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synced 2025-03-04 03:27:52 +01:00
139 lines
5.3 KiB
139 lines
5.3 KiB
"extensionDescription": {
"message": "Skyddar dig mot att spåras av \"gratis\" centraliserad innehållsleverans.",
"description": "Extension description."
"amountInjectedTitle": {
"message": "Räknare för lokalt insatta resurser",
"description": "Amount injected title"
"amountInjectedDescription": {
"message": "Antal insatta innehållsleveransnätverksresurser sedan installation.",
"description": "Amount injected description."
"optionsTitle": {
"message": "Alternativ",
"description": "Options title"
"showIconBadgeTitle": {
"message": "Visa insättningsantal på ikonen",
"description": "Show icon badge title"
"showIconBadgeDescription": {
"message": "Visa antalet insatta resurser på tilläggsikonen.",
"description": "Show icon badge description."
"blockMissingTitle": {
"message": "Blockera förfrågningar när resurs saknas",
"description": "Block requests for missing resources title"
"blockMissingDescription": {
"message": "Avbryt avlyssnad begäran om den nödvändiga resursen inte är lokalt tillgänglig.",
"description": "Block requests for missing resources description."
"disablePrefetchTitle": {
"message": "Inaktivera länkförhandshämtning",
"description": "Disable prefetch title"
"disablePrefetchDescription": {
"message": "Förhindra otillåtna förfrågningar från att läcka ut till leveransnätverk.",
"description": "Disable prefetch description."
"stripMetadataTitle": {
"message": "Skala bort metadata från tillåtna förfrågningar",
"description": "Strip metadata title"
"stripMetadataDescription": {
"message": "Radera känslig data från tillåtna CDN-förfrågningar för förbättrad integritet.",
"description": "Strip metadata description."
"whitelistedDomainsTitle": {
"message": "Exkludera domäner från inspektioner",
"description": "Deactivate LocalCDN for these domains:"
"whitelistedDomainsDescription": {
"message": "Ange domäner för vitlistning. Separera flera domänposter med semikolon (;).",
"description": "Enter domains to disable LocalCDN there. Separate multiple entries with semi-colons (;)."
"advancedLabel": {
"message": "Avancerat",
"description": "Advanced label"
"generateRuleSetTitle": {
"message": "Generera regeluppsättningar för uBlock eller uMatrix",
"description": "Generate rule set title"
"generateRuleSetDescription": {
"message": "",
"description": "In case you're using uBlock or uMatrix you can generate the rules here. You have to add these rules manually in uBlock or uMatrix."
"lastUpdate": {
"message": "",
"description": "Last update:"
"copyRuleSet": {
"message": "",
"description": "Text of button to copy ruleset"
"loggingTitle": {
"message": "",
"description": "Enable logging in browser console"
"loggingDescription": {
"message": "",
"description": "Open \"Browser Console\" ( CTRL + SHIFT + J ) to show missing resources."
"hideReleaseNotesTitle": {
"message": "",
"description": "Disable release notes"
"hideReleaseNotesDescription": {
"message": "",
"description": "If enabled, you wont receive any information about new features in LocalCDN. This includes information about new uBlock/uMatrix rules."
"featureBreaksWebsitesDescription": {
"message": "",
"description": "This feature breaks websites. Do not leave it enabled, unless you are prepared to manually whitelist any affected domains."
"featureBreaksWebsitesButton": {
"message": "",
"description": "Disable"
"labelManipulateDOM": {
"message": "",
"description": "Filter HTML source code"
"labelShowMoreInjections": {
"message": "",
"description": "Show more Injections"
"labelDonate": {
"message": "",
"description": "Donate"
"negateHtmlFilterListTitle": {
"message": "",
"description": "Invert HTML filter"
"negateHtmlFilterListDescription": {
"message": "",
"description": "Enable this option to always apply the HTML filter. The domains in the list will be ignored then. If this option is disabled, the HTML filter is only applied to domains in the list."
"negateHtmlFilterListWarning": {
"message": "",
"description": "This function can break websites. Please note the information on the Wiki page."
"htmlFilterDomainsTitleExclude": {
"message": "",
"description": "Do not apply HTML filter to these domains:"
"htmlFilterDomainsDescription": {
"message": "",
"description": "Enter the domains to be handled or ignored by the HTML filter. Separate multiple entries with semi-colons (;). Default: Apply HTML filter only for these domains."
"htmlFilterDomainsTitleInclude": {
"message": "",
"description": "Apply HTML filter for these domains:"