2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
/ * !
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
Highlight . js v11 . 9.0 ( git : f47103d4f1 )
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
( c ) 2006 - 2023 undefined and other contributors
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
License : BSD - 3 - Clause
* /
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
var hljs = function ( ) { "use strict" ; function e ( n ) {
return n instanceof Map ? n . clear = n . delete = n . set = ( ) => {
throw Error ( "map is read-only" ) } : n instanceof Set && ( n . add = n . clear = n . delete = ( ) => {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
throw Error ( "set is read-only" )
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} ) , Object . freeze ( n ) , Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( n ) . forEach ( ( t => {
const a = n [ t ] , i = typeof a ; "object" !== i && "function" !== i || Object . isFrozen ( a ) || e ( a )
} ) ) , n } class n { constructor ( e ) {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
void 0 === e . data && ( e . data = { } ) , this . data = e . data , this . isMatchIgnored = ! 1 }
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
ignoreMatch ( ) { this . isMatchIgnored = ! 0 } } function t ( e ) {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
return e . replace ( /&/g , "&" ) . replace ( /</g , "<" ) . replace ( />/g , ">" ) . replace ( /"/g , """ ) . replace ( /'/g , "'" )
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} function a ( e , ... n ) { const t = Object . create ( null ) ; for ( const n in e ) t [ n ] = e [ n ]
; return n . forEach ( ( e => { for ( const n in e ) t [ n ] = e [ n ] } ) ) , t } const i = e => ! ! e . scope
; class r { constructor ( e , n ) {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
this . buffer = "" , this . classPrefix = n . classPrefix , e . walk ( this ) } addText ( e ) {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
this . buffer += t ( e ) } openNode ( e ) { if ( ! i ( e ) ) return ; const n = ( ( e , { prefix : n } ) => {
if ( e . startsWith ( "language:" ) ) return e . replace ( "language:" , "language-" )
; if ( e . includes ( "." ) ) { const t = e . split ( "." )
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
; return [ ` ${ n } ${ t . shift ( ) } ` , ... t . map ( ( ( e , n ) => ` ${ e } ${ "_" . repeat ( n + 1 ) } ` ) ) ] . join ( " " )
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} return ` ${ n } ${ e } ` } ) ( e . scope , { prefix : this . classPrefix } ) ; this . span ( n ) }
closeNode ( e ) { i ( e ) && ( this . buffer += "</span>" ) } value ( ) { return this . buffer } span ( e ) {
this . buffer += ` <span class=" ${ e } "> ` } } const s = ( e = { } ) => { const n = { children : [ ] }
; return Object . assign ( n , e ) , n } ; class o { constructor ( ) {
this . rootNode = s ( ) , this . stack = [ this . rootNode ] } get top ( ) {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
return this . stack [ this . stack . length - 1 ] } get root ( ) { return this . rootNode } add ( e ) {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
this . top . children . push ( e ) } openNode ( e ) { const n = s ( { scope : e } )
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
; this . add ( n ) , this . stack . push ( n ) } closeNode ( ) {
if ( this . stack . length > 1 ) return this . stack . pop ( ) } closeAllNodes ( ) {
for ( ; this . closeNode ( ) ; ) ; } toJSON ( ) { return JSON . stringify ( this . rootNode , null , 4 ) }
walk ( e ) { return this . constructor . _walk ( e , this . rootNode ) } static _walk ( e , n ) {
return "string" == typeof n ? e . addText ( n ) : n . children && ( e . openNode ( n ) ,
n . children . forEach ( ( n => this . _walk ( e , n ) ) ) , e . closeNode ( n ) ) , e } static _collapse ( e ) {
"string" != typeof e && e . children && ( e . children . every ( ( e => "string" == typeof e ) ) ? e . children = [ e . children . join ( "" ) ] : e . children . forEach ( ( e => {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
o . _collapse ( e ) } ) ) ) } } class l extends o { constructor ( e ) { super ( ) , this . options = e }
addText ( e ) { "" !== e && this . add ( e ) } startScope ( e ) { this . openNode ( e ) } endScope ( ) {
this . closeNode ( ) } _ _addSublanguage ( e , n ) { const t = e . root
; n && ( t . scope = "language:" + n ) , this . add ( t ) } toHTML ( ) {
return new r ( this , this . options ) . value ( ) } finalize ( ) {
return this . closeAllNodes ( ) , ! 0 } } function c ( e ) {
return e ? "string" == typeof e ? e : e . source : null } function d ( e ) { return b ( "(?=" , e , ")" ) }
function g ( e ) { return b ( "(?:" , e , ")*" ) } function u ( e ) { return b ( "(?:" , e , ")?" ) }
function b ( ... e ) { return e . map ( ( e => c ( e ) ) ) . join ( "" ) } function m ( ... e ) { const n = ( e => {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
const n = e [ e . length - 1 ]
; return "object" == typeof n && n . constructor === Object ? ( e . splice ( e . length - 1 , 1 ) , n ) : { }
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} ) ( e ) ; return "(" + ( n . capture ? "" : "?:" ) + e . map ( ( e => c ( e ) ) ) . join ( "|" ) + ")" }
function p ( e ) { return RegExp ( e . toString ( ) + "|" ) . exec ( "" ) . length - 1 }
const _ = /\[(?:[^\\\]]|\\.)*\]|\(\??|\\([1-9][0-9]*)|\\./
; function h ( e , { joinWith : n } ) { let t = 0 ; return e . map ( ( e => { t += 1 ; const n = t
; let a = c ( e ) , i = "" ; for ( ; a . length > 0 ; ) { const e = _ . exec ( a ) ; if ( ! e ) { i += a ; break }
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
i += a . substring ( 0 , e . index ) ,
a = a . substring ( e . index + e [ 0 ] . length ) , "\\" === e [ 0 ] [ 0 ] && e [ 1 ] ? i += "\\" + ( Number ( e [ 1 ] ) + n ) : ( i += e [ 0 ] ,
"(" === e [ 0 ] && t ++ ) } return i } ) ) . map ( ( e => ` ( ${ e } ) ` ) ) . join ( n ) }
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
const f = "[a-zA-Z]\\w*" , E = "[a-zA-Z_]\\w*" , y = "\\b\\d+(\\.\\d+)?" , N = "(-?)(\\b0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+|(\\b\\d+(\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)([eE][-+]?\\d+)?)" , w = "\\b(0b[01]+)" , v = {
begin : "\\\\[\\s\\S]" , relevance : 0 } , O = { scope : "string" , begin : "'" , end : "'" ,
illegal : "\\n" , contains : [ v ] } , k = { scope : "string" , begin : '"' , end : '"' , illegal : "\\n" ,
contains : [ v ] } , x = ( e , n , t = { } ) => { const i = a ( { scope : "comment" , begin : e , end : n ,
contains : [ ] } , t ) ; i . contains . push ( { scope : "doctag" ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
end : /(TODO|FIXME|NOTE|BUG|OPTIMIZE|HACK|XXX):/ , excludeBegin : ! 0 , relevance : 0 } )
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
; const r = m ( "I" , "a" , "is" , "so" , "us" , "to" , "at" , "if" , "in" , "it" , "on" , /[A-Za-z]+['](d|ve|re|ll|t|s|n)/ , /[A-Za-z]+[-][a-z]+/ , /[A-Za-z][a-z]{2,}/ )
; return i . contains . push ( { begin : b ( /[ ]+/ , "(" , r , /[.]?[:]?([.][ ]|[ ])/ , "){3}" ) } ) , i
} , M = x ( "//" , "$" ) , S = x ( "/\\*" , "\\*/" ) , A = x ( "#" , "$" ) ; var C = Object . freeze ( {
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
_ _proto _ _ : null , APOS _STRING _MODE : O , BACKSLASH _ESCAPE : v , BINARY _NUMBER _MODE : {
scope : "number" , begin : w , relevance : 0 } , BINARY _NUMBER _RE : w , COMMENT : x ,
C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE : S , C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE : M , C _NUMBER _MODE : { scope : "number" ,
begin : N , relevance : 0 } , C _NUMBER _RE : N , END _SAME _AS _BEGIN : e => Object . assign ( e , {
"on:begin" : ( e , n ) => { n . data . _beginMatch = e [ 1 ] } , "on:end" : ( e , n ) => {
n . data . _beginMatch !== e [ 1 ] && n . ignoreMatch ( ) } } ) , HASH _COMMENT _MODE : A , IDENT _RE : f ,
MATCH _NOTHING _RE : /\b\B/ , METHOD _GUARD : { begin : "\\.\\s*" + E , relevance : 0 } ,
NUMBER _MODE : { scope : "number" , begin : y , relevance : 0 } , NUMBER _RE : y ,
begin : /\b(a|an|the|are|I'm|isn't|don't|doesn't|won't|but|just|should|pretty|simply|enough|gonna|going|wtf|so|such|will|you|your|they|like|more)\b/
} , QUOTE _STRING _MODE : k , REGEXP _MODE : { scope : "regexp" , begin : /\/(?=[^/\n]*\/)/ ,
end : /\/[gimuy]*/ , contains : [ v , { begin : /\[/ , end : /\]/ , relevance : 0 , contains : [ v ] } ] } ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
RE _STARTERS _RE : "!|!=|!==|%|%=|&|&&|&=|\\*|\\*=|\\+|\\+=|,|-|-=|/=|/|:|;|<<|<<=|<=|<|===|==|=|>>>=|>>=|>=|>>>|>>|>|\\?|\\[|\\{|\\(|\\^|\\^=|\\||\\|=|\\|\\||~" ,
SHEBANG : ( e = { } ) => { const n = /^#![ ]*\//
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
; return e . binary && ( e . begin = b ( n , /.*\b/ , e . binary , /\b.*/ ) ) , a ( { scope : "meta" , begin : n ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
end : /$/ , relevance : 0 , "on:begin" : ( e , n ) => { 0 !== e . index && n . ignoreMatch ( ) } } , e ) } ,
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
TITLE _MODE : { scope : "title" , begin : f , relevance : 0 } , UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE : E ,
UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE : { scope : "title" , begin : E , relevance : 0 } } ) ; function T ( e , n ) {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
"." === e . input [ e . index - 1 ] && n . ignoreMatch ( ) } function R ( e , n ) {
void 0 !== e . className && ( e . scope = e . className , delete e . className ) } function D ( e , n ) {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
n && e . beginKeywords && ( e . begin = "\\b(" + e . beginKeywords . split ( " " ) . join ( "|" ) + ")(?!\\.)(?=\\b|\\s)" ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
e . _ _beforeBegin = T , e . keywords = e . keywords || e . beginKeywords , delete e . beginKeywords ,
void 0 === e . relevance && ( e . relevance = 0 ) ) } function I ( e , n ) {
Array . isArray ( e . illegal ) && ( e . illegal = m ( ... e . illegal ) ) } function L ( e , n ) {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
if ( e . match ) {
if ( e . begin || e . end ) throw Error ( "begin & end are not supported with match" )
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
; e . begin = e . match , delete e . match } } function B ( e , n ) {
void 0 === e . relevance && ( e . relevance = 1 ) } const $ = ( e , n ) => { if ( ! e . beforeMatch ) return
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
; if ( e . starts ) throw Error ( "beforeMatch cannot be used with starts" )
; const t = Object . assign ( { } , e ) ; Object . keys ( e ) . forEach ( ( n => { delete e [ n ]
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} ) ) , e . keywords = t . keywords , e . begin = b ( t . beforeMatch , d ( t . begin ) ) , e . starts = {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
relevance : 0 , contains : [ Object . assign ( t , { endsParent : ! 0 } ) ]
} , e . relevance = 0 , delete t . beforeMatch
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} , z = [ "of" , "and" , "for" , "in" , "not" , "or" , "if" , "then" , "parent" , "list" , "value" ] , F = "keyword"
; function U ( e , n , t = F ) { const a = Object . create ( null )
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
; return "string" == typeof e ? i ( t , e . split ( " " ) ) : Array . isArray ( e ) ? i ( t , e ) : Object . keys ( e ) . forEach ( ( t => {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
Object . assign ( a , U ( e [ t ] , n , t ) ) } ) ) , a ; function i ( e , t ) {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
n && ( t = t . map ( ( e => e . toLowerCase ( ) ) ) ) , t . forEach ( ( n => { const t = n . split ( "|" )
; a [ t [ 0 ] ] = [ e , j ( t [ 0 ] , t [ 1 ] ) ] } ) ) } } function j ( e , n ) {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
return n ? Number ( n ) : ( e => z . includes ( e . toLowerCase ( ) ) ) ( e ) ? 0 : 1 } const P = { } , K = e => {
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
console . error ( e ) } , H = ( e , ... n ) => { console . log ( "WARN: " + e , ... n ) } , q = ( e , n ) => {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
P [ ` ${ e } / ${ n } ` ] || ( console . log ( ` Deprecated as of ${ e } . ${ n } ` ) , P [ ` ${ e } / ${ n } ` ] = ! 0 )
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} , G = Error ( ) ; function Z ( e , n , { key : t } ) { let a = 0 ; const i = e [ t ] , r = { } , s = { }
; for ( let e = 1 ; e <= n . length ; e ++ ) s [ e + a ] = i [ e ] , r [ e + a ] = ! 0 , a += p ( n [ e - 1 ] )
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
; e [ t ] = s , e [ t ] . _emit = r , e [ t ] . _multi = ! 0 } function W ( e ) { ( e => {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
e . scope && "object" == typeof e . scope && null !== e . scope && ( e . beginScope = e . scope ,
delete e . scope ) } ) ( e ) , "string" == typeof e . beginScope && ( e . beginScope = {
_wrap : e . beginScope } ) , "string" == typeof e . endScope && ( e . endScope = { _wrap : e . endScope
} ) , ( e => { if ( Array . isArray ( e . begin ) ) {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
if ( e . skip || e . excludeBegin || e . returnBegin ) throw K ( "skip, excludeBegin, returnBegin not compatible with beginScope: {}" ) ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
; if ( "object" != typeof e . beginScope || null === e . beginScope ) throw K ( "beginScope must be object" ) ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
G ; Z ( e , e . begin , { key : "beginScope" } ) , e . begin = h ( e . begin , { joinWith : "" } ) } } ) ( e ) , ( e => {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
if ( Array . isArray ( e . end ) ) {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
if ( e . skip || e . excludeEnd || e . returnEnd ) throw K ( "skip, excludeEnd, returnEnd not compatible with endScope: {}" ) ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
; if ( "object" != typeof e . endScope || null === e . endScope ) throw K ( "endScope must be object" ) ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
G ; Z ( e , e . end , { key : "endScope" } ) , e . end = h ( e . end , { joinWith : "" } ) } } ) ( e ) } function Q ( e ) {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
function n ( n , t ) {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
return RegExp ( c ( n ) , "m" + ( e . case _insensitive ? "i" : "" ) + ( e . unicodeRegex ? "u" : "" ) + ( t ? "g" : "" ) )
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
} class t { constructor ( ) {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
this . matchIndexes = { } , this . regexes = [ ] , this . matchAt = 1 , this . position = 0 }
addRule ( e , n ) {
n . position = this . position ++ , this . matchIndexes [ this . matchAt ] = n , this . regexes . push ( [ n , e ] ) ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
this . matchAt += p ( e ) + 1 } compile ( ) { 0 === this . regexes . length && ( this . exec = ( ) => null )
; const e = this . regexes . map ( ( e => e [ 1 ] ) ) ; this . matcherRe = n ( h ( e , { joinWith : "|"
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
} ) , ! 0 ) , this . lastIndex = 0 } exec ( e ) { this . matcherRe . lastIndex = this . lastIndex
; const n = this . matcherRe . exec ( e ) ; if ( ! n ) return null
; const t = n . findIndex ( ( ( e , n ) => n > 0 && void 0 !== e ) ) , a = this . matchIndexes [ t ]
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
; return n . splice ( 0 , t ) , Object . assign ( n , a ) } } class i { constructor ( ) {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
this . rules = [ ] , this . multiRegexes = [ ] ,
this . count = 0 , this . lastIndex = 0 , this . regexIndex = 0 } getMatcher ( e ) {
if ( this . multiRegexes [ e ] ) return this . multiRegexes [ e ] ; const n = new t
; return this . rules . slice ( e ) . forEach ( ( ( [ e , t ] ) => n . addRule ( e , t ) ) ) ,
n . compile ( ) , this . multiRegexes [ e ] = n , n } resumingScanAtSamePosition ( ) {
return 0 !== this . regexIndex } considerAll ( ) { this . regexIndex = 0 } addRule ( e , n ) {
this . rules . push ( [ e , n ] ) , "begin" === n . type && this . count ++ } exec ( e ) {
const n = this . getMatcher ( this . regexIndex ) ; n . lastIndex = this . lastIndex
; let t = n . exec ( e )
; if ( this . resumingScanAtSamePosition ( ) ) if ( t && t . index === this . lastIndex ) ; else {
const n = this . getMatcher ( 0 ) ; n . lastIndex = this . lastIndex + 1 , t = n . exec ( e ) }
return t && ( this . regexIndex += t . position + 1 ,
this . regexIndex === this . count && this . considerAll ( ) ) , t } }
if ( e . compilerExtensions || ( e . compilerExtensions = [ ] ) ,
e . contains && e . contains . includes ( "self" ) ) throw Error ( "ERR: contains `self` is not supported at the top-level of a language. See documentation." )
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
; return e . classNameAliases = a ( e . classNameAliases || { } ) , function t ( r , s ) { const o = r
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
; if ( r . isCompiled ) return o
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
; [ R , L , W , $ ] . forEach ( ( e => e ( r , s ) ) ) , e . compilerExtensions . forEach ( ( e => e ( r , s ) ) ) ,
r . _ _beforeBegin = null , [ D , I , B ] . forEach ( ( e => e ( r , s ) ) ) , r . isCompiled = ! 0 ; let l = null
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
; return "object" == typeof r . keywords && r . keywords . $pattern && ( r . keywords = Object . assign ( { } , r . keywords ) ,
l = r . keywords . $pattern ,
delete r . keywords . $pattern ) , l = l || /\w+/ , r . keywords && ( r . keywords = U ( r . keywords , e . case _insensitive ) ) ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
o . keywordPatternRe = n ( l , ! 0 ) ,
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
s && ( r . begin || ( r . begin = /\B|\b/ ) , o . beginRe = n ( o . begin ) , r . end || r . endsWithParent || ( r . end = /\B|\b/ ) ,
r . end && ( o . endRe = n ( o . end ) ) ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
o . terminatorEnd = c ( o . end ) || "" , r . endsWithParent && s . terminatorEnd && ( o . terminatorEnd += ( r . end ? "|" : "" ) + s . terminatorEnd ) ) ,
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
r . illegal && ( o . illegalRe = n ( r . illegal ) ) ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
r . contains || ( r . contains = [ ] ) , r . contains = [ ] . concat ( ... r . contains . map ( ( e => ( e => ( e . variants && ! e . cachedVariants && ( e . cachedVariants = e . variants . map ( ( n => a ( e , {
variants : null } , n ) ) ) ) , e . cachedVariants ? e . cachedVariants : X ( e ) ? a ( e , {
starts : e . starts ? a ( e . starts ) : null
} ) : Object . isFrozen ( e ) ? a ( e ) : e ) ) ( "self" === e ? r : e ) ) ) ) , r . contains . forEach ( ( e => { t ( e , o )
} ) ) , r . starts && t ( r . starts , s ) , o . matcher = ( e => { const n = new i
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
; return e . contains . forEach ( ( e => n . addRule ( e . begin , { rule : e , type : "begin"
} ) ) ) , e . terminatorEnd && n . addRule ( e . terminatorEnd , { type : "end"
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
} ) , e . illegal && n . addRule ( e . illegal , { type : "illegal" } ) , n } ) ( o ) , o } ( e ) } function X ( e ) {
return ! ! e && ( e . endsWithParent || X ( e . starts ) ) } class V extends Error {
constructor ( e , n ) { super ( e ) , this . name = "HTMLInjectionError" , this . html = n } }
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
const J = t , Y = a , ee = Symbol ( "nomatch" ) , ne = t => {
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
const a = Object . create ( null ) , i = Object . create ( null ) , r = [ ] ; let s = ! 0
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
; const o = "Could not find the language '{}', did you forget to load/include a language module?" , c = {
disableAutodetect : ! 0 , name : "Plain text" , contains : [ ] } ; let p = {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
ignoreUnescapedHTML : ! 1 , throwUnescapedHTML : ! 1 , noHighlightRe : /^(no-?highlight)$/i ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
languageDetectRe : /\blang(?:uage)?-([\w-]+)\b/i , classPrefix : "hljs-" ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
cssSelector : "pre code" , languages : null , _ _emitter : l } ; function _ ( e ) {
return p . noHighlightRe . test ( e ) } function h ( e , n , t ) { let a = "" , i = ""
2021-07-10 06:53:10 +02:00
; "object" == typeof n ? ( a = e ,
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
t = n . ignoreIllegals , i = n . language ) : ( q ( "10.7.0" , "highlight(lang, code, ...args) has been deprecated." ) ,
q ( "10.7.0" , "Please use highlight(code, options) instead.\nhttps://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/2277" ) ,
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
i = e , a = n ) , void 0 === t && ( t = ! 0 ) ; const r = { code : a , language : i } ; x ( "before:highlight" , r )
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
; const s = r . result ? r . result : f ( r . language , r . code , t )
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
; return s . code = r . code , x ( "after:highlight" , s ) , s } function f ( e , t , i , r ) {
const l = Object . create ( null ) ; function c ( ) { if ( ! x . keywords ) return void S . addText ( A )
; let e = 0 ; x . keywordPatternRe . lastIndex = 0 ; let n = x . keywordPatternRe . exec ( A ) , t = ""
; for ( ; n ; ) { t += A . substring ( e , n . index )
; const i = w . case _insensitive ? n [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( ) : n [ 0 ] , r = ( a = i , x . keywords [ a ] ) ; if ( r ) {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
const [ e , a ] = r
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
; if ( S . addText ( t ) , t = "" , l [ i ] = ( l [ i ] || 0 ) + 1 , l [ i ] <= 7 && ( C += a ) , e . startsWith ( "_" ) ) t += n [ 0 ] ; else {
const t = w . classNameAliases [ e ] || e ; g ( n [ 0 ] , t ) } } else t += n [ 0 ]
; e = x . keywordPatternRe . lastIndex , n = x . keywordPatternRe . exec ( A ) } var a
; t += A . substring ( e ) , S . addText ( t ) } function d ( ) { null != x . subLanguage ? ( ( ) => {
if ( "" === A ) return ; let e = null ; if ( "string" == typeof x . subLanguage ) {
if ( ! a [ x . subLanguage ] ) return void S . addText ( A )
; e = f ( x . subLanguage , A , ! 0 , M [ x . subLanguage ] ) , M [ x . subLanguage ] = e . _top
