List of some Internet sites (Web and also other protocols) I want to save, for some reason or another. Sometimes they have interesting content, others I just like the aesthetic, or navigation experience. All here are miscellaneous, look in subpages for categories.
Some personal ones could be defined as "[[digital gardens|Digital Garden]]".
Note: "[property]-leaning" means the majority of the content of the site, or the site's style, leans towards that property (in majority, but not necessarily in totality).
* [[Akalanka Ekanayake Blog|]] --- It's a curious blog, mainly deals with IT subject but the theme/style looks like a fashion blog lmao
* Andrea Minini PKB: [[.com|]], [[.org|]]
** [[How (by Okpedia)|]] --- //Tutorials and Solutions KB// --- (apparently a separate wiki of the same person above, also multi-language)
* [[Computer Science Mojo|]] --- //David's Notes on coding, software and computer science// --- <<[ "[[Git|]]">>
** [2023-08-18] Apparently the majority of pages in now paywalled, and the public Git repo isn't receiving any updates. Since the wiki is still static, the paywall can be bypassed by injecting following CSS code: `.modalblur{display:none !important;}`; otherwise, also disabing JavaScript is an option (but breaks navigation on mobile and search globally).
** One easter egg is the client source code is hidden as a binary-encoded string represented by spaces and tabs; The server providing the data uses something (headers? but also other stuff) to only serve the real HTML to a browser; curl/wget without all the browser headers (and a browser after a reload in `view-source:` ?) get a fake HTML. <<#[ "Older but more in-depth analysis" "">>
* [[|]] --- Progetto a quanto pare abbandonato sulla privacy e il controllo, basato sul paradigma di [[pseudo-OS|Pseudo-OS]] web (anche fin troppo complottista e paranoide nei contenuti, ma tecnicamente è interessante).