mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 08:28:52 +01:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ MODS = cpdfyojson cpdfxmlm cpdfutil \
cpdfattach cpdfpagespec cpdfposition cpdfpresent cpdfmetadata \
cpdfbookmarks cpdfpage cpdfaddtext cpdf cpdfimage cpdffont cpdftype \
cpdftexttopdf cpdftoc cpdfpad cpdfocg cpdfsqueeze cpdfdraft cpdfspot \
cpdfpagelabels cpdfcreate cpdfannot cpdfxobject cpdfcommand
cpdfpagelabels cpdfcreate cpdfannot cpdfxobject cpdfimpose cpdfcommand
SOURCES = $(foreach x,$(MODS),$(x).ml $(x).mli) cpdfcommandrun.ml
@ -3,10 +3,6 @@ open Pdfutil
open Pdfio
open Cpdferror
(* For uses of process_pages which don't need to deal with matrices, this
function transforms into one which returns the identity matrix *)
let ppstub f n p = (f n p, n, Pdftransform.i_matrix)
(* Add stack operators to a content stream to ensure it is composeable. On
-fast, we don't check for Q deficit, assuming PDF is ISO. *)
let protect fast pdf resources content =
@ -24,55 +20,6 @@ let protect fast pdf resources content =
let qs = addstream (many Pdfops.Op_Q deficit @ [Pdfops.Op_Q]) in
[Pdf.Indirect q] @ content @ [Pdf.Indirect qs]
(* If a cropbox exists, make it the mediabox. If not, change nothing. *)
let copy_cropbox_to_mediabox pdf range =
(ppstub (fun _ page ->
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/CropBox" page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some pdfobject -> {page with Pdfpage.mediabox = Pdf.direct pdf pdfobject}
| None -> page))
(* Union two resource dictionaries from the same PDF. *)
let combine_pdf_resources pdf a b =
let a_entries =
match a with
| Pdf.Dictionary entries -> entries
| _ -> []
in let b_entries =
match b with
| Pdf.Dictionary entries -> entries
| _ -> []
let resource_keys =
["/Font"; "/ExtGState"; "/ColorSpace"; "/Pattern";
"/Shading"; "/XObject"; "/Properties"]
let combine_entries key =
let a_entries =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf key a with
| Some (Pdf.Dictionary d) -> d
| _ -> []
in let b_entries =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf key b with
| Some (Pdf.Dictionary d) -> d
| _ -> []
if a_entries = [] && b_entries = [] then
Some (key, Pdf.Dictionary (a_entries @ b_entries))
let unknown_keys_a = lose (fun (k, _) -> mem k resource_keys) a_entries in
let unknown_keys_b = lose (fun (k, _) -> mem k resource_keys) b_entries in
let combined_known_entries = option_map combine_entries resource_keys in
(fun dict (k, v) -> Pdf.add_dict_entry dict k v)
(Pdf.Dictionary [])
(unknown_keys_a @ unknown_keys_b @ combined_known_entries)
(* Does the page have a defined box e.g "/CropBox" *)
let hasbox pdf page boxname =
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
@ -83,192 +30,6 @@ let hasbox pdf page boxname =
| _ -> false
(* \section{Shift page data} *)
let make_mediabox (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) =
[Pdf.Real xmin; Pdf.Real ymin; Pdf.Real xmax; Pdf.Real ymax]
(* Change the media box and other known boxes by the function [f] which takes
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax as input. *)
let change_boxes f pdf page =
let names = ["/TrimBox"; "/ArtBox"; "/CropBox"; "/BleedBox"]
in let getbox n =
Pdf.lookup_direct pdf n page.Pdfpage.rest
let boxes = combine names (map getbox names) in
let toreplace = lose (function (_, None) -> true | _ -> false) boxes in
let toreplace =
(function (name, Some value) -> (name, value) | _ -> assert false)
let rest' =
(fun e (k, v) ->
let v =
make_mediabox (f (Pdf.parse_rectangle v))
Pdf.replace_dict_entry e k v)
{page with
Pdfpage.mediabox =
make_mediabox (f (Pdf.parse_rectangle page.Pdfpage.mediabox));
Pdfpage.rest = rest'}
(* The content transformed by altering any use of [Op_cm]. But we must also
alter any /Matrix entries in pattern dictionaries *)
let change_pattern_matrices_resources pdf tr resources =
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Pattern" resources with
| Some (Pdf.Dictionary patterns) ->
let entries =
(fun (name, p) ->
(*Printf.printf "Changing matrices of pattern %s\n" name;*)
let old_pattern = Pdf.direct pdf p in
let new_pattern =
let existing_tr = Pdf.parse_matrix pdf "/Matrix" old_pattern in
let new_tr = Pdftransform.matrix_compose (Pdftransform.matrix_invert tr) existing_tr in
Pdf.add_dict_entry old_pattern "/Matrix" (Pdf.make_matrix new_tr)
name, Pdf.Indirect (Pdf.addobj pdf new_pattern))
Pdf.add_dict_entry resources "/Pattern" (Pdf.Dictionary entries)
| _ -> resources
Pdftransform.NonInvertable ->
Printf.eprintf "Warning: noninvertible matrix\n%!";
let change_pattern_matrices_page pdf tr page =
let page =
{page with Pdfpage.resources = change_pattern_matrices_resources pdf tr page.Pdfpage.resources}
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/XObject" page.Pdfpage.resources with
| Some (Pdf.Dictionary elts) ->
(fun (k, v) ->
match v with
| Pdf.Indirect i ->
(* Check if it's a form XObject. If so, rewrite its resources and add back as same number. *)
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Subtype" v with
| Some (Pdf.Name "/Form") ->
(*Printf.printf "Processing form xobject %s for patterns\n" k; *)
let form_xobject = Pdf.lookup_obj pdf i in
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Resources" form_xobject with
| Some resources ->
let form_xobject' =
Pdf.add_dict_entry form_xobject "/Resources" (change_pattern_matrices_resources pdf tr resources)
Pdf.addobj_given_num pdf (i, form_xobject')
| _ -> ()
| _ -> ()
| _ -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "change_pattern_matrices_page"))
| _ -> page
let transform_rect transform rect =
let minx, miny, maxx, maxy = Pdf.parse_rectangle rect in
let (x0, y0) = Pdftransform.transform_matrix transform (minx, miny) in
let (x1, y1) = Pdftransform.transform_matrix transform (maxx, maxy) in
let (x2, y2) = Pdftransform.transform_matrix transform (minx, maxy) in
let (x3, y3) = Pdftransform.transform_matrix transform (maxx, miny) in
let minx = fmin (fmin x0 x1) (fmin x2 x3) in
let miny = fmin (fmin y0 y1) (fmin y2 y3) in
let maxx = fmax (fmax x0 x1) (fmax x2 x3) in
let maxy = fmax (fmax y0 y1) (fmax y2 y3) in
Pdf.Array [Pdf.Real minx; Pdf.Real miny; Pdf.Real maxx; Pdf.Real maxy]
let transform_quadpoint_single transform = function
| [x1; y1; x2; y2; x3; y3; x4; y4] ->
let x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 =
Pdf.getnum x1, Pdf.getnum y1,
Pdf.getnum x2, Pdf.getnum y2,
Pdf.getnum x3, Pdf.getnum y3,
Pdf.getnum x4, Pdf.getnum y4
let (x1, y1) = Pdftransform.transform_matrix transform (x1, y1) in
let (x2, y2) = Pdftransform.transform_matrix transform (x2, y2) in
let (x3, y3) = Pdftransform.transform_matrix transform (x3, y3) in
let (x4, y4) = Pdftransform.transform_matrix transform (x4, y4) in
map (fun x -> Pdf.Real x) [x1; y1; x2; y2; x3; y3; x4; y4]
| qp ->
Printf.eprintf "Malformed /QuadPoints format: must be a multiple of 8 entries\n";
let transform_quadpoints transform = function
| Pdf.Array qps ->
Pdf.Array (flatten (map (transform_quadpoint_single transform) (splitinto 8 qps)))
| qp ->
Printf.eprintf "Unknown or malformed /QuadPoints format %s\n" (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf qp);
(* Apply transformations to any annotations in /Annots (i.e their /Rect and /QuadPoints entries) *)
let transform_annotations pdf transform rest =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Annots" rest with
| Some (Pdf.Array annots) ->
(* Always indirect references, so alter in place *)
| Pdf.Indirect i ->
let annot = Pdf.lookup_obj pdf i in
let rect' =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Rect" annot with
| Some rect -> transform_rect transform rect
| None -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "transform_annotations: no rect")
let quadpoints' =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/QuadPoints" annot with
| Some qp -> Some (transform_quadpoints transform qp)
| None -> None
let annot = Pdf.add_dict_entry annot "/Rect" rect' in
let annot =
match quadpoints' with
| Some qp -> Pdf.add_dict_entry annot "/QuadPoints" qp
| None -> annot
Pdf.addobj_given_num pdf (i, annot)
| _ -> Printf.eprintf "transform_annotations: not indirect\n%!")
| _ -> ()
let shift_page ?(fast=false) dxdylist pdf pnum page =
let dx, dy = List.nth dxdylist (pnum - 1) in
let transform_op =
Pdfops.Op_cm (Pdftransform.matrix_of_op (Pdftransform.Translate (dx, dy)))
let page =
change_pattern_matrices_page pdf (Pdftransform.mktranslate ~-.dx ~-.dy) page
transform_annotations pdf (Pdftransform.mktranslate dx dy) page.Pdfpage.rest;
(Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf [transform_op] ~fast page, pnum, Pdftransform.mktranslate dx dy)
let shift_pdf ?(fast=false) dxdylist pdf range =
Cpdfpage.process_pages (shift_page ~fast dxdylist pdf) pdf range
(* Change a page's media box so its minimum x and y are 0, making other
operations simpler to think about. Any shift that is done is reflected in
other boxes (clip etc.) *)
let rectify_boxes ?(fast=false) pdf page =
let minx, miny, _, _ =
Pdf.parse_rectangle page.Pdfpage.mediabox
let f (iminx, iminy, imaxx, imaxy) =
iminx -. minx, iminy -. miny, imaxx -. minx, imaxy -. miny
let page = change_boxes f pdf page in
if minx <> 0. || miny <> 0.
