [pdf](infographics/sistema_solare/pdf/sistema_solare-distanze_dimensioni.pdf) |
| *Distanze e dimensioni: sistema solare interno* | [tex source](infographics/sistema_solare/sistema_solare_interno-distanze_dimensioni.tex) | [pdf](infographics/sistema_solare/pdf/sistema_solare_interno-distanze_dimensioni.pdf) |
| Le orbite del sistema solare interno | [tex source](infographics/sistema_solare/sistema_solare_interno-orbite.tex) | [pdf](infographics/sistema_solare/pdf/sistema_solare_interno-orbite.pdf) |
| *Masse* | [tex source](infographics/sistema_solare/sistema_solare_masse.tex) | [pdf](infographics/sistema_solare/pdf/sistema_solare_masse.pdf) |
| *Densità* | [tex source](infographics/sistema_solare/sistema_solare_densita.tex) | [pdf](infographics/sistema_solare/pdf/sistema_solare_densita.pdf) |
| *La luce nel Sistema Solare* | [tex source](infographics/sistema_solare/luce_pianeti.tex) | [pdf](infographics/sistema_solare/pdf/luce_pianeti.pdf) |
## Mathematics
| Title | Source | Pdf |
| Hutton's formula | [tex source](math/hutton_formula.tex) | [pdf](math/pdf/hutton_formula.pdf) |
| Strassnitzky's formula | [tex source](math/strassnitzky_formula.tex) | [pdf](math/pdf/strassnitzky_formula.pdf) |
| Rolling circle squares itself | [tex source](math/rolling_circle.tex) | [pdf](math/pdf/rolling_circle.pdf) |
| The Witch of Agnesi | [tex source](math/agnesi_witch.tex) | [pdf](math/pdf/agnesi_witch.pdf) |
| The Butterfly curve | [tex source](math/butterfly.tex) | [pdf](math/pdf/butterfly.pdf) |
| Ostomachion | [tex source](math/ostomachion.tex) | [pdf](math/pdf/ostomachion.pdf) |
| Hexagon's construction | [tex source](math/hexagon.tex) | [pdf](math/pdf/hexagon.pdf) |
### Math without words
| Title | Source | Pdf |
| Square roots | [tex source](math/square_roots.tex) | [pdf](math/pdf/square_roots.pdf) |
| Square of *n* | [tex source](math/squares.tex) | [pdf](math/pdf/squares.pdf) |
| Trisecare un foglio di carta | [tex source](math/trisecare_pagina.tex) | [pdf](math/pdf/trisecare_pagina.pdf) |
| Difference of two squares | [tex source](math/differenze_quadrati.tex) | [pdf](math/pdf/differenze_quadrati.pdf) |
| Arctan 1/2 + Arctan 1/3 = pi/4 | [tex source](math/arctan-pi4.tex) | [pdf](math/pdf/arctan-pi4.pdf) |
| Arctan 1/8 + pi/4 + Arctan 1/7 + Arctan 4/7 = pi/2 | [tex source](math/arctan-pi2.tex) | [pdf](math/pdf/arctan-pi2.pdf) |
## Physics
| Title | Source | Pdf |
| Risposta relativa dei coni dell'occhio | [tex source](physics/risposta_coni.tex) | [pdf](physics/pdf/risposta_coni.pdf) |
| Riflessione e rifrazione | [tex source](physics/riflessione-rifrazione.tex) | [pdf](physics/pdf/riflessione-rifrazione.pdf) |
| Convection in a glass of water | [tex source](physics/convezione.tex) | [pdf](physics/pdf/convezione.pdf) |
| Spin | [tex source](physics/spin.tex) | [pdf](physics/pdf/spin.pdf) |
| Radiazione elettromagnetica | [tex source](physics/radiazione_em.tex) | [pdf](physics/pdf/radiazione_em.pdf) |
| Effetto Doppler | [tex source](physics/effetto_doppler.tex) | [pdf](physics/pdf/effetto_doppler.pdf) |
| Schema di formazione della radiazione cosmica secondaria | [tex source](physics/radiazione_cosmica_secondaria.tex) | [pdf](physics/pdf/radiazione_cosmica_secondaria.pdf)
