mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 14:20:48 +01:00
3502 lines
158 KiB
3502 lines
158 KiB
var zn = Object.defineProperty;
var Vn = (s, t, e) => t in s ? zn(s, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: e }) : s[t] = e;
var f = (s, t, e) => Vn(s, typeof t != "symbol" ? t + "" : t, e);
class I extends Error {
constructor(e, n) {
f(this, "timestamp");
this.type = e, this.timestamp = performance.now();
class fe extends Error {
constructor(t) {
super(), this.type = t;
class Gn {
constructor(t, e, n) {
f(this, "requestControls");
f(this, "abortController", new AbortController());
f(this, "expectedBytesLength");
f(this, "requestByteRange");
f(this, "onChunkDownloaded");
this.request = t, this.httpConfig = e, this.onChunkDownloaded = n.getEventDispatcher("onChunkDownloaded");
const { byteRange: r } = this.request.segment;
r && (this.requestByteRange = { ...r }), t.loadedBytes !== 0 && (this.requestByteRange = this.requestByteRange ?? { start: 0 }, this.requestByteRange.start = this.requestByteRange.start + t.loadedBytes), this.request.totalBytes && (this.expectedBytesLength = this.request.totalBytes - this.request.loadedBytes), this.requestControls = this.request.start({ downloadSource: "http" }, { abort: () => this.abortController.abort("abort"), notReceivingBytesTimeoutMs: this.httpConfig.httpNotReceivingBytesTimeoutMs }), this.fetch();
async fetch() {
var e, n;
const { segment: t } = this.request;
try {
let r = await ((n = (e = this.httpConfig).httpRequestSetup) == null ? void 0 : n.call(e, t.url, t.byteRange, this.abortController.signal, this.requestByteRange));
if (!r) {
const h = new Headers(this.requestByteRange ? { Range: `bytes=${this.requestByteRange.start}-${this.requestByteRange.end ?? ""}` } : void 0);
r = new Request(t.url, { headers: h, signal: this.abortController.signal });
if (this.abortController.signal.aborted) throw new DOMException("Request aborted before request fetch", "AbortError");
const i = await window.fetch(r);
if (this.handleResponseHeaders(i), !i.body) return;
const { requestControls: o } = this;
const a = i.body.getReader();
for await (const h of async function* (u) {
for (; ; ) {
const { done: d, value: p } = await u.read();
if (d) break;
yield p;
}(a)) this.requestControls.addLoadedChunk(h), this.onChunkDownloaded(h.byteLength, "http");
} catch (r) {
handleResponseHeaders(t) {
if (!t.ok) throw t.status === 406 ? (this.request.clearLoadedBytes(), new I("http-bytes-mismatch", t.statusText)) : new I("http-error", t.statusText);
const { requestByteRange: e } = this;
if (e) if (t.status === 200) {
if (this.request.segment.byteRange) throw new I("http-unexpected-status-code");
} else {
if (t.status !== 206) throw new I("http-unexpected-status-code", t.statusText);
const n = t.headers.get("Content-Length");
if (n && this.expectedBytesLength !== void 0 && this.expectedBytesLength !== +n) throw this.request.clearLoadedBytes(), new I("http-bytes-mismatch", t.statusText);
const r = t.headers.get("Content-Range"), i = r ? function(o) {
const a = o.trim().match(/^bytes (?:(?:(\d+)|)-(?:(\d+)|)|\*)\/(?:(\d+)|\*)$/);
if (!a) return;
const [, h, u, d] = a;
return { from: h ? parseInt(h) : void 0, to: u ? parseInt(u) : void 0, total: d ? parseInt(d) : void 0 };
}(r) : void 0;
if (i) {
const { from: o, to: a, total: h } = i;
if (h !== void 0 && this.request.totalBytes !== h || o !== void 0 && e.start !== o || a !== void 0 && e.end !== void 0 && e.end !== a) throw this.request.clearLoadedBytes(), new I("http-bytes-mismatch", t.statusText);
if (t.status === 200 && this.request.totalBytes === void 0) {
const n = t.headers.get("Content-Length");
n && this.request.setTotalBytes(+n);
handleError(t) {
if (t instanceof Error) {
if (t.name !== "abort") return;
const e = t instanceof I ? t : new I("http-error", t.message);
function Jn(s) {
return s && s.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, "default") ? s.default : s;
var D, N, nn = { exports: {} }, v = nn.exports = {};
function jt() {
throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined");
function Qt() {
throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined");
function sn(s) {
if (D === setTimeout) return setTimeout(s, 0);
if ((D === jt || !D) && setTimeout) return D = setTimeout, setTimeout(s, 0);
try {
return D(s, 0);
} catch {
try {
return D.call(null, s, 0);
} catch {
return D.call(this, s, 0);
(function() {
try {
D = typeof setTimeout == "function" ? setTimeout : jt;
} catch {
D = jt;
try {
N = typeof clearTimeout == "function" ? clearTimeout : Qt;
} catch {
N = Qt;
var Q, M = [], J = !1, bt = -1;
function Yn() {
J && Q && (J = !1, Q.length ? M = Q.concat(M) : bt = -1, M.length && rn());
function rn() {
if (!J) {
var s = sn(Yn);
J = !0;
for (var t = M.length; t; ) {
for (Q = M, M = []; ++bt < t; ) Q && Q[bt].run();
bt = -1, t = M.length;
Q = null, J = !1, function(e) {
if (N === clearTimeout) return clearTimeout(e);
if ((N === Qt || !N) && clearTimeout) return N = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(e);
try {
return N(e);
} catch {
try {
return N.call(null, e);
} catch {
return N.call(this, e);
function pe(s, t) {
this.fun = s, this.array = t;
function O() {
v.nextTick = function(s) {
var t = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
if (arguments.length > 1) for (var e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) t[e - 1] = arguments[e];
M.push(new pe(s, t)), M.length !== 1 || J || sn(rn);
}, pe.prototype.run = function() {
this.fun.apply(null, this.array);
}, v.title = "browser", v.browser = !0, v.env = {}, v.argv = [], v.version = "", v.versions = {}, v.on = O, v.addListener = O, v.once = O, v.off = O, v.removeListener = O, v.removeAllListeners = O, v.emit = O, v.prependListener = O, v.prependOnceListener = O, v.listeners = function(s) {
return [];
}, v.binding = function(s) {
throw new Error("process.binding is not supported");
}, v.cwd = function() {
return "/";
}, v.chdir = function(s) {
throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported");
}, v.umask = function() {
return 0;
const wt = Jn(nn.exports);
var Kn = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {};
function V(s) {
return s && s.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, "default") ? s.default : s;
var me, ye, Wt = { exports: {} };
function Xn() {
if (ye) return me;
ye = 1;
var s = 1e3, t = 60 * s, e = 60 * t, n = 24 * e, r = 7 * n, i = 365.25 * n;
function o(a, h, u, d) {
var p = h >= 1.5 * u;
return Math.round(a / u) + " " + d + (p ? "s" : "");
return me = function(a, h) {
h = h || {};
var u = typeof a;
if (u === "string" && a.length > 0) return function(d) {
if (!((d = String(d)).length > 100)) {
var p = /^(-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|weeks?|w|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec(d);
if (p) {
var _ = parseFloat(p[1]);
switch ((p[2] || "ms").toLowerCase()) {
case "years":
case "year":
case "yrs":
case "yr":
case "y":
return _ * i;
case "weeks":
case "week":
case "w":
return _ * r;
case "days":
case "day":
case "d":
return _ * n;
case "hours":
case "hour":
case "hrs":
case "hr":
case "h":
return _ * e;
case "minutes":
case "minute":
case "mins":
case "min":
case "m":
return _ * t;
case "seconds":
case "second":
case "secs":
case "sec":
case "s":
return _ * s;
case "milliseconds":
case "millisecond":
case "msecs":
case "msec":
case "ms":
return _;
if (u === "number" && isFinite(a)) return h.long ? function(d) {
var p = Math.abs(d);
return p >= n ? o(d, p, n, "day") : p >= e ? o(d, p, e, "hour") : p >= t ? o(d, p, t, "minute") : p >= s ? o(d, p, s, "second") : d + " ms";
}(a) : function(d) {
var p = Math.abs(d);
return p >= n ? Math.round(d / n) + "d" : p >= e ? Math.round(d / e) + "h" : p >= t ? Math.round(d / t) + "m" : p >= s ? Math.round(d / s) + "s" : d + "ms";
throw new Error("val is not a non-empty string or a valid number. val=" + JSON.stringify(a));
var Zn = function(s) {
function t(r) {
let i, o, a, h = null;
function u(...d) {
if (!u.enabled) return;
const p = u, _ = Number(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()), S = _ - (i || _);
p.diff = S, p.prev = i, p.curr = _, i = _, d[0] = t.coerce(d[0]), typeof d[0] != "string" && d.unshift("%O");
let c = 0;
d[0] = d[0].replace(/%([a-zA-Z%])/g, (g, l) => {
if (g === "%%") return "%";
const m = t.formatters[l];
if (typeof m == "function") {
const y = d[c];
g = m.call(p, y), d.splice(c, 1), c--;
return g;
}), t.formatArgs.call(p, d), (p.log || t.log).apply(p, d);
return u.namespace = r, u.useColors = t.useColors(), u.color = t.selectColor(r), u.extend = e, u.destroy = t.destroy, Object.defineProperty(u, "enabled", { enumerable: !0, configurable: !1, get: () => h !== null ? h : (o !== t.namespaces && (o = t.namespaces, a = t.enabled(r)), a), set: (d) => {
h = d;
} }), typeof t.init == "function" && t.init(u), u;
function e(r, i) {
const o = t(this.namespace + (i === void 0 ? ":" : i) + r);
return o.log = this.log, o;
function n(r) {
return r.toString().substring(2, r.toString().length - 2).replace(/\.\*\?$/, "*");
return t.debug = t, t.default = t, t.coerce = function(r) {
return r instanceof Error ? r.stack || r.message : r;
}, t.disable = function() {
const r = [...t.names.map(n), ...t.skips.map(n).map((i) => "-" + i)].join(",");
return t.enable(""), r;
}, t.enable = function(r) {
let i;
t.save(r), t.namespaces = r, t.names = [], t.skips = [];
const o = (typeof r == "string" ? r : "").split(/[\s,]+/), a = o.length;
for (i = 0; i < a; i++) o[i] && ((r = o[i].replace(/\*/g, ".*?"))[0] === "-" ? t.skips.push(new RegExp("^" + r.slice(1) + "$")) : t.names.push(new RegExp("^" + r + "$")));
}, t.enabled = function(r) {
if (r[r.length - 1] === "*") return !0;
let i, o;
for (i = 0, o = t.skips.length; i < o; i++) if (t.skips[i].test(r)) return !1;
for (i = 0, o = t.names.length; i < o; i++) if (t.names[i].test(r)) return !0;
return !1;
}, t.humanize = Xn(), t.destroy = function() {
console.warn("Instance method `debug.destroy()` is deprecated and no longer does anything. It will be removed in the next major version of `debug`.");
}, Object.keys(s).forEach((r) => {
t[r] = s[r];
}), t.names = [], t.skips = [], t.formatters = {}, t.selectColor = function(r) {
let i = 0;
for (let o = 0; o < r.length; o++) i = (i << 5) - i + r.charCodeAt(o), i |= 0;
return t.colors[Math.abs(i) % t.colors.length];
}, t.enable(t.load()), t;
(function(s, t) {
t.formatArgs = function(n) {
if (n[0] = (this.useColors ? "%c" : "") + this.namespace + (this.useColors ? " %c" : " ") + n[0] + (this.useColors ? "%c " : " ") + "+" + s.exports.humanize(this.diff), !this.useColors) return;
const r = "color: " + this.color;
n.splice(1, 0, r, "color: inherit");
let i = 0, o = 0;
n[0].replace(/%[a-zA-Z%]/g, (a) => {
a !== "%%" && (i++, a === "%c" && (o = i));
}), n.splice(o, 0, r);
}, t.save = function(n) {
try {
n ? t.storage.setItem("debug", n) : t.storage.removeItem("debug");
} catch {
}, t.load = function() {
let n;
try {
n = t.storage.getItem("debug");
} catch {
return !n && wt !== void 0 && "env" in wt && (n = wt.env.DEBUG), n;
}, t.useColors = function() {
return typeof window < "u" && window.process && (window.process.type === "renderer" || window.process.__nwjs) ? !0 : typeof navigator < "u" && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/(edge|trident)\/(\d+)/) ? !1 : typeof document < "u" && document.documentElement && document.documentElement.style && document.documentElement.style.WebkitAppearance || typeof window < "u" && window.console && (window.console.firebug || window.console.exception && window.console.table) || typeof navigator < "u" && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/firefox\/(\d+)/) && parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10) >= 31 || typeof navigator < "u" && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/applewebkit\/(\d+)/);
}, t.storage = function() {
try {
return localStorage;
} catch {
}(), t.destroy = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => {
let n = !1;
return () => {
n || (n = !0, console.warn("Instance method `debug.destroy()` is deprecated and no longer does anything. It will be removed in the next major version of `debug`."));
})(), t.colors = ["#0000CC", "#0000FF", "#0033CC", "#0033FF", "#0066CC", "#0066FF", "#0099CC", "#0099FF", "#00CC00", "#00CC33", "#00CC66", "#00CC99", "#00CCCC", "#00CCFF", "#3300CC", "#3300FF", "#3333CC", "#3333FF", "#3366CC", "#3366FF", "#3399CC", "#3399FF", "#33CC00", "#33CC33", "#33CC66", "#33CC99", "#33CCCC", "#33CCFF", "#6600CC", "#6600FF", "#6633CC", "#6633FF", "#66CC00", "#66CC33", "#9900CC", "#9900FF", "#9933CC", "#9933FF", "#99CC00", "#99CC33", "#CC0000", "#CC0033", "#CC0066", "#CC0099", "#CC00CC", "#CC00FF", "#CC3300", "#CC3333", "#CC3366", "#CC3399", "#CC33CC", "#CC33FF", "#CC6600", "#CC6633", "#CC9900", "#CC9933", "#CCCC00", "#CCCC33", "#FF0000", "#FF0033", "#FF0066", "#FF0099", "#FF00CC", "#FF00FF", "#FF3300", "#FF3333", "#FF3366", "#FF3399", "#FF33CC", "#FF33FF", "#FF6600", "#FF6633", "#FF9900", "#FF9933", "#FFCC00", "#FFCC33"], t.log = console.debug || console.log || (() => {
}), s.exports = Zn(t);
const { formatters: e } = s.exports;
e.j = function(n) {
try {
return JSON.stringify(n);
} catch (r) {
return "[UnexpectedJSONParseError]: " + r.message;
})(Wt, Wt.exports);
var on = Wt.exports;
const P = V(on);
var an, zt = { exports: {} }, Y = typeof Reflect == "object" ? Reflect : null, _e = Y && typeof Y.apply == "function" ? Y.apply : function(s, t, e) {
return Function.prototype.apply.call(s, t, e);
an = Y && typeof Y.ownKeys == "function" ? Y.ownKeys : Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? function(s) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(s).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s));
} : function(s) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(s);
var be = Number.isNaN || function(s) {
return s != s;
function w() {
zt.exports = w, zt.exports.once = function(s, t) {
return new Promise(function(e, n) {
function r(o) {
s.removeListener(t, i), n(o);
function i() {
typeof s.removeListener == "function" && s.removeListener("error", r), e([].slice.call(arguments));
ke(s, t, i, { once: !0 }), t !== "error" && function(o, a, h) {
typeof o.on == "function" && ke(o, "error", a, h);
}(s, r, { once: !0 });
}, w.EventEmitter = w, w.prototype._events = void 0, w.prototype._eventsCount = 0, w.prototype._maxListeners = void 0;
var we = 10;
function St(s) {
if (typeof s != "function") throw new TypeError('The "listener" argument must be of type Function. Received type ' + typeof s);
function hn(s) {
return s._maxListeners === void 0 ? w.defaultMaxListeners : s._maxListeners;
function Se(s, t, e, n) {
var r, i, o, a;
if (St(e), (i = s._events) === void 0 ? (i = s._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), s._eventsCount = 0) : (i.newListener !== void 0 && (s.emit("newListener", t, e.listener ? e.listener : e), i = s._events), o = i[t]), o === void 0) o = i[t] = e, ++s._eventsCount;
else if (typeof o == "function" ? o = i[t] = n ? [e, o] : [o, e] : n ? o.unshift(e) : o.push(e), (r = hn(s)) > 0 && o.length > r && !o.warned) {
o.warned = !0;
var h = new Error("Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. " + o.length + " " + String(t) + " listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit");
h.name = "MaxListenersExceededWarning", h.emitter = s, h.type = t, h.count = o.length, a = h, console && console.warn && console.warn(a);
return s;
function ts() {
if (!this.fired) return this.target.removeListener(this.type, this.wrapFn), this.fired = !0, arguments.length === 0 ? this.listener.call(this.target) : this.listener.apply(this.target, arguments);
function Ce(s, t, e) {
var n = { fired: !1, wrapFn: void 0, target: s, type: t, listener: e }, r = ts.bind(n);
return r.listener = e, n.wrapFn = r, r;
function ve(s, t, e) {
var n = s._events;
if (n === void 0) return [];
var r = n[t];
return r === void 0 ? [] : typeof r == "function" ? e ? [r.listener || r] : [r] : e ? function(i) {
for (var o = new Array(i.length), a = 0; a < o.length; ++a) o[a] = i[a].listener || i[a];
return o;
}(r) : cn(r, r.length);
function Le(s) {
var t = this._events;
if (t !== void 0) {
var e = t[s];
if (typeof e == "function") return 1;
if (e !== void 0) return e.length;
return 0;
function cn(s, t) {
for (var e = new Array(t), n = 0; n < t; ++n) e[n] = s[n];
return e;
function ke(s, t, e, n) {
if (typeof s.on == "function") n.once ? s.once(t, e) : s.on(t, e);
else {
if (typeof s.addEventListener != "function") throw new TypeError('The "emitter" argument must be of type EventEmitter. Received type ' + typeof s);
s.addEventListener(t, function r(i) {
n.once && s.removeEventListener(t, r), e(i);
Object.defineProperty(w, "defaultMaxListeners", { enumerable: !0, get: function() {
return we;
}, set: function(s) {
if (typeof s != "number" || s < 0 || be(s)) throw new RangeError('The value of "defaultMaxListeners" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + s + ".");
we = s;
} }), w.init = function() {
this._events !== void 0 && this._events !== Object.getPrototypeOf(this)._events || (this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._eventsCount = 0), this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || void 0;
}, w.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(s) {
if (typeof s != "number" || s < 0 || be(s)) throw new RangeError('The value of "n" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + s + ".");
return this._maxListeners = s, this;
}, w.prototype.getMaxListeners = function() {
return hn(this);
}, w.prototype.emit = function(s) {
for (var t = [], e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) t.push(arguments[e]);
var n = s === "error", r = this._events;
if (r !== void 0) n = n && r.error === void 0;
else if (!n) return !1;
if (n) {
var i;
if (t.length > 0 && (i = t[0]), i instanceof Error) throw i;
var o = new Error("Unhandled error." + (i ? " (" + i.message + ")" : ""));
throw o.context = i, o;
var a = r[s];
if (a === void 0) return !1;
if (typeof a == "function") _e(a, this, t);
else {
var h = a.length, u = cn(a, h);
for (e = 0; e < h; ++e) _e(u[e], this, t);
return !0;
}, w.prototype.addListener = function(s, t) {