} else e = E ( A , x . subLanguage . length ? x . subLanguage : null )
; x . relevance > 0 && ( C += e . relevance ) , S . _ _addSublanguage ( e . _emitter , e . language )
} ) ( ) : c ( ) , A = "" } function g ( e , n ) {
"" !== e && ( S . startScope ( n ) , S . addText ( e ) , S . endScope ( ) ) } function u ( e , n ) { let t = 1
; const a = n . length - 1 ; for ( ; t <= a ; ) { if ( ! e . _emit [ t ] ) { t ++ ; continue }
const a = w . classNameAliases [ e [ t ] ] || e [ t ] , i = n [ t ] ; a ? g ( i , a ) : ( A = i , c ( ) , A = "" ) , t ++ } }
function b ( e , n ) {
return e . scope && "string" == typeof e . scope && S . openNode ( w . classNameAliases [ e . scope ] || e . scope ) ,
e . beginScope && ( e . beginScope . _wrap ? ( g ( A , w . classNameAliases [ e . beginScope . _wrap ] || e . beginScope . _wrap ) ,
A = "" ) : e . beginScope . _multi && ( u ( e . beginScope , n ) , A = "" ) ) , x = Object . create ( e , { parent : {
value : x } } ) , x } function m ( e , t , a ) { let i = ( ( e , n ) => { const t = e && e . exec ( n )
; return t && 0 === t . index } ) ( e . endRe , a ) ; if ( i ) { if ( e [ "on:end" ] ) { const a = new n ( e )
; e [ "on:end" ] ( t , a ) , a . isMatchIgnored && ( i = ! 1 ) } if ( i ) {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
for ( ; e . endsParent && e . parent ; ) e = e . parent ; return e } }
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
if ( e . endsWithParent ) return m ( e . parent , t , a ) } function _ ( e ) {
return 0 === x . matcher . regexIndex ? ( A += e [ 0 ] , 1 ) : ( D = ! 0 , 0 ) } function h ( e ) {
const n = e [ 0 ] , a = t . substring ( e . index ) , i = m ( x , e , a ) ; if ( ! i ) return ee ; const r = x
; x . endScope && x . endScope . _wrap ? ( d ( ) ,
g ( n , x . endScope . _wrap ) ) : x . endScope && x . endScope . _multi ? ( d ( ) ,
u ( x . endScope , e ) ) : r . skip ? A += n : ( r . returnEnd || r . excludeEnd || ( A += n ) ,
d ( ) , r . excludeEnd && ( A = n ) ) ; do {
x . scope && S . closeNode ( ) , x . skip || x . subLanguage || ( C += x . relevance ) , x = x . parent
} while ( x !== i . parent ) ; return i . starts && b ( i . starts , e ) , r . returnEnd ? 0 : n . length }
let y = { } ; function N ( a , r ) { const o = r && r [ 0 ] ; if ( A += a , null == o ) return d ( ) , 0
; if ( "begin" === y . type && "end" === r . type && y . index === r . index && "" === o ) {
if ( A += t . slice ( r . index , r . index + 1 ) , ! s ) { const n = Error ( ` 0 width match regex ( ${ e } ) ` )
; throw n . languageName = e , n . badRule = y . rule , n } return 1 }
if ( y = r , "begin" === r . type ) return ( e => {
const t = e [ 0 ] , a = e . rule , i = new n ( a ) , r = [ a . _ _beforeBegin , a [ "on:begin" ] ]
; for ( const n of r ) if ( n && ( n ( e , i ) , i . isMatchIgnored ) ) return _ ( t )
; return a . skip ? A += t : ( a . excludeBegin && ( A += t ) ,
d ( ) , a . returnBegin || a . excludeBegin || ( A = t ) ) , b ( a , e ) , a . returnBegin ? 0 : t . length } ) ( r )
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
; if ( "illegal" === r . type && ! i ) {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
const e = Error ( 'Illegal lexeme "' + o + '" for mode "' + ( x . scope || "<unnamed>" ) + '"' )
; throw e . mode = x , e } if ( "end" === r . type ) { const e = h ( r ) ; if ( e !== ee ) return e }
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
if ( "illegal" === r . type && "" === o ) return 1
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
; if ( R > 1e5 && R > 3 * r . index ) throw Error ( "potential infinite loop, way more iterations than matches" )
; return A += o , o . length } const w = v ( e )
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
; if ( ! w ) throw K ( o . replace ( "{}" , e ) ) , Error ( 'Unknown language: "' + e + '"' )
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
; const O = Q ( w ) ; let k = "" , x = r || O ; const M = { } , S = new p . _ _emitter ( p ) ; ( ( ) => { const e = [ ]
; for ( let n = x ; n !== w ; n = n . parent ) n . scope && e . unshift ( n . scope )
; e . forEach ( ( e => S . openNode ( e ) ) ) } ) ( ) ; let A = "" , C = 0 , T = 0 , R = 0 , D = ! 1 ; try {
if ( w . _ _emitTokens ) w . _ _emitTokens ( t , S ) ; else { for ( x . matcher . considerAll ( ) ; ; ) {
R ++ , D ? D = ! 1 : x . matcher . considerAll ( ) , x . matcher . lastIndex = T
; const e = x . matcher . exec ( t ) ; if ( ! e ) break ; const n = N ( t . substring ( T , e . index ) , e )
; T = e . index + n } N ( t . substring ( T ) ) } return S . finalize ( ) , k = S . toHTML ( ) , { language : e ,
value : k , relevance : C , illegal : ! 1 , _emitter : S , _top : x } } catch ( n ) {
if ( n . message && n . message . includes ( "Illegal" ) ) return { language : e , value : J ( t ) ,
illegal : ! 0 , relevance : 0 , _illegalBy : { message : n . message , index : T ,
context : t . slice ( T - 100 , T + 100 ) , mode : n . mode , resultSoFar : k } , _emitter : S } ; if ( s ) return {
language : e , value : J ( t ) , illegal : ! 1 , relevance : 0 , errorRaised : n , _emitter : S , _top : x }
; throw n } } function E ( e , n ) { n = n || p . languages || Object . keys ( a ) ; const t = ( e => {
const n = { value : J ( e ) , illegal : ! 1 , relevance : 0 , _top : c , _emitter : new p . _ _emitter ( p ) }
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
; return n . _emitter . addText ( e ) , n } ) ( e ) , i = n . filter ( v ) . filter ( k ) . map ( ( n => f ( n , e , ! 1 ) ) )
; i . unshift ( t ) ; const r = i . sort ( ( ( e , n ) => {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
if ( e . relevance !== n . relevance ) return n . relevance - e . relevance
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
; if ( e . language && n . language ) { if ( v ( e . language ) . supersetOf === n . language ) return 1
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
; if ( v ( n . language ) . supersetOf === e . language ) return - 1 } return 0 } ) ) , [ s , o ] = r , l = s
; return l . secondBest = o , l } function y ( e ) { let n = null ; const t = ( e => {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
let n = e . className + " " ; n += e . parentNode ? e . parentNode . className : ""
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
; const t = p . languageDetectRe . exec ( n ) ; if ( t ) { const n = v ( t [ 1 ] )
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
; return n || ( H ( o . replace ( "{}" , t [ 1 ] ) ) ,
H ( "Falling back to no-highlight mode for this block." , e ) ) , n ? t [ 1 ] : "no-highlight" }
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
return n . split ( /\s+/ ) . find ( ( e => _ ( e ) || v ( e ) ) ) } ) ( e ) ; if ( _ ( t ) ) return
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
; if ( x ( "before:highlightElement" , { el : e , language : t
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
} ) , e . dataset . highlighted ) return void console . log ( "Element previously highlighted. To highlight again, first unset `dataset.highlighted`." , e )
; if ( e . children . length > 0 && ( p . ignoreUnescapedHTML || ( console . warn ( "One of your code blocks includes unescaped HTML. This is a potentially serious security risk." ) ,
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
console . warn ( "https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/wiki/security" ) ,
console . warn ( "The element with unescaped HTML:" ) ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
console . warn ( e ) ) , p . throwUnescapedHTML ) ) throw new V ( "One of your code blocks includes unescaped HTML." , e . innerHTML )
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
; n = e ; const a = n . textContent , r = t ? h ( a , { language : t , ignoreIllegals : ! 0 } ) : E ( a )
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
; e . innerHTML = r . value , e . dataset . highlighted = "yes" , ( ( e , n , t ) => { const a = n && i [ n ] || t
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
; e . classList . add ( "hljs" ) , e . classList . add ( "language-" + a )
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
} ) ( e , t , r . language ) , e . result = { language : r . language , re : r . relevance ,
relevance : r . relevance } , r . secondBest && ( e . secondBest = {
language : r . secondBest . language , relevance : r . secondBest . relevance
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} ) , x ( "after:highlightElement" , { el : e , result : r , text : a } ) } let N = ! 1 ; function w ( ) {
"loading" !== document . readyState ? document . querySelectorAll ( p . cssSelector ) . forEach ( y ) : N = ! 0
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
} function v ( e ) { return e = ( e || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) , a [ e ] || a [ i [ e ] ] }
function O ( e , { languageName : n } ) { "string" == typeof e && ( e = [ e ] ) , e . forEach ( ( e => {
i [ e . toLowerCase ( ) ] = n } ) ) } function k ( e ) { const n = v ( e )
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
; return n && ! n . disableAutodetect } function x ( e , n ) { const t = e ; r . forEach ( ( e => {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
e [ t ] && e [ t ] ( n ) } ) ) }
"undefined" != typeof window && window . addEventListener && window . addEventListener ( "DOMContentLoaded" , ( ( ) => {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
N && w ( ) } ) , ! 1 ) , Object . assign ( t , { highlight : h , highlightAuto : E , highlightAll : w ,
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
highlightElement : y ,
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
highlightBlock : e => ( q ( "10.7.0" , "highlightBlock will be removed entirely in v12.0" ) ,
q ( "10.7.0" , "Please use highlightElement now." ) , y ( e ) ) , configure : e => { p = Y ( p , e ) } ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
initHighlighting : ( ) => {
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
w ( ) , q ( "10.6.0" , "initHighlighting() deprecated. Use highlightAll() now." ) } ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
initHighlightingOnLoad : ( ) => {
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
w ( ) , q ( "10.6.0" , "initHighlightingOnLoad() deprecated. Use highlightAll() now." )
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} , registerLanguage : ( e , n ) => { let i = null ; try { i = n ( t ) } catch ( n ) {
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
if ( K ( "Language definition for '{}' could not be registered." . replace ( "{}" , e ) ) ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
! s ) throw n ; K ( n ) , i = c }
i . name || ( i . name = e ) , a [ e ] = i , i . rawDefinition = n . bind ( null , t ) , i . aliases && O ( i . aliases , {
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
languageName : e } ) } , unregisterLanguage : e => { delete a [ e ]
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
; for ( const n of Object . keys ( i ) ) i [ n ] === e && delete i [ n ] } ,
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
listLanguages : ( ) => Object . keys ( a ) , getLanguage : v , registerAliases : O ,
autoDetection : k , inherit : Y , addPlugin : e => { ( e => {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
e [ "before:highlightBlock" ] && ! e [ "before:highlightElement" ] && ( e [ "before:highlightElement" ] = n => {
e [ "before:highlightBlock" ] ( Object . assign ( { block : n . el } , n ) )
} ) , e [ "after:highlightBlock" ] && ! e [ "after:highlightElement" ] && ( e [ "after:highlightElement" ] = n => {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
e [ "after:highlightBlock" ] ( Object . assign ( { block : n . el } , n ) ) } ) } ) ( e ) , r . push ( e ) } ,
removePlugin : e => { const n = r . indexOf ( e ) ; - 1 !== n && r . splice ( n , 1 ) } } ) , t . debugMode = ( ) => {
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
s = ! 1 } , t . safeMode = ( ) => { s = ! 0 } , t . versionString = "11.9.0" , t . regex = { concat : b ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
lookahead : d , either : m , optional : u , anyNumberOfTimes : g }
; for ( const n in C ) "object" == typeof C [ n ] && e ( C [ n ] ) ; return Object . assign ( t , C ) , t
} , te = ne ( { } ) ; te . newInstance = ( ) => ne ( { } ) ; var ae = te ; const ie = e => ( { IMPORTANT : {
scope : "meta" , begin : "!important" } , BLOCK _COMMENT : e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , HEXCOLOR : {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
scope : "number" , begin : /#(([0-9a-fA-F]{3,4})|(([0-9a-fA-F]{2}){3,4}))\b/ } ,
FUNCTION _DISPATCH : { className : "built_in" , begin : /[\w-]+(?=\()/ } ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
ATTRIBUTE _SELECTOR _MODE : { scope : "selector-attr" , begin : /\[/ , end : /\]/ , illegal : "$" ,
contains : [ e . APOS _STRING _MODE , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE ] } , CSS _NUMBER _MODE : {
scope : "number" ,
begin : e . NUMBER _RE + "(%|em|ex|ch|rem|vw|vh|vmin|vmax|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|deg|grad|rad|turn|s|ms|Hz|kHz|dpi|dpcm|dppx)?" ,
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
relevance : 0 } , CSS _VARIABLE : { className : "attr" , begin : /--[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_-]*/ }
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} ) , re = [ "a" , "abbr" , "address" , "article" , "aside" , "audio" , "b" , "blockquote" , "body" , "button" , "canvas" , "caption" , "cite" , "code" , "dd" , "del" , "details" , "dfn" , "div" , "dl" , "dt" , "em" , "fieldset" , "figcaption" , "figure" , "footer" , "form" , "h1" , "h2" , "h3" , "h4" , "h5" , "h6" , "header" , "hgroup" , "html" , "i" , "iframe" , "img" , "input" , "ins" , "kbd" , "label" , "legend" , "li" , "main" , "mark" , "menu" , "nav" , "object" , "ol" , "p" , "q" , "quote" , "samp" , "section" , "span" , "strong" , "summary" , "sup" , "table" , "tbody" , "td" , "textarea" , "tfoot" , "th" , "thead" , "time" , "tr" , "ul" , "var" , "video" ] , se = [ "any-hover" , "any-pointer" , "aspect-ratio" , "color" , "color-gamut" , "color-index" , "device-aspect-ratio" , "device-height" , "device-width" , "display-mode" , "forced-colors" , "grid" , "height" , "hover" , "inverted-colors" , "monochrome" , "orientation" , "overflow-block" , "overflow-inline" , "pointer" , "prefers-color-scheme" , "prefers-contrast" , "prefers-reduced-motion" , "prefers-reduced-transparency" , "resolution" , "scan" , "scripting" , "update" , "width" , "min-width" , "max-width" , "min-height" , "max-height" ] , oe = [ "active" , "any-link" , "blank" , "checked" , "current" , "default" , "defined" , "dir" , "disabled" , "drop" , "empty" , "enabled" , "first" , "first-child" , "first-of-type" , "fullscreen" , "future" , "focus" , "focus-visible" , "focus-within" , "has" , "host" , "host-context" , "hover" , "indeterminate" , "in-range" , "invalid" , "is" , "lang" , "last-child" , "last-of-type" , "left" , "link" , "local-link" , "not" , "nth-child" , "nth-col" , "nth-last-child" , "nth-last-col" , "nth-last-of-type" , "nth-of-type" , "only-child" , "only-of-type" , "optional" , "out-of-range" , "past" , "placeholder-shown" , "read-only" , "read-write" , "required" , "right" , "root" , "scope" , "target" , "target-within" , "user-invalid" , "valid" , "visited" , "where" ] , le = [ "after" , "backdrop" , "before" , "cue" , "cue-region" , "first-letter" , "first-line" , "grammar-error" , "marker" , "part" , "placeholder" , "selection" , "slotted" , "spelling-error" ] , ce = [ "align-content" , "align-items" , "align-self" , "all" , "animation" , "animation-delay" , "animation-direction" , "animation-duration" , "animation-fill-mode" , "animation-iteration-count" , "animation-name" , "animation-play-state" , "animation-timing-function" , "backface-visibility" , "background" , "background-attachment" , "background-blend-mode" , "background-clip" , "background-color" , "background-image" , "background-origin" , "background-position" , "background-repeat" , "background-size" , "block-size" , "border" , "border-block" , "border-block-color" , "border-block-end" , "border-block-end-color" , "border-block-end-style" , "border-block-end-width" , "border-block-start" , "border-block-start-color" , "border-block-start-style" , "border-block-start-width" , "border-block-style" , "border-block-width" , "border-bottom" , "border-bottom-color" , "border-bottom-left-radius" , "border-bottom-right-radius" , "border-bottom-style" , "border-bottom-width" , "border-collapse" , "border-color" , "border-image" , "border-image-outset" , "border-image-repeat" , "border-image-slice" , "border-image-source" , "border-image-width" , "border-inline" , "border-inline-color" , "border-inline-end" , "border-inline-end-color" , "border-inline-end-style" , "border-inline-end-width" , "border-inline-start" , "border-inline-start-color" , "border-inline-start-style" , "border-inline-start-width" , "border-inline-style" , "border-inline-width" , "border-left" , "border-left-color" , "border-left-style" , "border-left-width" , "border-radius" , "border-right" , "border-right-color" , "border-right-style" , "border-right-width" , "border-spacing" , "border-style" , "border-top" , "border-top-color" , "border-top-left-radius" , "border-top-right-radius" , "border-top-style" , "border-top-width" , "border-width" , "bottom" , "box-decoration-break" , "box-shadow" , "box-sizing" , "break-after" , "break-before" , "break-inside" , "caption-side" , "caret-color" , "clear" , "clip" , "clip-path" , "clip-rule" , "color" , "column-count" , "column-fill" , "column-gap" , "column-rule" , "column-rule-color" , "column-rule-style" , "column-rule-width" , "column-span" , "column-width" , "columns" , "contain" , "content" , "content-visibility" , "counter-increment" , "counter-reset" , "cue" , "cue-after" , "cue-before" , "cursor" , "direction" , "display" , "empty-cells" , "filter" , "flex" , "flex-basis" , "flex-direction" , "flex-flow" , "flex-grow" , "flex-shrink" , "flex-wrap" , "float" , "flow" , " fo
; var ge = "[0-9](_*[0-9])*" , ue = ` \\ .( ${ ge } ) ` , be = "[0-9a-fA-F](_*[0-9a-fA-F])*" , me = {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
className : "number" , variants : [ {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
begin : ` ( \\ b( ${ ge } )(( ${ ue } )| \\ .)?|( ${ ue } ))[eE][+-]?( ${ ge } )[fFdD]? \\ b ` } , {
begin : ` \\ b( ${ ge } )(( ${ ue } )[fFdD]? \\ b| \\ .([fFdD] \\ b)?) ` } , {
begin : ` ( ${ ue } )[fFdD]? \\ b ` } , { begin : ` \\ b( ${ ge } )[fFdD] \\ b ` } , {
begin : ` \\ b0[xX](( ${ be } ) \\ .?|( ${ be } )? \\ .( ${ be } ))[pP][+-]?( ${ ge } )[fFdD]? \\ b ` } , {
begin : "\\b(0|[1-9](_*[0-9])*)[lL]?\\b" } , { begin : ` \\ b0[xX]( ${ be } )[lL]? \\ b ` } , {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : "\\b0(_*[0-7])*[lL]?\\b" } , { begin : "\\b0[bB][01](_*[01])*[lL]?\\b" } ] ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
relevance : 0 } ; function pe ( e , n , t ) { return - 1 === t ? "" : e . replace ( n , ( a => pe ( e , n , t - 1 ) ) ) }
const _e = "[A-Za-z$_][0-9A-Za-z$_]*" , he = [ "as" , "in" , "of" , "if" , "for" , "while" , "finally" , "var" , "new" , "function" , "do" , "return" , "void" , "else" , "break" , "catch" , "instanceof" , "with" , "throw" , "case" , "default" , "try" , "switch" , "continue" , "typeof" , "delete" , "let" , "yield" , "const" , "class" , "debugger" , "async" , "await" , "static" , "import" , "from" , "export" , "extends" ] , fe = [ "true" , "false" , "null" , "undefined" , "NaN" , "Infinity" ] , Ee = [ "Object" , "Function" , "Boolean" , "Symbol" , "Math" , "Date" , "Number" , "BigInt" , "String" , "RegExp" , "Array" , "Float32Array" , "Float64Array" , "Int8Array" , "Uint8Array" , "Uint8ClampedArray" , "Int16Array" , "Int32Array" , "Uint16Array" , "Uint32Array" , "BigInt64Array" , "BigUint64Array" , "Set" , "Map" , "WeakSet" , "WeakMap" , "ArrayBuffer" , "SharedArrayBuffer" , "Atomics" , "DataView" , "JSON" , "Promise" , "Generator" , "GeneratorFunction" , "AsyncFunction" , "Reflect" , "Proxy" , "Intl" , "WebAssembly" ] , ye = [ "Error" , "EvalError" , "InternalError" , "RangeError" , "ReferenceError" , "SyntaxError" , "TypeError" , "URIError" ] , Ne = [ "setInterval" , "setTimeout" , "clearInterval" , "clearTimeout" , "require" , "exports" , "eval" , "isFinite" , "isNaN" , "parseFloat" , "parseInt" , "decodeURI" , "decodeURIComponent" , "encodeURI" , "encodeURIComponent" , "escape" , "unescape" ] , we = [ "arguments" , "this" , "super" , "console" , "window" , "document" , "localStorage" , "sessionStorage" , "module" , "global" ] , ve = [ ] . concat ( Ne , Ee , ye )
; function Oe ( e ) { const n = e . regex , t = _e , a = { begin : /<[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+/ ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
end : /\/[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+>|\/>/ , isTrulyOpeningTag : ( e , n ) => {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
const t = e [ 0 ] . length + e . index , a = e . input [ t ]
; if ( "<" === a || "," === a ) return void n . ignoreMatch ( ) ; let i
; ">" === a && ( ( ( e , { after : n } ) => { const t = "</" + e [ 0 ] . slice ( 1 )
2022-11-25 06:41:33 +01:00
; return - 1 !== e . input . indexOf ( t , n ) } ) ( e , { after : t } ) || n . ignoreMatch ( ) )
; const r = e . input . substring ( t )
; ( ( i = r . match ( /^\s*=/ ) ) || ( i = r . match ( /^\s+extends\s+/ ) ) && 0 === i . index ) && n . ignoreMatch ( )
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} } , i = { $pattern : _e , keyword : he , literal : fe , built _in : ve , "variable.language" : we
} , r = "[0-9](_?[0-9])*" , s = ` \\ .( ${ r } ) ` , o = "0|[1-9](_?[0-9])*|0[0-7]*[89][0-9]*" , l = {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
className : "number" , variants : [ {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
begin : ` ( \\ b( ${ o } )(( ${ s } )| \\ .)?|( ${ s } ))[eE][+-]?( ${ r } ) \\ b ` } , {
begin : ` \\ b( ${ o } ) \\ b(( ${ s } ) \\ b| \\ .)?|( ${ s } ) \\ b ` } , {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : "\\b(0|[1-9](_?[0-9])*)n\\b" } , {
begin : "\\b0[xX][0-9a-fA-F](_?[0-9a-fA-F])*n?\\b" } , {
begin : "\\b0[bB][0-1](_?[0-1])*n?\\b" } , { begin : "\\b0[oO][0-7](_?[0-7])*n?\\b" } , {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
begin : "\\b0[0-7]+n?\\b" } ] , relevance : 0 } , c = { className : "subst" , begin : "\\$\\{" ,
end : "\\}" , keywords : i , contains : [ ] } , d = { begin : "html`" , end : "" , starts : { end : "`" ,