begin let p, _, _ = shift_page ~fast [(-.minx),(-.miny)] pdf 1 page in p end
else page
(* \section{Flip pages} *)
let flip_page ?(fast=false) transform_op pdf pnum page =
@ -276,8 +37,8 @@ let flip_page ?(fast=false) transform_op pdf pnum page =
Pdf.parse_rectangle page.Pdfpage.mediabox
let tr = transform_op minx miny maxx maxy in
let page = change_pattern_matrices_page pdf tr page in
transform_annotations pdf tr page.Pdfpage.rest;
let page = Cpdfutil.change_pattern_matrices_page pdf tr page in
Cpdfutil.transform_annotations pdf tr page.Pdfpage.rest;
(Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf [Pdfops.Op_cm tr] ~fast page, pnum, tr)
let vflip_pdf ?(fast=false) pdf range =
@ -365,9 +126,9 @@ let do_stamp relative_to_cropbox fast position topline midline scale_to_fit isov
(if relative_to_cropbox then [Pdftransform.Translate (txmin, tymin)] else []) @
[Pdftransform.Scale ((sxmin, symin), scale, scale)]))
transform_annotations pdf matrix o.Pdfpage.rest;
Cpdfutil.transform_annotations pdf matrix o.Pdfpage.rest;
let r = Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf [Pdfops.Op_cm matrix] ~fast o in
change_pattern_matrices_page pdf matrix r
Cpdfutil.change_pattern_matrices_page pdf matrix r
let sw = sxmax -. sxmin and sh = symax -. symin
and w = txmax -. txmin and h = tymax -. tymin in
@ -377,9 +138,9 @@ let do_stamp relative_to_cropbox fast position topline midline scale_to_fit isov
((if relative_to_cropbox then [Pdftransform.Translate (txmin, tymin)] else []) @
[Pdftransform.Translate (dx, dy)]))
transform_annotations pdf matrix o.Pdfpage.rest;
Cpdfutil.transform_annotations pdf matrix o.Pdfpage.rest;
let r = Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf [Pdfops.Op_cm matrix] ~fast o in
change_pattern_matrices_page pdf matrix r
Cpdfutil.change_pattern_matrices_page pdf matrix r
{u with
Pdfpage.content =
@ -389,7 +150,7 @@ let do_stamp relative_to_cropbox fast position topline midline scale_to_fit isov
Pdfpage.rest =
combine_page_items pdf u.Pdfpage.rest o.Pdfpage.rest;
Pdfpage.resources =
combine_pdf_resources pdf u.Pdfpage.resources o.Pdfpage.resources}
Cpdfutil.combine_pdf_resources pdf u.Pdfpage.resources o.Pdfpage.resources}
let stamp relative_to_cropbox position topline midline fast scale_to_fit isover range over pdf =
let prefix = Pdfpage.shortest_unused_prefix pdf in
@ -503,17 +264,6 @@ let combine_pages fast under over scaletofit swap equalize =
debug_pdf r "final.pdf";
(* \section{Set media box} *)
let set_mediabox xywhlist pdf range =
let crop_page pnum page =
let x, y, w, h = List.nth xywhlist (pnum - 1) in
{page with
Pdfpage.mediabox =
[Pdf.Real x; Pdf.Real y;
Pdf.Real (x +. w); Pdf.Real (y +. h)])}
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub crop_page) pdf range
(* Just used by cpdflib for historical reasons *)
let setBox box minx maxx miny maxy pdf range =
@ -524,7 +274,7 @@ let setBox box minx maxx miny maxy pdf range =
page.Pdfpage.rest box
(Pdf.Array [Pdf.Real minx; Pdf.Real miny; Pdf.Real maxx; Pdf.Real maxy])}
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub set_box_page) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (Cpdfutil.ppstub set_box_page) pdf range
(* \section{Cropping} *)
let crop_pdf ?(box="/CropBox") xywhlist pdf range =
@ -539,526 +289,8 @@ let crop_pdf ?(box="/CropBox") xywhlist pdf range =
[Pdf.Real x; Pdf.Real y;
Pdf.Real (x +. w); Pdf.Real (y +. h)])))}
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub crop_page) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (Cpdfutil.ppstub crop_page) pdf range
(* Clip a page to one of its boxes, or the media box if that box is not
* present. This is a hard clip, done by using a clipping rectangle, so that
* the page may then be used as a stamp without extraneous material reapearing.
* *)
let hard_box pdf range boxname mediabox_if_missing fast =
(ppstub (fun pagenum page ->
let minx, miny, maxx, maxy =
if boxname = "/MediaBox" then
Pdf.parse_rectangle page.Pdfpage.mediabox
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf boxname page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some a -> Pdf.parse_rectangle a
| _ ->
if mediabox_if_missing
then Pdf.parse_rectangle page.Pdfpage.mediabox
else error (Printf.sprintf "hard_box: box %s not found" boxname)
let ops = [Pdfops.Op_re (minx, miny, maxx -. minx, maxy -. miny); Pdfops.Op_W; Pdfops.Op_n] in
Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf ops ~fast page))
let remove_cropping_pdf pdf range =
let remove_cropping_page _ page =
{page with
Pdfpage.rest =
(Pdf.remove_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.rest "/CropBox")}
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub remove_cropping_page) pdf range
let remove_trim_pdf pdf range =
let remove_trim_page _ page =
{page with
Pdfpage.rest =
(Pdf.remove_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.rest "/TrimBox")}
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub remove_trim_page) pdf range
let remove_art_pdf pdf range =
let remove_art_page _ page =
{page with
Pdfpage.rest =
(Pdf.remove_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.rest "/ArtBox")}
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub remove_art_page) pdf range
let remove_bleed_pdf pdf range =
let remove_bleed_page _ page =
{page with
Pdfpage.rest =
(Pdf.remove_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.rest "/BleedBox")}
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub remove_bleed_page) pdf range
(* \section{Rotating pages} *)
let rotate_pdf r pdf range =
let rotate_page _ page =
{page with Pdfpage.rotate =
Pdfpage.rotation_of_int r}
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub rotate_page) pdf range
let rotate_pdf_by r pdf range =
let rotate_page_by _ page =
{page with Pdfpage.rotate =
Pdfpage.rotation_of_int ((Pdfpage.int_of_rotation page.Pdfpage.rotate + r) mod 360)}
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub rotate_page_by) pdf range
let rotate_page_contents ~fast rotpoint r pdf pnum page =
let rotation_point =
match rotpoint with
| None ->
let minx, miny, maxx, maxy = Pdf.parse_rectangle page.Pdfpage.mediabox in
(minx +. maxx) /. 2., (miny +. maxy) /. 2.
| Some point -> point
let tr =
(Pdftransform.Rotate (rotation_point, -.(rad_of_deg r)))
in let tr2 =
(Pdftransform.Rotate (rotation_point, rad_of_deg r))
let transform_op = Pdfops.Op_cm tr in
let page = change_pattern_matrices_page pdf tr2 page in
transform_annotations pdf tr page.Pdfpage.rest;
(Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf [transform_op] ~fast page, pnum, tr)
let rotate_contents ?(fast=false) r pdf range =
Cpdfpage.process_pages (rotate_page_contents ~fast None r pdf) pdf range
(* Return the pages from the pdf in the range, unordered. *)
let select_pages range pdf =
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
option_map (function n -> try Some (select n pages) with _ -> None) range
(* Upright functionality *)
(* If all pages are already upright, and the mediabox is (0,0)-based, do nothing
to save time. *)
let allupright range pdf =
let page_is_upright page =
page.Pdfpage.rotate = Pdfpage.Rotate0 &&
(let (minx, miny, _, _) = Pdf.parse_rectangle page.Pdfpage.mediabox in
minx < 0.001 && miny < 0.001 && minx > ~-.0.001 && miny > ~-.0.001)
not (mem false (map page_is_upright (select_pages range pdf)))
let upright_transform page =
let rotate =
Pdfpage.int_of_rotation page.Pdfpage.rotate
and cx, cy =
let minx, miny, maxx, maxy = Pdf.parse_rectangle page.Pdfpage.mediabox in
(minx +. maxx) /. 2., (miny +. maxy) /. 2.
Pdftransform.mkrotate (cx, cy) (rad_of_deg (~-.(float rotate)))
let transform_boxes tr pdf page =
let f (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) =
let minx, miny = Pdftransform.transform_matrix tr (minx, miny)
and maxx, maxy = Pdftransform.transform_matrix tr (maxx, maxy) in
(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
change_boxes f pdf page
let transform_contents ?(fast=false) tr pdf page =
let transform_op = Pdfops.Op_cm tr in
let page = change_pattern_matrices_page pdf (Pdftransform.matrix_invert tr) page in
transform_annotations pdf tr page.Pdfpage.rest;
Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf [transform_op] ~fast page
let upright ?(fast=false) range pdf =
if allupright range pdf then pdf else
let upright_page _ pnum page =
let tr = upright_transform page in
let page = transform_boxes tr pdf page in
let page = transform_contents ~fast tr pdf page in
(rectify_boxes ~fast pdf {page with Pdfpage.rotate = Pdfpage.Rotate0}, pnum, tr)
Cpdfpage.process_pages (upright_page pdf) pdf range
(* \section{Scale page data} *)
let scale_pdf ?(fast=false) sxsylist pdf range =
let scale_page pnum page =
let sx, sy = List.nth sxsylist (pnum - 1) in
let f (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) =
xmin *. sx, ymin *. sy, xmax *. sx, ymax *. sy
let page = change_boxes f pdf page
and matrix = Pdftransform.matrix_of_op (Pdftransform.Scale ((0., 0.), sx, sy)) in
let transform_op =
Pdfops.Op_cm matrix
and page =
change_pattern_matrices_page pdf (Pdftransform.matrix_invert matrix) page
transform_annotations pdf matrix page.Pdfpage.rest;
(Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf ~fast [transform_op] page, pnum, matrix)
Cpdfpage.process_pages scale_page pdf range
(* Scale to fit page of size x * y *)
let scale_to_fit_pdf ?(fast=false) position input_scale xylist op pdf range =
let scale_page_to_fit pnum page =
let x, y = List.nth xylist (pnum - 1) in
let matrix =
let (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) =
(* Use cropbox if available *)
(match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/CropBox" page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some r -> r
| None -> page.Pdfpage.mediabox)
if maxx <= 0. || maxy <= 0. then failwith "Zero-sized pages are invalid" else
let fx = x /. maxx in let fy = y /. maxy in
let scale = fmin fx fy *. input_scale in
let trans_x =
match position with
Cpdfposition.Left _ -> 0.
| Cpdfposition.Right _ -> (x -. (maxx *. scale))
| _ -> (x -. (maxx *. scale)) /. 2.
and trans_y =
match position with
| Cpdfposition.Top _ -> (y -. (maxy *. scale))
| Cpdfposition.Bottom _ -> 0.
| _ -> (y -. (maxy *. scale)) /. 2.
