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2023-02-28 12:07:24 +01:00
created: 20230208223358132
creator: Octt
2023-03-05 00:09:59 +00:00
modified: 20230305000625598
2023-02-28 12:07:24 +01:00
modifier: Octt
title: Saved/Videos
\define y(ID, Title) <<YouTubeLink "$ID$" "$Title$">>
2023-03-02 12:05:38 +00:00
Videos I want to save or comment but don't fit into specific categories.
2023-02-28 12:07:24 +01:00
; Cicalone Simone
: <<y drlRLXqOVo8 "Abbiamo Preso il criminale che ci ha Aggredito con un Coltello alla Stazione Termini">> <dd>
Fa pensare molto il momento del video sottotitolato con "Mondo al contrario: criminali che chiamano la polizia", in cui con la (fattualmente falsa) scusa che la squadra di Cicalone lo stesse minacciando, il criminale fa cenno ad una vicina pattuglia di venire a risolvere la situazione... il criminale ha chiamato la polizia, non Cicalone, assurdo.
; GioPizzi
: <<y 8FvSyETGz-Q "Questa è la (nostra) guerra">> <dd>
Nell'anniversario dell'inizio della guerra in Ucraina del 2022, un'analisi su tutto ciò che è girato attorno ad essa. Dai motivi effettivi del perché sia iniziata, come mai le reazioni esterne sono state quelle che abbiamo visto, e infine cosa bisognerebbe imparare dalla tragedia, perché riguarda costantemente anche noi che viviamo fisicamente fuori dal conflitto.
; I did a thing
: <<y o8sj7uxLg88 "I made an illegal home security system!">> <dd>
In the video a solution for house security is created using a paintball gun, some servomotors, and a PC running a face detection program. When any face is detected, the gun is made to turn to face the person, and then shoot them.
: <<y SYZUBG-YLc0 "I made hermit crabs armor then released them!">>
; Johnny Harris
: <<y u550Si9rNv4 "Inside Putin's Censorship War: How These YouTubers Are Fighting Back">>
: <<y aBppb2quqkE "The International Date Line, Explained">>
; Louis Rossmann
2023-03-05 00:09:59 +00:00
: <<y DN44n_F_CPo "This mentality is why the world SUCKS!">> <dd>
When a company does a shitty thing, naive people always say "//Just don't buy from that brand if you are against that move//", or the opposite "//you're an idiot for buying the anti-consumer product//". This is wrong since:
* Any company that was one day "good" will the next reveal itself "bad" if it's profitable.
** Then, there will be no good alternatives and you will be forced to "just buy" whatever you were saying to "just don't buy" the day before.
* By combating ourselves (between customers) we miss the big picture and the actual point of the matter, which is some moves are just plain bad and must be fought for what they are.
** Companies profit from the fact that people do war at each other instead of being united and ultimately get to undermine the freedoms of everyone.
2023-02-28 12:07:24 +01:00
: <<y KGszSj0BLeg "Mainstream media catching onto the 'you own nothing' culture shift">> <dd>
Commentary of Charlie Warzel's article on The Atlantic "[[My Printer Is Extorting Me|https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2023/02/home-printer-digital-rights-management-hp-instant-ink-subscription/672913/]]". An analysis on how anti-consumer [[DRM]] and subscription models are becoming so problematic that now even more mainstream media is starting to shed some light on the issue.
2023-02-28 23:03:18 +00:00
; TED-Ed
2023-03-04 23:12:24 +01:00
: <<y bFIVYRfyb3E "What if you experienced every human life?">>
; ThioJoe
: <<y 0fIUiv9-UFk "How Anyone Can DESTROY A Scam Website in Minutes 😤 (Scammers Will HATE This)">>
2023-02-28 23:03:18 +00:00
2023-02-28 12:07:24 +01:00
; yotobi
: <<y 68Dod4aE7Qs "Un trauma chiamato 'Ultimo Minuto'">> <dd>
Analisi di un vecchio programma televisivo che non conoscevo, che metteva in scena ricreazioni di fatti pericolosi e/o tragici realmente avvenuti come scherzi, facendo recitare persone prese alla buona e vedendo la reazione di quelle che, pensando siano reali, vanno incontro agli incidenti.
; ...
2023-03-01 12:11:40 +00:00
: <<y BW32yUEymvU "Rekka Bellum and Devine Lu Linvega, Hundred Rabbits - XOXO Festival (2019)">> <dd>
Life and experience of the 2 [[HundredRabbits]], how they got to live on a boat in the ocean.
2023-02-28 12:07:24 +01:00
: <<y baKCC2uTbRc "Stop Procrastinating With Note-Taking Apps Like Obsidian, Roam, Logseq">>
: <<y T0TZcdry1p4 "MS-DOS tutorial, or cure for insomnia?">>
: <<y 6avJHaC3C2U "The Art of Code - Dylan Beattie">>
: <<y zpq9irl2yE4 "The PC turbo button mystery finally solved! [VWestlife]">>
2023-03-01 12:11:40 +00:00
2023-02-28 12:07:24 +01:00
: <<y JuB08kwQUDk "1. Cronache marxiane: Marx aveva ragione?">>