mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 04:50:54 +01:00
282 lines
9.4 KiB
Executable File
282 lines
9.4 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env -S node --experimental-fetch
const JSDOM = require('jsdom').JSDOM;
const Html2Markdown = require('./Lib/Html2Markdown.js').Transform;
const BlogURL = 'https://listed.to/@u8'; // Full base URL of the Listed blog (any server)
const SiteName = 'sitoctt';
//const DefaultMode = 'Include' // 'Include' or 'Exclude' | Not implemented
const PostsFileDate = true; // Append dates (YYYY-MM-DD) to posts file names
const FrontmatterNew = {
createdon: "Date",
updatedon: "Lastmod",
editedon: "Lastmod",
image: "Featured_Image",
categories: [],
urls: ["Aliases"],
htmltitle: false,
let Replacements = { // Format: { ReplaceWithString: [ToFindString] }
"<h2>{{% i18n notes-refs %}}</h2>": "<h2>🏷️ Note e Riferimenti</h2>",
//'<div class="footnotes">': ['<div class="footnotes"><hr>', '<div class="footnotes">\n<hr>'],
//'"><a class="footnote-ref" href="#fn': '"><a href="#fn',
'<div class="footnotes"><span class="footnotes"><hr></span>': '<div class="footnotes"><hr>',
' href="{{< assetsRoot >}}/': ' href="https://sitoctt-assets.octt.eu.org/',
' src="{{< assetsRoot >}}/': ' src="https://sitoctt-assets.octt.eu.org/',
// TODO: Fix anchor rels
let LateReplacements = {
"{{< assetsRoot >}}": "{{< assetsRoot >}}",
'<script async="async" defer="defer" src="https://liminalgici.spacc.eu.org/embed.js"></script><iframe title="Pixelfed Post Embed" src="https://liminalgici.spacc.eu.org/': '<iframe title="Pixelfed Post Embed" src="https://liminalgici.spacc.eu.org/',
const TestURL = 'https://listed.to/p/hDaMhJ2ts7';
const MetadataBlockSelect = '.MetadataBlock, .MetadataBlock + :Where(Div, Pre, Code)';
const ReplacementsBlockSelect = '.ReplacementsBlock, .ReplacementsBlock + :Where(Div, Pre, Code)';
const ExtractCodeBlockSelect = '.ExtractCodeBlock, .ExtractCodeBlock + :Where(Div, Pre, Code)';
const DeleteElementBlockSelect = '.DeleteElementBlock';
const TryReadFileSync = Path => {
if (Fs.existsSync(Path)) {
return Fs.readFileSync(Path, 'utf8');
const TryMkdirSync = Path => {
if (!Fs.existsSync(Path)) {
return Fs.mkdirSync(Path, {recursive: true});
const GetPath = URL => {
if (URL.startsWith('http://') || URL.startsWith('https://')) {
URL = URL.split('/').slice(3).join('/');
return URL;
const GetFragHTML = Frag => {
let Dom = new JSDOM('<body></body>');
return Dom.window.document.body.innerHTML.trim();
const CSSFirstTokenSelector = Select => {
return Select.trim().replaceAll('.', '').replaceAll(',', '').split(' ')[0];
const CheckDownsync = Body => {
if (Body) {
const Lines = Body.trim().toLowerCase().split('\n');
for (let i=0; i<Lines.length; i++) {
const Line = Lines[i].trim()
const CheckLine = Line.replaceAll(' ', ' ').replaceAll(':', ' : ').replaceAll('=', ' = ');
if (CheckLine.startsWith('// ')) {
const Tokens = CheckLine.split(' ').filter(i => {return i != ''});
if (Tokens[1] == '%' && Tokens[2] == 'downsync' && [':', '='].includes(Tokens[3])) {
if (['false', 'disabled', 'off', 'no', '0'].includes(Tokens[4])) {
return false;
} else if (Tokens[4].startsWith('/')) {
return Line.substring(Line.indexOf('/', 2));
return true;
const GetLinkElem = Dom => {
let Elem;
Elem = Dom.querySelector(`.Mirror-${SiteName}`);
if (!Elem) {
Elem = Dom.querySelector(`.Mirror-${SiteName}-Include`);
return Elem;
const MakeMetaStr = Post => {
let Str = '';
['Meta', 'Macros'].forEach((Type) => {
const Marks = { Meta: "%", Macros: "$" };
Object.keys(Post[Type]).forEach((Key) => {
//Str += `// ${Marks[Type]} ${Key} = ${Post[Type][Key]}\n`;
// TODO: should this handle bools properly?