[Pdftransform.Translate (trans_x, trans_y);
Pdftransform.Scale ((0., 0.), scale, scale)])
let page =
(function (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) -> 0., 0., x, y)
pdf page
transform_annotations pdf matrix page.Pdfpage.rest;
(Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf [Pdfops.Op_cm matrix] ~fast
(change_pattern_matrices_page pdf (Pdftransform.matrix_invert matrix) page), pnum, matrix)
Cpdfpage.process_pages scale_page_to_fit pdf range
(* Scale contents *)
let scale_page_contents ?(fast=false) scale position pdf pnum page =
let (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) as box =
(* Use cropbox if available *)
(match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/CropBox" page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some r -> r
| None -> page.Pdfpage.mediabox)
let sx, sy, _ = Cpdfposition.calculate_position true 0. box Horizontal position in
let tx, ty =
let open Cpdfposition in
match position with
| Top t -> 0., -.t
| TopLeft t -> t, -.t
| TopRight t -> -.t, -.t
| Left t -> t, 0.
| BottomLeft t -> t, t
| Bottom t -> 0., t
| BottomRight t -> -.t, t
| Right t -> -.t, 0.
| _ -> 0., 0. (* centre it... FIXME: We will add a center position, eventually, for text and this... *)
let transform =
[Pdftransform.Translate (tx, ty);
Pdftransform.Scale ((sx, sy), scale, scale)]
let transform_op = Pdfops.Op_cm transform in
let page = change_pattern_matrices_page pdf transform page in
transform_annotations pdf transform page.Pdfpage.rest;
(Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf [transform_op] ~fast page, pnum, transform)
let scale_contents ?(fast=false) position scale pdf range =
Cpdfpage.process_pages (scale_page_contents ~fast scale position pdf) pdf range
(* Imposition *)
(* Union two rest dictionaries from the same PDF. *)
let combine_pdf_rests pdf a b =
let a_entries =
match a with
| Pdf.Dictionary entries -> entries
| _ -> []
in let b_entries =
match b with
| Pdf.Dictionary entries -> entries
| _ -> []
let keys_to_combine = ["/Annots"] in
let combine_entries key =
let a_entries =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf key a with
| Some (Pdf.Array d) -> d
| _ -> []
in let b_entries =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf key b with
| Some (Pdf.Array d) -> d
| _ -> []
if a_entries = [] && b_entries = [] then
Some (key, Pdf.Array (a_entries @ b_entries))
let unknown_keys_a = lose (fun (k, _) -> mem k keys_to_combine) a_entries in
let unknown_keys_b = lose (fun (k, _) -> mem k keys_to_combine) b_entries in
let combined_known_entries = option_map combine_entries keys_to_combine in
(fun dict (k, v) -> Pdf.add_dict_entry dict k v)
(Pdf.Dictionary [])
(unknown_keys_a @ unknown_keys_b @ combined_known_entries)
(* Calculate the transformation matrices for a single imposed output page. *)
(* make margins by scaling for a fitted impose. *)
let make_margin output_mediabox margin tr =
if margin = 0. then tr else
let width, height =
match Pdf.parse_rectangle output_mediabox with
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax -> xmax -. xmin, ymax -. ymin
if margin > width /. 2. || margin > height /. 2. then error "margin would fill whole page!" else
let hfactor = (width -. margin -. margin) /. width in
let vfactor = (height -. margin -. margin) /. height in
let factor = fmin hfactor vfactor in
let scale = Pdftransform.matrix_of_op (Pdftransform.Scale ((0., 0.), factor, factor)) in
let shift =
Pdftransform.matrix_of_op (Pdftransform.Translate ((width -. width *. factor) /. 2.,
(height -. height *. factor) /. 2.))
(Pdftransform.matrix_compose shift (Pdftransform.matrix_compose scale tr))
(* FIXME fixup -center for next release. For now it has been disabled. *)
let impose_transforms fit fx fy columns rtl btt center margin mediabox output_mediabox fit_extra_hspace fit_extra_vspace len =
let width, height =
match Pdf.parse_rectangle mediabox with
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax -> xmax -. xmin, ymax -. ymin
let trs = ref [] in
let len = ref len in
let cent_extra_x = ref 0. in
let cent_extra_y = ref 0. in
let addtr x y row col px py =
let cex, cey =
(if rtl then ~-.(!cent_extra_x) else !cent_extra_x), (if btt then ~-.(!cent_extra_y) else !cent_extra_y)
let spacecol = if rtl then x - col - 1 else col in
let total_fit_extra_hspace = fit_extra_hspace *. (float_of_int spacecol +. 1.) in
let total_fit_extra_vspace = fit_extra_vspace *. (float_of_int row +. 1.) in
(*Printf.printf "row = %i, py = %f, ey = %f, fit_extra_vspace = %f, total_fit_extra_vspace = %f\n" row py cey fit_extra_vspace total_fit_extra_vspace;*)
trs :=
[Pdftransform.Translate (px +. cex +. total_fit_extra_hspace, py +. cey +. total_fit_extra_vspace)]
let x = int_of_float fx in
let y = int_of_float fy in
let final_full_cols = !len mod x in
let final_full_rows = !len mod y in
let order row col =
((if btt then y - row - 1 else row), (if rtl then x - col - 1 else col))
if columns then
for col = 0 to x - 1 do
if center && !len < y then if !cent_extra_y = 0. then cent_extra_y := ~-.(height *. float_of_int (y - !len)) /. 2.;
for row = y - 1 downto 0 do
let original_row = row in
let row, col = order row col in
let adjusted_row =
let final_empty_rows = y - final_full_rows in
if center && !len <= final_full_rows then original_row + (y - 1 - 1 - (final_empty_rows / 2)) else original_row
if !len > 0 then addtr x y adjusted_row col (width *. float_of_int col) (height *. float_of_int row);
len := !len - 1
for row = y - 1 downto 0 do
if center && !len < x then if !cent_extra_x = 0. then cent_extra_x := (width *. float_of_int (x - !len)) /. 2.;
for col = 0 to x - 1 do
let original_col = col in
let row, col = order row col in
let adjusted_col =
let final_empty_cols = x - final_full_cols in
if center && !len <= final_full_cols then original_col + (x - 1 - 1 - (final_empty_cols / 2)) else original_col
if !len > 0 then addtr x y row adjusted_col (width *. float_of_int col) (height *. float_of_int row);
len := !len - 1
map (if fit then make_margin output_mediabox margin else Fun.id) (rev !trs)
(* Combine two pages into one throughout the document. The pages have already
had their objects renumbered so as not to clash. *)
let impose_pages fit x y columns rtl btt center margin output_mediabox fast fit_extra_hspace fit_extra_vspace pdf = function
| [] -> assert false
| (h::_) as pages ->
let transforms =
fit x y columns rtl btt center margin h.Pdfpage.mediabox
output_mediabox fit_extra_hspace fit_extra_vspace (length pages)
(* Change the pattern matrices before combining resources *)
let pages, h =
let r = map2 (fun p t -> change_pattern_matrices_page pdf t p) pages transforms in
(r, List.hd r)
let resources' = pair_reduce (combine_pdf_resources pdf) (map (fun p -> p.Pdfpage.resources) pages) in
let rest' = pair_reduce (combine_pdf_rests pdf) (map (fun p -> p.Pdfpage.rest) pages) in
let content' =
let transform_stream transform contents =
(* If fast, no mismatched q/Q protection and no parsing of operators. *)
if fast then
[Pdfops.stream_of_ops [Pdfops.Op_q; Pdfops.Op_cm transform]] @ contents @ [Pdfops.stream_of_ops [Pdfops.Op_Q]]
(* If slow, use protect from Pdfpage. *)
let ops = Pdfpage.protect pdf resources' contents @ Pdfops.parse_operators pdf resources' contents in
[Pdfops.stream_of_ops ([Pdfops.Op_q] @ [Pdfops.Op_cm transform] @ ops @ [Pdfops.Op_Q])]
(fun p t -> transform_annotations pdf t p.Pdfpage.rest; transform_stream t p.Pdfpage.content)
{Pdfpage.mediabox = output_mediabox;
Pdfpage.rotate = h.Pdfpage.rotate;
Pdfpage.content = content';
Pdfpage.resources = resources';
Pdfpage.rest = rest'}
(* For fit, we scale contents, move to middle and retain page size. For xy, we
expand mediabox and move contents to middle. This function also does the hard boxing. *)
let make_space fit ~fast spacing pdf =
let endpage = Pdfpage.endpage pdf in
let all = ilist 1 endpage in
let pdf = hard_box pdf all "/MediaBox" false fast in
if spacing = 0. then pdf else
let margin = spacing /. 2. in
let firstpage = hd (Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf) in
let width, height =
match Pdf.parse_rectangle firstpage.Pdfpage.mediabox with
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax -> (xmax -. xmin, ymax -. ymin)
if fit then
(many (margin, margin) endpage)
(scale_contents ~fast (Cpdfposition.BottomLeft 0.) ((width -. spacing) /. width) pdf all)
(many (0., 0., width +. spacing, height +. spacing) endpage)
(shift_pdf ~fast (many (margin, margin) endpage) pdf all) all)
(* We add the border as a thick unfilled rectangle just inside the page edge,
only if its linewidth is > 0 since, for us, 0 means none, not single-pixel
like in PDF. *)
let add_border linewidth ~fast pdf =
if linewidth = 0. then pdf else
let firstpage = hd (Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf) in
let _, _, w, h = Pdf.parse_rectangle firstpage.Pdfpage.mediabox in
fast (w -. linewidth, h -. linewidth) (RGB (0., 0., 0.)) true linewidth 1. (Cpdfposition.BottomLeft (linewidth /. 2.))
false false (ilist 1 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf)) pdf
let impose ~x ~y ~fit ~columns ~rtl ~btt ~center ~margin ~spacing ~linewidth ~fast pdf =
let endpage = Pdfpage.endpage pdf in
let pagenums = ilist 1 endpage in
let pdf = copy_cropbox_to_mediabox pdf pagenums in
let pdf = remove_cropping_pdf pdf pagenums in
let pdf = upright pagenums pdf in
let pdf = add_border linewidth ~fast pdf in
let pdf = make_space fit ~fast spacing pdf in
let firstpage = hd (Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf) in
let _, _, w, h = Pdf.parse_rectangle firstpage.Pdfpage.mediabox in
let ix = int_of_float x in
let iy = int_of_float y in
let n, ix, iy, fit_extra_hspace, fit_extra_vspace =
if fit then
(* +. 0.001 ensures a page always fits on itself, or on another page of same height or width. *)
let across = int_of_float (floor (x /. w +. 0.001)) in
let down = int_of_float (floor (y /. h +. 0.001)) in
if across < 1 || down < 1 then error "Not even a single page would fit." else
let excess_hspace = x -. float_of_int across *. w in
let excess_vspace = y -. float_of_int down *. h in
(*Printf.printf "across = %i, down =%i, excess_hspace = %f, excess_hspace = %f\n" across down excess_hspace excess_vspace;*)
(across * down,
excess_hspace /. (float_of_int across +. 1.),
excess_vspace /. (float_of_int down +. 1.))
