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Handheld Pong, now with firearms! (Pistol Pong DS)
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/media/craiyon_020855_girls_playing_with_a_nintendo_ds.webp /media/craiyon_020855_girls_playing_with_a_nintendo_ds.webp Picture from [Craiyon](

Classic videogames are amazing. They are the foundation presented by the industry pioneers to our ancestors, upon which millions of people started to build their own passion for gaming, bringing us slowly but surely to where we are now. However, playing these games today can sometimes be a miserable experience, where one just can't feel those gamer vibes, and boredom quickly arises, despite knowing full well how important to the world those old videogames really are.

I think even the most casual young gamer knows about Pong. Being it the first actually succesful videogame, and the most classic arcade one, it would be hard to find someone who can't even imagine it. However, probably not many people have ever played the original in modern years, and while I don't blame them, I think that's kind of a shame... but alas, classic Pong is always the same, and there's nothing that would make even me come back to it.

This was, for me, up until my discovery of Pistol Pong DS. This homebrew game is very simple in concept, being almost a clone of the classic Pong, without any fancy visuals or improvements, except for one really unexpected gameplay mechanic: the NRA managed to convince us that we really do need something more in this game to defend ourselves from our adversaries; we need guns.

Indeed, the entire gimmick of this reproposition is that we (and the other player, be it the computer or another user) have a pistol at our disposal, which can be used to try and take out our competitor, while at the same time trying to not let them score (or kill) us.