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Known Issues

This file will include the majority of the known issues we're aware of with AzuraCast and that are in the stages of review / investigation / fixing. We don't provide a date on the fixes but rest assured we're aware of them.

High Priority Bugs

We class bugs as 'high priority' when it impacts a large amount of users, related to CPU and Memory usages or security bugs. These bugs can be complex to debug and requires a large amount of investigation and reviewing by our team.

  • Abnormally high CPU and Memory usages for Liquidsoap (Impacts 0.15 onwards) #5099

  • Docker installations overlay sub directories consuming abnormally high storage (Impacts very limited users) #5127 #5077

Medium Priority

  • Playlists not always following the schedule

  • Ansible users not being able to install on Ubuntu 18.04 due to ocaml-ffmpeg being unsupported #5007

  • Deleting a station can fail to remove it from supervisord (very limited users impacted) #4898

  • Remote Album Art can't find artwork that exists on Last.FM #5103

  • Web DJ audio quality can be lower than expected #5116

  • No metadata for FLAC mount point (Upstream issue) - #5008

Low Priority

  • Song playback bar can continue to play despite audio being stopped. #5031