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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
created: 20230223222804008
creator: Octt
modified: 20230818074331073
modified: 20230823233437772
modifier: Octt
title: Saved/Sites
@ -28,6 +28,14 @@ Note: "[property]-leaning" means the majority of the content of the site, or the
* [[Ledom Software|https://ledomsoft.com]]
* [[Hundred Rabbits|https://100r.co/]] --- <<[ "[[Git|https://github.com/hundredrabbits/100r.co]]">>
!!! ''[[Note]]-leaning'' (WIP)
These are kind of blogs, but don't contain mainly things written as blogs, but more note-like articles, like tutorials ecc...
* note.nkmk.me: [[en|https://note.nkmk.me/en]], [[jp|https://note.nkmk.me]] (different articles)
* [[rdpillon|https://rpdillon.net/]] --- //Rick's Home Online//
* Show Notes from the [[Open Source is Awesome|https://opensourceisawesome.com/]] Youtube Channel
!!! ''[[Wiki]]-leaning''
* [[WikiHands|https://wikihands.github.io]]
* [[WikiSpacc]]
@ -35,12 +43,12 @@ Note: "[property]-leaning" means the majority of the content of the site, or the
** [[How (by Okpedia)|https://how.okpedia.org/]] --- //Tutorials and Solutions KB// --- (apparently a separate wiki of the same person above, also multi-language)
* [[Computer Science Mojo|https://csmojo.com]] --- //David's Notes on coding, software and computer science// --- <<[ "[[Git|https://github.com/zhenyufu/zhenyufu.github.io]]">>
* [[Maggie Appleton|https://maggieappleton.com/]] --- <<[ "[[Git|https://github.com/MaggieAppleton/maggieappleton.com-V2]]">>
* [[rdpillon|https://rpdillon.net/]] --- //Rick's Home Online//
* [[TheFrenchGhosty|https://thefrenchghosty.me/]]
* [[wiki.nikiv.dev|https://wiki.nikiv.dev/]] --- <<[ "[[Git|https://github.com/nikitavoloboev/knowledge]]">>
** [2023-08-18] Apparently the majority of pages in now paywalled, and the public Git repo isn't receiving any updates. Since the wiki is still static, the paywall can be bypassed by disabing JavaScript (which breaks navigation on mobile and search globally), or use userstyle/userscript managers to inject this code into the same to hide the pay popup: [TODO].
** [2023-08-18] Apparently the majority of pages in now paywalled, and the public Git repo isn't receiving any updates. Since the wiki is still static, the paywall can be bypassed by injecting following CSS code: `.modalblur{display:none;}`; otherwise, also disabing JavaScript is an option (but breaks navigation on mobile and search globally).
* [[XXIIVV|https://wiki.xxiivv.com/]] --- <<[ "[[Git|https://github.com/XXIIVV/oscean]]">>
!!! Mess-leaning <small>(often the most creative)</small>
* [[samy.pl|https://samy.pl/]] - Website full of easter eggs by the same <<YoutubeL OJ1pEAdFLP8 "person who once hacked MySpace">>.
* [[samy.pl|https://samy.pl/]] --- Website full of easter eggs by the same <<YoutubeL OJ1pEAdFLP8 "person who once hacked MySpace">>.
** One easter egg is the client source code is hidden as a binary-encoded string represented by spaces and tabs; The server providing the data uses something (headers? but also other stuff) to only serve the real HTML to a browser; curl/wget without all the browser headers (and a browser after a reload in `view-source:` ?) get a fake HTML. <<#[ "Older but more in-depth analysis" "https://t.me/ioctt/19280">>
* [[Tramaci.org|https://tramaci.org/]] --- Progetto a quanto pare abbandonato sulla privacy e il controllo, basato sul paradigma di [[pseudo-OS|Pseudo-OS]] web (anche fin troppo complottista e paranoide nei contenuti, ma tecnicamente è interessante).
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
created: 20230722232624533
creator: Octt
modified: 20230723132009709
modified: 20230823230503260
modifier: Octt
tags: Server
title: Docker
<<^wikipediaframe "Docker (software)">>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
created: 20230206211907427
creator: Octt
modified: 20230207221836882
modified: 20230823224946891
modifier: Octt
title: Earning Resources
@ -11,11 +11,9 @@ Graphs of my earnings should be available soon.
