mirror of https://codeberg.org/nobody/LocalCDN.git synced 2025-02-17 04:10:53 +01:00

Updated: Internal module "Color Picker" v2.1.2 -> v2.1.3

This commit is contained in:
nobody 2020-09-26 16:18:27 +02:00
parent cabc494d00
commit cf27bde0c8
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 11 additions and 646 deletions

View File

@ -1,632 +0,0 @@
* ==============================================================
* ==============================================================
* Author: Taufik Nurrohman <https://github.com/taufik-nurrohman>
* License: MIT
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* Modified in L328 by nobody
(function(win, doc, name) {
var html = doc.documentElement,
HEX = 'HEX',
children = 'children',
top = 'top',
right = 'right',
left = 'left',
px = 'px',
delay = win.setTimeout,
instances = 'instances',
downEvents = ['touchstart', 'mousedown'],
moveEvents = ['touchmove', 'mousemove'],
resizeEvents = ['orientationchange', 'resize'],
upEvents = ['touchend', 'mouseup'];
// Convert cursor position to RGBA
function P2RGB(a) {
var h = +a[0],
s = +a[1],
v = +a[2],
r, g, b, i, f, p, q, t;
i = Math.floor(h * 6);
f = h * 6 - i;
p = v * (1 - s);
q = v * (1 - f * s);
t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
i = i || 0;
q = q || 0;
t = t || 0;
switch (i % 6) {
case 0:
r = v, g = t, b = p;
case 1:
r = q, g = v, b = p;
case 2:
r = p, g = v, b = t;
case 3:
r = p, g = q, b = v;
case 4:
r = t, g = p, b = v;
case 5:
r = v, g = p, b = q;
return [toRound(r * 255), toRound(g * 255), toRound(b * 255), toFixed(isSet(a[3]) ? +a[3] : 1, 2)];
// Convert RGBA to HSVA
function RGB2HSV(a) {
var r = +a[0] / 255,
g = +a[1] / 255,
b = +a[2] / 255,
max = Math.max(r, g, b),
min = Math.min(r, g, b),
h, s, v = max,
d = max - min,
s = max === 0 ? 0 : d / max;
if (max === min) {
h = 0; // Achromatic
} else {
switch (max) {
case r:
h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0);
case g:
h = (b - r) / d + 2;
case b:
h = (r - g) / d + 4;
h /= 6;
return [h, s, v, isSet(a[3]) ? +a[3] : 1];
function axixGet(el, e) {
var touches = 'touches',
clientX = 'clientX',
clientY = 'clientY',
x = !!e[touches] ? e[touches][0][clientX] : e[clientX],
y = !!e[touches] ? e[touches][0][clientY] : e[clientY],
offset = offsetGet(el);
return [x - offset[0], y - offset[1]];
function closestGet(a, b) {
if (a === b) {
return a;
while ((a = a.parentElement) && a !== b);
return a;
function offsetGet(el) {
var x, y, rect;
if (el === win) {
x = win.pageXOffset || html.scrollLeft;
y = win.pageYOffset || html.scrollTop;
} else {
rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
x = rect.left;
y = rect.top;
return [x, y];
function sizeGet(el) {
return el === win ? [win.innerWidth, win.innerHeight] : [el.offsetWidth, el.offsetHeight];
function doPreventDefault(e) {
e && e.preventDefault();
function isFunction(x) {
return 'function' === typeof x;
function isObject(x) {
return 'object' === typeof x;
function isSet(x) {
return 'undefined' !== typeof x || null === x;
function isString(x) {
return 'string' === typeof x;
function toEdge(a, b) {
if (a < b[0]) return b[0];
if (a > b[1]) return b[1];
return a;
function toFixed(a, b) {
return +(a.toFixed(b));
function toInt(a, b) {
return parseInt(a, b || 10);
function toRound(a) {
return Math.round(a);
function toString(a, b) {
return a.toString(b);
function eventsLet(to, events, fn) {
for (var i = 0, j = events.length; i < j; ++i) {
