mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 02:50:18 +01:00
Ints -> floats in process-image parameters
This commit is contained in:
@ -530,14 +530,14 @@ type args =
mutable toc_bookmark : bool;
mutable idir_only_pdfs : bool;
mutable no_warn_rotate : bool;
mutable jpegquality : int;
mutable jpegqualitylossless : int;
mutable jpegquality : float;
mutable jpegqualitylossless : float;
mutable onebppmethod : string;
mutable pixel_threshold : int;
mutable length_threshold : int;
mutable percentage_threshold : int;
mutable dpi_threshold : int;
mutable resample_factor : int;
mutable percentage_threshold : float;
mutable dpi_threshold : float;
mutable resample_factor : float;
mutable resample_interpolate : bool;
mutable jbig2_lossy_threshold : float;
mutable extract_stream_decompress : bool}
@ -665,14 +665,14 @@ let args =
toc_bookmark = true;
idir_only_pdfs = false;
no_warn_rotate = false;
jpegquality = 100;
jpegqualitylossless = 101;
jpegquality = 100.;
jpegqualitylossless = 101.;
onebppmethod = "";
pixel_threshold = 25;
length_threshold = 100;
percentage_threshold = 99;
dpi_threshold = 0;
resample_factor = 101;
percentage_threshold = 99.;
dpi_threshold = 0.;
resample_factor = 101.;
resample_interpolate = false;
jbig2_lossy_threshold = 0.85;
extract_stream_decompress = false}
@ -786,14 +786,14 @@ let reset_arguments () =
args.toc_title <- "Table of Contents";
args.toc_bookmark <- true;
args.idir_only_pdfs <- false;
args.jpegquality <- 100;
args.jpegqualitylossless <- 101;
args.jpegquality <- 100.;
args.jpegqualitylossless <- 101.;
args.onebppmethod <- "";
args.pixel_threshold <- 25;
args.length_threshold <- 100;
args.percentage_threshold <- 99;
args.dpi_threshold <- 0;
args.resample_factor <- 101;
args.percentage_threshold <- 99.;
args.dpi_threshold <- 0.;
args.resample_factor <- 101.;
args.resample_interpolate <- false;
args.jbig2_lossy_threshold <- 0.85;
args.extract_stream_decompress <- false;
@ -1840,7 +1840,7 @@ let setlosslessresample i =
args.resample_factor <- i
let setlosslessresampledpi i =
args.resample_factor <- -i
args.resample_factor <- -.i
let setresampleinterpolate () =
args.resample_interpolate <- true
@ -2651,10 +2651,10 @@ and specs =
Arg.String setjbig2encpath,
" Path to jbig2enc executable");
Arg.Int setjpegquality,
Arg.Float setjpegquality,
" Set JPEG quality for existing JPEGs");
Arg.Int setjpegqualitylossless,
Arg.Float setjpegqualitylossless,
" Set JPEG quality for existing lossless images");
Arg.String set1bppmethod,
@ -2669,16 +2669,16 @@ and specs =
Arg.Int setlengththreshold,
" Only process images with data longer than this");
Arg.Int setpercentagethreshold,
Arg.Float setpercentagethreshold,
" Only substitute lossy image when smaller than this");
Arg.Int setdpithreshold,
Arg.Float setdpithreshold,
" Only process image when always higher than this dpi");
Arg.Int setlosslessresample,
Arg.Float setlosslessresample,
" Resample lossless images to given part of original");
Arg.Int setlosslessresampledpi,
Arg.Float setlosslessresampledpi,
" Resample lossless images to given DPI");
Arg.Unit setresampleinterpolate,
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ let jpeg_to_jpeg pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~percentage_threshold ~q
close_out fh;
let retcode =
let command =
(Filename.quote_command path_to_convert [out; "-quality"; string_of_int q ^ "%"; out2])
(Filename.quote_command path_to_convert [out; "-quality"; string_of_float q ^ "%"; out2]) (*FIXME check percentage as float here *)
(*Printf.printf "%S\n" command;*) Sys.command command
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ let jpeg_to_jpeg pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~percentage_threshold ~q
let result = open_in_bin out2 in
let newsize = in_channel_length result in
let perc_ok = float newsize /. float size < float_of_int percentage_threshold /. 100. in
let perc_ok = float newsize /. float size < percentage_threshold /. 100. in
if newsize < size && perc_ok then
if !debug_image_processing then Printf.printf "JPEG to JPEG %i -> %i (%i%%)\n%!" size newsize (int_of_float (float newsize /. float size *. 100.));
@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ let lossless_to_jpeg pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~percentage_threshol
let command =
(Filename.quote_command path_to_convert
((if components = 4 then ["-depth"; "8"; "-size"; string_of_int w ^ "x" ^ string_of_int h] else []) @
[out; "-quality"; string_of_int qlossless ^ "%"] @
[out; "-quality"; string_of_float qlossless ^ "%"] @
