fatfs: Merge some hekate changes

This commit is contained in:
shchmue 2020-06-17 10:30:58 -06:00
parent c7972f043d
commit d8586b4763
2 changed files with 75 additions and 57 deletions

@ -38,10 +38,8 @@
#include "ff.h" /* Declarations of FatFs API */
#include "diskio.h" /* Declarations of device I/O functions */
#include "../../gfx/gfx.h"
#define EFSPRINTF(text, ...) print_error(); gfx_printf("%k"text"%k\n", 0xFFFFFF00, 0xFFFFFFFF);
//#define EFSPRINTF(...)
#define EFSPRINTF(text, ...)
@ -532,7 +530,7 @@ static WCHAR LfnBuf[FF_MAX_LFN + 1]; /* LFN working buffer */
#define FREE_NAMBUF() ff_memfree(lfn)
#define LEAVE_MKFS(res) { if (!work) ff_memfree(buf); return res; }
#define MAX_MALLOC 0x8000 /* Must be >=FF_MAX_SS */
#define MAX_MALLOC 0x4000 /* Must be >=FF_MAX_SS */
#error Wrong setting of FF_USE_LFN
@ -592,16 +590,6 @@ static const BYTE DbcTbl[] = MKCVTBL(TBL_DC, FF_CODE_PAGE);
/* Print error header */
void print_error()
gfx_printf("\n\n\n%k[FatFS] Error: %k", 0xFFFFFF00, 0xFFFFFFFF);
/* Load/Store multi-byte word in the FAT structure */
@ -3921,13 +3909,12 @@ FRESULT f_read_fast (
FATFS *fs;
UINT csize_bytes;
DWORD clst;
UINT count = 0;
DWORD wbytes;
UINT count;
FSIZE_t work_sector = 0;
FSIZE_t sector_base = 0;
BYTE *wbuff = (BYTE*)buff;
// TODO support sector reading inside a cluster
res = validate(&fp->obj, &fs); /* Check validity of the file object */
if (res != FR_OK || (res = (FRESULT)fp->err) != FR_OK) {
@ -3939,6 +3926,17 @@ FRESULT f_read_fast (
if (btr > remain) btr = (UINT)remain; /* Truncate btr by remaining bytes */
csize_bytes = fs->csize * SS(fs);
DWORD csect = (UINT)((fp->fptr / SS(fs)) & (fs->csize - 1)); /* Sector offset in the cluster */
/* If inside a cluster, read the sectors and align to cluster. */
if (csect) {
wbytes = MIN(btr, (fs->csize - csect) * SS(fs));
f_read(fp, wbuff, wbytes, (void *)0);
wbuff += wbytes;
btr -= wbytes;
if (!btr)
goto out;
if (!fp->fptr) { /* On the top of the file? */
clst = fp->obj.sclust; /* Follow from the origin */
@ -3946,15 +3944,22 @@ FRESULT f_read_fast (
if (fp->cltbl) clst = clmt_clust(fp, fp->fptr); /* Get cluster# from the CLMT */
if (clst < 2) { EFSPRINTF("CCHK"); ABORT(fs, FR_INT_ERR); }
else if (clst == 0xFFFFFFFF) { EFSPRINTF("DSKC"); ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); }
fp->clust = clst; /* Set working cluster */
wbytes = MIN(btr, csize_bytes);
sector_base = clst2sect(fs, fp->clust);
count += fs->csize;
btr -= csize_bytes;
fp->fptr += csize_bytes;
count = wbytes / SS(fs);
fp->fptr += wbytes;
btr -= wbytes;
if (!btr) { /* Final cluster/sectors read. */
if (disk_read(fs->pdrv, wbuff, sector_base, count) != RES_OK) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR);
goto out;
while (btr) {
clst = clmt_clust(fp, fp->fptr); /* Get cluster# from the CLMT */
@ -3965,26 +3970,25 @@ FRESULT f_read_fast (
fp->clust = clst;
work_sector = clst2sect(fs, fp->clust);
if ((work_sector - sector_base) == count) count += fs->csize;
wbytes = MIN(btr, csize_bytes);
if ((work_sector - sector_base) == count) count += wbytes / SS(fs);
else {
if (disk_read(fs->pdrv, wbuff, sector_base, count) != RES_OK) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR);
wbuff += count * SS(fs);
sector_base = work_sector;
count = fs->csize;
count = wbytes / SS(fs);
fp->fptr += MIN(btr, csize_bytes);
btr -= MIN(btr, csize_bytes);
// TODO: what about if data is smaller than cluster?