to.removeEventListener(events[i], fn, false);
function eventsSet(to, events, fn) {
for (var i = 0, j = events.length; i < j; ++i) {
to.addEventListener(events[i], fn, false);
function styleSet(to, prop, value) {
to.style[prop] = value;
(function($$) {
$$.version = '2.1.2';
$$.state = {
'class': 'color-picker',
'color': HEX,
'parent': null
// Collect all instance(s)
$$[instances] = {};
$$[HEX] = function(x) {
if (isString(x)) {
var count = (x = x.trim()).length;
if ((4 === count || 7 === count) && '#' === x[0]) {
if (/^#([a-z\d]{1,2}){3}$/i.test(x)) {
if (4 === count) {
return [toInt(x[1] + x[1], 16), toInt(x[2] + x[2], 16), toInt(x[3] + x[3], 16), 1];
return [toInt(x[1] + x[2], 16), toInt(x[3] + x[4], 16), toInt(x[5] + x[6], 16), 1];
} else if ((5 === count || 9 === count) && '#' === x[0]) {
if (/^#([a-z\d]{1,2}){4}$/i.test(x)) {
if (5 === count) {
return [toInt(x[1] + x[1], 16), toInt(x[2] + x[2], 16), toInt(x[3] + x[3], 16), toFixed(toInt(x[4] + x[4], 16) / 255, 2)];
return [toInt(x[1] + x[2], 16), toInt(x[3] + x[4], 16), toInt(x[5] + x[6], 16), toFixed(toInt(x[7] + x[8], 16) / 255, 2)];
return [0, 0, 0, 1]; // Default to black
return '#' + ('000000' + toString(+x[2] | (+x[1] << 8) | (+x[0] << 16), 16)).slice(-6) + (isSet(x[3]) && x[3] < 1 ? toString(toRound(x[3] * 255) + 0x10000, 16).substr(-2) : "");
$$._ = $$.prototype;
})(win[name] = function(source, o) {
if (!source) return;
var $ = this,
$$ = win[name],
hooks = {},
self = doc.createElement('div'),
state = Object.assign({}, $$.state, isString(o) ? {
'color': o
} : (o || {})),
cn = state['class'];
// Already instantiated, skip!
if (source[name]) {
return $;
// Return new instance if `CP` was called without the `new` operator
if (!($ instanceof $$)) {
return new $$(source, o);
// Store color picker instance to `CP.instances`
$$[instances][source.id || source.name || Object.keys($$[instances]).length] = $;
// Mark current DOM as active color picker to prevent duplicate instance
source[name] = 1;
$.visible = false;
function value(a) {
var to = $$[isFunction($$[state.color]) ? state.color : HEX],
if (color = source.dataset.color) {
if (isSet(a)) {
return (source.dataset.color = to(color));
return to(color);
if (color = source.value) {
if (isSet(a)) {
return (source.value = to(color));
return to(color);
if (color = source.textContent) {
if (isSet(a)) {
return (source.textContent = to(color));
return to(color);
if (isSet(a)) {
return; // Do nothing
return [0, 0, 0, 1]; // Default to black
function hookLet(name, fn) {
if (!isSet(name)) {
return (hooks = {}), $;
if (isSet(hooks[name])) {
if (isSet(fn)) {
for (var i = 0, j = hooks[name].length; i < j; ++i) {
if (fn === hooks[name][i]) {
hooks[name].splice(i, 1);
// Clean-up empty hook(s)
if (0 === j) {
delete hooks[name];
} else {
delete hooks[name];
return $;
function hookSet(name, fn) {
if (!isSet(hooks[name])) {
hooks[name] = [];
if (isSet(fn)) {
return $;
function hookFire(name, lot) {
if (!isSet(hooks[name])) {
return $;
for (var i = 0, j = hooks[name].length; i < j; ++i) {
hooks[name][i].apply($, lot);
return $;
self.className = cn;
// ******************************************************************************************
// Modified part (innerHTML removed, because AMO warning)
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/innerHTML
var outerDiv = document.createElement('div');
var svDiv = document.createElement('div');
svDiv.classList.add(cn + ':sv');