return Se(this, s, t, !1);
}, w.prototype.on = w.prototype.addListener, w.prototype.prependListener = function(s, t) {
return Se(this, s, t, !0);
}, w.prototype.once = function(s, t) {
return St(t), this.on(s, Ce(this, s, t)), this;
}, w.prototype.prependOnceListener = function(s, t) {
return St(t), this.prependListener(s, Ce(this, s, t)), this;
}, w.prototype.removeListener = function(s, t) {
var e, n, r, i, o;
if (St(t), (n = this._events) === void 0) return this;
if ((e = n[s]) === void 0) return this;
if (e === t || e.listener === t) --this._eventsCount == 0 ? this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : (delete n[s], n.removeListener && this.emit("removeListener", s, e.listener || t));
else if (typeof e != "function") {
for (r = -1, i = e.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (e[i] === t || e[i].listener === t) {
o = e[i].listener, r = i;
if (r < 0) return this;
r === 0 ? e.shift() : function(a, h) {
for (; h + 1 < a.length; h++) a[h] = a[h + 1];
}(e, r), e.length === 1 && (n[s] = e[0]), n.removeListener !== void 0 && this.emit("removeListener", s, o || t);
return this;
}, w.prototype.off = w.prototype.removeListener, w.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(s) {
var t, e, n;
if ((e = this._events) === void 0) return this;
if (e.removeListener === void 0) return arguments.length === 0 ? (this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._eventsCount = 0) : e[s] !== void 0 && (--this._eventsCount == 0 ? this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : delete e[s]), this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
var r, i = Object.keys(e);
for (n = 0; n < i.length; ++n) (r = i[n]) !== "removeListener" && this.removeAllListeners(r);
return this.removeAllListeners("removeListener"), this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._eventsCount = 0, this;
if (typeof (t = e[s]) == "function") this.removeListener(s, t);
else if (t !== void 0) for (n = t.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) this.removeListener(s, t[n]);
return this;
}, w.prototype.listeners = function(s) {
return ve(this, s, !0);
}, w.prototype.rawListeners = function(s) {
return ve(this, s, !1);
}, w.listenerCount = function(s, t) {
return typeof s.listenerCount == "function" ? s.listenerCount(t) : Le.call(s, t);
}, w.prototype.listenerCount = Le, w.prototype.eventNames = function() {
return this._eventsCount > 0 ? an(this._events) : [];
var dn = zt.exports;
const un = V(dn);
var Vt = { exports: {} }, es = function s(t, e) {
if (t && e) return s(t)(e);
if (typeof t != "function") throw new TypeError("need wrapper function");
return Object.keys(t).forEach(function(r) {
n[r] = t[r];
}), n;
function n() {
for (var r = new Array(arguments.length), i = 0; i < r.length; i++) r[i] = arguments[i];
var o = t.apply(this, r), a = r[r.length - 1];
return typeof o == "function" && o !== a && Object.keys(a).forEach(function(h) {
o[h] = a[h];
}), o;
}, xe = es;
function ut(s) {
var t = function() {
return t.called ? t.value : (t.called = !0, t.value = s.apply(this, arguments));
return t.called = !1, t;
function Ae(s) {
var t = function() {
if (t.called) throw new Error(t.onceError);
return t.called = !0, t.value = s.apply(this, arguments);
}, e = s.name || "Function wrapped with `once`";
return t.onceError = e + " shouldn't be called more than once", t.called = !1, t;
Vt.exports = xe(ut), Vt.exports.strict = xe(Ae), ut.proto = ut(function() {
Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, "once", { value: function() {
return ut(this);
}, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, "onceStrict", { value: function() {
return Ae(this);
}, configurable: !0 });
const ns = V(Vt.exports);
let Ee;
var ln = typeof queueMicrotask == "function" ? queueMicrotask.bind(typeof window < "u" ? window : Kn) : (s) => (Ee || (Ee = Promise.resolve())).then(s).catch((t) => setTimeout(() => {
throw t;
}, 0));
const Gt = V(ln);
var ss = function(s, t) {
let e, n, r, i = !0;
Array.isArray(s) ? (e = [], n = s.length) : (r = Object.keys(s), e = {}, n = r.length);
function o(h) {
function u() {
t && t(h, e), t = null;
i ? rs(u) : u();
function a(h, u, d) {
e[h] = d, (--n == 0 || u) && o(u);
n ? r ? r.forEach(function(h) {
s[h](function(u, d) {
a(h, u, d);
}) : s.forEach(function(h, u) {
h(function(d, p) {
a(u, d, p);
}) : o(null), i = !1;
const rs = ln, is = V(ss), F = typeof window < "u" ? window : self, Jt = F.RTCPeerConnection || F.mozRTCPeerConnection || F.webkitRTCPeerConnection, os = F.RTCSessionDescription || F.mozRTCSessionDescription || F.webkitRTCSessionDescription, as = F.RTCIceCandidate || F.mozRTCIceCandidate || F.webkitRTCIceCandidate;
var hs = typeof queueMicrotask == "function" ? queueMicrotask : (s) => Promise.resolve().then(s);
const Te = class {
constructor(s) {
if (!(s > 0) || s - 1 & s) throw new Error("Max size for a FixedFIFO should be a power of two");
this.buffer = new Array(s), this.mask = s - 1, this.top = 0, this.btm = 0, this.next = null;
clear() {
this.top = this.btm = 0, this.next = null, this.buffer.fill(void 0);
push(s) {
return this.buffer[this.top] === void 0 && (this.buffer[this.top] = s, this.top = this.top + 1 & this.mask, !0);
shift() {
const s = this.buffer[this.btm];
if (s !== void 0) return this.buffer[this.btm] = void 0, this.btm = this.btm + 1 & this.mask, s;
peek() {
return this.buffer[this.btm];
isEmpty() {
return this.buffer[this.btm] === void 0;
var Yt = { exports: {} };
function Re(s) {
return s.length;
var cs = { byteLength: Re, toString: function(s) {
const t = s.byteLength;
let e = "";
for (let n = 0; n < t; n++) e += String.fromCharCode(s[n]);
return e;
}, write: function(s, t, e = 0, n = Re(t)) {
const r = Math.min(n, s.byteLength - e);
for (let i = 0; i < r; i++) s[e + i] = t.charCodeAt(i);
return r;
} };
const nt = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", W = new Uint8Array(256);
for (let s = 0; s < 64; s++) W[nt.charCodeAt(s)] = s;
function Ie(s) {
let t = s.length;
return s.charCodeAt(t - 1) === 61 && t--, t > 1 && s.charCodeAt(t - 1) === 61 && t--, 3 * t >>> 2;
W[45] = 62, W[95] = 63;
var ds = { byteLength: Ie, toString: function(s) {
const t = s.byteLength;
let e = "";
for (let n = 0; n < t; n += 3) e += nt[s[n] >> 2] + nt[(3 & s[n]) << 4 | s[n + 1] >> 4] + nt[(15 & s[n + 1]) << 2 | s[n + 2] >> 6] + nt[63 & s[n + 2]];
return t % 3 == 2 ? e = e.substring(0, e.length - 1) + "=" : t % 3 == 1 && (e = e.substring(0, e.length - 2) + "=="), e;
}, write: function(s, t, e = 0, n = Ie(t)) {
const r = Math.min(n, s.byteLength - e);
for (let i = 0, o = 0; o < r; i += 4) {
const a = W[t.charCodeAt(i)], h = W[t.charCodeAt(i + 1)], u = W[t.charCodeAt(i + 2)], d = W[t.charCodeAt(i + 3)];
s[o++] = a << 2 | h >> 4, s[o++] = (15 & h) << 4 | u >> 2, s[o++] = (3 & u) << 6 | 63 & d;
return r;
} };
function Be(s) {
return s.length >>> 1;
var us = { byteLength: Be, toString: function(s) {
const t = s.byteLength;
s = new DataView(s.buffer, s.byteOffset, t);
let e = "", n = 0;
for (let r = t - t % 4; n < r; n += 4) e += s.getUint32(n).toString(16).padStart(8, "0");
for (; n < t; n++) e += s.getUint8(n).toString(16).padStart(2, "0");
return e;
}, write: function(s, t, e = 0, n = Be(t)) {
const r = Math.min(n, s.byteLength - e);
for (let i = 0; i < r; i++) {
const o = Pe(t.charCodeAt(2 * i)), a = Pe(t.charCodeAt(2 * i + 1));
if (o === void 0 || a === void 0) return s.subarray(0, i);
s[e + i] = o << 4 | a;
return r;
} };
function Pe(s) {
return s >= 48 && s <= 57 ? s - 48 : s >= 65 && s <= 70 ? s - 65 + 10 : s >= 97 && s <= 102 ? s - 97 + 10 : void 0;
function Kt(s) {
let t = 0;
for (let e = 0, n = s.length; e < n; e++) {
const r = s.charCodeAt(e);
if (r >= 55296 && r <= 56319 && e + 1 < n) {
const i = s.charCodeAt(e + 1);
if (i >= 56320 && i <= 57343) {
t += 4, e++;
t += r <= 127 ? 1 : r <= 2047 ? 2 : 3;
return t;
let Xt, Zt;
if (typeof TextDecoder < "u") {
const s = new TextDecoder();
Xt = function(t) {
return s.decode(t);
} else Xt = function(s) {
const t = s.byteLength;
let e = "", n = 0;
for (; n < t; ) {
let r = s[n];
if (r <= 127) {
e += String.fromCharCode(r), n++;
let i = 0, o = 0;
if (r <= 223 ? (i = 1, o = 31 & r) : r <= 239 ? (i = 2, o = 15 & r) : r <= 244 && (i = 3, o = 7 & r), t - n - i > 0) {
let a = 0;
for (; a < i; ) r = s[n + a + 1], o = o << 6 | 63 & r, a += 1;
} else o = 65533, i = t - n;
e += String.fromCodePoint(o), n += i + 1;
return e;
if (typeof TextEncoder < "u") {
const s = new TextEncoder();
Zt = function(t, e, n = 0, r = Kt(e)) {
const i = Math.min(r, t.byteLength - n);
return s.encodeInto(e, t.subarray(n, n + i)), i;
} else Zt = function(s, t, e = 0, n = Kt(t)) {
const r = Math.min(n, s.byteLength - e);
s = s.subarray(e, e + r);
let i = 0, o = 0;
for (; i < t.length; ) {
const a = t.codePointAt(i);
if (a <= 127) {
s[o++] = a, i++;
let h = 0, u = 0;
for (a <= 2047 ? (h = 6, u = 192) : a <= 65535 ? (h = 12, u = 224) : a <= 2097151 && (h = 18, u = 240), s[o++] = u | a >> h, h -= 6; h >= 0; ) s[o++] = 128 | a >> h & 63, h -= 6;
i += a >= 65536 ? 2 : 1;
return r;
var ls = { byteLength: Kt, toString: Xt, write: Zt };
function Oe(s) {
return 2 * s.length;
var gs = { byteLength: Oe, toString: function(s) {
const t = s.byteLength;
let e = "";
for (let n = 0; n < t - 1; n += 2) e += String.fromCharCode(s[n] + 256 * s[n + 1]);
return e;
}, write: function(s, t, e = 0, n = Oe(t)) {
const r = Math.min(n, s.byteLength - e);
let i = r;
for (let o = 0; o < t.length && !((i -= 2) < 0); ++o) {
const a = t.charCodeAt(o), h = a >> 8, u = a % 256;
s[e + 2 * o] = u, s[e + 2 * o + 1] = h;
return r;
} };
(function(s, t) {
const e = cs, n = ds, r = us, i = ls, o = gs, a = new Uint8Array(Uint16Array.of(255).buffer)[0] === 255;
function h(c) {
switch (c) {
case "ascii":
return e;
case "base64":
return n;
case "hex":
return r;
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
case void 0:
return i;
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return o;
throw new Error(`Unknown encoding: ${c}`);
function u(c) {
return c instanceof Uint8Array;
function d(c, g, l) {
return typeof c == "string" ? function(m, y) {
const b = h(y), L = new Uint8Array(b.byteLength(m));
return b.write(L, m, 0, L.byteLength), L;
}(c, g) : Array.isArray(c) ? function(m) {
const y = new Uint8Array(m.length);
return y.set(m), y;
}(c) : ArrayBuffer.isView(c) ? function(m) {
const y = new Uint8Array(m.byteLength);
return y.set(m), y;
}(c) : function(m, y, b) {
return new Uint8Array(m, y, b);
}(c, g, l);
function p(c, g, l, m, y) {
if (c.byteLength === 0) return -1;
if (typeof l == "string" ? (m = l, l = 0) : l === void 0 ? l = y ? 0 : c.length - 1 : l < 0 && (l += c.byteLength), l >= c.byteLength) {
if (y) return -1;
l = c.byteLength - 1;
} else if (l < 0) {
if (!y) return -1;
l = 0;
if (typeof g == "string") g = d(g, m);
else if (typeof g == "number") return g &= 255, y ? c.indexOf(g, l) : c.lastIndexOf(g, l);
if (g.byteLength === 0) return -1;
if (y) {
let b = -1;
for (let L = l; L < c.byteLength; L++) if (c[L] === g[b === -1 ? 0 : L - b]) {
if (b === -1 && (b = L), L - b + 1 === g.byteLength) return b;
} else b !== -1 && (L -= L - b), b = -1;
} else {
l + g.byteLength > c.byteLength && (l = c.byteLength - g.byteLength);
for (let b = l; b >= 0; b--) {
let L = !0;
for (let dt = 0; dt < g.byteLength; dt++) if (c[b + dt] !== g[dt]) {
L = !1;
if (L) return b;
return -1;
function _(c, g, l, m) {
return p(c, g, l, m, !0);
function S(c, g, l) {
const m = c[g];
c[g] = c[l], c[l] = m;
s.exports = t = { isBuffer: u, isEncoding: function(c) {
try {
return h(c), !0;
} catch {
return !1;
}, alloc: function(c, g, l) {
const m = new Uint8Array(c);
return g !== void 0 && t.fill(m, g, 0, m.byteLength, l), m;
}, allocUnsafe: function(c) {
return new Uint8Array(c);
}, allocUnsafeSlow: function(c) {
return new Uint8Array(c);
}, byteLength: function(c, g) {
return h(g).byteLength(c);
}, compare: function(c, g) {
if (c === g) return 0;
const l = Math.min(c.byteLength, g.byteLength);
c = new DataView(c.buffer, c.byteOffset, c.byteLength), g = new DataView(g.buffer, g.byteOffset, g.byteLength);
let m = 0;
for (let y = l - l % 4; m < y && c.getUint32(m, a) === g.getUint32(m, a); m += 4)
for (; m < l; m++) {
const y = c.getUint8(m), b = g.getUint8(m);
if (y < b) return -1;
if (y > b) return 1;
return c.byteLength > g.byteLength ? 1 : c.byteLength < g.byteLength ? -1 : 0;
}, concat: function(c, g) {
g === void 0 && (g = c.reduce((y, b) => y + b.byteLength, 0));
const l = new Uint8Array(g);
let m = 0;
for (const y of c) {
if (m + y.byteLength > l.byteLength) {
const b = y.subarray(0, l.byteLength - m);
return l.set(b, m), l;
l.set(y, m), m += y.byteLength;
return l;
}, copy: function(c, g, l = 0, m = 0, y = c.byteLength) {
if (y > 0 && y < m || y === m || c.byteLength === 0 || g.byteLength === 0) return 0;
if (l < 0) throw new RangeError("targetStart is out of range");
if (m < 0 || m >= c.byteLength) throw new RangeError("sourceStart is out of range");
if (y < 0) throw new RangeError("sourceEnd is out of range");
l >= g.byteLength && (l = g.byteLength), y > c.byteLength && (y = c.byteLength), g.byteLength - l < y - m && (y = g.length - l + m);
const b = y - m;
return c === g ? g.copyWithin(l, m, y) : g.set(c.subarray(m, y), l), b;
}, equals: function(c, g) {
if (c === g) return !0;
if (c.byteLength !== g.byteLength) return !1;
const l = c.byteLength;
c = new DataView(c.buffer, c.byteOffset, c.byteLength), g = new DataView(g.buffer, g.byteOffset, g.byteLength);
let m = 0;
for (let y = l - l % 4; m < y; m += 4) if (c.getUint32(m, a) !== g.getUint32(m, a)) return !1;
for (; m < l; m++) if (c.getUint8(m) !== g.getUint8(m)) return !1;
return !0;
}, fill: function(c, g, l, m, y) {
if (typeof g == "string" ? typeof l == "string" ? (y = l, l = 0, m = c.byteLength) : typeof m == "string" && (y = m, m = c.byteLength) : typeof g == "number" ? g &= 255 : typeof g == "boolean" && (g = +g), l < 0 || c.byteLength < l || c.byteLength < m) throw new RangeError("Out of range index");
if (l === void 0 && (l = 0), m === void 0 && (m = c.byteLength), m <= l) return c;
if (g || (g = 0), typeof g == "number") for (let b = l; b < m; ++b) c[b] = g;
else {
const b = (g = u(g) ? g : d(g, y)).byteLength;
for (let L = 0; L < m - l; ++L) c[L + l] = g[L % b];
return c;
}, from: d, includes: function(c, g, l, m) {
return _(c, g, l, m) !== -1;
}, indexOf: _, lastIndexOf: function(c, g, l, m) {
return p(c, g, l, m, !1);
}, swap16: function(c) {
const g = c.byteLength;
if (g % 2 != 0) throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits");
for (let l = 0; l < g; l += 2) S(c, l, l + 1);
return c;
}, swap32: function(c) {
const g = c.byteLength;
if (g % 4 != 0) throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits");
for (let l = 0; l < g; l += 4) S(c, l, l + 3), S(c, l + 1, l + 2);
return c;
}, swap64: function(c) {
const g = c.byteLength;
if (g % 8 != 0) throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits");
for (let l = 0; l < g; l += 8) S(c, l, l + 7), S(c, l + 1, l + 6), S(c, l + 2, l + 5), S(c, l + 3, l + 4);
return c;
}, toBuffer: function(c) {
return c;
}, toString: function(c, g, l = 0, m = c.byteLength) {
const y = c.byteLength;
return l >= y || m <= l ? "" : (l < 0 && (l = 0), m > y && (m = y), (l !== 0 || m < y) && (c = c.subarray(l, m)), h(g).toString(c));
}, write: function(c, g, l, m, y) {
return l === void 0 ? y = "utf8" : m === void 0 && typeof l == "string" ? (y = l, l = void 0) : y === void 0 && typeof m == "string" && (y = m, m = void 0), h(y).write(c, g, l, m);
}, writeDoubleLE: function(c, g, l) {
return l === void 0 && (l = 0), new DataView(c.buffer, c.byteOffset, c.byteLength).setFloat64(l, g, !0), l + 8;
}, writeFloatLE: function(c, g, l) {
return l === void 0 && (l = 0), new DataView(c.buffer, c.byteOffset, c.byteLength).setFloat32(l, g, !0), l + 4;
}, writeUInt32LE: function(c, g, l) {
return l === void 0 && (l = 0), new DataView(c.buffer, c.byteOffset, c.byteLength).setUint32(l, g, !0), l + 4;
}, writeInt32LE: function(c, g, l) {
return l === void 0 && (l = 0), new DataView(c.buffer, c.byteOffset, c.byteLength).setInt32(l, g, !0), l + 4;
}, readDoubleLE: function(c, g) {
return g === void 0 && (g = 0), new DataView(c.buffer, c.byteOffset, c.byteLength).getFloat64(g, !0);
}, readFloatLE: function(c, g) {
return g === void 0 && (g = 0), new DataView(c.buffer, c.byteOffset, c.byteLength).getFloat32(g, !0);
}, readUInt32LE: function(c, g) {
return g === void 0 && (g = 0), new DataView(c.buffer, c.byteOffset, c.byteLength).getUint32(g, !0);
}, readInt32LE: function(c, g) {
return g === void 0 && (g = 0), new DataView(c.buffer, c.byteOffset, c.byteLength).getInt32(g, !0);
} };
})(Yt, Yt.exports);
var gn = Yt.exports;
const fs = gn, ps = gn, ms = class {
constructor(s) {
this.encoding = s;
decode(s) {
return fs.toString(s, this.encoding);
flush() {
return "";
}, ys = class {
constructor() {
this.codePoint = 0, this.bytesSeen = 0, this.bytesNeeded = 0, this.lowerBoundary = 128, this.upperBoundary = 191;
decode(s) {
if (this.bytesNeeded === 0) {
let e = !0;
for (let n = Math.max(0, s.byteLength - 4), r = s.byteLength; n < r && e; n++) e = s[n] <= 127;
if (e) return ps.toString(s, "utf8");
let t = "";
for (let e = 0, n = s.byteLength; e < n; e++) {
const r = s[e];
this.bytesNeeded !== 0 ? r < this.lowerBoundary || r > this.upperBoundary ? (this.codePoint = 0, this.bytesNeeded = 0, this.bytesSeen = 0, this.lowerBoundary = 128, this.upperBoundary = 191, t += "<22>") : (this.lowerBoundary = 128, this.upperBoundary = 191, this.codePoint = this.codePoint << 6 | 63 & r, this.bytesSeen++, this.bytesSeen === this.bytesNeeded && (t += String.fromCodePoint(this.codePoint), this.codePoint = 0, this.bytesNeeded = 0, this.bytesSeen = 0)) : r <= 127 ? t += String.fromCharCode(r) : r >= 194 && r <= 223 ? (this.bytesNeeded = 1, this.codePoint = 31 & r) : r >= 224 && r <= 239 ? (r === 224 ? this.lowerBoundary = 160 : r === 237 && (this.upperBoundary = 159), this.bytesNeeded = 2, this.codePoint = 15 & r) : r >= 240 && r <= 244 ? (r === 240 && (this.lowerBoundary = 144), r === 244 && (this.upperBoundary = 143), this.bytesNeeded = 3, this.codePoint = 7 & r) : t += "<22>";
return t;
flush() {
const s = this.bytesNeeded > 0 ? "<22>" : "";
