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This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
created: 20230202230035698
creator: Octt
icon: 🤖
modified: 20231221161143011
modified: 20231227005302837
modifier: Octt
page-cover: https://source.unsplash.com/random?android
tags: OS Google Linux
@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ title: Android
* [[F-Droid|https://f-droid.org/]] --- //installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform// --- <<[# Git"https://gitlab.com/fdroid">>
* [[Kali NetHunter App Store|https://store.nethunter.com/en/]] --- //installable catalogue of Android applications for penetration testing and forensics// --- <<[# Git"https://gitlab.com/kalilinux/nethunter/store/">>
* //''<<FDroidLink com.github.tmo1.sms_ie "SMS Import / Export">>'' is a simple Android app that imports and exports SMS and MMS messages, call logs, and contacts from and to JSON / NDJSON files.// --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/tmo1/sms-ie">>
* <<FDroidLink org.sufficientlysecure.ical "Calendar Import-Export">> --- //Import/export your Android calendars as ics files without using the Google cloud// --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/SufficientlySecure/calendar-import-export">>
** This seems to work better, but UX is worse: [[iCal Import/Export CalDAV|https://apkpure.com/ical-import-export-caldav/tk.drlue.icalimportexport]]
* [[All you need to know about LOST.DIR folder on Android devices|http://thesundaycoder.blogspot.com/2014/06/all-you-need-to-know-about-lostdir.html]]
* [[What Is a NOMEDIA File?|https://androidforums.com/threads/whats-a-nomedia-file.307529/]] --- An empty file called `.nomedia` is used to hide the media content of the directory (and subdirectories) it's placed in from gallery apps and such.
* [[I found a hidden folder called ".face" on my phone. It is full of faces cropped from pictures I've taken or downloaded.|https://xdaforums.com/t/face-folder-is-choking-with-thousands-of-files.1929380/]] --- it's apparently a Samsung thing (can't understand if it also happens on other ROMs), a cache for the built-in gallery face recognition system... only question is, why is this just on `/sdcard` and not in a proper cache directory? other people say it's used by the Android system in general, don't know if they have a Samsung ROM or not --- also see on <<RedditL r/Android/comments/2jm9j7/i_found_a_hidden_folder_called_face_on_my_phone/>>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
created: 20231227013056119
creator: Octt
modified: 20231227013217297
modifier: Octt
title: Chat
<<^wikipediaframe "Online chat">>
* //''[[ChatBro|https://www.chatbro.com/en/]]'' is a web-based messenger that can be synchronized with Telegram and VK.//
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
created: 20231224171029994
creator: Octt
modified: 20231224171143636
modified: 20231227005340172
modifier: Octt
title: Computing
@ -8,3 +8,5 @@ title: Computing
<<^WikipediaFrame "Computing">>
* [[Computernewb|https://computernewb.com/]] --- //personal domain where I host various projects, probably the most famous one being CollabVM//
* <<WikipediaL "pushd and popd">>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
created: 20230613185754543
creator: Octt
modified: 20231220004739816
modified: 20231227013022723
modifier: Octt
title: Development
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ title: Development
* [[AST explorer|https://astexplorer.net/]] --- //A web tool to explore the ASTs generated by various parsers.// --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/fkling/astexplorer">>
** [[metajs|http://www.jezng.com/metajs/]] --- //visualize javascript AST execution// --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/int3/metajs">>
* [[NamsoGen|https://namso-gen.com]] --- //Your Testing Toolkit//
!!! Resources
@ -1,28 +1,38 @@
created: 20230114154554721
creator: Octt
modified: 20230305194218495
modified: 20231227012857511
modifier: Octt
page-cover: https://source.unsplash.com/random?Matrix
tags: Internet TODO $:/i18n:en
title: Matrix
\define ElementGit(Repo:"") [[Git|https://github.com/vector-im/$Repo$]]
\define MatrixGit(Repo:"") <<[ "[[Git|https://github.com/matrix-org/$Repo$]]">>
\define ElementGit(Repo:"") <<[ "[[Git|https://github.com/element-hq/$Repo$]]">>
<<^wikipediaframe "Matrix (protocol)" en>>
* https://matrix.org/
* https://github.com/matrix-org
* [[Matrix Specification|https://spec.matrix.org]] --- //The Matrix protocol specification// --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec">>
; Clients
: [[Element|https://element.io/]] - Flagship client; Web-Desktop and Mobile are different codebases - [<<ElementGit>>]
: [[Hydrogen|https://hydrogen.element.io/]] - (WIP by Element team) //Lightweight matrix client with legacy and mobile browser support// - [<<ElementGit hydrogen-web>>]
: [[FluffyChat|https://fluffychat.im/]] - //open source, nonprofit and cute matrix messenger app// <<[ "[[Git|https://gitlab.com/famedly/fluffychat]]">>
: [[Element|https://element.io/]] --- //glossy Matrix collaboration clients// --- Flagship client; Web-Desktop and Mobile are different codebases --- <<ElementGit>> <<[# "Element Matrix Services SaaS Docs" "https://ems-docs.element.io/">>
:* [[Spaccamient|https://spacc-inc.github.io/Spaccamient/]] --- mobile-first Element Web fork --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/Spacc-Inc/Spaccamient">>
