Move sampling into a `jax.jit`ted function

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Gnome Ann 2022-01-14 02:23:19 -05:00
parent 09c4fdcb2e
commit 57a6886007
1 changed files with 101 additions and 83 deletions

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@ -172,36 +172,74 @@ def kobold_sample(key, logits, top_p=0.9, temp=0.5, top_k=0, tfs=1.0):
# Finally, pick one token using the softmax thingy again (it gives
# an array whose elements sum to 1 so it can be used nicely as a
# probability distribution)
return jax.random.categorical(key, logits, -1).astype(jnp.uint32)[jnp.newaxis]
return jax.random.categorical(key, logits, -1).astype(jnp.uint32)
pad_token_id = 50256
def sample_jit(data, key, numseqs_aux, badwords, repetition_penalty, sampler_options):
numseqs = numseqs_aux.shape[0]
gi = data[0][1]
def sample_loop_fn(carry):
generated, generated_index, logits, _ = carry[0][0]
sample_key = carry[1]
# Get the pseudo-random number generator key that will
# be used by kobold_sample to randomly pick a token
sample_key, new_key = jax.random.split(sample_key, num=2)
# Apply repetition penalty to all tokens that are
# currently inside the "generated" array
logits = apply_repetition_penalty(
# Remove any tokens in the badwords list by setting
# their logits to negative infinity which effectively
# makes their probabilities of being chosen zero
logits =[badwords].set(-jnp.inf)
# Use the sampler (kobold_sample) to pick one token
# based on the logits array as a 0D uint32 array
# (higher logit means higher probability of being
# picked, non-linearly)
next_token = kobold_sample(
# Remember what token was picked
generated =[generated_index].set(next_token)
generated_index += 1
# Re-pack the current sample_loop_fn's state so we can
# get back the same variables the next time
carry[0][0] = [generated, generated_index, logits, next_token]
return carry[0], new_key
return jax.lax.while_loop(
lambda carry: carry[0][0][1] < gi,
(data, key),
class PenalizingCausalTransformer(CausalTransformer):
def __init__(self, config):
# Initialize
def generate_initial(state, key, ctx, ctx_length, gen_length, numseqs_aux, sampler_options, soft_embeddings=None):
def generate_initial(state, key, ctx, ctx_length, numseqs_aux, soft_embeddings=None):
numseqs = numseqs_aux.shape[0]
def generate_initial_inner(context, ctx_length):
# Give the initial context to the transformer
transformer = CausalTransformerShard(config)
def generate_initial_scan_fn(sequence_index, _):
_, initial_state = transformer.generate_initial(context, ctx_length, soft_embeddings=soft_embeddings)
# The "generated" array will contain the tokens from the
# context as well as the tokens picked by the sampler at
# each stage, padded with a bunch of 50256s, so we know
# which tokens have to be repetition penalized
generated = jnp.pad(context, (0, config["seq"]), constant_values=pad_token_id) # Let it start off with just the 2048 context tokens, plus some 50256s which will be eventually filled with sampler-chosen tokens
generated_index = config["seq"]
# Add that information to generate_loop_fn's starting state
initial_state = (generated, generated_index, sequence_index) + initial_state
initial_state = (jnp.empty(config["n_vocab"], dtype=jnp.float32), generated_index, sequence_index) + initial_state
return sequence_index+1, initial_state
_, initial_states = jax.lax.scan(generate_initial_scan_fn, 0, None, numseqs)
sample_key = initial_states[-1][0]
initial_states = list(jax.tree_map(lambda x: x[i], initial_states[:-1]) for i in range(numseqs))
return initial_states, sample_key
generate_initial_fn = hk.transform(generate_initial_inner).apply
return generate_initial_fn(state["params"], key, ctx, ctx_length)
return generate_initial_inner.apply(state["params"], key, ctx, ctx_length)
self.generate_initial_xmap = jax.experimental.maps.xmap(
