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synced 2025-03-23 03:50:04 +01:00
OcttKB Cross-Repo Sync (HTML to Raw)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
created: 20230429190335486
creator: Octt
modified: 20231218233909434
modified: 20231220003811355
modifier: Octt
title: Saved/Sites/Development
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ Note: the most technically useful ones, or the non-too-personal ones, might be l
* [[Chibi Aliens / ChibiAkumas|https://www.chibialiens.com/]] --- //learn Assembly for the Greatest Classic Processors//
* [[The Copetti Site - Rodrigo Copetti|https://www.copetti.org/]] --- //Technical writings for hungry readers// --- has a //Architecture of Consoles// series
* [[copyrat90::devlog|https://copyrat90.github.io/]], <<httpL velog.io/@copyrat90>> --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/copyrat90/copyrat90.github.io">>
* [[Coto's development site|https://coto88.bitbucket.io/]]
* [[Ctrl Alt Develop|https://www.ctrlaltdevelop.com/]] --- //Control the conditions. Alter your paradigm. Develop a solution.//
* [[delasign|https://www.delasign.com/]] --- //we design, develop & optimize digital products & experiences for companies & individuals.//
* [[DevDugeon|https://www.devdungeon.com/]] --- //Virtual Hackerspace; programming, cybersecurity, software freedom, and electronics//
@ -28,8 +29,8 @@ Note: the most technically useful ones, or the non-too-personal ones, might be l
* [[Jack's AutoHotkey Blog|https://jacks-autohotkey-blog.com/]] --- //Feed Your Brain While Adding Power to Your Windows Computers//
* [[Hey onetwo!|https://onetwo.ren/]] --- //林一二的开放记忆 | 关于前端_模因学_语义网_游戏开发_的博客 (Lin Yier's Open Memory | Blog about front-end, memetics, semantic web, game development)//
** TiddlyWiki: [[Standard|https://onetwo.ren/wiki/]], [[Prerelease|https://wiki.onetwo.ren/]] --- //knowledge base mainly used to store text memes that Lin Yier encounters by chance, as well as to replace his various thoughts posted in Weibo Moments, and as a directory to pile up online content to be sorted out during the exploration process//
* [[Lessons from a...
Creative Developer (iwearshorts.com)|https://iwearshorts.com/]] --- //Things I learn along the way, I keep here. Life, lessons and betterment through code.//
* <<httpsL kura.gg>>
* [[Lessons from a... Creative Developer (iwearshorts.com)|https://iwearshorts.com/]] --- //Things I learn along the way, I keep here. Life, lessons and betterment through code.//
* [[Krzysztof Kowalczyk|https://blog.kowalczyk.info/]] --- design and implementation of software
* [[Lameguy64|http://lameguy64.net/]] --- mainly PS1 development projects
* [[Meefik's Blog|https://meefik.github.io/]] --- //Freedom and Open Source// --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/meefik/meefik.github.io">>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
created: 20230223222804008
creator: Octt
modified: 20231219002310214
modified: 20231220003130385
modifier: Octt
title: Saved/Sites
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ Note: "[property]-leaning" means the majority of the content of the site, or the
* [[Akalanka Ekanayake Blog|https://blog.akalanka.uk/]] --- It's a curious blog, mainly deals with IT subject but the theme/style looks like a fashion blog lmao
* [[Ctrl blog by Daniel Aleksandersen|https://www.ctrl.blog/]]
* [[Eli Grey|https://eligrey.com/]]
* [[FlareXeshttps://flarexes.com]]
* [[Fabrizio Musacchio|https://www.fabriziomusacchio.com/]]
* [[FlareXes|https://flarexes.com]]
* [[Gianmarco Gargiulo|https://gianmarco.gg]]
* <<httpL iter.ca>>
* [[koyu's personal website|https://web.koyu.space/]]
@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ Note: "[property]-leaning" means the majority of the content of the site, or the
* [[Lily's Things at The Cool Site|https://www.lilysthings.org/]]
* [[Lyosha Cluster (Лёша Кластер)|https://cluster.wtf/]]
* [[Mega Cat Studios, Inc.|https://megacatstudios.com/pages/table-of-contents]] --- with blog about retro, videogame, and development subjects
* [[Magnetismo 2.1 - Il meglio dell'informatica|https://magnetismoinformatica.blogspot.com/]]
* [[📚 Nitay Neeman's Blog|https://nitayneeman.github.io/]]
* [[P01✨ CREATIVE CODER & TECHNICAL SPEAKER|http://www.p01.org]]
* [[Read the Tea Leaves|https://nolanlawson.com/]] --- //Software and other dark arts, by Nolan Lawson//
@ -54,12 +56,14 @@ These are portfolios, collections of projects, hubs, landing pages, etc.