return this.codePoint = 0, this.bytesNeeded = 0, this.bytesSeen = 0, this.lowerBoundary = 128, this.upperBoundary = 191, s;
}, { EventEmitter: _s } = dn, le = new Error("Stream was destroyed"), fn = (new Error("Premature close"), hs), pn = class {
constructor(s) {
this.hwm = s || 16, this.head = new Te(this.hwm), this.tail = this.head, this.length = 0;
clear() {
this.head = this.tail, this.head.clear(), this.length = 0;
push(s) {
if (this.length++, !this.head.push(s)) {
const t = this.head;
this.head = t.next = new Te(2 * this.head.buffer.length), this.head.push(s);
shift() {
this.length !== 0 && this.length--;
const s = this.tail.shift();
if (s === void 0 && this.tail.next) {
const t = this.tail.next;
return this.tail.next = null, this.tail = t, this.tail.shift();
return s;
peek() {
const s = this.tail.peek();
return s === void 0 && this.tail.next ? this.tail.next.peek() : s;
isEmpty() {
return this.length === 0;
}, bs = class {
constructor(s = "utf8") {
switch (this.encoding = function(t) {
switch (t = t.toLowerCase()) {
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return "utf8";
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return "utf16le";
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return "latin1";
case "base64":
case "ascii":
case "hex":
return t;
throw new Error("Unknown encoding: " + t);
}(s), this.encoding) {
case "utf8":
this.decoder = new ys();
case "utf16le":
case "base64":
throw new Error("Unsupported encoding: " + this.encoding);
this.decoder = new ms(this.encoding);
push(s) {
return typeof s == "string" ? s : this.decoder.decode(s);
write(s) {
return this.push(s);
end(s) {
let t = "";
return s && (t = this.push(s)), t += this.decoder.flush(), t;
}, ct = 536870911, mn = 1 ^ ct, ws = 2 ^ ct, yn = 64, qe = 128, _n = 256, Ss = 1024, De = 2048, Cs = 4096, vs = 8192, Lt = 16384, Dt = 32768, te = 131072, Ls = 131328, ks = 16 ^ ct, Ne = 768 ^ ct, bn = 536838143, xs = 32 ^ ct, wn = 536739839, kt = 2 << 18, Sn = 4 << 18, Me = 8 << 18, As = 16 << 18, Cn = 32 << 18, ee = 64 << 18, Nt = 128 << 18, Fe = 512 << 18, Es = 1024 << 18, vn = 469499903, Ts = 535822335, Ln = 503316479, Rs = 268435455, xt = 262160, Is = 536608751, kn = 8404992, at = 14, Bs = 15, xn = 8405006, An = 33587200, En = 33587215, Ps = 2359296, Ue = 270794767, lt = Symbol.asyncIterator || Symbol("asyncIterator");
class Os {
constructor(t, { highWaterMark: e = 16384, map: n = null, mapWritable: r, byteLength: i, byteLengthWritable: o } = {}) {
this.stream = t, this.queue = new pn(), this.highWaterMark = e, this.buffered = 0, this.error = null, this.pipeline = null, this.drains = null, this.byteLength = o || i || Bn, this.map = r || n, this.afterWrite = Fs.bind(this), this.afterUpdateNextTick = $s.bind(this);
get ended() {
return !!(this.stream._duplexState & Cn);
push(t) {
return this.map !== null && (t = this.map(t)), this.buffered += this.byteLength(t), this.queue.push(t), this.buffered < this.highWaterMark ? (this.stream._duplexState |= Me, !0) : (this.stream._duplexState |= 6291456, !1);
shift() {
const t = this.queue.shift();
return this.buffered -= this.byteLength(t), this.buffered === 0 && (this.stream._duplexState &= 534773759), t;
end(t) {
typeof t == "function" ? this.stream.once("finish", t) : t != null && this.push(t), this.stream._duplexState = (this.stream._duplexState | Fe) & Ts;
autoBatch(t, e) {
const n = [], r = this.stream;
for (n.push(t); (r._duplexState & Ue) === Ps; ) n.push(r._writableState.shift());
if (r._duplexState & Bs) return e(null);
r._writev(n, e);
update() {
const t = this.stream;
t._duplexState |= kt;
do {
for (; (t._duplexState & Ue) === Me; ) {
const e = this.shift();
t._duplexState |= 67371008, t._write(e, this.afterWrite);
1310720 & t._duplexState || this.updateNonPrimary();
} while (this.continueUpdate() === !0);
t._duplexState &= 536346623;
updateNonPrimary() {
const t = this.stream;
if ((144965647 & t._duplexState) === Fe) return t._duplexState = 402653183 & t._duplexState | 262144, void t._final(Ms.bind(this));
(t._duplexState & at) != 4 ? (t._duplexState & En) == 1 && (t._duplexState = (t._duplexState | xt) & mn, t._open(Rn.bind(this))) : t._duplexState & An || (t._duplexState |= xt, t._destroy(Tn.bind(this)));
continueUpdate() {
return !!(this.stream._duplexState & Nt) && (this.stream._duplexState &= Ln, !0);
updateCallback() {
(35127311 & this.stream._duplexState) === Sn ? this.update() : this.updateNextTick();
updateNextTick() {
this.stream._duplexState & Nt || (this.stream._duplexState |= Nt, this.stream._duplexState & kt || fn(this.afterUpdateNextTick));
class qs {
constructor(t, { highWaterMark: e = 16384, map: n = null, mapReadable: r, byteLength: i, byteLengthReadable: o } = {}) {
this.stream = t, this.queue = new pn(), this.highWaterMark = e === 0 ? 1 : e, this.buffered = 0, this.readAhead = e > 0, this.error = null, this.pipeline = null, this.byteLength = o || i || Bn, this.map = r || n, this.pipeTo = null, this.afterRead = Us.bind(this), this.afterUpdateNextTick = Hs.bind(this);
get ended() {
return !!(this.stream._duplexState & Lt);
pipe(t, e) {
if (this.pipeTo !== null) throw new Error("Can only pipe to one destination");
if (typeof e != "function" && (e = null), this.stream._duplexState |= 512, this.pipeTo = t, this.pipeline = new Ds(this.stream, t, e), e && this.stream.on("error", He), In(t)) t._writableState.pipeline = this.pipeline, e && t.on("error", He), t.on("finish", this.pipeline.finished.bind(this.pipeline));
else {
const n = this.pipeline.done.bind(this.pipeline, t), r = this.pipeline.done.bind(this.pipeline, t, null);
t.on("error", n), t.on("close", r), t.on("finish", this.pipeline.finished.bind(this.pipeline));
t.on("drain", Ns.bind(this)), this.stream.emit("piping", t), t.emit("pipe", this.stream);
push(t) {
const e = this.stream;
return t === null ? (this.highWaterMark = 0, e._duplexState = 536805311 & e._duplexState | 1024, !1) : (this.map !== null && (t = this.map(t)) === null || (this.buffered += this.byteLength(t), this.queue.push(t), e._duplexState = 536805375 & e._duplexState | 128), this.buffered < this.highWaterMark);
shift() {
const t = this.queue.shift();
return this.buffered -= this.byteLength(t), this.buffered === 0 && (this.stream._duplexState &= 536862591), t;
unshift(t) {
const e = [this.map !== null ? this.map(t) : t];
for (; this.buffered > 0; ) e.push(this.shift());
for (let n = 0; n < e.length - 1; n++) {
const r = e[n];
this.buffered += this.byteLength(r), this.queue.push(r);
this.push(e[e.length - 1]);
read() {
const t = this.stream;
if ((16527 & t._duplexState) === qe) {
const e = this.shift();
return this.pipeTo !== null && this.pipeTo.write(e) === !1 && (t._duplexState &= Ne), t._duplexState & De && t.emit("data", e), e;
return this.readAhead === !1 && (t._duplexState |= te, this.updateNextTick()), null;
drain() {
const t = this.stream;
for (; (16527 & t._duplexState) === qe && 768 & t._duplexState; ) {
const e = this.shift();
this.pipeTo !== null && this.pipeTo.write(e) === !1 && (t._duplexState &= Ne), t._duplexState & De && t.emit("data", e);
update() {
const t = this.stream;
t._duplexState |= 32;
do {
for (this.drain(); this.buffered < this.highWaterMark && (214047 & t._duplexState) === te; ) t._duplexState |= 65552, t._read(this.afterRead), this.drain();
(12431 & t._duplexState) == 4224 && (t._duplexState |= vs, t.emit("readable")), 80 & t._duplexState || this.updateNonPrimary();
} while (this.continueUpdate() === !0);
t._duplexState &= xs;
updateNonPrimary() {
const t = this.stream;
(1167 & t._duplexState) === Ss && (t._duplexState = 536869887 & t._duplexState | 16384, t.emit("end"), (t._duplexState & xn) === kn && (t._duplexState |= 4), this.pipeTo !== null && this.pipeTo.end()), (t._duplexState & at) != 4 ? (t._duplexState & En) == 1 && (t._duplexState = (t._duplexState | xt) & mn, t._open(Rn.bind(this))) : t._duplexState & An || (t._duplexState |= xt, t._destroy(Tn.bind(this)));
continueUpdate() {
return !!(this.stream._duplexState & Dt) && (this.stream._duplexState &= bn, !0);
updateCallback() {
(32879 & this.stream._duplexState) === yn ? this.update() : this.updateNextTick();
updateNextTick() {
this.stream._duplexState & Dt || (this.stream._duplexState |= Dt, 32 & this.stream._duplexState || fn(this.afterUpdateNextTick));
class Ds {
constructor(t, e, n) {
this.from = t, this.to = e, this.afterPipe = n, this.error = null, this.pipeToFinished = !1;
finished() {
this.pipeToFinished = !0;
done(t, e) {
e && (this.error = e), t !== this.to || (this.to = null, this.from === null) ? t !== this.from || (this.from = null, this.to === null) ? (this.afterPipe !== null && this.afterPipe(this.error), this.to = this.from = this.afterPipe = null) : t._duplexState & Lt || this.to.destroy(this.error || new Error("Readable stream closed before ending")) : this.from._duplexState & Lt && this.pipeToFinished || this.from.destroy(this.error || new Error("Writable stream closed prematurely"));
function Ns() {
this.stream._duplexState |= 512, this.updateCallback();
function Ms(s) {
const t = this.stream;
s && t.destroy(s), t._duplexState & at || (t._duplexState |= Cn, t.emit("finish")), (t._duplexState & xn) === kn && (t._duplexState |= 4), t._duplexState &= vn, t._duplexState & kt ? this.updateNextTick() : this.update();
function Tn(s) {
const t = this.stream;
s || this.error === le || (s = this.error), s && t.emit("error", s), t._duplexState |= 8, t.emit("close");
const e = t._readableState, n = t._writableState;
if (e !== null && e.pipeline !== null && e.pipeline.done(t, s), n !== null) {
for (; n.drains !== null && n.drains.length > 0; ) n.drains.shift().resolve(!1);
n.pipeline !== null && n.pipeline.done(t, s);
function Fs(s) {
const t = this.stream;
s && t.destroy(s), t._duplexState &= vn, this.drains !== null && function(e) {
for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) --e[n].writes == 0 && (e.shift().resolve(!0), n--);
}(this.drains), (6553615 & t._duplexState) === As && (t._duplexState &= 532676607, (t._duplexState & ee) === ee && t.emit("drain")), this.updateCallback();
function Us(s) {
s && this.stream.destroy(s), this.stream._duplexState &= ks, this.readAhead !== !1 || this.stream._duplexState & _n || (this.stream._duplexState &= wn), this.updateCallback();
function Hs() {
32 & this.stream._duplexState || (this.stream._duplexState &= bn, this.update());
function $s() {
this.stream._duplexState & kt || (this.stream._duplexState &= Ln, this.update());
function Rn(s) {
const t = this.stream;
s && t.destroy(s), 4 & t._duplexState || (17423 & t._duplexState || (t._duplexState |= yn), 142606351 & t._duplexState || (t._duplexState |= Sn), t.emit("open")), t._duplexState &= Is, t._writableState !== null && t._writableState.updateCallback(), t._readableState !== null && t._readableState.updateCallback();
function js(s) {
this._readableState !== null && (s === "data" && (this._duplexState |= 133376, this._readableState.updateNextTick()), s === "readable" && (this._duplexState |= Cs, this._readableState.updateNextTick())), this._writableState !== null && s === "drain" && (this._duplexState |= ee, this._writableState.updateNextTick());
class Qs extends _s {
constructor(t) {
super(), this._duplexState = 0, this._readableState = null, this._writableState = null, t && (t.open && (this._open = t.open), t.destroy && (this._destroy = t.destroy), t.predestroy && (this._predestroy = t.predestroy), t.signal && t.signal.addEventListener("abort", Gs.bind(this))), this.on("newListener", js);
_open(t) {
_destroy(t) {
_predestroy() {
get readable() {
return this._readableState !== null || void 0;
get writable() {
return this._writableState !== null || void 0;
get destroyed() {
return !!(8 & this._duplexState);
get destroying() {
return !!(this._duplexState & at);
destroy(t) {
this._duplexState & at || (t || (t = le), this._duplexState = 535822271 & this._duplexState | 4, this._readableState !== null && (this._readableState.highWaterMark = 0, this._readableState.error = t), this._writableState !== null && (this._writableState.highWaterMark = 0, this._writableState.error = t), this._duplexState |= 2, this._predestroy(), this._duplexState &= ws, this._readableState !== null && this._readableState.updateNextTick(), this._writableState !== null && this._writableState.updateNextTick());
class At extends Qs {
constructor(t) {
super(t), this._duplexState |= 8519681, this._readableState = new qs(this, t), t && (this._readableState.readAhead === !1 && (this._duplexState &= wn), t.read && (this._read = t.read), t.eagerOpen && this._readableState.updateNextTick(), t.encoding && this.setEncoding(t.encoding));
setEncoding(t) {
const e = new bs(t), n = this._readableState.map || zs;
return this._readableState.map = function(r) {
const i = e.push(r);
return i === "" ? null : n(i);
}, this;
_read(t) {
pipe(t, e) {
return this._readableState.updateNextTick(), this._readableState.pipe(t, e), t;
read() {
return this._readableState.updateNextTick(), this._readableState.read();
push(t) {
return this._readableState.updateNextTick(), this._readableState.push(t);
unshift(t) {
return this._readableState.updateNextTick(), this._readableState.unshift(t);
resume() {
return this._duplexState |= Ls, this._readableState.updateNextTick(), this;
pause() {
return this._duplexState &= this._readableState.readAhead === !1 ? 536739583 : 536870655, this;
static _fromAsyncIterator(t, e) {
let n;
const r = new At({ ...e, read(o) {
t.next().then(i).then(o.bind(null, null)).catch(o);
}, predestroy() {
n = t.return();
}, destroy(o) {
if (!n) return o(null);
n.then(o.bind(null, null)).catch(o);
} });
return r;
function i(o) {
o.done ? r.push(null) : r.push(o.value);
static from(t, e) {
if (In(n = t) && n.readable) return t;
var n;
if (t[lt]) return this._fromAsyncIterator(t[lt](), e);
Array.isArray(t) || (t = t === void 0 ? [] : [t]);
let r = 0;
return new At({ ...e, read(i) {
this.push(r === t.length ? null : t[r++]), i(null);
} });
static isBackpressured(t) {
return !!(17422 & t._duplexState) || t._readableState.buffered >= t._readableState.highWaterMark;
static isPaused(t) {
return !(t._duplexState & _n);
[lt]() {
const t = this;
let e = null, n = null, r = null;
return this.on("error", (a) => {
e = a;
}), this.on("readable", function() {
n !== null && i(t.read());
}), this.on("close", function() {
n !== null && i(null);
}), { [lt]() {
return this;
}, next: () => new Promise(function(a, h) {
n = a, r = h;
const u = t.read();
u !== null ? i(u) : 8 & t._duplexState && i(null);
}), return: () => o(null), throw: (a) => o(a) };
function i(a) {
r !== null && (e ? r(e) : a !== null || t._duplexState & Lt ? n({ value: a, done: a === null }) : r(le), r = n = null);
function o(a) {
return t.destroy(a), new Promise((h, u) => {
if (8 & t._duplexState) return h({ value: void 0, done: !0 });
t.once("close", function() {
a ? u(a) : h({ value: void 0, done: !0 });
class Ws extends At {
constructor(t) {
super(t), this._duplexState = 1 | this._duplexState & te, this._writableState = new Os(this, t), t && (t.writev && (this._writev = t.writev), t.write && (this._write = t.write), t.final && (this._final = t.final));
cork() {
this._duplexState |= Es;
uncork() {
this._duplexState &= Rs, this._writableState.updateNextTick();
_writev(t, e) {
_write(t, e) {
this._writableState.autoBatch(t, e);
_final(t) {
write(t) {
return this._writableState.updateNextTick(), this._writableState.push(t);
end(t) {
return this._writableState.updateNextTick(), this._writableState.end(t), this;
function zs(s) {
return s;
function Vs(s) {
return !!s._readableState || !!s._writableState;
function In(s) {
return typeof s._duplexState == "number" && Vs(s);
function Bn(s) {
return function(t) {
return typeof t == "object" && t !== null && typeof t.byteLength == "number";
}(s) ? s.byteLength : 1024;
function He() {
function Gs() {
this.destroy(new Error("Stream aborted."));
var Pn = Ws;
function $e(s, t) {
for (const e in t) Object.defineProperty(s, e, { value: t[e], enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 });
return s;
const C = V(function(s, t, e) {
if (!s || typeof s == "string") throw new TypeError("Please pass an Error to err-code");
e || (e = {}), typeof t == "object" && (e = t, t = ""), t && (e.code = t);
try {
return $e(s, e);
} catch {
e.message = s.message, e.stack = s.stack;
const r = function() {
return r.prototype = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(s)), $e(new r(), e);
}), Et = "0123456789abcdef", On = [], Tt = [];
for (let s = 0; s < 256; s++) On[s] = Et[s >> 4 & 15] + Et[15 & s], s < 16 && (s < 10 ? Tt[48 + s] = s : Tt[87 + s] = s);
const Z = (s) => {
const t = s.length;
let e = "", n = 0;
for (; n < t; ) e += On[s[n++]];
return e;
}, ne = (s) => {
const t = s.length >> 1, e = t << 1, n = new Uint8Array(t);
let r = 0, i = 0;
for (; i < e; ) n[r++] = Tt[s.charCodeAt(i++)] << 4 | Tt[s.charCodeAt(i++)];
return n;
for (var Js = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", Ys = typeof Uint8Array > "u" ? [] : new Uint8Array(256), gt = 0; gt < 64; gt++) Ys[Js.charCodeAt(gt)] = gt;
const Ks = new TextDecoder(), qn = (s, t) => Ks.decode(s), Xs = new TextEncoder(), ge = (s) => Xs.encode(s), G = (s) => {
let t, e = "", n = 0;
const r = s.length;
for (; n < r; ) t = s.charCodeAt(n++), e += Et[t >> 4] + Et[15 & t];
return e;
}, it = (s) => {
const t = ne(s);
if (t.length <= 65536) return String.fromCharCode(...t);
let e = "", n = 0;
for (; n < t.length; ) e += String.fromCharCode(...t.subarray(n, n += 65536));
return e;
}, je = typeof window < "u" ? window : self, se = je.crypto || je.msCrypto || {};
se.subtle || se.webkitSubtle;
const Rt = (s) => {
const t = new Uint8Array(s);
return se.getRandomValues(t);
}, Zs = P("simple-peer"), Mt = 65536;
function Qe(s) {
return s.replace(/a=ice-options:trickle\s\n/g, "");
let ot = class re extends Pn {
constructor(e) {
super(e = Object.assign({ allowHalfOpen: !1 }, e));
f(this, "_pc");