returnEnd : ! 1 , contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , c ] , subLanguage : "xml" } } , g = {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : "css`" , end : "" , starts : { end : "`" , returnEnd : ! 1 ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , c ] , subLanguage : "css" } } , u = { begin : "gql`" , end : "" ,
starts : { end : "`" , returnEnd : ! 1 , contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , c ] ,
subLanguage : "graphql" } } , b = { className : "string" , begin : "`" , end : "`" ,
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , c ] } , m = { className : "comment" ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
variants : [ e . COMMENT ( /\/\*\*(?!\/)/ , "\\*/" , { relevance : 0 , contains : [ {
begin : "(?=@[A-Za-z]+)" , relevance : 0 , contains : [ { className : "doctag" ,
begin : "@[A-Za-z]+" } , { className : "type" , begin : "\\{" , end : "\\}" , excludeEnd : ! 0 ,
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
excludeBegin : ! 0 , relevance : 0 } , { className : "variable" , begin : t + "(?=\\s*(-)|$)" ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
endsParent : ! 0 , relevance : 0 } , { begin : /(?=[^\n])\s/ , relevance : 0 } ] } ]
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} , p = [ e . APOS _STRING _MODE , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , d , g , u , b , { match : /\$\d+/ } , l ]
; c . contains = p . concat ( { begin : /\{/ , end : /\}/ , keywords : i , contains : [ "self" ] . concat ( p )
} ) ; const _ = [ ] . concat ( m , c . contains ) , h = _ . concat ( [ { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , keywords : i ,
contains : [ "self" ] . concat ( _ ) } ] ) , f = { className : "params" , begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ ,
excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : i , contains : h } , E = { variants : [ {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
match : [ /class/ , /\s+/ , t , /\s+/ , /extends/ , /\s+/ , n . concat ( t , "(" , n . concat ( /\./ , t ) , ")*" ) ] ,
scope : { 1 : "keyword" , 3 : "title.class" , 5 : "keyword" , 7 : "title.class.inherited" } } , {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
match : [ /class/ , /\s+/ , t ] , scope : { 1 : "keyword" , 3 : "title.class" } } ] } , y = { relevance : 0 ,
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
match : n . either ( /\bJSON/ , /\b[A-Z][a-z]+([A-Z][a-z]*|\d)*/ , /\b[A-Z]{2,}([A-Z][a-z]+|\d)+([A-Z][a-z]*)*/ , /\b[A-Z]{2,}[a-z]+([A-Z][a-z]+|\d)*([A-Z][a-z]*)*/ ) ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
className : "title.class" , keywords : { _ : [ ... Ee , ... ye ] } } , N = { variants : [ {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
match : [ /function/ , /\s+/ , t , /(?=\s*\()/ ] } , { match : [ /function/ , /\s*(?=\()/ ] } ] ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
className : { 1 : "keyword" , 3 : "title.function" } , label : "func.def" , contains : [ f ] ,
illegal : /%/ } , w = {
match : n . concat ( /\b/ , ( v = [ ... Ne , "super" , "import" ] , n . concat ( "(?!" , v . join ( "|" ) , ")" ) ) , t , n . lookahead ( /\(/ ) ) ,
className : "title.function" , relevance : 0 } ; var v ; const O = {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
begin : n . concat ( /\./ , n . lookahead ( n . concat ( t , /(?![0-9A-Za-z$_(])/ ) ) ) , end : t ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
excludeBegin : ! 0 , keywords : "prototype" , className : "property" , relevance : 0 } , k = {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
match : [ /get|set/ , /\s+/ , t , /(?=\()/ ] , className : { 1 : "keyword" , 3 : "title.function" } ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
contains : [ { begin : /\(\)/ } , f ]
} , x = "(\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*\\)[^()]*)*\\)[^()]*)*\\)|" + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + ")\\s*=>" , M = {
match : [ /const|var|let/ , /\s+/ , t , /\s*/ , /=\s*/ , /(async\s*)?/ , n . lookahead ( x ) ] ,
keywords : "async" , className : { 1 : "keyword" , 3 : "title.function" } , contains : [ f ] }
; return { name : "JavaScript" , aliases : [ "js" , "jsx" , "mjs" , "cjs" ] , keywords : i , exports : {
PARAMS _CONTAINS : h , CLASS _REFERENCE : y } , illegal : /#(?![$_A-z])/ ,
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
contains : [ e . SHEBANG ( { label : "shebang" , binary : "node" , relevance : 5 } ) , {
label : "use_strict" , className : "meta" , relevance : 10 ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : /^\s*['"]use (strict|asm)['"]/
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} , e . APOS _STRING _MODE , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , d , g , u , b , m , { match : /\$\d+/ } , l , y , {
className : "attr" , begin : t + n . lookahead ( ":" ) , relevance : 0 } , M , {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : "(" + e . RE _STARTERS _RE + "|\\b(case|return|throw)\\b)\\s*" ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
keywords : "return throw case" , relevance : 0 , contains : [ m , e . REGEXP _MODE , {
className : "function" , begin : x , returnBegin : ! 0 , end : "\\s*=>" , contains : [ {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
className : "params" , variants : [ { begin : e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE , relevance : 0 } , {
className : null , begin : /\(\s*\)/ , skip : ! 0 } , { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , excludeBegin : ! 0 ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : i , contains : h } ] } ] } , { begin : /,/ , relevance : 0 } , { match : /\s+/ ,
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
relevance : 0 } , { variants : [ { begin : "<>" , end : "</>" } , {
match : /<[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+\s*\/>/ } , { begin : a . begin ,
"on:begin" : a . isTrulyOpeningTag , end : a . end } ] , subLanguage : "xml" , contains : [ {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
begin : a . begin , end : a . end , skip : ! 0 , contains : [ "self" ] } ] } ] } , N , {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
beginKeywords : "while if switch catch for" } , {
begin : "\\b(?!function)" + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*\\)[^()]*)*\\)[^()]*)*\\)\\s*\\{" ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
returnBegin : ! 0 , label : "func.def" , contains : [ f , e . inherit ( e . TITLE _MODE , { begin : t ,
className : "title.function" } ) ] } , { match : /\.\.\./ , relevance : 0 } , O , { match : "\\$" + t ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
relevance : 0 } , { match : [ /\bconstructor(?=\s*\()/ ] , className : { 1 : "title.function" } ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
contains : [ f ] } , w , { relevance : 0 , match : /\b[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]+\b/ ,
className : "variable.constant" } , E , k , { match : /\$[(.]/ } ] } }
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
const ke = e => b ( /\b/ , e , /\w$/ . test ( e ) ? /\b/ : /\B/ ) , xe = [ "Protocol" , "Type" ] . map ( ke ) , Me = [ "init" , "self" ] . map ( ke ) , Se = [ "Any" , "Self" ] , Ae = [ "actor" , "any" , "associatedtype" , "async" , "await" , /as\?/ , /as!/ , "as" , "borrowing" , "break" , "case" , "catch" , "class" , "consume" , "consuming" , "continue" , "convenience" , "copy" , "default" , "defer" , "deinit" , "didSet" , "distributed" , "do" , "dynamic" , "each" , "else" , "enum" , "extension" , "fallthrough" , /fileprivate\(set\)/ , "fileprivate" , "final" , "for" , "func" , "get" , "guard" , "if" , "import" , "indirect" , "infix" , /init\?/ , /init!/ , "inout" , /internal\(set\)/ , "internal" , "in" , "is" , "isolated" , "nonisolated" , "lazy" , "let" , "macro" , "mutating" , "nonmutating" , /open\(set\)/ , "open" , "operator" , "optional" , "override" , "postfix" , "precedencegroup" , "prefix" , /private\(set\)/ , "private" , "protocol" , /public\(set\)/ , "public" , "repeat" , "required" , "rethrows" , "return" , "set" , "some" , "static" , "struct" , "subscript" , "super" , "switch" , "throws" , "throw" , /try\?/ , /try!/ , "try" , "typealias" , /unowned\(safe\)/ , /unowned\(unsafe\)/ , "unowned" , "var" , "weak" , "where" , "while" , "willSet" ] , Ce = [ "false" , "nil" , "true" ] , Te = [ "assignment" , "associativity" , "higherThan" , "left" , "lowerThan" , "none" , "right" ] , Re = [ "#colorLiteral" , "#column" , "#dsohandle" , "#else" , "#elseif" , "#endif" , "#error" , "#file" , "#fileID" , "#fileLiteral" , "#filePath" , "#function" , "#if" , "#imageLiteral" , "#keyPath" , "#line" , "#selector" , "#sourceLocation" , "#warning" ] , De = [ "abs" , "all" , "any" , "assert" , "assertionFailure" , "debugPrint" , "dump" , "fatalError" , "getVaList" , "isKnownUniquelyReferenced" , "max" , "min" , "numericCast" , "pointwiseMax" , "pointwiseMin" , "precondition" , "preconditionFailure" , "print" , "readLine" , "repeatElement" , "sequence" , "stride" , "swap" , "swift_unboxFromSwiftValueWithType" , "transcode" , "type" , "unsafeBitCast" , "unsafeDowncast" , "withExtendedLifetime" , "withUnsafeMutablePointer" , "withUnsafePointer" , "withVaList" , "withoutActuallyEscaping" , "zip" ] , Ie = m ( /[/=\-+!*%<>&|^~?]/ , /[\u00A1-\u00A7]/ , /[\u00A9\u00AB]/ , /[\u00AC\u00AE]/ , /[\u00B0\u00B1]/ , /[\u00B6\u00BB\u00BF\u00D7\u00F7]/ , /[\u2016-\u2017]/ , /[\u2020-\u2027]/ , /[\u2030-\u203E]/ , /[\u2041-\u2053]/ , /[\u2055-\u205E]/ , /[\u2190-\u23FF]/ , /[\u2500-\u2775]/ , /[\u2794-\u2BFF]/ , /[\u2E00-\u2E7F]/ , /[\u3001-\u3003]/ , /[\u3008-\u3020]/ , /[\u3030]/ ) , Le = m ( Ie , /[\u0300-\u036F]/ , /[\u1DC0-\u1DFF]/ , /[\u20D0-\u20FF]/ , /[\uFE00-\uFE0F]/ , /[\uFE20-\uFE2F]/ ) , Be = b ( Ie , Le , "*" ) , $e = m ( /[a-zA-Z_]/ , /[\u00A8\u00AA\u00AD\u00AF\u00B2-\u00B5\u00B7-\u00BA]/ , /[\u00BC-\u00BE\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u00FF]/ , /[\u0100-\u02FF\u0370-\u167F\u1681-\u180D\u180F-\u1DBF]/ , /[\u1E00-\u1FFF]/ , /[\u200B-\u200D\u202A-\u202E\u203F-\u2040\u2054\u2060-\u206F]/ , /[\u2070-\u20CF\u2100-\u218F\u2460-\u24FF\u2776-\u2793]/ , /[\u2C00-\u2DFF\u2E80-\u2FFF]/ , /[\u3004-\u3007\u3021-\u302F\u3031-\u303F\u3040-\uD7FF]/ , /[\uF900-\uFD3D\uFD40-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFE1F\uFE30-\uFE44]/ , /[\uFE47-\uFEFE\uFF00-\uFFFD]/ ) , ze = m ( $e , /\d/ , /[\u0300-\u036F\u1DC0-\u1DFF\u20D0-\u20FF\uFE20-\uFE2F]/ ) , Fe = b ( $e , ze , "*" ) , Ue = b ( /[A-Z]/ , ze , "*" ) , je = [ "attached" , "autoclosure" , b ( /convention\(/ , m ( "swift" , "block" , "c" ) , /\)/ ) , "discardableResult" , "dynamicCallable" , "dynamicMemberLookup" , "escaping" , "freestanding" , "frozen" , "GKInspectable" , "IBAction" , "IBDesignable" , "IBInspectable" , "IBOutlet" , "IBSegueAction" , "inlinable" , "main" , "nonobjc" , "NSApplicationMain" , "NSCopying" , "NSManaged" , b ( /objc\(/ , Fe , /\)/ ) , "objc" , "objcMembers" , "propertyWrapper" , "requires_stored_property_inits" , "resultBuilder" , "Sendable" , "testable" , "UIApplicationMain" , "unchecked" , "unknown" , "usableFromInline" , "warn_unqualified_access" ] , Pe = [ "iOS" , "iOSApplicationExtension" , "macOS" , "macOSApplicationExtension" , "macCatalyst" , "macCatalystApplicationExtension" , "watchOS" , "watchOSApplicationExtension" , "tvOS" , "tvOSApplicationExtension" , "swift" ]
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
; var Ke = Object . freeze ( { _ _proto _ _ : null , grmr _bash : e => { const n = e . regex , t = { } , a = {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
begin : /\$\{/ , end : /\}/ , contains : [ "self" , { begin : /:-/ , contains : [ t ] } ] }
; Object . assign ( t , { className : "variable" , variants : [ {
begin : n . concat ( /\$[\w\d#@][\w\d_]*/ , "(?![\\w\\d])(?![$])" ) } , a ] } ) ; const i = {
className : "subst" , begin : /\$\(/ , end : /\)/ , contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] } , r = {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : /<<-?\s*(?=\w+)/ , starts : { contains : [ e . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( { begin : /(\w+)/ ,
end : /(\w+)/ , className : "string" } ) ] } } , s = { className : "string" , begin : /"/ , end : /"/ ,
2022-11-25 06:41:33 +01:00
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , t , i ] } ; i . contains . push ( s ) ; const o = { begin : /\$?\(\(/ ,
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
end : /\)\)/ , contains : [ { begin : /\d+#[0-9a-f]+/ , className : "number" } , e . NUMBER _MODE , t ]
} , l = e . SHEBANG ( { binary : "(fish|bash|zsh|sh|csh|ksh|tcsh|dash|scsh)" , relevance : 10
} ) , c = { className : "function" , begin : /\w[\w\d_]*\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{/ , returnBegin : ! 0 ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
contains : [ e . inherit ( e . TITLE _MODE , { begin : /\w[\w\d_]*/ } ) ] , relevance : 0 } ; return {
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
name : "Bash" , aliases : [ "sh" ] , keywords : { $pattern : /\b[a-z][a-z0-9._-]+\b/ ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
keyword : [ "if" , "then" , "else" , "elif" , "fi" , "for" , "while" , "until" , "in" , "do" , "done" , "case" , "esac" , "function" , "select" ] ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
literal : [ "true" , "false" ] ,
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
built _in : [ "break" , "cd" , "continue" , "eval" , "exec" , "exit" , "export" , "getopts" , "hash" , "pwd" , "readonly" , "return" , "shift" , "test" , "times" , "trap" , "umask" , "unset" , "alias" , "bind" , "builtin" , "caller" , "command" , "declare" , "echo" , "enable" , "help" , "let" , "local" , "logout" , "mapfile" , "printf" , "read" , "readarray" , "source" , "type" , "typeset" , "ulimit" , "unalias" , "set" , "shopt" , "autoload" , "bg" , "bindkey" , "bye" , "cap" , "chdir" , "clone" , "comparguments" , "compcall" , "compctl" , "compdescribe" , "compfiles" , "compgroups" , "compquote" , "comptags" , "comptry" , "compvalues" , "dirs" , "disable" , "disown" , "echotc" , "echoti" , "emulate" , "fc" , "fg" , "float" , "functions" , "getcap" , "getln" , "history" , "integer" , "jobs" , "kill" , "limit" , "log" , "noglob" , "popd" , "print" , "pushd" , "pushln" , "rehash" , "sched" , "setcap" , "setopt" , "stat" , "suspend" , "ttyctl" , "unfunction" , "unhash" , "unlimit" , "unsetopt" , "vared" , "wait" , "whence" , "where" , "which" , "zcompile" , "zformat" , "zftp" , "zle" , "zmodload" , "zparseopts" , "zprof" , "zpty" , "zregexparse" , "zsocket" , "zstyle" , "ztcp" , "chcon" , "chgrp" , "chown" , "chmod" , "cp" , "dd" , "df" , "dir" , "dircolors" , "ln" , "ls" , "mkdir" , "mkfifo" , "mknod" , "mktemp" , "mv" , "realpath" , "rm" , "rmdir" , "shred" , "sync" , "touch" , "truncate" , "vdir" , "b2sum" , "base32" , "base64" , "cat" , "cksum" , "comm" , "csplit" , "cut" , "expand" , "fmt" , "fold" , "head" , "join" , "md5sum" , "nl" , "numfmt" , "od" , "paste" , "ptx" , "pr" , "sha1sum" , "sha224sum" , "sha256sum" , "sha384sum" , "sha512sum" , "shuf" , "sort" , "split" , "sum" , "tac" , "tail" , "tr" , "tsort" , "unexpand" , "uniq" , "wc" , "arch" , "basename" , "chroot" , "date" , "dirname" , "du" , "echo" , "env" , "expr" , "factor" , "groups" , "hostid" , "id" , "link" , "logname" , "nice" , "nohup" , "nproc" , "pathchk" , "pinky" , "printenv" , "printf" , "pwd" , "readlink" , "runcon" , "seq" , "sleep" , "stat" , "stdbuf" , "stty" , "tee" , "test" , "timeout" , "tty" , "uname" , "unlink" , "uptime" , "users" , "who" , "whoami" , "yes" ]
} , contains : [ l , e . SHEBANG ( ) , c , o , e . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , r , { match : /(\/[a-z._-]+)+/ } , s , {
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
match : /\\"/ } , { className : "string" , begin : /'/ , end : /'/ } , { match : /\\'/ } , t ] } } ,
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
grmr _c : e => { const n = e . regex , t = e . COMMENT ( "//" , "$" , { contains : [ { begin : /\\\n/ } ]
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} ) , a = "decltype\\(auto\\)" , i = "[a-zA-Z_]\\w*::" , r = "(" + a + "|" + n . optional ( i ) + "[a-zA-Z_]\\w*" + n . optional ( "<[^<>]+>" ) + ")" , s = {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
className : "type" , variants : [ { begin : "\\b[a-z\\d_]*_t\\b" } , {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
match : /\batomic_[a-z]{3,6}\b/ } ] } , o = { className : "string" , variants : [ {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : '(u8?|U|L)?"' , end : '"' , illegal : "\\n" , contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] } , {
begin : "(u8?|U|L)?'(\\\\(x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4,8}|[0-7]{3}|\\S)|.)" ,
end : "'" , illegal : "." } , e . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
begin : /(?:u8?|U|L)?R"([^()\\ ]{0,16})\(/ , end : /\)([^()\\ ]{0,16})"/ } ) ] } , l = {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
className : "number" , variants : [ { begin : "\\b(0b[01']+)" } , {
begin : "(-?)\\b([\\d']+(\\.[\\d']*)?|\\.[\\d']+)((ll|LL|l|L)(u|U)?|(u|U)(ll|LL|l|L)?|f|F|b|B)"
} , {
begin : "(-?)(\\b0[xX][a-fA-F0-9']+|(\\b[\\d']+(\\.[\\d']*)?|\\.[\\d']+)([eE][-+]?[\\d']+)?)"
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} ] , relevance : 0 } , c = { className : "meta" , begin : /#\s*[a-z]+\b/ , end : /$/ , keywords : {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
keyword : "if else elif endif define undef warning error line pragma _Pragma ifdef ifndef include"
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} , contains : [ { begin : /\\\n/ , relevance : 0 } , e . inherit ( o , { className : "string" } ) , {
className : "string" , begin : /<.*?>/ } , t , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] } , d = {
className : "title" , begin : n . optional ( i ) + e . IDENT _RE , relevance : 0
} , g = n . optional ( i ) + e . IDENT _RE + "\\s*\\(" , u = {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
keyword : [ "asm" , "auto" , "break" , "case" , "continue" , "default" , "do" , "else" , "enum" , "extern" , "for" , "fortran" , "goto" , "if" , "inline" , "register" , "restrict" , "return" , "sizeof" , "struct" , "switch" , "typedef" , "union" , "volatile" , "while" , "_Alignas" , "_Alignof" , "_Atomic" , "_Generic" , "_Noreturn" , "_Static_assert" , "_Thread_local" , "alignas" , "alignof" , "noreturn" , "static_assert" , "thread_local" , "_Pragma" ] ,
type : [ "float" , "double" , "signed" , "unsigned" , "int" , "short" , "long" , "char" , "void" , "_Bool" , "_Complex" , "_Imaginary" , "_Decimal32" , "_Decimal64" , "_Decimal128" , "const" , "static" , "complex" , "bool" , "imaginary" ] ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
literal : "true false NULL" ,
built _in : "std string wstring cin cout cerr clog stdin stdout stderr stringstream istringstream ostringstream auto_ptr deque list queue stack vector map set pair bitset multiset multimap unordered_set unordered_map unordered_multiset unordered_multimap priority_queue make_pair array shared_ptr abort terminate abs acos asin atan2 atan calloc ceil cosh cos exit exp fabs floor fmod fprintf fputs free frexp fscanf future isalnum isalpha iscntrl isdigit isgraph islower isprint ispunct isspace isupper isxdigit tolower toupper labs ldexp log10 log malloc realloc memchr memcmp memcpy memset modf pow printf putchar puts scanf sinh sin snprintf sprintf sqrt sscanf strcat strchr strcmp strcpy strcspn strlen strncat strncmp strncpy strpbrk strrchr strspn strstr tanh tan vfprintf vprintf vsprintf endl initializer_list unique_ptr"
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} , b = [ c , s , t , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , l , o ] , m = { variants : [ { begin : /=/ , end : /;/ } , {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ } , { beginKeywords : "new throw return else" , end : /;/ } ] ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
keywords : u , contains : b . concat ( [ { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , keywords : u ,
contains : b . concat ( [ "self" ] ) , relevance : 0 } ] ) , relevance : 0 } , p = {
begin : "(" + r + "[\\*&\\s]+)+" + g , returnBegin : ! 0 , end : /[{;=]/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 ,
keywords : u , illegal : /[^\w\s\*&:<>.]/ , contains : [ { begin : a , keywords : u , relevance : 0 } , {
begin : g , returnBegin : ! 0 , contains : [ e . inherit ( d , { className : "title.function" } ) ] ,
relevance : 0 } , { relevance : 0 , match : /,/ } , { className : "params" , begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ ,
keywords : u , relevance : 0 , contains : [ t , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , o , l , s , { begin : /\(/ ,
end : /\)/ , keywords : u , relevance : 0 , contains : [ "self" , t , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , o , l , s ]
} ] } , s , t , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , c ] } ; return { name : "C" , aliases : [ "h" ] , keywords : u ,
disableAutodetect : ! 0 , illegal : "</" , contains : [ ] . concat ( m , p , b , [ c , {
begin : e . IDENT _RE + "::" , keywords : u } , { className : "class" ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
beginKeywords : "enum class struct union" , end : /[{;:<>=]/ , contains : [ {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
beginKeywords : "final class struct" } , e . TITLE _MODE ] } ] ) , exports : { preprocessor : c ,
strings : o , keywords : u } } } , grmr _cpp : e => { const n = e . regex , t = e . COMMENT ( "//" , "$" , {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
contains : [ { begin : /\\\n/ } ]
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} ) , a = "decltype\\(auto\\)" , i = "[a-zA-Z_]\\w*::" , r = "(?!struct)(" + a + "|" + n . optional ( i ) + "[a-zA-Z_]\\w*" + n . optional ( "<[^<>]+>" ) + ")" , s = {
className : "type" , begin : "\\b[a-z\\d_]*_t\\b" } , o = { className : "string" , variants : [ {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : '(u8?|U|L)?"' , end : '"' , illegal : "\\n" , contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] } , {
begin : "(u8?|U|L)?'(\\\\(x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4,8}|[0-7]{3}|\\S)|.)" ,
end : "'" , illegal : "." } , e . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
begin : /(?:u8?|U|L)?R"([^()\\ ]{0,16})\(/ , end : /\)([^()\\ ]{0,16})"/ } ) ] } , l = {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
className : "number" , variants : [ { begin : "\\b(0b[01']+)" } , {
begin : "(-?)\\b([\\d']+(\\.[\\d']*)?|\\.[\\d']+)((ll|LL|l|L)(u|U)?|(u|U)(ll|LL|l|L)?|f|F|b|B)"
} , {
begin : "(-?)(\\b0[xX][a-fA-F0-9']+|(\\b[\\d']+(\\.[\\d']*)?|\\.[\\d']+)([eE][-+]?[\\d']+)?)"