var hDiv = document.createElement('div');
hDiv.classList.add(cn + ':h');
var aDiv = document.createElement('div');
aDiv.classList.add(cn + ':a');
// ******************************************************************************************
var doEnter,
body = doc.body,
color = value(),
data = RGB2HSV(color),
C = self.firstChild,
SV = C[children][0],
H = C[children][1],
A = C[children][2],
SVColor = SV[children][0],
// SVSaturation = SV[children][1],
// SVValue = SV[children][2],
SVCursor = SV[children][3],
HColor = H[children][0],
HCursor = H[children][1],
AColor = A[children][0],
// APattern = A[children][1],
ACursor = A[children][2],
SVStarting = 0,
HStarting = 0,
AStarting = 0,
SVDragging = 0,
HDragging = 0,
ADragging = 0;
function isVisible() {
return self.parentNode;
function doClick(e) {
if (hooks.focus) {
hookFire('focus', color);
} else {
var t = e.target,
isSource = source === closestGet(t, source);
if (isSource) {
!isVisible() && doEnter(state.parent);
} else {
function doApply(isFirst, to) {
// Refresh value
data = RGB2HSV(color = value());
if (!isFirst) {
(to || state.parent || body).appendChild(self), ($.visible = true);
doEnter = function(to) {
return doApply(0, to), hookFire('enter', color), $;
doExit = function() {
var exist = isVisible();
if (exist) {
$.current = null;
$.visible = false;
eventsLet(SV, downEvents, doDownSV);
eventsLet(H, downEvents, doDownH);
eventsLet(A, downEvents, doDownA);
eventsLet(doc, moveEvents, doMove);
eventsLet(doc, upEvents, doStop);
eventsLet(win, resizeEvents, doFitTo);
return hookFire('exit', color), $;
doFit = function(to) {
var winSize = sizeGet(win),
htmlSize = sizeGet(html),
scrollBarSizeV = winSize[0] - htmlSize[0], // Vertical scroll bar
scrollBarSizeH = winSize[1] - html.clientHeight, // Horizontal scroll bar
winOffset = offsetGet(win),
sourceOffset = offsetGet(source),
selfSize = sizeGet(self),
selfSizeWidth = selfSize[0],
selfSizeHeight = selfSize[1],
selfOffsetLeft = sourceOffset[0] + winOffset[0],
selfOffsetTop = sourceOffset[1] + winOffset[1] + sizeGet(source)[1]; // Drop!
if (isObject(to)) {
isSet(to[0]) && (selfOffsetLeft = to[0]);
isSet(to[1]) && (selfOffsetTop = to[1]);
} else {
var minX = winOffset[0],
minY = winOffset[1],
maxX = winOffset[0] + winSize[0] - selfSizeWidth - scrollBarSizeV,
maxY = winOffset[1] + winSize[1] - selfSizeHeight - scrollBarSizeH;
selfOffsetLeft = toEdge(selfOffsetLeft, [minX, maxX]) >> 0;
selfOffsetTop = toEdge(selfOffsetTop, [minY, maxY]) >> 0;
styleSet(self, left, selfOffsetLeft + px);
styleSet(self, top, selfOffsetTop + px);
return hookFire('fit', color), $;
doFitTo = function() {
return doFit();
var SVSize = sizeGet(SV),
SVSizeWidth = SVSize[0],
SVSizeHeight = SVSize[1],
SVCursorSize = sizeGet(SVCursor),
SVCursorSizeWidth = SVCursorSize[0],
SVCursorSizeHeight = SVCursorSize[1],
HSizeHeight = sizeGet(H)[1],
HCursorSizeHeight = sizeGet(HCursor)[1],
ASizeHeight = sizeGet(A)[1],
ACursorSizeHeight = sizeGet(ACursor)[1];
if (isFirst) {
eventsSet(source, downEvents, doClick);
delay(function() {
hookFire('change', color);
}, 1);
} else {
eventsSet(SV, downEvents, doDownSV);
eventsSet(H, downEvents, doDownH);
eventsSet(A, downEvents, doDownA);
eventsSet(doc, moveEvents, doMove);
eventsSet(doc, upEvents, doStop);
eventsSet(win, resizeEvents, doFitTo);
function doMove(e) {
SVDragging && cursorSVSet(e);
HDragging && cursorHSet(e);
ADragging && cursorASet(e);
color = P2RGB(data);