(if components = 1 then ["-colorspace"; "Gray"] else if components = 4 then ["-colorspace"; "CMYK"] else []) @
@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ let lossless_to_jpeg pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~percentage_threshol
let result = open_in_bin out2 in
let newsize = in_channel_length result in
let perc_ok = float newsize /. float size < float_of_int percentage_threshold /. 100. in
let perc_ok = float newsize /. float size < percentage_threshold /. 100. in
if newsize < size && perc_ok then
if !debug_image_processing then Printf.printf "lossless to JPEG %i -> %i (%i%%)\n%!" size newsize (int_of_float (float newsize /. float size *. 100.));
@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ let lossless_resample pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~factor ~interpolat
Filename.quote_command path_to_convert
((if components = 4 then ["-depth"; "8"; "-size"; string_of_int w ^ "x" ^ string_of_int h] else []) @
(if components = 1 then ["-define"; "png:color-type=0"; "-colorspace"; "Gray"] else if components = 3 then ["-define"; "-png:color-type=2"; "-colorspace"; "RGB"] else if components = 4 then ["-colorspace"; "CMYK"] else []) @
[if interpolate && components > -2 then "-resize" else "-sample"; string_of_int factor ^ "%"; out; out2])
[if interpolate && components > -2 then "-resize" else "-sample"; string_of_float factor ^ "%"; out; out2])
(*Printf.printf "%S\n" command;*)
Sys.command command
@ -662,11 +662,9 @@ let lossless_resample pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~factor ~interpolat
let lossless_resample_target_dpi objnum pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~factor ~target_dpi_info ~interpolate ~path_to_convert s dict reference =
Printf.printf "lossless_resample_target_dpi\n";
let real_factor =
int_of_float (float_of_int factor /. Hashtbl.find target_dpi_info objnum *. 100.)
Printf.printf "real_factor = %i\n" real_factor;
if real_factor < 100 then
let real_factor = factor /. Hashtbl.find target_dpi_info objnum *. 100. in
Printf.printf "real_factor = %f\n" real_factor;
if real_factor < 100. then
lossless_resample pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~factor:real_factor ~interpolate ~path_to_convert s dict reference
let recompress_1bpp_jbig2_lossless ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~path_to_jbig2enc pdf s dict reference =
@ -727,7 +725,7 @@ let preprocess_jbig2_lossy ~path_to_jbig2enc ~jbig2_lossy_threshold ~length_thre
| Pdf.Stream ({contents = dict, _} as reference) ->
let old = !reference in
let restore () = reference := old in
if Hashtbl.mem inrange objnum && (dpi_threshold = 0 || Hashtbl.mem highdpi objnum) then begin match
if Hashtbl.mem inrange objnum && (dpi_threshold = 0. || Hashtbl.mem highdpi objnum) then begin match
Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Subtype" dict,
Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/BitsPerComponent" dict,
Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/ImageMask" dict
@ -808,7 +806,7 @@ let preprocess_jbig2_lossy ~path_to_jbig2enc ~jbig2_lossy_threshold ~length_thre
remove (jbig2out ^ ".sym")
let process
?q ?qlossless ?onebppmethod ~jbig2_lossy_threshold ~length_threshold ~percentage_threshold ~pixel_threshold ~dpi_threshold
~q ~qlossless ~onebppmethod ~jbig2_lossy_threshold ~length_threshold ~percentage_threshold ~pixel_threshold ~dpi_threshold
~factor ~interpolate ~path_to_jbig2enc ~path_to_convert range pdf
let inrange =
@ -818,14 +816,14 @@ let process
let highdpi, target_dpi_info =
let objnums, dpi =
if dpi_threshold = 0 && factor > 0 then ([], []) else
if dpi_threshold = 0. && factor > 0. then ([], []) else
let results = image_resolution pdf range max_float in
(*iter (fun (_, _, _, _, wdpi, hdpi, objnum) -> Printf.printf "From image_resolution %f %f %i\n" wdpi hdpi objnum) results;*)
let cmp (_, _, _, _, _, _, a) (_, _, _, _, _, _, b) = compare a b in
let sets = collate cmp (sort cmp results) in
let heads = map hd (map (sort (fun (_, _, _, _, a, b, _) (_, _, _, _, c, d, _) -> compare (fmin a b) (fmin c d))) sets) in
(*iter (fun (_, _, _, _, wdpi, hdpi, objnum) -> Printf.printf "Lowest resolution exemplar %f %f %i\n" wdpi hdpi objnum) heads;*)
let needed = keep (fun (_, _, _, _, wdpi, hdpi, objnum) -> fmin wdpi hdpi > float_of_int dpi_threshold) heads in
let needed = keep (fun (_, _, _, _, wdpi, hdpi, objnum) -> fmin wdpi hdpi > dpi_threshold) heads in
(*iter (fun (_, _, _, _, wdpi, hdpi, objnum) -> Printf.printf "keep %f %f %i\n" wdpi hdpi objnum) needed;*)