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} ] , relevance : 0 } , c = { className : "meta" , begin : /#\s*[a-z]+\b/ , end : /$/ , keywords : {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
keyword : "if else elif endif define undef warning error line pragma _Pragma ifdef ifndef include"
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} , contains : [ { begin : /\\\n/ , relevance : 0 } , e . inherit ( o , { className : "string" } ) , {
className : "string" , begin : /<.*?>/ } , t , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] } , d = {
className : "title" , begin : n . optional ( i ) + e . IDENT _RE , relevance : 0
} , g = n . optional ( i ) + e . IDENT _RE + "\\s*\\(" , u = {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
type : [ "bool" , "char" , "char16_t" , "char32_t" , "char8_t" , "double" , "float" , "int" , "long" , "short" , "void" , "wchar_t" , "unsigned" , "signed" , "const" , "static" ] ,
keyword : [ "alignas" , "alignof" , "and" , "and_eq" , "asm" , "atomic_cancel" , "atomic_commit" , "atomic_noexcept" , "auto" , "bitand" , "bitor" , "break" , "case" , "catch" , "class" , "co_await" , "co_return" , "co_yield" , "compl" , "concept" , "const_cast|10" , "consteval" , "constexpr" , "constinit" , "continue" , "decltype" , "default" , "delete" , "do" , "dynamic_cast|10" , "else" , "enum" , "explicit" , "export" , "extern" , "false" , "final" , "for" , "friend" , "goto" , "if" , "import" , "inline" , "module" , "mutable" , "namespace" , "new" , "noexcept" , "not" , "not_eq" , "nullptr" , "operator" , "or" , "or_eq" , "override" , "private" , "protected" , "public" , "reflexpr" , "register" , "reinterpret_cast|10" , "requires" , "return" , "sizeof" , "static_assert" , "static_cast|10" , "struct" , "switch" , "synchronized" , "template" , "this" , "thread_local" , "throw" , "transaction_safe" , "transaction_safe_dynamic" , "true" , "try" , "typedef" , "typeid" , "typename" , "union" , "using" , "virtual" , "volatile" , "while" , "xor" , "xor_eq" ] ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
literal : [ "NULL" , "false" , "nullopt" , "nullptr" , "true" ] , built _in : [ "_Pragma" ] ,
_type _hints : [ "any" , "auto_ptr" , "barrier" , "binary_semaphore" , "bitset" , "complex" , "condition_variable" , "condition_variable_any" , "counting_semaphore" , "deque" , "false_type" , "future" , "imaginary" , "initializer_list" , "istringstream" , "jthread" , "latch" , "lock_guard" , "multimap" , "multiset" , "mutex" , "optional" , "ostringstream" , "packaged_task" , "pair" , "promise" , "priority_queue" , "queue" , "recursive_mutex" , "recursive_timed_mutex" , "scoped_lock" , "set" , "shared_future" , "shared_lock" , "shared_mutex" , "shared_timed_mutex" , "shared_ptr" , "stack" , "string_view" , "stringstream" , "timed_mutex" , "thread" , "true_type" , "tuple" , "unique_lock" , "unique_ptr" , "unordered_map" , "unordered_multimap" , "unordered_multiset" , "unordered_set" , "variant" , "vector" , "weak_ptr" , "wstring" , "wstring_view" ]
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} , b = { className : "function.dispatch" , relevance : 0 , keywords : {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
_hint : [ "abort" , "abs" , "acos" , "apply" , "as_const" , "asin" , "atan" , "atan2" , "calloc" , "ceil" , "cerr" , "cin" , "clog" , "cos" , "cosh" , "cout" , "declval" , "endl" , "exchange" , "exit" , "exp" , "fabs" , "floor" , "fmod" , "forward" , "fprintf" , "fputs" , "free" , "frexp" , "fscanf" , "future" , "invoke" , "isalnum" , "isalpha" , "iscntrl" , "isdigit" , "isgraph" , "islower" , "isprint" , "ispunct" , "isspace" , "isupper" , "isxdigit" , "labs" , "launder" , "ldexp" , "log" , "log10" , "make_pair" , "make_shared" , "make_shared_for_overwrite" , "make_tuple" , "make_unique" , "malloc" , "memchr" , "memcmp" , "memcpy" , "memset" , "modf" , "move" , "pow" , "printf" , "putchar" , "puts" , "realloc" , "scanf" , "sin" , "sinh" , "snprintf" , "sprintf" , "sqrt" , "sscanf" , "std" , "stderr" , "stdin" , "stdout" , "strcat" , "strchr" , "strcmp" , "strcpy" , "strcspn" , "strlen" , "strncat" , "strncmp" , "strncpy" , "strpbrk" , "strrchr" , "strspn" , "strstr" , "swap" , "tan" , "tanh" , "terminate" , "to_underlying" , "tolower" , "toupper" , "vfprintf" , "visit" , "vprintf" , "vsprintf" ]
} ,
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
begin : n . concat ( /\b/ , /(?!decltype)/ , /(?!if)/ , /(?!for)/ , /(?!switch)/ , /(?!while)/ , e . IDENT _RE , n . lookahead ( /(<[^<>]+>|)\s*\(/ ) )
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} , m = [ b , c , s , t , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , l , o ] , p = { variants : [ { begin : /=/ , end : /;/ } , {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ } , { beginKeywords : "new throw return else" , end : /;/ } ] ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
keywords : u , contains : m . concat ( [ { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , keywords : u ,
contains : m . concat ( [ "self" ] ) , relevance : 0 } ] ) , relevance : 0 } , _ = { className : "function" ,
begin : "(" + r + "[\\*&\\s]+)+" + g , returnBegin : ! 0 , end : /[{;=]/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 ,
keywords : u , illegal : /[^\w\s\*&:<>.]/ , contains : [ { begin : a , keywords : u , relevance : 0 } , {
begin : g , returnBegin : ! 0 , contains : [ d ] , relevance : 0 } , { begin : /::/ , relevance : 0 } , {
begin : /:/ , endsWithParent : ! 0 , contains : [ o , l ] } , { relevance : 0 , match : /,/ } , {
className : "params" , begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , keywords : u , relevance : 0 ,
contains : [ t , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , o , l , s , { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , keywords : u ,
relevance : 0 , contains : [ "self" , t , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , o , l , s ] } ]
} , s , t , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , c ] } ; return { name : "C++" ,
aliases : [ "cc" , "c++" , "h++" , "hpp" , "hh" , "hxx" , "cxx" ] , keywords : u , illegal : "</" ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
classNameAliases : { "function.dispatch" : "built_in" } ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
contains : [ ] . concat ( p , _ , b , m , [ c , {
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
begin : "\\b(deque|list|queue|priority_queue|pair|stack|vector|map|set|bitset|multiset|multimap|unordered_map|unordered_set|unordered_multiset|unordered_multimap|array|tuple|optional|variant|function)\\s*<(?!<)" ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
end : ">" , keywords : u , contains : [ "self" , s ] } , { begin : e . IDENT _RE + "::" , keywords : u } , {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
match : [ /\b(?:enum(?:\s+(?:class|struct))?|class|struct|union)/ , /\s+/ , /\w+/ ] ,
className : { 1 : "keyword" , 3 : "title.class" } } ] ) } } , grmr _csharp : e => { const n = {
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
keyword : [ "abstract" , "as" , "base" , "break" , "case" , "catch" , "class" , "const" , "continue" , "do" , "else" , "event" , "explicit" , "extern" , "finally" , "fixed" , "for" , "foreach" , "goto" , "if" , "implicit" , "in" , "interface" , "internal" , "is" , "lock" , "namespace" , "new" , "operator" , "out" , "override" , "params" , "private" , "protected" , "public" , "readonly" , "record" , "ref" , "return" , "scoped" , "sealed" , "sizeof" , "stackalloc" , "static" , "struct" , "switch" , "this" , "throw" , "try" , "typeof" , "unchecked" , "unsafe" , "using" , "virtual" , "void" , "volatile" , "while" ] . concat ( [ "add" , "alias" , "and" , "ascending" , "async" , "await" , "by" , "descending" , "equals" , "from" , "get" , "global" , "group" , "init" , "into" , "join" , "let" , "nameof" , "not" , "notnull" , "on" , "or" , "orderby" , "partial" , "remove" , "select" , "set" , "unmanaged" , "value|0" , "var" , "when" , "where" , "with" , "yield" ] ) ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
built _in : [ "bool" , "byte" , "char" , "decimal" , "delegate" , "double" , "dynamic" , "enum" , "float" , "int" , "long" , "nint" , "nuint" , "object" , "sbyte" , "short" , "string" , "ulong" , "uint" , "ushort" ] ,
literal : [ "default" , "false" , "null" , "true" ] } , t = e . inherit ( e . TITLE _MODE , {
begin : "[a-zA-Z](\\.?\\w)*" } ) , a = { className : "number" , variants : [ {
begin : "\\b(0b[01']+)" } , {
begin : "(-?)\\b([\\d']+(\\.[\\d']*)?|\\.[\\d']+)(u|U|l|L|ul|UL|f|F|b|B)" } , {
begin : "(-?)(\\b0[xX][a-fA-F0-9']+|(\\b[\\d']+(\\.[\\d']*)?|\\.[\\d']+)([eE][-+]?[\\d']+)?)"
} ] , relevance : 0 } , i = { className : "string" , begin : '@"' , end : '"' , contains : [ { begin : '""' } ]
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
} , r = e . inherit ( i , { illegal : /\n/ } ) , s = { className : "subst" , begin : /\{/ , end : /\}/ ,
keywords : n } , o = e . inherit ( s , { illegal : /\n/ } ) , l = { className : "string" , begin : /\$"/ ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
end : '"' , illegal : /\n/ , contains : [ { begin : /\{\{/ } , { begin : /\}\}/
} , e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , o ] } , c = { className : "string" , begin : /\$@"/ , end : '"' , contains : [ {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
begin : /\{\{/ } , { begin : /\}\}/ } , { begin : '""' } , s ] } , d = e . inherit ( c , { illegal : /\n/ ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
contains : [ { begin : /\{\{/ } , { begin : /\}\}/ } , { begin : '""' } , o ] } )
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
; s . contains = [ c , l , i , e . APOS _STRING _MODE , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , a , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] ,
o . contains = [ d , l , r , e . APOS _STRING _MODE , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , a , e . inherit ( e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
illegal : /\n/ } ) ] ; const g = { variants : [ c , l , i , e . APOS _STRING _MODE , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE ]
} , u = { begin : "<" , end : ">" , contains : [ { beginKeywords : "in out" } , t ]
} , b = e . IDENT _RE + "(<" + e . IDENT _RE + "(\\s*,\\s*" + e . IDENT _RE + ")*>)?(\\[\\])?" , m = {
begin : "@" + e . IDENT _RE , relevance : 0 } ; return { name : "C#" , aliases : [ "cs" , "c#" ] ,
keywords : n , illegal : /::/ , contains : [ e . COMMENT ( "///" , "$" , { returnBegin : ! 0 ,
contains : [ { className : "doctag" , variants : [ { begin : "///" , relevance : 0 } , {
begin : "\x3c!--|--\x3e" } , { begin : "</?" , end : ">" } ] } ]
} ) , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , { className : "meta" , begin : "#" ,
end : "$" , keywords : {
keyword : "if else elif endif define undef warning error line region endregion pragma checksum"
} } , g , a , { beginKeywords : "class interface" , relevance : 0 , end : /[{;=]/ ,
illegal : /[^\s:,]/ , contains : [ { beginKeywords : "where class"
} , t , u , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] } , { beginKeywords : "namespace" ,
relevance : 0 , end : /[{;=]/ , illegal : /[^\s:]/ ,
contains : [ t , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] } , {
beginKeywords : "record" , relevance : 0 , end : /[{;=]/ , illegal : /[^\s:]/ ,
contains : [ t , u , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] } , { className : "meta" ,
begin : "^\\s*\\[(?=[\\w])" , excludeBegin : ! 0 , end : "\\]" , excludeEnd : ! 0 , contains : [ {
className : "string" , begin : /"/ , end : /"/ } ] } , {
beginKeywords : "new return throw await else" , relevance : 0 } , { className : "function" ,
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
begin : "(" + b + "\\s+)+" + e . IDENT _RE + "\\s*(<[^=]+>\\s*)?\\(" , returnBegin : ! 0 ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
end : /\s*[{;=]/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : n , contains : [ {
beginKeywords : "public private protected static internal protected abstract async extern override unsafe virtual new sealed partial" ,
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
relevance : 0 } , { begin : e . IDENT _RE + "\\s*(<[^=]+>\\s*)?\\(" , returnBegin : ! 0 ,
contains : [ e . TITLE _MODE , u ] , relevance : 0 } , { match : /\(\)/ } , { className : "params" ,
begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : n , relevance : 0 ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
contains : [ g , a , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ]
} , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] } , m ] } } , grmr _css : e => {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
const n = e . regex , t = ie ( e ) , a = [ e . APOS _STRING _MODE , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE ] ; return {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
name : "CSS" , case _insensitive : ! 0 , illegal : /[=|'\$]/ , keywords : {
keyframePosition : "from to" } , classNameAliases : { keyframePosition : "selector-tag" } ,
contains : [ t . BLOCK _COMMENT , { begin : /-(webkit|moz|ms|o)-(?=[a-z])/
} , t . CSS _NUMBER _MODE , { className : "selector-id" , begin : /#[A-Za-z0-9_-]+/ , relevance : 0
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
} , { className : "selector-class" , begin : "\\.[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*" , relevance : 0
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
} , t . ATTRIBUTE _SELECTOR _MODE , { className : "selector-pseudo" , variants : [ {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
begin : ":(" + oe . join ( "|" ) + ")" } , { begin : ":(:)?(" + le . join ( "|" ) + ")" } ]
} , t . CSS _VARIABLE , { className : "attribute" , begin : "\\b(" + ce . join ( "|" ) + ")\\b" } , {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
begin : /:/ , end : /[;}{]/ ,
contains : [ t . BLOCK _COMMENT , t . HEXCOLOR , t . IMPORTANT , t . CSS _NUMBER _MODE , ... a , {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : /(url|data-uri)\(/ , end : /\)/ , relevance : 0 , keywords : { built _in : "url data-uri"
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
} , contains : [ ... a , { className : "string" , begin : /[^)]/ , endsWithParent : ! 0 ,
excludeEnd : ! 0 } ] } , t . FUNCTION _DISPATCH ] } , { begin : n . lookahead ( /@/ ) , end : "[{;]" ,
relevance : 0 , illegal : /:/ , contains : [ { className : "keyword" , begin : /@-?\w[\w]*(-\w+)*/
} , { begin : /\s/ , endsWithParent : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 , relevance : 0 , keywords : {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
$pattern : /[a-z-]+/ , keyword : "and or not only" , attribute : se . join ( " " ) } , contains : [ {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
begin : /[a-z-]+(?=:)/ , className : "attribute" } , ... a , t . CSS _NUMBER _MODE ] } ] } , {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
className : "selector-tag" , begin : "\\b(" + re . join ( "|" ) + ")\\b" } ] } } , grmr _diff : e => {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
const n = e . regex ; return { name : "Diff" , aliases : [ "patch" ] , contains : [ {
className : "meta" , relevance : 10 ,
match : n . either ( /^@@ +-\d+,\d+ +\+\d+,\d+ +@@/ , /^\*\*\* +\d+,\d+ +\*\*\*\*$/ , /^--- +\d+,\d+ +----$/ )
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
} , { className : "comment" , variants : [ {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
begin : n . either ( /Index: / , /^index/ , /={3,}/ , /^-{3}/ , /^\*{3} / , /^\+{3}/ , /^diff --git/ ) ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
end : /$/ } , { match : /^\*{15}$/ } ] } , { className : "addition" , begin : /^\+/ , end : /$/ } , {
className : "deletion" , begin : /^-/ , end : /$/ } , { className : "addition" , begin : /^!/ ,
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
end : /$/ } ] } } , grmr _go : e => { const n = {
keyword : [ "break" , "case" , "chan" , "const" , "continue" , "default" , "defer" , "else" , "fallthrough" , "for" , "func" , "go" , "goto" , "if" , "import" , "interface" , "map" , "package" , "range" , "return" , "select" , "struct" , "switch" , "type" , "var" ] ,
type : [ "bool" , "byte" , "complex64" , "complex128" , "error" , "float32" , "float64" , "int8" , "int16" , "int32" , "int64" , "string" , "uint8" , "uint16" , "uint32" , "uint64" , "int" , "uint" , "uintptr" , "rune" ] ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
literal : [ "true" , "false" , "iota" , "nil" ] ,
built _in : [ "append" , "cap" , "close" , "complex" , "copy" , "imag" , "len" , "make" , "new" , "panic" , "print" , "println" , "real" , "recover" , "delete" ]
} ; return { name : "Go" , aliases : [ "golang" ] , keywords : n , illegal : "</" ,
contains : [ e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , { className : "string" ,
variants : [ e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , e . APOS _STRING _MODE , { begin : "`" , end : "`" } ] } , {
className : "number" , variants : [ { begin : e . C _NUMBER _RE + "[i]" , relevance : 1
} , e . C _NUMBER _MODE ] } , { begin : /:=/ } , { className : "function" , beginKeywords : "func" ,
end : "\\s*(\\{|$)" , excludeEnd : ! 0 , contains : [ e . TITLE _MODE , { className : "params" ,
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , endsParent : ! 0 , keywords : n , illegal : /["']/ } ] } ] } } ,
grmr _graphql : e => { const n = e . regex ; return { name : "GraphQL" , aliases : [ "gql" ] ,
case _insensitive : ! 0 , disableAutodetect : ! 1 , keywords : {
keyword : [ "query" , "mutation" , "subscription" , "type" , "input" , "schema" , "directive" , "interface" , "union" , "scalar" , "fragment" , "enum" , "on" ] ,
literal : [ "true" , "false" , "null" ] } ,
contains : [ e . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , e . NUMBER _MODE , {
scope : "punctuation" , match : /[.]{3}/ , relevance : 0 } , { scope : "punctuation" ,
begin : /[\!\(\)\:\=\[\]\{\|\}]{1}/ , relevance : 0 } , { scope : "variable" , begin : /\$/ ,
end : /\W/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 , relevance : 0 } , { scope : "meta" , match : /@\w+/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 } , {
scope : "symbol" , begin : n . concat ( /[_A-Za-z][_0-9A-Za-z]*/ , n . lookahead ( /\s*:/ ) ) ,
relevance : 0 } ] , illegal : [ /[;<']/ , /BEGIN/ ] } } , grmr _ini : e => { const n = e . regex , t = {
className : "number" , relevance : 0 , variants : [ { begin : /([+-]+)?[\d]+_[\d_]+/ } , {
begin : e . NUMBER _RE } ] } , a = e . COMMENT ( ) ; a . variants = [ { begin : /;/ , end : /$/ } , { begin : /#/ ,
end : /$/ } ] ; const i = { className : "variable" , variants : [ { begin : /\$[\w\d"][\w\d_]*/ } , {
begin : /\$\{(.*?)\}/ } ] } , r = { className : "literal" ,
begin : /\bon|off|true|false|yes|no\b/ } , s = { className : "string" ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] , variants : [ { begin : "'''" , end : "'''" , relevance : 10 } , {
begin : '"""' , end : '"""' , relevance : 10 } , { begin : '"' , end : '"' } , { begin : "'" , end : "'" } ]
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
} , o = { begin : /\[/ , end : /\]/ , contains : [ a , r , i , s , t , "self" ] , relevance : 0
} , l = n . either ( /[A-Za-z0-9_-]+/ , /"(\\"|[^"])*"/ , /'[^']*'/ ) ; return {
name : "TOML, also INI" , aliases : [ "toml" ] , case _insensitive : ! 0 , illegal : /\S/ ,
contains : [ a , { className : "section" , begin : /\[+/ , end : /\]+/ } , {
begin : n . concat ( l , "(\\s*\\.\\s*" , l , ")*" , n . lookahead ( /\s*=\s*[^#\s]/ ) ) ,
className : "attr" , starts : { end : /$/ , contains : [ a , o , r , i , s , t ] } } ] } } , grmr _java : e => {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
const n = e . regex , t = "[\xc0-\u02b8a-zA-Z_$][\xc0-\u02b8a-zA-Z_$0-9]*" , a = t + pe ( "(?:<" + t + "~~~(?:\\s*,\\s*" + t + "~~~)*>)?" , /~~~/g , 2 ) , i = {
2022-11-25 06:41:33 +01:00
keyword : [ "synchronized" , "abstract" , "private" , "var" , "static" , "if" , "const " , "for" , "while" , "strictfp" , "finally" , "protected" , "import" , "native" , "final" , "void" , "enum" , "else" , "break" , "transient" , "catch" , "instanceof" , "volatile" , "case" , "assert" , "package" , "default" , "public" , "try" , "switch" , "continue" , "throws" , "protected" , "public" , "private" , "module" , "requires" , "exports" , "do" , "sealed" , "yield" , "permits" ] ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
literal : [ "false" , "true" , "null" ] ,
type : [ "char" , "boolean" , "long" , "float" , "int" , "byte" , "short" , "double" ] ,
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
built _in : [ "super" , "this" ] } , r = { className : "meta" , begin : "@" + t , contains : [ {
begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , contains : [ "self" ] } ] } , s = { className : "params" , begin : /\(/ ,
end : /\)/ , keywords : i , relevance : 0 , contains : [ e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] , endsParent : ! 0 }
; return { name : "Java" , aliases : [ "jsp" ] , keywords : i , illegal : /<\/|#/ ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
contains : [ e . COMMENT ( "/\\*\\*" , "\\*/" , { relevance : 0 , contains : [ { begin : /\w+@/ ,
relevance : 0 } , { className : "doctag" , begin : "@[A-Za-z]+" } ] } ) , {
begin : /import java\.[a-z]+\./ , keywords : "import" , relevance : 2
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
} , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , { begin : /"""/ , end : /"""/ ,
className : "string" , contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ]
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
match : [ /\b(?:class|interface|enum|extends|implements|new)/ , /\s+/ , t ] , className : {
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
1 : "keyword" , 3 : "title.class" } } , { match : /non-sealed/ , scope : "keyword" } , {
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
begin : [ n . concat ( /(?!else)/ , t ) , /\s+/ , t , /\s+/ , /=(?!=)/ ] , className : { 1 : "type" ,
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
3 : "variable" , 5 : "operator" } } , { begin : [ /record/ , /\s+/ , t ] , className : { 1 : "keyword" ,
3 : "title.class" } , contains : [ s , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] } , {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
beginKeywords : "new throw return else" , relevance : 0 } , {
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
begin : [ "(?:" + a + "\\s+)" , e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE , /\s*(?=\()/ ] , className : {
2 : "title.function" } , keywords : i , contains : [ { className : "params" , begin : /\(/ ,
end : /\)/ , keywords : i , relevance : 0 ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
contains : [ r , e . APOS _STRING _MODE , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , me , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ]
} , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] } , me , r ] } } , grmr _javascript : Oe ,
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
grmr _json : e => { const n = [ "true" , "false" , "null" ] , t = { scope : "literal" ,
beginKeywords : n . join ( " " ) } ; return { name : "JSON" , keywords : { literal : n } , contains : [ {
className : "attr" , begin : /"(\\.|[^\\"\r\n])*"(?=\s*:)/ , relevance : 1.01 } , {
match : /[{}[\],:]/ , className : "punctuation" , relevance : 0
illegal : "\\S" } } , grmr _kotlin : e => { const n = {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
keyword : "abstract as val var vararg get set class object open private protected public noinline crossinline dynamic final enum if else do while for when throw try catch finally import package is in fun override companion reified inline lateinit init interface annotation data sealed internal infix operator out by constructor super tailrec where const inner suspend typealias external expect actual" ,
built _in : "Byte Short Char Int Long Boolean Float Double Void Unit Nothing" ,
literal : "true false null" } , t = { className : "symbol" , begin : e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "@"
} , a = { className : "subst" , begin : /\$\{/ , end : /\}/ , contains : [ e . C _NUMBER _MODE ] } , i = {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
className : "variable" , begin : "\\$" + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE } , r = { className : "string" ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
variants : [ { begin : '"""' , end : '"""(?=[^"])' , contains : [ i , a ] } , { begin : "'" , end : "'" ,
illegal : /\n/ , contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] } , { begin : '"' , end : '"' , illegal : /\n/ ,
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , i , a ] } ] } ; a . contains . push ( r ) ; const s = {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
className : "meta" ,
begin : "@(?:file|property|field|get|set|receiver|param|setparam|delegate)\\s*:(?:\\s*" + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + ")?"
