['zz_group_module_lang','Show to technician only his assigned and planned tasks','Mostra al tecnico solo le sue attività programmate e assegnate'],
['zz_group_module_lang','Show to technicians only the entities they are involved with in tasks','Mostra ai tecnici solo le anagrafiche in cui sono coinvolti con delle attività'],
['zz_group_module_lang','Show to agents only the entities in which they are assigned as agent','Mostra agli agenti solo le anagrafiche di cui sono agenti'],
['zz_group_module_lang','Show to customers only his own entity','Mostra ai clienti solo la propria anagrafica'],
['zz_group_module_lang','Show to customers only tasks in which he is the customer','Mostra al cliente solo le attività in cui è impostato come \'Cliente\''],
['zz_group_module_lang','Show to customers only his invoices','Mostra ai clienti solo le proprie fatture'],
['zz_group_module_lang','Show to agents only the balances of entities in which they are assigned as agent','Mostra agli agenti solo la prima nota delle anagrafiche di cui sono agenti'],
['zz_group_module_lang','Show to customers only his own plants','Mostra ai clienti solo i propri impianti'],
['zz_group_module_lang','Show to customers their document of transport','Mostra ddt di vendita ai clienti coinvolti'],
['zz_group_module_lang','Show to customers their orders','Mostra ordini cliente ai clienti coinvolti'],
['zz_group_module_lang','Show to technicians only his assigned tasks','Mostra al tecnico solo le attività a cui è stato assegnato'],
['zz_group_module_lang','Show to customers only their contracts','Mostra i contratti ai clienti coinvolti'],
['zz_group_module_lang','Show to technicians only plants in which they are assigned','Mostra impianti ai tecnici assegnati'],
['zz_group_module_lang','Show to agents only the quotations of customers in wich they are assigned as agent','Mostra agli agenti solo i preventivi dei clienti dei quali si è agenti'],
['zz_group_module_lang','Show to agents only the quotations in wich they are assigned as agent','Mostra agli agenti solo i preventivi di cui sono agenti'],
['zz_group_module_lang','Show to customers only tasks in which he is setted as \'On behalf of\'','Mostra al cliente solo le attività in cui è impostato come \'Per conto di\''],
['zz_group_module_lang','Show to customers all tasks in which he is involved','Mostra al cliente tutte le attività in cui è coinvolto'],
['em_lists_lang','All entities','Tutte le anagrafiche (Sedi legali)','Valid email addresses for each entities'],
['em_lists_lang','All contacts','Tutti i Referenti','Valid email addresses for each contacts'],
$database->query('UPDATE '.$traduzione[0].' SET `description` = "'.$traduzione[3].'" WHERE `name` = "'.$traduzione[2].'" AND `id_lang` = 2');
$database->query('UPDATE '.$traduzione[0].' SET `name` = "'.$traduzione[1].'" WHERE `name` = "'.$traduzione[2].'" AND `id_lang` = 2');
// traduzione em_templates_lang
['em_templates_lang','Task report','Rapportino intervento','Submit report number {numero} of {data fine intervento}','Dear Customer,\nWe are sending attached the report number {numero} of {data fine intervento}.\nBest regards'],
['em_templates_lang','Quotation','Preventivo','Quotation number {numero} of {data}','<p>Dear customer,</p><p>We are sending you the quotation number {numero} of {data} in attachment.</p><p> </p><p>Best regards</p>'],
['em_templates_lang','Contract','Contratto','Contract number {numero} of {data}','<p>Dear customer,</p><p>We are sending you the contract number {numero} of {data} in attachment.</p><p> </p><p>Best regards</p>'],
['em_templates_lang','Order','Ordine','Order number {numero} of {data}','<p>Dear customer,</p><p>We are sending you the order number {numero} of {data} in attachment.</p><p> </p><p>Best regards</p>'],
['em_templates_lang','Invoice','Fattura','Invoice number {numero} of {data}','<p>Dear customer,</p><p>We are sending you the invoice number {numero} of {data} in attachment.</p><p> </p><p>Best regards</p>'],
['em_templates_lang','Document of transport','Ddt','Document number {numero} of {data}','<p>Dear customer,</p><p>We are sending you the document of transport number {numero} of {data} in attachment.</p><p> </p><p>Best regards</p>'],
['em_templates_lang','Contract summary','Consuntivo contratto','Contract summary number {numero} of {data}','<p>Dear customer,</p><p>We are sending you the contract summary number {numero} of {data} in attachment.</p><p> </p><p>Best regards</p>'],
['em_templates_lang','Quotation summary','Consuntivo preventivo','Quotation summary number {numero} of {data}','<p>Dear customer,</p><p>We are sending you the quotation summary number {numero} of {data} in attachment.</p><p> </p><p>Best regards</p>'],
['em_templates_lang','Task notification','Notifica intervento','Task notification number {numero} of {data}','<p>Dear Technician,</p><p>A new task {numero} on {data} has been created.</p><p> </p><p>Best regards</p>'],
['em_templates_lang','Task removal notification','Notifica rimozione intervento','Task removal notification number {numero} of {data}','<p>Dear Technician,</p><p>You have been removed from task {numero} on {data}.</p><p> </p><p>Best regards</p>'],
['em_templates_lang','Task status','Stato intervento','Task number {numero} of {data}: {stato}','<p>Dear User,</p><p>The task {numero} on {data} has been moved to the status {stato}.</p>'],
['em_templates_lang','PEC','PEC','Invoice number {numero} of {data}','<p>Dear Customer,</p><p>We are sending you the invoice number {numero} of {data} in attachment.</p><p> </p><p>Best regards</p>'],