if (this.__objectMode = !!e.objectMode, this._id = Z(Rt(4)).slice(0, 7), this._debug("new peer %o", e), this.channelName = e.initiator ? e.channelName || Z(Rt(20)) : null, this.initiator = e.initiator || !1, this.channelConfig = e.channelConfig || re.channelConfig, this.channelNegotiated = this.channelConfig.negotiated, this.config = Object.assign({}, re.config, e.config), this.offerOptions = e.offerOptions || {}, this.answerOptions = e.answerOptions || {}, this.sdpTransform = e.sdpTransform || ((n) => n), this.trickle = e.trickle === void 0 || e.trickle, this.allowHalfTrickle = e.allowHalfTrickle !== void 0 && e.allowHalfTrickle, this.iceCompleteTimeout = e.iceCompleteTimeout || 5e3, this._destroying = !1, this._connected = !1, this.remoteAddress = void 0, this.remoteFamily = void 0, this.remotePort = void 0, this.localAddress = void 0, this.localFamily = void 0, this.localPort = void 0, !Jt) throw C(typeof window > "u" ? new Error("No WebRTC support: Specify `opts.wrtc` option in this environment") : new Error("No WebRTC support: Not a supported browser"), "ERR_WEBRTC_SUPPORT");
this._pcReady = !1, this._channelReady = !1, this._iceComplete = !1, this._iceCompleteTimer = null, this._channel = null, this._pendingCandidates = [], this._isNegotiating = !1, this._firstNegotiation = !0, this._batchedNegotiation = !1, this._queuedNegotiation = !1, this._sendersAwaitingStable = [], this._closingInterval = null, this._remoteTracks = [], this._remoteStreams = [], this._chunk = null, this._cb = null, this._interval = null;
try {
this._pc = new Jt(this.config);
} catch (n) {
return void this.__destroy(C(n, "ERR_PC_CONSTRUCTOR"));
this._isReactNativeWebrtc = typeof this._pc._peerConnectionId == "number", this._pc.oniceconnectionstatechange = () => {
}, this._pc.onicegatheringstatechange = () => {
}, this._pc.onconnectionstatechange = () => {
}, this._pc.onsignalingstatechange = () => {
}, this._pc.onicecandidate = (n) => {
}, typeof this._pc.peerIdentity == "object" && this._pc.peerIdentity.catch((n) => {
this.__destroy(C(n, "ERR_PC_PEER_IDENTITY"));
}), this.initiator || this.channelNegotiated ? this._setupData({ channel: this._pc.createDataChannel(this.channelName, this.channelConfig) }) : this._pc.ondatachannel = (n) => {
}, this._debug("initial negotiation"), this._needsNegotiation(), this._onFinishBound = () => {
}, this.once("finish", this._onFinishBound);
get bufferSize() {
return this._channel && this._channel.bufferedAmount || 0;
get connected() {
return this._connected && this._channel.readyState === "open";
address() {
return { port: this.localPort, family: this.localFamily, address: this.localAddress };
signal(e) {
if (!this._destroying) {
if (this.destroyed) throw C(new Error("cannot signal after peer is destroyed"), "ERR_DESTROYED");
if (typeof e == "string") try {
e = JSON.parse(e);
} catch {
e = {};
this._debug("signal()"), e.renegotiate && this.initiator && (this._debug("got request to renegotiate"), this._needsNegotiation()), e.transceiverRequest && this.initiator && (this._debug("got request for transceiver"), this.addTransceiver(e.transceiverRequest.kind, e.transceiverRequest.init)), e.candidate && (this._pc.remoteDescription && this._pc.remoteDescription.type ? this._addIceCandidate(e.candidate) : this._pendingCandidates.push(e.candidate)), e.sdp && this._pc.setRemoteDescription(new os(e)).then(() => {
this.destroyed || (this._pendingCandidates.forEach((n) => {
}), this._pendingCandidates = [], this._pc.remoteDescription.type === "offer" && this._createAnswer());
}).catch((n) => {
this.__destroy(C(n, "ERR_SET_REMOTE_DESCRIPTION"));
}), e.sdp || e.candidate || e.renegotiate || e.transceiverRequest || this.__destroy(C(new Error("signal() called with invalid signal data"), "ERR_SIGNALING"));
_addIceCandidate(e) {
const n = new as(e);
this._pc.addIceCandidate(n).catch((r) => {
var i;
!n.address || n.address.endsWith(".local") ? (i = "Ignoring unsupported ICE candidate.", console.warn(i)) : this.__destroy(C(r, "ERR_ADD_ICE_CANDIDATE"));
send(e) {
if (!this._destroying) {
if (this.destroyed) throw C(new Error("cannot send after peer is destroyed"), "ERR_DESTROYED");
_needsNegotiation() {
this._debug("_needsNegotiation"), this._batchedNegotiation || (this._batchedNegotiation = !0, queueMicrotask(() => {
this._batchedNegotiation = !1, this.initiator || !this._firstNegotiation ? (this._debug("starting batched negotiation"), this.negotiate()) : this._debug("non-initiator initial negotiation request discarded"), this._firstNegotiation = !1;
negotiate() {
if (!this._destroying) {
if (this.destroyed) throw C(new Error("cannot negotiate after peer is destroyed"), "ERR_DESTROYED");
this.initiator ? this._isNegotiating ? (this._queuedNegotiation = !0, this._debug("already negotiating, queueing")) : (this._debug("start negotiation"), setTimeout(() => {
}, 0)) : this._isNegotiating ? (this._queuedNegotiation = !0, this._debug("already negotiating, queueing")) : (this._debug("requesting negotiation from initiator"), this.emit("signal", { type: "renegotiate", renegotiate: !0 })), this._isNegotiating = !0;
_final(e) {
this._readableState.ended || this.push(null), e(null);
__destroy(e) {
this.end(), this._destroy(() => {
}, e);
_destroy(e, n) {
this.destroyed || this._destroying || (this._destroying = !0, this._debug("destroying (error: %s)", n && (n.message || n)), setTimeout(() => {
if (this._connected = !1, this._pcReady = !1, this._channelReady = !1, this._remoteTracks = null, this._remoteStreams = null, this._senderMap = null, clearInterval(this._closingInterval), this._closingInterval = null, clearInterval(this._interval), this._interval = null, this._chunk = null, this._cb = null, this._onFinishBound && this.removeListener("finish", this._onFinishBound), this._onFinishBound = null, this._channel) {
try {
} catch {
this._channel.onmessage = null, this._channel.onopen = null, this._channel.onclose = null, this._channel.onerror = null;
if (this._pc) {
try {
} catch {
this._pc.oniceconnectionstatechange = null, this._pc.onicegatheringstatechange = null, this._pc.onsignalingstatechange = null, this._pc.onicecandidate = null, this._pc.ontrack = null, this._pc.ondatachannel = null;
this._pc = null, this._channel = null, n && this.emit("error", n), e();
}, 0));
_setupData(e) {
if (!e.channel) return this.__destroy(C(new Error("Data channel event is missing `channel` property"), "ERR_DATA_CHANNEL"));
this._channel = e.channel, this._channel.binaryType = "arraybuffer", typeof this._channel.bufferedAmountLowThreshold == "number" && (this._channel.bufferedAmountLowThreshold = Mt), this.channelName = this._channel.label, this._channel.onmessage = (r) => {
}, this._channel.onbufferedamountlow = () => {
}, this._channel.onopen = () => {
}, this._channel.onclose = () => {
}, this._channel.onerror = (r) => {
const i = r.error instanceof Error ? r.error : new Error(`Datachannel error: ${r.message} ${r.filename}:${r.lineno}:${r.colno}`);
this.__destroy(C(i, "ERR_DATA_CHANNEL"));
let n = !1;
this._closingInterval = setInterval(() => {
this._channel && this._channel.readyState === "closing" ? (n && this._onChannelClose(), n = !0) : n = !1;
}, 5e3);
_write(e, n) {
if (this.destroyed) return n(C(new Error("cannot write after peer is destroyed"), "ERR_DATA_CHANNEL"));
if (this._connected) {
try {
} catch (r) {
return this.__destroy(C(r, "ERR_DATA_CHANNEL"));
this._channel.bufferedAmount > Mt ? (this._debug("start backpressure: bufferedAmount %d", this._channel.bufferedAmount), this._cb = n) : n(null);
} else this._debug("write before connect"), this._chunk = e, this._cb = n;
_onFinish() {
if (this.destroyed) return;
const e = () => {
setTimeout(() => this.__destroy(), 1e3);
this._connected ? e() : this.once("connect", e);
_startIceCompleteTimeout() {
this.destroyed || this._iceCompleteTimer || (this._debug("started iceComplete timeout"), this._iceCompleteTimer = setTimeout(() => {
this._iceComplete || (this._iceComplete = !0, this._debug("iceComplete timeout completed"), this.emit("iceTimeout"), this.emit("_iceComplete"));
}, this.iceCompleteTimeout));
_createOffer() {
this.destroyed || this._pc.createOffer(this.offerOptions).then((e) => {
if (this.destroyed) return;
this.trickle || this.allowHalfTrickle || (e.sdp = Qe(e.sdp)), e.sdp = this.sdpTransform(e.sdp);
const n = () => {
if (this.destroyed) return;
const r = this._pc.localDescription || e;
this._debug("signal"), this.emit("signal", { type: r.type, sdp: r.sdp });
this._pc.setLocalDescription(e).then(() => {
this._debug("createOffer success"), this.destroyed || (this.trickle || this._iceComplete ? n() : this.once("_iceComplete", n));
}).catch((r) => {
this.__destroy(C(r, "ERR_SET_LOCAL_DESCRIPTION"));
}).catch((e) => {
this.__destroy(C(e, "ERR_CREATE_OFFER"));
_createAnswer() {
this.destroyed || this._pc.createAnswer(this.answerOptions).then((e) => {
if (this.destroyed) return;
this.trickle || this.allowHalfTrickle || (e.sdp = Qe(e.sdp)), e.sdp = this.sdpTransform(e.sdp);
const n = () => {
var i;
if (this.destroyed) return;
const r = this._pc.localDescription || e;
this._debug("signal"), this.emit("signal", { type: r.type, sdp: r.sdp }), this.initiator || ((i = this._requestMissingTransceivers) == null || i.call(this));
this._pc.setLocalDescription(e).then(() => {
this.destroyed || (this.trickle || this._iceComplete ? n() : this.once("_iceComplete", n));
}).catch((r) => {
this.__destroy(C(r, "ERR_SET_LOCAL_DESCRIPTION"));
}).catch((e) => {
this.__destroy(C(e, "ERR_CREATE_ANSWER"));
_onConnectionStateChange() {
this.destroyed || this._destroying || this._pc.connectionState === "failed" && this.__destroy(C(new Error("Connection failed."), "ERR_CONNECTION_FAILURE"));
_onIceStateChange() {
if (this.destroyed) return;
const e = this._pc.iceConnectionState, n = this._pc.iceGatheringState;
this._debug("iceStateChange (connection: %s) (gathering: %s)", e, n), this.emit("iceStateChange", e, n), e !== "connected" && e !== "completed" || (this._pcReady = !0, this._maybeReady()), e === "failed" && this.__destroy(C(new Error("Ice connection failed."), "ERR_ICE_CONNECTION_FAILURE")), e === "closed" && this.__destroy(C(new Error("Ice connection closed."), "ERR_ICE_CONNECTION_CLOSED"));
getStats(e) {
const n = (r) => (Object.prototype.toString.call(r.values) === "[object Array]" && r.values.forEach((i) => {
Object.assign(r, i);
}), r);
this._pc.getStats.length === 0 || this._isReactNativeWebrtc ? this._pc.getStats().then((r) => {
const i = [];
r.forEach((o) => {
}), e(null, i);
}, (r) => e(r)) : this._pc.getStats.length > 0 ? this._pc.getStats((r) => {
if (this.destroyed) return;
const i = [];
r.result().forEach((o) => {
const a = {};
o.names().forEach((h) => {
a[h] = o.stat(h);
}), a.id = o.id, a.type = o.type, a.timestamp = o.timestamp, i.push(n(a));
}), e(null, i);
}, (r) => e(r)) : e(null, []);
_maybeReady() {
if (this._debug("maybeReady pc %s channel %s", this._pcReady, this._channelReady), this._connected || this._connecting || !this._pcReady || !this._channelReady) return;
this._connecting = !0;
const e = () => {
this.destroyed || this._destroying || this.getStats((n, r) => {
if (this.destroyed || this._destroying) return;
n && (r = []);
const i = {}, o = {}, a = {};
let h = !1;
r.forEach((d) => {
d.type !== "remotecandidate" && d.type !== "remote-candidate" || (i[d.id] = d), d.type !== "localcandidate" && d.type !== "local-candidate" || (o[d.id] = d), d.type !== "candidatepair" && d.type !== "candidate-pair" || (a[d.id] = d);
const u = (d) => {
h = !0;
let p = o[d.localCandidateId];
p && (p.ip || p.address) ? (this.localAddress = p.ip || p.address, this.localPort = Number(p.port)) : p && p.ipAddress ? (this.localAddress = p.ipAddress, this.localPort = Number(p.portNumber)) : typeof d.googLocalAddress == "string" && (p = d.googLocalAddress.split(":"), this.localAddress = p[0], this.localPort = Number(p[1])), this.localAddress && (this.localFamily = this.localAddress.includes(":") ? "IPv6" : "IPv4");
let _ = i[d.remoteCandidateId];
_ && (_.ip || _.address) ? (this.remoteAddress = _.ip || _.address, this.remotePort = Number(_.port)) : _ && _.ipAddress ? (this.remoteAddress = _.ipAddress, this.remotePort = Number(_.portNumber)) : typeof d.googRemoteAddress == "string" && (_ = d.googRemoteAddress.split(":"), this.remoteAddress = _[0], this.remotePort = Number(_[1])), this.remoteAddress && (this.remoteFamily = this.remoteAddress.includes(":") ? "IPv6" : "IPv4"), this._debug("connect local: %s:%s remote: %s:%s", this.localAddress, this.localPort, this.remoteAddress, this.remotePort);
if (r.forEach((d) => {
d.type === "transport" && d.selectedCandidatePairId && u(a[d.selectedCandidatePairId]), (d.type === "googCandidatePair" && d.googActiveConnection === "true" || (d.type === "candidatepair" || d.type === "candidate-pair") && d.selected) && u(d);
}), h || Object.keys(a).length && !Object.keys(o).length) {
if (this._connecting = !1, this._connected = !0, this._chunk) {
try {
} catch (p) {
return this.__destroy(C(p, "ERR_DATA_CHANNEL"));
this._chunk = null, this._debug('sent chunk from "write before connect"');
const d = this._cb;
this._cb = null, d(null);
typeof this._channel.bufferedAmountLowThreshold != "number" && (this._interval = setInterval(() => this._onInterval(), 150), this._interval.unref && this._interval.unref()), this._debug("connect"), this.emit("connect");
} else setTimeout(e, 100);
_onInterval() {
!this._cb || !this._channel || this._channel.bufferedAmount > Mt || this._onChannelBufferedAmountLow();
_onSignalingStateChange() {
this.destroyed || (this._pc.signalingState === "stable" && (this._isNegotiating = !1, this._debug("flushing sender queue", this._sendersAwaitingStable), this._sendersAwaitingStable.forEach((e) => {
this._pc.removeTrack(e), this._queuedNegotiation = !0;
}), this._sendersAwaitingStable = [], this._queuedNegotiation ? (this._debug("flushing negotiation queue"), this._queuedNegotiation = !1, this._needsNegotiation()) : (this._debug("negotiated"), this.emit("negotiated"))), this._debug("signalingStateChange %s", this._pc.signalingState), this.emit("signalingStateChange", this._pc.signalingState));
_onIceCandidate(e) {
this.destroyed || (e.candidate && this.trickle ? this.emit("signal", { type: "candidate", candidate: { candidate: e.candidate.candidate, sdpMLineIndex: e.candidate.sdpMLineIndex, sdpMid: e.candidate.sdpMid } }) : e.candidate || this._iceComplete || (this._iceComplete = !0, this.emit("_iceComplete")), e.candidate && this._startIceCompleteTimeout());
_onChannelMessage(e) {
if (this.destroyed) return;
let n = e.data;
n instanceof ArrayBuffer ? n = new Uint8Array(n) : this.__objectMode === !1 && (n = ge(n)), this.push(n);
_onChannelBufferedAmountLow() {
if (this.destroyed || !this._cb) return;
this._debug("ending backpressure: bufferedAmount %d", this._channel.bufferedAmount);
const e = this._cb;
this._cb = null, e(null);
_onChannelOpen() {
this._connected || this.destroyed || (this._debug("on channel open"), this._channelReady = !0, this._maybeReady());
_onChannelClose() {
this.destroyed || (this._debug("on channel close"), this.__destroy());
_debug() {
const e = [].slice.call(arguments);
e[0] = "[" + this._id + "] " + e[0], Zs.apply(null, e);
ot.WEBRTC_SUPPORT = !!Jt, ot.config = { iceServers: [{ urls: ["stun:stun.l.google.com:19302", "stun:global.stun.twilio.com:3478"] }], sdpSemantics: "unified-plan" }, ot.channelConfig = {};
const B = {}, ie = { DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_PEERS: 50, MAX_ANNOUNCE_PEERS: 82, parseUrl: (s) => {
const t = new URL(s.replace(/^udp:/, "http:"));
return s.match(/^udp:/) && Object.defineProperties(t, { href: { value: t.href.replace(/^http/, "udp") }, protocol: { value: t.protocol.replace(/^http/, "udp") }, origin: { value: t.origin.replace(/^http/, "udp") } }), t;
}, ...Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: B }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })) }, tr = P("simple-websocket"), st = typeof B != "function" ? WebSocket : B;
class Dn extends Pn {
constructor(t = {}) {
if (typeof t == "string" && (t = { url: t }), super(t = Object.assign({ allowHalfOpen: !1 }, t)), this.__objectMode = !!t.objectMode, t.objectMode != null && delete t.objectMode, t.url == null && t.socket == null) throw new Error("Missing required `url` or `socket` option");
if (t.url != null && t.socket != null) throw new Error("Must specify either `url` or `socket` option, not both");
if (this._id = Z(Rt(4)).slice(0, 7), this._debug("new websocket: %o", t), this.connected = !1, this._chunk = null, this._cb = null, this._interval = null, t.socket) this.url = t.socket.url, this._ws = t.socket, this.connected = t.socket.readyState === st.OPEN;
else {
this.url = t.url;
try {
this._ws = typeof B == "function" ? new st(t.url, { ...t, encoding: void 0 }) : new st(t.url);
} catch (e) {
return void Gt(() => this.destroy(e));
this._ws.binaryType = "arraybuffer", t.socket && this.connected ? Gt(() => this._handleOpen()) : this._ws.onopen = () => this._handleOpen(), this._ws.onmessage = (e) => this._handleMessage(e), this._ws.onclose = () => this._handleClose(), this._ws.onerror = (e) => this._handleError(e), this._handleFinishBound = () => this._handleFinish(), this.once("finish", this._handleFinishBound);
send(t) {
_final(t) {
this._readableState.ended || this.push(null), t(null);
_destroy(t) {
if (!this.destroyed) {
if (this._writableState.ended || this.end(), this.connected = !1, clearInterval(this._interval), this._interval = null, this._chunk = null, this._cb = null, this._handleFinishBound && this.removeListener("finish", this._handleFinishBound), this._handleFinishBound = null, this._ws) {
const e = this._ws, n = () => {
e.onclose = null;
if (e.readyState === st.CLOSED) n();
else try {
e.onclose = n, e.close();
} catch {
e.onopen = null, e.onmessage = null, e.onerror = () => {
this._ws = null, t();
_write(t, e) {
if (this.destroyed) return e(new Error("cannot write after socket is destroyed"));
if (this.connected) {
try {
} catch (n) {
return this.destroy(n);
typeof B != "function" && this._ws.bufferedAmount > 65536 ? (this._debug("start backpressure: bufferedAmount %d", this._ws.bufferedAmount), this._cb = e) : e(null);
} else this._debug("write before connect"), this._chunk = t, this._cb = e;
_handleOpen() {
if (!this.connected && !this.destroyed) {
if (this.connected = !0, this._chunk) {
try {
} catch (e) {
return this.destroy(e);
this._chunk = null, this._debug('sent chunk from "write before connect"');
const t = this._cb;
this._cb = null, t(null);
