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# <img src='' width='50' height='50' style='vertical-align:bottom'/> OpenVoiceOS - Mycroft Edition
A minimalistic Linux OS bringing the open source voice assistant Mycroft A.I. to embbeded, low-spec headless and/or small (touch)screen devices.
## System.
### OpenVoiceOS - Full 64 Bit distribution
- Linux kernel 5.10.x (LTS)
- Buildroot 2021.02.x (LTS)
- Mycroft 20.08.x (mycroft-lib pip installable version)
- Raspberry Pi 3|3b|3b+ (Initial development hardware = 3b)
- Raspberry Pi 4 (Current development hardware)
## Stats:
| [![Build Status](]( | [![GitHub last commit](]( |
| This shows if the code is valid and can be build. | This shows when this repo was updated for the last time |
| [![GitHub stars](]( | [![GitHub issues](]( |
| Please :star: this repo if you find it useful | Issues are like my personal TODO list and information archive |
|[![License: Apache License 2.0](](| [![contributions welcome](]( |
| I'm using the Apache License 2.0 similar as Mycroft A.I. which means commercial use is allowed | If you have any ideas, they're always welcome. Either submit an issue or a PR! |
| [![Uptime Robot status](]( | [![Buy me a](]( |
| I use uptime robot to monitor for things i can't monitor when the connection drops. | If you feel the need, now it's as easy as clicking this button! |
## Getting started.
At this moment development is in very early stages and focussed on the Raspberry Pi 3B & 4. As soon as an initial first workable version
is created, other hardware might be added.
### Getting the code.
First, get the code on your system! The simplest method is via git.
- cd ~/
- git clone --recurse-submodules
- cd OpenVoiceOS
### Patching Buildroot.
*(ONLY at the first clean checkout/clone)* If this is the very first time you are going to build an image, you need to execute the following command once;
- ./scripts/
This will patch the Buildroot packages.
### Installing System Build Dependencies
The following system packages are required to build the image:
- gcc
- subversion
- qttools5-dev
- qttools5-dev-tools
- python
## Building the image.
Building the image(s) can be done by utilizing a proper Makefile;
To see the available commands, just run: 'make help'
As example to build the rpi4 version;<br>
- make clean
- make rpi4_64-gui-config
- make rpi4_64-gui
Now grab a cup of coffee, go for a walk, sleep and repeat as the build process takes up a long time pulling everything from source and cross compiling everything for the device. Especially the qtwebengine package is taking a LONG time.
(At the moment there is an outstanding issue which prevents the build to run completely to the end. The plasma-workspace package will error out, not finding the libGLESv4 properly linked within QT5GUI. When the build stopped bacause of this error, edit the following file;
at the bottom of the file replace this line;
_qt5gui_find_extra_libs(OPENGL "GLESv2" "" "")
<br><br>And replace it bit this line;<br><br>
_qt5gui_find_extra_libs(OPENGL "${CMAKE_SYSROOT}/usr/lib/" "" "${CMAKE_SYSROOT}/usr/include/libdrm")
Then you can continue the build process by re-running the "make rpi4_64-gui" command. (DO NOT, run "make clean" and/or "make rpi4_64-gui-config" again, or you will start from scratch again !!!)
When everything goes fine the xz compressed image will be available within the release directory.
## Documentation.
More information and instructions can be found within the "documentation" folder.
## Credits
Mycroft AI (@MycroftAI)<br>
Buildroot (@buildroot)
HelloChatterbox (@hellochatterbox)
### Inspired by;
HassOS (@home-assistant)<br>