// Must read-write back that cluster.
fp->fptr += wbytes;
btr -= wbytes;
if (!btr) { /* Final cluster/sectors read. */
if (disk_read(fs->pdrv, wbuff, sector_base, count) != RES_OK) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR);
@ -4147,12 +4151,11 @@ FRESULT f_write_fast (
FATFS *fs;
UINT csize_bytes;
DWORD clst;
UINT count = 0;
DWORD wbytes;
UINT count;
FSIZE_t work_sector = 0;
FSIZE_t sector_base = 0;
const BYTE *wbuff = (const BYTE*)buff;
// TODO support sector writing inside a cluster
BYTE *wbuff = (BYTE*)buff;
res = validate(&fp->obj, &fs); /* Check validity of the file object */
if (res != FR_OK || (res = (FRESULT)fp->err) != FR_OK) {
@ -4167,6 +4170,19 @@ FRESULT f_write_fast (
csize_bytes = fs->csize * SS(fs);
DWORD csect = (UINT)((fp->fptr / SS(fs)) & (fs->csize - 1)); /* Sector offset in the cluster */
/* If inside a cluster, write the sectors and align to cluster. */
if (csect) {
wbytes = MIN(btw, (fs->csize - csect) * SS(fs));
f_write(fp, wbuff, wbytes, (void *)0);
/* Ensure flushing of it. FatFS is not notified for next write if raw. */
wbuff += wbytes;
btw -= wbytes;
if (!btw)
goto out;
if (!fp->fptr) { /* On the top of the file? */
clst = fp->obj.sclust; /* Follow from the origin */
@ -4176,44 +4192,51 @@ FRESULT f_write_fast (
if (clst < 2) { EFSPRINTF("CCHK"); ABORT(fs, FR_INT_ERR); }
else if (clst == 0xFFFFFFFF) { EFSPRINTF("DERR"); ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); }
else if (clst == 0xFFFFFFFF) { EFSPRINTF("DSKC"); ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); }
fp->clust = clst; /* Set working cluster */
wbytes = MIN(btw, csize_bytes);
sector_base = clst2sect(fs, fp->clust);
count += fs->csize;
btw -= csize_bytes;
fp->fptr += csize_bytes;
count = wbytes / SS(fs);
fp->fptr += wbytes;
btw -= wbytes;
if (!btw) { /* Final cluster/sectors write. */
if (disk_write(fs->pdrv, wbuff, sector_base, count) != RES_OK) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR);
fp->flag &= (BYTE)~FA_DIRTY;
goto out;
while (btw) {
clst = clmt_clust(fp, fp->fptr); /* Get cluster# from the CLMT */
if (clst < 2) { EFSPRINTF("CCHK2"); ABORT(fs, FR_INT_ERR); }
else if (clst == 0xFFFFFFFF) { EFSPRINTF("DERR"); ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); }
else if (clst == 0xFFFFFFFF) { EFSPRINTF("DSKC"); ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR); }
fp->clust = clst;
work_sector = clst2sect(fs, fp->clust);
if ((work_sector - sector_base) == count) count += fs->csize;
wbytes = MIN(btw, csize_bytes);
if ((work_sector - sector_base) == count) count += wbytes / SS(fs);
else {
if (disk_write(fs->pdrv, wbuff, sector_base, count) != RES_OK) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR);
wbuff += count * SS(fs);
sector_base = work_sector;
count = fs->csize;
count = wbytes / SS(fs);
fp->fptr += MIN(btw, csize_bytes);
btw -= MIN(btw, csize_bytes);
fp->fptr += wbytes;
btw -= wbytes;
// what about if data is smaller than cluster?
// Probably must read-write back that cluster.