@ -210,31 +248,23 @@ class PenalizingCausalTransformer(CausalTransformer):
["batch", ...],
["batch", ...],
["batch", ...],
["batch", ...],
["batch", ...],
["shard", ...],
out_axes=["shard", "batch", ...],
axis_resources={'shard': 'mp', 'batch': 'dp'},
def generate_once(initial_states, sample_key, state, key, ctx, ctx_length, gen_length, numseqs_aux, sampler_options, soft_embeddings=None):
def generate_once(data, state, numseqs_aux, soft_embeddings=None):
numseqs = numseqs_aux.shape[0]
# These are the tokens that we don't want the AI to ever write
self.badwords = jnp.array([6880, 50256, 42496, 4613, 17414, 22039, 16410, 27, 29, 38430, 37922, 15913, 24618, 28725, 58, 47175, 36937, 26700, 12878, 16471, 37981, 5218, 29795, 13412, 45160, 3693, 49778, 4211, 20598, 36475, 33409, 44167, 32406, 29847, 29342, 42669, 685, 25787, 7359, 3784, 5320, 33994, 33490, 34516, 43734, 17635, 24293, 9959, 23785, 21737, 28401, 18161, 26358, 32509, 1279, 38155, 18189, 26894, 6927, 14610, 23834, 11037, 14631, 26933, 46904, 22330, 25915, 47934, 38214, 1875, 14692, 41832, 13163, 25970, 29565, 44926, 19841, 37250, 49029, 9609, 44438, 16791, 17816, 30109, 41888, 47527, 42924, 23984, 49074, 33717, 31161, 49082, 30138, 31175, 12240, 14804, 7131, 26076, 33250, 3556, 38381, 36338, 32756, 46581, 17912, 49146])
def generate_once_inner(context, ctx_length):
gi = initial_states[0][1]
def generate_once_inner():
gi = data[0][1]
# Give the initial context to the transformer
transformer = CausalTransformerShard(config)
# Get repetition penalty from the arguments
repetition_penalty = sampler_options.pop('repetition_penalty', None)
# This is the main generation loop
def generate_loop_fn(carry):
# Unpack current generate_loop_fn state
generated, generated_index, sequence_index, next_token, decode_state = carry[0][0]
sample_key = carry[1]
# Get the pseudo-random number generator key that will
# be used by kobold_sample to randomly pick a token
sample_key, new_key = jax.random.split(sample_key)
_, generated_index, sequence_index, next_token, decode_state = carry[0][0]
# Give the context to the model and get the logits it
# spits out
# (a 2D array with 1 row and 50400 columns representing
@ -245,57 +275,27 @@ class PenalizingCausalTransformer(CausalTransformer):
# Verify that logits does indeed have that many rows and
# columns (if you get an error here, pray for mercy)
assert logits.shape == (1, config["n_vocab"])
assert logits.dtype == jnp.float32
# Flatten it into a 1D array to make it easier to use
logits = logits[0]
# Apply repetition penalty to all tokens that are
# currently inside the "generated" array
if repetition_penalty is not None:
logits = apply_repetition_penalty(
# Remove any tokens in the badwords list by setting
# their logits to negative infinity which effectively
# makes their probabilities of being chosen zero
logits =[self.badwords].set(-jnp.inf)
# Use the sampler (kobold_sample) to pick one token
# based on the logits array as a 1D array with 1 element
# (higher logit means higher probability of being
# picked, non-linearly)
next_token = kobold_sample(
# Remember what token was picked
generated =[generated_index].set(next_token[0])
generated_index += 1
# Re-pack the current generate_loop_fn's state so we can
# get back the same variables the next time
carry[0][0] = (generated, generated_index, sequence_index, next_token, new_state)
generated_index += 1
carry[0][0] = (logits, generated_index, sequence_index, next_token, new_state)
return carry[0], new_key
final_state = jax.lax.while_loop(
return carry[0],
return jax.lax.while_loop(
lambda carry: carry[0][0][1] == gi,
(initial_states, sample_key),
return final_state
generate_once_fn = hk.transform(generate_once_inner).apply
return generate_once_fn(state["params"], key, ctx, ctx_length)
return generate_once_inner.apply(state["params"])
self.generate_once_xmap = jax.experimental.maps.xmap(
["shard", "batch", ...],
