
1 line
42 KiB
Raw Normal View History

{"version":3,"sources":["webpack:///./src/config.ts"],"names":["process","env","NODE_ENV","__CONFIG__"],"mappings":"+JAAwC,gBAAzBA,QAAQC,IAAIC,UACzBC","file":"config.js","sourcesContent":["export default process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development'\n? __CONFIG__\n: {\n // Merchant API KEY\n \"key\": \"680d373d-06b3-442b-bebc-d35a5b0868b3\",\n\n // Show/Hide \"Powered by findify badge\"\n \"poweredByFindify\": true,\n\n hidableFacets: true,\n \"merchant_id\": 3806,\n // Specific platform code\n \"platform\": {\n \"shopify\": true,\n // \"bigcommerce\": true\n },\n\n // Merchant status - will disable features, but send analytics\n \"status\": \"live\",\n\n analytics: {\n 'view-page': false\n },\n\n // If window width gte than this number - view will be changed\n \"mobileBreakpoint\": 700,\n\n // History setup\n \"location\": {\n // Define search url, autocomplete will redirect to this URL\n \"searchUrl\": \"/pages/search-results\",\n\n // Search query prefix eq(?findify_q)\n \"prefix\": \"findify\"\n },\n\n // Element:Feature\n \"selectors\": {\n \"input[name='fq']\": \"autocomplete\",\n \"#findify_results\": \"search\",\n \"#home-findify-rec-2\": \"recommendations\",\n \"#product-findify-rec-1\": \"recommendations\",\n \"#category-findify-rec-1\": \"recommendations\",\n \"#product-findify-rec-4\": \"recommendations\",\n \"#product-findify-rec-2\": \"recommendations\",\n \"#cart-findify-rec-1\": \"recommendations\",\n \"#cart-findify-rec-2\": \"recommendations\",\n \"#cart-findify-rec-3\": \"recommendations\",\n \"#home-findify-rec-3\": \"recommendations\",\n \"#product-findify-rec-5\": \"recommendations\"\n },\n\n // Currency setup\n \"currency\": {\n \"code\": \"GBP\"\n // symbol: '$',\n // thousandsSeparator: ',',\n // decimalSeparator: '.',\n // symbolOnLeft: true,\n // spaceBetweenAmountAndSymbol: false,\n // decimalDigits: 2\n },\n\n \"currency_config\": {\n \"code\": \"USD\",\n \"symbol\": \"Ж\",\n \"thousandsSeparator\": \",\",\n \"decimalSeparator\": \".\",\n \"symbolOnLeft\": false,\n \"spaceBetweenAmountAndSymbol\": false,\n \"decimalDigits\": 3\n },\n\n // Features configuration will be pulled and marged with the root lvl\n \"features\": {\n \"autocomplete\": {\n\n \"instant\": true,\n\n // Disable listening for closest form submit\n \"disableFormSubmit\": false,\n\n \"trendingSearchesDisabled\": false,\n\n // Where it should be rended: parent|self|body\n \"renderIn\": \"parent\",\n\n // dropdown: to invoke usual dropdown behaviour\n // sidebar: to use sidebar as search component\n // fullscreen: to use fullscreen view for searching\n \"viewType\": \"dropdown\",\n \"mobileViewType\": \"sidebar\",\n // Order of content\n \"viewOrder\": [\"SearchSuggestions\", \"ProductMatches\"],\n\n // Where to align autocomplete: left|right|undefined\n \"position\": undefined,\n\n // Will be added to all requests eq: Agent.defaults(meta)\n \"meta\": {\n \"item_limit\": 4,\n \"suggestion_limit\": 10\n },\n\n // Product setup\n \"product\": {\n \"title\": {\n \"display\": true,\n \"lines\": 3\n },\n \"price\": {\n \"display\": true,\n },\n \"i18n\": {\n