} , o = { className : "meta" , begin : "@" + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE , contains : [ { begin : /\(/ ,
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
end : /\)/ , contains : [ e . inherit ( r , { className : "string" } ) , "self" ] } ]
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} , l = me , c = e . COMMENT ( "/\\*" , "\\*/" , { contains : [ e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] } ) , d = {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
variants : [ { className : "type" , begin : e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE } , { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ ,
contains : [ ] } ] } , g = d ; return g . variants [ 1 ] . contains = [ d ] , d . variants [ 1 ] . contains = [ g ] ,
{ name : "Kotlin" , aliases : [ "kt" , "kts" ] , keywords : n ,
contains : [ e . COMMENT ( "/\\*\\*" , "\\*/" , { relevance : 0 , contains : [ { className : "doctag" ,
begin : "@[A-Za-z]+" } ] } ) , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , c , { className : "keyword" ,
begin : /\b(break|continue|return|this)\b/ , starts : { contains : [ { className : "symbol" ,
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
begin : /@\w+/ } ] } } , t , s , o , { className : "function" , beginKeywords : "fun" , end : "[(]|$" ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
returnBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : n , relevance : 5 , contains : [ {
begin : e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "\\s*\\(" , returnBegin : ! 0 , relevance : 0 ,
contains : [ e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE ] } , { className : "type" , begin : /</ , end : />/ ,
keywords : "reified" , relevance : 0 } , { className : "params" , begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ ,
endsParent : ! 0 , keywords : n , relevance : 0 , contains : [ { begin : /:/ , end : /[=,\/]/ ,
endsWithParent : ! 0 , contains : [ d , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , c ] , relevance : 0
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
} , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , c , s , o , r , e . C _NUMBER _MODE ] } , c ] } , {
begin : [ /class|interface|trait/ , /\s+/ , e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE ] , beginScope : {
3 : "title.class" } , keywords : "class interface trait" , end : /[:\{(]|$/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
illegal : "extends implements" , contains : [ {
beginKeywords : "public protected internal private constructor"
} , e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE , { className : "type" , begin : /</ , end : />/ , excludeBegin : ! 0 ,
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
excludeEnd : ! 0 , relevance : 0 } , { className : "type" , begin : /[,:]\s*/ , end : /[<\(,){\s]|$/ ,
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
excludeBegin : ! 0 , returnEnd : ! 0 } , s , o ] } , r , { className : "meta" , begin : "^#!/usr/bin/env" ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
end : "$" , illegal : "\n" } , l ] } } , grmr _less : e => {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
const n = ie ( e ) , t = de , a = "[\\w-]+" , i = "(" + a + "|@\\{" + a + "\\})" , r = [ ] , s = [ ] , o = e => ( {
className : "string" , begin : "~?" + e + ".*?" + e } ) , l = ( e , n , t ) => ( { className : e , begin : n ,
relevance : t } ) , c = { $pattern : /[a-z-]+/ , keyword : "and or not only" ,
attribute : se . join ( " " ) } , d = { begin : "\\(" , end : "\\)" , contains : s , keywords : c ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
relevance : 0 }
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
; s . push ( e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , o ( "'" ) , o ( '"' ) , n . CSS _NUMBER _MODE , {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : "(url|data-uri)\\(" , starts : { className : "string" , end : "[\\)\\n]" ,
excludeEnd : ! 0 }
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} , n . HEXCOLOR , d , l ( "variable" , "@@?" + a , 10 ) , l ( "variable" , "@\\{" + a + "\\}" ) , l ( "built_in" , "~?`[^`]*?`" ) , {
className : "attribute" , begin : a + "\\s*:" , end : ":" , returnBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0
} , n . IMPORTANT , { beginKeywords : "and not" } , n . FUNCTION _DISPATCH ) ; const g = s . concat ( {
begin : /\{/ , end : /\}/ , contains : r } ) , u = { beginKeywords : "when" , endsWithParent : ! 0 ,
contains : [ { beginKeywords : "and not" } ] . concat ( s ) } , b = { begin : i + "\\s*:" ,
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
returnBegin : ! 0 , end : /[;}]/ , relevance : 0 , contains : [ { begin : /-(webkit|moz|ms|o)-/
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} , n . CSS _VARIABLE , { className : "attribute" , begin : "\\b(" + ce . join ( "|" ) + ")\\b" ,
end : /(?=:)/ , starts : { endsWithParent : ! 0 , illegal : "[<=$]" , relevance : 0 , contains : s } } ]
} , m = { className : "keyword" ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : "@(import|media|charset|font-face|(-[a-z]+-)?keyframes|supports|document|namespace|page|viewport|host)\\b" ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
starts : { end : "[;{}]" , keywords : c , returnEnd : ! 0 , contains : s , relevance : 0 } } , p = {
className : "variable" , variants : [ { begin : "@" + a + "\\s*:" , relevance : 15 } , { begin : "@" + a
} ] , starts : { end : "[;}]" , returnEnd : ! 0 , contains : g } } , _ = { variants : [ {
begin : "[\\.#:&\\[>]" , end : "[;{}]" } , { begin : i , end : /\{/ } ] , returnBegin : ! 0 ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
returnEnd : ! 0 , illegal : "[<='$\"]" , relevance : 0 ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
contains : [ e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , u , l ( "keyword" , "all\\b" ) , l ( "variable" , "@\\{" + a + "\\}" ) , {
begin : "\\b(" + re . join ( "|" ) + ")\\b" , className : "selector-tag"
} , n . CSS _NUMBER _MODE , l ( "selector-tag" , i , 0 ) , l ( "selector-id" , "#" + i ) , l ( "selector-class" , "\\." + i , 0 ) , l ( "selector-tag" , "&" , 0 ) , n . ATTRIBUTE _SELECTOR _MODE , {
className : "selector-pseudo" , begin : ":(" + oe . join ( "|" ) + ")" } , {
className : "selector-pseudo" , begin : ":(:)?(" + le . join ( "|" ) + ")" } , { begin : /\(/ ,
end : /\)/ , relevance : 0 , contains : g } , { begin : "!important" } , n . FUNCTION _DISPATCH ] } , h = {
begin : a + ":(:)?" + ` ( ${ t . join ( "|" ) } ) ` , returnBegin : ! 0 , contains : [ _ ] }
; return r . push ( e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , m , p , h , b , _ , u , n . FUNCTION _DISPATCH ) ,
{ name : "Less" , case _insensitive : ! 0 , illegal : "[=>'/<($\"]" , contains : r } } ,
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
grmr _lua : e => { const n = "\\[=*\\[" , t = "\\]=*\\]" , a = { begin : n , end : t , contains : [ "self" ]
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} , i = [ e . COMMENT ( "--(?!" + n + ")" , "$" ) , e . COMMENT ( "--" + n , t , { contains : [ a ] , relevance : 10
} ) ] ; return { name : "Lua" , keywords : { $pattern : e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
literal : "true false nil" ,
keyword : "and break do else elseif end for goto if in local not or repeat return then until while" ,
built _in : "_G _ENV _VERSION __index __newindex __mode __call __metatable __tostring __len __gc __add __sub __mul __div __mod __pow __concat __unm __eq __lt __le assert collectgarbage dofile error getfenv getmetatable ipairs load loadfile loadstring module next pairs pcall print rawequal rawget rawset require select setfenv setmetatable tonumber tostring type unpack xpcall arg self coroutine resume yield status wrap create running debug getupvalue debug sethook getmetatable gethook setmetatable setlocal traceback setfenv getinfo setupvalue getlocal getregistry getfenv io lines write close flush open output type read stderr stdin input stdout popen tmpfile math log max acos huge ldexp pi cos tanh pow deg tan cosh sinh random randomseed frexp ceil floor rad abs sqrt modf asin min mod fmod log10 atan2 exp sin atan os exit setlocale date getenv difftime remove time clock tmpname rename execute package preload loadlib loaded loaders cpath config path seeall string sub upper len gfind rep find match char dump gmatch reverse byte format gsub lower table setn insert getn foreachi maxn foreach concat sort remove"
} , contains : i . concat ( [ { className : "function" , beginKeywords : "function" , end : "\\)" ,
contains : [ e . inherit ( e . TITLE _MODE , {
begin : "([_a-zA-Z]\\w*\\.)*([_a-zA-Z]\\w*:)?[_a-zA-Z]\\w*" } ) , { className : "params" ,
begin : "\\(" , endsWithParent : ! 0 , contains : i } ] . concat ( i )
} , e . C _NUMBER _MODE , e . APOS _STRING _MODE , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , { className : "string" ,
begin : n , end : t , contains : [ a ] , relevance : 5 } ] ) } } , grmr _makefile : e => { const n = {
className : "variable" , variants : [ { begin : "\\$\\(" + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "\\)" ,
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] } , { begin : /\$[@%<?\^\+\*]/ } ] } , t = { className : "string" ,
begin : /"/ , end : /"/ , contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , n ] } , a = { className : "variable" ,
begin : /\$\([\w-]+\s/ , end : /\)/ , keywords : {
built _in : "subst patsubst strip findstring filter filter-out sort word wordlist firstword lastword dir notdir suffix basename addsuffix addprefix join wildcard realpath abspath error warning shell origin flavor foreach if or and call eval file value"
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
} , contains : [ n ] } , i = { begin : "^" + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "\\s*(?=[:+?]?=)" } , r = {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
className : "section" , begin : /^[^\s]+:/ , end : /$/ , contains : [ n ] } ; return {
name : "Makefile" , aliases : [ "mk" , "mak" , "make" ] , keywords : { $pattern : /[\w-]+/ ,
keyword : "define endef undefine ifdef ifndef ifeq ifneq else endif include -include sinclude override export unexport private vpath"
} , contains : [ e . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , n , t , a , i , { className : "meta" , begin : /^\.PHONY:/ ,
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
end : /$/ , keywords : { $pattern : /[\.\w]+/ , keyword : ".PHONY" } } , r ] } } , grmr _markdown : e => {
const n = { begin : /<\/?[A-Za-z_]/ , end : ">" , subLanguage : "xml" , relevance : 0 } , t = {
variants : [ { begin : /\[.+?\]\[.*?\]/ , relevance : 0 } , {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
begin : /\[.+?\]\(((data|javascript|mailto):|(?:http|ftp)s?:\/\/).*?\)/ ,
relevance : 2 } , {
begin : e . regex . concat ( /\[.+?\]\(/ , /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9+.-]*/ , /:\/\/.*?\)/ ) ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
relevance : 2 } , { begin : /\[.+?\]\([./?&#].*?\)/ , relevance : 1 } , {
2021-07-10 06:53:10 +02:00
begin : /\[.*?\]\(.*?\)/ , relevance : 0 } ] , returnBegin : ! 0 , contains : [ { match : /\[(?=\])/
} , { className : "string" , relevance : 0 , begin : "\\[" , end : "\\]" , excludeBegin : ! 0 ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
returnEnd : ! 0 } , { className : "link" , relevance : 0 , begin : "\\]\\(" , end : "\\)" ,
excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 } , { className : "symbol" , relevance : 0 , begin : "\\]\\[" ,
end : "\\]" , excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 } ] } , a = { className : "strong" , contains : [ ] ,
2022-11-25 06:41:33 +01:00
variants : [ { begin : /_{2}(?!\s)/ , end : /_{2}/ } , { begin : /\*{2}(?!\s)/ , end : /\*{2}/ } ]
} , i = { className : "emphasis" , contains : [ ] , variants : [ { begin : /\*(?![*\s])/ , end : /\*/ } , {
begin : /_(?![_\s])/ , end : /_/ , relevance : 0 } ] } , r = e . inherit ( a , { contains : [ ]
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
} ) , s = e . inherit ( i , { contains : [ ] } ) ; a . contains . push ( s ) , i . contains . push ( r )
; let o = [ n , t ] ; return [ a , i , r , s ] . forEach ( ( e => { e . contains = e . contains . concat ( o )
} ) ) , o = o . concat ( a , i ) , { name : "Markdown" , aliases : [ "md" , "mkdown" , "mkd" ] , contains : [ {
className : "section" , variants : [ { begin : "^#{1,6}" , end : "$" , contains : o } , {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : "(?=^.+?\\n[=-]{2,}$)" , contains : [ { begin : "^[=-]*$" } , { begin : "^" , end : "\\n" ,
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
contains : o } ] } ] } , n , { className : "bullet" , begin : "^[ \t]*([*+-]|(\\d+\\.))(?=\\s+)" ,
end : "\\s+" , excludeEnd : ! 0 } , a , i , { className : "quote" , begin : "^>\\s+" , contains : o ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
end : "$" } , { className : "code" , variants : [ { begin : "(`{3,})[^`](.|\\n)*?\\1`*[ ]*" } , {
begin : "(~{3,})[^~](.|\\n)*?\\1~*[ ]*" } , { begin : "```" , end : "```+[ ]*$" } , {
begin : "~~~" , end : "~~~+[ ]*$" } , { begin : "`.+?`" } , { begin : "(?=^( {4}|\\t))" ,
contains : [ { begin : "^( {4}|\\t)" , end : "(\\n)$" } ] , relevance : 0 } ] } , {
begin : "^[-\\*]{3,}" , end : "$" } , t , { begin : /^\[[^\n]+\]:/ , returnBegin : ! 0 , contains : [ {
className : "symbol" , begin : /\[/ , end : /\]/ , excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 } , {
className : "link" , begin : /:\s*/ , end : /$/ , excludeBegin : ! 0 } ] } ] } } , grmr _objectivec : e => {
const n = /[a-zA-Z@][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/ , t = { $pattern : n ,
keyword : [ "@interface" , "@class" , "@protocol" , "@implementation" ] } ; return {
name : "Objective-C" , aliases : [ "mm" , "objc" , "obj-c" , "obj-c++" , "objective-c++" ] ,
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
keywords : { "variable.language" : [ "this" , "super" ] , $pattern : n ,
keyword : [ "while" , "export" , "sizeof" , "typedef" , "const" , "struct" , "for" , "union" , "volatile" , "static" , "mutable" , "if" , "do" , "return" , "goto" , "enum" , "else" , "break" , "extern" , "asm" , "case" , "default" , "register" , "explicit" , "typename" , "switch" , "continue" , "inline" , "readonly" , "assign" , "readwrite" , "self" , "@synchronized" , "id" , "typeof" , "nonatomic" , "IBOutlet" , "IBAction" , "strong" , "weak" , "copy" , "in" , "out" , "inout" , "bycopy" , "byref" , "oneway" , "__strong" , "__weak" , "__block" , "__autoreleasing" , "@private" , "@protected" , "@public" , "@try" , "@property" , "@end" , "@throw" , "@catch" , "@finally" , "@autoreleasepool" , "@synthesize" , "@dynamic" , "@selector" , "@optional" , "@required" , "@encode" , "@package" , "@import" , "@defs" , "@compatibility_alias" , "__bridge" , "__bridge_transfer" , "__bridge_retained" , "__bridge_retain" , "__covariant" , "__contravariant" , "__kindof" , "_Nonnull" , "_Nullable" , "_Null_unspecified" , "__FUNCTION__" , "__PRETTY_FUNCTION__" , "__attribute__" , "getter" , "setter" , "retain" , "unsafe_unretained" , "nonnull" , "nullable" , "null_unspecified" , "null_resettable" , "class" , "instancetype" , "NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER" , "NS_UNAVAILABLE" , "NS_REQUIRES_SUPER" , "NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER" , "NS_INLINE" , "NS_AVAILABLE" , "NS_DEPRECATED" , "NS_ENUM" , "NS_OPTIONS" , "NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE" , "NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN" , "NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END" , "NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT" , "NS_SWIFT_NAME" , "NS_SWIFT_NOTHROW" , "NS_DURING" , "NS_HANDLER" , "NS_ENDHANDLER" , "NS_VALUERETURN" , "NS_VOIDRETURN" ] ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
literal : [ "false" , "true" , "FALSE" , "TRUE" , "nil" , "YES" , "NO" , "NULL" ] ,
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
built _in : [ "dispatch_once_t" , "dispatch_queue_t" , "dispatch_sync" , "dispatch_async" , "dispatch_once" ] ,
type : [ "int" , "float" , "char" , "unsigned" , "signed" , "short" , "long" , "double" , "wchar_t" , "unichar" , "void" , "bool" , "BOOL" , "id|0" , "_Bool" ]
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
} , illegal : "</" , contains : [ { className : "built_in" ,
className : "string" , variants : [ { begin : '@"' , end : '"' , illegal : "\\n" ,
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] } ] } , { className : "meta" , begin : /#\s*[a-z]+\b/ , end : /$/ ,
keywords : {
keyword : "if else elif endif define undef warning error line pragma ifdef ifndef include"
} , contains : [ { begin : /\\\n/ , relevance : 0 } , e . inherit ( e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , {
className : "string" } ) , { className : "string" , begin : /<.*?>/ , end : /$/ , illegal : "\\n"
} , e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE ] } , { className : "class" ,
begin : "(" + t . keyword . join ( "|" ) + ")\\b" , end : /(\{|$)/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : t ,
contains : [ e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE ] } , { begin : "\\." + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE ,
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
relevance : 0 } ] } } , grmr _perl : e => { const n = e . regex , t = /[dualxmsipngr]{0,12}/ , a = {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
$pattern : /[\w.]+/ ,
keyword : "abs accept alarm and atan2 bind binmode bless break caller chdir chmod chomp chop chown chr chroot close closedir connect continue cos crypt dbmclose dbmopen defined delete die do dump each else elsif endgrent endhostent endnetent endprotoent endpwent endservent eof eval exec exists exit exp fcntl fileno flock for foreach fork format formline getc getgrent getgrgid getgrnam gethostbyaddr gethostbyname gethostent getlogin getnetbyaddr getnetbyname getnetent getpeername getpgrp getpriority getprotobyname getprotobynumber getprotoent getpwent getpwnam getpwuid getservbyname getservbyport getservent getsockname getsockopt given glob gmtime goto grep gt hex if index int ioctl join keys kill last lc lcfirst length link listen local localtime log lstat lt ma map mkdir msgctl msgget msgrcv msgsnd my ne next no not oct open opendir or ord our pack package pipe pop pos print printf prototype push q|0 qq quotemeta qw qx rand read readdir readline readlink readpipe recv redo ref rename require reset return reverse rewinddir rindex rmdir say scalar seek seekdir select semctl semget semop send setgrent sethostent setnetent setpgrp setpriority setprotoent setpwent setservent setsockopt shift shmctl shmget shmread shmwrite shutdown sin sleep socket socketpair sort splice split sprintf sqrt srand stat state study sub substr symlink syscall sysopen sysread sysseek system syswrite tell telldir tie tied time times tr truncate uc ucfirst umask undef unless unlink unpack unshift untie until use utime values vec wait waitpid wantarray warn when while write x|0 xor y|0"
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
} , i = { className : "subst" , begin : "[$@]\\{" , end : "\\}" , keywords : a } , r = { begin : /->\{/ ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
end : /\}/ } , s = { variants : [ { begin : /\$\d/ } , {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
begin : n . concat ( /[$%@](\^\w\b|#\w+(::\w+)*|\{\w+\}|\w+(::\w*)*)/ , "(?![A-Za-z])(?![@$%])" )
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
} , { begin : /[$%@][^\s\w{]/ , relevance : 0 } ]
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
} , o = [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , i , s ] , l = [ /!/ , /\// , /\|/ , /\?/ , /'/ , /"/ , /#/ ] , c = ( e , a , i = "\\1" ) => {
const r = "\\1" === i ? i : n . concat ( i , a )
; return n . concat ( n . concat ( "(?:" , e , ")" ) , a , /(?:\\.|[^\\\/])*?/ , r , /(?:\\.|[^\\\/])*?/ , i , t )
} , d = ( e , a , i ) => n . concat ( n . concat ( "(?:" , e , ")" ) , a , /(?:\\.|[^\\\/])*?/ , i , t ) , g = [ s , e . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , e . COMMENT ( /^=\w/ , /=cut/ , {
endsWithParent : ! 0 } ) , r , { className : "string" , contains : o , variants : [ {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : "q[qwxr]?\\s*\\(" , end : "\\)" , relevance : 5 } , { begin : "q[qwxr]?\\s*\\[" ,
end : "\\]" , relevance : 5 } , { begin : "q[qwxr]?\\s*\\{" , end : "\\}" , relevance : 5 } , {
begin : "q[qwxr]?\\s*\\|" , end : "\\|" , relevance : 5 } , { begin : "q[qwxr]?\\s*<" , end : ">" ,
relevance : 5 } , { begin : "qw\\s+q" , end : "q" , relevance : 5 } , { begin : "'" , end : "'" ,
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] } , { begin : '"' , end : '"' } , { begin : "`" , end : "`" ,
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] } , { begin : /\{\w+\}/ , relevance : 0 } , {
begin : "-?\\w+\\s*=>" , relevance : 0 } ] } , { className : "number" ,
begin : "(\\b0[0-7_]+)|(\\b0x[0-9a-fA-F_]+)|(\\b[1-9][0-9_]*(\\.[0-9_]+)?)|[0_]\\b" ,
relevance : 0 } , {
begin : "(\\/\\/|" + e . RE _STARTERS _RE + "|\\b(split|return|print|reverse|grep)\\b)\\s*" ,
keywords : "split return print reverse grep" , relevance : 0 ,
contains : [ e . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , { className : "regexp" , variants : [ {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
begin : c ( "s|tr|y" , n . either ( ... l , { capture : ! 0 } ) ) } , { begin : c ( "s|tr|y" , "\\(" , "\\)" ) } , {
begin : c ( "s|tr|y" , "\\[" , "\\]" ) } , { begin : c ( "s|tr|y" , "\\{" , "\\}" ) } ] , relevance : 2 } , {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
className : "regexp" , variants : [ { begin : /(m|qr)\/\// , relevance : 0 } , {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
begin : d ( "(?:m|qr)?" , /\// , /\// ) } , { begin : d ( "m|qr" , n . either ( ... l , { capture : ! 0
} ) , /\1/ ) } , { begin : d ( "m|qr" , /\(/ , /\)/ ) } , { begin : d ( "m|qr" , /\[/ , /\]/ ) } , {
begin : d ( "m|qr" , /\{/ , /\}/ ) } ] } ] } , { className : "function" , beginKeywords : "sub" ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
end : "(\\s*\\(.*?\\))?[;{]" , excludeEnd : ! 0 , relevance : 5 , contains : [ e . TITLE _MODE ] } , {
begin : "-\\w\\b" , relevance : 0 } , { begin : "^__DATA__$" , end : "^__END__$" ,
subLanguage : "mojolicious" , contains : [ { begin : "^@@.*" , end : "$" , className : "comment" } ]
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
} ] ; return i . contains = g , r . contains = g , { name : "Perl" , aliases : [ "pl" , "pm" ] , keywords : a ,
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
contains : g } } , grmr _php : e => {
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
const n = e . regex , t = /(?![A-Za-z0-9])(?![$])/ , a = n . concat ( /[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*/ , t ) , i = n . concat ( /(\\?[A-Z][a-z0-9_\x7f-\xff]+|\\?[A-Z]+(?=[A-Z][a-z0-9_\x7f-\xff])){1,}/ , t ) , r = {
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
scope : "variable" , match : "\\$+" + a } , s = { scope : "subst" , variants : [ { begin : /\$\w+/ } , {
begin : /\{\$/ , end : /\}/ } ] } , o = e . inherit ( e . APOS _STRING _MODE , { illegal : null
} ) , l = "[ \t\n]" , c = { scope : "string" , variants : [ e . inherit ( e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
illegal : null , contains : e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE . contains . concat ( s ) } ) , o , {
begin : /<<<[ \t]*(?:(\w+)|"(\w+)")\n/ , end : /[ \t]*(\w+)\b/ ,
contains : e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE . contains . concat ( s ) , "on:begin" : ( e , n ) => {
n . data . _beginMatch = e [ 1 ] || e [ 2 ] } , "on:end" : ( e , n ) => {
n . data . _beginMatch !== e [ 1 ] && n . ignoreMatch ( ) } } , e . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( {
begin : /<<<[ \t]*'(\w+)'\n/ , end : /[ \t]*(\w+)\b/ } ) ] } , d = { scope : "number" , variants : [ {
begin : "\\b0[bB][01]+(?:_[01]+)*\\b" } , { begin : "\\b0[oO][0-7]+(?:_[0-7]+)*\\b" } , {
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
begin : "\\b0[xX][\\da-fA-F]+(?:_[\\da-fA-F]+)*\\b" } , {
begin : "(?:\\b\\d+(?:_\\d+)*(\\.(?:\\d+(?:_\\d+)*))?|\\B\\.\\d+)(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?"
