
261 lines
10 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2020 yuzu Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <algorithm>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "common/div_ceil.h"
#include "video_core/surface.h"
#include "video_core/texture_cache/formatter.h"
#include "video_core/texture_cache/image_base.h"
#include "video_core/texture_cache/image_view_info.h"
#include "video_core/texture_cache/util.h"
namespace VideoCommon {
using VideoCore::Surface::DefaultBlockHeight;
using VideoCore::Surface::DefaultBlockWidth;
namespace {
/// Returns the base layer and mip level offset
[[nodiscard]] std::pair<s32, s32> LayerMipOffset(s32 diff, u32 layer_stride) {
if (layer_stride == 0) {
return {0, diff};
} else {
return {diff / layer_stride, diff % layer_stride};
[[nodiscard]] bool ValidateLayers(const SubresourceLayers& layers, const ImageInfo& info) {
return layers.base_level < info.resources.levels &&
layers.base_layer + layers.num_layers <= info.resources.layers;
[[nodiscard]] bool ValidateCopy(const ImageCopy& copy, const ImageInfo& dst, const ImageInfo& src) {
const Extent3D src_size = MipSize(src.size, copy.src_subresource.base_level);
const Extent3D dst_size = MipSize(dst.size, copy.dst_subresource.base_level);
if (!ValidateLayers(copy.src_subresource, src)) {
return false;
if (!ValidateLayers(copy.dst_subresource, dst)) {
return false;
if (copy.src_offset.x + copy.extent.width > src_size.width ||
copy.src_offset.y + copy.extent.height > src_size.height ||
copy.src_offset.z + copy.extent.depth > src_size.depth) {
return false;
if (copy.dst_offset.x + copy.extent.width > dst_size.width ||
copy.dst_offset.y + copy.extent.height > dst_size.height ||
copy.dst_offset.z + copy.extent.depth > dst_size.depth) {
return false;
return true;
} // Anonymous namespace
ImageBase::ImageBase(const ImageInfo& info_, GPUVAddr gpu_addr_, VAddr cpu_addr_)
: info{info_}, guest_size_bytes{CalculateGuestSizeInBytes(info)},
converted_size_bytes{CalculateConvertedSizeBytes(info)}, scale_rating{}, scale_tick{},
has_scaled{}, gpu_addr{gpu_addr_}, cpu_addr{cpu_addr_},
cpu_addr_end{cpu_addr + guest_size_bytes}, mip_level_offsets{CalculateMipLevelOffsets(info)} {
if (info.type == ImageType::e3D) {
slice_offsets = CalculateSliceOffsets(info);
slice_subresources = CalculateSliceSubresources(info);
ImageBase::ImageBase(const NullImageParams&) {}
ImageMapView::ImageMapView(GPUVAddr gpu_addr_, VAddr cpu_addr_, size_t size_, ImageId image_id_)
: gpu_addr{gpu_addr_}, cpu_addr{cpu_addr_}, size{size_}, image_id{image_id_} {}
std::optional<SubresourceBase> ImageBase::TryFindBase(GPUVAddr other_addr) const noexcept {
if (other_addr < gpu_addr) {
// Subresource address can't be lower than the base
return std::nullopt;
const u32 diff = static_cast<u32>(other_addr - gpu_addr);
if (diff > guest_size_bytes) {
// This can happen when two CPU addresses are used for different GPU addresses
return std::nullopt;
if (info.type != ImageType::e3D) {
const auto [layer, mip_offset] = LayerMipOffset(diff, info.layer_stride);
const auto end = mip_level_offsets.begin() + info.resources.levels;
const auto it = std::find(mip_level_offsets.begin(), end, static_cast<u32>(mip_offset));
if (layer > info.resources.layers || it == end) {
return std::nullopt;
return SubresourceBase{
.level = static_cast<s32>(std::distance(mip_level_offsets.begin(), it)),
.layer = layer,
} else {
// TODO: Consider using binary_search after a threshold
const auto it = std::ranges::find(slice_offsets, diff);
if (it == slice_offsets.cend()) {
return std::nullopt;
return slice_subresources[std::distance(slice_offsets.begin(), it)];
ImageViewId ImageBase::FindView(const ImageViewInfo& view_info) const noexcept {
const auto it = std::ranges::find(image_view_infos, view_info);
if (it == image_view_infos.end()) {
return ImageViewId{};
return image_view_ids[std::distance(image_view_infos.begin(), it)];
void ImageBase::InsertView(const ImageViewInfo& view_info, ImageViewId image_view_id) {
bool ImageBase::IsSafeDownload() const noexcept {
// Skip images that were not modified from the GPU
if (False(flags & ImageFlagBits::GpuModified)) {
return false;
// Skip images that .are. modified from the CPU
// We don't want to write sensitive data from the guest
