mirror of https://github.com/KoboldAI/KoboldAI-Client.git synced 2025-03-01 18:07:50 +01:00

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from threading import Timer
import re
# Decorator to prevent a function's actions from being run until
# at least x seconds have passed without the function being called
def debounce(wait):
def decorator(fun):
def debounced(*args, **kwargs):
def call_it():
fun(*args, **kwargs)
except AttributeError:
debounced.t = Timer(wait, call_it)
return debounced
return decorator
# Replace fancy quotes and apostrope's with standard ones
def fixquotes(txt):
txt = txt.replace("", '"')
txt = txt.replace("", '"')
txt = txt.replace("", "'")
txt = txt.replace("`", "'")
return txt
def trimincompletesentence(txt):
# Cache length of text
ln = len(txt)
# Find last instance of punctuation (Borrowed from Clover-Edition by cloveranon)
lastpunc = max(txt.rfind("."), txt.rfind("!"), txt.rfind("?"))
# Is this the end of a quote?
if(lastpunc < ln-1):
if(txt[lastpunc+1] == '"'):
lastpunc = lastpunc + 1
if(lastpunc >= 0):
txt = txt[:lastpunc+1]
return txt
def replaceblanklines(txt):
txt = txt.replace("\n\n", "\n")
return txt
def removespecialchars(txt):
txt = re.sub(r"[#/@%<>{}+=~|\^]", "", txt)
return txt
# If the next action follows a sentence closure, add a space
def addsentencespacing(txt, vars):
# Get last character of last action
if(len(vars.actions) > 0):
if(len(vars.actions[-1]) > 0):
lastchar = vars.actions[-1][-1]
# Last action is blank, this should never happen, but
# since it did let's bail out.
return txt
lastchar = vars.prompt[-1]
if(lastchar == "." or lastchar == "!" or lastchar == "?" or lastchar == "," or lastchar == ";" or lastchar == ":"):
txt = " " + txt
return txt
# Cleans string for use in file name
def cleanfilename(filename):
keepcharacters = (' ','.','_')
filename = "".join(c for c in filename if c.isalnum() or c in keepcharacters).rstrip()
return filename