privacy-settings/Privacy Settings/

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Reddit Privacy Settings

Go to Settings.



  • Phone Number: Remove your phone number
  • Location customization: No location specified

Account authorization

  • Two-factor authentication > Scan the barcode using an authenticator app > Enter 6 digit code > Complete Setup > Click backup codes and save them > OK

    NOTE 1: Don't use Google Authenticator or Authy as mentioned there. Instead use a privacy respecting authenticator app. Check out recommendations, alternatives & reviews.

    NOTE 2: The backup codes is required to login, if 2FA method is lost, broken or unavailable. Keep these codes somewhere safe, to prevent loss or unauthorized access. They can be stored in a password manager, in an encrypted note, or write them down somewhere safe.



  • Display name: Don't use your real name or remove it.
  • About description: Remove everything.
  • Avatar: Don't use your own picture or completely remove it.
  • Banner: Don't use your own picture or completely remove it.
  • Show active communities: Off


Social interactions

  • Who can send you inbox messages: select Everyone or People I choose and manually add users who can send private messages
  • Allow chat requests from: Accounts older than 30 days


  • Show up in search results: Off

Ads personalization

  • Personalize ads on Reddit based on information and activity from our partners: Off


  • Third-party app authorizations: Remove anything you don't use.


Sensitive advertising categories

  • Limit ads in selected categories: Turn off everything