!!! ''[[Microsoft Rewards|https://rewards.bing.com/]]''
; (At least in Italy, I don't know about other markets) MS Rewards lets you exchange points for [[Amazon]] gift cards:
: 5€ = 7500 rp
: 10€ = 15000 rp
; (At least in Italy, I don't know about other markets) MS Rewards lets you exchange points for [[Amazon]] gift cards: 1€ = 1500 rp (custom price can be chosen)
* https://octospacc.gitlab.io/pastebin/BingSpam.html - Script for completing the daily searches goal in Bing without doing searches by hand; Have been using it for months now, never got banned, it //should// be safe
* https://octospacc.gitlab.io/pastebin/BingSpam.html --- Script for completing the daily searches goal in Bing without doing searches by hand; Have been using it for months now, never got banned, it //should// be safe; Note: it appears I got softbanned months ago (meaning everything in Rewards worked except for redeems, which would error at the end) in the big July wave, but I can't say if this is due to the script or other "bad patterns".
!! ''Network traffic sharing''
@ -23,7 +21,9 @@ Graphs of my earnings should be available soon.
I haven't been using Earnapp for months now due to first technical issues on my side, then a bit of forgetfulness and also because the service isn't paying like it used to (traffic decreased).
* [[EarnApp-Docker|https://github.com/fazalfarhan01/EarnApp-Docker]] - //Containerized version of BrightData's EarnApp//
2023 update: Earnapp+ now exists, you get paid a fixed amount for the hours you leave the program on, instead of traffic it's taken (7€/month in Europe). It's Windows-only, and has VM detection but apparently I can bypass it.
* ~~[[EarnApp-Docker|https://github.com/fazalfarhan01/EarnApp-Docker]] - //Containerized version of BrightData's EarnApp//~~ Doesn't seem to really be working, just like the official CLI Linux app installed manually.
!!! ''[[Honeygain|https://r.honeygain.me/OCTO870875]]''
@ -43,4 +43,6 @@ I tried PacketStream for one or two days and saw it does a misery of traffic, no
Currently working ok. Has some issues on [[Vodafone]]'s mobile network, due to "Vodafone Digital Privacy and Security" thinking it is a malware and blocking the `api.peer2profit.global` API domain.
August 2023 update: The website is discontinued and now the Telegram bot must be used for everything. The Windows app and Linux CLI app are discontinued, but a new Linux GUI app exists.
* [[Peer2Profit-Docker|https://github.com/fazalfarhan01/Peer2Profit-Docker]] - //Containerized version of Peer2Profit//
@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
created: 20230813102403596
creator: Octt
modified: 20230813102403596
modified: 20230823230220034
modifier: Octt
title: File system
<<^wikipediaframe "File system">>
!!! ''Disk partitioning''
<<^wikipediaframe "Disk partitioning">>
!! ''Btrfs''
<<^wikipediaframe Btrfs>>
@ -13,3 +17,7 @@ title: File system
Note (2023-08-04): I tried Btrfs more than a year ago on [[Linux Lite]] (with ZSTD compression iirc) but after filling up the entire partition leaving 0 bytes available, even after deleting files, the partition was like corrupted, couldn't write to it anymore.
* [[https://btrfs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Compression.html]] --- ZSTD is the best-balanced compressor
!! ''ext#'' (Linux)
* Resizing: `resize2fs -f {Partition file} {Size}`
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
created: 20230111153758951
creator: Octt
icon: 🐧
modified: 20230725113527726
modified: 20230823231133171
modifier: Octt
page-cover: https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1549605659-32d82da3a059?ixlib=rb-4.0.3&ixid=M3wxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8fA%3D%3D
tags: $:/i18n:en Unix
@ -27,9 +27,14 @@ title: Linux
* [[SquashFS|https://tldp.org/HOWTO/SquashFS-HOWTO/whatis.html]], [[DwarFS|https://github.com/mhx/dwarfs]]
* cannot access fuse mount as root or other users, [[Why does root get Permission denied when accessing FUSE directory?|https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/17402/why-does-root-get-permission-denied-when-accessing-fuse-directory#17423]] --- To allow access to other users, add `user_allow_other` in `/etc/fuse.conf`, then mount fs with `-o allow_root` (only root) or `-o allow_other` (any user, including root).
* [[systemd-nspawn|https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Systemd-nspawn]] --- //chroot on steroids// for systemd hosts and guests
* [[systemd-nspawn|https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Systemd-nspawn]] --- //chroot on steroids// for systemd hosts and guests.
