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Raw Blame History

What the heck is this website?

Hi! My name is Massimo, I'm Italian and I recently started writing some short stories, mostly based on folklore. While doing researches for those, I started flicking through some texts about myths, folklore, and curiosities always as a hobby. They were quite easy readings as Folklore and Legends from Britain or collections of short stories about fairies. After a while, I came across The Golden Bough. It took me a few months to finish it, but it caught me much more than I would have thought! Since then, I decided to take notes of my readings about this topic.

I don't consider myself a scholar at all, but a hobbyst with a great curiosity and the tendency to make connections. This website is a collection of some interesting logical associations, oddities, small discoveries, and some other stuff that I think would arouse interest in any mildly inquisitive person.

Also, since I am a nerd, this website is part of the 512KB Club.

Did you design that awesome logo?

No, I just used a free template by Hyperpix ain't nobody got time for that!

Why do all the Wikipedia links are from the mobile version?

Because the mobile version of Wiki is so much better for readability, in my opinion. I highly recommend browser extensions like this one for Firefox, which allows to redirect all the links automatically.

Is the gossip pun intended?

Yes. 😔