
487 lines
11 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2017 Gobinath
# Gobinath, 2017.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-10-12 09:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Muhammad Fauzi <>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian <"
"Language: id\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 3.9-dev\n"
# Short break
msgid "Tightly close your eyes"
msgstr "Tutup rapat matamu"
# Short break
msgid "Roll your eyes a few times to each side"
msgstr "Mata anda perlu melihat sekitar untuk sejenak"
# Short break
msgid "Rotate your eyes in clockwise direction"
msgstr "Putar mata Anda searah jarum jam"
# Short break
msgid "Rotate your eyes in counterclockwise direction"
msgstr "Putar mata Anda ke arah berlawanan arah jarum jam"
# Short break
msgid "Blink your eyes"
msgstr "Kedipkan mata anda"
# Short break
msgid "Focus on a point in the far distance"
msgstr "Fokus pada titik yang berada di kejauhan"
# Short break
msgid "Have some water"
msgstr "Minumlah sedikit air minenal"
# Long break
msgid "Walk for a while"
msgstr "Berjalanlah sejenak, hindari duduk terlalu lama"
# Long break
msgid "Lean back at your seat and relax"
msgstr "Bersandarlah di tempat duduk anda dan istirahatlah sejenak"
# Commandline arg description
msgid "show the about dialog"
msgstr "Tampilkan dialog about"
# Commandline arg description
msgid "disable the currently running safeeyes instance"
msgstr "nonaktifkan instance safeeyes yang sedang berjalan"
# Commandline arg description
msgid "enable the currently running safeeyes instance"
msgstr "aktifkan instance safeeyes yang sedang berjalan"
# Commandline arg description
msgid "quit the running safeeyes instance and exit"
msgstr "keluar dari instance safeeyes yang sedang berjalan dan keluar"
# Commandline arg description
msgid "show the settings dialog"
msgstr "tampilkan dialog pengaturan"
# Commandline arg description
msgid "start safeeyes in debug mode"
msgstr "mulai amankan dalam mode debug"
# Commandline arg description
msgid "print the status of running safeeyes instance and exit"
msgstr "cetak status menjalankan instance safeeyes dan keluar"
# Status message
msgid "Safe Eyes is not running"
msgstr "Safe Eyes tidak berjalan"
# RPC not enabled message
msgid ""
"Safe Eyes is running without an RPC server. Turn it on to use "
"command-line arguments."
msgstr ""
# About dialog
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Tutup"
# Description in about dialog
# Safe Eyes protects your eyes from eye strain (asthenopia) by reminding you to take breaks while you're working long hours at the computer
msgid "description"
msgstr "Deskripsi"
# About dialog
msgid "License"
msgstr "Lisensi"
# Break screen
msgid "Skip"
msgstr "Lewati"
# Break screen
msgid "Postpone"
msgstr "Menunda"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Break duration (in seconds)"
msgstr "Istirahat durasi (dalam detik)"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Interval between two breaks (in minutes)"
msgstr "Interval antara dua istirahat (dalam menit)"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Time to prepare for a break (in seconds)"
msgstr "Saatnya bersiap untuk istirahat (dalam detik)"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Keyboard shortcuts disabled period (in seconds)"
msgstr "Pintasan keyboard dinonaktifkan periode (dalam detik)"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Postpone duration (in minutes)"
msgstr "Menunda durasi (dalam beberapa menit)"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Strict break (No way to skip breaks)"
msgstr "Istirahat ketat (Tidak ada cara untuk melewati istirahat)"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Allow postponing breaks"
msgstr "Izinkan penundaan istirahat"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Persist the internal state"
msgstr "Pertahankan kondisi internal"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Use RPC server to receive runtime commands"
msgstr ""
# Settings dialog
msgid "Without the RPC server, command-line commands may not work"
msgstr ""
# Settings dialog
msgid "Long break interval must be a multiple of short break interval"
msgstr ""
"Interval istirahat panjang harus dua kali lebih panjang dari istirahat pendek"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Atur ulang"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default?"
msgstr ""
"Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengatur ulang semua pengaturan ke pengaturan awal?"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Pilihan"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Short Breaks"
msgstr "Istirahat Pendek"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Long Breaks"
msgstr "Istirahat Panjang"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Hapus"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this break?"
msgstr "Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus istirahat ini?"