if ix = 0 && iy = 0 then error "impose-xy: both dimensions cannot be zero" else
if ix = 0 then (endpage, endpage, 1, 0., 0.)
else if iy = 0 then (endpage, 1, endpage, 0., 0.)
else (ix * iy, ix, iy, 0., 0.)
let mediabox' =
if fit then Pdf.Array [Pdf.Real 0.; Pdf.Real 0.; Pdf.Real x; Pdf.Real y] else
let m2 = margin *. 2. in
if x = 0.0 then Pdf.Array [Pdf.Real 0.; Pdf.Real 0.; Pdf.Real (w *. float_of_int endpage +. m2); Pdf.Real (h +. m2)]
else if y = 0.0 then Pdf.Array [Pdf.Real 0.; Pdf.Real 0.; Pdf.Real (w +. m2); Pdf.Real (h *. float_of_int endpage +. m2)]
else Pdf.Array [Pdf.Real 0.; Pdf.Real 0.; Pdf.Real (w *. x +. m2); Pdf.Real (h *. y +. m2)]
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
let pagesets = splitinto n pages in
let renumbered = map (Pdfpage.renumber_pages pdf) pagesets in
let pages =
(impose_pages fit (float_of_int ix) (float_of_int iy) columns rtl btt
center margin mediabox' fast fit_extra_hspace fit_extra_vspace pdf)
let changes = map (fun x -> (x, (x + (n - 1)) / n)) pagenums in
let pdf = Pdfpage.change_pages ~changes true pdf pages in
if fit then pdf else shift_pdf ~fast (many (margin, margin) (length pages)) pdf (ilist 1 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf))
(* Legacy -twoup-stack. Impose 2x1 on a page twice the size then rotate. *)
let twoup_stack fast pdf =
let pdf =
~x:2. ~y:1. ~fit:false ~columns:false ~rtl:false ~btt:false ~center:false
~margin:0. ~spacing:0. ~linewidth:0. ~fast pdf
let all = ilist 1 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf) in
upright ~fast all (rotate_pdf ~-90 pdf all)
(* Legacy -two-up. Rotate the pages and shrink them so as to fit 2x1 on a page the same size. *)
let twoup fast pdf =
let firstpage = hd (Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf) in
let width, height =
match Pdf.parse_rectangle firstpage.Pdfpage.mediabox with
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax -> xmax -. xmin, ymax -. ymin
let width_exceeds_height = width > height in
let sc =
if width_exceeds_height
then fmin (height /. width) ((width /. 2.) /. height)
else fmin (width /. height) ((height /. 2.) /. width)
let endpage = Pdfpage.endpage pdf in
let all = ilist 1 endpage in
let pdf = scale_pdf ~fast (many (sc, sc) endpage) pdf all in
let pdf =
~x:2. ~y:1. ~fit:false ~columns:false ~rtl:false ~btt:false ~center:true
~margin:0. ~spacing:0. ~linewidth:0. ~fast pdf
let endpage = Pdfpage.endpage pdf in
let all = ilist 1 endpage in
let pdf = upright all (rotate_pdf ~-90 pdf all) in
scale_to_fit_pdf ~fast Cpdfposition.Diagonal 1. (many (width, height) endpage) () pdf all
(* \section{Blacken text} *)
@ -1150,7 +382,7 @@ let blacktext c range pdf =
Cpdfutil.process_xobjects pdf page (blacktext_ops c);
{page with Pdfpage.content = content'}
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub blacktext_page) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (Cpdfutil.ppstub blacktext_page) pdf range
(* \section{Blacken lines} *)
let blacklines_ops c pdf resources content =
@ -1176,7 +408,7 @@ let blacklines c range pdf =
Cpdfutil.process_xobjects pdf page (blacklines_ops c);
{page with Pdfpage.content = content'}
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub blacklines_page) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (Cpdfutil.ppstub blacklines_page) pdf range
(* \section{Blacken Fills} *)
let blackfills_ops c pdf resources content =
@ -1202,7 +434,7 @@ let blackfills c range pdf =
Cpdfutil.process_xobjects pdf page (blackfills_ops c);
{page with Pdfpage.content = content'}
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub blackfills_page) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (Cpdfutil.ppstub blackfills_page) pdf range
(* \section{Set a minimum line width to avoid dropout} *)
let thinlines range width pdf =
@ -1277,7 +509,7 @@ let thinlines range width pdf =
let content' = [Pdfops.stream_of_ops operators] in
{page with Pdfpage.content = content'}
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub thinpage) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (Cpdfutil.ppstub thinpage) pdf range
(* Parse the new content to make sure syntactically ok, append
* as required. Rewrite the content *)
@ -1289,7 +521,7 @@ let append_page_content_page fast s before pdf n page =
pdf ops ~fast page
let append_page_content s before fast range pdf =
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub (append_page_content_page fast s before pdf)) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (Cpdfutil.ppstub (append_page_content_page fast s before pdf)) pdf range
(* Add rectangles on top of pages to show Media, Crop, Art, Trim, Bleed boxes.
@ -1335,7 +567,7 @@ let show_boxes_page fast pdf _ page =
Pdfpage.postpend_operators pdf ops ~fast page
let show_boxes ?(fast=false) pdf range =
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub (show_boxes_page fast pdf)) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (Cpdfutil.ppstub (show_boxes_page fast pdf)) pdf range
@ -1369,7 +601,7 @@ let trim_marks_page fast pdf n page =
let trim_marks ?(fast=false) pdf range =
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub (trim_marks_page fast pdf)) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (Cpdfutil.ppstub (trim_marks_page fast pdf)) pdf range
(* 1. Extend remove_dict_entry with search term
2. Implement replace_dict_entry by analogy to remove_dict_entry *)
@ -1435,14 +667,14 @@ let remove_clipping pdf range =
Cpdfutil.process_xobjects pdf page remove_clipping_ops;
{page with Pdfpage.content = content'}
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub remove_clipping_page) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (Cpdfutil.ppstub remove_clipping_page) pdf range
(* copy the contents of the box f to the box t. If mediabox_if_missing is set,
the contents of the mediabox will be used if the from fox is not available. If
mediabox_is_missing is false, the page is unaltered. *)
let copy_box f t mediabox_if_missing pdf range =
(ppstub (fun _ page ->
(Cpdfutil.ppstub (fun _ page ->
if f = "/MediaBox" then
{page with Pdfpage.rest =
(Pdf.add_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.rest t (page.Pdfpage.mediabox))}
@ -1477,4 +709,4 @@ let remove_unused_resources_page pdf n page =
{page with Pdfpage.resources = Pdf.add_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.resources "/XObject" xobjdict}
let remove_unused_resources pdf =
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub (remove_unused_resources_page pdf)) pdf (ilist 1 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf))
Cpdfpage.process_pages (Cpdfutil.ppstub (remove_unused_resources_page pdf)) pdf (ilist 1 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf))
@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
(** Coherent PDF Tools Core Routines *)
open Pdfutil
(** {2 Working with pages} *)
val copy_cropbox_to_mediabox : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** {2 Stamping} *)
(** [combine_pages fast under over scaletofit swap equalize] combines the page
@ -28,77 +24,19 @@ val hasbox : Pdf.t -> int -> string -> bool
(** [crop_pdf xywhlist pdf range] sets the cropbox on the given pages. *)
val crop_pdf : ?box:string -> (float * float * float * float) list -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
val hard_box : Pdf.t -> int list -> string -> bool -> bool -> Pdf.t
(** [set_mediabox xywhlist pdf range] sets the media box on the given pages. *)
val set_mediabox : (float * float * float * float) list -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** [setBox boxname x y w h pdf range] sets the given box on the given pages. *)
val setBox : string -> float -> float -> float -> float -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Remove any cropping from the given pages. *)
val remove_cropping_pdf : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Remove any trim box from the given pages. *)
val remove_trim_pdf : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Remove any bleed box from the given pages. *)
val remove_bleed_pdf : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Remove any art box from the given pages. *)
val remove_art_pdf : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Change rotation to a given value 0, 90, 180, 270 on given pages. *)
val rotate_pdf : int -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Rotate clockwise by 0, 90, 180, 270 on given pages. *)
val rotate_pdf_by : int -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Rotate the contents by the given angle on the given pages. If [fast] is true, assume PDF is well-formed. *)
val rotate_contents : ?fast:bool -> float -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Modify the rotation of the page and its contents to leave the rotation at 0 with the page effectively unaltered. *)
val upright : ?fast:bool -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** Flip the given pages vertically *)
val vflip_pdf : ?fast:bool -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Flip the given pages horizontally *)
val hflip_pdf : ?fast:bool -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Shift a PDF in x and y (in pts) in the given pages. List of (x, y) pairs is
for all pages in pdf. *)
val shift_pdf : ?fast:bool -> (float * float) list -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Scale a PDF in sx, sy in the given pages. List of (sx, sy) pairs is
for all pages in pdf. *)
val scale_pdf : ?fast:bool -> (float * float) list -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** [scale_to_fit_pdf fast position input_scale x y op pdf range] scales a page to fit the
page size given by (x, y) and by the [input_scale] (e.g 1.0 = scale to fit, 0.9
= scale to fit leaving a border etc.). [op] is unused. *)