['em_templates_lang','Payment reminder','Sollecito di pagamento','Payment reminder number {numero} of {data}','<p>Dear {ragione_sociale},</p><p>We would like to provide you with a follow-up accounting statement, and it appears that the invoice number {numero} is overdue and due for payment in the amount of Euro {totale}. The invoice was issued to you.</p><p>We kindly request that you take immediate action to address your outstanding accounting situation. In order to settle the matter, payment can be made through {pagamento}.</p><p>If you have already made the payment, please disregard this message.</p><p> </p><p>We thank you and wish you our best regards.</p>'],
['em_templates_lang','Password reset','Reset password','Password reset request','<p>Dear {username},</p><p>Following your request to reset the password for your account, please enter the new password you wish to use at the following link:</p><p class=\"text-center\"><a href=\"{reset_link}\">{reset_link}</a></p><p> </p><p>If you are not the one who requested this password reset, please contact the administrator immediately to request a username change.</p><p> </p><p>Best regards</p>'],
['em_templates_lang','Payment reminder grouped by entity','Sollecito di pagamento raggruppato per anagrafica','Payment reminder','<p>Dear {ragione_sociale},</p><p>We would like to provide you with a follow-up accounting statement, and it appears that the following invoices are overdue:</p><p>{scadenze_fatture_scadute}</p><p>We kindly request that you take immediate action to address your outstanding accounting situation.</p><p>If you have already made the payment, please disregard this message.</p><p> </p><p>We thank you and wish you our best regards.</p>'],
$database->query('UPDATE '.$traduzione[0].' SET `subject` = "'.$traduzione[3].'" WHERE `name` = "'.$traduzione[2].'" AND `id_lang` = 2');
$database->query('UPDATE '.$traduzione[0].' SET `body` = "'.$traduzione[4].'" WHERE `name` = "'.$traduzione[2].'" AND `id_lang` = 2');
$database->query('UPDATE '.$traduzione[0].' SET `name` = "'.$traduzione[1].'" WHERE `name` = "'.$traduzione[2].'" AND `id_lang` = 2');
// traduzione zz_prints_lang
['zz_prints_lang','Sales invoice','Fattura di vendita','{tipo_documento} num. {numero} of {data}'],
['zz_prints_lang','Quotation summary internal','Consuntivo preventivo interno','Quotation summary num. {numero} of {data}'],
['zz_prints_lang','Contract','Contratto','Contract num. {numero} of {data}'],
['zz_prints_lang','Contract (without costs)','Contratto (senza costi)','Contract num. {numero} of {data}'],
['zz_prints_lang','Company data','Dati aziendali','Company data {ragione_sociale}'],
['zz_prints_lang','Purchase order transport document','Ddt di acquisto','Purchase order transport document num. {numero} of {data}'],
['zz_prints_lang','Sales order transport document','Ddt di vendita','Sales order transport document num. {numero} of {data}'],
['zz_prints_lang','Sales order transport document (without costs)','Ddt di vendita (senza costi)','Sales order transport document num. {numero} of {data}'],
$database->query('UPDATE '.$traduzione[0].' SET `name` = "'.$traduzione[1].'" WHERE `name` = "'.$traduzione[2].'" AND `id_lang` = 2');
// traduzione zz_settings_lang
['zz_settings_lang','Activate beta-versions download','Abilita canale pre-release per aggiornamenti','Allows retrieving unstable updates from the pre-release channel of the management system.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Enable export to Excel and PDF','Abilita esportazione Excel e PDF','Enables exporting views in xlsx and pdf formats as well.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Enable modification of other technicians','Abilita la modifica di altri tecnici',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Charge stamp duty to the customer','Addebita marca da bollo al cliente',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Update purchase info','Aggiorna info di acquisto',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Add line notes between documents','Aggiungi le note delle righe tra documenti','Allows reporting row notes during importation between documents.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Add document reference','Aggiungi riferimento tra documenti','Allows adding the document reference in the description of the imported row.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Automatic backup','Backup automatico','If enabled, a complete backup of the management system is performed according to the settings defined in zz_tasks (by default every day).t'],
['zz_settings_lang','Block prices lower than sales minimum','Bloccare i prezzi inferiori al minimo di vendita',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Automatically change the status of billed transport document','Cambia automaticamente stato ddt fatturati',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Automatically change the status of billed orders','Cambia automaticamente stato ordini fatturati',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Default provident fund cash','Cassa previdenziale predefinita',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Decimal places for amounts in printing','Cifre decimali per importi in stampa','Defines the number of decimal places for amounts in print templates.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Decimal places for quantities','Cifre decimali per quantità',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Decimal places for quantities in printing','Cifre decimali per quantità in stampa','Defines the number of decimal places for quantities in print templates.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Decimal places for totals in printing','Cifre decimali per totali in stampa','Defines the number of decimal places for totals in print templates.'],
