* [[NES Programming [Wikibooks]|https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/NES_Programming]] --- an extremely WIP resource on the matter as of 2023/11, but it's worth for it being just a concise list of specs and memory layout
** [[FamiStudio|https://famistudio.org/]] --- //very simple music editor for NES/Famicom targeted at both chiptune artists and NES homebrewers// --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/BleuBleu/FamiStudio">>
** FamiTracker: after official development ceased and website died, see <<RedditL r/famitracker/comments/n97ve9/where_do_i_download_famitracker/ "Where do I download famitracker?">>
*** apparently, current best fork is [[Dn-Famitracker|https://github.com/Dn-Programming-Core-Management/Dn-FamiTracker]]
** [[NEXXT|https://frankengraphics.itch.io/nexxt]] --- //Featureful NES assets studio based off the classic "NES Screen Tool". It's the "famitracker" of NES graphics.// (sources included)
* <<linkdescgit "C NES Starter Kit""https://cppchriscpp.github.io/nes-starter-kit/" "Simplified starter kit for making NES games using C and graphical tools." "https://github.com/cppchriscpp/nes-starter-kit">>
* [[ASM NES Starter Kit|https://github.com/battlelinegames/nes-starter-kit]] --- //starter kit for developing Nintendo Entertainment System games using 6502 Assembly language// with specific useful information
* [[nessemble|https://github.com/kevinselwyn/nessemble]] --- //6502 assembler/disassembler/simulator targeting the Nintendo Entertainment System//
* [[BZK 6502 Disassembler|https://github.com/cyneprepou4uk/BZK-6502-Disassembler]] --- //Create a disassembly of a NES game// --- <<[# Manual "https://cyneprepou4uk.github.io/iromhacker/nes/en/bzk6502/1/index.html">> <<[# Thread "https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=31875.0">>
* [[NES Games Disassembly|https://github.com/cyneprepou4uk/NES-Games-Disassembly]] --- //Source code of some NES games// --- <<[# Thread "https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=32220.0">>