val scale_to_fit_pdf : ?fast:bool -> Cpdfposition.position -> float -> (float * float) list -> 'a -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Scale the contents of a page by a given factor centred around a given point in a given range. *)
val scale_contents : ?fast:bool -> Cpdfposition.position -> float -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
val trim_marks : ?fast:bool -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
val show_boxes : ?fast:bool -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** {2 Imposition} *)
val impose : x:float -> y:float -> fit:bool -> columns:bool -> rtl:bool -> btt:bool -> center:bool -> margin:float -> spacing:float -> linewidth:float -> fast:bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** The twoup_stack operation puts two logical pages on each physical page,
rotating them 90 degrees to do so. The new mediabox is thus larger. Bool true
(fast) if assume well-formed ISO content streams. *)
val twoup_stack : bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** The twoup operation does the same, but scales the new sides down so that
the media box is unchanged. Bool true (fast) if assume well-formed ISO content streams. *)
val twoup : bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** {2 Miscellany} *)
(** Make all lines in the PDF at least a certain thickness. *)
@ -3220,7 +3220,7 @@ let go () =
let pdf = get_single_pdf (Some MediaBox) false in
let xywhlist = Cpdfcoord.parse_rectangles pdf args.rectangle in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf pagespec in
let pdf = Cpdf.set_mediabox xywhlist pdf range in
let pdf = Cpdfpage.set_mediabox xywhlist pdf range in
write_pdf false pdf
| _ -> error "set media box: bad command line"
@ -3229,7 +3229,7 @@ let go () =
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf (Some (HardBox box)) false in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf pagespec in
let pdf = Cpdf.hard_box pdf range box args.mediabox_if_missing args.fast in
let pdf = Cpdfpage.hard_box pdf range box args.mediabox_if_missing args.fast in
write_pdf false pdf
| _ -> error "hard box: bad command line"
@ -3266,7 +3266,7 @@ let go () =
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf (Some RemoveCrop) false in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf pagespec in
let pdf = Cpdf.remove_cropping_pdf pdf range in
let pdf = Cpdfpage.remove_cropping_pdf pdf range in
write_pdf false pdf
| _ -> error "remove-crop: bad command line"
@ -3275,7 +3275,7 @@ let go () =
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf (Some RemoveArt) false in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf pagespec in
let pdf = Cpdf.remove_art_pdf pdf range in
let pdf = Cpdfpage.remove_art_pdf pdf range in
write_pdf false pdf
| _ -> error "remove-crop: bad command line"
@ -3284,7 +3284,7 @@ let go () =
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf (Some RemoveTrim) false in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf pagespec in
let pdf = Cpdf.remove_trim_pdf pdf range in
let pdf = Cpdfpage.remove_trim_pdf pdf range in
write_pdf false pdf
| _ -> error "remove-crop: bad command line"
@ -3293,7 +3293,7 @@ let go () =
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf (Some RemoveBleed) false in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf pagespec in
let pdf = Cpdf.remove_bleed_pdf pdf range in
let pdf = Cpdfpage.remove_bleed_pdf pdf range in
write_pdf false pdf
| _ -> error "remove-crop: bad command line"
@ -3302,7 +3302,7 @@ let go () =
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf (Some CopyCropBoxToMediaBox) false in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf pagespec in
let pdf = Cpdf.copy_cropbox_to_mediabox pdf range in
let pdf = Cpdfpage.copy_cropbox_to_mediabox pdf range in
write_pdf false pdf
| _ -> error "remove-crop: bad command line"
@ -3313,8 +3313,8 @@ let go () =
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf pagespec in
let rotate =
match args.op with
| Some (Rotate i) -> Cpdf.rotate_pdf i
| Some (Rotateby i) -> Cpdf.rotate_pdf_by i
| Some (Rotate i) -> Cpdfpage.rotate_pdf i
| Some (Rotateby i) -> Cpdfpage.rotate_pdf_by i
| _ -> assert false
let pdf = rotate pdf range in
@ -3326,7 +3326,7 @@ let go () =
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op false in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf pagespec in
let pdf = Cpdf.rotate_contents ~fast:args.fast a pdf range in
let pdf = Cpdfpage.rotate_contents ~fast:args.fast a pdf range in
write_pdf false pdf
| _ -> error "rotate-contents: bad command line"
@ -3335,7 +3335,7 @@ let go () =
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op false in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf pagespec in
let pdf = Cpdf.upright ~fast:args.fast range pdf in
let pdf = Cpdfpage.upright ~fast:args.fast range pdf in
write_pdf false pdf
| _ -> error "rotate-contents: bad command line"
@ -3561,22 +3561,22 @@ let go () =
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op false in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf (get_pagespec ()) in
let dxdylist = Cpdfcoord.parse_coordinates pdf args.coord in
write_pdf false (Cpdf.shift_pdf ~fast:args.fast dxdylist pdf range)
write_pdf false (Cpdfpage.shift_pdf ~fast:args.fast dxdylist pdf range)
| Some Scale ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op false in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf (get_pagespec ()) in
let sxsylist = Cpdfcoord.parse_coordinates pdf args.coord in
write_pdf false (Cpdf.scale_pdf ~fast:args.fast sxsylist pdf range)
write_pdf false (Cpdfpage.scale_pdf ~fast:args.fast sxsylist pdf range)
| Some ScaleToFit ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op false in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf (get_pagespec ()) in
let xylist = Cpdfcoord.parse_coordinates pdf args.coord
and scale = args.scale in
write_pdf false (Cpdf.scale_to_fit_pdf ~fast:args.fast args.position scale xylist args.op pdf range)
write_pdf false (Cpdfpage.scale_to_fit_pdf ~fast:args.fast args.position scale xylist args.op pdf range)
| Some (ScaleContents scale) ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op false in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf (get_pagespec ()) in
write_pdf false (Cpdf.scale_contents ~fast:args.fast args.position scale pdf range)
write_pdf false (Cpdfpage.scale_contents ~fast:args.fast args.position scale pdf range)
| Some ListAttachedFiles ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op false in
let attachments = Cpdfattach.list_attached_files pdf in
@ -3659,7 +3659,7 @@ let go () =
| OtherFont f -> None (* it's in fontname *)
let pdf =
if args.prerotate then Cpdf.upright ~fast:args.fast range pdf else pdf
if args.prerotate then Cpdfpage.upright ~fast:args.fast range pdf else pdf
and filename =
match args.inputs with
| (InFile inname, _, _, _, _, _)::_ -> inname
@ -3692,15 +3692,15 @@ let go () =
| Some RemoveBookmarks ->
write_pdf false (Pdfmarks.remove_bookmarks (get_single_pdf args.op false))
| Some TwoUp ->
write_pdf false (Cpdf.twoup args.fast (get_single_pdf args.op false))
write_pdf false (Cpdfimpose.twoup args.fast (get_single_pdf args.op false))
| Some TwoUpStack ->
write_pdf false (Cpdf.twoup_stack args.fast (get_single_pdf args.op false))
write_pdf false (Cpdfimpose.twoup_stack args.fast (get_single_pdf args.op false))
| Some Impose fit ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op false in
let x, y = Cpdfcoord.parse_coordinate pdf args.coord in
if not fit && (x < 0.0 || y < 0.0) then error "Negative imposition parameters not allowed." else
write_pdf false
(Cpdf.impose ~x ~y ~fit ~columns:args.impose_columns ~rtl:args.impose_rtl ~btt:args.impose_btt ~center:args.impose_center
(Cpdfimpose.impose ~x ~y ~fit ~columns:args.impose_columns ~rtl:args.impose_rtl ~btt:args.impose_btt ~center:args.impose_center
~margin:args.impose_margin ~spacing:args.impose_spacing ~linewidth:args.impose_linewidth ~fast:args.fast pdf)
| Some (StampOn over) ->
let overpdf =
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
open Pdfutil
open Cpdferror
(* Imposition *)
(* Union two rest dictionaries from the same PDF. *)
let combine_pdf_rests pdf a b =
let a_entries =
match a with
| Pdf.Dictionary entries -> entries
| _ -> []
in let b_entries =
match b with
| Pdf.Dictionary entries -> entries
| _ -> []
let keys_to_combine = ["/Annots"] in
let combine_entries key =
let a_entries =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf key a with
| Some (Pdf.Array d) -> d
| _ -> []
in let b_entries =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf key b with
| Some (Pdf.Array d) -> d
| _ -> []
if a_entries = [] && b_entries = [] then
Some (key, Pdf.Array (a_entries @ b_entries))
let unknown_keys_a = lose (fun (k, _) -> mem k keys_to_combine) a_entries in
let unknown_keys_b = lose (fun (k, _) -> mem k keys_to_combine) b_entries in
let combined_known_entries = option_map combine_entries keys_to_combine in
(fun dict (k, v) -> Pdf.add_dict_entry dict k v)
(Pdf.Dictionary [])
(unknown_keys_a @ unknown_keys_b @ combined_known_entries)
(* Calculate the transformation matrices for a single imposed output page. *)
(* make margins by scaling for a fitted impose. *)
let make_margin output_mediabox margin tr =
if margin = 0. then tr else
let width, height =
match Pdf.parse_rectangle output_mediabox with
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax -> xmax -. xmin, ymax -. ymin
if margin > width /. 2. || margin > height /. 2. then error "margin would fill whole page!" else
let hfactor = (width -. margin -. margin) /. width in
let vfactor = (height -. margin -. margin) /. height in
let factor = fmin hfactor vfactor in
let scale = Pdftransform.matrix_of_op (Pdftransform.Scale ((0., 0.), factor, factor)) in
let shift =
Pdftransform.matrix_of_op (Pdftransform.Translate ((width -. width *. factor) /. 2.,
(height -. height *. factor) /. 2.))
