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Contribute /contribute contribute If you think this website is useful, insightful, necessary and/or important, you should consider contributing to make it even better!

There are several ways to contribute to this website, and any of it is very much appreciated.

  • Spread the word: chat with friends and colleagues about what is written in these pages, especially in why, pose yourself questions about the topic and form your point of view on the matter
  • Translate the website's content
  • Add knowledge: suggest videos, talks, researches, articles, etc.
  • Improve content: fix typos, suggest better ways to explain things, report incorrect data or unreliable sources
  • Tommi is a student, he has no income and nevertheless he spent months studying the topic, developing the idea, building this website, and curating its content. You might consider making a donation for the time he devoted to quitsocialmedia.club.