map (fun (_, _, _, _, _, _, objnum) -> objnum) needed,
let r =
@ -835,33 +833,29 @@ let process
hashset_of_list objnums, hashtable_of_dictionary dpi
begin match onebppmethod with Some "JBIG2Lossy" -> preprocess_jbig2_lossy ~path_to_jbig2enc ~jbig2_lossy_threshold ~dpi_threshold ~length_threshold ~pixel_threshold inrange highdpi pdf | _ -> () end;
begin match onebppmethod with "JBIG2Lossy" -> preprocess_jbig2_lossy ~path_to_jbig2enc ~jbig2_lossy_threshold ~dpi_threshold ~length_threshold ~pixel_threshold inrange highdpi pdf | _ -> () end;
let nobjects = Pdf.objcard pdf in
let ndone = ref 0 in
let process_obj objnum s =
match s with
| Pdf.Stream ({contents = dict, _} as reference) ->
ndone += 1;
if Hashtbl.mem inrange objnum && (dpi_threshold = 0 || Hashtbl.mem highdpi objnum) then begin match
if Hashtbl.mem inrange objnum && (dpi_threshold = 0. || Hashtbl.mem highdpi objnum) then begin match
Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Subtype" dict,
Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Filter" dict,
Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/BitsPerComponent" dict,
Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/ImageMask" dict
| Some (Pdf.Name "/Image"), Some (Pdf.Name "/DCTDecode" | Pdf.Array [Pdf.Name "/DCTDecode"]), _, _ ->
begin match q with
| Some q ->
if q < 100 then
if !debug_image_processing then Printf.printf "(%i/%i) Object %i (JPEG)... %!" !ndone nobjects objnum;
jpeg_to_jpeg pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~percentage_threshold ~q ~path_to_convert s dict reference
| None -> ()
if q < 100. then
if !debug_image_processing then Printf.printf "(%i/%i) Object %i (JPEG)... %!" !ndone nobjects objnum;
jpeg_to_jpeg pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~percentage_threshold ~q ~path_to_convert s dict reference
| Some (Pdf.Name "/Image"), _, Some (Pdf.Integer 1), _
| Some (Pdf.Name "/Image"), _, _, Some (Pdf.Boolean true) ->
begin match onebppmethod with
| Some "JBIG2" ->
| "JBIG2" ->
if !debug_image_processing then Printf.printf "(%i/%i) object %i (1bpp)... %!" !ndone nobjects objnum;
recompress_1bpp_jbig2_lossless ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~path_to_jbig2enc pdf s dict reference
@ -869,27 +863,23 @@ let process
| _ -> ()
| Some (Pdf.Name "/Image"), _, _, _ ->
Printf.printf "Lossless resample: factor = %i\n" factor;
begin match qlossless with
| Some qlossless ->
if qlossless < 101 then
Printf.printf "Lossless resample: factor = %f\n" factor;
if qlossless < 101. then
if !debug_image_processing then Printf.printf "(%i/%i) object %i (lossless)... %!" !ndone nobjects objnum;
lossless_to_jpeg pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~percentage_threshold ~qlossless ~path_to_convert s dict reference
if factor < 101. then
if !debug_image_processing then Printf.printf "(%i/%i) object %i (lossless)... %!" !ndone nobjects objnum;
lossless_to_jpeg pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~percentage_threshold ~qlossless ~path_to_convert s dict reference
if factor < 0. then
lossless_resample_target_dpi objnum pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~factor:~-.factor ~target_dpi_info ~interpolate ~path_to_convert s dict reference
lossless_resample pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~factor ~interpolate ~path_to_convert s dict reference
if factor < 101 then
if !debug_image_processing then Printf.printf "(%i/%i) object %i (lossless)... %!" !ndone nobjects objnum;
if factor < 0 then
lossless_resample_target_dpi objnum pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~factor:~-factor ~target_dpi_info ~interpolate ~path_to_convert s dict reference
lossless_resample pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~factor ~interpolate ~path_to_convert s dict reference
| None -> ()
| _ -> () (* not an image *)
| _ -> ndone += 1 (* not a stream *)
@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ val images : Pdf.t -> int list -> Cpdfyojson.Safe.t
(** Reprocess images *)
val process :
?q:int -> ?qlossless:int -> ?onebppmethod:string -> jbig2_lossy_threshold:float ->
length_threshold:int -> percentage_threshold:int -> pixel_threshold:int ->
dpi_threshold:int -> factor:int -> interpolate:bool ->
q:float -> qlossless:float -> onebppmethod:string -> jbig2_lossy_threshold:float ->
length_threshold:int -> percentage_threshold:float -> pixel_threshold:int ->
dpi_threshold:float -> factor:float -> interpolate:bool ->
path_to_jbig2enc:string -> path_to_convert:string -> int list -> Pdf.t -> unit
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