(Pdftransform.matrix_compose shift (Pdftransform.matrix_compose scale tr))
(* FIXME fixup -center for next release. For now it has been disabled. *)
let impose_transforms fit fx fy columns rtl btt center margin mediabox output_mediabox fit_extra_hspace fit_extra_vspace len =
let width, height =
match Pdf.parse_rectangle mediabox with
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax -> xmax -. xmin, ymax -. ymin
let trs = ref [] in
let len = ref len in
let cent_extra_x = ref 0. in
let cent_extra_y = ref 0. in
let addtr x y row col px py =
let cex, cey =
(if rtl then ~-.(!cent_extra_x) else !cent_extra_x), (if btt then ~-.(!cent_extra_y) else !cent_extra_y)
let spacecol = if rtl then x - col - 1 else col in
let total_fit_extra_hspace = fit_extra_hspace *. (float_of_int spacecol +. 1.) in
let total_fit_extra_vspace = fit_extra_vspace *. (float_of_int row +. 1.) in
(*Printf.printf "row = %i, py = %f, ey = %f, fit_extra_vspace = %f, total_fit_extra_vspace = %f\n" row py cey fit_extra_vspace total_fit_extra_vspace;*)
trs :=
[Pdftransform.Translate (px +. cex +. total_fit_extra_hspace, py +. cey +. total_fit_extra_vspace)]
let x = int_of_float fx in
let y = int_of_float fy in
let final_full_cols = !len mod x in
let final_full_rows = !len mod y in
let order row col =
((if btt then y - row - 1 else row), (if rtl then x - col - 1 else col))
if columns then
for col = 0 to x - 1 do
if center && !len < y then if !cent_extra_y = 0. then cent_extra_y := ~-.(height *. float_of_int (y - !len)) /. 2.;
for row = y - 1 downto 0 do
let original_row = row in
let row, col = order row col in
let adjusted_row =
let final_empty_rows = y - final_full_rows in
if center && !len <= final_full_rows then original_row + (y - 1 - 1 - (final_empty_rows / 2)) else original_row
if !len > 0 then addtr x y adjusted_row col (width *. float_of_int col) (height *. float_of_int row);
len := !len - 1
for row = y - 1 downto 0 do
if center && !len < x then if !cent_extra_x = 0. then cent_extra_x := (width *. float_of_int (x - !len)) /. 2.;
for col = 0 to x - 1 do
let original_col = col in
let row, col = order row col in
let adjusted_col =
let final_empty_cols = x - final_full_cols in
if center && !len <= final_full_cols then original_col + (x - 1 - 1 - (final_empty_cols / 2)) else original_col
if !len > 0 then addtr x y row adjusted_col (width *. float_of_int col) (height *. float_of_int row);
len := !len - 1
map (if fit then make_margin output_mediabox margin else Fun.id) (rev !trs)
(* Combine two pages into one throughout the document. The pages have already
had their objects renumbered so as not to clash. *)
let impose_pages fit x y columns rtl btt center margin output_mediabox fast fit_extra_hspace fit_extra_vspace pdf = function
| [] -> assert false
| (h::_) as pages ->
let transforms =
fit x y columns rtl btt center margin h.Pdfpage.mediabox
output_mediabox fit_extra_hspace fit_extra_vspace (length pages)
(* Change the pattern matrices before combining resources *)
let pages, h =
let r = map2 (fun p t -> Cpdfutil.change_pattern_matrices_page pdf t p) pages transforms in
(r, List.hd r)
let resources' = pair_reduce (Cpdfutil.combine_pdf_resources pdf) (map (fun p -> p.Pdfpage.resources) pages) in
let rest' = pair_reduce (combine_pdf_rests pdf) (map (fun p -> p.Pdfpage.rest) pages) in
let content' =
let transform_stream transform contents =
(* If fast, no mismatched q/Q protection and no parsing of operators. *)
if fast then
[Pdfops.stream_of_ops [Pdfops.Op_q; Pdfops.Op_cm transform]] @ contents @ [Pdfops.stream_of_ops [Pdfops.Op_Q]]
(* If slow, use protect from Pdfpage. *)
let ops = Pdfpage.protect pdf resources' contents @ Pdfops.parse_operators pdf resources' contents in
[Pdfops.stream_of_ops ([Pdfops.Op_q] @ [Pdfops.Op_cm transform] @ ops @ [Pdfops.Op_Q])]
(fun p t -> Cpdfutil.transform_annotations pdf t p.Pdfpage.rest; transform_stream t p.Pdfpage.content)
{Pdfpage.mediabox = output_mediabox;
Pdfpage.rotate = h.Pdfpage.rotate;
Pdfpage.content = content';
Pdfpage.resources = resources';
Pdfpage.rest = rest'}
(* For fit, we scale contents, move to middle and retain page size. For xy, we
expand mediabox and move contents to middle. This function also does the hard boxing. *)
let make_space fit ~fast spacing pdf =
let endpage = Pdfpage.endpage pdf in
let all = ilist 1 endpage in
let pdf = Cpdfpage.hard_box pdf all "/MediaBox" false fast in
if spacing = 0. then pdf else
let margin = spacing /. 2. in
let firstpage = hd (Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf) in
let width, height =
match Pdf.parse_rectangle firstpage.Pdfpage.mediabox with
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax -> (xmax -. xmin, ymax -. ymin)
if fit then
(many (margin, margin) endpage)
(Cpdfpage.scale_contents ~fast (Cpdfposition.BottomLeft 0.) ((width -. spacing) /. width) pdf all)
(many (0., 0., width +. spacing, height +. spacing) endpage)
(Cpdfpage.shift_pdf ~fast (many (margin, margin) endpage) pdf all) all)
(* We add the border as a thick unfilled rectangle just inside the page edge,
only if its linewidth is > 0 since, for us, 0 means none, not single-pixel
like in PDF. *)
let add_border linewidth ~fast pdf =
if linewidth = 0. then pdf else
let firstpage = hd (Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf) in
let _, _, w, h = Pdf.parse_rectangle firstpage.Pdfpage.mediabox in
fast (w -. linewidth, h -. linewidth) (RGB (0., 0., 0.)) true linewidth 1. (Cpdfposition.BottomLeft (linewidth /. 2.))
false false (ilist 1 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf)) pdf
let impose ~x ~y ~fit ~columns ~rtl ~btt ~center ~margin ~spacing ~linewidth ~fast pdf =
let endpage = Pdfpage.endpage pdf in
let pagenums = ilist 1 endpage in
let pdf = Cpdfpage.copy_cropbox_to_mediabox pdf pagenums in
let pdf = Cpdfpage.remove_cropping_pdf pdf pagenums in
let pdf = Cpdfpage.upright pagenums pdf in
let pdf = add_border linewidth ~fast pdf in
let pdf = make_space fit ~fast spacing pdf in
let firstpage = hd (Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf) in
let _, _, w, h = Pdf.parse_rectangle firstpage.Pdfpage.mediabox in
let ix = int_of_float x in
let iy = int_of_float y in
let n, ix, iy, fit_extra_hspace, fit_extra_vspace =
if fit then
(* +. 0.001 ensures a page always fits on itself, or on another page of same height or width. *)
let across = int_of_float (floor (x /. w +. 0.001)) in
let down = int_of_float (floor (y /. h +. 0.001)) in
if across < 1 || down < 1 then error "Not even a single page would fit." else
let excess_hspace = x -. float_of_int across *. w in
let excess_vspace = y -. float_of_int down *. h in
(*Printf.printf "across = %i, down =%i, excess_hspace = %f, excess_hspace = %f\n" across down excess_hspace excess_vspace;*)
(across * down,
excess_hspace /. (float_of_int across +. 1.),
excess_vspace /. (float_of_int down +. 1.))
if ix = 0 && iy = 0 then error "impose-xy: both dimensions cannot be zero" else
if ix = 0 then (endpage, endpage, 1, 0., 0.)
else if iy = 0 then (endpage, 1, endpage, 0., 0.)
else (ix * iy, ix, iy, 0., 0.)
let mediabox' =
if fit then Pdf.Array [Pdf.Real 0.; Pdf.Real 0.; Pdf.Real x; Pdf.Real y] else
let m2 = margin *. 2. in
if x = 0.0 then Pdf.Array [Pdf.Real 0.; Pdf.Real 0.; Pdf.Real (w *. float_of_int endpage +. m2); Pdf.Real (h +. m2)]
else if y = 0.0 then Pdf.Array [Pdf.Real 0.; Pdf.Real 0.; Pdf.Real (w +. m2); Pdf.Real (h *. float_of_int endpage +. m2)]
else Pdf.Array [Pdf.Real 0.; Pdf.Real 0.; Pdf.Real (w *. x +. m2); Pdf.Real (h *. y +. m2)]
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
let pagesets = splitinto n pages in
let renumbered = map (Pdfpage.renumber_pages pdf) pagesets in
let pages =
(impose_pages fit (float_of_int ix) (float_of_int iy) columns rtl btt
center margin mediabox' fast fit_extra_hspace fit_extra_vspace pdf)
let changes = map (fun x -> (x, (x + (n - 1)) / n)) pagenums in
let pdf = Pdfpage.change_pages ~changes true pdf pages in
if fit then pdf else Cpdfpage.shift_pdf ~fast (many (margin, margin) (length pages)) pdf (ilist 1 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf))
(* Legacy -twoup-stack. Impose 2x1 on a page twice the size then rotate. *)
let twoup_stack fast pdf =
let pdf =
~x:2. ~y:1. ~fit:false ~columns:false ~rtl:false ~btt:false ~center:false
~margin:0. ~spacing:0. ~linewidth:0. ~fast pdf
let all = ilist 1 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf) in
Cpdfpage.upright ~fast all (Cpdfpage.rotate_pdf ~-90 pdf all)
(* Legacy -two-up. Rotate the pages and shrink them so as to fit 2x1 on a page the same size. *)
let twoup fast pdf =
let firstpage = hd (Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf) in
let width, height =
match Pdf.parse_rectangle firstpage.Pdfpage.mediabox with
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax -> xmax -. xmin, ymax -. ymin
let width_exceeds_height = width > height in
let sc =
if width_exceeds_height
then fmin (height /. width) ((width /. 2.) /. height)
else fmin (width /. height) ((height /. 2.) /. width)
let endpage = Pdfpage.endpage pdf in
let all = ilist 1 endpage in
let pdf = Cpdfpage.scale_pdf ~fast (many (sc, sc) endpage) pdf all in
let pdf =
~x:2. ~y:1. ~fit:false ~columns:false ~rtl:false ~btt:false ~center:true
~margin:0. ~spacing:0. ~linewidth:0. ~fast pdf
let endpage = Pdfpage.endpage pdf in
let all = ilist 1 endpage in
let pdf = Cpdfpage.upright all (Cpdfpage.rotate_pdf ~-90 pdf all) in
Cpdfpage.scale_to_fit_pdf ~fast Cpdfposition.Diagonal 1. (many (width, height) endpage) () pdf all
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
(** {2 Imposition} *)
val impose : x:float -> y:float -> fit:bool -> columns:bool -> rtl:bool -> btt:bool -> center:bool -> margin:float -> spacing:float -> linewidth:float -> fast:bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** The twoup_stack operation puts two logical pages on each physical page,
rotating them 90 degrees to do so. The new mediabox is thus larger. Bool true
(fast) if assume well-formed ISO content streams. *)
val twoup_stack : bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** The twoup operation does the same, but scales the new sides down so that
the media box is unchanged. Bool true (fast) if assume well-formed ISO content streams. *)
val twoup : bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
open Pdfutil
open Cpdferror
(* Output information for each page *)
let output_page_info pdf range =
@ -59,3 +60,328 @@ let map_pages f pdf range =
(ilist 1 (length pages))
(* Clip a page to one of its boxes, or the media box if that box is not
* present. This is a hard clip, done by using a clipping rectangle, so that
* the page may then be used as a stamp without extraneous material reapearing.