# Settings dialog
msgid "You can't undo this action."
msgstr "Anda tidak bisa mengembalikan ulang aksi ini."
# Settings dialog
msgid "Break"
msgstr "Istirahat"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Breaks"
msgstr "Istirahat"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Plugin"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipe"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Short"
msgstr "Pendek"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Long"
msgstr "Panjang"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Gambar"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Pilih"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Please select an image"
msgstr "Silakan pilih sebuah gambar"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Duration"
msgstr "Durasi"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Time to wait"
msgstr "Waktu tunggu"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Override"
msgstr "Kesampingkan"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Time (in seconds)"
msgstr "Waktu (dalam detik)"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Time (in minutes)"
msgstr "Waktu (dalam menit)"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Break Settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan Istirahat"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Plugin Settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan Plugin"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Plugin does not support %s desktop environment"
msgstr "Plugin tidak mendukung %s lingkungan desktop"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Please install the Python module '%s'"
msgstr "Silakan lakukan pemasangan Python module '%s'"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Please install the command-line tool '%s'"
msgstr "Silakan lakukan pemasangan alat command-line '%s'"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Please add the resource %(resource)s to %(config_resource)s directory"
msgstr "Silakan tambahkan sumber %(resource)s ke direktori %(config_resource)s"
# Settings dialog
msgid "New Break"
msgstr "Istirahat Baru"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Hapus"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Discard"
msgstr "Buang"
# Settings dialog
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Simpan"
# plugin/audiblealert
msgid "Audible Alert"
msgstr "Peringatan Bersuara"
# plugin/audiblealert
msgid "Play audible alert before and after breaks"
msgstr "Mainkan peringatan bersuara sebelum dan setelah istirahat"
# plugin/audiblealert
msgid "Play audible alert before breaks"
msgstr "Mainkan peringatan bersuara sebelum istirahat"
# plugin/audiblealert
msgid "Play audible alert after breaks"
msgstr "Mainkan peringatan bersuara setelah istirahat"
# plugin/donotdisturb
msgid "Do Not Disturb"
msgstr "Jangan Ganggu"
# plugin/donotdisturb
msgid "Skip break if the active window is in fullscreen mode"
msgstr "Lewati istirahat jika jendela aktif dalam kondisi layar penuh"
# plugin/donotdisturb
msgid "Do not interrupt these windows anytime"
msgstr "Jangan interupsi jendela-jendela ini kapanpun"
# plugin/donotdisturb
msgid "Interrupt these windows regardless of their state"
msgstr "Interupsi jendela-jendela terlepas dari kondisinya"
# plugin/donotdisturb
msgid "Switch the interruptible windows to normal mode"
msgstr "Pindahkan jendela-jendela yang bisa diinterupsi ke kondisi normal"
# plugin/donotdisturb
msgid "Do not disturb while on battery"
msgstr "Jangan ganggu selagi menggunakan baterai"
# plugin/healthstats
msgid "Health Statistics"
msgstr "Statistik Kesehatan"
