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<h1 align="center">Welcome to lscanbot 📱</h1>
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> A telegram bot to find devices on your LAN.
<img src="screenshot.png">
## Install
### Step by step
1. Install **arp-scan** package on your GNU/Linux system.
2. Configure **arp-scan** to use without sudo. (`chmod u+s`)
3. Clone this repository on your system.
4. Install dependecies with `npm install`.
5. Create new bot with **@BotFather** on Telegram.
6. Insert your **API Token** (app.token) into `config.json`.
7. Insert your **Telegram ID** (app.authorizedUsers) into `config.json`.
8. Insert your **Network Device** (scanner.interface) into `config.json`.
## Usage
Start server:
npm run start
**lscanbot** scans devices with arp-scan, showing only devices registered in the inventory.
### Scan
Before scanning, you must insert the devices into the inventory (to track it):
> /add [Device name] ; [Owner] ; [MAC Address]
(use `;` to split arguments)
example: (/add Motorola Moto G6; Frank; AB:CC:MY:MC:AD)
After that, you can scan:
It will send back the devices connected to your network.
### Remove
> /remove [MAC Address]
## Author
👤 **franjsco (Francesco Esposito)**
* Website: https://franjsco.github.io/
* Twitter: [@franjsco](https://twitter.com/franjsco)
* Github: [@franjsco](https://github.com/franjsco)
## Show your support
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
## 📝 License
Copyright © 2020 [franjsco (Francesco Esposito)](https://github.com/franjsco).<br />
This project is [GPL--3.0](https://github.com/franjsco/lscanbot/blob/master/LICENSE) licensed.
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