* *)
let hard_box pdf range boxname mediabox_if_missing fast =
(Cpdfutil.ppstub (fun pagenum page ->
let minx, miny, maxx, maxy =
if boxname = "/MediaBox" then
Pdf.parse_rectangle page.Pdfpage.mediabox
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf boxname page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some a -> Pdf.parse_rectangle a
| _ ->
if mediabox_if_missing
then Pdf.parse_rectangle page.Pdfpage.mediabox
else error (Printf.sprintf "hard_box: box %s not found" boxname)
let ops = [Pdfops.Op_re (minx, miny, maxx -. minx, maxy -. miny); Pdfops.Op_W; Pdfops.Op_n] in
Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf ops ~fast page))
let shift_page ?(fast=false) dxdylist pdf pnum page =
let dx, dy = List.nth dxdylist (pnum - 1) in
let transform_op =
Pdfops.Op_cm (Pdftransform.matrix_of_op (Pdftransform.Translate (dx, dy)))
let page =
Cpdfutil.change_pattern_matrices_page pdf (Pdftransform.mktranslate ~-.dx ~-.dy) page
Cpdfutil.transform_annotations pdf (Pdftransform.mktranslate dx dy) page.Pdfpage.rest;
(Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf [transform_op] ~fast page, pnum, Pdftransform.mktranslate dx dy)
let shift_pdf ?(fast=false) dxdylist pdf range =
process_pages (shift_page ~fast dxdylist pdf) pdf range
(* \section{Shift page data} *)
let make_mediabox (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) =
[Pdf.Real xmin; Pdf.Real ymin; Pdf.Real xmax; Pdf.Real ymax]
(* Change the media box and other known boxes by the function [f] which takes
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax as input. *)
let change_boxes f pdf page =
let names = ["/TrimBox"; "/ArtBox"; "/CropBox"; "/BleedBox"]
in let getbox n =
Pdf.lookup_direct pdf n page.Pdfpage.rest
let boxes = combine names (map getbox names) in
let toreplace = lose (function (_, None) -> true | _ -> false) boxes in
let toreplace =
(function (name, Some value) -> (name, value) | _ -> assert false)
let rest' =
(fun e (k, v) ->
let v =
make_mediabox (f (Pdf.parse_rectangle v))
Pdf.replace_dict_entry e k v)
{page with
Pdfpage.mediabox =
make_mediabox (f (Pdf.parse_rectangle page.Pdfpage.mediabox));
Pdfpage.rest = rest'}
(* Change a page's media box so its minimum x and y are 0, making other
operations simpler to think about. Any shift that is done is reflected in
other boxes (clip etc.) *)
let rectify_boxes ?(fast=false) pdf page =
let minx, miny, _, _ =
Pdf.parse_rectangle page.Pdfpage.mediabox
let f (iminx, iminy, imaxx, imaxy) =
iminx -. minx, iminy -. miny, imaxx -. minx, imaxy -. miny
let page = change_boxes f pdf page in
if minx <> 0. || miny <> 0.
begin let p, _, _ = shift_page ~fast [(-.minx),(-.miny)] pdf 1 page in p end
else page
(* Scale contents *)
let scale_page_contents ?(fast=false) scale position pdf pnum page =
let (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) as box =
(* Use cropbox if available *)
(match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/CropBox" page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some r -> r
| None -> page.Pdfpage.mediabox)
let sx, sy, _ = Cpdfposition.calculate_position true 0. box Horizontal position in
let tx, ty =
let open Cpdfposition in
match position with
| Top t -> 0., -.t
| TopLeft t -> t, -.t
| TopRight t -> -.t, -.t
| Left t -> t, 0.
| BottomLeft t -> t, t
| Bottom t -> 0., t
| BottomRight t -> -.t, t
| Right t -> -.t, 0.
| _ -> 0., 0. (* centre it... FIXME: We will add a center position, eventually, for text and this... *)
let transform =
[Pdftransform.Translate (tx, ty);
Pdftransform.Scale ((sx, sy), scale, scale)]
let transform_op = Pdfops.Op_cm transform in
let page = Cpdfutil.change_pattern_matrices_page pdf transform page in
Cpdfutil.transform_annotations pdf transform page.Pdfpage.rest;
(Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf [transform_op] ~fast page, pnum, transform)
let scale_contents ?(fast=false) position scale pdf range =
process_pages (scale_page_contents ~fast scale position pdf) pdf range
(* \section{Set media box} *)
let set_mediabox xywhlist pdf range =
let crop_page pnum page =
let x, y, w, h = List.nth xywhlist (pnum - 1) in
{page with
Pdfpage.mediabox =
[Pdf.Real x; Pdf.Real y;
Pdf.Real (x +. w); Pdf.Real (y +. h)])}
process_pages (Cpdfutil.ppstub crop_page) pdf range
(* If a cropbox exists, make it the mediabox. If not, change nothing. *)
let copy_cropbox_to_mediabox pdf range =
(Cpdfutil.ppstub (fun _ page ->
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/CropBox" page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some pdfobject -> {page with Pdfpage.mediabox = Pdf.direct pdf pdfobject}
| None -> page))
let remove_cropping_pdf pdf range =
let remove_cropping_page _ page =
{page with
Pdfpage.rest =
(Pdf.remove_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.rest "/CropBox")}
process_pages (Cpdfutil.ppstub remove_cropping_page) pdf range
let remove_trim_pdf pdf range =
let remove_trim_page _ page =
{page with
Pdfpage.rest =
(Pdf.remove_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.rest "/TrimBox")}
process_pages (Cpdfutil.ppstub remove_trim_page) pdf range
let remove_art_pdf pdf range =
let remove_art_page _ page =
{page with
Pdfpage.rest =
(Pdf.remove_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.rest "/ArtBox")}
process_pages (Cpdfutil.ppstub remove_art_page) pdf range
let remove_bleed_pdf pdf range =
let remove_bleed_page _ page =
{page with
Pdfpage.rest =
(Pdf.remove_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.rest "/BleedBox")}
process_pages (Cpdfutil.ppstub remove_bleed_page) pdf range
(* Upright functionality *)
(* Return the pages from the pdf in the range, unordered. *)
let select_pages range pdf =
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
option_map (function n -> try Some (select n pages) with _ -> None) range
(* If all pages are already upright, and the mediabox is (0,0)-based, do nothing
to save time. *)
let allupright range pdf =
let page_is_upright page =
page.Pdfpage.rotate = Pdfpage.Rotate0 &&
(let (minx, miny, _, _) = Pdf.parse_rectangle page.Pdfpage.mediabox in
minx < 0.001 && miny < 0.001 && minx > ~-.0.001 && miny > ~-.0.001)
not (mem false (map page_is_upright (select_pages range pdf)))
let upright_transform page =
let rotate =
Pdfpage.int_of_rotation page.Pdfpage.rotate
and cx, cy =
let minx, miny, maxx, maxy = Pdf.parse_rectangle page.Pdfpage.mediabox in
(minx +. maxx) /. 2., (miny +. maxy) /. 2.
Pdftransform.mkrotate (cx, cy) (rad_of_deg (~-.(float rotate)))
let transform_boxes tr pdf page =
let f (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) =
let minx, miny = Pdftransform.transform_matrix tr (minx, miny)
and maxx, maxy = Pdftransform.transform_matrix tr (maxx, maxy) in
(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
change_boxes f pdf page
let transform_contents ?(fast=false) tr pdf page =
let transform_op = Pdfops.Op_cm tr in
let page = Cpdfutil.change_pattern_matrices_page pdf (Pdftransform.matrix_invert tr) page in
Cpdfutil.transform_annotations pdf tr page.Pdfpage.rest;
Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf [transform_op] ~fast page
let upright ?(fast=false) range pdf =
if allupright range pdf then pdf else
let upright_page _ pnum page =
let tr = upright_transform page in
let page = transform_boxes tr pdf page in
let page = transform_contents ~fast tr pdf page in
(rectify_boxes ~fast pdf {page with Pdfpage.rotate = Pdfpage.Rotate0}, pnum, tr)
process_pages (upright_page pdf) pdf range
(* \section{Rotating pages} *)
let rotate_pdf r pdf range =
let rotate_page _ page =
{page with Pdfpage.rotate =
Pdfpage.rotation_of_int r}
process_pages (Cpdfutil.ppstub rotate_page) pdf range
let rotate_pdf_by r pdf range =
let rotate_page_by _ page =
{page with Pdfpage.rotate =
Pdfpage.rotation_of_int ((Pdfpage.int_of_rotation page.Pdfpage.rotate + r) mod 360)}
process_pages (Cpdfutil.ppstub rotate_page_by) pdf range
let rotate_page_contents ~fast rotpoint r pdf pnum page =
let rotation_point =
match rotpoint with
| None ->
let minx, miny, maxx, maxy = Pdf.parse_rectangle page.Pdfpage.mediabox in
(minx +. maxx) /. 2., (miny +. maxy) /. 2.
| Some point -> point
let tr =
(Pdftransform.Rotate (rotation_point, -.(rad_of_deg r)))
in let tr2 =
(Pdftransform.Rotate (rotation_point, rad_of_deg r))
let transform_op = Pdfops.Op_cm tr in
let page = Cpdfutil.change_pattern_matrices_page pdf tr2 page in
Cpdfutil.transform_annotations pdf tr page.Pdfpage.rest;
(Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf [transform_op] ~fast page, pnum, tr)
let rotate_contents ?(fast=false) r pdf range =
process_pages (rotate_page_contents ~fast None r pdf) pdf range
(* \section{Scale page data} *)
let scale_pdf ?(fast=false) sxsylist pdf range =
let scale_page pnum page =
let sx, sy = List.nth sxsylist (pnum - 1) in
let f (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) =
xmin *. sx, ymin *. sy, xmax *. sx, ymax *. sy
let page = change_boxes f pdf page
and matrix = Pdftransform.matrix_of_op (Pdftransform.Scale ((0., 0.), sx, sy)) in
let transform_op =
Pdfops.Op_cm matrix
and page =
Cpdfutil.change_pattern_matrices_page pdf (Pdftransform.matrix_invert matrix) page
Cpdfutil.transform_annotations pdf matrix page.Pdfpage.rest;
(Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf ~fast [transform_op] page, pnum, matrix)
process_pages scale_page pdf range
(* Scale to fit page of size x * y *)
let scale_to_fit_pdf ?(fast=false) position input_scale xylist op pdf range =
let scale_page_to_fit pnum page =
let x, y = List.nth xylist (pnum - 1) in
let matrix =
let (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) =
(* Use cropbox if available *)
(match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/CropBox" page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some r -> r
| None -> page.Pdfpage.mediabox)
if maxx <= 0. || maxy <= 0. then failwith "Zero-sized pages are invalid" else
let fx = x /. maxx in let fy = y /. maxy in
let scale = fmin fx fy *. input_scale in
let trans_x =
match position with
Cpdfposition.Left _ -> 0.
| Cpdfposition.Right _ -> (x -. (maxx *. scale))
| _ -> (x -. (maxx *. scale)) /. 2.
and trans_y =
match position with
| Cpdfposition.Top _ -> (y -. (maxy *. scale))
| Cpdfposition.Bottom _ -> 0.
| _ -> (y -. (maxy *. scale)) /. 2.
