These are not actual TV channels, Huya is a livestreaming site, judging from the titles these seem just users streaming episodes of a specific series or genre (e.g Zombie movies or Jackie Chan movies). Most are dead or geoblocked (403 & 404 errors).
* NewTV明星大片
* Added Chinese name of the channel.
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of the channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* Appended "(Backup)" to two of the links and removed "FHD" and "HD", all three have the same resolution.
* NewTV海外剧场
* Removed. It's not the channel of the title. It's broadcasting a video games competition, doesn't seem a real TV channel.
* NewTV潮妈辣婆
* Added Chinese name of the channel.
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of the channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* NewTV炫舞未来
* Added Chinese name of the channel.
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of the channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* NewTV爱情喜剧
* Added Chinese name of the channel.
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of the channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* NewTV爱情喜剧 (2nd link)
* Removed. Actually a video segment of a different channel.
* NewTV电竟
* Removed. Not a NewTV channel, it's showing an e-sports competition.
* NewTV精品体育HD
* Added Chinese name of the channel.
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of the channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* Removed "HD" from name, same resolution as most channels.
* Added category.
* NewTV精品大剧
* Added Chinese name of the channel.
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of the channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* Appended "(Backup)" to one of the links and removed "HD", same resolution as the other link.
* NewTV精品电影
* Changed name and logo of the channel to the one that appear on the stream, 黑莓电影.
* Added category.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* Appended "(Backup)" to one of the links and removed "HD", same resolution as the other link.
* NewTV精品记录
* Removed repeated fields on NewTV精品记录 FHD.
* Added Chinese name of the channel.
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of the channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* Removed "HHD" & "HHD", same resolution as the other link.
* Added category.
* NewTV超级电影
* Added Chinese name of the channel.
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of the channel.
* Added category.
* NewTV超级体育
* Added Chinese name of the channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* NewTV金牌综艺
* Added Chinese name of the channel.
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of the channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* Added category.
* Appended "(Backup)" to two of the links and removed "HD", all three have the same resolution.
* NewTV动作电影
* Added Chinese name of the channel.
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of the channel.
* Added Category.
* Appended "(Backup)" to one of the links and removed "HD", same resolution as the other link.
* NewTV动画王国
* Changed name to 黑莓动画, the channel seems to have changed its name and logo.
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of this channel.
* Added Category.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* Appended "(Backup)" to one of the links and removed "HHD", same resolution as the other link.
* NewTV古装剧场
* Added Chinese name of the channel.
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of the channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* NewTV古装剧场 (2nd lnk)
* Removed. Different channel (浙江卫视) and just a video segment.
* NewTV完美游戏
* Not the channel on the title, seems to be a e-sports stream, not a TV channel.
* NewTV家庭剧场
* Added Chinese name of the channel.
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of the channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* Appended "(Backup)" to one of the links and removed "HHD", same resolution as the other link.
* NewTV惊悚悬疑
* Added Chinese name of the channel.
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of the channel.
* Appended "(Backup)" to one of the links and removed "HD", same resolution as the other link.
* NewTV搏击
* Added Chinese name of the channel.
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of the channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* NewTV搏击剧场
* Changed name, same channel as NewTV未来电视 搏击
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of the channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* Removed one of the links. The IP of the m3u8 playlist is different but the .ts files are the same.
* Appended "(Backup)" to one of the links.
* NewTV中国功夫
* Added Chinese name of the channel (Following the same format as CCTV).
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of the channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* Appended "(Backup)" to one of the links.
* NewTV健康有约
* Added Chinese name of the channel.
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of the channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* Appended "(Backup)" to one of the links.
* NewTV军事评论
* Added Chinese name of the channel.
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of the channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* Appended "(Backup)" to one of the links.
* NewTV军旅剧场
* Added Chinese name of the channel.
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of the channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* Appended "(Backup)" to one of the links.
* NewTV农业致富
* Added Chinese name of the channel.
* Replaced general NewTV logo with logo of the channel.
* Added Mandarin Chinese language.
* Appended "(Backup)" to one of the links.