** Quick boot a mounted rootfs: `-b -D ${rootfs path}`.
** Kill booted container from shell: hold Ctrl and quickly press ] for 3 times.
* [[Running a script every time a new kernel is installed|https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/30320/running-a-script-every-time-a-new-kernel-is-installed]] --- Just place a sh script in `/etc/kernel/postinst.d/`
* [[Running a script every time a new kernel is installed|https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/30320/running-a-script-every-time-a-new-kernel-is-installed]] --- Just place a sh script in `/etc/kernel/postinst.d/` (with the correct filename order).
* [[linuxserver/webtop|https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-webtop]] --- //Ubuntu, Alpine, Arch, and Fedora based Webtop Docker images, Linux in a web browser supporting popular desktop environments//
** Note: apparently the `/websockify` HTTP endpoint doesn't respect the option for installing the container under an HTTP subpath; in practice this could mean that more than one container at the same time cannot be used behind a reverse proxy without some modification, but instead have to be accessed from their dedicated port directly.
!!! ''Benchmarks''
@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
created: 20230213172417684
creator: Octt
modified: 20230213173140940
modified: 20230823233016191
modifier: Octt
tags: VPN Libre
title: OpenVPN
<<MediaWiki OpenVPN en 5>>
<<^wikipediaframe OpenVPN en>>
* https://openvpn.net/
* https://github.com/OpenVPN
* [[Android]] Client: [<<FDroidLink de.blinkt.openvpn>>] [<<GPlayLink de.blinkt.openvpn>>] [[[Git|https://github.com/schwabe/ics-openvpn]]]
* [[OpenVPN for Docker|https://github.com/lisenet/docker-openvpn]] --- [[lisenet/openvpn|https://hub.docker.com/r/lisenet/openvpn]]
** [[HowTo on old repo: README.md|https://github.com/kylemanna/docker-openvpn/blob/master/README.md#quick-start]]
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
created: 20230117105218211
creator: Octt
modified: 20230206111552340
modified: 20230823232212160
modifier: Octt
tags: TODO $:/i18n:en
title: Pseudo-OS:en
title: Pseudo-OS
A ''pseudo-operating-system'' is a software that acts (in a limited way) like an operating system, but is usually a normal application that runs on top of real OS.
!!! ''Here are some''
* [[daedalOS|daedalOS:en]]
* ''OS.js'': [[Website|https://www.os-js.org]] | [[Demo|https://demo.os-js.org]] | [[Git|https://github.com/os-js]]
* [[daedalOS|daedalOS]]
* ''OS.js'': [[Website|https://www.os-js.org]] | [[Demo|https://demo.os-js.org]] | [[Git|https://github.com/os-js]]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
created: 20230823230246626
creator: Octt
modified: 20230823230810486
modifier: Octt
title: Server
<<^wikipediaframe "Server (computing)">>
* [[LinuxServer.io|https://www.linuxserver.io/]] --- //Building and maintaining community Docker images// --- <<[# Docs "https://docs.linuxserver.io">>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
created: 20230207213320932
creator: Octt
modified: 20230608141040430
modified: 20230823232557834
modifier: Octt
tags: Microsoft Proprietary OS
title: Windows
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ title: Windows
<<^wikipediaframe Microsoft_Windows en>>
* [[Generic key to install Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 8|https://winaero.com/generic-key-to-install-windows/]]
* [[Convert an existing Windows 10 Installation from Legacy BIOS to UEFI|https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/convert-an-existing-windows-10-installation-from/aa8c2de3-460b-4a8c-b30b-641405f800d7]]
!! ''Resources'' for the platform
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
created: 20230116204701243
modified: 20230206111552095
creator: Octt
modified: 20230823232233301
modifier: Octt
tags: $:/i18n:en
title: daedalOS:en
title: daedalOS
''[[daedalOS|https://dustinbrett.com]]'' is an [[open-source]] [[pseudo-OS]] made for the Web browser.
''[[daedalOS|https://dustinbrett.com]]'' is an [[open-source]] [[pseudo-OS|Pseudo-OS]] made for the Web browser.
* Git: [[github.com/DustinBrett/daedalOS|https://github.com/DustinBrett/daedalOS]]
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
created: 20230823102106975
created: 20230823233536126
current-tiddler: GettingStarted
modified: 20230823102106975
modified: 20230823233536126
title: $:/HistoryList
type: application/json
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
created: 20230823095156998
creator: Octt
modified: 20230823101807367
modified: 20230823233148352
modifier: Octt
title: $:/StoryList
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
created: 20220920092307479
creator: Octt
modified: 20230822233850934
modified: 20230823225313779
modifier: Octt
title: $:/state/tab/sidebar--595412856
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