if (True(flags & ImageFlagBits::CpuModified)) {
return false;
if (info.num_samples > 1) {
LOG_WARNING(HW_GPU, "MSAA image downloads are not implemented");
return false;
return true;
void ImageBase::CheckBadOverlapState() {
if (False(flags & ImageFlagBits::BadOverlap)) {
if (!overlapping_images.empty()) {
flags &= ~ImageFlagBits::BadOverlap;
void ImageBase::CheckAliasState() {
if (False(flags & ImageFlagBits::Alias)) {
if (!aliased_images.empty()) {
flags &= ~ImageFlagBits::Alias;
bool AddImageAlias(ImageBase& lhs, ImageBase& rhs, ImageId lhs_id, ImageId rhs_id) {
static constexpr auto OPTIONS = RelaxedOptions::Size | RelaxedOptions::Format;
ASSERT(lhs.info.type == rhs.info.type);
std::optional<SubresourceBase> base;
if (lhs.info.type == ImageType::Linear) {
base = SubresourceBase{.level = 0, .layer = 0};
} else {
// We are passing relaxed formats as an option, having broken views/bgr or not won't matter
static constexpr bool broken_views = false;
static constexpr bool native_bgr = true;
base = FindSubresource(rhs.info, lhs, rhs.gpu_addr, OPTIONS, broken_views, native_bgr);
if (!base) {
LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Image alias should have been flipped");
return false;
const PixelFormat lhs_format = lhs.info.format;
const PixelFormat rhs_format = rhs.info.format;
const Extent2D lhs_block{
.width = DefaultBlockWidth(lhs_format),
.height = DefaultBlockHeight(lhs_format),
const Extent2D rhs_block{
.width = DefaultBlockWidth(rhs_format),
.height = DefaultBlockHeight(rhs_format),
const bool is_lhs_compressed = lhs_block.width > 1 || lhs_block.height > 1;
const bool is_rhs_compressed = rhs_block.width > 1 || rhs_block.height > 1;
const s32 lhs_mips = lhs.info.resources.levels;
const s32 rhs_mips = rhs.info.resources.levels;
const s32 num_mips = std::min(lhs_mips - base->level, rhs_mips);
AliasedImage lhs_alias;
AliasedImage rhs_alias;
lhs_alias.id = rhs_id;
rhs_alias.id = lhs_id;
for (s32 mip_level = 0; mip_level < num_mips; ++mip_level) {
Extent3D lhs_size = MipSize(lhs.info.size, base->level + mip_level);
Extent3D rhs_size = MipSize(rhs.info.size, mip_level);
if (is_lhs_compressed) {
lhs_size.width = Common::DivCeil(lhs_size.width, lhs_block.width);
lhs_size.height = Common::DivCeil(lhs_size.height, lhs_block.height);
if (is_rhs_compressed) {
rhs_size.width = Common::DivCeil(rhs_size.width, rhs_block.width);
rhs_size.height = Common::DivCeil(rhs_size.height, rhs_block.height);
const Extent3D copy_size{
.width = std::min(lhs_size.width, rhs_size.width),
.height = std::min(lhs_size.height, rhs_size.height),
.depth = std::min(lhs_size.depth, rhs_size.depth),
if (copy_size.width == 0 || copy_size.height == 0) {
LOG_WARNING(HW_GPU, "Copy size is smaller than block size. Mip cannot be aliased.");
const bool is_lhs_3d = lhs.info.type == ImageType::e3D;
const bool is_rhs_3d = rhs.info.type == ImageType::e3D;
const Offset3D lhs_offset{0, 0, 0};
const Offset3D rhs_offset{0, 0, is_rhs_3d ? base->layer : 0};
const s32 lhs_layers = is_lhs_3d ? 1 : lhs.info.resources.layers - base->layer;
const s32 rhs_layers = is_rhs_3d ? 1 : rhs.info.resources.layers;
const s32 num_layers = std::min(lhs_layers, rhs_layers);
const SubresourceLayers lhs_subresource{
.base_level = mip_level,
.base_layer = 0,
.num_layers = num_layers,
const SubresourceLayers rhs_subresource{
.base_level = base->level + mip_level,
.base_layer = is_rhs_3d ? 0 : base->layer,
.num_layers = num_layers,
[[maybe_unused]] const ImageCopy& to_lhs_copy = lhs_alias.copies.emplace_back(ImageCopy{
.src_subresource = lhs_subresource,
.dst_subresource = rhs_subresource,
.src_offset = lhs_offset,
.dst_offset = rhs_offset,
.extent = copy_size,
[[maybe_unused]] const ImageCopy& to_rhs_copy = rhs_alias.copies.emplace_back(ImageCopy{
.src_subresource = rhs_subresource,
.dst_subresource = lhs_subresource,
.src_offset = rhs_offset,
.dst_offset = lhs_offset,
.extent = copy_size,
ASSERT_MSG(ValidateCopy(to_lhs_copy, lhs.info, rhs.info), "Invalid RHS to LHS copy");
ASSERT_MSG(ValidateCopy(to_rhs_copy, rhs.info, lhs.info), "Invalid LHS to RHS copy");
ASSERT(lhs_alias.copies.empty() == rhs_alias.copies.empty());
if (lhs_alias.copies.empty()) {
return false;
lhs.flags &= ~ImageFlagBits::IsRescalable;
rhs.flags &= ~ImageFlagBits::IsRescalable;
return true;
} // namespace VideoCommon