} ] , relevance : 0
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
} , g = [ "false" , "null" , "true" ] , u = [ "__CLASS__" , "__DIR__" , "__FILE__" , "__FUNCTION__" , "__COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__" , "__LINE__" , "__METHOD__" , "__NAMESPACE__" , "__TRAIT__" , "die" , "echo" , "exit" , "include" , "include_once" , "print" , "require" , "require_once" , "array" , "abstract" , "and" , "as" , "binary" , "bool" , "boolean" , "break" , "callable" , "case" , "catch" , "class" , "clone" , "const" , "continue" , "declare" , "default" , "do" , "double" , "else" , "elseif" , "empty" , "enddeclare" , "endfor" , "endforeach" , "endif" , "endswitch" , "endwhile" , "enum" , "eval" , "extends" , "final" , "finally" , "float" , "for" , "foreach" , "from" , "global" , "goto" , "if" , "implements" , "instanceof" , "insteadof" , "int" , "integer" , "interface" , "isset" , "iterable" , "list" , "match|0" , "mixed" , "new" , "never" , "object" , "or" , "private" , "protected" , "public" , "readonly" , "real" , "return" , "string" , "switch" , "throw" , "trait" , "try" , "unset" , "use" , "var" , "void" , "while" , "xor" , "yield" ] , b = [ "Error|0" , "AppendIterator" , "ArgumentCountError" , "ArithmeticError" , "ArrayIterator" , "ArrayObject" , "AssertionError" , "BadFunctionCallException" , "BadMethodCallException" , "CachingIterator" , "CallbackFilterIterator" , "CompileError" , "Countable" , "DirectoryIterator" , "DivisionByZeroError" , "DomainException" , "EmptyIterator" , "ErrorException" , "Exception" , "FilesystemIterator" , "FilterIterator" , "GlobIterator" , "InfiniteIterator" , "InvalidArgumentException" , "IteratorIterator" , "LengthException" , "LimitIterator" , "LogicException" , "MultipleIterator" , "NoRewindIterator" , "OutOfBoundsException" , "OutOfRangeException" , "OuterIterator" , "OverflowException" , "ParentIterator" , "ParseError" , "RangeException" , "RecursiveArrayIterator" , "RecursiveCachingIterator" , "RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator" , "RecursiveDirectoryIterator" , "RecursiveFilterIterator" , "RecursiveIterator" , "RecursiveIteratorIterator" , "RecursiveRegexIterator" , "RecursiveTreeIterator" , "RegexIterator" , "RuntimeException" , "SeekableIterator" , "SplDoublyLinkedList" , "SplFileInfo" , "SplFileObject" , "SplFixedArray" , "SplHeap" , "SplMaxHeap" , "SplMinHeap" , "SplObjectStorage" , "SplObserver" , "SplPriorityQueue" , "SplQueue" , "SplStack" , "SplSubject" , "SplTempFileObject" , "TypeError" , "UnderflowException" , "UnexpectedValueException" , "UnhandledMatchError" , "ArrayAccess" , "BackedEnum" , "Closure" , "Fiber" , "Generator" , "Iterator" , "IteratorAggregate" , "Serializable" , "Stringable" , "Throwable" , "Traversable" , "UnitEnum" , "WeakReference" , "WeakMap" , "Directory" , "__PHP_Incomplete_Class" , "parent" , "php_user_filter" , "self" , "static" , "stdClass" ] , m = {
keyword : u , literal : ( e => { const n = [ ] ; return e . forEach ( ( e => {
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
n . push ( e ) , e . toLowerCase ( ) === e ? n . push ( e . toUpperCase ( ) ) : n . push ( e . toLowerCase ( ) )
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
} ) ) , n } ) ( g ) , built _in : b } , p = e => e . map ( ( e => e . replace ( /\|\d+$/ , "" ) ) ) , _ = { variants : [ {
match : [ /new/ , n . concat ( l , "+" ) , n . concat ( "(?!" , p ( b ) . join ( "\\b|" ) , "\\b)" ) , i ] , scope : {
1 : "keyword" , 4 : "title.class" } } ] } , h = n . concat ( a , "\\b(?!\\()" ) , f = { variants : [ {
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
match : [ n . concat ( /::/ , n . lookahead ( /(?!class\b)/ ) ) , h ] , scope : { 2 : "variable.constant"
} } , { match : [ /::/ , /class/ ] , scope : { 2 : "variable.language" } } , {
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
match : [ i , n . concat ( /::/ , n . lookahead ( /(?!class\b)/ ) ) , h ] , scope : { 1 : "title.class" ,
3 : "variable.constant" } } , { match : [ i , n . concat ( "::" , n . lookahead ( /(?!class\b)/ ) ) ] ,
scope : { 1 : "title.class" } } , { match : [ i , /::/ , /class/ ] , scope : { 1 : "title.class" ,
3 : "variable.language" } } ] } , E = { scope : "attr" ,
match : n . concat ( a , n . lookahead ( ":" ) , n . lookahead ( /(?!::)/ ) ) } , y = { relevance : 0 ,
begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , keywords : m , contains : [ E , r , f , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , c , d , _ ]
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} , N = { relevance : 0 ,
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
match : [ /\b/ , n . concat ( "(?!fn\\b|function\\b|" , p ( u ) . join ( "\\b|" ) , "|" , p ( b ) . join ( "\\b|" ) , "\\b)" ) , a , n . concat ( l , "*" ) , n . lookahead ( /(?=\()/ ) ] ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
scope : { 3 : "title.function.invoke" } , contains : [ y ] } ; y . contains . push ( N )
; const w = [ E , f , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , c , d , _ ] ; return { case _insensitive : ! 1 ,
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
keywords : m , contains : [ { begin : n . concat ( /#\[\s*/ , i ) , beginScope : "meta" , end : /]/ ,
endScope : "meta" , keywords : { literal : g , keyword : [ "new" , "array" ] } , contains : [ {
begin : /\[/ , end : /]/ , keywords : { literal : g , keyword : [ "new" , "array" ] } ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
contains : [ "self" , ... w ] } , ... w , { scope : "meta" , match : i } ]
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
} , e . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , e . COMMENT ( "//" , "$" ) , e . COMMENT ( "/\\*" , "\\*/" , { contains : [ {
scope : "doctag" , match : "@[A-Za-z]+" } ] } ) , { match : /__halt_compiler\(\);/ ,
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
keywords : "__halt_compiler" , starts : { scope : "comment" , end : e . MATCH _NOTHING _RE ,
contains : [ { match : /\?>/ , scope : "meta" , endsParent : ! 0 } ] } } , { scope : "meta" , variants : [ {
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
begin : /<\?php/ , relevance : 10 } , { begin : /<\?=/ } , { begin : /<\?/ , relevance : . 1 } , {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
begin : /\?>/ } ] } , { scope : "variable.language" , match : /\$this\b/ } , r , N , f , {
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
match : [ /const/ , /\s/ , a ] , scope : { 1 : "keyword" , 3 : "variable.constant" } } , _ , {
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
scope : "function" , relevance : 0 , beginKeywords : "fn function" , end : /[;{]/ ,
excludeEnd : ! 0 , illegal : "[$%\\[]" , contains : [ { beginKeywords : "use"
} , e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE , { begin : "=>" , endsParent : ! 0 } , { scope : "params" ,
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
begin : "\\(" , end : "\\)" , excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : m ,
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
contains : [ "self" , r , f , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , c , d ] } ] } , { scope : "class" , variants : [ {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
beginKeywords : "enum" , illegal : /[($"]/ } , { beginKeywords : "class interface trait" ,
illegal : /[:($"]/ } ] , relevance : 0 , end : /\{/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 , contains : [ {
beginKeywords : "extends implements" } , e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE ] } , {
beginKeywords : "namespace" , relevance : 0 , end : ";" , illegal : /[.']/ ,
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
contains : [ e . inherit ( e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE , { scope : "title.class" } ) ] } , {
beginKeywords : "use" , relevance : 0 , end : ";" , contains : [ {
match : /\b(as|const|function)\b/ , scope : "keyword" } , e . UNDERSCORE _TITLE _MODE ] } , c , d ] }
} , grmr _php _template : e => ( { name : "PHP template" , subLanguage : "xml" , contains : [ {
begin : /<\?(php|=)?/ , end : /\?>/ , subLanguage : "php" , contains : [ { begin : "/\\*" ,
end : "\\*/" , skip : ! 0 } , { begin : 'b"' , end : '"' , skip : ! 0 } , { begin : "b'" , end : "'" , skip : ! 0
} , e . inherit ( e . APOS _STRING _MODE , { illegal : null , className : null , contains : null ,
skip : ! 0 } ) , e . inherit ( e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , { illegal : null , className : null ,
contains : null , skip : ! 0 } ) ] } ] } ) , grmr _plaintext : e => ( { name : "Plain text" ,
aliases : [ "text" , "txt" ] , disableAutodetect : ! 0 } ) , grmr _python : e => {
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
const n = e . regex , t = /[\p{XID_Start}_]\p{XID_Continue}*/u , a = [ "and" , "as" , "assert" , "async" , "await" , "break" , "case" , "class" , "continue" , "def" , "del" , "elif" , "else" , "except" , "finally" , "for" , "from" , "global" , "if" , "import" , "in" , "is" , "lambda" , "match" , "nonlocal|10" , "not" , "or" , "pass" , "raise" , "return" , "try" , "while" , "with" , "yield" ] , i = {
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
$pattern : /[A-Za-z]\w+|__\w+__/ , keyword : a ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
built _in : [ "__import__" , "abs" , "all" , "any" , "ascii" , "bin" , "bool" , "breakpoint" , "bytearray" , "bytes" , "callable" , "chr" , "classmethod" , "compile" , "complex" , "delattr" , "dict" , "dir" , "divmod" , "enumerate" , "eval" , "exec" , "filter" , "float" , "format" , "frozenset" , "getattr" , "globals" , "hasattr" , "hash" , "help" , "hex" , "id" , "input" , "int" , "isinstance" , "issubclass" , "iter" , "len" , "list" , "locals" , "map" , "max" , "memoryview" , "min" , "next" , "object" , "oct" , "open" , "ord" , "pow" , "print" , "property" , "range" , "repr" , "reversed" , "round" , "set" , "setattr" , "slice" , "sorted" , "staticmethod" , "str" , "sum" , "super" , "tuple" , "type" , "vars" , "zip" ] ,
literal : [ "__debug__" , "Ellipsis" , "False" , "None" , "NotImplemented" , "True" ] ,
type : [ "Any" , "Callable" , "Coroutine" , "Dict" , "List" , "Literal" , "Generic" , "Optional" , "Sequence" , "Set" , "Tuple" , "Type" , "Union" ]
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
} , r = { className : "meta" , begin : /^(>>>|\.\.\.) / } , s = { className : "subst" , begin : /\{/ ,
end : /\}/ , keywords : i , illegal : /#/ } , o = { begin : /\{\{/ , relevance : 0 } , l = {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
className : "string" , contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] , variants : [ {
begin : /([uU]|[bB]|[rR]|[bB][rR]|[rR][bB])?'''/ , end : /'''/ ,
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , r ] , relevance : 10 } , {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : /([uU]|[bB]|[rR]|[bB][rR]|[rR][bB])?"""/ , end : /"""/ ,
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , r ] , relevance : 10 } , {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : /([fF][rR]|[rR][fF]|[fF])'''/ , end : /'''/ ,
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , r , o , s ] } , { begin : /([fF][rR]|[rR][fF]|[fF])"""/ ,
end : /"""/ , contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , r , o , s ] } , { begin : /([uU]|[rR])'/ , end : /'/ ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
relevance : 10 } , { begin : /([uU]|[rR])"/ , end : /"/ , relevance : 10 } , {
begin : /([bB]|[bB][rR]|[rR][bB])'/ , end : /'/ } , { begin : /([bB]|[bB][rR]|[rR][bB])"/ ,
end : /"/ } , { begin : /([fF][rR]|[rR][fF]|[fF])'/ , end : /'/ ,
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , o , s ] } , { begin : /([fF][rR]|[rR][fF]|[fF])"/ , end : /"/ ,
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , o , s ] } , e . APOS _STRING _MODE , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE ]
} , c = "[0-9](_?[0-9])*" , d = ` ( \\ b( ${ c } ))? \\ .( ${ c } )| \\ b( ${ c } ) \\ . ` , g = "\\b|" + a . join ( "|" ) , u = {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
className : "number" , relevance : 0 , variants : [ {
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
begin : ` ( \\ b( ${ c } )|( ${ d } ))[eE][+-]?( ${ c } )[jJ]?(?= ${ g } ) ` } , { begin : ` ( ${ d } )[jJ]? ` } , {
begin : ` \\ b([1-9](_?[0-9])*|0+(_?0)*)[lLjJ]?(?= ${ g } ) ` } , {
begin : ` \\ b0[bB](_?[01])+[lL]?(?= ${ g } ) ` } , { begin : ` \\ b0[oO](_?[0-7])+[lL]?(?= ${ g } ) `
} , { begin : ` \\ b0[xX](_?[0-9a-fA-F])+[lL]?(?= ${ g } ) ` } , { begin : ` \\ b( ${ c } )[jJ](?= ${ g } ) `
} ] } , b = { className : "comment" , begin : n . lookahead ( /# type:/ ) , end : /$/ , keywords : i ,
contains : [ { begin : /# type:/ } , { begin : /#/ , end : /\b\B/ , endsWithParent : ! 0 } ] } , m = {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
className : "params" , variants : [ { className : "" , begin : /\(\s*\)/ , skip : ! 0 } , { begin : /\(/ ,
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
end : /\)/ , excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : i ,
contains : [ "self" , r , u , l , e . HASH _COMMENT _MODE ] } ] } ; return s . contains = [ l , u , r ] , {
name : "Python" , aliases : [ "py" , "gyp" , "ipython" ] , unicodeRegex : ! 0 , keywords : i ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
illegal : /(<\/|\?)|=>/ , contains : [ r , u , { begin : /\bself\b/ } , { beginKeywords : "if" ,
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
relevance : 0 } , l , b , e . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , { match : [ /\bdef/ , /\s+/ , t ] , scope : {
1 : "keyword" , 3 : "title.function" } , contains : [ m ] } , { variants : [ {
match : [ /\bclass/ , /\s+/ , t , /\s*/ , /\(\s*/ , t , /\s*\)/ ] } , { match : [ /\bclass/ , /\s+/ , t ] } ] ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
scope : { 1 : "keyword" , 3 : "title.class" , 6 : "title.class.inherited" } } , {
2022-01-09 09:04:16 +01:00
className : "meta" , begin : /^[\t ]*@/ , end : /(?=#)|$/ , contains : [ u , m , l ] } ] } } ,
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
grmr _python _repl : e => ( { aliases : [ "pycon" ] , contains : [ { className : "meta.prompt" ,
starts : { end : / |$/ , starts : { end : "$" , subLanguage : "python" } } , variants : [ {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : /^>>>(?=[ ]|$)/ } , { begin : /^\.\.\.(?=[ ]|$)/ } ] } ] } ) , grmr _r : e => {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
const n = e . regex , t = /(?:(?:[a-zA-Z]|\.[._a-zA-Z])[._a-zA-Z0-9]*)|\.(?!\d)/ , a = n . either ( /0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+\.[0-9a-fA-F]*[pP][+-]?\d+i?/ , /0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+(?:[pP][+-]?\d+)?[Li]?/ , /(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?[Li]?/ ) , i = /[=!<>:]=|\|\||&&|:::?|<-|<<-|->>|->|\|>|[-+*\/?!$&|:<=>@^~]|\*\*/ , r = n . either ( /[()]/ , /[{}]/ , /\[\[/ , /[[\]]/ , /\\/ , /,/ )
; return { name : "R" , keywords : { $pattern : t ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
keyword : "function if in break next repeat else for while" ,
literal : "NULL NA TRUE FALSE Inf NaN NA_integer_|10 NA_real_|10 NA_character_|10 NA_complex_|10" ,
built _in : "LETTERS letters month.abb month.name pi T F abs acos acosh all any anyNA Arg as.call as.character as.complex as.double as.environment as.integer as.logical as.null.default as.numeric as.raw asin asinh atan atanh attr attributes baseenv browser c call ceiling class Conj cos cosh cospi cummax cummin cumprod cumsum digamma dim dimnames emptyenv exp expression floor forceAndCall gamma gc.time globalenv Im interactive invisible is.array is.atomic is.call is.character is.complex is.double is.environment is.expression is.finite is.function is.infinite is.integer is.language is.list is.logical is.matrix is.na is.name is.nan is.null is.numeric is.object is.pairlist is.raw is.recursive is.single is.symbol lazyLoadDBfetch length lgamma list log max min missing Mod names nargs nzchar oldClass on.exit pos.to.env proc.time prod quote range Re rep retracemem return round seq_along seq_len seq.int sign signif sin sinh sinpi sqrt standardGeneric substitute sum switch tan tanh tanpi tracemem trigamma trunc unclass untracemem UseMethod xtfrm"
2021-07-10 06:53:10 +02:00
} , contains : [ e . COMMENT ( /#'/ , /$/ , { contains : [ { scope : "doctag" , match : /@examples/ ,
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
starts : { end : n . lookahead ( n . either ( /\n^#'\s*(?=@[a-zA-Z]+)/ , /\n^(?!#')/ ) ) ,
endsParent : ! 0 } } , { scope : "doctag" , begin : "@param" , end : /$/ , contains : [ {
scope : "variable" , variants : [ { match : t } , { match : /`(?:\\.|[^`\\])+`/ } ] , endsParent : ! 0
} ] } , { scope : "doctag" , match : /@[a-zA-Z]+/ } , { scope : "keyword" , match : /\\[a-zA-Z]+/ } ]
2021-07-10 06:53:10 +02:00
} ) , e . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , { scope : "string" , contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] ,
variants : [ e . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( { begin : /[rR]"(-*)\(/ , end : /\)(-*)"/
} ) , e . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( { begin : /[rR]"(-*)\{/ , end : /\}(-*)"/
} ) , e . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( { begin : /[rR]"(-*)\[/ , end : /\](-*)"/
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
} ) , e . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( { begin : /[rR]'(-*)\(/ , end : /\)(-*)'/
} ) , e . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( { begin : /[rR]'(-*)\{/ , end : /\}(-*)'/
} ) , e . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( { begin : /[rR]'(-*)\[/ , end : /\](-*)'/ } ) , { begin : '"' , end : '"' ,
relevance : 0 } , { begin : "'" , end : "'" , relevance : 0 } ] } , { relevance : 0 , variants : [ { scope : {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
1 : "operator" , 2 : "number" } , match : [ i , a ] } , { scope : { 1 : "operator" , 2 : "number" } ,
match : [ /%[^%]*%/ , a ] } , { scope : { 1 : "punctuation" , 2 : "number" } , match : [ r , a ] } , { scope : {
2 : "number" } , match : [ /[^a-zA-Z0-9._]|^/ , a ] } ] } , { scope : { 3 : "operator" } ,
match : [ t , /\s+/ , /<-/ , /\s+/ ] } , { scope : "operator" , relevance : 0 , variants : [ { match : i } , {
match : /%[^%]*%/ } ] } , { scope : "punctuation" , relevance : 0 , match : r } , { begin : "`" , end : "`" ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
contains : [ { begin : /\\./ } ] } ] } } , grmr _ruby : e => {
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
const n = e . regex , t = "([a-zA-Z_]\\w*[!?=]?|[-+~]@|<<|>>|=~|===?|<=>|[<>]=?|\\*\\*|[-/+%^&*~`|]|\\[\\]=?)" , a = n . either ( /\b([A-Z]+[a-z0-9]+)+/ , /\b([A-Z]+[a-z0-9]+)+[A-Z]+/ ) , i = n . concat ( a , /(::\w+)*/ ) , r = {
2022-11-25 06:41:33 +01:00
"variable.constant" : [ "__FILE__" , "__LINE__" , "__ENCODING__" ] ,
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
"variable.language" : [ "self" , "super" ] ,
2022-11-25 06:41:33 +01:00
keyword : [ "alias" , "and" , "begin" , "BEGIN" , "break" , "case" , "class" , "defined" , "do" , "else" , "elsif" , "end" , "END" , "ensure" , "for" , "if" , "in" , "module" , "next" , "not" , "or" , "redo" , "require" , "rescue" , "retry" , "return" , "then" , "undef" , "unless" , "until" , "when" , "while" , "yield" , "include" , "extend" , "prepend" , "public" , "private" , "protected" , "raise" , "throw" ] ,
