Fixed headings checks

This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2024-07-02 16:16:11 +01:00
parent f6f01b3001
commit facb9d3c75

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ open Cpdferror
a) Those which require looking deep inside font files; and
b) Those which require reading inside the graphics stream.
Experimental. Both false positive and false negativce results possible. *)
Experimental. Both false positive and false negative results possible. *)
exception MatterhornError of Cpdfyojson.Safe.t
@ -422,27 +422,28 @@ let is_hnum s =
begin try ignore (int_of_string (implode cs)); true with Failure _ -> false end
| _ -> false
let num s = int_of_string (implode (tl (tl (explode s))))
let rec headings_list_of_tree (E (n, cs)) =
(if is_hnum n then [n] else []) @ flatten (map headings_list_of_tree cs)
(* Does use numbered headings, but the first heading tag is not <H1>. *)
let matterhorn_14_002 st st2 pdf =
let rec check_hn = function
| E ("/H1", cs) -> ()
| E (s, cs) when is_hnum s -> merror ()
| E (_, cs) -> iter check_hn cs
check_hn st
let matterhorn_14_002 st _ _ =
match headings_list_of_tree st with
| [] | "/H1"::_ -> ()
| _ -> merror ()
(* Numbered heading levels in descending sequence are skipped (Example: <H3>
follows directly after <H1>). *)
let matterhorn_14_003 st st2 pdf =
let rec check_nseq n = function
| E (s, cs) when is_hnum s ->
let num = int_of_string (implode (tl (tl (explode s)))) in
if num > n + 1 && n > 0 then merror_str (Printf.sprintf "%i -> %i" n num);
iter (check_nseq num) cs
| E (_, cs) -> iter (check_nseq n) cs
let matterhorn_14_003 st _ _ =
let rec check l = function
| [] -> ()
| n::ns ->
let nm = num n in
if nm > l + 1 then merror_str (Printf.sprintf "%i -> %i" l nm) else check nm ns
check_nseq 0 st
check 1 (headings_list_of_tree st)
(* A node contains more than one <H> tag. *)
let matterhorn_14_006 st st2 pdf =
let found = ref false in