[Pdftransform.Translate (trans_x, trans_y);
Pdftransform.Scale ((0., 0.), scale, scale)])
let page =
(function (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) -> 0., 0., x, y)
pdf page
Cpdfutil.transform_annotations pdf matrix page.Pdfpage.rest;
(Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf [Pdfops.Op_cm matrix] ~fast
(Cpdfutil.change_pattern_matrices_page pdf (Pdftransform.matrix_invert matrix) page), pnum, matrix)
process_pages scale_page_to_fit pdf range
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
(** {2 Working with pages} *)
(** Print page info (Mediabox etc) to standard output. *)
val output_page_info : Pdf.t -> int list -> unit
@ -12,3 +14,55 @@ val iter_pages : (int -> Pdfpage.t -> unit) -> Pdf.t -> int list -> unit
(** Same as [process_pages] but return the list of outputs of the map function. *)
val map_pages : (int -> Pdfpage.t -> 'a) -> Pdf.t -> int list -> 'a list
val hard_box : Pdf.t -> int list -> string -> bool -> bool -> Pdf.t
(** Shift a PDF in x and y (in pts) in the given pages. List of (x, y) pairs is
for all pages in pdf. *)
val shift_pdf : ?fast:bool -> (float * float) list -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
val rectify_boxes : ?fast:bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdfpage.t -> Pdfpage.t
val change_boxes : (float * float * float * float -> float * float * float * float) ->
Pdf.t -> Pdfpage.t -> Pdfpage.t
(** Scale the contents of a page by a given factor centred around a given point in a given range. *)
val scale_contents : ?fast:bool -> Cpdfposition.position -> float -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** [set_mediabox xywhlist pdf range] sets the media box on the given pages. *)
val set_mediabox : (float * float * float * float) list -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
val copy_cropbox_to_mediabox : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Remove any cropping from the given pages. *)
val remove_cropping_pdf : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Remove any trim box from the given pages. *)
val remove_trim_pdf : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Remove any bleed box from the given pages. *)
val remove_bleed_pdf : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Remove any art box from the given pages. *)
val remove_art_pdf : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Modify the rotation of the page and its contents to leave the rotation at 0 with the page effectively unaltered. *)
val upright : ?fast:bool -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** Change rotation to a given value 0, 90, 180, 270 on given pages. *)
val rotate_pdf : int -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Rotate clockwise by 0, 90, 180, 270 on given pages. *)
val rotate_pdf_by : int -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Rotate the contents by the given angle on the given pages. If [fast] is true, assume PDF is well-formed. *)
val rotate_contents : ?fast:bool -> float -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Scale a PDF in sx, sy in the given pages. List of (sx, sy) pairs is
for all pages in pdf. *)
val scale_pdf : ?fast:bool -> (float * float) list -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** [scale_to_fit_pdf fast position input_scale x y op pdf range] scales a page to fit the
page size given by (x, y) and by the [input_scale] (e.g 1.0 = scale to fit, 0.9
= scale to fit leaving a border etc.). [op] is unused. *)
val scale_to_fit_pdf : ?fast:bool -> Cpdfposition.position -> float -> (float * float) list -> 'a -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
open Pdfutil
(* For uses of process_pages which don't need to deal with matrices, this
function transforms into one which returns the identity matrix *)
let ppstub f n p = (f n p, n, Pdftransform.i_matrix)
(* These may move into CamlPDF at some point *)
let process_xobject f pdf resources i =
let xobj = Pdf.lookup_obj pdf i in
@ -34,3 +38,164 @@ let process_xobjects pdf page f =
| _ -> ()
(* The content transformed by altering any use of [Op_cm]. But we must also
alter any /Matrix entries in pattern dictionaries *)
let change_pattern_matrices_resources pdf tr resources =
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Pattern" resources with
| Some (Pdf.Dictionary patterns) ->
let entries =
(fun (name, p) ->
(*Printf.printf "Changing matrices of pattern %s\n" name;*)
let old_pattern = Pdf.direct pdf p in
let new_pattern =
let existing_tr = Pdf.parse_matrix pdf "/Matrix" old_pattern in
let new_tr = Pdftransform.matrix_compose (Pdftransform.matrix_invert tr) existing_tr in
Pdf.add_dict_entry old_pattern "/Matrix" (Pdf.make_matrix new_tr)
name, Pdf.Indirect (Pdf.addobj pdf new_pattern))
Pdf.add_dict_entry resources "/Pattern" (Pdf.Dictionary entries)
| _ -> resources
Pdftransform.NonInvertable ->
Printf.eprintf "Warning: noninvertible matrix\n%!";
let change_pattern_matrices_page pdf tr page =
let page =
{page with Pdfpage.resources = change_pattern_matrices_resources pdf tr page.Pdfpage.resources}
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/XObject" page.Pdfpage.resources with
| Some (Pdf.Dictionary elts) ->
(fun (k, v) ->
match v with
| Pdf.Indirect i ->
(* Check if it's a form XObject. If so, rewrite its resources and add back as same number. *)
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Subtype" v with
| Some (Pdf.Name "/Form") ->
(*Printf.printf "Processing form xobject %s for patterns\n" k; *)
let form_xobject = Pdf.lookup_obj pdf i in
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Resources" form_xobject with
| Some resources ->
let form_xobject' =
Pdf.add_dict_entry form_xobject "/Resources" (change_pattern_matrices_resources pdf tr resources)
Pdf.addobj_given_num pdf (i, form_xobject')
| _ -> ()
| _ -> ()
| _ -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "change_pattern_matrices_page"))
| _ -> page
(* Union two resource dictionaries from the same PDF. *)
let combine_pdf_resources pdf a b =
let a_entries =
match a with
| Pdf.Dictionary entries -> entries
| _ -> []
in let b_entries =
match b with
| Pdf.Dictionary entries -> entries
| _ -> []
let resource_keys =
["/Font"; "/ExtGState"; "/ColorSpace"; "/Pattern";
"/Shading"; "/XObject"; "/Properties"]
let combine_entries key =
let a_entries =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf key a with
| Some (Pdf.Dictionary d) -> d
| _ -> []
in let b_entries =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf key b with
| Some (Pdf.Dictionary d) -> d
| _ -> []
if a_entries = [] && b_entries = [] then
Some (key, Pdf.Dictionary (a_entries @ b_entries))
let unknown_keys_a = lose (fun (k, _) -> mem k resource_keys) a_entries in
let unknown_keys_b = lose (fun (k, _) -> mem k resource_keys) b_entries in
let combined_known_entries = option_map combine_entries resource_keys in
(fun dict (k, v) -> Pdf.add_dict_entry dict k v)
(Pdf.Dictionary [])
(unknown_keys_a @ unknown_keys_b @ combined_known_entries)
let transform_rect transform rect =
let minx, miny, maxx, maxy = Pdf.parse_rectangle rect in
let (x0, y0) = Pdftransform.transform_matrix transform (minx, miny) in
let (x1, y1) = Pdftransform.transform_matrix transform (maxx, maxy) in
let (x2, y2) = Pdftransform.transform_matrix transform (minx, maxy) in
let (x3, y3) = Pdftransform.transform_matrix transform (maxx, miny) in
let minx = fmin (fmin x0 x1) (fmin x2 x3) in
let miny = fmin (fmin y0 y1) (fmin y2 y3) in
let maxx = fmax (fmax x0 x1) (fmax x2 x3) in
let maxy = fmax (fmax y0 y1) (fmax y2 y3) in
Pdf.Array [Pdf.Real minx; Pdf.Real miny; Pdf.Real maxx; Pdf.Real maxy]
let transform_quadpoint_single transform = function
| [x1; y1; x2; y2; x3; y3; x4; y4] ->
let x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 =
Pdf.getnum x1, Pdf.getnum y1,
Pdf.getnum x2, Pdf.getnum y2,
Pdf.getnum x3, Pdf.getnum y3,
Pdf.getnum x4, Pdf.getnum y4
let (x1, y1) = Pdftransform.transform_matrix transform (x1, y1) in
let (x2, y2) = Pdftransform.transform_matrix transform (x2, y2) in
let (x3, y3) = Pdftransform.transform_matrix transform (x3, y3) in
let (x4, y4) = Pdftransform.transform_matrix transform (x4, y4) in
map (fun x -> Pdf.Real x) [x1; y1; x2; y2; x3; y3; x4; y4]
| qp ->
Printf.eprintf "Malformed /QuadPoints format: must be a multiple of 8 entries\n";
let transform_quadpoints transform = function
| Pdf.Array qps ->
Pdf.Array (flatten (map (transform_quadpoint_single transform) (splitinto 8 qps)))
| qp ->
Printf.eprintf "Unknown or malformed /QuadPoints format %s\n" (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf qp);
(* Apply transformations to any annotations in /Annots (i.e their /Rect and /QuadPoints entries) *)
let transform_annotations pdf transform rest =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Annots" rest with
| Some (Pdf.Array annots) ->
(* Always indirect references, so alter in place *)
| Pdf.Indirect i ->
let annot = Pdf.lookup_obj pdf i in
let rect' =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Rect" annot with
| Some rect -> transform_rect transform rect
| None -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "transform_annotations: no rect")
let quadpoints' =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/QuadPoints" annot with
| Some qp -> Some (transform_quadpoints transform qp)
| None -> None
let annot = Pdf.add_dict_entry annot "/Rect" rect' in
let annot =
match quadpoints' with
| Some qp -> Pdf.add_dict_entry annot "/QuadPoints" qp
| None -> annot
Pdf.addobj_given_num pdf (i, annot)
| _ -> Printf.eprintf "transform_annotations: not indirect\n%!")
| _ -> ()
@ -3,3 +3,13 @@ val process_xobjects : Pdf.t ->
(Pdf.t ->
Pdf.pdfobject -> Pdf.pdfobject list -> Pdf.pdfobject list) ->
val change_pattern_matrices_page : Pdf.t -> Pdftransform.transform_matrix -> Pdfpage.t -> Pdfpage.t
val combine_pdf_resources : Pdf.t -> Pdf.pdfobject -> Pdf.pdfobject -> Pdf.pdfobject
val transform_annotations : Pdf.t -> Pdftransform.transform_matrix -> Pdf.pdfobject -> unit
val ppstub :
('a -> 'b -> 'c) ->
'a -> 'b -> 'c * 'a * Pdftransform.transform_matrix
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