* [[OctoSpacc Hub|https://hub.octt.eu.org]]
* [[abe's projects - abe.today|https://abe.today/]] --- //Hi, I'm abe. I enjoy making things!//
* [[Arktis :: Sigve Sebastian Farstad|https://arkt.is/]]
* [[ari melody|https://arimelody.me/]] --- //your local SPACEGIRL 💫//
* [[Daniel X's Artisanal Internets|https://danielx.net/]]
** [[Whimsy Space - ZineOS|https://whimsy.space/]]
* [[Grumpy Website|https://grumpy.website/]] --- //world-leading media conglomerate of renowned experts in UIs, UX and TVs//
* [[Jeff Thompson|https://www.jeffreythompson.org/]] --- many creative programming and artistic tech works by the author are highlighted on the site
* [[libdb.so (diamondburned)|https://libdb.so/]] / <<httpsL diamondx.pet>> --- cool site, the thing is just a terminal shell but with working links, images, and small tools --- <<[# Git "https://github.com/diamondburned/libdb.so">>
* <<httpL "Neal.fun">>
* [[Nanolx|https://nanolx.org/]] --- //Hacking @ Debian//
* [[Novasquirrel's site|https://novasquirrel.com/]]
* [[Rogue Studio|https://rogue.studio/]] --- //Digital marketing, branding, and product experience studio//
* [[The Hacker's Choice|https://www.thc.org]] --- group of international hackers, founded in 1995 --- <<[# "Knowledge Base" "https://iq.thc.org">>
Wiki-OcttKB/tiddlers/Normal/_Binary data.tid
Normal file
Wiki-OcttKB/tiddlers/Normal/_Binary data.tid
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
created: 20231219235731033
creator: Octt
modified: 20231220003912895
modifier: Octt
title: Binary data
<<^wikipediaframe "Binary data">>
!!! Hex editing
* `hexdump`, `xxd`
* GHex
* [[HxD|]]
* //''[[wxMEdit|https://wxmedit.github.io/]]'', a Cross-platform Text/Hex Editor, an improved version of MadEdit// --- <<[# Git "https://github.com/wxMEdit">>
@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
created: 20230613185754543
creator: Octt
modified: 20231204002753646
modified: 20231220004739816
modifier: Octt
title: Development
<<^wikipediaframe "Software development">>
!!! Tools
* [[AST explorer|https://astexplorer.net/]] --- //A web tool to explore the ASTs generated by various parsers.// --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/fkling/astexplorer">>
** [[metajs|http://www.jezng.com/metajs/]] --- //visualize javascript AST execution// --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/int3/metajs">>
!!! Resources
* <<WikipediaL "Dependency hell">>
* <<RedditL r/webdev/comments/spr2db/confused_about_web_app_architecture_and/ "Confused about web app architecture and separation of frontend and backend">>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
created: 20221006205957260
creator: Octt
modified: 20231119010213861
modified: 20231220002438758
modifier: Octt
tags: Development Gaming $:/i18n:en
title: Game development
@ -18,3 +18,7 @@ title: Game development
*** [[what is the difference between Update & FixedUpdate in Unity?|https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34447682/what-is-the-difference-between-update-fixedupdate-in-unity]]
** [[Fixed vs. variable frame rates in games: what is best, and when?|https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53164/fixed-vs-variable-frame-rates-in-games-what-is-best-and-when]]
*** <<RedditL r/gamedesign/comments/btjj2w/frame_dependency_in_games/ "Frame dependency in games">>
!!! Developers
* [[Dani|https://danidev.itch.io/]] <<[# YT"https://www.youtube.com/c/DaniDev">>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
created: 20231220001843174
creator: Octt
modified: 20231220002037856
modifier: Octt
title: Handheld
<<^wikipediaframe Handheld>>
* [[ClockworkPi|https://www.clockworkpi.com/]]
@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
created: 20230711110503152
creator: Octt
modified: 20230711111218971
modified: 20231220005057044
modifier: Octt
title: MD5
title: Hashing
<<^wikipediaframe "Hash function">>
<<^wikipediaframe MD5>>
* [[Generate md5 checksum for all files in a directory|https://askubuntu.com/questions/318530/generate-md5-checksum-for-all-files-in-a-directory]] --- `find -type f -exec md5sum "{}" + > checklist.chk`
MD5 nowadays is known much vulnerable to collisions:
* [[Are there two data blocks causing and MD5 collision?|https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/1434/are-there-two-known-strings-which-have-the-same-md5-hash-value]]
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
created: 20220923110724649
creator: Octt
modified: 20231110000102274
modified: 20231220004841392
modifier: Octt
title: Nintendo
@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ title: Nintendo
<<^wikipediaframe Nintendo>>
* <<linkdescgit "NSMB-MarioVsLuigi" "https://ipodtouch0218.itch.io/nsmb-mariovsluigi" "A standalone 2-10 player remake of the Mario vs Luigi gamemode from New Super Mario Bros DS." "https://github.com/ipodtouch0218/NSMB-MarioVsLuigi">>