["shard", "batch", ...],
["shard", ...],
["batch", ...],
["batch", ...],
["batch", ...],
["batch", ...],
["batch", ...],
["batch", ...],
["shard", ...],
out_axes=["shard", "batch", ...],
@ -304,23 +304,30 @@ class PenalizingCausalTransformer(CausalTransformer):
def generate(self, ctx, ctx_length, gen_length, numseqs, sampler_options, return_logits=False, soft_embeddings=None):
assert not return_logits
assert gen_length.ndim == 1
assert soft_embeddings is not None
key = hk.PRNGSequence(random.randint(0, 2 ** 60))
batch_size = ctx.shape[0]
self.batch_size = batch_size
xargs = [
batch_xmap(np.array(ctx_length, dtype=np.uint32)),
batch_xmap(np.array(gen_length, dtype=np.uint32)),
np.empty((batch_size, numseqs), dtype=np.uint8),
_numseqs_aux = jnp.empty((batch_size, numseqs), dtype=np.uint32)
numseqs_aux = batch_xmap(_numseqs_aux)
sample_data = [
jnp.pad(ctx, (0, params["seq"]), constant_values=pad_token_id),
jnp.empty((), dtype=jnp.uint32),
for _ in range(numseqs)
initial_state, sample_key = self.generate_initial_xmap(*xargs)
for i in range(gen_length[0]):
initial_state, sample_key = self.generate_once_xmap(initial_state, sample_key, *xargs)
return initial_state, sample_key
repetition_penalty = sampler_options.pop("repetition_penalty", 1.0)
generate_data, sample_key = self.generate_initial_xmap(self.state, jnp.array(key.take(batch_size)), ctx, ctx_length, numseqs_aux, soft_embeddings)
sample_key = jax.device_put(sample_key[0, 0], cpu)
for _ in range(gen_length[0].item()):
generate_data, = self.generate_once_xmap(generate_data, self.state, numseqs_aux, soft_embeddings)
for i in range(numseqs):
sample_data[i][2] = jax.device_put(generate_data[0][i][0, 0], cpu)
sample_data, sample_key = sample_jit(sample_data, sample_key, _numseqs_aux, badwords, repetition_penalty, sampler_options)
return sample_data, sample_key
def infer(
@ -345,23 +352,23 @@ def infer(
padded_tokens = np.pad(tokens, ((pad_amount, 0),), constant_values=pad_token_id)
batched_tokens = np.array([padded_tokens] * total_batch)
samples = []
batched_generator_params = {
"temp": temp * np.ones(total_batch),
"top_p": top_p * np.ones(total_batch),
"tfs": tfs * np.ones(total_batch),
"repetition_penalty": repetition_penalty * np.ones(total_batch),
"top_k": np.full(total_batch, top_k, dtype=np.uint32)
generator_params = {
"temp": float(temp),
"top_p": float(top_p),
"tfs": float(tfs),
"repetition_penalty": float(repetition_penalty),
"top_k": int(top_k),
output = network.generate(
np.ones(total_batch, dtype=np.uint32) * provided_ctx,
np.ones(total_batch, dtype=np.uint32) * gen_len,
for o in output:
samples.append(o[0][0, 0, params["seq"] : params["seq"] + gen_len])
for out in output:
samples.append(out[0][0, 0, params["seq"] : params["seq"] + gen_len])
return samples
@ -414,6 +421,17 @@ def load_model(path: str, driver_version="tpu_driver0.1_dev20210607", **kwargs)
shard_xmap = __shard_xmap()
batch_xmap = __batch_xmap(shard_dim=cores_per_replica)
global cpu, sample_jit
cpu = jax.devices("cpu")[0]
sample_jit = jax.jit(
global badwords
# These are the tokens that we don't want the AI to ever write
badwords = jnp.array([6880, 50256, 42496, 4613, 17414, 22039, 16410, 27, 29, 38430, 37922, 15913, 24618, 28725, 58, 47175, 36937, 26700, 12878, 16471, 37981, 5218, 29795, 13412, 45160, 3693, 49778, 4211, 20598, 36475, 33409, 44167, 32406, 29847, 29342, 42669, 685, 25787, 7359, 3784, 5320, 33994, 33490, 34516, 43734, 17635, 24293, 9959, 23785, 21737, 28401, 18161, 26358, 32509, 1279, 38155, 18189, 26894, 6927, 14610, 23834, 11037, 14631, 26933, 46904, 22330, 25915, 47934, 38214, 1875, 14692, 41832, 13163, 25970, 29565, 44926, 19841, 37250, 49029, 9609, 44438, 16791, 17816, 30109, 41888, 47527, 42924, 23984, 49074, 33717, 31161, 49082, 30138, 31175, 12240, 14804, 7131, 26076, 33250, 3556, 38381, 36338, 32756, 46581, 17912, 49146])
if not path.endswith("/"):
path += "/"