built _in : [ "proc" , "lambda" , "attr_accessor" , "attr_reader" , "attr_writer" , "define_method" , "private_constant" , "module_function" ] ,
literal : [ "true" , "false" , "nil" ] } , s = { className : "doctag" , begin : "@[A-Za-z]+" } , o = {
begin : "#<" , end : ">" } , l = [ e . COMMENT ( "#" , "$" , { contains : [ s ]
} ) , e . COMMENT ( "^=begin" , "^=end" , { contains : [ s ] , relevance : 10
} ) , e . COMMENT ( "^__END__" , e . MATCH _NOTHING _RE ) ] , c = { className : "subst" , begin : /#\{/ ,
end : /\}/ , keywords : r } , d = { className : "string" , contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , c ] ,
variants : [ { begin : /'/ , end : /'/ } , { begin : /"/ , end : /"/ } , { begin : /`/ , end : /`/ } , {
begin : /%[qQwWx]?\(/ , end : /\)/ } , { begin : /%[qQwWx]?\[/ , end : /\]/ } , {
begin : /%[qQwWx]?\{/ , end : /\}/ } , { begin : /%[qQwWx]?</ , end : />/ } , { begin : /%[qQwWx]?\// ,
end : /\// } , { begin : /%[qQwWx]?%/ , end : /%/ } , { begin : /%[qQwWx]?-/ , end : /-/ } , {
begin : /%[qQwWx]?\|/ , end : /\|/ } , { begin : /\B\?(\\\d{1,3})/ } , {
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
begin : /\B\?(\\x[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,2})/ } , { begin : /\B\?(\\u\{?[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,6}\}?)/ } , {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : /\B\?(\\M-\\C-|\\M-\\c|\\c\\M-|\\M-|\\C-\\M-)[\x20-\x7e]/ } , {
begin : /\B\?\\(c|C-)[\x20-\x7e]/ } , { begin : /\B\?\\?\S/ } , {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
begin : n . concat ( /<<[-~]?'?/ , n . lookahead ( /(\w+)(?=\W)[^\n]*\n(?:[^\n]*\n)*?\s*\1\b/ ) ) ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
contains : [ e . END _SAME _AS _BEGIN ( { begin : /(\w+)/ , end : /(\w+)/ ,
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , c ] } ) ] } ] } , g = "[0-9](_?[0-9])*" , u = { className : "number" ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
relevance : 0 , variants : [ {
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
begin : ` \\ b([1-9](_?[0-9])*|0)( \\ .( ${ g } ))?([eE][+-]?( ${ g } )|r)?i? \\ b ` } , {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : "\\b0[dD][0-9](_?[0-9])*r?i?\\b" } , { begin : "\\b0[bB][0-1](_?[0-1])*r?i?\\b"
} , { begin : "\\b0[oO][0-7](_?[0-7])*r?i?\\b" } , {
begin : "\\b0[xX][0-9a-fA-F](_?[0-9a-fA-F])*r?i?\\b" } , {
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
begin : "\\b0(_?[0-7])+r?i?\\b" } ] } , b = { variants : [ { match : /\(\)/ } , {
className : "params" , begin : /\(/ , end : /(?=\))/ , excludeBegin : ! 0 , endsParent : ! 0 ,
keywords : r } ] } , m = [ d , { variants : [ { match : [ /class\s+/ , i , /\s+<\s+/ , i ] } , {
2022-11-25 06:41:33 +01:00
match : [ /\b(class|module)\s+/ , i ] } ] , scope : { 2 : "title.class" ,
4 : "title.class.inherited" } , keywords : r } , { match : [ /(include|extend)\s+/ , i ] , scope : {
2 : "title.class" } , keywords : r } , { relevance : 0 , match : [ i , /\.new[. (]/ ] , scope : {
1 : "title.class" } } , { relevance : 0 , match : /\b[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]+\b/ ,
className : "variable.constant" } , { relevance : 0 , match : a , scope : "title.class" } , {
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
match : [ /def/ , /\s+/ , t ] , scope : { 1 : "keyword" , 3 : "title.function" } , contains : [ b ] } , {
begin : e . IDENT _RE + "::" } , { className : "symbol" ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "(!|\\?)?:" , relevance : 0 } , { className : "symbol" ,
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
begin : ":(?!\\s)" , contains : [ d , { begin : t } ] , relevance : 0 } , u , { className : "variable" ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : "(\\$\\W)|((\\$|@@?)(\\w+))(?=[^@$?])(?![A-Za-z])(?![@$?'])" } , {
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
className : "params" , begin : /\|/ , end : /\|/ , excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 ,
relevance : 0 , keywords : r } , { begin : "(" + e . RE _STARTERS _RE + "|unless)\\s*" ,
keywords : "unless" , contains : [ { className : "regexp" , contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , c ] ,
illegal : /\n/ , variants : [ { begin : "/" , end : "/[a-z]*" } , { begin : /%r\{/ , end : /\}[a-z]*/ } , {
begin : "%r\\(" , end : "\\)[a-z]*" } , { begin : "%r!" , end : "![a-z]*" } , { begin : "%r\\[" ,
end : "\\][a-z]*" } ] } ] . concat ( o , l ) , relevance : 0 } ] . concat ( o , l )
; c . contains = m , b . contains = m ; const p = [ { begin : /^\s*=>/ , starts : { end : "$" , contains : m }
} , { className : "meta.prompt" ,
begin : "^([>?]>|[\\w#]+\\(\\w+\\):\\d+:\\d+[>*]|(\\w+-)?\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+(p\\d+)?[^\\d][^>]+>)(?=[ ])" ,
starts : { end : "$" , keywords : r , contains : m } } ] ; return l . unshift ( o ) , { name : "Ruby" ,
aliases : [ "rb" , "gemspec" , "podspec" , "thor" , "irb" ] , keywords : r , illegal : /\/\*/ ,
contains : [ e . SHEBANG ( { binary : "ruby" } ) ] . concat ( p ) . concat ( l ) . concat ( m ) } } ,
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
grmr _rust : e => { const n = e . regex , t = { className : "title.function.invoke" , relevance : 0 ,
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
begin : n . concat ( /\b/ , /(?!let|for|while|if|else|match\b)/ , e . IDENT _RE , n . lookahead ( /\s*\(/ ) )
} , a = "([ui](8|16|32|64|128|size)|f(32|64))?" , i = [ "drop " , "Copy" , "Send" , "Sized" , "Sync" , "Drop" , "Fn" , "FnMut" , "FnOnce" , "ToOwned" , "Clone" , "Debug" , "PartialEq" , "PartialOrd" , "Eq" , "Ord" , "AsRef" , "AsMut" , "Into" , "From" , "Default" , "Iterator" , "Extend" , "IntoIterator" , "DoubleEndedIterator" , "ExactSizeIterator" , "SliceConcatExt" , "ToString" , "assert!" , "assert_eq!" , "bitflags!" , "bytes!" , "cfg!" , "col!" , "concat!" , "concat_idents!" , "debug_assert!" , "debug_assert_eq!" , "env!" , "eprintln!" , "panic!" , "file!" , "format!" , "format_args!" , "include_bytes!" , "include_str!" , "line!" , "local_data_key!" , "module_path!" , "option_env!" , "print!" , "println!" , "select!" , "stringify!" , "try!" , "unimplemented!" , "unreachable!" , "vec!" , "write!" , "writeln!" , "macro_rules!" , "assert_ne!" , "debug_assert_ne!" ] , r = [ "i8" , "i16" , "i32" , "i64" , "i128" , "isize" , "u8" , "u16" , "u32" , "u64" , "u128" , "usize" , "f32" , "f64" , "str" , "char" , "bool" , "Box" , "Option" , "Result" , "String" , "Vec" ]
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
; return { name : "Rust" , aliases : [ "rs" ] , keywords : { $pattern : e . IDENT _RE + "!?" , type : r ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
keyword : [ "abstract" , "as" , "async" , "await" , "become" , "box" , "break" , "const" , "continue" , "crate" , "do" , "dyn" , "else" , "enum" , "extern" , "false" , "final" , "fn" , "for" , "if" , "impl" , "in" , "let" , "loop" , "macro" , "match" , "mod" , "move" , "mut" , "override" , "priv" , "pub" , "ref" , "return" , "self" , "Self" , "static" , "struct" , "super" , "trait" , "true" , "try" , "type" , "typeof" , "unsafe" , "unsized" , "use" , "virtual" , "where" , "while" , "yield" ] ,
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
literal : [ "true" , "false" , "Some" , "None" , "Ok" , "Err" ] , built _in : i } , illegal : "</" ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
contains : [ e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . COMMENT ( "/\\*" , "\\*/" , { contains : [ "self" ]
} ) , e . inherit ( e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , { begin : /b?"/ , illegal : null } ) , {
className : "string" , variants : [ { begin : /b?r(#*)"(.|\n)*?"\1(?!#)/ } , {
begin : /b?'\\?(x\w{2}|u\w{4}|U\w{8}|.)'/ } ] } , { className : "symbol" ,
begin : /'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/ } , { className : "number" , variants : [ {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
begin : "\\b0b([01_]+)" + a } , { begin : "\\b0o([0-7_]+)" + a } , {
begin : "\\b0x([A-Fa-f0-9_]+)" + a } , {
begin : "\\b(\\d[\\d_]*(\\.[0-9_]+)?([eE][+-]?[0-9_]+)?)" + a } ] , relevance : 0 } , {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : [ /fn/ , /\s+/ , e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE ] , className : { 1 : "keyword" ,
3 : "title.function" } } , { className : "meta" , begin : "#!?\\[" , end : "\\]" , contains : [ {
className : "string" , begin : /"/ , end : /"/ } ] } , {
begin : [ /let/ , /\s+/ , /(?:mut\s+)?/ , e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE ] , className : { 1 : "keyword" ,
3 : "keyword" , 4 : "variable" } } , {
begin : [ /for/ , /\s+/ , e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE , /\s+/ , /in/ ] , className : { 1 : "keyword" ,
3 : "variable" , 5 : "keyword" } } , { begin : [ /type/ , /\s+/ , e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE ] ,
className : { 1 : "keyword" , 3 : "title.class" } } , {
begin : [ /(?:trait|enum|struct|union|impl|for)/ , /\s+/ , e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE ] ,
className : { 1 : "keyword" , 3 : "title.class" } } , { begin : e . IDENT _RE + "::" , keywords : {
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
keyword : "Self" , built _in : i , type : r } } , { className : "punctuation" , begin : "->" } , t ] } } ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
grmr _scss : e => { const n = ie ( e ) , t = le , a = oe , i = "@[a-z-]+" , r = { className : "variable" ,
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
begin : "(\\$[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)\\b" , relevance : 0 } ; return { name : "SCSS" ,
case _insensitive : ! 0 , illegal : "[=/|']" ,
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
contains : [ e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , n . CSS _NUMBER _MODE , {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
className : "selector-id" , begin : "#[A-Za-z0-9_-]+" , relevance : 0 } , {
className : "selector-class" , begin : "\\.[A-Za-z0-9_-]+" , relevance : 0
} , n . ATTRIBUTE _SELECTOR _MODE , { className : "selector-tag" ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
begin : "\\b(" + re . join ( "|" ) + ")\\b" , relevance : 0 } , { className : "selector-pseudo" ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : ":(" + a . join ( "|" ) + ")" } , { className : "selector-pseudo" ,
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
begin : ":(:)?(" + t . join ( "|" ) + ")" } , r , { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ ,
contains : [ n . CSS _NUMBER _MODE ] } , n . CSS _VARIABLE , { className : "attribute" ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
begin : "\\b(" + ce . join ( "|" ) + ")\\b" } , {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : "\\b(whitespace|wait|w-resize|visible|vertical-text|vertical-ideographic|uppercase|upper-roman|upper-alpha|underline|transparent|top|thin|thick|text|text-top|text-bottom|tb-rl|table-header-group|table-footer-group|sw-resize|super|strict|static|square|solid|small-caps|separate|se-resize|scroll|s-resize|rtl|row-resize|ridge|right|repeat|repeat-y|repeat-x|relative|progress|pointer|overline|outside|outset|oblique|nowrap|not-allowed|normal|none|nw-resize|no-repeat|no-drop|newspaper|ne-resize|n-resize|move|middle|medium|ltr|lr-tb|lowercase|lower-roman|lower-alpha|loose|list-item|line|line-through|line-edge|lighter|left|keep-all|justify|italic|inter-word|inter-ideograph|inside|inset|inline|inline-block|inherit|inactive|ideograph-space|ideograph-parenthesis|ideograph-numeric|ideograph-alpha|horizontal|hidden|help|hand|groove|fixed|ellipsis|e-resize|double|dotted|distribute|distribute-space|distribute-letter|distribute-all-lines|disc|disabled|default|decimal|dashed|crosshair|collapse|col-resize|circle|char|center|capitalize|break-word|break-all|bottom|both|bolder|bold|block|bidi-override|below|baseline|auto|always|all-scroll|absolute|table|table-cell)\\b"
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
} , { begin : /:/ , end : /[;}{]/ , relevance : 0 ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
} , { begin : "@(page|font-face)" , keywords : { $pattern : i , keyword : "@page @font-face" } } , {
begin : "@" , end : "[{;]" , returnBegin : ! 0 , keywords : { $pattern : /[a-z-]+/ ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
keyword : "and or not only" , attribute : se . join ( " " ) } , contains : [ { begin : i ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
className : "keyword" } , { begin : /[a-z-]+(?=:)/ , className : "attribute"
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
} , n . FUNCTION _DISPATCH ] } } , grmr _shell : e => ( { name : "Shell Session" ,
2022-03-13 06:56:23 +01:00
aliases : [ "console" , "shellsession" ] , contains : [ { className : "meta.prompt" ,
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
begin : /^\s{0,3}[/~\w\d[\]()@-]*[>%$#][ ]?/ , starts : { end : /[^\\](?=\s*$)/ ,
subLanguage : "bash" } } ] } ) , grmr _sql : e => {
const n = e . regex , t = e . COMMENT ( "--" , "$" ) , a = [ "true" , "false" , "unknown" ] , i = [ "bigint" , "binary" , "blob" , "boolean" , "char" , "character" , "clob" , "date" , "dec" , "decfloat" , "decimal" , "float" , "int" , "integer" , "interval" , "nchar" , "nclob" , "national" , "numeric" , "real" , "row" , "smallint" , "time" , "timestamp" , "varchar" , "varying" , "varbinary" ] , r = [ "abs" , "acos" , "array_agg" , "asin" , "atan" , "avg" , "cast" , "ceil" , "ceiling" , "coalesce" , "corr" , "cos" , "cosh" , "count" , "covar_pop" , "covar_samp" , "cume_dist" , "dense_rank" , "deref" , "element" , "exp" , "extract" , "first_value" , "floor" , "json_array" , "json_arrayagg" , "json_exists" , "json_object" , "json_objectagg" , "json_query" , "json_table" , "json_table_primitive" , "json_value" , "lag" , "last_value" , "lead" , "listagg" , "ln" , "log" , "log10" , "lower" , "max" , "min" , "mod" , "nth_value" , "ntile" , "nullif" , "percent_rank" , "percentile_cont" , "percentile_disc" , "position" , "position_regex" , "power" , "rank" , "regr_avgx" , "regr_avgy" , "regr_count" , "regr_intercept" , "regr_r2" , "regr_slope" , "regr_sxx" , "regr_sxy" , "regr_syy" , "row_number" , "sin" , "sinh" , "sqrt" , "stddev_pop" , "stddev_samp" , "substring" , "substring_regex" , "sum" , "tan" , "tanh" , "translate" , "translate_regex" , "treat" , "trim" , "trim_array" , "unnest" , "upper" , "value_of" , "var_pop" , "var_samp" , "width_bucket" ] , s = [ "create table" , "insert into" , "primary key" , "foreign key" , "not null" , "alter table" , "add constraint" , "grouping sets" , "on overflow" , "character set" , "respect nulls" , "ignore nulls" , "nulls first" , "nulls last" , "depth first" , "breadth first" ] , o = r , l = [ "abs" , "acos" , "all" , "allocate" , "alter" , "and" , "any" , "are" , "array" , "array_agg" , "array_max_cardinality" , "as" , "asensitive" , "asin" , "asymmetric" , "at" , "atan" , "atomic" , "authorization" , "avg" , "begin" , "begin_frame" , "begin_partition" , "between" , "bigint" , "binary" , "blob" , "boolean" , "both" , "by" , "call" , "called" , "cardinality" , "cascaded" , "case" , "cast" , "ceil" , "ceiling" , "char" , "char_length" , "character" , "character_length" , "check" , "classifier" , "clob" , "close" , "coalesce" , "collate" , "collect" , "column" , "commit" , "condition" , "connect" , "constraint" , "contains" , "convert" , "copy" , "corr" , "corresponding" , "cos" , "cosh" , "count" , "covar_pop" , "covar_samp" , "create" , "cross" , "cube" , "cume_dist" , "current" , "current_catalog" , "current_date" , "current_default_transform_group" , "current_path" , "current_role" , "current_row" , "current_schema" , "current_time" , "current_timestamp" , "current_path" , "current_role" , "current_transform_group_for_type" , "current_user" , "cursor" , "cycle" , "date" , "day" , "deallocate" , "dec" , "decimal" , "decfloat" , "declare" , "default" , "define" , "delete" , "dense_rank" , "deref" , "describe" , "deterministic" , "disconnect" , "distinct" , "double" , "drop" , "dynamic" , "each" , "element" , "else" , "empty" , "end" , "end_frame" , "end_partition" , "end-exec" , "equals" , "escape" , "every" , "except" , "exec" , "execute" , "exists" , "exp" , "external" , "extract" , "false" , "fetch" , "filter" , "first_value" , "float" , "floor" , "for" , "foreign" , "frame_row" , "free" , "from" , "full" , "function" , "fusion" , "get" , "global" , "grant" , "group" , "grouping" , "groups" , "having" , "hold" , "hour" , "identity" , "in" , "indicator" , "initial" , "inner" , "inout" , "insensitive" , "insert" , "int" , "integer" , "intersect" , "intersection" , "interval" , "into" , "is" , "join" , "json_array" , "json_arrayagg" , "json_exists" , "json_object" , "json_objectagg" , "json_query" , "json_table" , "json_table_primitive" , "json_value" , "lag" , "language" , "large" , "last_value" , "lateral" , "lead" , "leading" , "left" , "like" , "like_regex" , "listagg" , "ln" , "local" , "localtime" , "localtimestamp" , "log" , "log10" , "lower" , "match" , "match_number" , "match_recognize" , "matches" , "max" , "member" , "merge" , "method" , "min" , "minute" , "mod" , "modifies" , "module" , "month" , "multiset" , "national" , "natural" , "nchar" , "nclob" , "new" , "no" , "none" , "normalize" , "not" , "nth_value" , "ntile" , "null" , "nullif" , "numeric" , "octet_length" , "occurrences_regex" , "of" , "offset" , "old" , "omit" , "on" , "one" , "only" , "open" , "or" , "order" , "out" , "outer" , "over" , "overlaps" , "overlay" , "parameter" , "partition" , "pattern" , "per" , "percent" , "percent_rank" , "percentile_cont" , "percentile_disc" , "period" , "portion" , "position" , "position_regex" , "power" , "precedes" , "precision" , "prepare" , "primary" , "procedure" , "ptf" , "range" , "rank" , "reads" , "real" , "recursive" , "ref" , "references" , "referencing" , "regr_avgx" , " r
begin : n . concat ( /\b/ , n . either ( ... o ) , /\s*\(/ ) , relevance : 0 , keywords : { built _in : o } }
; return { name : "SQL" , case _insensitive : ! 0 , illegal : /[{}]|<\// , keywords : {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
$pattern : /\b[\w\.]+/ , keyword : ( ( e , { exceptions : n , when : t } = { } ) => { const a = t
; return n = n || [ ] , e . map ( ( e => e . match ( /\|\d+$/ ) || n . includes ( e ) ? e : a ( e ) ? e + "|0" : e ) )
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
} ) ( l , { when : e => e . length < 3 } ) , literal : a , type : i ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
built _in : [ "current_catalog" , "current_date" , "current_default_transform_group" , "current_path" , "current_role" , "current_schema" , "current_transform_group_for_type" , "current_user" , "session_user" , "system_time" , "system_user" , "current_time" , "localtime" , "current_timestamp" , "localtimestamp" ]
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
} , contains : [ { begin : n . either ( ... s ) , relevance : 0 , keywords : { $pattern : /[\w\.]+/ ,
keyword : l . concat ( s ) , literal : a , type : i } } , { className : "type" ,