* [[Froxot Browser Games for Nintendo DSi/3DS/2DS|http://www.froxot.de/index.php]]
; Tools
: [[mkey generator|https://mkey.salthax.org/]] - //3DS / Wii U / Switch parental controls master key generator// - <<[ "[[Git|https://github.com/dazjo/mkey]]">>
: [[NDSTokyoTrim|https://eden.fm/ndstoykotrim/]] - batch trimmer with wifi detection --- <<[# Thread"https://gbatemp.net/threads/ndstokyotrim-batch-trimmer-with-wifi-detection.55162/">>
!!! ''News''
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
created: 20231220005125463
creator: Octt
modified: 20231220005200282
modifier: Octt
title: PHP
<<^wikipediaframe PHP>>
* [[PHP: Find all images in a HTML string|https://thisinterestsme.com/php-get-images-from-html/]]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
created: 20231219123628187
creator: Octt
modified: 20231220000424514
modifier: Octt
title: PlayStation
<<^wikipediaframe PlayStation>>
* [[Dodgy Keblog|https://dodgyke.blogspot.com/]] --- //The DodgyKebaab PlayStation Save File repository//
* [[どこでもいっしょ.com (PlayStation)|https://www.playstation.com/ja-jp/games/dokodemoissyo/]]
** //''[[Doko Demo Issyo Wiki|https://dokodemo.fandom.com/]]'' is a collaborative website about the Doko Demo Issyo series that anyone can edit!//
** <<YoutubeL 0x8Tgm9s068 "PlayStation’s Forgotten Official Mascot - The Complete History of Toro Inoue & Doko Domo Issyo">>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
created: 20231103222629549
creator: Octt
modified: 20231103223257478
modified: 20231220004122736
modifier: Octt
title: Regex
@ -8,5 +8,6 @@ title: Regex
<<^wikipediaframe Regex>>
* [[regex101|https://regex101.com]] --- webapp to //build, test, and debug regex//
* [[RegexOne|https://regexone.com/]] --- //Learn Regular Expressions with simple, interactive exercises.//
* [[You can't parse [X]HTML with regex|https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1732348/regex-match-open-tags-except-xhtml-self-contained-tags/1732454#1732454]]
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
created: 20230905232949767
creator: Octt
modified: 20231217014000892
modified: 20231220003710564
modifier: Octt
title: Static site generator
@ -19,4 +19,7 @@ title: Static site generator
*** <<linkdescgit "Jekflix Template" "https://jekflix.rossener.com/" "A Jekyll theme inspired by Netflix. 🎬" "https://github.com/thiagorossener/jekflix-template">>
** [[Working with upcoming posts in Jekyll|https://www.fizerkhan.com/blog/posts/working-with-upcoming-posts-in-jekyll]]
* [[Pelican|https://getpelican.com/]]
** [[Eevee|https://kura.gg/eevee/]] --- //A Material Design theme for Pelican//
* <<linkdescgit Retype "https://retype.com" "ultra-high-performance ✨ static website generator that builds a website based on simple Markdown text files" "https://github.com/retypeapp">> --- seems catered towards docs/notes sites
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
created: 20231105150445511
creator: Octt
modified: 20231211233431576
modified: 20231220002441535
modifier: Octt
title: Strange things
@ -17,3 +17,6 @@ title: Strange things
** Alternative version: <<YoutubeL w0XJ8D-TJtM "Database of Damascus - This Database Contains All YOUR Files (and Everyone Else's too)">>
* [[https://www.playemulator.io/]] --- very strange-feeling site with online ROMs emulators, due to all the SEO crap, and possibly wrong thumbnails applied to misleadingly titled games
* [[Smokepowered - 煙霧動力.com|https://smokepowered.com/]] --- strange site with weed background and video of Valve characters smoking
** [[Epic Blazed|https://epicblazed.com/]] --- same thing above, but for Epic Games, Unreal Engine, Fortnite
@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
created: 20230225150019278
creator: Octt
modified: 20230724220212290
modified: 20231219235721020
modifier: Octt
tags: WIP
title: Text
* [[SymbolCopy.com ☆|https://www.symbolcopy.com/]] --- //Copy ✂️ and Paste 📋 Symbols//, without JavaScript
!! ''Unicode''
<<^wikipediaframe Unicode>>
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
created: 20231219002938405
created: 20231220005258685
current-tiddler: GettingStarted
modified: 20231219002938405
modified: 20231220005258685
title: $:/HistoryList
type: application/json
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
created: 20231218233406116
created: 20231219155706359
creator: Octt
modified: 20231219002648497
modified: 20231220004850449
modifier: Octt
title: $:/StoryList
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
created: 20220920092307479
creator: Octt
modified: 20231217014005621
modified: 20231220004843615
modifier: Octt
title: $:/state/tab/sidebar--595412856
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