Fix included Python-Markdown; Fix replacements with escape char

This commit is contained in:
octospacc 2022-08-26 19:53:47 +02:00
parent 36db6c04ae
commit 9cf3bc3e27
6 changed files with 19 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -177,10 +177,6 @@ def Main(Args, FeedEntries):
if SitemapOut:
print("[I] Generating Sitemap")
MakeSitemap(OutputDir, Pages, SiteDomain)
if ActivityPub and MastodonURL and MastodonToken and SiteDomain:
print("[I] Mastodon Stuff")
MastodonPosts = MastodonShare(
@ -217,6 +213,10 @@ def Main(Args, FeedEntries):
print("[I] Cleaning Temporary Files")
if SitemapOut:
print("[I] Generating Sitemap")
MakeSitemap(OutputDir, Pages, SiteDomain)
print("[I] Copying Assets")
os.system(f"cp -R Assets/* {OutputDir}/")

View File

@ -133,21 +133,15 @@ class Markdown:
Build extension from a string name, then return an instance.
First attempt to load an entry point. The string name must be registered as an entry point in the
`markdown.extensions` group which points to a subclass of the `markdown.extensions.Extension` class.
If multiple distributions have registered the same name, the first one found is returned.
If no entry point is found, assume dot notation (``). Load the specified class and
return an instance. If no class is specified, import the module and call a `makeExtension` function and return
the Extension instance returned by that function.
Don't attempt to load any entrypoint,
as it conflicts with an already installed Python-Markdown.
Assume dot notation (``).
Load the specified class and return an instance. If no class is specified,
import the module and call a `makeExtension` function
and return the Extension instance returned by that function.
configs = dict(configs)
entry_points = [ep for ep in util.INSTALLED_EXTENSIONS if == ext_name]
if entry_points:
ext = entry_points[0].load()
return ext(**configs)
# Get class name (if provided): ``
ext_name, class_name = ext_name.split(':', 1) if ':' in ext_name else (ext_name, '')

View File

@ -7,11 +7,7 @@
| Copyright (C) 2022, OctoSpacc |
| ================================= """
# Our local Markdown patches conflict if the module is installed on the system, so first try to import from system
from markdown import markdown
except ModuleNotFoundError:
from Libs.markdown import markdown
from Libs.markdown import markdown
MarkdownExtsDefault = ('attr_list', 'def_list', 'footnotes', 'md_in_html', 'tables')

View File

@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ def DashifyTitle(Title, Done=[]):
def MakeLinkableTitle(Line, Title, DashTitle, Type):
if Type == 'md':
Index = Title.split(' ')[0].count('#')
return f'<h{Index} id="{DashTitle}" class="SectionTitle"><span class="SectionLink"><a href="#{DashTitle}"><span>&gt;&gt;</span></a> </span>{Title[Index+1:]}</h{Index}>'
return f'<h{Index} id="{DashTitle}" class="SectionTitle"><span class="SectionLink"><a href="#{DashTitle}"><span>»</span></a> </span>{Title[Index+1:]}</h{Index}>'
elif Type == 'pug':
Index = Line.find('h')
return f"{Line[:Index]}{Line[Index:Index+2]}(id='{DashTitle}' class='SectionTitle') #[span(class='SectionLink') #[a(href='#{DashTitle}') #[span &gt;&gt;]] ]{Line[Index+2:]}"
return f"{Line[:Index]}{Line[Index:Index+2]}(id='{DashTitle}' class='SectionTitle') #[span(class='SectionLink') #[a(href='#{DashTitle}') #[span »]] ]{Line[Index+2:]}"
def GetTitle(FileName, Meta, Titles, Prefer='MetaTitle', BlogName=None):
if Prefer == 'BodyTitle':

View File

@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ def ReplWithEsc(Str, Find, Repl, Esc='\\'):
New = New[:-1]
New += Repl + e
elif Sects[i-1].endswith(Esc):
New = New[:-1]
New += Find + e
New += Repl + e

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
- Specify input folder(s) and files (idea is Makefile compatibility too)
- Show page size/words/time in meta line
- Add feed support for diary-like pages
- Fix excess whitespace in some section/menu titles
- Change staticoso service tag enclosure from [] to <>
- Investigate a strange bug with Macros
@ -7,7 +10,6 @@
- Accept Macros as CLI arguments
- Deprecate FolderRoots (Macros make it redundant)
- Fix ordering menu in Site.ini (not working for inner pages)
- Fix Python-Markdown is installed problem (to load our modules)
- Feed generation without native libraries
- JSON feeds
- Full XML sitemap
@ -20,4 +22,5 @@
- Automatic guessing of .htm/.html extension for declarations of templates and stuff
- Exporting sites to different formats (?) (single-page HTML, PDF, EPUB, ...)
- Disable only ActivityPub feed for a page
- Override ActivityPub URL
- Automatic redirects/symlinks for making pages work without .html suffix
- Override URL for a page / Add custom redirects for it