
999 B

TO DO List

remember how to edit the files to start the game (lol) try to figure out if NPCs can move from point A to point B (years ago you couldn't) finish changing original tilesheets to open versions add a set of tool (axe, hoe, pick, etc) to the character to make him cut down trees, hoe, etc set the sprites of the characters add hours (24), days (7), dates (31), seasons (4) and years (9999) add day/night cycle and weather conditions

🔳 create all the (outdoor) maps and houses in the game 🔳 create all the npc (outdoor) 🔳 give the possibility of saving the game only by sleeping (if you sleep the time will go on for 6 hours) 🔳 finish setting the tilesetsdefs for all maps 🔳 change Joja Mart to Joy Mart 🔳 set the spawn of trees and all things that can be cut/broken, in the farm (trees, branches, trunks, grass, stones, boulders and other such things) 🔳 try to make the setting medieval 🔳 stop and fix what you have done up to this point