:* //''[[SchildiChat|https://schildi.chat/]]'' is a feature-rich messenger for Matrix based on Element with some extras and tweaks.// --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/SchildiChat">>
: [[Hydrogen|https://hydrogen.element.io/]] --- (WIP by Element team) //Lightweight matrix client with legacy and mobile browser support// --- <<ElementGit hydrogen-web>>
: [[FluffyChat|https://fluffychat.im/]] --- //open source, nonprofit and cute matrix messenger app// --- <<[ "[[Git|https://gitlab.com/famedly/fluffychat]]">>
; Servers
: [[Synapse|https://matrix.org/docs/projects/server/synapse]] - //Matrix.org’s reference server// - <<[ "[[Git|https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse]]">>
: [[Synapse|https://matrix.org/docs/projects/server/synapse]] --- //Matrix.org’s reference server// --- <<[ "[[Git|https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse]]">>
; Bots
: ''[[maubot|https://maubot.xyz/]]'' - //A plugin-based Matrix bot system// - <<[ "[[GitHub|https://github.com/maubot]]">> <<[ "[[GitLab (CI)|https://mau.dev/maubot]]">> [<<MatrixLink "#maubot:maunium.net">>] <<[ "[[Docs|https://docs.mau.fi/]]">>
: ''[[maubot|https://maubot.xyz/]]'' - //A plugin-based Matrix bot system// --- <<[ "[[GitHub|https://github.com/maubot]]">> <<[ "[[GitLab (CI)|https://mau.dev/maubot]]">> [<<MatrixLink "#maubot:maunium.net">>] <<[ "[[Docs|https://docs.mau.fi/]]">>
; Bridges
: All by ''mautrix'': https://github.com/mautrix - <<[ "[[Docs|https://docs.mau.fi/]]">>
: All by ''mautrix'': https://github.com/mautrix --- <<[ "[[Docs|https://docs.mau.fi/]]">>
: All by ''mx-puppet'': https://gitlab.com/mx-puppet
!!! Misc
* [[Maunium sticker picker|https://github.com/maunium/stickerpicker]] --- //fast and simple Matrix sticker picker widget. Tested on Element Web, Android & iOS//
* [[Third Room|https://thirdroom.io/]] (w/WebSG) --- //Open, decentralized, immersive worlds built on Matrix// --- <<MatrixGit thirdroom>>
@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
created: 20230112112905496
creator: Octt
modified: 20230216115703349
icon: 🌻
modified: 20231227012335262
modifier: Octt
page-cover: https://source.unsplash.com/random?MediaWiki-Wiki-Wikipedia
tags: $:/i18n:en Wiki
title: MediaWiki
<<MediaWiki MediaWiki en 4>>
<<^wikipediaframe MediaWiki en>>
!! ''Resources''
@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
created: 20230824093445874
creator: Octt
modified: 20230824093649263
icon: 🗒️
modified: 20231227011627181
modifier: Octt
page-cover: https://source.unsplash.com/random?Note
tags: WIP
title: Note
<<^wikipediaframe Note-taking>>
<<^wikipediaframe Note-taking>>
* [[Memos|https://www.usememos.com/]] --- //A privacy-first, lightweight note-taking service
Easily capture and share your great thoughts.// --- interesting app, reminds me of a text-based social network but it's a private note app --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/usememos">>
** Seen in: <<YoutubeL w7aH23Jyg58 "Memos is a BEAUTIFUL Free and Open Source note-taking app [TechHut]">>
* [[Simplenote|https://simplenote.com/]] --- //The simplest way to keep notes// --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/orgs/Automattic/repositories?q=simplenote&type=all&language=&sort=">>
* [[Standard Notes]]
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
created: 20230206204937437
creator: Octt
modified: 20231222222822130
modified: 20231227011519132
modifier: Octt
title: Telegram
@ -14,3 +14,7 @@ title: Telegram
* [[Teledrive|https://github.com/mgilangjanuar/teledrive]] --- //The cloud drive alternative using Telegram API//
* [[Telegram Index (Fork)|https://github.com/octospacc/TelegramIndex-Fork]] - //Python web app to index telegram chats and serve its files for download over HTTP//
* [[RSS to Telegram Bot|https://t.me/RSStT_Bot]] (`@`) --- //A Telegram RSS bot that cares about your reading experience// --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/Rongronggg9/RSS-to-Telegram-Bot">>
!!! Misc
* How Telegram banned me, I lost everything: [[https://bbs.spacc.eu.org/viewtopic.php?t=160]]
@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
created: 20230203223711243
creator: Octt
modified: 20230217225226443
modified: 20231227012206962
modifier: Octt
tags: $:/i18n:en Information Knowledge
title: Wiki
<<^wikipediaframe Wiki en>>
<<^wikipediaframe Wiki en>>
* //''[[BookStack|https://www.bookstackapp.com/]]'' is a simple, self-hosted, easy-to-use platform for organising and storing information.// --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/BookStackApp">>
* [[MediaWiki]]
* [[TiddlyWiki]]
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
created: 20231224174455396
created: 20231227013253646
current-tiddler: GettingStarted
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title: $:/HistoryList
type: application/json
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created: 20231224150937684
created: 20231227004423151
creator: Octt
modified: 20231224174253550
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modifier: Octt
title: $:/StoryList
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created: 20220920140732083
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modifier: Octt
title: $:/state/showeditpreview
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modifier: Octt
title: $:/state/search-list/selected-item--1546365138
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created: 20220920092307479
creator: Octt
modified: 20231224174424630
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title: $:/state/tab/sidebar--595412856
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