### Michelson and Morley's experiment
| Language | Source | Pdf |
| english | [tex source](physics/michelson_morley.tex) | [pdf](physics/pdf/michelson_morley.pdf) |
| italian | [tex source](physics/michelson_morley_it.tex) | [pdf](physics/pdf/michelson_morley_it.pdf) |
## Astronomy
| Title | Source | Pdf |
| Equinoxes and solstices | | |
| english | [tex source](astronomy/equinox_solstice-en.tex) | [pdf](astronomy/pdf/equinox_solstice-en.pdf) |
| italian | [tex source](astronomy/equinox_solstice-it.tex) | [pdf](astronomy/pdf/equinox_solstice-it.pdf) |
| Spacetime deformation by a black hole | [tex source](astronomy/spacetime_deformation.tex) | [pdf](astronomy/pdf/spacetime_deformation.pdf) |
| Diffusione della luce da parte dell'atmosfera | [tex source](astronomy/diffusione_luce.tex) | [pdf](astronomy/pdf/diffusione_luce.pdf) |
### Fasi lunari
| Le fasi del mese corrente | [tex source](astronomy/fasi_lunari.tex) | [pdf](astronomy/pdf/fasi_lunari.pdf) |
[ Gennaio 2022 ] tex source | [pdf](astronomy/fasilunari-pdf/202201-gennaio.pdf) |
### Percorso del Sole nel cielo
| Title | Source | Pdf |
| dall'equatore | [tex source](astronomy/crepuscolo_equatore.tex) | [pdf](astronomy/pdf/crepuscolo_equatore.pdf) |
| dal circolo artico | [tex source](astronomy/crepuscolo_circolo_artico.tex) | [pdf](astronomy/pdf/crepuscolo_circolo_artico.pdf) |
### Eratosthenes method for determining the size of the Earth
| Language | Source | Pdf |
| english | [tex source](infographics/eratosthenes/eratosthenes-en.tex) | [pdf](infographics/eratosthenes/pdf/eratosthenes-en.pdf) |
| italian | [tex source](infographics/eratosthenes/eratosthenes-it.tex) | [pdf](infographics/eratosthenes/pdf/eratosthenes-it.pdf) |
With title and background:
| Language | Source | Pdf |
| english | [tex source](infographics/eratosthenes/eratosthenes-infographic-en.tex) | [pdf](infographics/eratosthenes/pdf/eratosthenes-infographic-en.pdf) |
| italian | [tex source](infographics/eratosthenes/eratosthenes-infographic-it.tex) | [pdf](infographics/eratosthenes/pdf/eratosthenes-infographic-it.pdf) |
### The Sun and its neighbours
| Language | Source | Pdf |
| english | [tex source](astronomy/sun_neighbours_en.tex) | [pdf](astronomy/pdf/sun_neighbours_en.pdf) |
| italian | [tex source](astronomy/sun_neighbours_it.tex) | [pdf](astronomy/pdf/sun_neighbours_it.pdf) |
### Earth-Moon system
| Title | Source | Pdf |
| Apogeo e perigeo | [tex source](astronomy/sistema_terra-luna/sistema_terra-luna.tex) | [pdf](astronomy/sistema_terra-luna/pdf/sistema_terra-luna.pdf) |
| Maree | [tex source](astronomy/sistema_terra-luna/maree.tex) | [pdf](astronomy/sistema_terra-luna/pdf/maree.pdf) |
| Sistema di riferimento inerziale | [tex source](astronomy/sistema_terra-luna/sistema_inerziale.tex) | [pdf](astronomy/sistema_terra-luna/pdf/sistema_inerziale.pdf) |
| Sistema di riferimento solidale con la Terra | [tex source](astronomy/sistema_terra-luna/sistema_terra.tex) | [pdf](astronomy/sistema_terra-luna/pdf/sistema_terra.pdf) |
| Fasi lunari | [tex source](astronomy/sistema_terra-luna/fasi_lunari.tex) | [pdf](astronomy/sistema_terra-luna/pdf/fasi_lunari.pdf) |