typeof B != "function" && (this._interval = setInterval(() => this._onInterval(), 150), this._interval.unref && this._interval.unref()), this._debug("connect"), this.emit("connect");
_handleMessage(t) {
if (this.destroyed) return;
let e = t.data;
e instanceof ArrayBuffer && (e = new Uint8Array(e)), this.__objectMode === !1 && (e = ge(e)), this.push(e);
_handleClose() {
this.destroyed || (this._debug("on close"), this.destroy());
_handleError(t) {
this.destroy(new Error(`Error connecting to ${this.url}`));
_handleFinish() {
if (this.destroyed) return;
const t = () => {
setTimeout(() => this.destroy(), 1e3);
this.connected ? t() : this.once("connect", t);
_onInterval() {
if (!this._cb || !this._ws || this._ws.bufferedAmount > 65536) return;
this._debug("ending backpressure: bufferedAmount %d", this._ws.bufferedAmount);
const t = this._cb;
this._cb = null, t(null);
_debug() {
const t = [].slice.call(arguments);
t[0] = "[" + this._id + "] " + t[0], tr.apply(null, t);
class er extends un {
constructor(t, e) {
super(), this.client = t, this.announceUrl = e, this.interval = null, this.destroyed = !1;
setInterval(t) {
t == null && (t = this.DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL), clearInterval(this.interval), t && (this.interval = setInterval(() => {
}, t), this.interval.unref && this.interval.unref());
const R = P("bittorrent-tracker:websocket-tracker"), q = {};
class oe extends er {
constructor(t, e) {
super(t, e), R("new websocket tracker %s", e), this.peers = {}, this.socket = null, this.reconnecting = !1, this.retries = 0, this.reconnectTimer = null, this.expectingResponse = !1, this._openSocket();
announce(t) {
if (this.destroyed || this.reconnecting) return;
if (!this.socket.connected) return void this.socket.once("connect", () => {
const e = Object.assign({}, t, { action: "announce", info_hash: this.client._infoHashBinary, peer_id: this.client._peerIdBinary });
if (this._trackerId && (e.trackerid = this._trackerId), t.event === "stopped" || t.event === "completed") this._send(e);
else {
const n = Math.min(t.numwant, 5);
this._generateOffers(n, (r) => {
e.numwant = n, e.offers = r, this._send(e);
scrape(t) {
if (this.destroyed || this.reconnecting) return;
if (!this.socket.connected) return void this.socket.once("connect", () => {
const e = { action: "scrape", info_hash: Array.isArray(t.infoHash) && t.infoHash.length > 0 ? t.infoHash.map((n) => it(n)) : t.infoHash && it(t.infoHash) || this.client._infoHashBinary };
destroy(t = We) {
if (this.destroyed) return t(null);
this.destroyed = !0, clearInterval(this.interval), clearTimeout(this.reconnectTimer);
for (const i in this.peers) {
const o = this.peers[i];
clearTimeout(o.trackerTimeout), o.destroy();
if (this.peers = null, this.socket && (this.socket.removeListener("connect", this._onSocketConnectBound), this.socket.removeListener("data", this._onSocketDataBound), this.socket.removeListener("close", this._onSocketCloseBound), this.socket.removeListener("error", this._onSocketErrorBound), this.socket = null), this._onSocketConnectBound = null, this._onSocketErrorBound = null, this._onSocketDataBound = null, this._onSocketCloseBound = null, q[this.announceUrl] && (q[this.announceUrl].consumers -= 1), q[this.announceUrl].consumers > 0) return t();
let e, n = q[this.announceUrl];
if (delete q[this.announceUrl], n.on("error", We), n.once("close", t), !this.expectingResponse) return r();
function r() {
e && (clearTimeout(e), e = null), n.removeListener("data", r), n.destroy(), n = null;
e = setTimeout(r, ie.DESTROY_TIMEOUT), n.once("data", r);
_openSocket() {
if (this.destroyed = !1, this.peers || (this.peers = {}), this._onSocketConnectBound = () => {
}, this._onSocketErrorBound = (t) => {
}, this._onSocketDataBound = (t) => {
}, this._onSocketCloseBound = () => {
}, this.socket = q[this.announceUrl], this.socket) q[this.announceUrl].consumers += 1, this.socket.connected && this._onSocketConnectBound();
else {
const t = new URL(this.announceUrl);
let e;
this.client._proxyOpts && (e = t.protocol === "wss:" ? this.client._proxyOpts.httpsAgent : this.client._proxyOpts.httpAgent, !e && this.client._proxyOpts.socksProxy && (e = this.client._proxyOpts.socksProxy)), this.socket = q[this.announceUrl] = new Dn({ url: this.announceUrl, agent: e }), this.socket.consumers = 1, this.socket.once("connect", this._onSocketConnectBound);
this.socket.on("data", this._onSocketDataBound), this.socket.once("close", this._onSocketCloseBound), this.socket.once("error", this._onSocketErrorBound);
_onSocketConnect() {
this.destroyed || this.reconnecting && (this.reconnecting = !1, this.retries = 0, this.announce(this.client._defaultAnnounceOpts()));
_onSocketData(t) {
if (!this.destroyed) {
this.expectingResponse = !1;
try {
t = JSON.parse(qn(t));
} catch {
return void this.client.emit("warning", new Error("Invalid tracker response"));
t.action === "announce" ? this._onAnnounceResponse(t) : t.action === "scrape" ? this._onScrapeResponse(t) : this._onSocketError(new Error(`invalid action in WS response: ${t.action}`));
_onAnnounceResponse(t) {
if (t.info_hash !== this.client._infoHashBinary) return void R("ignoring websocket data from %s for %s (looking for %s: reused socket)", this.announceUrl, G(t.info_hash), this.client.infoHash);
if (t.peer_id && t.peer_id === this.client._peerIdBinary) return;
R("received %s from %s for %s", JSON.stringify(t), this.announceUrl, this.client.infoHash);
const e = t["failure reason"];
if (e) return this.client.emit("warning", new Error(e));
const n = t["warning message"];
n && this.client.emit("warning", new Error(n));
const r = t.interval || t["min interval"];
r && this.setInterval(1e3 * r);
const i = t["tracker id"];
if (i && (this._trackerId = i), t.complete != null) {
const a = Object.assign({}, t, { announce: this.announceUrl, infoHash: G(t.info_hash) });
this.client.emit("update", a);
let o;
if (t.offer && t.peer_id && (R("creating peer (from remote offer)"), o = this._createPeer(), o.id = G(t.peer_id), o.once("signal", (a) => {
const h = { action: "announce", info_hash: this.client._infoHashBinary, peer_id: this.client._peerIdBinary, to_peer_id: t.peer_id, answer: a, offer_id: t.offer_id };
this._trackerId && (h.trackerid = this._trackerId), this._send(h);
}), this.client.emit("peer", o), o.signal(t.offer)), t.answer && t.peer_id) {
const a = G(t.offer_id);
o = this.peers[a], o ? (o.id = G(t.peer_id), this.client.emit("peer", o), o.signal(t.answer), clearTimeout(o.trackerTimeout), o.trackerTimeout = null, delete this.peers[a]) : R(`got unexpected answer: ${JSON.stringify(t.answer)}`);
_onScrapeResponse(t) {
t = t.files || {};
const e = Object.keys(t);
e.length !== 0 ? e.forEach((n) => {
const r = Object.assign(t[n], { announce: this.announceUrl, infoHash: G(n) });
this.client.emit("scrape", r);
}) : this.client.emit("warning", new Error("invalid scrape response"));
_onSocketClose() {
this.destroyed || (this.destroy(), this._startReconnectTimer());
_onSocketError(t) {
this.destroyed || (this.destroy(), this.client.emit("warning", t), this._startReconnectTimer());
_startReconnectTimer() {
const t = Math.floor(3e5 * Math.random()) + Math.min(1e4 * Math.pow(2, this.retries), 36e5);
this.reconnecting = !0, clearTimeout(this.reconnectTimer), this.reconnectTimer = setTimeout(() => {
this.retries++, this._openSocket();
}, t), this.reconnectTimer.unref && this.reconnectTimer.unref(), R("reconnecting socket in %s ms", t);
_send(t) {
if (this.destroyed) return;
this.expectingResponse = !0;
const e = JSON.stringify(t);
R("send %s", e), this.socket.send(e);
_generateOffers(t, e) {
const n = this, r = [];
R("generating %s offers", t);
for (let a = 0; a < t; ++a) i();
function i() {
const a = Z(Rt(20));
R("creating peer (from _generateOffers)");
const h = n.peers[a] = n._createPeer({ initiator: !0 });
h.once("signal", (u) => {
r.push({ offer: u, offer_id: it(a) }), o();
}), h.trackerTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
R("tracker timeout: destroying peer"), h.trackerTimeout = null, delete n.peers[a], h.destroy();
}, 5e4), h.trackerTimeout.unref && h.trackerTimeout.unref();
function o() {
r.length === t && (R("generated %s offers", t), e(r));
_createPeer(t) {
const e = this;
t = Object.assign({ trickle: !1, config: e.client._rtcConfig, wrtc: e.client._wrtc }, t);
const n = new ot(t);
return n.once("error", r), n.once("connect", function i() {
n.removeListener("error", r), n.removeListener("connect", i);
}), n;
function r(i) {
e.client.emit("warning", new Error(`Connection error: ${i.message}`)), n.destroy();
function We() {
oe.prototype.DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL = 3e4, oe._socketPool = q;
const U = P("bittorrent-tracker:client");
class ae extends un {
constructor(t = {}) {
if (super(), !t.peerId) throw new Error("Option `peerId` is required");
if (!t.infoHash) throw new Error("Option `infoHash` is required");
if (!t.announce) throw new Error("Option `announce` is required");
if (!wt.browser && !t.port) throw new Error("Option `port` is required");
this.peerId = typeof t.peerId == "string" ? t.peerId : Z(t.peerId), this._peerIdBuffer = ne(this.peerId), this._peerIdBinary = it(this.peerId), this.infoHash = typeof t.infoHash == "string" ? t.infoHash.toLowerCase() : Z(t.infoHash), this._infoHashBuffer = ne(this.infoHash), this._infoHashBinary = it(this.infoHash), U("new client %s", this.infoHash), this.destroyed = !1, this._port = t.port, this._getAnnounceOpts = t.getAnnounceOpts, this._rtcConfig = t.rtcConfig, this._userAgent = t.userAgent, this._proxyOpts = t.proxyOpts, this._wrtc = typeof t.wrtc == "function" ? t.wrtc() : t.wrtc;
let e = typeof t.announce == "string" ? [t.announce] : t.announce == null ? [] : t.announce;
e = e.map((i) => (ArrayBuffer.isView(i) && (i = qn(i)), i[i.length - 1] === "/" && (i = i.substring(0, i.length - 1)), i)), e = Array.from(new Set(e));
const n = this._wrtc !== !1 && (!!this._wrtc || ot.WEBRTC_SUPPORT), r = (i) => {
Gt(() => {
this.emit("warning", i);
this._trackers = e.map((i) => {
let o;
try {
o = ie.parseUrl(i);
} catch {
return r(new Error(`Invalid tracker URL: ${i}`)), null;
const a = o.port;
if (a < 0 || a > 65535) return r(new Error(`Invalid tracker port: ${i}`)), null;
const h = o.protocol;
return h !== "http:" && h !== "https:" || typeof B != "function" ? h === "udp:" && typeof B == "function" ? new B(this, i) : h !== "ws:" && h !== "wss:" || !n || h === "ws:" && typeof window < "u" && window.location.protocol === "https:" ? (r(new Error(`Unsupported tracker protocol: ${i}`)), null) : new oe(this, i) : new B(this, i);
start(t) {
(t = this._defaultAnnounceOpts(t)).event = "started", U("send `start` %o", t), this._announce(t), this._trackers.forEach((e) => {
stop(t) {
(t = this._defaultAnnounceOpts(t)).event = "stopped", U("send `stop` %o", t), this._announce(t);
complete(t) {
t || (t = {}), (t = this._defaultAnnounceOpts(t)).event = "completed", U("send `complete` %o", t), this._announce(t);
update(t) {
(t = this._defaultAnnounceOpts(t)).event && delete t.event, U("send `update` %o", t), this._announce(t);
_announce(t) {
this._trackers.forEach((e) => {
scrape(t) {
U("send `scrape`"), t || (t = {}), this._trackers.forEach((e) => {
setInterval(t) {
U("setInterval %d", t), this._trackers.forEach((e) => {
destroy(t) {
if (this.destroyed) return;
this.destroyed = !0, U("destroy");
const e = this._trackers.map((n) => (r) => {
is(e, t), this._trackers = [], this._getAnnounceOpts = null;
_defaultAnnounceOpts(t = {}) {
return t.numwant == null && (t.numwant = ie.DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_PEERS), t.uploaded == null && (t.uploaded = 0), t.downloaded == null && (t.downloaded = 0), this._getAnnounceOpts && (t = Object.assign({}, t, this._getAnnounceOpts())), t;
ae.scrape = (s, t) => {
if (t = ns(t), !s.infoHash) throw new Error("Option `infoHash` is required");
if (!s.announce) throw new Error("Option `announce` is required");
const e = Object.assign({}, s, { infoHash: Array.isArray(s.infoHash) ? s.infoHash[0] : s.infoHash, peerId: ge("01234567890123456789"), port: 6881 }), n = new ae(e);
n.once("error", t), n.once("warning", t);
let r = Array.isArray(s.infoHash) ? s.infoHash.length : 1;
const i = {};
return n.on("scrape", (o) => {
if (r -= 1, i[o.infoHash] = o, r === 0) {
const a = Object.keys(i);
a.length === 1 ? t(null, i[a[0]]) : t(null, i);
}), n.scrape({ infoHash: s.infoHash }), n;
var Nn = { exports: {} };
function k(s, t, e, n, r, i, o) {
var a = s + (t & e | ~t & n) + (r >>> 0) + o;
return (a << i | a >>> 32 - i) + t;
function x(s, t, e, n, r, i, o) {
var a = s + (t & n | e & ~n) + (r >>> 0) + o;
return (a << i | a >>> 32 - i) + t;
function A(s, t, e, n, r, i, o) {
var a = s + (t ^ e ^ n) + (r >>> 0) + o;
return (a << i | a >>> 32 - i) + t;
function E(s, t, e, n, r, i, o) {
var a = s + (e ^ (t | ~n)) + (r >>> 0) + o;
return (a << i | a >>> 32 - i) + t;
function ft(s) {
return String.fromCharCode(255 & s);
function pt(s) {
return ft(s) + ft(s >>> 8) + ft(s >>> 16) + ft(s >>> 24);
var he = function(s) {
return unescape(encodeURIComponent(s));
}, Ot = Nn.exports = function(s) {
return nr(s).toHex();
}, Ct = Ot.fromBytes = function(s) {
for (var t = function(S) {
for (var c = S.length, g = c << 3, l = new Uint32Array(c + 72 >>> 6 << 4), m = 0, y = S.length; m < y; ++m) l[m >>> 2] |= S.charCodeAt(m) << ((3 & m) << 3);
return l[c >> 2] |= 128 << (31 & g), l[l.length - 2] = g, l;
}(s), e = 1732584193, n = 4023233417, r = 2562383102, i = 271733878, o = 0, a = t.length; o < a; o += 16) {
var h = e, u = n, d = r, p = i;
e = k(e, n, r, i, t[o + 0], 7, 3614090360), i = k(i, e, n, r, t[o + 1], 12, 3905402710), r = k(r, i, e, n, t[o + 2], 17, 606105819), n = k(n, r, i, e, t[o + 3], 22, 3250441966), e = k(e, n, r, i, t[o + 4], 7, 4118548399), i = k(i, e, n, r, t[o + 5], 12, 1200080426), r = k(r, i, e, n, t[o + 6], 17, 2821735955), n = k(n, r, i, e, t[o + 7], 22, 4249261313), e = k(e, n, r, i, t[o + 8], 7, 1770035416), i = k(i, e, n, r, t[o + 9], 12, 2336552879), r = k(r, i, e, n, t[o + 10], 17, 4294925233), n = k(n, r, i, e, t[o + 11], 22, 2304563134), e = k(e, n, r, i, t[o + 12], 7, 1804603682), i = k(i, e, n, r, t[o + 13], 12, 4254626195), r = k(r, i, e, n, t[o + 14], 17, 2792965006), e = x(e, n = k(n, r, i, e, t[o + 15], 22, 1236535329), r, i, t[o + 1], 5, 4129170786), i = x(i, e, n, r, t[o + 6], 9, 3225465664), r = x(r, i, e, n, t[o + 11], 14, 643717713), n = x(n, r, i, e, t[o + 0], 20, 3921069994), e = x(e, n, r, i, t[o + 5], 5, 3593408605), i = x(i, e, n, r, t[o + 10], 9, 38016083), r = x(r, i, e, n, t[o + 15], 14, 3634488961), n = x(n, r, i, e, t[o + 4], 20, 3889429448), e = x(e, n, r, i, t[o + 9], 5, 568446438), i = x(i, e, n, r, t[o + 14], 9, 3275163606), r = x(r, i, e, n, t[o + 3], 14, 4107603335), n = x(n, r, i, e, t[o + 8], 20, 1163531501), e = x(e, n, r, i, t[o + 13], 5, 2850285829), i = x(i, e, n, r, t[o + 2], 9, 4243563512), r = x(r, i, e, n, t[o + 7], 14, 1735328473), e = A(e, n = x(n, r, i, e, t[o + 12], 20, 2368359562), r, i, t[o + 5], 4, 4294588738), i = A(i, e, n, r, t[o + 8], 11, 2272392833), r = A(r, i, e, n, t[o + 11], 16, 1839030562), n = A(n, r, i, e, t[o + 14], 23, 4259657740), e = A(e, n, r, i, t[o + 1], 4, 2763975236), i = A(i, e, n, r, t[o + 4], 11, 1272893353), r = A(r, i, e, n, t[o + 7], 16, 4139469664), n = A(n, r, i, e, t[o + 10], 23, 3200236656), e = A(e, n, r, i, t[o + 13], 4, 681279174), i = A(i, e, n, r, t[o + 0], 11, 3936430074), r = A(r, i, e, n, t[o + 3], 16, 3572445317), n = A(n, r, i, e, t[o + 6], 23, 76029189), e = A(e, n, r, i, t[o + 9], 4, 3654602809), i = A(i, e, n, r, t[o + 12], 11, 3873151461), r = A(r, i, e, n, t[o + 15], 16, 530742520), e = E(e, n = A(n, r, i, e, t[o + 2], 23, 3299628645), r, i, t[o + 0], 6, 4096336452), i = E(i, e, n, r, t[o + 7], 10, 1126891415), r = E(r, i, e, n, t[o + 14], 15, 2878612391), n = E(n, r, i, e, t[o + 5], 21, 4237533241), e = E(e, n, r, i, t[o + 12], 6, 1700485571), i = E(i, e, n, r, t[o + 3], 10, 2399980690), r = E(r, i, e, n, t[o + 10], 15, 4293915773), n = E(n, r, i, e, t[o + 1], 21, 2240044497), e = E(e, n, r, i, t[o + 8], 6, 1873313359), i = E(i, e, n, r, t[o + 15], 10, 4264355552), r = E(r, i, e, n, t[o + 6], 15, 2734768916), n = E(n, r, i, e, t[o + 13], 21, 1309151649), e = E(e, n, r, i, t[o + 4], 6, 4149444226), i = E(i, e, n, r, t[o + 11], 10, 3174756917), r = E(r, i, e, n, t[o + 2], 15, 718787259), n = E(n, r, i, e, t[o + 9], 21, 3951481745), e = e + h >>> 0, n = n + u >>> 0, r = r + d >>> 0, i = i + p >>> 0;
var _ = new String(pt(e) + pt(n) + pt(r) + pt(i));
return _.toHex = function() {
for (var S = "", c = 0, g = _.length; c < g; ++c) S += (256 + (255 & _.charCodeAt(c))).toString(16).substr(-2);
return S;
}, _;
}, nr = Ot.fromUtf8 = function(s) {
return Ct(he(s));
}, Mn = "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
function ze(s, t) {
for (var e = ""; --t >= 0; s >>>= 6) e += Mn.charAt(63 & s);
return e;
var mt = [0, 6, 12, 1, 7, 13, 2, 8, 14, 3, 9, 15, 4, 10, 5, 11], sr = Ot.salt = function(s) {
var t = "";
s || (s = 8);
t += Mn.charAt(64 * Math.random() >>> 0);
while (--s);
return t;
Ot.crypt = function(s, t) {
if (s.length > 64) throw Error("too long key");
t || (t = "$1$" + sr()), s = he(s);
for (var e = he(t.replace(/^\$1\$([^$]+)(?:\$.*)?$/, "$1")), n = Ct(s + e + s), r = s + "$1$" + e, i = s.length; i > 16; i -= 16) r += n;
for (r += n.slice(0, i), i = s.length; i; i >>= 1) r += 1 & i ? "\0" : s.charAt(0);
n = Ct(r);
for (var o = 0; o < 1e3; ++o) n = Ct((1 & o ? s : n) + (o % 3 ? e : "") + (o % 7 ? s : "") + (1 & o ? n : s));
var a = "$1$" + e + "$";
for (o = 0; o < 15; o += 3) a += ze(n.charCodeAt(mt[o + 0]) << 16 | n.charCodeAt(mt[o + 1]) << 8 | n.charCodeAt(mt[o + 2]), 4);
return a + ze(n.charCodeAt(mt[15]), 2);
const rr = V(Nn.exports), ir = `-PM${function(s) {
const t = s.split(".");
return `${t[0].padStart(2, "0")}${t[1].padStart(2, "0")}`;
}("1.0.3")}-`, or = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
function z(s) {
return `${s.type}-${s.index}`;
function Ve(s) {
const { externalId: t } = s;
return `(${z(s.stream)} | ${t})`;
function ce(s, t) {
t === void 0 && (t = s.reduce((r, i) => r + i.byteLength, 0));
const e = new Uint8Array(t);
let n = 0;
