2023-09-27 11:34:23 +00:00

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# Self-hosting Wolfree instances with Docker Engine
This guide provides a step-by-step procedure for self-hosting Wolfree. You will use Docker CLI to interact with the Docker daemon through a terminal emulator. Docker Engine automates the execution of the static site generator and running the web server.
## How to self-host Wolfree
To self-host a mirror site of Wolfree instances using Docker Engine, follow these steps:
1. Install a terminal emulator. If you are unfamiliar with terminal emulators, refer to the "[Command line crash course](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Tools_and_testing/Understanding_client-side_tools/Command_line)" for guidance.
2. Install [Git](https://git-scm.com/) and [Docker Engine](https://docs.docker.com/).
3. Download the source code by executing one of the following commands. Each command will download the source code from a different web server. If one of the commands fails, try the next one until the download succeeds.
git clone https://gitea.com/wolfree/wolfree-dockerfile.git
git clone https://try.gitea.io/wolfree/wolfree-dockerfile.git
git clone https://codeberg.org/wolfree/wolfree-dockerfile.git
git clone https://git.disroot.org/wolfree/wolfree-dockerfile.git
git clone https://next.forgejo.org/wolfree/wolfree-dockerfile.git
git clone https://git.kiwifarms.net/wolfree/wolfree-dockerfile.git
git clone http://it7otdanqu7ktntxzm427cba6i53w6wlanlh23v5i3siqmos47pzhvyd.onion/wolfree/wolfree-dockerfile.git
Reference: [git clone](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-clone)
4. Wait until Git outputs the resolving message similar to the following:
Receiving objects: 100% (100/100), 1.00 KiB | 1.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (100/100), done.
5. Build a Docker image by executing the following command:
docker build --progress=plain --tag wolfree wolfree-dockerfile
This command will generate the website using a static site generator.
Reference: [docker build](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/)
6. Wait until Docker Engine outputs the exporting message similar to the following:
#35 exporting to image
#35 exporting layers done
#35 writing image sha256:0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef done
#35 naming to docker.io/library/wolfree done
#35 DONE 0.0s
7. Run a Docker container by executing the following command:
docker run --publish 80:80 wolfree
This command will host the website using a web server.
Reference: [docker run](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/run/)
8. Wait until the web server outputs the success message similar to the following:
> docusaurus@0.0.0 serve
> docusaurus serve --host localhost --port 80
[SUCCESS] Serving "build" directory at: http://localhost:80/
9. Access the mirror site locally on the same computer where the Docker container runs. Open a web browser and navigate to [http://localhost/](http://localhost/).
10. On the home page of the mirror site, enter a math problem in the text box and click the submit button.
Congratulations! You have successfully self-hosted Wolfree.
## How to self-host Libredirect-compatible instances
By default, Wolfree instances are paywall-bypassing and incompatible with Libredirect. To make them Libredirect-compatible and respect paywalls, follow these steps:
1. Install [Git](https://git-scm.com/) and [Docker Engine](https://docs.docker.com/).
2. Download the source code with Git:
git clone https://gitea.com/wolfree/wolfree-dockerfile.git
git clone https://try.gitea.io/wolfree/wolfree-dockerfile.git
git clone https://codeberg.org/wolfree/wolfree-dockerfile.git
git clone https://git.disroot.org/wolfree/wolfree-dockerfile.git
git clone https://next.forgejo.org/wolfree/wolfree-dockerfile.git
git clone https://git.kiwifarms.net/wolfree/wolfree-dockerfile.git
git clone http://it7otdanqu7ktntxzm427cba6i53w6wlanlh23v5i3siqmos47pzhvyd.onion/wolfree/wolfree-dockerfile.git
3. Open the following file with a text editor:
4. Remove the line containing the `return` keyword. Save the change. The changed code should look like this:
// Remove the following line to make the instances Libredirect-compatible.
// Remove the previous line to make the instances Libredirect-compatible.
5. Build the image and run the container with Docker Engine:
docker build --progress=plain --tag wolfree wolfree-dockerfile
docker run --publish 80:80 wolfree
6. Browse [http://localhost/](http://localhost/). Your instances should have become Libredirect-compatible and respect paywalls. If they remain paywall-bypassing and incompatible with Libredirect, please report the problem in the issue trackers of the repositories.
## Troubleshooting dependency graphs
To regenerate `docusaurus/package.json`, follow these steps:
1. Install [NPM](https://docs.npmjs.com/).
2. Initialize a Docusaurus project with the classic template and the TypeScript variant:
npm --yes -- init docusaurus docusaurus classic . --typescript
3. Install MUI, a React component library:
npm --prefix ./docusaurus/ -- install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled
## Glossary of file extensions
- `.md`/`.mdx`: [MarkDown XML](https://mdxjs.com/docs/)
- `.js`/`.jsx`: [JavaScript XML](https://react.dev/learn/writing-markup-with-jsx)
- `.ts`/`.tsx`: [TypeScript XML](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/jsx.html)
- `.rs`: [Rust Programming Language](https://www.rust-lang.org/learn)
## Helpful resources for new developers
If you're new to web development, here are some websites and tools to get you started:
- [MDN Web Docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn): A comprehensive resource for web developers, offering guides, tutorials, and references for various web technologies.
- [Chrome DevTools - Chrome Developers](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/): A set of web developer tools built directly into the Google Chrome browser, providing practical features to inspect and debug web applications.
- [TypeScript: JavaScript With Syntax For Types.](https://www.typescriptlang.org/): A strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript, giving you better tooling at any scale.
- [Web.Dev](https://web.dev/learn/): A learning platform by Google that offers web development courses, providing practical examples to help you improve your skills.
- [Desktop/PC - Privacy Guides](https://www.privacyguides.org/en/desktop/): A list of recommended Linux distributions with powerful terminal emulators pre-installed by default, empowering you with automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
These resources will help you get started. Happy learning!
## UX writing tips
- [Style guide: UX writing best practices](https://m3.material.io/foundations/content-design/style-guide/ux-writing-best-practices): Writing UI text that anyone can understand.
- [UX writing: study guide](https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ux-writing-study-guide/): How to write and present information that aligns with users' needs and online reading behaviors.
- [UX basics: study guide](https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ux-basics-study-guide/): The basics of user experience.
- [Web UX: study guide](https://www.nngroup.com/articles/web-ux-study-guide/): How users interact with the web and how to design web user experiences.
## License
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.