['zz_settings_lang','General supply contract terms','Condizioni generali di fornitura contratti',''],
['zz_settings_lang','General supply quotation terms','Condizioni generali di fornitura preventivi',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Automatically confirm quantities in customer orders','Conferma automaticamente le quantità negli ordini cliente',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Automatically confirm quantities in supplier orders','Conferma automaticamente le quantità negli ordini fornitore',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Automatically confirm quantities in quotations','Conferma automaticamente le quantità nei preventivi',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Default company account','Conto aziendale predefinito',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Second-level account for customer credits','Conto di secondo livello per i crediti clienti',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Second-level account for supplier debts','Conto di secondo livello per i debiti fornitori',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Account for opening balance sheet accounts','Conto per Apertura conti patrimoniali',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Account for self-billing','Conto per autofattura',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Account for closing balance sheet accounts','Conto per Chiusura conti patrimoniali',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Account for tax authority with enasarco','Conto per Erario c/enasarco',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Account for tax authority with INPS','Conto per Erario c/INPS',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Account for tax authority with withholding tax','Conto per Erario c/ritenute d\'acconto',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Account for non-deductible VAT','Conto per Iva indetraibile',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Account for VAT on purchases','Conto per Iva su acquisti',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Account for VAT on sales','Conto per Iva su vendite',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Create renewable default contract','Crea contratto rinnovabile di default','Enabling this setting will automatically set new contracts created as Renewable.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Serial creation in electronic invoices importation','Creazione seriali in import FE','Determines the default value of the Serial Creation setting during the import of an electronic invoice.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Automatic invoice emission date','Data emissione fattura automatica','Automatically modify the emission date of an invoice at the moment of its emission, setting the subsequent date after the last issued invoice.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Printing time format','Formato ore in stampa',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Default advance notice days','Giorni di preavviso di default','Enter the number of days of notice to be automatically set at the creation of a contract.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Google Maps API key for Technicians','Google Maps API key per Tecnici',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Stamp duty amount','Importo marca da bollo',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Start of calendar period','Inizio periodo calendario',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Automatic request sending','Invio solleciti in automatico','Automatically send emails at a certain time according to the abilities defined in the settings.'],
['zz_settings_lang','VAT for letters of intent','Iva per lettere d\'intento',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Default customer price list','Listino cliente predefinito','During the creation of a customer profile, automatically attach the catalog to the customer profile itself.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Wacom signature brightness','Luminosità firma Wacom',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Page length of Datatables buffer','Lunghezza in pagine del buffer Datatables','Attention, higher values correspond to worse performance.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Page length for API','Lunghezza pagine per API',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Warehouse assets','Magazzino cespiti','Asset warehouse for printing assets from the articles module'],['zz_settings_lang','Maintain references across all linked documents','Mantieni riferimenti tra tutti i documenti collegati','Allows the addition of references to all linked documents'],
['zz_settings_lang','Months for Activity history','Mesi per lo storico delle Attività',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Default calculation methodology for withholding tax','Metodologia calcolo ritenuta d\'acconto predefinito',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Modify default views','Modifica Viste di default',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Show prices to technicians','Mostra i prezzi al tecnico',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Move warehouse during insertion or deletion of lots/serial numbers','Movimenta il magazzino durante l\'inserimento o eliminazione dei lotti/serial number','Enable automatic serial number at the moment of creating an article from the Warehouse or importing a purchase invoice'],