begin : n . either ( "double precision" , "large object" , "with timezone" , "without timezone" )
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
} , c , { className : "variable" , begin : /@[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_]*/ } , { className : "string" ,
variants : [ { begin : /'/ , end : /'/ , contains : [ { begin : /''/ } ] } ] } , { begin : /"/ , end : /"/ ,
contains : [ { begin : /""/ } ] } , e . C _NUMBER _MODE , e . C _BLOCK _COMMENT _MODE , t , {
className : "operator" , begin : /[-+*/=%^~]|&&?|\|\|?|!=?|<(?:=>?|<|>)?|>[>=]?/ ,
relevance : 0 } ] } } , grmr _swift : e => { const n = { match : /\s+/ , relevance : 0
} , t = e . COMMENT ( "/\\*" , "\\*/" , { contains : [ "self" ] } ) , a = [ e . C _LINE _COMMENT _MODE , t ] , i = {
match : [ /\./ , m ( ... xe , ... Me ) ] , className : { 2 : "keyword" } } , r = { match : b ( /\./ , m ( ... Ae ) ) ,
relevance : 0 } , s = Ae . filter ( ( e => "string" == typeof e ) ) . concat ( [ "_|0" ] ) , o = { variants : [ {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
className : "keyword" ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
match : m ( ... Ae . filter ( ( e => "string" != typeof e ) ) . concat ( Se ) . map ( ke ) , ... Me ) } ] } , l = {
$pattern : m ( /\b\w+/ , /#\w+/ ) , keyword : s . concat ( Re ) , literal : Ce } , c = [ i , r , o ] , g = [ {
match : b ( /\./ , m ( ... De ) ) , relevance : 0 } , { className : "built_in" ,
match : b ( /\b/ , m ( ... De ) , /(?=\()/ ) } ] , u = { match : /->/ , relevance : 0 } , p = [ u , {
className : "operator" , relevance : 0 , variants : [ { match : Be } , { match : ` \\ .( \\ .| ${ Le } )+ ` } ]
} ] , _ = "([0-9]_*)+" , h = "([0-9a-fA-F]_*)+" , f = { className : "number" , relevance : 0 ,
variants : [ { match : ` \\ b( ${ _ } )( \\ .( ${ _ } ))?([eE][+-]?( ${ _ } ))? \\ b ` } , {
match : ` \\ b0x( ${ h } )( \\ .( ${ h } ))?([pP][+-]?( ${ _ } ))? \\ b ` } , { match : /\b0o([0-7]_*)+\b/
} , { match : /\b0b([01]_*)+\b/ } ] } , E = ( e = "" ) => ( { className : "subst" , variants : [ {
match : b ( /\\/ , e , /[0\\tnr"']/ ) } , { match : b ( /\\/ , e , /u\{[0-9a-fA-F]{1,8}\}/ ) } ]
} ) , y = ( e = "" ) => ( { className : "subst" , match : b ( /\\/ , e , /[\t ]*(?:[\r\n]|\r\n)/ )
} ) , N = ( e = "" ) => ( { className : "subst" , label : "interpol" , begin : b ( /\\/ , e , /\(/ ) , end : /\)/
} ) , w = ( e = "" ) => ( { begin : b ( e , /"""/ ) , end : b ( /"""/ , e ) , contains : [ E ( e ) , y ( e ) , N ( e ) ]
} ) , v = ( e = "" ) => ( { begin : b ( e , /"/ ) , end : b ( /"/ , e ) , contains : [ E ( e ) , N ( e ) ] } ) , O = {
className : "string" ,
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
variants : [ w ( ) , w ( "#" ) , w ( "##" ) , w ( "###" ) , v ( ) , v ( "#" ) , v ( "##" ) , v ( "###" ) ]
} , k = [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , { begin : /\[/ , end : /\]/ , relevance : 0 ,
contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE ] } ] , x = { begin : /\/[^\s](?=[^/\n]*\/)/ , end : /\// ,
contains : k } , M = e => { const n = b ( e , /\// ) , t = b ( /\// , e ) ; return { begin : n , end : t ,
contains : [ ... k , { scope : "comment" , begin : ` #(?!.* ${ t } ) ` , end : /$/ } ] } } , S = {
scope : "regexp" , variants : [ M ( "###" ) , M ( "##" ) , M ( "#" ) , x ] } , A = { match : b ( /`/ , Fe , /`/ )
} , C = [ A , { className : "variable" , match : /\$\d+/ } , { className : "variable" ,
match : ` \\ $ ${ ze } + ` } ] , T = [ { match : /(@|#(un)?)available/ , scope : "keyword" , starts : {
contains : [ { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , keywords : Pe , contains : [ ... p , f , O ] } ] } } , {
scope : "keyword" , match : b ( /@/ , m ( ... je ) ) } , { scope : "meta" , match : b ( /@/ , Fe ) } ] , R = {
match : d ( /\b[A-Z]/ ) , relevance : 0 , contains : [ { className : "type" ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
match : b ( /(AV|CA|CF|CG|CI|CL|CM|CN|CT|MK|MP|MTK|MTL|NS|SCN|SK|UI|WK|XC)/ , ze , "+" )
} , { className : "type" , match : Ue , relevance : 0 } , { match : /[?!]+/ , relevance : 0 } , {
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
match : /\.\.\./ , relevance : 0 } , { match : b ( /\s+&\s+/ , d ( Ue ) ) , relevance : 0 } ] } , D = {
begin : /</ , end : />/ , keywords : l , contains : [ ... a , ... c , ... T , u , R ] } ; R . contains . push ( D )
; const I = { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , relevance : 0 , keywords : l , contains : [ "self" , {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
match : b ( Fe , /\s*:/ ) , keywords : "_|0" , relevance : 0
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
} , ... a , S , ... c , ... g , ... p , f , O , ... C , ... T , R ] } , L = { begin : /</ , end : />/ ,
keywords : "repeat each" , contains : [ ... a , R ] } , B = { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ , keywords : l ,
contains : [ { begin : m ( d ( b ( Fe , /\s*:/ ) ) , d ( b ( Fe , /\s+/ , Fe , /\s*:/ ) ) ) , end : /:/ ,
relevance : 0 , contains : [ { className : "keyword" , match : /\b_\b/ } , { className : "params" ,
match : Fe } ] } , ... a , ... c , ... p , f , O , ... T , R , I ] , endsParent : ! 0 , illegal : /["']/ } , $ = {
match : [ /(func|macro)/ , /\s+/ , m ( A . match , Fe , Be ) ] , className : { 1 : "keyword" ,
3 : "title.function" } , contains : [ L , B , n ] , illegal : [ /\[/ , /%/ ] } , z = {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
match : [ /\b(?:subscript|init[?!]?)/ , /\s*(?=[<(])/ ] , className : { 1 : "keyword" } ,
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
contains : [ L , B , n ] , illegal : /\[|%/ } , F = { match : [ /operator/ , /\s+/ , Be ] , className : {
1 : "keyword" , 3 : "title" } } , U = { begin : [ /precedencegroup/ , /\s+/ , Ue ] , className : {
1 : "keyword" , 3 : "title" } , contains : [ R ] , keywords : [ ... Te , ... Ce ] , end : /}/ }
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
; for ( const e of O . variants ) { const n = e . contains . find ( ( e => "interpol" === e . label ) )
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
; n . keywords = l ; const t = [ ... c , ... g , ... p , f , O , ... C ] ; n . contains = [ ... t , { begin : /\(/ ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
end : /\)/ , contains : [ "self" , ... t ] } ] } return { name : "Swift" , keywords : l ,
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
contains : [ ... a , $ , z , { beginKeywords : "struct protocol class extension enum actor" ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
end : "\\{" , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : l , contains : [ e . inherit ( e . TITLE _MODE , {
className : "title.class" , begin : /[A-Za-z$_][\u00C0-\u02B80-9A-Za-z$_]*/ } ) , ... c ]
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
} , F , U , { beginKeywords : "import" , end : /$/ , contains : [ ... a ] , relevance : 0
} , S , ... c , ... g , ... p , f , O , ... C , ... T , R , I ] } } , grmr _typescript : e => {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
const n = Oe ( e ) , t = _e , a = [ "any" , "void" , "number" , "boolean" , "string" , "object" , "never" , "symbol" , "bigint" , "unknown" ] , i = {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
beginKeywords : "namespace" , end : /\{/ , excludeEnd : ! 0 ,
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
contains : [ n . exports . CLASS _REFERENCE ] } , r = { beginKeywords : "interface" , end : /\{/ ,
excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : { keyword : "interface extends" , built _in : a } ,
contains : [ n . exports . CLASS _REFERENCE ] } , s = { $pattern : _e ,
keyword : he . concat ( [ "type" , "namespace" , "interface" , "public" , "private" , "protected" , "implements" , "declare" , "abstract" , "readonly" , "enum" , "override" ] ) ,
literal : fe , built _in : ve . concat ( a ) , "variable.language" : we } , o = { className : "meta" ,
begin : "@" + t } , l = ( e , n , t ) => { const a = e . contains . findIndex ( ( e => e . label === n ) )
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
; if ( - 1 === a ) throw Error ( "can not find mode to replace" ) ; e . contains . splice ( a , 1 , t ) }
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
; return Object . assign ( n . keywords , s ) ,
n . exports . PARAMS _CONTAINS . push ( o ) , n . contains = n . contains . concat ( [ o , i , r ] ) ,
l ( n , "shebang" , e . SHEBANG ( ) ) , l ( n , "use_strict" , { className : "meta" , relevance : 10 ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : /^\s*['"]use strict['"]/
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
} ) , n . contains . find ( ( e => "func.def" === e . label ) ) . relevance = 0 , Object . assign ( n , {
2023-05-04 06:28:08 +02:00
name : "TypeScript" , aliases : [ "ts" , "tsx" , "mts" , "cts" ] } ) , n } , grmr _vbnet : e => {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
const n = e . regex , t = /\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}/ , a = /\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}/ , i = /(\d|1[012])(:\d+){0,2} *(AM|PM)/ , r = /\d{1,2}(:\d{1,2}){1,2}/ , s = {
className : "literal" , variants : [ { begin : n . concat ( /# */ , n . either ( a , t ) , / *#/ ) } , {
begin : n . concat ( /# */ , r , / *#/ ) } , { begin : n . concat ( /# */ , i , / *#/ ) } , {
begin : n . concat ( /# */ , n . either ( a , t ) , / +/ , n . either ( i , r ) , / *#/ ) } ]
} , o = e . COMMENT ( /'''/ , /$/ , { contains : [ { className : "doctag" , begin : /<\/?/ , end : />/ } ]
} ) , l = e . COMMENT ( null , /$/ , { variants : [ { begin : /'/ } , { begin : /([\t ]|^)REM(?=\s)/ } ] } )
; return { name : "Visual Basic .NET" , aliases : [ "vb" ] , case _insensitive : ! 0 ,
classNameAliases : { label : "symbol" } , keywords : {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
keyword : "addhandler alias aggregate ansi as async assembly auto binary by byref byval call case catch class compare const continue custom declare default delegate dim distinct do each equals else elseif end enum erase error event exit explicit finally for friend from function get global goto group handles if implements imports in inherits interface into iterator join key let lib loop me mid module mustinherit mustoverride mybase myclass namespace narrowing new next notinheritable notoverridable of off on operator option optional order overloads overridable overrides paramarray partial preserve private property protected public raiseevent readonly redim removehandler resume return select set shadows shared skip static step stop structure strict sub synclock take text then throw to try unicode until using when where while widening with withevents writeonly yield" ,
built _in : "addressof and andalso await directcast gettype getxmlnamespace is isfalse isnot istrue like mod nameof new not or orelse trycast typeof xor cbool cbyte cchar cdate cdbl cdec cint clng cobj csbyte cshort csng cstr cuint culng cushort" ,
type : "boolean byte char date decimal double integer long object sbyte short single string uinteger ulong ushort" ,
literal : "true false nothing" } ,
illegal : "//|\\{|\\}|endif|gosub|variant|wend|^\\$ " , contains : [ {
className : "string" , begin : /"(""|[^/n])"C\b/ } , { className : "string" , begin : /"/ ,
end : /"/ , illegal : /\n/ , contains : [ { begin : /""/ } ] } , s , { className : "number" , relevance : 0 ,
variants : [ { begin : /\b\d[\d_]*((\.[\d_]+(E[+-]?[\d_]+)?)|(E[+-]?[\d_]+))[RFD@!#]?/
} , { begin : /\b\d[\d_]*((U?[SIL])|[%&])?/ } , { begin : /&H[\dA-F_]+((U?[SIL])|[%&])?/ } , {
begin : /&O[0-7_]+((U?[SIL])|[%&])?/ } , { begin : /&B[01_]+((U?[SIL])|[%&])?/ } ] } , {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
className : "label" , begin : /^\w+:/ } , o , l , { className : "meta" ,
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : /[\t ]*#(const|disable|else|elseif|enable|end|externalsource|if|region)\b/ ,
end : /$/ , keywords : {
keyword : "const disable else elseif enable end externalsource if region then" } ,
2022-07-15 06:10:25 +02:00
contains : [ l ] } ] } } , grmr _wasm : e => { e . regex ; const n = e . COMMENT ( /\(;/ , /;\)/ )
; return n . contains . push ( "self" ) , { name : "WebAssembly" , keywords : { $pattern : /[\w.]+/ ,
keyword : [ "anyfunc" , "block" , "br" , "br_if" , "br_table" , "call" , "call_indirect" , "data" , "drop" , "elem" , "else" , "end" , "export" , "func" , "global.get" , "global.set" , "local.get" , "local.set" , "local.tee" , "get_global" , "get_local" , "global" , "if" , "import" , "local" , "loop" , "memory" , "memory.grow" , "memory.size" , "module" , "mut" , "nop" , "offset" , "param" , "result" , "return" , "select" , "set_global" , "set_local" , "start" , "table" , "tee_local" , "then" , "type" , "unreachable" ]
} , contains : [ e . COMMENT ( /;;/ , /$/ ) , n , { match : [ /(?:offset|align)/ , /\s*/ , /=/ ] ,
className : { 1 : "keyword" , 3 : "operator" } } , { className : "variable" , begin : /\$[\w_]+/ } , {
match : /(\((?!;)|\))+/ , className : "punctuation" , relevance : 0 } , {
begin : [ /(?:func|call|call_indirect)/ , /\s+/ , /\$[^\s)]+/ ] , className : { 1 : "keyword" ,
3 : "title.function" } } , e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , { match : /(i32|i64|f32|f64)(?!\.)/ ,
className : "type" } , { className : "keyword" ,
match : /\b(f32|f64|i32|i64)(?:\.(?:abs|add|and|ceil|clz|const|convert_[su]\/i(?:32|64)|copysign|ctz|demote\/f64|div(?:_[su])?|eqz?|extend_[su]\/i32|floor|ge(?:_[su])?|gt(?:_[su])?|le(?:_[su])?|load(?:(?:8|16|32)_[su])?|lt(?:_[su])?|max|min|mul|nearest|neg?|or|popcnt|promote\/f32|reinterpret\/[fi](?:32|64)|rem_[su]|rot[lr]|shl|shr_[su]|store(?:8|16|32)?|sqrt|sub|trunc(?:_[su]\/f(?:32|64))?|wrap\/i64|xor))\b/
} , { className : "number" , relevance : 0 ,
match : /[+-]?\b(?:\d(?:_?\d)*(?:\.\d(?:_?\d)*)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d(?:_?\d)*)?|0x[\da-fA-F](?:_?[\da-fA-F])*(?:\.[\da-fA-F](?:_?[\da-fA-D])*)?(?:[pP][+-]?\d(?:_?\d)*)?)\b|\binf\b|\bnan(?::0x[\da-fA-F](?:_?[\da-fA-D])*)?\b/
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
} ] } } , grmr _xml : e => {
const n = e . regex , t = n . concat ( /[\p{L}_]/u , n . optional ( /[\p{L}0-9_.-]*:/u ) , /[\p{L}0-9_.-]*/u ) , a = {
className : "symbol" , begin : /&[a-z]+;|&#[0-9]+;|&#x[a-f0-9]+;/ } , i = { begin : /\s/ ,
contains : [ { className : "keyword" , begin : /#?[a-z_][a-z1-9_-]+/ , illegal : /\n/ } ]
} , r = e . inherit ( i , { begin : /\(/ , end : /\)/ } ) , s = e . inherit ( e . APOS _STRING _MODE , {
className : "string" } ) , o = e . inherit ( e . QUOTE _STRING _MODE , { className : "string" } ) , l = {
endsWithParent : ! 0 , illegal : /</ , relevance : 0 , contains : [ { className : "attr" ,
begin : /[\p{L}0-9._:-]+/u , relevance : 0 } , { begin : /=\s*/ , relevance : 0 , contains : [ {
className : "string" , endsParent : ! 0 , variants : [ { begin : /"/ , end : /"/ , contains : [ a ] } , {
begin : /'/ , end : /'/ , contains : [ a ] } , { begin : /[^\s"'=<>`]+/ } ] } ] } ] } ; return {
name : "HTML, XML" ,
aliases : [ "html" , "xhtml" , "rss" , "atom" , "xjb" , "xsd" , "xsl" , "plist" , "wsf" , "svg" ] ,
case _insensitive : ! 0 , unicodeRegex : ! 0 , contains : [ { className : "meta" , begin : /<![a-z]/ ,
end : />/ , relevance : 10 , contains : [ i , o , s , r , { begin : /\[/ , end : /\]/ , contains : [ {
className : "meta" , begin : /<![a-z]/ , end : />/ , contains : [ i , r , o , s ] } ] } ]
} , e . COMMENT ( /<!--/ , /-->/ , { relevance : 10 } ) , { begin : /<!\[CDATA\[/ , end : /\]\]>/ ,
relevance : 10 } , a , { className : "meta" , end : /\?>/ , variants : [ { begin : /<\?xml/ ,
relevance : 10 , contains : [ o ] } , { begin : /<\?[a-z][a-z0-9]+/ } ] } , { className : "tag" ,
begin : /<style(?=\s|>)/ , end : />/ , keywords : { name : "style" } , contains : [ l ] , starts : {
end : /<\/style>/ , returnEnd : ! 0 , subLanguage : [ "css" , "xml" ] } } , { className : "tag" ,
begin : /<script(?=\s|>)/ , end : />/ , keywords : { name : "script" } , contains : [ l ] , starts : {
end : /<\/script>/ , returnEnd : ! 0 , subLanguage : [ "javascript" , "handlebars" , "xml" ] } } , {
className : "tag" , begin : /<>|<\/>/ } , { className : "tag" ,
begin : n . concat ( /</ , n . lookahead ( n . concat ( t , n . either ( /\/>/ , />/ , /\s/ ) ) ) ) ,
end : /\/?>/ , contains : [ { className : "name" , begin : t , relevance : 0 , starts : l } ] } , {
className : "tag" , begin : n . concat ( /<\// , n . lookahead ( n . concat ( t , />/ ) ) ) , contains : [ {
className : "name" , begin : t , relevance : 0 } , { begin : />/ , relevance : 0 , endsParent : ! 0 } ] } ] }
} , grmr _yaml : e => {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
const n = "true false yes no null" , t = "[\\w#;/?:@&=+$,.~*'()[\\]]+" , a = {
className : "string" , relevance : 0 , variants : [ { begin : /'/ , end : /'/ } , { begin : /"/ , end : /"/
} , { begin : /\S+/ } ] , contains : [ e . BACKSLASH _ESCAPE , { className : "template-variable" ,
variants : [ { begin : /\{\{/ , end : /\}\}/ } , { begin : /%\{/ , end : /\}/ } ] } ] } , i = e . inherit ( a , {
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
variants : [ { begin : /'/ , end : /'/ } , { begin : /"/ , end : /"/ } , { begin : /[^\s,{}[\]]+/ } ] } ) , r = {
end : "," , endsWithParent : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 , keywords : n , relevance : 0 } , s = { begin : /\{/ ,
end : /\}/ , contains : [ r ] , illegal : "\\n" , relevance : 0 } , o = { begin : "\\[" , end : "\\]" ,
contains : [ r ] , illegal : "\\n" , relevance : 0 } , l = [ { className : "attr" , variants : [ {
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
begin : "\\w[\\w :\\/.-]*:(?=[ \t]|$)" } , { begin : '"\\w[\\w :\\/.-]*":(?=[ \t]|$)' } , {
begin : "'\\w[\\w :\\/.-]*':(?=[ \t]|$)" } ] } , { className : "meta" , begin : "^---\\s*$" ,
relevance : 10 } , { className : "string" ,
begin : "[\\|>]([1-9]?[+-])?[ ]*\\n( +)[^ ][^\\n]*\\n(\\2[^\\n]+\\n?)*" } , {
begin : "<%[%=-]?" , end : "[%-]?%>" , subLanguage : "ruby" , excludeBegin : ! 0 , excludeEnd : ! 0 ,
relevance : 0 } , { className : "type" , begin : "!\\w+!" + t } , { className : "type" ,
begin : "!<" + t + ">" } , { className : "type" , begin : "!" + t } , { className : "type" , begin : "!!" + t
} , { className : "meta" , begin : "&" + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "$" } , { className : "meta" ,
begin : "\\*" + e . UNDERSCORE _IDENT _RE + "$" } , { className : "bullet" , begin : "-(?=[ ]|$)" ,
relevance : 0 } , e . HASH _COMMENT _MODE , { beginKeywords : n , keywords : { literal : n } } , {
className : "number" ,
begin : "\\b[0-9]{4}(-[0-9][0-9]){0,2}([Tt \\t][0-9][0-9]?(:[0-9][0-9]){2})?(\\.[0-9]*)?([ \\t])*(Z|[-+][0-9][0-9]?(:[0-9][0-9])?)?\\b"
2021-10-18 07:02:03 +02:00
} , { className : "number" , begin : e . C _NUMBER _RE + "\\b" , relevance : 0 } , s , o , a ] , c = [ ... l ]
; return c . pop ( ) , c . push ( i ) , r . contains = c , { name : "YAML" , case _insensitive : ! 0 ,
2023-10-12 08:17:48 +02:00
aliases : [ "yml" ] , contains : l } } } ) ; const He = ae ; for ( const e of Object . keys ( Ke ) ) {
const n = e . replace ( "grmr_" , "" ) . replace ( "_" , "-" ) ; He . registerLanguage ( n , Ke [ e ] ) }
return He } ( )
2021-06-08 07:40:19 +02:00
; "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module && ( module . exports = hljs ) ;