for (const r of s) e.set(r, n), n += r.byteLength;
return e;
function Ge(s) {
const t = new TextEncoder(), e = new Uint8Array(s.length);
return t.encodeInto(s, e), e;
function* Je(s) {
for (let t = s.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) yield s[t];
function Fn(s) {
return !!s && typeof s == "object" && !Array.isArray(s);
function K(s) {
if (function(t) {
return Array.isArray(t);
}(s)) return s.map((t) => K(t));
if (Fn(s)) {
const t = {};
for (const e of Object.keys(s)) t[e] = K(s[e]);
return t;
return s;
function et(s, t, e = {}) {
return typeof s != "object" || s === null || typeof t != "object" || t === null || Object.keys(t).forEach((n) => {
if (n === "__proto__" || n === "constructor" || n === "prototype") throw new Error(`Attempt to modify restricted property '${String(n)}'`);
const r = t[n], i = e[n];
n in s && (s[n] = r === void 0 ? i === void 0 ? void 0 : i : r);
}), s;
function Ft(s) {
const { defaultConfig: t, baseConfig: e = {}, specificStreamConfig: n = {} } = s, r = K({ ...t, ...e, ...n }), i = Object.keys(t), o = {};
return i.forEach((a) => {
a in r && (o[a] = r[a]);
}), o;
var H = ((s) => (s[s.SegmentsAnnouncement = 0] = "SegmentsAnnouncement", s[s.SegmentRequest = 1] = "SegmentRequest", s[s.SegmentData = 2] = "SegmentData", s[s.SegmentDataSendingCompleted = 3] = "SegmentDataSendingCompleted", s[s.SegmentAbsent = 4] = "SegmentAbsent", s[s.CancelSegmentRequest = 5] = "CancelSegmentRequest", s))(H || {}), X = ((s) => (s[s.Min = -1] = "Min", s[s.Int = 0] = "Int", s[s.SimilarIntArray = 1] = "SimilarIntArray", s[s.String = 2] = "String", s[s.Max = 3] = "Max", s))(X || {});
function ar(s) {
const t = s < 0, e = function(i) {
const o = i.toString(2), a = i < 0 ? o.length : o.length + 1;
return Math.ceil(a / 8);
}(s), n = new Uint8Array(e), r = BigInt(e);
s = function(i) {
return i < 0 ? -i : i;
for (let i = 0; i < e; i++) {
const o = s >> 8n * (r - 1n - BigInt(i)) & 0xffn;
n[i] = Number(o);
return t && (n[0] = 128 | n[0]), n;
function hr(s) {
const t = BigInt(s.length), e = (r, i) => {
const o = 8n * (t - 1n - BigInt(i));
return BigInt(r) << o;
let n = e(127 & s[0], 0);
for (let r = 1; r < t; r++) n = e(s[r], r) | n;
return (128 & s[0]) >> 7 && (n = -n), n;
function Ye(s) {
const t = ar(s), e = 0 | t.length;
return new Uint8Array([e, ...t]);
function Un(s) {
const t = s[0];
if (t >> 4) throw new Error("Trying to deserialize integer with invalid serialized item code");
const e = 15 & t, n = 1 + e;
return { number: hr(s.slice(1, n)), byteLength: e + 1 };
function cr(s) {
const [t, e] = s;
if (t >> 4 !== 1) throw new Error("Trying to deserialize similar int array with invalid serialized item code");
let n = 2;
const r = [];
for (let i = 0; i < e; i++) {
const { number: o, byteLength: a } = Un(s.slice(n));
n += a;
const h = 0xffn & o, u = -256n & o;
for (let d = 0; d < h; d++) {
const p = BigInt(s[n]);
r.push(u | p), n++;
return { numbers: r, byteLength: n };
function dr(s) {
const [t, e] = s;
if (t >> 4 !== 2) throw new Error("Trying to deserialize bytes (sting) with invalid serialized item code.");
const n = (15 & t) << 8 | e, r = s.slice(2, n + 2);
return { string: new TextDecoder("utf8").decode(r), byteLength: n + 2 };
class rt {
constructor() {
f(this, "bytes", []);
f(this, "_length", 0);
push(t) {
this.addBytes(t, "end");
unshift(t) {
this.addBytes(t, "start");
addBytes(t, e) {
let n;
n = t instanceof Uint8Array ? t : Array.isArray(t) ? new Uint8Array(t) : new Uint8Array([t]), this._length += n.length, this.bytes[e === "start" ? "unshift" : "push"](n);
getBytesChunks() {
return this.bytes;
getBuffer() {
return ce(this.bytes, this._length);
get length() {
return this._length;
const tt = qt("cstr", 4), ht = qt("cend", 4), de = qt("dstr", 4), ue = qt("dend", 4), ur = [tt, de], lr = [ht, ue], Ke = tt.length + ht.length;
function Hn(s) {
const t = tt.length, e = s.slice(-t);
return ur.some((n) => Bt(s, n, 4)) && lr.some((n) => Bt(e, n, 4));
class It extends Error {
constructor(t) {
super(), this.type = t;
class $n {
constructor(t) {
f(this, "chunks", new rt());
f(this, "status", "joining");
this.onComplete = t;
addCommandChunk(t) {
if (this.status === "completed") return;
const e = Bt(t, tt, 4);
if (!this.chunks.length && !e) throw new It("no-first-chunk");
if (this.chunks.length && e) throw new It("incomplete-joining");
this.chunks.push(this.unframeCommandChunk(t)), function(n) {
return Bt(n.slice(-4), ht, 4);
}(t) && (this.status = "completed", this.onComplete(this.chunks.getBuffer()));
unframeCommandChunk(t) {
return t.slice(4, t.length - 4);
class yt {
constructor(t, e) {
f(this, "bytes", new rt());
f(this, "resultBuffers", []);
f(this, "status", "creating");
this.maxChunkLength = e, this.bytes.push(t);
addInteger(t, e) {
const n = Ye(BigInt(e));
addSimilarIntArr(t, e) {
const n = function(r) {
const i = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
for (const a of r) {
const h = -256n & a, u = 0xffn & a, d = i.get(h) ?? new rt();
d.length || i.set(h, d), d.push(Number(u));
const o = new rt();
o.push([16, i.size]);
for (const [a, h] of i) {
const { length: u } = h.getBytesChunks(), d = a | 0xffn & BigInt(u);
h.unshift(Ye(d)), o.push(h.getBuffer());
return o.getBuffer();
}(e.map((r) => BigInt(r)));
addString(t, e) {
const n = function(r) {
const { length: i } = r, o = new rt();
return o.push([32 | i >> 8 & 15, 255 & i]), o.push(new TextEncoder().encode(r)), o.getBuffer();
complete() {
if (!this.bytes.length) throw new Error("Buffer is empty");
if (this.status === "completed") return;
this.status = "completed";
const t = this.bytes.getBuffer();
if (t.length + Ke <= this.maxChunkLength) return void this.resultBuffers.push(_t(t, tt, ht));
let e = Math.ceil(t.length / this.maxChunkLength);
Math.ceil(t.length / e) + Ke > this.maxChunkLength && e++;
for (const [n, r] of function* (i, o) {
const a = Math.ceil(i.length / o);
for (let h = 0; h < o; h++) yield [h, i.slice(h * a, (h + 1) * a)];
}(t, e)) n === 0 ? this.resultBuffers.push(_t(r, tt, ue)) : n === e - 1 ? this.resultBuffers.push(_t(r, de, ht)) : this.resultBuffers.push(_t(r, de, ue));
getResultBuffers() {
if (this.status === "creating" || !this.resultBuffers.length) throw new Error("Command is not complete.");
return this.resultBuffers;
function jn(s) {
const [t] = s, e = { c: t };
let n = 1;
for (; n < s.length; ) {
const r = String.fromCharCode(s[n]);
switch (n++, gr(s[n])) {
case X.Int:
const { number: i, byteLength: o } = Un(s.slice(n));
e[r] = Number(i), n += o;
case X.SimilarIntArray:
const { numbers: i, byteLength: o } = cr(s.slice(n));
e[r] = i.map((a) => Number(a)), n += o;
case X.String: {
const { string: i, byteLength: o } = dr(s.slice(n));
e[r] = i, n += o;
return e;
function gr(s) {
const t = s >> 4;
if (t <= X.Min || t >= X.Max) throw new Error("Not existing type");
return t;
function qt(s, t) {
if (s.length !== t) throw new Error("Wrong string length");
const e = new Uint8Array(t);
for (let n = 0; n < s.length; n++) e[n] = s.charCodeAt(n);
return e;
function _t(s, t, e) {
const n = new Uint8Array(s.length + t.length + e.length);
return n.set(t), n.set(s, t.length), n.set(e, t.length + s.length), n;
function Bt(s, t, e) {
for (let n = 0; n < e; n++) if (s[n] !== t[n]) return !1;
return !0;
function Qn(s, t) {
switch (s.c) {
case H.CancelSegmentRequest:
case H.SegmentAbsent:
case H.SegmentDataSendingCompleted:
return function(e, n) {
const r = new yt(e.c, n);
return r.addInteger("i", e.i), r.complete(), r.getResultBuffers();
}(s, t);
case H.SegmentRequest:
return function(e, n) {
const r = new yt(e.c, n);
return r.addInteger("i", e.i), e.b && r.addInteger("b", e.b), r.complete(), r.getResultBuffers();
}(s, t);
case H.SegmentsAnnouncement:
return function(e, n) {
const { c: r, p: i, l: o } = e, a = new yt(r, n);
return o != null && o.length && a.addSimilarIntArr("l", o), i != null && i.length && a.addSimilarIntArr("p", i), a.complete(), a.getResultBuffers();
}(s, t);
case H.SegmentData:
return function(e, n) {
const r = new yt(e.c, n);
return r.addInteger("i", e.i), r.addInteger("s", e.s), r.complete(), r.getResultBuffers();
}(s, t);
const fr = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, BinaryCommandChunksJoiner: $n, BinaryCommandJoiningError: It, PeerCommandType: H, deserializeCommand: jn, isCommandChunk: Hn, serializePeerCommand: Qn }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }));
class pr {
constructor(t, e, n, r) {
f(this, "commandChunks");
f(this, "uploadingContext");
f(this, "onChunkDownloaded");
f(this, "onChunkUploaded");
f(this, "onDataReceived", (t) => {
Hn(t) ? this.receivingCommandBytes(t) : (this.eventHandlers.onSegmentChunkReceived(t), this.onChunkDownloaded(t.length, "p2p", this.connection.idUtf8));
this.connection = t, this.peerConfig = e, this.eventHandlers = n, this.onChunkDownloaded = r.getEventDispatcher("onChunkDownloaded"), this.onChunkUploaded = r.getEventDispatcher("onChunkUploaded"), t.on("data", this.onDataReceived);
sendCommand(t) {
const e = Qn(t, this.peerConfig.webRtcMaxMessageSize);
for (const n of e) this.connection.send(n);
stopUploadingSegmentData() {
var t;
(t = this.uploadingContext) == null || t.stopUploading(), this.uploadingContext = void 0;
async splitSegmentDataToChunksAndUploadAsync(t) {
if (this.uploadingContext) throw new Error("Some segment data is already uploading.");
const e = function* (u, d) {
let p = u.byteLength;
for (; p > 0; ) {
const _ = p >= d ? d : p, S = u.byteLength - p, c = u.slice(S, S + _);
p -= _, yield c;
}(t, this.peerConfig.webRtcMaxMessageSize), { promise: n, resolve: r, reject: i } = function() {
let u, d;
return { promise: new Promise((p, _) => {
u = p, d = _;
}), resolve: u, reject: d };
let o = !1;
const a = { stopUploading: () => {
o = !1;
} };
this.uploadingContext = a;
const h = () => {
if (o) for (; ; ) {
const u = e.next().value;
if (!u) {
const d = this.connection.write(u);
if (this.onChunkUploaded(u.byteLength, this.connection.idUtf8), !d) break;
else i();
try {
this.connection.on("drain", h), o = !0, h(), await n;
} finally {
this.connection.off("drain", h), this.uploadingContext === a && (this.uploadingContext = void 0);
receivingCommandBytes(t) {
this.commandChunks || (this.commandChunks = new $n((e) => {
this.commandChunks = void 0;
const n = jn(e);
try {
} catch (e) {
if (!(e instanceof It)) return;
this.commandChunks = void 0;
const { PeerCommandType: T } = fr;
class Pt {
constructor(t, e, n, r) {
f(this, "id");
f(this, "peerProtocol");
f(this, "downloadingContext");
f(this, "loadedSegments", /* @__PURE__ */ new Set());
f(this, "httpLoadingSegments", /* @__PURE__ */ new Set());
f(this, "downloadingErrors", []);
f(this, "logger", P("p2pml-core:peer"));
f(this, "onPeerClosed");
f(this, "onCommandReceived", async (t) => {
var e, n, r;
switch (t.c) {
case T.SegmentsAnnouncement:
this.loadedSegments = new Set(t.l), this.httpLoadingSegments = new Set(t.p), this.eventHandlers.onSegmentsAnnouncement();
case T.SegmentRequest:
this.peerProtocol.stopUploadingSegmentData(), this.eventHandlers.onSegmentRequested(this, t.i, t.b);
case T.SegmentData:
if (!this.downloadingContext || this.downloadingContext.isSegmentDataCommandReceived) break;
const { request: i, controls: o } = this.downloadingContext;
if (i.segment.externalId !== t.i) break;
this.downloadingContext.isSegmentDataCommandReceived = !0, o.firstBytesReceived(), i.totalBytes === void 0 ? i.setTotalBytes(t.s) : i.totalBytes - i.loadedBytes !== t.s && (i.clearLoadedBytes(), this.sendCancelSegmentRequestCommand(i.segment), this.cancelSegmentDownloading("peer-response-bytes-length-mismatch"), this.destroy());
case T.SegmentDataSendingCompleted: {
const i = this.downloadingContext;
if (!(i != null && i.isSegmentDataCommandReceived)) return;
const { request: o, controls: a } = i;
if (i.request.segment.externalId !== t.i) return o.clearLoadedBytes(), this.cancelSegmentDownloading("peer-protocol-violation"), void this.destroy();
if (o.loadedBytes !== o.totalBytes) return o.clearLoadedBytes(), this.cancelSegmentDownloading("peer-response-bytes-length-mismatch"), void this.destroy();
const h = await ((n = (e = this.peerConfig).validateP2PSegment) == null ? void 0 : n.call(e, o.segment.url, o.segment.byteRange)) ?? !0;
if (this.downloadingContext !== i) return;
if (!h) return o.clearLoadedBytes(), this.cancelSegmentDownloading("p2p-segment-validation-failed"), void this.destroy();
this.downloadingErrors = [], a.completeOnSuccess(), this.downloadingContext = void 0;
case T.SegmentAbsent:
((r = this.downloadingContext) == null ? void 0 : r.request.segment.externalId) === t.i && (this.cancelSegmentDownloading("peer-segment-absent"), this.loadedSegments.delete(t.i));
case T.CancelSegmentRequest:
f(this, "onSegmentChunkReceived", (t) => {
var r;
if (!((r = this.downloadingContext) != null && r.isSegmentDataCommandReceived)) return;
const { request: e, controls: n } = this.downloadingContext;
if (e.totalBytes !== void 0 && e.loadedBytes + t.byteLength > e.totalBytes) return e.clearLoadedBytes(), this.cancelSegmentDownloading("peer-response-bytes-length-mismatch"), void this.destroy();
f(this, "onPeerConnectionClosed", () => {
f(this, "onConnectionError", (t) => {
this.logger(`peer connection error ${this.id} %O`, t);
const e = t.code;
(e === "ERR_DATA_CHANNEL" || e === "ERR_CONNECTION_FAILURE" || e === "ERR_CONNECTION_FAILURE") && this.destroy();
f(this, "destroy", () => {
this.cancelSegmentDownloading("peer-closed"), this.connection.destroy(), this.eventHandlers.onPeerClosed(this), this.onPeerClosed({ peerId: this.id }), this.logger(`peer closed ${this.id}`);
this.connection = t, this.eventHandlers = e, this.peerConfig = n, this.onPeerClosed = r.getEventDispatcher("onPeerClose"), this.id = Pt.getPeerIdFromConnection(t), this.peerProtocol = new pr(t, n, { onSegmentChunkReceived: this.onSegmentChunkReceived, onCommandReceived: this.onCommandReceived }, r), r.getEventDispatcher("onPeerConnect")({ peerId: this.id }), t.on("error", this.onConnectionError), t.on("close", this.onPeerConnectionClosed), t.on("end", this.onPeerConnectionClosed), t.on("finish", this.onPeerConnectionClosed);
get downloadingSegment() {
var t;
return (t = this.downloadingContext) == null ? void 0 : t.request.segment;
getSegmentStatus(t) {
const { externalId: e } = t;
return this.loadedSegments.has(e) ? "loaded" : this.httpLoadingSegments.has(e) ? "http-loading" : void 0;
downloadSegment(t) {
if (this.downloadingContext) throw new Error("Some segment already is downloading");
this.downloadingContext = { request: t, isSegmentDataCommandReceived: !1, controls: t.start({ downloadSource: "p2p", peerId: this.id }, { notReceivingBytesTimeoutMs: this.peerConfig.p2pNotReceivingBytesTimeoutMs, abort: (n) => {
if (!this.downloadingContext) return;
const { request: r } = this.downloadingContext;
this.sendCancelSegmentRequestCommand(r.segment), this.downloadingErrors.push(n), this.downloadingContext = void 0, this.downloadingErrors.filter((i) => i.type === "bytes-receiving-timeout").length >= this.peerConfig.p2pErrorRetries && this.destroy();
} }) };
const e = { c: T.SegmentRequest, i: t.segment.externalId };
t.loadedBytes && (e.b = t.loadedBytes), this.peerProtocol.sendCommand(e);
async uploadSegmentData(t, e) {
const { externalId: n } = t;
this.logger(`send segment ${t.externalId} to ${this.id}`);
const r = { c: T.SegmentData, i: n, s: e.byteLength };
try {
await this.peerProtocol.splitSegmentDataToChunksAndUploadAsync(e), this.sendSegmentDataSendingCompletedCommand(t), this.logger(`segment ${n} has been sent to ${this.id}`);
} catch {
this.logger(`cancel segment uploading ${n}`);
cancelSegmentDownloading(t) {
if (!this.downloadingContext) return;
const { request: e, controls: n } = this.downloadingContext, { segment: r } = e;
this.logger(`cancel segment request ${r.externalId} (${t})`);
const i = new I(t);
n.abortOnError(i), this.downloadingContext = void 0, this.downloadingErrors.push(i);
sendSegmentsAnnouncementCommand(t, e) {
const n = { c: T.SegmentsAnnouncement, p: e, l: t };
sendSegmentAbsentCommand(t) {
this.peerProtocol.sendCommand({ c: T.SegmentAbsent, i: t });
sendCancelSegmentRequestCommand(t) {
this.peerProtocol.sendCommand({ c: T.CancelSegmentRequest, i: t.externalId });
sendSegmentDataSendingCompletedCommand(t) {
this.peerProtocol.sendCommand({ c: T.SegmentDataSendingCompleted, i: t.externalId });
static getPeerIdFromConnection(t) {
return function(e) {
const n = new Uint8Array(e.length / 2);
for (let r = 0; r < e.length; r += 2) n[r / 2] = parseInt(e.slice(r, r + 2), 16);
return new TextDecoder().decode(n);
class mr {
constructor(t, e, n, r, i) {
f(this, "streamShortId");
f(this, "client");
f(this, "_peers", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
f(this, "logger", P("p2pml-core:p2p-tracker-client"));
f(this, "onReceivePeerConnection", (t) => {
const e = Pt.getPeerIdFromConnection(t);
let n = this._peers.get(e);
n != null && n.peer ? t.destroy() : (n || (n = { potentialConnections: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set() }, t.idUtf8 = e, n.potentialConnections.add(t), this._peers.set(e, n)), t.on("connect", () => {
if (n && !n.peer) {
for (const r of n.potentialConnections) r !== t && r.destroy();
n.potentialConnections.clear(), n.peer = new Pt(t, { onPeerClosed: this.onPeerClosed, onSegmentRequested: this.eventHandlers.onSegmentRequested, onSegmentsAnnouncement: this.eventHandlers.onSegmentsAnnouncement }, this.config, this.eventTarget), this.logger(`connected with peer: ${n.peer.id} ${this.streamShortId}`), this.eventHandlers.onPeerConnected(n.peer);
f(this, "onTrackerClientWarning", (t) => {
this.logger(`tracker warning (${this.streamShortId}: ${t})`);
f(this, "onTrackerClientError", (t) => {
this.logger(`tracker error (${this.streamShortId}: ${t})`);
f(this, "onPeerClosed", (t) => {
this.logger(`peer closed: ${t.id}`), this._peers.delete(t.id);
this.eventHandlers = n, this.config = r, this.eventTarget = i;
const o = function(h) {
const u = rr.fromUtf8(h).slice(1);
return btoa(u);
this.streamShortId = z(e);
const a = function(h) {
const u = [h], d = 20 - h.length;
for (let p = 0; p < d; p++) u.push(or[Math.floor(62 * Math.random())]);
return u.join("");