let Value = Post[Type][Key];
let KeyNew = FrontmatterNew[Key.toLowerCase()];
let ToJson = true;
if (KeyNew === false) {
} else if (Array.isArray(KeyNew)) {
KeyNew = KeyNew[0];
Value = Value.split(' ');
//Value = `[ "${Value.split(' ').join('", "')}" ]`;
//ToJson = false;
KeyNew ||= Key;
switch (KeyNew.toLowerCase()) {
break; case 'featured_image':
Value = Value.replace('[staticoso:CustomPath:Assets]', '@').replace('https://sitoctt-assets.octt.eu.org', '@');
break; case 'categories':
if (Post[Type].Downsync.toLowerCase().split('/').includes(Value[0].toLowerCase())) {
Value = Value.slice(1);
if (Array.isArray(Value)) {
Value = '[ ' + Value.map(item => JSON.stringify(item)).join(', ') + ' ]';
ToJson = false;
Str += `${KeyNew} = ${isNaN(Value.replaceAll('-', '')) && ToJson ? JSON.stringify(Value) : Value}\n`;
return `+++\n${Str}+++\n`; //Str;
const HandlePost = (PostSrc, Output) => {
let ContentDom, LinkPath;
let Post = {'Meta': {}, 'Macros': {}};
Post.Meta.Title = PostSrc.title;
Post.Meta.CreatedOn = PostSrc.created_at.split('T')[0];
Post.Content = PostSrc.rendered_text;
console.log(`[I] => [${Post.Meta.CreatedOn}] ${Post.Meta.Title}`);
ContentDom = JSDOM.fragment(Post.Content);
// Handle .MetadataBlock elements
Array.from(ContentDom.querySelectorAll(MetadataBlockSelect)).forEach((Elem) => {
if (Elem.textContent) {
const Meta = ParseMeta(Post.RawMeta = Elem.textContent);
Post.Meta = Object.assign(Post.Meta, Meta.Meta);
Post.Macros = Object.assign(Post.Macros, Meta.Macros);
Post.IsToml = Meta.IsToml;
Elem.outerHTML = '';
// NOTE: Maybe would be better to first do string replacements?
let LinkElem = GetLinkElem(ContentDom);
if (LinkElem) {
LinkPath = GetPath(JSDOM.fragment(LinkElem.outerHTML).querySelector('[href]').href);
LinkElem.outerHTML = '';
} else {
let Check = Post.Meta.Downsync;
if (typeof(Check) == 'string' && Check.startsWith('/')) {
LinkPath = Check.substring(1);
} else {
console.log(`[I] : No Downsync flag set with URL in source body; Skipping!`);
// Handle .ReplacementsBlock elements: Add replacements to do to the default ones or override them.
Array.from(ContentDom.querySelectorAll(ReplacementsBlockSelect)).forEach((Elem) => {
let Text = Elem.textContent.trim();
if (Text) {
if (!(Text.startsWith('{') && Text.endsWith('}'))) {
Text = `{${Text}}`;
try {
Replacements = Object.assign(Replacements, JSON.parse(Text));
} catch(e) {
console.log(`[W] : Problem parsing JSON in a ReplacementsBlock; Ignoring!`);
Elem.outerHTML = '';
Post.Content = GetFragHTML(ContentDom);
const PathFile = LinkPath.split('/').slice(-1)[0];
const PathDir = ('./content/' + LinkPath.split('/').slice(0, (LinkPath.split('/').length - 1)).join('/'));
const DatePrefix = PostsFileDate ? Post.Meta.CreatedOn + '-' : '';
const FinalFilePath = `${PathDir}/${DatePrefix}${PathFile.substring(0, (PathFile.length - 4))}md`;
if (!CheckDownsync(TryReadFileSync(FinalFilePath))) {
console.log(`[I] : Downsync disabled in destination body; Skipping!`);
// Do string replacements
// TODO: Replacements written in post body?
Object.keys(Replacements).forEach((To) => {
let FromList = Replacements[To];
if (typeof(FromList) != 'object') {
FromList = [FromList];
FromList.forEach((From) => {
Post.Content = Post.Content.replaceAll(From, To);
ContentDom = JSDOM.fragment(Post.Content);
// Handle .DeleteElementBlock elements: Elements that must be visible on Listed but deleted here.
Array.from(ContentDom.querySelectorAll(DeleteElementBlockSelect)).forEach((Elem) => {
if (!Elem.textContent) {
Elem.nextElementSibling.outerHTML = '';
Elem.outerHTML = '';
// Handle .ExtractCodeBlock elements: Allow for text to be treated as plain on Listed, and then extracted here.
Array.from(ContentDom.querySelectorAll(ExtractCodeBlockSelect)).forEach((Elem) => {
const Find = CSSFirstTokenSelector(ExtractCodeBlockSelect);
if (Array.from(Elem.classList).includes(Find)) {
// Remove the ExtractCodeBlock upper-marker
Elem.outerHTML = '';
} else {
// Extract the marker's text as raw HTML
Elem.outerHTML = Elem.textContent;
Post.Content = GetFragHTML(ContentDom);
Post.Content = Html2Markdown(Post.Content);
Object.keys(LateReplacements).forEach((To) => {
let FromList = LateReplacements[To];
if (typeof(FromList) != 'object') {
FromList = [FromList];
FromList.forEach((From) => {
Post.Content = Post.Content.replaceAll(From, To);
if (Output == 'file') {
Fs.writeFileSync(FinalFilePath, `\
${Post.IsToml ? Post.RawMeta : MakeMetaStr(Post)}
<!-- Autogenerated by ListedDownsync.js. Do not edit (unless also set "% Downsync = False") - it would be overwritten. -->
} else if (Output == 'stdout') {
const Main = _ => {
console.log('[I] Downloading...');
fetch(`${BlogURL}/all`).then(Response => Response.text()).then(Data => {
console.log('[I] Parsing...');
const Elem = JSDOM.fragment(Data).querySelector('script[data-component-name="AuthorAll"]');
const Posts = JSON.parse(Elem.childNodes[0].data).posts;
for (let i=0; i<Posts.length; i++) {
HandlePost(Posts[i], 'file');
const Test = _ => {
console.log('[I] Testing...');
fetch(TestURL).then(Response => Response.text()).then(Data => {
const Elem = JSDOM.fragment(Data).querySelector('script[data-component-name="PostShow"]');
const Post = JSON.parse(Elem.childNodes[0].data).post;
HandlePost(Post, 'stdout');