# plugin/healthstats
msgid "Show statistics based on how you use Safe Eyes"
msgstr ""
"Tampilkan statistik kesehatan berdasarkan bagaimana Anda menggunakan Safe "
# plugin/healthstats
msgid "Interval to reset statistics (in hours)"
msgstr "Interval untuk mengatur ulang statistik (dalam jam)"
# plugin/notification
msgid "Notification"
msgstr "Notifikasi"
# plugin/notification
msgid "Show a system notification before breaks"
msgstr "Tampilkan sebuah sistem notifikasi sebelum istirahat"
# plugin/notification
msgid "Ready for a short break in %s seconds"
msgstr "Bersiap untuk istirahat singkat dalam %s detik"
# plugin/notification
msgid "Ready for a long break in %s seconds"
msgstr "Bersiap untuk istirahat panjang dalam %s detik"
# plugin/screensaver
msgid "Screensaver"
msgstr "Screensaver"
# plugin/screensaver
msgid "Lock the screen after long breaks by starting screensaver"
msgstr "Kunci layar setlah istirahat panjang dengan memulai screensaver"
# plugin/screensaver
msgid "Custom screensaver command"
msgstr "Atur perintah screensaver"
# plugin/screensaver
msgid "Minimum seconds to skip without screensaver"
msgstr "Minimal detik untuk melewati tanpa screensaver"
# plugin/screensaver
msgid "Lock screen"
msgstr "Kunci layar"
# plugin/smartpause
msgid "Smart Pause"
msgstr "Jeda Pintar"
# plugin/smartpause
msgid "Pause Safe Eyes if the system is idle"
msgstr "Jeda Safe Eyes jika sistem menganggur"
# plugin/smartpause
msgid "Minimum idle time to pause Safe Eyes (in seconds)"
msgstr "Minimal waktu menganggur untuk jeda Safe Eyes (dalam detik)"
# plugin/smartpause
msgid "Interpret idle time equivalent to upcoming break duration as a break"
msgstr ""
"Tafsirkan waktu menganggur sepadan untuk waktu istirahat selanjutnya sebagai "
"sebuah istirahat"
# plugin/smartpause
msgid "Postpone the next break until the system becomes idle"
msgstr "Tunda istirahat selanjutnya sampai sistem menjadi menganggur"
#: plugins/trayicon
msgid "Tray Icon"
msgstr "Penampan Ikon"
#: plugins/trayicon
msgid "Show a tray icon in the notification area"
msgstr "Tampilkan sebuah penampan ikon dalam bagian notifikasi"
#: plugins/trayicon
msgid "Show next break time in tray icon"
msgstr "Tampilkan waktu istirahat selanjutnya dalam penampan ikon"
#: plugins/trayicon
msgid "Allow disabling Safe Eyes"
msgstr "Izinkan mematikan Safe Eyes"
#: plugins/trayicon
msgid "About"
msgstr "Tentang"
#: plugins/trayicon
msgid "Disable Safe Eyes"
msgstr "Matikan Safe Eyes"
#: plugins/trayicon
msgid "Disabled until %s"
msgstr "Mati dalam %s"
#: plugins/trayicon
msgid "Disabled until restart"
msgstr "Mati setelah restart"
#: plugins/trayicon
msgid "Enable Safe Eyes"
msgstr "Hidupkan Safe Eyes"
#: plugins/trayicon
msgid "For %d Hour"
msgid_plural "For %d Hours"
msgstr[0] "Selama %d jam"
#: plugins/trayicon
msgid "For %d Minute"
msgid_plural "For %d Minutes"
msgstr[0] "Selama %d menit"
#: plugins/trayicon
msgid "For %d Second"
msgid_plural "For %d Seconds"
msgstr[0] "Selama %d detik"
#: plugins/trayicon
msgid "Next break at %s"
msgstr "Istirahat selanjutnya pada %s"
#: plugins/trayicon
msgid "No Breaks Available"
msgstr "Tidak istirahat yang tersedia"
#: plugins/trayicon
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan"
#: plugins/trayicon
msgid "Take a break now"
msgstr "Ambil istirahat sekarang"
#: plugins/trayicon
msgid "Until restart"
msgstr "Sampai restart"
#: plugins/trayicon
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Keluar"
# plugin/mediacontrol
msgid "Media Control"
msgstr "Kontrol Media"
# plugin/mediacontrol
msgid "Pause media players from the break screen"
msgstr "Jeda pemutar media dari pengistirahatan layar"
# plugin/mediacontrol
msgid "Pause media"
msgstr "Jeda media"