this.client = new ae({ infoHash: Ge(o), peerId: Ge(a), announce: this.config.announceTrackers, rtcConfig: this.config.rtcConfig }), this.client.on("peer", this.onReceivePeerConnection), this.client.on("warning", this.onTrackerClientWarning), this.client.on("error", this.onTrackerClientError), this.logger(`create new client;
stream: ${this.streamShortId}; hash: ${o}
peerId: ${a}`);
start() {
destroy() {
for (const { peer: t, potentialConnections: e } of this._peers.values()) {
t == null || t.destroy();
for (const n of e) n.destroy();
this._peers.clear(), this.logger(`destroy client; stream: ${this.streamShortId}`);
*peers() {
for (const t of this._peers.values()) t != null && t.peer && (yield t.peer);
function Xe(s, t) {
for (const e of s.values()) {
const n = e.segments.get(t);
if (n) return n;
function $(s) {
return `${s.type}-${s.index}`;
function vt(s, t, e, n) {
const { highDemandTimeWindow: r, httpDownloadTimeWindow: i, p2pDownloadTimeWindow: o } = e;
return { isHighDemand: Ut(s, t, r), isHttpDownloadable: Ut(s, t, i), isP2PDownloadable: Ut(s, t, o) && (!n || n.isSegmentLoadingOrLoadedBySomeone(s)) };
function Ut(s, t, e) {
const { startTime: n, endTime: r } = s, { position: i, rate: o } = t;
return !(i + e * o < n || i > r);
class yr {
constructor(t, e, n, r, i, o, a) {
f(this, "trackerClient");
f(this, "isAnnounceMicrotaskCreated", !1);
f(this, "onPeerConnected", (t) => {
const { httpLoading: e, loaded: n } = this.getSegmentsAnnouncement();
t.sendSegmentsAnnouncementCommand(n, e);
f(this, "broadcastAnnouncement", () => {
this.isAnnounceMicrotaskCreated || (this.isAnnounceMicrotaskCreated = !0, queueMicrotask(() => {
const { httpLoading: t, loaded: e } = this.getSegmentsAnnouncement();
for (const n of this.trackerClient.peers()) n.sendSegmentsAnnouncementCommand(e, t);
this.isAnnounceMicrotaskCreated = !1;
f(this, "onSegmentRequested", async (t, e, n) => {
const r = function(o, a) {
for (const h of o.segments.values()) if (h.externalId === a) return h;
}(this.stream, e);
if (!r) return;
const i = await this.segmentStorage.getSegmentData(r);
i ? await t.uploadSegmentData(r, n !== void 0 ? i.slice(n) : i) : t.sendSegmentAbsentCommand(e);
this.streamManifestUrl = t, this.stream = e, this.requests = n, this.segmentStorage = r, this.config = i, this.eventTarget = o, this.onSegmentAnnouncement = a;
const h = function(u, d) {
return `v1-${u}-${$(d)}`;
}(this.config.swarmId ?? this.streamManifestUrl, this.stream);
this.trackerClient = new mr(h, this.stream, { onPeerConnected: this.onPeerConnected, onSegmentRequested: this.onSegmentRequested, onSegmentsAnnouncement: this.onSegmentAnnouncement }, this.config, this.eventTarget), this.segmentStorage.subscribeOnUpdate(this.stream, this.broadcastAnnouncement), this.trackerClient.start();
downloadSegment(t) {
const e = [];
for (const o of this.trackerClient.peers()) o.downloadingSegment || o.getSegmentStatus(t) !== "loaded" || e.push(o);
const n = (r = e)[Math.floor(Math.random() * r.length)];
var r;
if (!n) return;
const i = this.requests.getOrCreateRequest(t);
isSegmentLoadingOrLoadedBySomeone(t) {
for (const e of this.trackerClient.peers()) if (e.getSegmentStatus(t)) return !0;
return !1;
isSegmentLoadedBySomeone(t) {
for (const e of this.trackerClient.peers()) if (e.getSegmentStatus(t) === "loaded") return !0;
return !1;
get connectedPeerCount() {
let t = 0;
for (const e of this.trackerClient.peers()) t++;
return t;
getSegmentsAnnouncement() {
const t = this.segmentStorage.getStoredSegmentExternalIdsOfStream(this.stream), e = [];
for (const n of this.requests.httpRequests()) {
const r = this.stream.segments.get(n.segment.runtimeId);
r && e.push(r.externalId);
return { loaded: t, httpLoading: e };
destroy() {
this.segmentStorage.unsubscribeFromUpdate(this.stream, this.broadcastAnnouncement), this.trackerClient.destroy();
class _r {
constructor(t, e, n, r, i, o, a) {
f(this, "loaders", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
f(this, "_currentLoaderItem");
f(this, "logger", P("p2pml-core:p2p-loaders-container"));
this.streamManifestUrl = t, this.requests = n, this.segmentStorage = r, this.config = i, this.eventTarget = o, this.onSegmentAnnouncement = a, this.changeCurrentLoader(e);
createLoader(t) {
if (this.loaders.has(t.runtimeId)) throw new Error("Loader for this stream already exists");
const e = new yr(this.streamManifestUrl, t, this.requests, this.segmentStorage, this.config, this.eventTarget, () => {
this._currentLoaderItem.loader === e && this.onSegmentAnnouncement();
}), n = z(t);
return this.logger(`created new loader: ${n}`), { loader: e, stream: t, loggerInfo: z(t) };
changeCurrentLoader(t) {
const e = this.loaders.get(t.runtimeId);
if (this._currentLoaderItem && (this.segmentStorage.getStoredSegmentExternalIdsOfStream(this._currentLoaderItem.stream).length ? this.setLoaderDestroyTimeout(this._currentLoaderItem) : this.destroyAndRemoveLoader(this._currentLoaderItem)), e) this._currentLoaderItem = e, clearTimeout(e.destroyTimeoutId), e.destroyTimeoutId = void 0;
else {
const n = this.createLoader(t);
this.loaders.set(t.runtimeId, n), this._currentLoaderItem = n;
this.logger(`change current p2p loader: ${z(t)}`);
setLoaderDestroyTimeout(t) {
t.destroyTimeoutId = window.setTimeout(() => this.destroyAndRemoveLoader(t), this.config.p2pInactiveLoaderDestroyTimeoutMs);
destroyAndRemoveLoader(t) {
t.loader.destroy(), this.loaders.delete(t.stream.runtimeId), this.logger("destroy p2p loader: ", t.loggerInfo);
get currentLoader() {
return this._currentLoaderItem.loader;
destroy() {
for (const { loader: t, destroyTimeoutId: e } of this.loaders.values()) t.destroy(), clearTimeout(e);
let br = class {
constructor(s, t, e, n, r, i) {
f(this, "id");
f(this, "currentAttempt");
f(this, "_failedAttempts", new wr());
f(this, "finalData");
f(this, "bytes", []);
f(this, "_loadedBytes", 0);
f(this, "_totalBytes");
f(this, "_status", "not-started");
f(this, "progress");
f(this, "notReceivingBytesTimeout");
f(this, "_abortRequestCallback");
f(this, "_logger");
f(this, "_isHandledByProcessQueue", !1);
f(this, "onSegmentError");
f(this, "onSegmentAbort");
f(this, "onSegmentStart");
f(this, "onSegmentLoaded");
f(this, "abortOnTimeout", () => {
var t;
if (this.throwErrorIfNotLoadingStatus(), !this.currentAttempt) return;
const s = new I("bytes-receiving-timeout");
(t = this._abortRequestCallback) == null || t.call(this, s), this.logger(`${this.downloadSource} ${this.segment.externalId} failed ${s.type}`), this._failedAttempts.add({ ...this.currentAttempt, error: s }), this.onSegmentError({ segment: this.segment, error: s, downloadSource: this.currentAttempt.downloadSource, peerId: this.currentAttempt.downloadSource === "p2p" ? this.currentAttempt.peerId : void 0 }), this.notReceivingBytesTimeout.clear(), this.manageBandwidthCalculatorsState("stop"), this.requestProcessQueueCallback();
f(this, "abortOnError", (s) => {
this.throwErrorIfNotLoadingStatus(), this.currentAttempt && (this.setStatus("failed"), this.logger(`${this.downloadSource} ${this.segment.externalId} failed ${s.type}`), this._failedAttempts.add({ ...this.currentAttempt, error: s }), this.onSegmentError({ segment: this.segment, error: s, downloadSource: this.currentAttempt.downloadSource, peerId: this.currentAttempt.downloadSource === "p2p" ? this.currentAttempt.peerId : void 0 }), this.notReceivingBytesTimeout.clear(), this.manageBandwidthCalculatorsState("stop"), this.requestProcessQueueCallback());
f(this, "completeOnSuccess", () => {
this.throwErrorIfNotLoadingStatus(), this.currentAttempt && (this.manageBandwidthCalculatorsState("stop"), this.notReceivingBytesTimeout.clear(), this.finalData = ce(this.bytes), this.setStatus("succeed"), this._totalBytes = this._loadedBytes, this.onSegmentLoaded({ bytesLength: this.finalData.byteLength, downloadSource: this.currentAttempt.downloadSource, peerId: this.currentAttempt.downloadSource === "p2p" ? this.currentAttempt.peerId : void 0 }), this.logger(`${this.currentAttempt.downloadSource} ${this.segment.externalId} succeed`), this.requestProcessQueueCallback());
f(this, "addLoadedChunk", (s) => {
if (this.throwErrorIfNotLoadingStatus(), !this.currentAttempt || !this.progress) return;
const t = s.byteLength, { all: e, http: n } = this.bandwidthCalculators;
e.addBytes(t), this.currentAttempt.downloadSource === "http" && n.addBytes(t), this.bytes.push(s), this.progress.lastLoadedChunkTimestamp = performance.now(), this.progress.loadedBytes += t, this._loadedBytes += t;
f(this, "firstBytesReceived", () => {
this.throwErrorIfNotLoadingStatus(), this.notReceivingBytesTimeout.restart();
this.segment = s, this.requestProcessQueueCallback = t, this.bandwidthCalculators = e, this.playback = n, this.playbackConfig = r, this.onSegmentError = i.getEventDispatcher("onSegmentError"), this.onSegmentAbort = i.getEventDispatcher("onSegmentAbort"), this.onSegmentStart = i.getEventDispatcher("onSegmentStart"), this.onSegmentLoaded = i.getEventDispatcher("onSegmentLoaded"), this.id = this.segment.runtimeId;
const { byteRange: o } = this.segment;
if (o) {
const { end: h, start: u } = o;
this._totalBytes = h - u + 1;
this.notReceivingBytesTimeout = new Sr(this.abortOnTimeout);
const { type: a } = this.segment.stream;
this._logger = P(`p2pml-core:request-${a}`);
clearLoadedBytes() {
this._loadedBytes = 0, this.bytes = [], this._totalBytes = void 0;
get status() {
return this._status;
setStatus(s) {
this._status = s, this._isHandledByProcessQueue = !1;
get downloadSource() {
var s;
return (s = this.currentAttempt) == null ? void 0 : s.downloadSource;
get loadedBytes() {
return this._loadedBytes;
get totalBytes() {
return this._totalBytes;
get data() {
if (this.status === "succeed") return this.finalData || (this.finalData = ce(this.bytes)), this.finalData;
get failedAttempts() {
return this._failedAttempts;
get isHandledByProcessQueue() {
return this._isHandledByProcessQueue;
markHandledByProcessQueue() {
this._isHandledByProcessQueue = !0;
setTotalBytes(s) {
if (this._totalBytes !== void 0) throw new Error("Request total bytes value is already set");
this._totalBytes = s;
start(s, t) {
if (this._status === "succeed") throw new Error(`Request ${this.segment.externalId} has been already succeed.`);
if (this._status === "loading") throw new Error(`Request ${this.segment.externalId} has been already started.`);
this.setStatus("loading"), this.currentAttempt = { ...s }, this.progress = { startFromByte: this._loadedBytes, loadedBytes: 0, startTimestamp: performance.now() }, this.manageBandwidthCalculatorsState("start");
const { notReceivingBytesTimeoutMs: e, abort: n } = t;
return this._abortRequestCallback = n, e !== void 0 && this.notReceivingBytesTimeout.start(e), this.logger(`${s.downloadSource} ${this.segment.externalId} started`), this.onSegmentStart({ segment: this.segment, downloadSource: s.downloadSource, peerId: s.downloadSource === "p2p" ? s.peerId : void 0 }), { firstBytesReceived: this.firstBytesReceived, addLoadedChunk: this.addLoadedChunk, completeOnSuccess: this.completeOnSuccess, abortOnError: this.abortOnError };
abortFromProcessQueue() {
var s, t, e, n;
this.throwErrorIfNotLoadingStatus(), this.setStatus("aborted"), this.logger(`${(s = this.currentAttempt) == null ? void 0 : s.downloadSource} ${this.segment.externalId} aborted`), (t = this._abortRequestCallback) == null || t.call(this, new I("abort")), this.onSegmentAbort({ segment: this.segment, downloadSource: (e = this.currentAttempt) == null ? void 0 : e.downloadSource, peerId: ((n = this.currentAttempt) == null ? void 0 : n.downloadSource) === "p2p" ? this.currentAttempt.peerId : void 0 }), this._abortRequestCallback = void 0, this.manageBandwidthCalculatorsState("stop"), this.notReceivingBytesTimeout.clear();
throwErrorIfNotLoadingStatus() {
if (this._status !== "loading") throw new Error(`Request has been already ${this.status}.`);
logger(s) {
var t;
this._logger.color = ((t = this.currentAttempt) == null ? void 0 : t.downloadSource) === "http" ? "green" : "red", this._logger(s), this._logger.color = "";
manageBandwidthCalculatorsState(s) {
var r;
const { all: t, http: e } = this.bandwidthCalculators, n = s === "start" ? "startLoading" : "stopLoading";
((r = this.currentAttempt) == null ? void 0 : r.downloadSource) === "http" && e[n](), t[n]();
class wr {
constructor() {
f(this, "attempts", []);
add(t) {
get httpAttemptsCount() {
return this.attempts.reduce((t, e) => e.downloadSource === "http" ? t + 1 : t, 0);
get lastAttempt() {
return this.attempts[this.attempts.length - 1];
clear() {
this.attempts = [];
class Sr {
constructor(t) {
f(this, "timeoutId");
f(this, "ms");
this.action = t;
start(t) {
if (this.timeoutId) throw new Error("Timeout is already started.");
this.ms = t, this.timeoutId = window.setTimeout(this.action, this.ms);
restart(t) {
this.timeoutId && clearTimeout(this.timeoutId), t && (this.ms = t), this.ms && (this.timeoutId = window.setTimeout(this.action, this.ms));
clear() {
clearTimeout(this.timeoutId), this.timeoutId = void 0;
class Cr {
constructor(t, e, n, r, i) {
f(this, "requests", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
this.requestProcessQueueCallback = t, this.bandwidthCalculators = e, this.playback = n, this.config = r, this.eventTarget = i;
get executingHttpCount() {
let t = 0;
for (const e of this.httpRequests()) e.status === "loading" && t++;
return t;
get executingP2PCount() {
let t = 0;
for (const e of this.p2pRequests()) e.status === "loading" && t++;
return t;
get(t) {
return this.requests.get(t);
getOrCreateRequest(t) {
let e = this.requests.get(t);
return e || (e = new br(t, this.requestProcessQueueCallback, this.bandwidthCalculators, this.playback, this.config, this.eventTarget), this.requests.set(t, e)), e;
remove(t) {
items() {
return this.requests.values();
*httpRequests() {
for (const t of this.requests.values()) t.downloadSource === "http" && (yield t);
*p2pRequests() {
for (const t of this.requests.values()) t.downloadSource === "p2p" && (yield t);
destroy() {
for (const t of this.requests.values()) t.status === "loading" && t.abortFromProcessQueue();
class vr {
constructor(t, e) {
f(this, "_status", "pending");
f(this, "_shouldBeStartedImmediately", !1);
this.segment = t, this.engineCallbacks = e;
get status() {
return this._status;
get shouldBeStartedImmediately() {
return this._shouldBeStartedImmediately;
resolve(t, e) {
this._status === "pending" && (this._status = "succeed", this.engineCallbacks.onSuccess({ data: t, bandwidth: e }));
reject() {
this._status === "pending" && (this._status = "failed", this.engineCallbacks.onError(new fe("failed")));
abort() {
this._status === "pending" && (this._status = "aborted", this.engineCallbacks.onError(new fe("aborted")));
markAsShouldBeStartedImmediately() {
this._shouldBeStartedImmediately = !0;
function* Ze(s, t, e, n) {
const { runtimeId: r, stream: i } = s, o = i.segments.get(r);
if (!o) return;
const a = i.segments.values();
let h;
do {
const d = a.next();
if (d.done) return;
h = d.value;
} while (h !== o);
const u = vt(h, t, e, n);
if (Ht(u)) {
const d = a.next();
if (d.done) return;
const p = d.value, _ = vt(p, t, e, n);
if (Ht(_)) return;
u.isHighDemand = !0, yield { segment: h, statuses: u }, yield { segment: p, statuses: _ };
} else yield { segment: h, statuses: u };
for (const d of a) {
const p = vt(d, t, e, n);
if (Ht(p)) break;
yield { segment: d, statuses: p };
function Ht(s) {
const { isHighDemand: t = !1, isHttpDownloadable: e = !1, isP2PDownloadable: n = !1 } = s;
return !t && !e && !n;
class Lr {
constructor(t, e, n, r, i, o, a) {
f(this, "requests");
f(this, "engineRequest");
f(this, "p2pLoaders");
f(this, "playback");
f(this, "segmentAvgDuration");
f(this, "logger");
f(this, "storageCleanUpIntervalId");
f(this, "levelChangedTimestamp");
f(this, "lastQueueProcessingTimeStamp");
f(this, "randomHttpDownloadInterval");
f(this, "isProcessQueueMicrotaskCreated", !1);
f(this, "requestProcessQueueMicrotask", (t = !0) => {
const e = performance.now();
!t && this.lastQueueProcessingTimeStamp !== void 0 && e - this.lastQueueProcessingTimeStamp <= 1e3 || this.isProcessQueueMicrotaskCreated || (this.isProcessQueueMicrotaskCreated = !0, queueMicrotask(() => {
try {
this.processQueue(), this.lastQueueProcessingTimeStamp = e;
} finally {
this.isProcessQueueMicrotaskCreated = !1;
this.streamManifestUrl = t, this.lastRequestedSegment = e, this.streamDetails = n, this.config = r, this.bandwidthCalculators = i, this.segmentStorage = o, this.eventTarget = a;
const h = this.lastRequestedSegment.stream;
if (this.playback = { position: this.lastRequestedSegment.startTime, rate: 1 }, this.segmentAvgDuration = function(u) {
const { segments: d } = u;
let p = 0;
const _ = d.size;
for (const S of d.values()) p += S.endTime - S.startTime;
return p / _;
}(h), this.requests = new Cr(this.requestProcessQueueMicrotask, this.bandwidthCalculators, this.playback, this.config, this.eventTarget), !this.segmentStorage.isInitialized) throw new Error("Segment storage is not initialized.");
this.segmentStorage.addIsSegmentLockedPredicate((u) => u.stream === h && function(d, p, _) {
const { isHighDemand: S = !1, isHttpDownloadable: c = !1, isP2PDownloadable: g = !1 } = vt(d, p, _);
return S || c || g;
}(u, this.playback, this.config)), this.p2pLoaders = new _r(this.streamManifestUrl, this.lastRequestedSegment.stream, this.requests, this.segmentStorage, this.config, this.eventTarget, this.requestProcessQueueMicrotask), this.logger = P(`p2pml-core:hybrid-loader-${h.type}`), this.logger.color = "coral", this.setIntervalLoading();
setIntervalLoading() {
const t = this.p2pLoaders.currentLoader.connectedPeerCount, e = 1e3 * Math.random() * t + 1e3;
this.randomHttpDownloadInterval = window.setTimeout(() => {
this.loadRandomThroughHttp(), this.setIntervalLoading();
}, e);
async loadSegment(t, e) {
this.logger(`requests: ${Ve(t)}`);
const { stream: n } = t;
n !== this.lastRequestedSegment.stream && (this.logger(`stream changed to ${z(n)}`), this.p2pLoaders.changeCurrentLoader(n)), this.lastRequestedSegment = t;
const r = new vr(t, e);
if (this.segmentStorage.hasSegment(t)) {
const i = await this.segmentStorage.getSegmentData(t);
if (i) {
const { queueDownloadRatio: o } = this.generateQueue();
r.resolve(i, this.getBandwidth(o));
} else this.engineRequest = r;
processRequests(t, e) {