if (!btw) { /* Final cluster/sectors write. */
if (disk_write(fs->pdrv, wbuff, sector_base, count) != RES_OK) ABORT(fs, FR_DISK_ERR);
fp->flag &= (BYTE)~FA_DIRTY;
fp->flag |= FA_MODIFIED; /* Set file change flag */
@ -4689,19 +4712,17 @@ FRESULT f_lseek (
DWORD *f_expand_cltbl (
FIL* fp, /* Pointer to the file object */
UINT tblsz, /* Size of table */
DWORD *tbl, /* Table pointer */
FSIZE_t ofs /* File pointer from top of file */
if (fp->flag & FA_WRITE) f_lseek(fp, ofs); /* Expand file if write is enabled */
if (!fp->cltbl) { /* Allocate memory for cluster link table */
fp->cltbl = (DWORD *)ff_memalloc(tblsz);
fp->cltbl[0] = tblsz;
fp->cltbl = (DWORD *)tbl;
fp->cltbl[0] = tblsz;
if (f_lseek(fp, CREATE_LINKMAP)) { /* Create cluster link table */
fp->cltbl = NULL;
fp->cltbl = (void *)0;
return NULL;
return (void *)0;
f_lseek(fp, 0);
@ -5842,7 +5863,7 @@ FRESULT f_mkfs (
UINT len /* Size of working buffer [byte] */
const UINT n_fats = 2; /* Number of FATs for FAT/FAT32 volume (1 or 2) */
const UINT n_fats = 1; /* Number of FATs for FAT/FAT32 volume (1 or 2) */
const UINT n_rootdir = 512; /* Number of root directory entries for FAT volume */
static const WORD cst[] = {1, 4, 16, 64, 256, 512, 0}; /* Cluster size boundary for FAT volume (4Ks unit) */
static const WORD cst32[] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 0}; /* Cluster size boundary for FAT32 volume (128Ks unit) */
@ -5906,7 +5927,7 @@ FRESULT f_mkfs (
} else {
/* Create a single-partition in this function */
if (disk_ioctl(pdrv, GET_SECTOR_COUNT, &sz_vol) != RES_OK) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_DISK_ERR);
b_vol = (opt & FM_SFD) ? 0 : 32768; /* Volume start sector. Align to 16MB */
b_vol = (opt & FM_SFD) ? 0 : 63; /* Volume start sector */
if (sz_vol < b_vol) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_MKFS_ABORTED);
sz_vol -= b_vol; /* Volume size */
@ -6130,9 +6151,6 @@ FRESULT f_mkfs (
if (fmt == FS_FAT32) { /* FAT32: Move FAT base */
sz_rsv += n; b_fat += n;
} else { /* FAT: Expand FAT size */
if (n % n_fats) { /* Adjust fractional error if needed */
n--; sz_rsv++; b_fat++;
sz_fat += n / n_fats;
@ -6196,13 +6214,13 @@ FRESULT f_mkfs (
st_word(buf + BPB_BkBootSec32, 6); /* Offset of backup VBR (VBR + 6) */
buf[BS_DrvNum32] = 0x80; /* Drive number (for int13) */
buf[BS_BootSig32] = 0x29; /* Extended boot signature */
mem_cpy(buf + BS_VolLab32, "SWITCH SD " "FAT32 ", 19); /* Volume label, FAT signature */
mem_cpy(buf + BS_VolLab32, "NO NAME " "FAT32 ", 19); /* Volume label, FAT signature */
} else {
st_dword(buf + BS_VolID, GET_FATTIME()); /* VSN */
st_word(buf + BPB_FATSz16, (WORD)sz_fat); /* FAT size [sector] */
buf[BS_DrvNum] = 0x80; /* Drive number (for int13) */
buf[BS_BootSig] = 0x29; /* Extended boot signature */
mem_cpy(buf + BS_VolLab, "SWITCH SD " "FAT ", 19); /* Volume label, FAT signature */
mem_cpy(buf + BS_VolLab, "NO NAME " "FAT ", 19); /* Volume label, FAT signature */
st_word(buf + BS_55AA, 0xAA55); /* Signature (offset is fixed here regardless of sector size) */
if (disk_write(pdrv, buf, b_vol, 1) != RES_OK) LEAVE_MKFS(FR_DISK_ERR); /* Write it to the VBR sector */

@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ FRESULT f_getlabel (const TCHAR* path, TCHAR* label, DWORD* vsn); /* Get volume
FRESULT f_setlabel (const TCHAR* label); /* Set volume label */
FRESULT f_forward (FIL* fp, UINT(*func)(const BYTE*,UINT), UINT btf, UINT* bf); /* Forward data to the stream */
#ifdef FF_FASTFS
DWORD *f_expand_cltbl (FIL* fp, UINT tblsz, FSIZE_t ofs); /* Expand file and populate cluster table */
DWORD *f_expand_cltbl (FIL* fp, UINT tblsz, DWORD *tbl, FSIZE_t ofs); /* Expand file and populate cluster table */
FRESULT f_expand (FIL* fp, FSIZE_t fsz, BYTE opt); /* Allocate a contiguous block to the file */
FRESULT f_mount (FATFS* fs, const TCHAR* path, BYTE opt); /* Mount/Unmount a logical drive */