['zz_settings_lang','Move warehouse from purchase invoices','Movimenta magazzino da fatture di acquisto',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Hide default plugin bar','Nascondere la barra dei plugin di default',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Hide default left bar','Nascondere la barra sinistra di default',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Notify technician of session addition to activity','Notifica al tecnico l\'aggiunta della sessione nell\'attività','Notify the technician via email about the new work sessions assigned to them (the email address must be specified in their profile).'],
['zz_settings_lang','Notify technician of assignment to activity','Notifica al tecnico l\'assegnazione all\'attività','Notify the technician via email about the assignment of a new task (the email address must be specified in their profile).'],
['zz_settings_lang','Notify technician of assignment removal from activity','Notifica al tecnico la rimozione dell\'assegnazione dall\'attività','Notify the technician via email about the removal of the assignment from the task (the email address must be specified in their profile).'],
['zz_settings_lang','Notify technician of session removal from activity','Notifica al tecnico la rimozione della sessione dall\'attività','Notify the technician via email about the removal from the work sessions that were assigned to them (the email address must be specified in their profile).'],
['zz_settings_lang','Number of backups to keep','Numero di backup da mantenere',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Number of days to maintain send queue','Numero di giorni mantenimento coda di invio','The setting is only valid for the deletion of the newsletter sending queue.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Number of minutes for activity session advancement','Numero di minuti di avanzamento delle sessioni delle attività','Specify by how many minutes to increase or decrease the work sessions for the tasks.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Number of emails to send concurrently per account','Numero email da inviare in contemporanea per account','Number of emails to send from the sending queue at a time for each email account.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Maximum number of attempts','Numero massimo di tentativi','Maximum number of attempts to try to send an email.'],
['zz_settings_lang','End time on the calendar','Ora fine sul calendario',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Start time on the calendar','Ora inizio sul calendario',''],
['zz_settings_lang','OSMCloud Services API Token','OSMCloud Services API Token',''],
['zz_settings_lang','OSMCloud Services API URL','OSMCloud Services API URL',''],
['zz_settings_lang','OSMCloud Services API Version','OSMCloud Services API Version',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Allow billing of activities linked to contracts','Permetti fatturazione delle attività collegate a contratti',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Allow billing of activities linked to orders','Permetti fatturazione delle attività collegate a ordini',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Allow billing of activities linked to quotes','Permetti fatturazione delle attività collegate a preventivi',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Allow restoration of backup from external files','Permetti il ripristino di backup da file esterni','Enable the possibility of restoring backups from external archives to the management system.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Allow exceeding the quantity threshold of source documents','Permetti il superamento della soglia quantità dei documenti di origine',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Allow insertion of sessions by other technicians','Permetti inserimento sessioni degli altri tecnici','Allows the technician to enter work sessions for other technicians as well'],
['zz_settings_lang','Allow access to administrators','Permetti l\'accesso agli amministratori',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Allow selection of items with quantity less than or equal to zero in Sales Documents','Permetti selezione articoli con quantità minore o uguale a zero in Documenti di Vendita','Sales documents such as invoices, delivery notes, and tasks'],
['zz_settings_lang','Currency symbol position','Posizione del simbolo valuta',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Document reference in Electronic Invoice','Riferimento dei documenti in Fattura Elettronica',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Remove foreign invoice warning','Rimuovi avviso fatture estere','Enable to remove the alert for foreign electronic invoices to be sent, in case the foreign electronic invoices are not sent.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Delay in days since last email sent for payment reminder','Ritardo in giorni dall\'ultima email per invio sollecito pagamento',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Delay in days since invoice due date for payment reminder','Ritardo in giorni della scadenza della fattura per invio solleitto pagamento',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Second timeout Wacom tablet','Secondi timeout tavoletta Wacom','Defines the number of seconds before the timeout of the Wacom tablet.