var o;
const { stream: n } = this.lastRequestedSegment, { httpErrorRetries: r } = this.config, i = performance.now();
for (const a of this.requests.items()) {
const { downloadSource: h, status: u, segment: d, isHandledByProcessQueue: p } = a, _ = ((o = this.engineRequest) == null ? void 0 : o.segment) === d ? this.engineRequest : void 0;
switch (u) {
case "loading":
t.has(d.runtimeId) || _ || (a.abortFromProcessQueue(), this.requests.remove(a));
case "succeed":
if (!a.data || !h) break;
h === "http" && this.p2pLoaders.currentLoader.broadcastAnnouncement(), _ && (_.resolve(a.data, this.getBandwidth(e)), this.engineRequest = void 0), this.requests.remove(a), this.segmentStorage.storeSegment(a.segment, a.data, this.streamDetails.isLive);
case "failed":
h !== "http" || p || this.p2pLoaders.currentLoader.broadcastAnnouncement(), _ || n.segments.has(a.segment.runtimeId) || this.requests.remove(a), a.failedAttempts.httpAttemptsCount >= r && _ && (this.engineRequest = void 0, _.reject());
case "not-started":
case "aborted":
const { lastAttempt: S } = a.failedAttempts;
S && i - S.error.timestamp > 6e4 && a.failedAttempts.clear();
processQueue() {
var a;
const { queue: t, queueSegmentIds: e, queueDownloadRatio: n } = this.generateQueue();
this.processRequests(e, n);
const { simultaneousHttpDownloads: r, simultaneousP2PDownloads: i, httpErrorRetries: o } = this.config;
if ((a = this.engineRequest) != null && a.shouldBeStartedImmediately && this.engineRequest.status === "pending" && this.requests.executingHttpCount < r) {
const { segment: h } = this.engineRequest, u = this.requests.get(h);
(!u || u.status === "not-started" || u.status === "failed" && u.failedAttempts.httpAttemptsCount < this.config.httpErrorRetries) && this.loadThroughHttp(h);
for (const h of t) {
const { statuses: u, segment: d } = h, p = this.requests.get(d);
if (u.isHighDemand) {
if ((p == null ? void 0 : p.downloadSource) === "http" && p.status === "loading" || (p == null ? void 0 : p.downloadSource) === "http" && p.status === "failed" && p.failedAttempts.httpAttemptsCount >= o) continue;
const _ = (p == null ? void 0 : p.status) === "loading" && p.downloadSource === "p2p";
if (this.requests.executingHttpCount < r) {
_ && p.abortFromProcessQueue(), this.loadThroughHttp(d);
if (this.abortLastHttpLoadingInQueueAfterItem(t, d) && this.requests.executingHttpCount < r) {
_ && p.abortFromProcessQueue(), this.loadThroughHttp(d);
if (_) continue;
if (this.requests.executingP2PCount < i) {
if (this.abortLastP2PLoadingInQueueAfterItem(t, d) && this.requests.executingP2PCount < i) {
} else if (u.isP2PDownloadable) {
if ((p == null ? void 0 : p.status) === "loading") continue;
(this.requests.executingP2PCount < i || this.p2pLoaders.currentLoader.isSegmentLoadedBySomeone(d) && this.abortLastP2PLoadingInQueueAfterItem(t, d) && this.requests.executingP2PCount < i) && this.loadThroughP2P(d);
abortSegmentRequest(t) {
var e;
((e = this.engineRequest) == null ? void 0 : e.segment.runtimeId) === t && (this.engineRequest.abort(), this.logger("abort: ", Ve(this.engineRequest.segment)), this.engineRequest = void 0, this.requestProcessQueueMicrotask());
loadThroughHttp(t) {
const e = this.requests.getOrCreateRequest(t);
new Gn(e, this.config, this.eventTarget), this.p2pLoaders.currentLoader.broadcastAnnouncement();
loadThroughP2P(t) {
loadRandomThroughHttp() {
const { simultaneousHttpDownloads: t, httpErrorRetries: e } = this.config, n = this.p2pLoaders.currentLoader;
if (this.requests.executingHttpCount >= t || !n.connectedPeerCount) return;
const r = [];
for (const { segment: u, statuses: d } of Ze(this.lastRequestedSegment, this.playback, this.config, this.p2pLoaders.currentLoader)) {
if (!d.isHttpDownloadable || d.isP2PDownloadable || this.segmentStorage.hasSegment(u)) continue;
const p = this.requests.get(u);
p && (p.status === "loading" || p.status === "succeed" || (p.failedAttempts.httpAttemptsCount ?? 0) >= e) || r.push(u);
if (!r.length || t - this.requests.executingHttpCount === 0) return;
const i = n.connectedPeerCount + 1, o = Math.min(r.length, t * i), a = function(u) {
for (let d = u.length - 1; d > 0; d--) {
const p = Math.floor(Math.random() * (d + 1));
[u[d], u[p]] = [u[p], u[d]];
return u;
}(Array.from({ length: o }, (u, d) => d));
let h = o / i;
for (const u of a) {
if (this.requests.executingHttpCount >= t) break;
if (h >= 1 || Math.random() <= h) {
const d = r[u];
if (h--, h <= 0) break;
abortLastHttpLoadingInQueueAfterItem(t, e) {
for (const { segment: n } of Je(t)) {
if (n === e) break;
const r = this.requests.get(n);
if ((r == null ? void 0 : r.downloadSource) === "http" && r.status === "loading") return r.abortFromProcessQueue(), !0;
return !1;
abortLastP2PLoadingInQueueAfterItem(t, e) {
for (const { segment: n } of Je(t)) {
if (n === e) break;
const r = this.requests.get(n);
if ((r == null ? void 0 : r.downloadSource) === "p2p" && r.status === "loading") return r.abortFromProcessQueue(), !0;
return !1;
generateQueue() {
var i;
const t = [], e = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
let n = 0, r = 0;
for (const o of Ze(this.lastRequestedSegment, this.playback, this.config, this.p2pLoaders.currentLoader)) {
const { segment: a } = o;
this.segmentStorage.hasSegment(a) || ((i = this.requests.get(a)) == null ? void 0 : i.status) === "succeed" ? r++ : (t.push(o), e.add(a.runtimeId));
return { queue: t, queueSegmentIds: e, maxPossibleLength: n, alreadyLoadedCount: r, queueDownloadRatio: n !== 0 ? r / n : 0 };
getBandwidth(t) {
const { http: e, all: n } = this.bandwidthCalculators, { activeLevelBitrate: r } = this.streamDetails;
if (this.streamDetails.activeLevelBitrate === 0) return n.getBandwidthLoadingOnly(3);
const i = Math.max(n.getBandwidth(30, this.levelChangedTimestamp), n.getBandwidth(60, this.levelChangedTimestamp), n.getBandwidth(90, this.levelChangedTimestamp));
if (t >= 0.8 || i >= 0.9 * r) return Math.max(n.getBandwidthLoadingOnly(1), n.getBandwidthLoadingOnly(3), n.getBandwidthLoadingOnly(5));
const o = Math.max(e.getBandwidthLoadingOnly(1), e.getBandwidthLoadingOnly(3), e.getBandwidthLoadingOnly(5));
return Math.max(i, o);
notifyLevelChanged() {
this.levelChangedTimestamp = performance.now();
updatePlayback(t, e) {
var o;
const n = this.playback.rate !== e, r = this.playback.position !== t;
if (!n && !r) return;
const i = Math.abs(t - this.playback.position) / this.segmentAvgDuration > 0.5;
r && (this.playback.position = t), n && e !== 0 && (this.playback.rate = e), i && (this.logger("position significantly changed"), (o = this.engineRequest) == null || o.markAsShouldBeStartedImmediately()), this.requestProcessQueueMicrotask(i);
updateStream(t) {
t === this.lastRequestedSegment.stream && (this.logger(`update stream: ${z(t)}`), this.requestProcessQueueMicrotask());
destroy() {
var t;
clearInterval(this.storageCleanUpIntervalId), clearInterval(this.randomHttpDownloadInterval), this.storageCleanUpIntervalId = void 0, (t = this.engineRequest) == null || t.abort(), this.requests.destroy(), this.p2pLoaders.destroy();
class tn {
constructor(t = 2e4) {
f(this, "loadingsCount", 0);
f(this, "bytes", []);
f(this, "loadingOnlyTimestamps", []);
f(this, "timestamps", []);
f(this, "noLoadingsTime", 0);
f(this, "loadingsStoppedAt", 0);
this.clearThresholdMs = t;
addBytes(t, e = performance.now()) {
this.bytes.push(t), this.loadingOnlyTimestamps.push(e - this.noLoadingsTime), this.timestamps.push(e);
startLoading(t = performance.now()) {
this.clearStale(), this.loadingsCount === 0 && this.loadingsStoppedAt !== 0 && (this.noLoadingsTime += t - this.loadingsStoppedAt), this.loadingsCount++;
stopLoading(t = performance.now()) {
this.loadingsCount > 0 && (this.loadingsCount--, this.loadingsCount === 0 && (this.loadingsStoppedAt = t));
getBandwidthLoadingOnly(t, e = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
if (!this.loadingOnlyTimestamps.length) return 0;
const n = 1e3 * t, r = this.loadingOnlyTimestamps[this.loadingOnlyTimestamps.length - 1];
let i = r;
const o = r - n;
let a = 0;
for (let h = this.bytes.length - 1; h >= 0; h--) {
const u = this.loadingOnlyTimestamps[h];
if (u < o || this.timestamps[h] < e) break;
i = u, a += this.bytes[h];
return 8e3 * a / (r - i);
getBandwidth(t, e = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, n = performance.now()) {
if (!this.timestamps.length) return 0;
const r = n - 1e3 * t;
let i = n, o = 0;
for (let a = this.bytes.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) {
const h = this.timestamps[a];
if (h < r || h < e) break;
i = h, o += this.bytes[a];
return 8e3 * o / (n - i);
clearStale() {
if (!this.loadingOnlyTimestamps.length) return;
const t = this.loadingOnlyTimestamps[this.loadingOnlyTimestamps.length - 1] - this.clearThresholdMs;
let e = 0;
for (const n of this.loadingOnlyTimestamps) {
if (n > t) break;
this.bytes.splice(0, e), this.loadingOnlyTimestamps.splice(0, e), this.timestamps.splice(0, e);
class Wn {
constructor() {
f(this, "events", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
dispatchEvent(t, ...e) {
const n = this.events.get(t);
if (n) for (const r of n) r(...e);
getEventDispatcher(t) {
let e = this.events.get(t);
e || (e = [], this.events.set(t, e));
const n = e;
return (...r) => {
for (const i of n) i(...r);
addEventListener(t, e) {
const n = this.events.get(t);
n ? n.push(e) : this.events.set(t, [e]);
removeEventListener(t, e) {
const n = this.events.get(t);
if (n) {
const r = n.indexOf(e);
r !== -1 && n.splice(r, 1);
function $t(s) {
return `${$(s.stream)}|${s.externalId}`;
class kr {
constructor(t) {
f(this, "cache", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
f(this, "_isInitialized", !1);
f(this, "isSegmentLockedPredicates", []);
f(this, "logger");
f(this, "eventTarget", new Wn());
this.storageConfig = t, this.logger = P("p2pml-core:segment-memory-storage"), this.logger.color = "RebeccaPurple";
async initialize() {
this._isInitialized = !0, this.logger("initialized");
get isInitialized() {
return this._isInitialized;
addIsSegmentLockedPredicate(t) {
isSegmentLocked(t) {
return this.isSegmentLockedPredicates.some((e) => e(t));
async storeSegment(t, e, n) {
const r = $t(t);
this.cache.set(r, { segment: t, data: e, lastAccessed: performance.now() }), this.logger(`add segment: ${r}`), this.dispatchStorageUpdatedEvent(t.stream), this.clear(n);
async getSegmentData(t) {
const e = $t(t), n = this.cache.get(e);
if (n !== void 0) return n.lastAccessed = performance.now(), n.data;
hasSegment(t) {
const e = $t(t);
return this.cache.has(e);
getStoredSegmentExternalIdsOfStream(t) {
const e = $(t), n = [];
for (const { segment: r } of this.cache.values())
$(r.stream) === e && n.push(r.externalId);
return n;
async clear(t) {
const e = 1e3 * (this.storageConfig.cachedSegmentExpiration ?? (t ? 1200 : 0));
if (e === 0) return !1;
const n = [], r = [], i = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), o = performance.now();
for (const a of this.cache.entries()) {
const [h, u] = a, { lastAccessed: d, segment: p } = u;
o - d > e ? this.isSegmentLocked(p) || (n.push(h), i.add(p.stream)) : r.push(a);
if (this.storageConfig.cachedSegmentsCount > 0) {
let a = r.length - this.storageConfig.cachedSegmentsCount;
if (a > 0) {
r.sort(([, h], [, u]) => h.lastAccessed - u.lastAccessed);
for (const [h, { segment: u }] of r) if (!this.isSegmentLocked(u) && (n.push(h), i.add(u.stream), a--, a === 0)) break;
if (n.length) {
this.logger(`cleared ${n.length} segments`), n.forEach((a) => this.cache.delete(a));
for (const a of i) this.dispatchStorageUpdatedEvent(a);
return n.length > 0;
subscribeOnUpdate(t, e) {
const n = $(t);
this.eventTarget.addEventListener(`onStorageUpdated-${n}`, e);
unsubscribeFromUpdate(t, e) {
const n = $(t);
this.eventTarget.removeEventListener(`onStorageUpdated-${n}`, e);
dispatchStorageUpdatedEvent(t) {
this.eventTarget.dispatchEvent(`onStorageUpdated-${$(t)}`, t);
async destroy() {
this.cache.clear(), this._isInitialized = !1;
const j = class j {
constructor(t) {
f(this, "eventTarget", new Wn());
f(this, "manifestResponseUrl");
f(this, "streams", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
f(this, "mainStreamConfig");
f(this, "secondaryStreamConfig");
f(this, "commonCoreConfig");
f(this, "bandwidthCalculators", { all: new tn(), http: new tn() });
f(this, "segmentStorage");
f(this, "mainStreamLoader");
f(this, "secondaryStreamLoader");
f(this, "streamDetails", { isLive: !1, activeLevelBitrate: 0 });
const e = function n(r) {
if (Fn(r)) {
const i = {};
return Object.keys(r).forEach((o) => {
if (r[o] !== void 0) {
const a = n(r[o]);
a !== void 0 && (i[o] = a);
}), i;
return r;
}(t ?? {});
this.commonCoreConfig = Ft({ defaultConfig: j.DEFAULT_COMMON_CORE_CONFIG, baseConfig: e }), this.mainStreamConfig = Ft({ defaultConfig: j.DEFAULT_STREAM_CONFIG, baseConfig: e, specificStreamConfig: e == null ? void 0 : e.mainStream }), this.secondaryStreamConfig = Ft({ defaultConfig: j.DEFAULT_STREAM_CONFIG, baseConfig: e, specificStreamConfig: e == null ? void 0 : e.secondaryStream });
getConfig() {
return { ...K(this.commonCoreConfig), mainStream: K(this.mainStreamConfig), secondaryStream: K(this.secondaryStreamConfig) };
applyDynamicConfig(t) {
const { mainStream: e, secondaryStream: n } = t;
this.overrideAllConfigs(t, e, n), this.mainStreamConfig.isP2PDisabled && this.destroyStreamLoader("main"), this.secondaryStreamConfig.isP2PDisabled && this.destroyStreamLoader("secondary");
addEventListener(t, e) {
this.eventTarget.addEventListener(t, e);
removeEventListener(t, e) {
this.eventTarget.removeEventListener(t, e);
setManifestResponseUrl(t) {
this.manifestResponseUrl = t.split("?")[0];
hasSegment(t) {
return !!Xe(this.streams, t);
getStream(t) {
return this.streams.get(t);
addStreamIfNoneExists(t) {
this.streams.has(t.runtimeId) || this.streams.set(t.runtimeId, { ...t, segments: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() });
updateStream(t, e, n) {
var i, o;
const r = this.streams.get(t);
if (r) {
if (e) for (const a of e) r.segments.has(a.runtimeId) || r.segments.set(a.runtimeId, { ...a, stream: r });
if (n) for (const a of n) r.segments.delete(a);
(i = this.mainStreamLoader) == null || i.updateStream(r), (o = this.secondaryStreamLoader) == null || o.updateStream(r);
async loadSegment(t, e) {
if (!this.manifestResponseUrl) throw new Error("Manifest response url is not defined");
this.segmentStorage || (this.segmentStorage = new kr(this.commonCoreConfig), await this.segmentStorage.initialize());
const n = this.identifySegment(t);
this.getStreamHybridLoader(n).loadSegment(n, e);
abortSegmentLoading(t) {
var e, n;
(e = this.mainStreamLoader) == null || e.abortSegmentRequest(t), (n = this.secondaryStreamLoader) == null || n.abortSegmentRequest(t);
updatePlayback(t, e) {
var n, r;
(n = this.mainStreamLoader) == null || n.updatePlayback(t, e), (r = this.secondaryStreamLoader) == null || r.updatePlayback(t, e);
setActiveLevelBitrate(t) {
var e, n;
t !== this.streamDetails.activeLevelBitrate && (this.streamDetails.activeLevelBitrate = t, (e = this.mainStreamLoader) == null || e.notifyLevelChanged(), (n = this.secondaryStreamLoader) == null || n.notifyLevelChanged());
setIsLive(t) {
this.streamDetails.isLive = t;
isSegmentLoadable(t) {
try {
const e = this.identifySegment(t);
return (e.stream.type !== "main" || !this.mainStreamConfig.isP2PDisabled) && (e.stream.type !== "secondary" || !this.secondaryStreamConfig.isP2PDisabled);
} catch {
return !1;
destroy() {
var t, e, n;
this.streams.clear(), (t = this.mainStreamLoader) == null || t.destroy(), (e = this.secondaryStreamLoader) == null || e.destroy(), (n = this.segmentStorage) == null || n.destroy(), this.mainStreamLoader = void 0, this.secondaryStreamLoader = void 0, this.segmentStorage = void 0, this.manifestResponseUrl = void 0, this.streamDetails = { isLive: !1, activeLevelBitrate: 0 };
identifySegment(t) {
if (!this.manifestResponseUrl) throw new Error("Manifest response url is undefined");
const e = Xe(this.streams, t);
if (!e) throw new Error(`Not found segment with id: ${t}`);
return e;
overrideAllConfigs(t, e, n) {
et(this.commonCoreConfig, t), et(this.mainStreamConfig, t), et(this.secondaryStreamConfig, t), e && et(this.mainStreamConfig, e), n && et(this.secondaryStreamConfig, n);
destroyStreamLoader(t) {
var e, n;
t === "main" ? ((e = this.mainStreamLoader) == null || e.destroy(), this.mainStreamLoader = void 0) : ((n = this.secondaryStreamLoader) == null || n.destroy(), this.secondaryStreamLoader = void 0);
getStreamHybridLoader(t) {
return t.stream.type === "main" ? (this.mainStreamLoader ?? (this.mainStreamLoader = this.createNewHybridLoader(t)), this.mainStreamLoader) : (this.secondaryStreamLoader ?? (this.secondaryStreamLoader = this.createNewHybridLoader(t)), this.secondaryStreamLoader);
createNewHybridLoader(t) {
var n;
if (!this.manifestResponseUrl) throw new Error("Manifest response url is not defined");
if (!((n = this.segmentStorage) != null && n.isInitialized)) throw new Error("Segment storage is not initialized");
const e = t.stream.type === "main" ? this.mainStreamConfig : this.secondaryStreamConfig;
return new Lr(this.manifestResponseUrl, t, this.streamDetails, e, this.bandwidthCalculators, this.segmentStorage, this.eventTarget);
f(j, "DEFAULT_COMMON_CORE_CONFIG", { cachedSegmentExpiration: void 0, cachedSegmentsCount: 0 }), f(j, "DEFAULT_STREAM_CONFIG", { isP2PDisabled: !1, simultaneousHttpDownloads: 3, simultaneousP2PDownloads: 3, highDemandTimeWindow: 15, httpDownloadTimeWindow: 3e3, p2pDownloadTimeWindow: 6e3, webRtcMaxMessageSize: 65535, p2pNotReceivingBytesTimeoutMs: 1e3, p2pInactiveLoaderDestroyTimeoutMs: 3e4, httpNotReceivingBytesTimeoutMs: 1e3, httpErrorRetries: 3, p2pErrorRetries: 3, trackerClientVersionPrefix: ir, announceTrackers: ["wss://tracker.novage.com.ua", "wss://tracker.webtorrent.dev", "wss://tracker.openwebtorrent.com"], rtcConfig: { iceServers: [{ urls: "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302" }, { urls: "stun:global.stun.twilio.com:3478" }] }, validateP2PSegment: void 0, httpRequestSetup: void 0, swarmId: void 0 });
let en = j;
const Ar = on.debug;
export {
en as Core,
fe as CoreRequestError,
I as RequestError,
Ar as debug
//# sourceMappingURL=p2p-media-loader-core.es.min.js.map