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Environment Setup

The whole solution is made up of 4 repos.

  1. covidpass (Wallet Pass creation front-end, port 3000)
  2. covidpassApiDotNet (Wallet Pass signing service, Apple specific, port 80)
  3. verifier (web app for scanning, port 5001; GCP cloud functions /register /verify in support of #1)
  4. hit-counter (simple python script running in VM, web enabled using flask, port 8080)

The steps were tested against a standard ubuntu LTS 18 vm running in GCP

GCP console - Firewall Rule config allow-covidpass-ports, port 3000,80,5001,5003,8080 tcp/inbound

GCP console - VM setup ubuntu, no customization, 2 core, 4Gb RAM, allow all GCP API, network tag (allow-covidpass-ports), fixed external ip will be helpful

ssh into the newly created vm

Install docker

Enable non-root usage of docker
sudo groupadd docker sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER} exit SSH session and login again

Install yarn curl -sS | sudo apt-key add - echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install yarn

Upgrade node to 14 sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Prepare to start mkdir web cd web

Repo 1 (covidpass)

git clone
cd covidpass
yarn install

note external IP of your dev machines
modify .env.local and replace localhost with your {vm-external-ip} 

yarn dev

access it from your workstation's browser (http://vm-external-ip:3000)
you should see on the yarn output compiling... sentry initialized and browser showing page

Repo 2 (

cd ~/web
git clone
cd CovidPassApiNet/CovidPassApiNet
cp appsettings.example.json appsettings.json

setup Apple Developer Certificate (assume current directory is the above)

    1. Sign into your Apple Developer Account
    2. Go to Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles
    3. Register a new Pass Type Identifier under the Identifiers tab
    4. Create a new Pass Type ID Certificate under the Certificates tab
    5. Select your previously created Pass Type Identifier in the process
    6. Move your new certificate to the My Certificates tab in the keychain
    7. Export your certificate as a .p12 file (make a note of passphrase)
    8. Create a text file named AppleDeveloperPassword with your passphrase in it
    9. Install node.js and download the passkit-keys script
    10. Create a keys folder and put the .p12 file inside
    11. Run ./passkit-keys <path to your keys folder>
    12. copy the .pem file to ~/web/CovidPassApiNet/CovidPassApiNet/AppDeveloperCerticate.pem
    13. Open keychain - System Keychain - Certificates
    14. Export Apple Developer Relations Certification Authority to AppleCaCertificate.pem
    15. chmod 600 Apple*.pem 

    (Reminder: pls protect these files as they contain private key and passphrases. Do not add them to your repo.)

docker build . -t covidpassapinet
docker run covidpassapinet -p 80:80

Repo 3 (

cd ~/web
git clone

sudo npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase init
sudo apt install default-jre
firebase emulators:start

Repo 4 (

cd ~/web
git clone
sudo apt-get install python3.8 python3-pip