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Enable serial number by default','Serial number abilitato di default',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Purchase invoice section','Sezionario per autofatture di acquisto',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Sale invoice section','Sezionario per autofatture di vendita',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Wacom tablet background','Sfondo firma tavoletta Wacom',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Sync only customers worked by technician in the past','Sincronizza solo i Clienti per cui il Tecnico ha lavorato in passato',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Signature system','Sistema di firma','Select the signature system for the documents.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Soft quota','Soft quota','The value expressed in gigabytes exceeded which will result in a warning of space exhaustion.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Minimum threshold for stamp application','Soglia minima per l\'applicazione della marca da bollo',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Print preview and sign','Stampa per anteprima e firma',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Close activity status','Stato dell\'attività alla chiusura','Status in which to move the task after closure.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Signed activity status','Stato dell\'attività dopo la firma','State in which to move the task after the customer signs.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Search time delay (seconds)','Tempo di attesa ricerche in secondi',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Default snap activity status on calendar','Tempo predefinito di snap attività sul calendario','It is used in the format of Fullcalendar: hh:mm:ss'],
['zz_settings_lang','Intermediary','Terzo intermediario','Supplier, my authorized intermediary for sending electronic invoices (e.g. Aruba, Teamsystem, etc...)t'],
['zz_settings_lang','OpenStreetMap tile server','Tile server OpenStreetMap',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Presence notification timeout (minutes)','Timeout notifica di presenza (minuti)',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Previdencial box type','Tipo Cassa Previdenziale','Defines the type of refund'],
['zz_settings_lang','Default payment type','Tipo di pagamento predefinito',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Default discount type','Tipo di sconto predefinito',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Total tables restricted to selection','Totali delle tabelle ristretti alla selezione',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Use sales prices inclusive of VAT','Utilizza prezzi di vendita comprensivi di IVA','Enable management with VAT-inclusive amounts for sales prices'],
['zz_settings_lang','Use tooltips on the calendar','Utilizzare i tooltip sul calendario',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Check intervention number','Verifica numero intervento','Display the message that verifies the continuity of numbers for the activities.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Show additional information on the calendar','Visualizza informazioni aggiuntive sul calendario','Display on the calendar the All-day box where additional information can be present.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Show reference on each line in print','Visualizza riferimento su ogni riga in stampa','If disabled, groups the reference to attached documents in a single row, if enabled reports the references to documents in each row.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Show only assigned reminders','Visualizza solo promemoria assegnati','If enabled, allows technicians to view only the reminders in which they are assigned.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Display Sunday on the calendar','Visualizzare la domenica sul calendario',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Session color display','Visualizzazione colori sessioni',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Group activities by type on invoice','Raggruppa attività per tipologia in fattura',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Days validity of discarded invoice','Giorni validità fattura scartata','Number of days available to correct a rejected invoice by the SDI before its invoice number can no longer be used. Once the indicated days have passed, it is necessary to issue a new invoice, and it will be marked as \'Invalid\'.'],
['zz_settings_lang','Default account for stamp duty','Conto predefinito per la marca da bollo',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Summary account for suppliers','Conto per Riepilogativo fornitori',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Summary account for customers','Conto per Riepilogativo clienti',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Segment for auto-invoices (sale)','Sezionale per autofatture di vendita',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Segment for auto-invoices (purchase)','Sezionale per autofatture di acquisto',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Start date of controls on electronic invoices status','Data inizio controlli su stati FE',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Delay in days of the invoice due date for requested payment','Ritardo in giorni della scadenza della fattura per invio sollecito pagamento',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Wacom signature contract','Contrasto firma Wacom',''],
['zz_settings_lang','Start date of sales invoice counter verification','Data inizio verifica contatore fattura di vendita',''],