if (SVDragging || HDragging || ADragging) {
hookFire((SVStarting || HStarting || AStarting ? 'start' : 'drag'), color);
hookFire('change', color);
SVStarting = HStarting = AStarting = 0;
function doStop(e) {
color = P2RGB(data);
var t = e.target,
isSource = source === closestGet(t, source),
isSelf = self === closestGet(t, self);
$.current = null;
if (!isSource && !isSelf) {
if (hooks.blur) {
hookFire('blur', color);
} else {
// Click outside the source or picker element to exit
isVisible() && doExit();
} else {
if (isSelf) {
if (SVDragging || HDragging || ADragging) {
hookFire('stop', color);
SVDragging = HDragging = ADragging = 0;
function doDownSV(e) {
$.current = SV;
SVStarting = SVDragging = 1;
function doDownH(e) {
$.current = H;
HStarting = HDragging = 1;
function doDownA(e) {
$.current = A;
AStarting = ADragging = 1;
function cursorSet(x) {
isSet(x[1]) && styleSet(SVCursor, right, (SVSizeWidth - (SVCursorSizeWidth / 2) - (SVSizeWidth * +x[1])) + px);
isSet(x[2]) && styleSet(SVCursor, top, (SVSizeHeight - (SVCursorSizeHeight / 2) - (SVSizeHeight * +x[2])) + px);
isSet(x[0]) && styleSet(HCursor, top, (HSizeHeight - (HCursorSizeHeight / 2) - (HSizeHeight * +x[0])) + px);
isSet(x[3]) && styleSet(ACursor, top, (ASizeHeight - (ACursorSizeHeight / 2) - (ASizeHeight * +x[3])) + px);
$.get = function() {
return value();
$.set = function(r, g, b, a) {
data = RGB2HSV([r, g, b, a]);
return colorSet(), $;
function cursorSVSet(e) {
var SVPoint = axixGet(SV, e),
x = toEdge(SVPoint[0], [0, SVSizeWidth]),
y = toEdge(SVPoint[1], [0, SVSizeHeight]);
data[1] = 1 - ((SVSizeWidth - x) / SVSizeWidth);
data[2] = (SVSizeHeight - y) / SVSizeHeight;
function cursorHSet(e) {
data[0] = (HSizeHeight - toEdge(axixGet(H, e)[1], [0, HSizeHeight])) / HSizeHeight;
function cursorASet(e) {
data[3] = (ASizeHeight - toEdge(axixGet(A, e)[1], [0, ASizeHeight])) / ASizeHeight;
function colorSet() {
var a = P2RGB(data),
b = P2RGB([data[0], 1, 1]);
styleSet(SVColor, 'backgroundColor', 'rgb(' + b[0] + ',' + b[1] + ',' + b[2] + ')');
styleSet(AColor, 'backgroundImage', 'linear-gradient(rgb(' + a[0] + ',' + a[1] + ',' + a[2] + '),transparent)');
} colorSet();
} doApply(1);
$.color = function(r, g, b, a) {
return $$[isFunction($$[state.color]) ? state.color : HEX]([r, g, b, a]);
$.current = null;
$.enter = doEnter;
$.exit = doExit;
$.fire = hookFire;
$.fit = doFit;
$.hooks = hooks;
$.off = hookLet;
$.on = hookSet;
$.pop = function() {
if (!source[name]) {
return $; // Already ejected
delete source[name];
eventsLet(source, downEvents, doClick);
return doExit(), hookFire('pop', color);
$.value = function(r, g, b, a) {
return $.set(r, g, b, a), hookFire('change', [r, g, b, a]);
$.self = self;
$.source = source;
$.state = state;
})(window, document, 'CP');

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
Color Picker
Taufik Nurrohman
MIT License (MIT)
L328: Modified part (innerHTML removed, because AMO warning)

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../base.css">
<script src="../../modules/internal/color-picker/color-picker.js"></script>
<script src="../../modules/internal/color-picker/color-picker.min.js"></script>
<script src="../../core/constants.js"></script>
<script src="../../core/storage-manager.js"></script>

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
New in LocalCDN:
<li>Updated: Internal module "Color Picker" v2.1.2 -> v2.1.3</li>
<div id="generator-section">
<div class="topic-label">